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(12) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No.: US 10,586,436 B1

Galvez et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Mar. 10 , 2020
(54 ) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRACKING (56 ) References Cited
(71) Applicant: Sensormatic Electronics, LLC , Boca 5,886,634 A * 3/1999 Muhme G07C 9/00111
Raton , FL (US ) 340 /5.31
6,847,892 B2 * 1/2005 Zhou GO1S 5/0027
(72) Inventors: Miguel Galvez , Plaistow , NH (US ); 340 /426.1
Walter A.Martin , Ballymena (GB ); 9,195,866 B1* 11/2015 Mehranfar H04W 4/029
9,400,902 B2 * 7/2016 Schoner G06K 7/10366
Danny Hyun, Irvine, CA (US ); Blair 9,977,935 B1 * 5/2018 Laranang G07C 9/00031
Germano , Delray Beach , FL (US) 9,980,112 B1 5/2018 Newby et al.
( Continued )
(73 ) Assignee : Sensormatic Electronics, LLC , Boca
( * ) Notice : Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this Dunbar,G.“ Downington to continue using ' SafeStop'app,” Dailylocal.
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 com , 1-2 (Jan. 23 , 2016 ).
U.S.C. 154 (b ) by 0 days. (Continued )
Primary Examiner Eric Blount
(21) Appl. No.: 16 / 112,014 (74 ) Attorney, Agent , or Firm — HoustonHogle LLP
Aug. 24, 2018 (57) ABSTRACT
(22) Filed : A student tracking system tracks students ' location traveling
to and from schools and provides information about the
(51) Int. Cl. students to responsible parties associated with the students
GO8B 21/02 ( 2006.01 ) such as parents , bus drivers, school administrators , and
GO8B 13/196 (2006.01 ) faculty . Readers read identification information from tags
H04W 4/029 (2018.01) ( e.g. radiofrequency identification tags) associated with the
H04W 4/024 (2018.01) students and/or entrance /exit points of school buses, school
(52) U.S. CI. buildings and / or classrooms and send the identification
CPC G08B 21/0275 (2013.01 ); G08B 13/196 information along with location information (e.g. via a
(2013.01); G08B 21/0261 (2013.01); G08B global navigation satellite system receiver) to a tracking and
21/0269 (2013.01); G08B 21/0294 (2013.01); authorization module ,which generates event information for
H04W 4/024 (2018.02 ); H04W 4/029 entering and exiting events at the entrance /exit points ,
(2018.02 ) verifies that the event information matches predetermined
(58 ) Field of Classification Search school schedule, bus and route information , detects anoma
CPC GO8B 21/0275 ; G08B 13/196 ; G08B lies in the event information , and generates attendance
21/0261 ; G08B 21/0269; GO8B 21/0294 ; information . The tracking and authorization module sends
H04W 4/024 ; H04W 4/029 the event, verification , anomaly and /or attendance informa
USPC 340 /572.1 , 10.1 , 539.13 tion to devices operated by the responsible parties.
See application file for complete search history. 20 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
90 100 connected services systein 102
comeclusarvitz system 102
CREW Studenti silien tracking - BMS
servico faculty Tracking and BPO interface zervisas faculty authorization server pledose
catabase inanagement autorization server dalab333 managemony!
module 110 118 112 svaten 168 nodule 110 115
108 Synien 102
onnected services Server 104 vected services Server 104
172 pubic natwork S 172 public retwork

162-1 162

124 124-1

180-1 - 105 S 16G 105

Paient pisk lip drop off point paront pick out of poun :
132-0-2 150-6-2 ---
152 150-3
130-0-1 130-13 --
132-1 **
150-3 -

150 109 109

102 tus entrance ! 109-6 bu2 6112
bu 918ancy exi exit point Pois emergency exit od point --
bus ? 124-2
buscacier Bob bua tag 132:11

busreader 0-4-21 busta 132-5-2

bus river Dus doiven
US 10,586,436 B1
Page 2

( 56 ) References Cited
2005/0258937 A1* 11/2005 Neuwirth G06Q 10/06
340 /5.92
2006/0158308 A1 * 7/2006 McMullen G06Q 10/00
340 /5.61
2008/0122626 A1 * 5/2008 Ehrman G06Q 10/08
340 /572.1
2008/0218335 A1 9/2008 Attar
2010/0188194 A1 * 7/2010 Shiau G06Q 10/08
340 / 10.1
2011/0054731 Al 3/2011 DeRose et al .
2014/0035726 A1 * 2/2014 Schoner G06K 7/10366
340 / 8.1
2014/0125502 A1 * 5/2014 Wittkop GO8G 1/127
2014/0253286 A1 * 9/2014 Bianco G07C 1/02
340 /5.31
2017/0215034 A1 7/2017 Blowers et al.
2018/0184255 Al 6/2018 Marson

“ Northstar Child Safety Platform ,” ,
1-3 , Accessed on Feb. 27 , 2018 .
" SafeStop — Your School Buss Tracking App,” http ://www.safestopapp.
com /, 1-2 , Accessed on Feb. 27 , 2018 .
" SkoolSmart Child Safety First,”
20180221235126 /http ://, 1-6 ,
Access on Feb. 21, 2018 .
“ Student Tracking & Security Solutions,” http ://www.swipek 12 .
com / Swipek127, 1 , Accessed on Feb. 27 , 2018 .
* cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 1 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
100 connected services system 102
connected Student tracking and app
services faculty interface
database management authorization 112
system 108 module 110
connected services server 104
y 172 public network


parent pick up /drop off point
www wwwwww wwwww www www

132 - u - 2
150-2 132 - u - 3
www 150-3
bus entrancel
bus emergency exit exit point
107 162-2
DUS 124-2
bus reader 130-6-1

bus reader 130-6-2
www bus driver



FIG . 1A
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 2 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
100 connected services system 102
connected Student tracking and app BMS
services faculty
database management authorization interface
system 108 module 110 112
connected services server 104

172 public network


** B
parent pick up /drop off point
www wwwwww www wwwww www

w 150-2 150-3
130-4-1 130-4-3

bus entrancel
bus emergency exit exit point
107 162-2
DUS 124-2
bus tag 132-6-1
bus tag 132-5-2
www bus driver



FIG . 1B
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 3 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
connected services system 102
connected student tracking and app BMS
services faculty
database management authorization interface
system 108 module 110
connected services Server 104
172 public network
? 114


{ 103
parent school premises
wwww wwwww www WWW www www

132-1-2 150-3
150-2 132-0-3
www 132-4-1
school building school reader
130 - S

school entrancel
exit point




FIG . 2A
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 4 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
connected services system 102
connected student tracking and app BMS
services faculty
database management authorization interface
system 108 module 110
connected services Server 104

public network

1621 121
1 103
parent school premises
www 130-4-1
150-1 150-2
www 113 130-4-3
I school building
B school tag
132- S
ww 150-3

school entrancel
exit point




FIG . 2B
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 5 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
connected services system 102
connected student tracking and app BMS
services faculty
database management authorization interface
system 108 module 110
connected services Server 104

P 172 public network


124-1 103
school premises
wwwww www WW
handheld reader
123 1
132 - V

113 150
132 - u 160-4
school building faculty





FIG . 3
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 6 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

GNS reciver 230
nwand/or130riearldesdr ietwrfoacke 206 contrle 216 4

wirels reciver 2021 ante a 222 2223tag

U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 7 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

dc,meo.vpbuigtcl.neg orBLERawbceFitaIcvoDhen

GNS 230
iwand/or130riearldesdr netwrfoacke 206
contrle 216 contrle 224 226

rwirels eciver 221 ante a 222 ante a 222 wirels transmiter 132tag
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 8 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

294 296

1dscaoentr0vbic6sed lrocaoutisen ilrocuatgieo1ln lrocautigoen2 lrocautoien3 ?rlocuaotigen4 bus1ts6liocmaoetip1o27n l

i c
m a
t 1
p b u
n s

292 ltbsociuamtosiepn btl18socuiaotsmp2en37 lbtsoicaumtoeps1n498 bt20slouicaosmtip3en5s

s o cia t
b1busreuasdeir b2busreuasde2r 3busrbeuadse3r b4busreuasde3r
bus ID
r5secahdoerl r6haendhelrd
bus bus? bus3 bus4

btoiuamsreidl betiuxmsie1t2 setcixhmoet4l btoiuamsre1d btoiuamsre2da ltbeuixsmi2et setcxihmotel bus?ltbiomaer1d0 btioumaserl3d1 betiuxmsie13t2 setcixhmioe1tl4 vbteiohmacerlds 6

adciusenotfvhrmaicnzetod v(
vbse1tpdamcnirhuaotedslpnfc102rz vetp(bdsafircnhmautodefcnp1slrD35e

m/fs1atnyucs0gdetlm8ny IDdbussiuneftsovrimoeactpiron
namel Ppici1rmofaigle sRtoudlent name2 Pr.ofile c zge2 Rstouldent cContac name3 PiromfalgePic3 student Ccontacs
290 Ccontac Name
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 9 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

Sconetd ervices d1at0ba6se

mange t
sf/taucdelnty 108system

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e
pconhfigaursteon d,uiwsm/fP4naeotyi0pcvrugmdetlacinrh.omytesfip,avnruteohndimactrdzleosn idcr4(s)poe0nuthfriga-u4pstn0leig8ody irabS4nfot1num2atrdsi.eon

lG4vbfirneo0cNiuoam6rtSvas.eon iandlsID,tagrS4notfec0garmtn8diaeod.lrnh
busG4bira,tonlneof1cnarsum0teidg.on toaibusandrS4onbsntfeo1uaridsmg4etrni.eods busandpa(eisortagIDsntfr.osgeimcnautgli.onhr thatbusatstop)andewhontosotxruimedatrlendyt

read r 130
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 10 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

Sconetd ervics d1at0ba6se

mange t
s/ftaucdelnty 108system
obivcenrfastmneicdo ipanrfeomatndicoes

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e
lG4vbfirneo0cNiuam6rtSvas.oen iandlsD,rtagIDS4notfec0garmtnd8igaeod.lrnh iID/tagandlrS5noefc0armtn1dieod.rn ,G5esfionbntvaou0ersdmcnat4rihode bus1atstop2:00,"exited23:30) IDdontheubswaie,For5ntfvsia0orcedmt8anrcih.edot
teacher 162device id,uwsmP5ntaoeyfipv0rugtmelacirhtnomyfip,asbvnruteohnudimroaectrdszlpn rwvIduR4eics0iDle4vascr. 1

e.g."e(isandbusID,stopntifrogemnargteioldhn foreiIDtagandrS5sntfva0ouredmcn6atihd.torn

S5ra(ebus,)csout1.t'ni0fngoram.dectpion vG5etonwbinhrfa1osm2cnet.idor i(e.g.vianGUI)formation
iD/tagIDandlonrbusstopb502.Rnoefactrsmduaeitrodn sforei)andpnc(rtufahe.omrdbclgaentih.ceortn
read r 130
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 11 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

Sconetd ervices 1dat0ba6se

studenfacltymnage t 108system

authoriz n
atrnckding m1odul0e

P n
la cih
m e
y ilG4rvbfnoec0Niuoamtr6Svas.eon ilIDarS5nofec0nmt1daieo.rn ieG5onbsfntva0oursdm4centri.hdo scG6(efinut0.roaedm4tgurni.oste ison)sbustofthelc(eouh.radtgeiunto.s
parenti eacher d162evice sfip,abvnruteohnudimoraectrdszlpn (e.g."eisbusID,stopandntifrogemnargteioldhn )
sefiDaduS5ntvs0onredmc6iatrdnh.oe For
so r
t 6
o siontheevent)basedatsbus,nfcorhmoatiolnfilR6ontbnoea0cuohrsdm6tiern.ovd
R4SvIdurwei0scoiD4elnvasc.r 4rSdID,uIDsse0isavg8ndeic.darel
ilasnotfcrnemaitgdonh iIDandlonrbbussR5noefact0rsmduo2aeitrp.dno
via(esandclD6ouit.1rsapgt0eliuna.osty )/slriGUImapweotpciaosteniuohsng
read r 130
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 12 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

conetd servics 1dat0ba6se 1

mange t
s/ftaucdelnty 108system
S7atos,dmcli1enhs8norta.dlsr dand/orpiarncolveumndairtlsygiboncpnrfoaesmtenicods ??

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e
ofwiGulbusdf(eR7ntri.0cpaetvog6iuhm.tnreg d(est)icmnor.iavpbcugitecl.pnrsgiorbusisdafbp)nceruatsincvbtaulieorcnds
a-busand,dtopreiSmnreonsvadtfrelnitorsg parent eacher devicedmin
( wan onthebusIDbtoasfortasuidgentds
busIDandrR7onforbineofat0rusmi4datev.dorn R7icpanerof1tnm6iaed.cvotns
parent eacher d()ervivcer 1 }

Gvbfil7rneocN0iuamtrSvaseo.n hasthebuss,wioannchveouitldrvhelnrdtg,ionab)swlcnothfeuarmsdnflohgitsuednr
1pa6r2e-n1t ilIDarCs7nofect0naimd2ueol.rny
parent eacher device ent1 (eics)wnhfdt.ioaercmgtnfubi.hlcoegn ic/orsa,trnhfonreumtidadgpleosn

bus 130 reader

U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 13 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

sconetd ervics 1dat0ba6se

mange t
s/ftaucdelnty 108system S8topaonbusbl0ers6net.ds pcairnoefnxtmiadceoysn awaymfromthestop)inutes

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e

)if erent
a n
t n
vo n
s onthebusIDtobastopIDsforstasuidgenetds
R8filsdtneo0cohram2itepr.vonstonthestopbtoaIDsofstasuidogepntds ipbG8ontnrefao0uxhsimr4eats.doyniltabfochnuormtaiedsron
teacher d1e6v2ic-e1 ilIDarCs7nofect0naimd2ueol.rny

bus 130 reader

U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 14 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

sconetd ervics d1at0ba6se

mange t
s/ftaucdelnty 108system s9Slao0cen8utpi.adoncybfiandmcouhrstasroiln
dtobiroS9npfe1tuirmvn6atseid.orln merasainen

nS9dtobotre1ifun8cvatsed.iorn ehallstthebusxauidvetneds
whic 9etaSwasuml2ehxsrg6naier.dtcy

andtracking m1odul0e

bustd/aandorpuiomrdvzieaptnrsog parentchd(
)evice isandID,tagIDslrC9notefc0garimndt4ugiaelod.rhny
ID,tagIDslrS9isandnotef2cagrmdntiead.orlnh 12

t/pearchenrt )(Ddreiv ecr 162-2 bfilG9rvnoe0cNouiam2trSvsa.oen W(eioG9casnutfhr.0edipmg6ancte.lhoys itR9)sef(nrx1.oaefvm2iogrntc.vmaoel

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isIDsandonthedbus)bntefarogvsmniaegtcdolhn IDontherbis,tagIDsandnteafrogsmdnaegtidrolhn
bus reader 130-1 2

OUS r(
maineader door) 130-61

student tags132-4
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 15 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

sconetd ervices d1at0ba6se

studenfcltymange t 108system
voncbienrofastmeicdon ipanrfeomatndicoes

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e www

seF1i,nt0fvauoredmc8nrthi.eo FIG
eatsonpntootacvrihefdonalitxsg d
P n
a cih
m e
y rwvdusIDfRB1eit0srcideol0vcanrms.te
parent eacher d162evice ,aisbvfpnuretohundimroeactsdrzlpn 1Geibonsn0vftaoregsm4ntai.oedlh(e.g."ei)s,snfcxothircemotarehioldno liIDandetag/rS1nfv0eoarmdn6teidt.orn assoc
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( r
t mgu
osd n
) r

read r
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 16 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

sconetd ervics 1dat0ba6se

studenfacltymnage t 108system
rS1,setaud0en4rId.tb tagDsvD,ehicle aieS1nfv0onrma4tdi.on
cobivenrfastmnecido aipnrfeomatndicoes

authoriz n
andtracking m1odul0e 3

vonatagiIDfR1unetsrhco0iael2zvme.d onthetagDbswataiuocsdteanhdt
rtagviawsIDfRB1eitcru0deilovnesm.rt e,sF1int0vfauoredmc8ntrhi.o FIG

vaind'sbuoethivngudcretildzhngs !parent
teacher d162evice sfip,abvnruteohnudimreoactrdszlpen ,istagIDandvntefrohgimnacgtlohen itagIDandesS1ntfv0ouredmna6tid.on
,iduwsm/fP5naoteysip0cvrugmdetlacinrh.oemyt vasR1inuetfohr0dmiac6zlnve.ot onthebtagIDandvsteauhsdiecnldte ie,G1onsbntfvaoursdm0enti8do ecar2
handel reader h

mietwobvG1nahrfscne0tid.or iv/orapsnruecftdohnimractudozlne(e.g.sforthe,visnotonbusbutinrpetguhicsdtfecinrletd
vtagehicle 132

stuadegnst u
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 17 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

dbytheisencmapthietorgaenld ibyrwtnefcoahmidvtseorn

ofidD1ne2ptv0cied4uoa.tnl awtheidsmoacitghaed saS1anutn2leh0nao8ridtz.e tedwpnchaerocsietnlgd

authoriz n
andtracking m110odule



csurveilanc amera 119

rtag/eader 130/132
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 18 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1
100 connected services system 102
connected students and tracking and app BMS
124-1 services faculty authorization interface
database management module 110 118 112
162-1 system 108
connected services Server 104
172 public network
* 160-1 103 met


School reader
school reader 424-4
130-5-6 111-2
132 - u
1 160-4
school reader
150 130-9-2
1 classroom 1
classroom 2

AAN school reader school reader

130-5-5 130-8-3

1 hallway
school reader
130 - S


FIG . 16
U.S. Patent Mar. 10 , 2020 Sheet 19 of 19 US 10,586,436 B1

Sconetd ervices d1at0ba6se

mange t
sf/taucdelnty 108system 1Siatont3feor0mnda8ti.coe at,and/orpdemianrcsethnators

authoriz n
atrnckding m1odul0e

atrencdkaieg tp/earcehnrt d162evice


srcehaodelr cat(lasrom $

stuadgenst 132-4
US 10,586,436 B1
1 2
SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRACKING school and on the bus and transmit identification information
STUDENTS associated with the door or bus where they are stationed .
Accordingly, as the student enters the bus or the school, the
RELATED APPLICATIONS reader detects the presence of the tag and reads the embed
5 ded identification information . That information is used to
This application is related to U.S. application Ser. No. generate event information for the entering or exiting event,
16 / 112,007 filed on Aug. 24 , 2018 , entitled “ System and and a notification is sent to the parents of the student based
method for tracking locations of students within school onandthe event information, contact information for the student
/or other information accessible to the student tracking
buildings,” which is incorporated herein by reference in its 10 system . In one example , the notification is a text message
indicating that the student boarded the bus, the number or
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION other identifying information of the bus, and whether this
was the correct bus for the student. A similar notification is
Student tracking systems are often used to track the sent when the student enters the school.
location of students of schools, such as public or private 15 Additionally, a surveillance function can be integrated
kindergartens, elementary schools ,middle schools, and high with the above mentioned system such that when an indi
schools. These systems range from mobile applications that vidual enters the schoolbut a corresponding entering event
track the location of mobile computing devices ( e.g. smart is not detected (e.g. from a reader at the door scanning a
phones) or other tracking devices of the students to more valid tag of the entering individual), the school administra
advanced systems that also track the location of school buses 20 tors or a school resource officer is notified .
transporting the students to and from school, the location of The student tracking system further includes sign out
the students while at school, and provide image data depict functionality utilizing the tags. In one example, when the
ing the students at the schools or on the school buses . student leaves the school with a registered approved guard
Typically , student tracking systems use global navigation ian they are signed out by a reader at the door designated for
satellite systems (GNSS ) such as the global positioning 25 in school pickups or a by a handheld reader (e.g. mobile
system (GPS). GNSS receivers of the mobile computing application executing on a mobile computing device ) oper
devices or tracking devices receive positioning signals from ated by a faculty member. In another example , when the
GNSS satellites , which are then used to generate location student exits the bus at their assigned bus stop the school bus
information for the students or buses. The student tracking reader will scan the tag as the student exits to sign out the
systems then use the location information to determine if the 30 student and register the exiting event.
students boarded the buses and whether they arrived at In general, according to one aspect, the invention features
school. a system for tracking students of schools , the system com
prising readers and a tracking and authorization module . The
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION readers comprise wireless receivers for receiving identifica
35 tion information from tags during entering and exiting
There is a need for a student tracking system with more events of the students. The tracking and authorization mod
precise tracking and notification capabilities that notifies ule generates event information for the entering and exiting
parents of the students when the student actually enters the events based on the identification information received by
school bus and actually enters the school building as the readers and sends the event information to parent/teacher
opposed to simply tracking the location of the student. 40 devices .
A student tracking system according to the present inven In embodiments , readers stationed at the schools or on
tion provides more precise verification of entering and buses for transporting the students to and from the schools
exiting events ( e.g. the students physically entering or receive identification information associated with the stu
exiting the school or bus) and sends notifications to parents dents from mobile computing devices , wearable beacons
of the students and school officials (e.g. teachers, adminis- 45 and /or identification badges of the students, readers of the
trators , security personnel) based on an analysis of the students receive identification information associated with
entering and exiting events along with student, bus, route , the buses from tags stationed on the buses, and /or readers of
and schedule information (for example ). These notifications the students receive identification information associated
might include confirmation of the entering and exiting with areas of the schools from tags stationed at the areas of
events , detailed information about the entering and exiting 50 the schools . The tags comprise wireless transmitters and/or
events such as when the student enters the bus or school passive radio -frequency identification tags for sending the
building and /or information about anomalies detected by the identification information . The parent/teacher devices are
student tracking system such as the student not boarding the operated by parents of the students , teachers, school admin
bus or arriving at school by a certain time. The student istrators, bus drivers and /or security personnel of the
tracking system also alerts the school officials when unau- 55 schools, and mobile applications executing on the parent/
thorized people enter the school and generates attendance teacher device render graphical user interfaces on displays
information for the students . of the parent/teacher devices, and the parent/teacher devices
This functionality is implemented using readers and tags . display the event information via the graphical user inter
In general, the readers interrogate the tags ,and the tags send faces .
unique identification information to the readers. In one 60 In one example, the readers or the tags are installed on the
embodiment, the readers are stationed at the school and on buses , and the exiting and entering events represent
the bus (e.g. at the entrance/exit ), and the tags are carried by instances of the students entering and exiting the buses. The
the students ( e.g. as mobile computing devices, wearable readers comprise global navigation satellite system (GNSS )
beacon devices, or identification badges ) and transmit iden receivers and generate location information for the buses
tification information associated with the student. In another 65 based on GNSS data received by the GNSS receivers The
embodiment, the readers are mobile computing devices tracking and authorization module receives the location
carried by the students, and the tags are stationed at the information and sends the location information to the parent/
US 10,586,436 B1
3 4
teacher devices, generates and stores bus and route infor be employed in various and numerous embodiments without
mation for the buses and the students based on the location departing from the scope of the invention .
information and the event information , generates bus prox
imity information with respect to stops assigned to the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
students based on the location information and sends the bus 5
proximity information to parent/teacher devices operated by In the accompanying drawings, reference characters refer
parents of the students , generates optimal route information to the same parts throughout the different views. The draw
based on the location information and the event information ings are not necessarily to scale ; emphasis has instead been
and sends the optimal route information to parent/teacher placed upon illustrating the principles of the invention . Of
devices operated by drivers of the buses , generates occu- 10 the drawings:
pancy information for the buses based on the event infor FIG . 1A is a schematic diagram of an exemplary student
mation and sends the occupancy information to the parent/ tracking system according to one embodiment ofthe present
teacher devices, generates verification information based on invention in which bus readers receive identification infor
the event information and stored bus and route information mation from student tags as students enter and /or exit a bus ;
for the students and sends the verification information to the 15 FIG . 1B is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
parent/ teacher devices , and /or generates anomaly informa system according to another embodiment in which student
tion based on accumulated location information and bus and readers receive the identification information from bus tags
route information for the buses and sends the anomaly as the students enter and/ or exit the bus ;
information to the parent/teacher devices . The readers or the FIG . 2A is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
tags are also installed at emergency doors of the buses, and 20 readers
the tracking and authorization module sends alerts to the
system according to another embodiment in which school
receive the identification information from the stu
parent/ teacher devices in response to determining that the dent tags as the students enter and /or exit a school building;
emergency doors were accessed based on the event infor FIG . 2B is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
mation . system according to another embodiment in which the
In another example , the readers or the tags are stationed 25 student readers receive the identification information from
at entrance and exit points of the school, and the exiting and school tags as the students enter and /or exit the school
entering events represent instances of the students and/or building ;
other authorized individuals entering and exiting the school. FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
The readers stationed at the entrance and exit points include system according to another embodiment in which a hand
mobile computing devices operated by faculty, administra- 30 held reader operated by a faculty member of the school
tors and/or security personnel ofthe school, and the tracking receives the identification information from studenttags and
and authorization module verifies the entering and exiting vehicle tags for authorized vehicles associated with the
events based on whether the readers also received identifi students ;
cation information from tags installed on authorized vehicles FIG . 4 is a schematic diagram of the reader and tag of the
associated with the students. Additionally, Surveillance 35 student tracking system according to one embodiment in
cameras capture image data depicting entering and exiting which the tag is a passive radiofrequency identification
events at the entrance and exit points of the school, and the (RFID ) tag;
tracking and authorization module receives the image data , FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram of the reader and the tag
detects entering and exiting events based on the image data , according to another embodiment in which the tag actively
determines whether identification information correspond- 40 transmits the identification information ;
ing to the detected entering and exiting events was received FIG . 6 is a diagram of an exemplary connected services
from the readers, and generates alerts in response to deter database and student/faculty management system of the
mining that no corresponding identification information was student tracking system ;
received . FIG . 7 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
In yet another example , the readers or the tags are 45 how the student tracking system generates bus and route
stationed at entrance and exit points of classrooms of the information during a configuration phase ;
school, and the exiting and entering events represent FIG . 8 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
instances of the students and / or other authorized individuals how the student tracking system generates and sends to
entering and exiting the classrooms. The tracking and autho parent/teacher devices event information for entering and
rization module generates attendance information based on 50 exiting events at a bus entrance /exit point;
the event information and sends the attendance information FIG . 9 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
to the parent/teacher devices. how the student tracking system provides real-time location
In general, according to another aspect , the invention tracking of the students;
features a method for tracking students of schools. Readers FIG . 10 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
receive identification information from tags during entering 55 how the student tracking system generates and sends
and exiting events of the students . Event information is then anomaly information to the parent /teacher devices;
generated for the entering and exiting events based on the FIG . 11 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
identification information received by the readers and sent to how the student tracking system uses geofencing to alert
parent/teacher devices . parents when the buses are nearing assigned bus stops for the
The above and other features of the invention including 60 students;
various novel details of construction and combinations of FIG . 12 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
parts, and other advantages , will now be more particularly how the student tracking system generates optimal route
described with reference to the accompanying drawings and information and provides trip and occupancy information to
pointed out in the claims. It will be understood that the bus drivers and school administrators while the buses are in
particular method and device embodying the invention are 65 transit;
shown by way of illustration and not as a limitation of the FIG . 13 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
invention . The principles and features of this invention may how the student tracking system generates the event infor
US 10,586,436 B1
5 6
mation based on entering and exiting events at a school drivers 160-2, school administrators 160-3 , and faculty
entrance /exit point of a school building; 160-4 , for example ,by notifying the responsible parties 160
FIG . 14 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of when the students have safely arrived at the schoolpremises
how the student tracking system confirms whether students 103 and entered the school buildings 113 .
exiting the school building and /or the school premises leave 5 Some of the students 150 travel on buses 107 , which are
in authorized vehicles associated with the students ; vehicles for transporting the students 150 to and from the
FIG . 15 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of school premises 103. The buses 107 are operated by the bus
how the student tracking system detects unauthorized indi drivers 160-2 , which are school personnel who conduct the
viduals entering the school building; buses 107 to and from designated pick up/drop off points
FIG . 16 is a schematic diagram of the student tracking 10 such as bus stops 105. Normally, specific buses 107 and bus
system according to another embodiment in which school stops 105 are assigned to the students 150 based on , for
readers stationed at interior entrance /exit points of the example , a location of the student's 150 home, and the buses
school building receive identification information from the 107 pick up and drop off the students 150 according to
student tags ; and predetermined school and bus route schedules .
FIG . 17 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of 15 The student tracking system 100 tracks the students 150
how the student tracking system generates attendance infor by detecting entering and exiting events , which are instances
mation for the students . of the students 150 entering and /or exiting the bus 107
and/or the school building 113 , respectively via bus
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE entrance/exit points 109 (e.g. passenger doors of the buses
PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS 20 107 ) and school entrance/ exit points 111, which are doors or
other access points of the school 113 designated for the
The invention now will be described more fully herein students 150 to enter and exit ( e.g. a main front door
after with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which granting access to a lobby of the school building 113 ). For
illustrative embodiments of the invention are shown . This example, in a typical school day, a student 150 travels to and
invention may, however, be embodied in many different 25 waits at their assigned bus stop 105 for their assigned bus
forms and should not be construed as limited to the embodi 107 to arrive . Upon arrival of the bus 107 , the student 150
ments set forth herein ; rather, these embodiments are pro enters the bus 107 via the bus entrance /exit point 109 and is
vided so that this disclosure will be thorough and complete , transported to the school premises 103. At the school prem
and will fully convey the scope of the invention to those ises 103, the student 150 exits the bus 107 via the bus
skilled in the art. 30 entrance/exit point 109 and enters the school building 113
As used herein , the term “ and /or ” includes any and all via the school entrance/ exit point 111. The student 150
combinations of one or more of the associated listed items. remains inside the school building 113 for a predetermined
Fu er , the singular forms and the articles “ a” , “ an ” and duration according to the school's schedule . The student 150
“ the” are intended to include the plural forms as well , unless then exits the school building 113 via the school entrance /
expressly stated otherwise. Itwill be further understood that 35 exit point 111 and enters their assigned bus 107 via the bus
the terms: includes , comprises , including and/ or comprising , entrance/exit point 109. After being transported from the
when used in this specification , specify the presence of school premises 103 to their assigned bus stop 105 , the
stated features, integers , steps, operations, elements, and /or student 150 then exits the bus 107 via the bus entrance / exit
components , but do not preclude the presence or addition of point 109 and travels home.
one or more other features, integers, steps, operations, 40 In general, the student tracking system 100 includes
elements, components, and /or groups thereof. Further , it will readers 130 and tags 132 for detecting the entering and
be understood that when an element, including component exiting events . The readers 130 receive identification infor
or subsystem , is referred to and /or shown as being connected mation from the tags 132 in response to engaging with the
or coupled to another element, it can be directly connected tags 132, for example , by bringing a reader 130 and a tag 132
or coupled to the other element or intervening elements may 45 in close proximity with respect to each other . The identifi
be present. cation information for the tag 132 , which is uniquely
Unless otherwise defined , all terms (including technical assigned to the tags 132 and might include a device ID (such
and scientific terms) used herein have the same meaning as as a MAC address or serial number), is used in confluence
commonly understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to with identification information for the reader 130 and other
which this invention belongs. It will be further understood 50 information , to determine that certain readers 130 and cer
that terms, such as those defined in commonly used diction tain tags 132 were necessarily in the same locations at
aries, should be interpreted as having a meaning that is certain times. In this way, the student tracking system 100
consistent with their meaning in the context of the relevant tracks the locations of the students 150 .
art and will not be interpreted in an idealized or overly According to one embodiment, the readers 130 and tags
formal sense unless expressly so defined herein . 55 132 are radiofrequency identification (RFID ) systems, in
FIG . 1A is a schematic diagram of an exemplary student which the readers 130 interrogate the tags 132 by sending
tracking system 100 according to one embodiment of the signals to the tags 132. In response, the tags 132 respond
present invention . with the identification information . The RFID system can
In general, the student tracking system 100 tracks students include passive tags 132 , which require interrogation by the
150 traveling to and from a school premises 103 , which 60 readers 130 for power and do not transmit unless interro
typically includes one or more school buildings 113 along gated , or active tags 132 , which are powered independently
with outdoor areas such as parking lots, fields, or walkways , (for example , by a battery ) and responsively transmit signals
associated with public or private kindergartens, elementary containing the identification information .
schools , middle schools, and /or high schools , among other More specifically, in one configuration of the student
examples. The student tracking system 100 provides infor- 65 tracking system 100 , the bus readers 130 -b are stationed at
mation about the students 150 to responsible parties 160 the bus entrance/ exit points 109 ( including at bus emergency
associated with the students 150, such as parents 160-1 , bus exits 109 -e ), and school readers 130 -s are stationed at the
US 10,586,436 B1
7 8
school entrance/exit points 111. Student tags 132 -u are vices database 106 also includes device information for
carried by the students 150 (e.g. as mobile computing devices of the student tracking system 100 , including iden
devices, wearable beacon devices, or identification badges ) tification information for readers 130 and /or tags 132 asso
and transmit identification information associated with the ciated with location information for the areas of the school
students 150 to the bus readers 130 -b and school readers 5 premises 103 or buses 107 where the readers 130 and /or tags
130 - s during the entering and exiting events . 132 are stationed . The student/ faculty management system
In another configuration of the student tracking system 108 includes student and faculty information, including
100 , student readers 130 -u are carried by the students 150 biographic and contact information as well as the identifi
(e.g. as the students ' mobile computing devices ). Bus tags cation information for readers 130 and/ or tags 132 associ
132 -b are stationed at the bus entrance /exit points 109 and 10 ated with the students 150 and faculty .
transmit identification information associated with the bus The tracking and authorization module 110 generates the
107. School tags 132- s are stationed at the school entrance / event information based on the identification information for
exit points 111 and transmit identification information asso the readers 130 and tags 132 , signal strength information and
ciated with the school entrance /exit point 111 and /or differ location information received from the readers 130. The
ent areas of the school premises 103 to the student readers 15 event information pertains to the entering and exiting events
130 -u during the entering and exiting events . and can include time and date information , the location ( e.g.
The readers 130 send the identification information asso which bus, door, classroom ), and whether the student 150
ciated with the students 150 , entrance /exit points , areas of entered or exited .
the school premises 103 and /or bus 107, along with other The app server 118 communicates with the parent/teacher
information such as signal strength information and location 20 devices 162 , for example, by sending the event information
information ( e.g. generated via a global navigation satellite and any other relevant information to the parent/teacher
system (GNSS ) receiver ) to a connected services system 102 devices 162 to be displayed ( e.g. via the graphical user
ofthe student tracking system 100. In general, the connected interface 124 ).
services system 102 generates event information for the The connected services system 102 also includes a build
entering and exiting events , which might include location 25 ing management system interface 112. The building man
information , time and date information , or whether the agement system interface 112 operates as the interface
student 150 was entering or exiting , among other examples between the tracking and authorization module 110 and
and sends notifications including the event information to devices of building management systems controlling the
parent/teacher devices 162 , which are computing devices school premises 103 such as intrusion , security and access
(e.g. desktop computers , laptop computers, mobile comput- 30 control systems. In particular, the building management
ing devices such as smart phones or tablets) operated by the system interface 112 converts instructions from the autho
responsible parties 160 associated with the students 150. The rization and tracking module 110 into instructions that are
parent/teacher devices 162 present the event information to formatted into the protocol implemented by the building
the responsible parties 160 , via graphical user interfaces 124 management system . Additionally , the building management
rendered on displays of the parent/teacher devices 162 , for 35 system interface 112 receives information from the building
example , by mobile applications executing on the devices . management systems and converts the information into a
The readers 130 and the parent/teacher devices 162 com uniform format that can be consumed by the authorization
municate with the connected services system 102 via a and tracking module 110 , regardless of the underlying
public network such as the internet. The readers 130 and protocol implemented by the building management systems.
parent/teacher devices 162 connect to the public network 40 In one example , a surveillance camera 119 of a security
114 via wireless communication links to a cellular radio system installed on the school premises 103 captures image
tower 172 of a mobile broadband or cellular network and /or data depicting entering and exiting events at the school
via a private data network providing connectivity with the entrance /exit point 111 and sends the image data to the
public and /or private network 114 such as an enterprise tracking and authorization module 110 via the building
network , Wi-Max , or Wi- Fi network , for example . 45 management system interface 112 .
The connected services system 102 is typically imple In the illustrated example , the bus 107 operated by the bus
mented as a cloud system . It can be run on a proprietary driver 160-2 picks up students 150 at the bus stop 105 .
cloud system or implemented on one of the popular cloud The students 150 carry student tags 132 -u . More specifi
systems operated by vendors such as Alphabet Inc., Ama cally, student 150-1 carries student tag 132-u - 1, which is an
zon , Inc. (AWS ), or Microsoft Corporation . 50 identification badge , student 150-2 carries student tag 132
As a result , the connected services system 102 typically u -2 , which is a wearable beacon worn around the student's
operates on a connected services server system 104. In some neck , and student 150-3 carries student tag 132 -u -3 , which
cases, this server system 104 is one or more dedicated is a wearable beacon attached to the student's backpack .
servers. In other examples, they are virtual servers. The bus 107 includes two bus readers 130 -b . Specifically ,
The connected services server system 104 executes mod- 55 the bus reader 130-6-1 is stationed at the main bus entrance/
ules and applications, including a tracking and authorization exit point 109 , while the bus reader 130-6-2 is stationed at
module 110 and an app server 118. Each of these modules the bus emergency exit 109-e .
is associated with separate tasks. In some cases, these As student 150-3 enters the bus via the main bus entrance /
modules are discrete modules or they are combined with exit point 109 , the student tag 132 -u - 3 carried by student
othermodules into a unified code base . They can be running 60 150-3 and the bus reader 130-6-1 come in close proximity,
on the same server or different servers , virtualized server and the bus reader 130-6-1 reads the identification informa
system , or a distributed computing system . tion from the student tag 132 -u -3 .
The connected services system 102 includes a connected The bus reader 130-6-1 sends the identification informa
services database 106 and a student/ faculty management tion to the tracking and authorization module 110 , which
system 108. The connected services database 106 maintains 65 generates and sends event information to the parent/teacher
information about the school premises 103 including build device 162-1 ( e.g. a smart phone) operated by the parent
ing management system information . The connected ser 160-1 of one of the students 150. In one example, the
US 10,586,436 B1
9 10
module determines which student 150 is associated with the In the illustrated example , the student tracking system 100
tag identification information matching the tag identification also includes a data network 121, a surveillance camera 119 ,
information read by the bus reader 130-6-1 and which bus and a parent/teacher devices 162-3 (e.g. desktop computer )
107 is associated with the reader identification information operated by a school administrator 160-3. The data network
provided by the bus reader 130- b- 1. The event information 5 121 is a wired and /or wireless network connecting devices
reflects that the matching student 150 is inferred to have on the school premises 103 such as the parent/teacher device
boarded the matching bus 107 . 162-3 , the surveillance camera 119 and the school reader
The parent/teacher device 162-1 presents the event infor 130 -s to the public network 114 and the connected services
mation to the parent 160-1 via the graphical user interface system 102.
124-1 rendered on the display of the parent/teacher device 10 The parent/teacher device 162-3 operated by the school
162-1. Similarly, the tracking and authorization 110 sends administrator 160-3 also receives the event information from
the event information to the parent/teacher device 162-2 the connected services system 102 as previously described .
(e.g. smart phone ) of the bus driver 160-2 to be presented to The device might also be used to configure the student
the bus driver 160-2 in a similar manner. tracking system 100 by, for example , providing configura
FIG . 1B is a schematic diagram of the student tracking 15 tion information , student and faculty information , schedule
system 100 according to another embodiment of the present information , and bus and route information , among other
invention . examples .
As before, the illustrated example shows students 150 The surveillance camera 119 captures image data depict
being picked up by a bus 107 at a bus stop 105 . ing the entering and exiting events at the school entrance/
Now , however, the students 150 carry student readers 20 exit point 111 and sends the image data to the tracking and
130 -u ( e.g. mobile computing devices ). authorization module 110 via the building management
The bus 107 includes two bus tags 132-b . Specifically, the system interface 112. In one example, the tracking and
bus tag 132 -b - 1 is stationed at the main bus entrance 109 , authorization module 110 correlates portions of the image
while the bus tag 132 -b -2 is stationed at the bus emergency data with the entering and exiting events and includes the
exit 109 -e . 25 image data in the event information sent to the parent/
As student 150-3 enters the bus via the main bus entrance / teacher devices 162 in order to provide a visual confirmation
exit point 109 , the student reader 130 -u -3 operated by for parents 160-1 (for example ) that the students 150 safely
student the 150-3 comes in close proximity with the bus tag arrived at the school premises 103 and entered the school
132-6-1 , and the student reader 130 -u - 3 reads the identifi building 113. In another example , the tracking and authori
cation information from the bus tag 132 -b - 1 . 30 zation module 110 detects an entering and exiting event
The student reader 130 -u - 3 sends the identification infor depicted in the image data but does not detect a correspond
mation to the tracking and authorization module 110 , which ing entering and exiting event via the readers 130 and tags
generates and sends event information to the parent/teacher 132 , determines that an unauthorized individual has entered
device 162-1 (e.g. a smart phone) operated by the parent the school building 113 , and sends a notification to the
160-1 of the student 150-2 . In one example , the module 35 parent/ teacher device 162-3 operated by the school admin
determines which bus 107 is associated with the tag iden istrator 160-3 .
tification information matching the tag identification infor FIG . 2B is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
mation read by the studentreader 130 -u - 3 and which student system 100 according to another embodiment of the present
150 is associated with the reader identification information invention .
provided by the student reader 130 -u -3 . The event informa- 40 As before, the system tracks students 150 entering the
tion reflects that the matching student 150 is inferred to have school building 113. Now , however, the students 150 carry
boarded the matching bus 107 . student readers 130 -u (e.g. mobile computing devices), and
FIG . 2A is a schematic diagram of the student tracking a school tag 132 -s is stationed at the school entrance/exit
system 100 according to another embodiment of the present point 111. As each student enters the schoolbuilding 113 via
invention . 45 the school entrance /exit point 111 , the student readers 130 -u
Here, the student tracking system 100 detects entering and come or are placed in close proximity to the school tag
exiting events at the school entrance/exit point 111 of the 132 -s, and the student readers 130 -u read the identification
school building 113 via a school reader 130 - s stationed at the information from the school tag 132 - s.
school entrance/ exit point 111, which reads identification The student reader 130 - u sends the identification infor
information from the student tags 132 -u carried by the 50 mation to the tracking and authorization module 110 , which
students 150 as the students 150 enter the school building generates and sends event information to the parent/teacher
113 through the school entrance/exit point 111 and the device 162-1 (e.g. a smart phone ) operated by the parent
student tags 132 -u are placed in close proximity to the 160-1 of the student 150. In one example, the module
school reader 130 - s. determines which school entrance/ exit point 111 is associ
The school reader 130 -s sends the identification informa- 55 ated with the tag identification information matching the tag
tion to the tracking and authorization module 110 , which identification information read by the student reader 130 -u
generates and sends event information to the parent/teacher and which student 150 is associated with the reader identi
device 162-1 (e.g. a smart phone) operated by the parent fication information provided by the student reader 130 -u .
160-1 of the student 150. In one example , the module The event information reflects that the matching student 150
determines which student 150 is associated with the tag 60 is inferred to have entered the matching school entrancelexit
identification information matching the tag identification point 111 .
information read by the school reader 130 -s and which FIG . 3 is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
school entrance /exit point 111 is associated with the reader system 100 according to another embodiment of the present
identification information provided by the school reader invention .
130 -s. The event information reflects that the matching 65 Now , the student tracking system 100 includes a handheld
student 150 is inferred to have entered the matching school reader 130 - h operated by a faculty member 160-4 stationed
entrance /exit point 111 . at the school entrance/ exit point 111, a student tag 132-u
US 10,586,436 B1
11 12
carried by a student 150 who is exiting the school building ID 226 uniquely associated with the tag 132 , for example ,
113 through the school entrance /exit point 111, and a vehicle via integrated memory of the controller 224. The wireless
tag 132 -v attached to an authorized vehicle 123 associated transmitter 220 transmits via the antenna 222 the identifi
with the exiting student 150 . cation information ( e.g. device ID 226 ), for example , by
As before, the handheld reader 130 -h ( e.g. a mobile 5 continually wirelessly broadcasting the identification infor
computing device executing a mobile application ) reads the mation or transmitting the identification information to the
identification information from the student tag 132 -u . Now , reader 130 in response to a wireless signal received from the
however, the faculty member 160-4 approaches the vehicle reader
123 and brings the handheld reader 130 -h in proximity to the tag 132130. In different implementations, the reader 130 and
vehicle tag 132-v , and the handheld reader 130 -h reads the 10 gies includingcommunicate
using various wireless technolo
Low Energy (BLE ), standard Blu
identification information from the vehicle tag 132 . etooth , Wi - Fi ( IEEE 802.11 ) , active RFID , or ZigBee, to list
The handheld reader 130 - h sends the identification infor
mation from the student tag 132 - u and the vehicle tag 132 -v a few examples .
to the tracking and authorization module 110 , which gener In the illustrated embodiment, the tag 132 can be a mobile
ates and sendsevent information to the parent/teacher device 15 beacon
computing device such as a smart phone or tablet, or a
device , among other examples .
162-1 (e.g. a smart phone ) operated by the parent 160-1 of
the student 150. As before , the module determines which FIG . 6 is a diagram showing an exemplary connected
student 150 is associated with the tag identification infor services database 106 and student/faculty management sys
mation matching the tag identification information read by tem 108 .
the handheld reader 130 -h and which school entrance / exit 20 The connected services database 106 includes a bus table
point 111 is associated with the reader identification infor 292 , a stop table 294 , and a device table 296 .
mation provided by the handheld reader 130 -h . The event The bus table 292, which maintains information associ
information reflects that the matching student 150 is inferred ated the buses 107 , includes columns for a bus ID , or unique
to have exited through the matching school entrance/ exit identifier assigned to the bus 107 , a current location , an
point 111 . 25 assigned route , and a log . The current location includes
Now , however, the tracking and authorization module 110 location information indicating the most recent location of
additionally determines whether the tag identification infor the bus 107. The location information might include coor
mation read from the vehicle tag 132- v matches the tag dinate information ( e.g. GNSS /GPS coordinates indicating
identification information for an authorized vehicle 132 longitude and latitude ) or address information , or references
associated with the student 150. In this way, the student 30 to known locations such as bus stops 105 or schoolbuildings
tracking system 100 tracks not only when and where the 113 , among other examples. Further, the location informa
students 150 exited the school building 113 ,but also whether tion might have been generated by the bus reader 130 -b or
the students 150 departed the school premises 103 in autho student reader 30 -u , for example. The assigned route col
rized vehicles 123 ( e.g. driven by guardians , babysitters, or umn includes route information indicating a prescribed route
family members of the student 150 ). 35 for the bus 107 to take during normal operation , including
FIG . 4 is a schematic diagram of the reader 130 and the possible navigation information and/or instructions. This
tag 132 of the student tracking system 100 according to one route information might refer to coordinate information or a
embodiment of the present invention . sequence of bus stops 105 , in examples. The log column
The tag 132 includes a passive RFID tag 223, which includes a reference to historical travel logs for each bus
transmits identification information for the tag 132 in 40 107. The logs might include time and date information
response to being scanned or interrogated by the reader 130 . paired with location information indicating where the bus
The reader 130 includes a controller 216 , a wired and/ or 107 was previously located over a period of time.
wireless network interface 206 , a wireless receiver 221 and In the illustrated example , the bus table 292 lists four
antenna 222 , and a GNSS receiver 230. The controller 216 different buses 107 with device IDs ranging from bus1
executes firmware/operating system instructions and gener- 45 through bus4, each associated with a different location
ally directs the functionality of the reader 130. The wired ranging from locationl to location 4 , a different route
and /or wireless network interface 206 provides connectivity ranging from routel to route4 , and a different log ranging
with the connected services system 102 via the public from log1 to log4.
network 114 and /or the data network 119 on the school The stop table 294 , which maintains information associ
premises 103. The wireless receiver 221 reads the identifi- 50 ated with bus stops 105 , includes columns for a stop ID , or
cation information from the RFID tag 223 by scanning the unique identifier assigned to the bus stop 105 , a time, an
RFID tag 223 (e.g. sending a wireless signal via the antenna assigned bus 107 , and a location . The time column includes
222 ) and receiving the identification information transmitted prescribed time information for each bus stop 105 indicating
by the RFID tag 223. The GNSS receiver 230 receives when the bus 107 is scheduled to stop at the particular bus
positioning signals from GNSS satellites (such as GPS 55 stop 105. The bus column indicates which bus 107 is
satellites) and sends positioning signals to the controller scheduled to stop at the bus stop 105 and refers to values
216 , which uses them to generate location information from the bus ID column of the bus table 292. The location
indicating the current location of the reader 130. column includes location information indicating the location
FIG . 5 is a schematic diagram of the reader and the tag of the bus stop 105 (e.g. where the bus 107 is scheduled to
132 of the student tracking system according to another 60 stop and where the students 150 wait for the bus 107 and /or
embodiment of the present invention . exit the bus 107).
The reader 130 and tag 132 are similar to the embodiment In the illustrated example , the stop table 294 lists six
depicted in FIG . 4 . different bus stops 105 with stop IDs ranging from stop1
Now , however, the tag 132 includes a controller 224 , a through stop6 , each associated with a different prescribed
wireless transmitter 220 and an antenna 222. The controller 65 time ranging from time16 through time21, a different bus
224 directs the functionality of the tag 132 ( executing 107 ranging from bus1 through bus3 , and a different location
firmware /operating system instructions) and stores a device ranging from location5 through location 10 .
US 10,586,436 B1
13 14
The device table 296 , which maintains information asso 162-4 , any other school employees, or any other individual
ciated with devices of the student tracking system 100 for which the student tracking system 100 needs to maintain
and /or possibly devices from building management systems information .
of the school premises 103 , includes columns for a device In the illustrated example , the student table 290 lists three
ID , or unique identifier assigned to the device, a device type , 5 students 150 with different names, profile pictures , sexes,
and an assigned bus. The device type indicates the type of roles , and contact information . Each of the students 150 is
device ( e.g. reader 130 , tag 132 , bus reader 130 -b , school associated with a different bus ID for a bus 107 ranging from
reader 130 - s, handheld reader 130 - h ). The assigned bus bus1 through bus3 , stop ID for a bus stop 105 ranging from
column indicates the bus 107 (if any ) where the device is stop2 through stop5, student device ID for a student reader
stationed and refers to values from the bus ID column in the 10 130 -u or student tag 132 -u ranging from deviceID1 through
bus table 292. The assigned bus column pertains to the bus deviceID3, a type of “ beacon ” , a different authorized vehicle
readers 130 -b and provides a way to identify and locate the ID for a vehicle tag 132 -v ranging from vehiclel through
bus 107 based on identification information for the bus vehicle 3 , different contact preferences ranging from prefs1
reader 130 - b . through prefs3, and attendance information ranging from
In the illustrated example , the device table 296 lists six 15 attendancel through attendance3 . Similarly , each of the
different devices, specifically readers 130, with device IDs students 150 has an associated event information history,
ranging from 1-6 , each associated with a type of either “ bus with timestamps ranging from timel through time25 asso
reader” , “ school reader" , or " handheld reader ” , and a bus ciated with event descriptors such as e.g. “ board bus1” , “ exit
107 ranging from bus1 through bus3 (or no value ). bus 1” , “ enter school" , " exit school” .
The student/faculty management system 108 includes a 20 FIG . 7 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
student table 290 , which maintains information associated how the student tracking system 100 generates bus and route
with different students 150. The student table 290 includes information indicating which students 150 are assigned to
columns for student ID , or unique identifiers for each student which buses 107 , and what routes the buses 107 typically
150, user information , assigned bus, assigned stop , student travel, during a configuration phase .
device ID , device type , authorized vehicles , contact prefer- 25 First, in step 400 , the student/faculty management system
ences , event information , and attendance information . The 108 is populated with student information , student device
user information includes basic information about the stu information , authorized vehicle information and preferences
dent including name, a profile picture, sex , role (e.g. student, information for each of the students 150 .
faculty ), and contact information (e.g. phone numbers for In step 404, the reader 130 receives tag identification
the student 150 and/or any responsible parties 162 associ- 30 information via the wireless receiver 221. According to the
ated with the student such as parents 162-1). The assigned different configurations previously discussed , step 404 can
bus column indicates which bus 107 transports the student include bus readers 130 -b receiving tag identification infor
150 to and from the schoolpremises 103 and refers to values mation from student tags 132 - u or student readers 130 -u
from the bus ID column of the bus table 292. The assigned receiving tag identification information from bus tags 132-b .
stop column indicates the bus stop 105 where the student 35 In either case, in step 406 , the reader 130 generates
150 enters and exits the bus 107 and refers to values from the location information for the bus 107 via the GNSS receiver,
stop ID column of the stop table 294. The student device ID and, in step 408, the reader 130 sends the tag identification
column includes identification information for any devices information , reader identification information , signal
such as student readers 130 -u and /or student tags 132 -u strength information for the wireless signals transmitted by
associated with the student 150. The device type column 40 the tag 132 and received by the reader 130 , and the location
includes information about the type of device identified in information to the tracking and authorization module 110 .
the student device ID column , such as whether the device is Steps 400 through 408 repeat continually during the initial
a beacon or smart phone of the student 150 , among other configuration phase, as the student tracking system 100
examples. The authorized vehicles column includes identi accumulates more and more information about the students
fication information for any vehicle tags 132 - v for autho- 45 150 , buses 107 , bus stops 105 , routes, and schedules.
rized vehicles 123 associated with the student 150. The In step 410 , the tracking and authorization module 110
contact preferences column includes preferences informa generates bus and route information based on the location
tion indicating whether and how responsible parties 162 information , tag identification information, reader identifi
such as parents 162-1 prefer to be notified by the student cation information and signal strength information . In one
tacking system 100 , such as whether they prefer to receive 50 example , the bus and route information includes the typical
push notifications on a mobile application executing on the driving route for each bus 107 , location information for each
parent/teacher device 162 or text messages, among other bus stop 105 , sequence information for the bus stops 105
examples. The event information column includes the event (e.g. order of stops), and whether the bus 107 picks up or
information for entering and exiting events involving the drops off the students 150 at the stops 105 at certain times,
student 150 , including time and date information and a type 55 among other examples . The tracking and authorization mod
or descriptor of the event indicating whether the student 150 ule 110 stores this bus and route information the connected
entered or exited and which bus 107 or school entrance /exit services database 106 in step 412 , for example , in the bus
point 111 was used . Finally , the attendance column includes table 292 and /or stop table 294.
attendance information generated by the student tracking Additionally, in step 414 , the tracking and authorization
system 100 including, for example, a log ofwhen the student 60 module 110 stores the bus and route information associated
150 entered and exited the school building 113 as well as with each student 150 in the student/faculty management
different classrooms within the school building 113. system 108 based on the reader and /or tag identification
Other tables (not illustrated ) could also be included in the information and the signal strength information . For
student/ faculty management system 108 including tables for example , the tracking and authorization module 110 assigns
maintaining similar information as the student table 290 but 65 buses 107 and bus stops 105 to each student 105 based on
for responsible parties 162 such as parents 162-1, bus drivers whether the students 150 normally entered and exited the
162-2 , school administrators 162-3 and /or faculty members buses 107 at the bus stops 105 and then stores the assigned
US 10,586,436 B1
15 16
bus and stop information to the student/faculty management Finally, in step 516 , the parent/teacher devices 162 pres
system 108 associated with the students 150. ent the event information and contact information to the
FIG . 8 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of responsible parties 160 , for example, via a mobile applica
how the student tracking system 100 generates and sends tion rendering a graphical user interface 124 on the display
event information to the parent/teacher devices 162 . 5 of the parent/teacher device 162.
First, in step 500 , the student/faculty management system FIG . 9 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
108 is populated with student information , student device how the student tracking system 100 provides real- time
information , authorized vehicle information , bus informa location
tracking of the students 150 .
steps 500, 404 through 408, and 501 through 508
tion , stop information and preferences information . In one
example , the bus and stop information is populated based on 10 proceed as previously described , as the student tracking
system 100 generates and stores the event information for
the process described in the previously described steps 400 each student 150 .
through 414 .
Steps 404 through 408 proceed as previously described , ficationstepinformation
In 600 , the parent/teacher device 162 sends identi
for particular student 150 to the
as the readers 130 receive tag identification information 15 tracking and authorization module 110 , which , in step 602
from the tags 132 , generate the location information , and retrieves the event information for the student 150 from the
send the reader and tag identification information , signal student/ faculty management system 108 based on the stu
strength information and location information to the tracking dent identification information .
and authorization module 110 . In step 604 , the tracking and authorization module 110
In step 501, the tracking and authorization module 110 20 generates current status information for the student 150 (e.g.
sends the reader identification information or the tag iden whether the student is on the bus 107 , on inside the school
tification information (based on the current configuration of building 113) based on the event information .
the student tracking system 100 and whether the reader 130 In step 606 , the tracking and authorization module 110
or the tag 132 is stationed on the bus 107 and thus which of retrieves location information for the student 150 based on
the reader or tag identification information is associated with 25 the current status information ( e.g. by retrieving the current
the bus 107 as opposed to the student 150 ) and location location information for the bus 107 that the student 150 is
information to the connected services database 106 , which , determined to be on ).
in step 502 , returns the bus ID and stop ID associated with In step 608, the tracking and authorization module 110
the reader /tag identification information and location infor sends the location information and the status information to
mation respectively . In this way, the tracking and authori- 30 the parent/teacher devices 162 , which , in step 610 present
zation module 110 identifies which buses 107 and bus stops the location and current status information to the responsible
105 are associated with the entering and exiting events . parties 160 (e.g. via a graphical user interface 124 including
In step 504 , the tracking and authorization module gen a map with graphical elements or icons overlaid on the map
erates the event information for the entering and exiting representing the location and status information.
events for each student 150 based on the bus ID , stop ID and 35 FIG . 10 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
signal strength information as well as the reader/tag identi how the student tracking system 100 detects anomalies and
fication information (depending on which is associated with provides anomaly information to responsible parties 160.
the student 150 according to the current configuration of the First, in step 700, the bus reader 130 -b stationed on the
student tracking system 100 ). In examples, the tracking and bus 107 generates location information for the bus 107 via
authorization module determines that a student 150 associ- 40 the GNSS receiver 230. The bus reader 130 -b continually
ated with tag ID deviceID1 entered busl at stop1 at 2:00, or sends this location information along with its reader iden
a student associated with reader ID deviceID2 exited bus2 at tification information to the tracking and authorization mod
stopl at 3:30 . ule 110 in step 702 .
In step 506 , the tracking and authorization module 110 In step 704, the tracking and authorization module 110
sends the reader/ tag identification information and the event 45 retrieves from the connected services database 106 the bus
information to the student/faculty management system 108 . ID and route information for the bus 107 based on the reader
In step 508 , the student/ faculty management system 108 identification information received from the bus reader
stores the event information for each student 150 based on 130 - b stationed on the bus 107 .
the reader /tag identification information (e.g. by storing the In step 706 , the parent/teacher device 162-2 operated by
event information associated with the reader/tag identifica- 50 the bus driver 160-2 receives input indicating trip status
tion information for the student 150 associated with match information . In one example, the bus driver 160-2 interacts
ing reader /tag identification information ). with the graphical user interface 124-2 of the parent/teacher
In step 510 , the student/faculty management system 108 device 162-2 to enter information that the bus 107 is
returns assigned route information (e.g. assigned bus 107 disabled . In another example, the bus driver 160-2 activates
and assigned bus stop 105), contact information (e.g. cell 55 a panic button feature of the parent/teacher device 162-2.
phone number for parent 162-1 ) and preference information The parent/teacher device 162-2 operated by the bus driver
for each student 150 involved in the entering and exiting 160-2 sends the trip status information to the authorization
events indicated in the event information . and tracking module 110 in step 708 .
In step 512, the tracking and authorization module 110 In step 710, the parent/teacher device 162-3 operated by
generates verification information based on whether the 60 the school administrator 160-3 receives input indicating
event information matches the assigned route information schedule change information . In one example, the school
for each student 150 ( e.g. whether the students 150 entered / administrator 160-3 interacts with a web interface presented
exited the correct buses 107 at the correct stops 105 ) . on a display of the parent/teacher device 162-3 in order to
In step 514 , the tracking and authorization module 110 enter the schedule change information resulting from the
sends the event information and verification information to 65 disabled bus. In other examples, the schedule change infor
the parent/teacher devices 162 based on the contact infor mation might concern inclement weather closures or delayed
mation and preference information for each student 150 . openings.
US 10,586,436 B1
17 18
In step 712 , the tracking and authorization module 110 In step 902 , the bus reader 130-6-1 generates location
retrieves form the student/faculty management system 108 information for the bus 107 via the GNSS receiver 230 , and ,
the event information for the students 150 assigned to the in step 904 , the bus reader 130-6-1 continually sends its own
bus 107 based on the bus ID . reader identification information , tag identification informa
In step 714, the tracking and authorization module 110 5 tion received from student tags 132-u , location information
generates anomaly information based on accumulated loca and signal strength information to the tracking and autho
tion information , route information , trip status information rization module 110 .
and / or schedule information associated with the bus 107 In step 906 , the tracking and authorization module 110
and /or particular students 150. In one example , the tracking generates occupancy information ( e.g. indicating which stu
and authorization module 110 determines that the bus 107 is 10 anddentstag150identification
are currently oninformation
the buses and
107)based on the reader
the signal strength
running late, for example, due to an incident that occurred information
involving the bus 107. In other examples , the tracking and module 110. sends In step 908 , the tracking and authorization
authorization module 110 generates anomaly information for the buses 107 tothethelocation and occupancy information
indicating that the bus 107 is running early , the bus 107 is 15 ated by the school administrator 160-3 .devices 162-3 oper
parent /teacher
traveling at unsafe speeds, the bus 107 has deviated from its In step 910 , the tracking and authorization module 110
normal route , whether the bus schedule has changed , and/or retrieves the bus ID , route information and trip logs for the
whether the bus 107 has left a bus stop 105 without a student buses 107 based on the reader identification information
150 assigned to the bus 107 having entered . from the bus readers 130-6-1 . Additionally, in step 912 , the
In step 716 , the tracking and authorization module 110 20 tracking and authorization module 110 retrieves traffic infor
retrieves from the student/faculty management system 108 mation ( e.g. from an external traffic and /or navigation ser
contact information and preference information for the stu vice ).
dents 150 assigned to the bus 107 based on the bus ID . The In step 914 , the tracking and authorization module 110
tracking and authorization module 110 , in step 718 , then generates optimal route information based on the location
sends alerts including the anomaly information to the 25 information , route information , trip log , occupancy infor
responsible parties 160 including the school administrators mation and /or traffic information . The optimal route infor
160-3, bus drivers 160-2 and /or parents 160-1 based on the mation might indicate alternative routes than the bus's 107
contact preferences for the students 150 . normal route based on absent students 150 and /or heavy
FIG . 11 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of traffic , among other examples.
how the student tracking system 100 uses geofencing to alert 30 In step 916 , the tracking and authorization module 110
parents 160-1 when the bus 107 is nearing the student's 150 sends the optimal route information to the parent/teacher
assigned bus stop 105 . device 162-2 operated by the bus driver 160-2 .
Steps 700 through 704 proceed as previously described , In step 918 , the tracking and authorization module 110
as the bus reader 130 -b continually generates and sends further sends notifications to the parent/teacher device 162-2
location information to the tracking and authorization mod- 35 operated by the bus driver 160-2 based on the occupancy
ule 110 , and the tracking and authorization module 110 information (e.g. indicating that all students 150 have exited
retrieves the bus ID and route information for the bus based the bus 107 ).
on the bus reader 130 -b identification information . In step 920, the bus reader 130-6-2 stationed at the
In step 800 , the tracking and authorization module 110 emergency exit 109 -e of the bus 107 receives tag identifi
retrieves from the student/faculty management system 108 40 cation information from student tags 132 -u while students
contact information , preference information , and stop IDs 150 are exiting the bus 107 through the emergency exit
for assigned stops 105 for all of the students 150 assigned to 109 - e. In step 922 , the bus reader 130-6-2 sends its own
the bus 107 based on the bus ID . The tracking and autho reader identification information, tag identification informa
rization module 110 further retrieves location information tion received from the student tags 132 -u , location informa
for the different stops 105 based on the stop IDs of the stops 45 tion and signal strength information to the tracking and
105 assigned to the students 150 . authorization module 110 .
In step 804, the tracking and authorization module 110 In step 924 , the tracking and authorization module 110
generates bus proximity information indicating the location determines that students 150 have exited the bus 107
of the bus with respect to the location of the assigned bus through the emergency exit 109 -e based on the reader and
stops 105 . 50 tag identification information and signal strength informa
Finally, in step 806 , the tracking and authorization module tion . The tracking and authorization module 110 , in step 926 ,
110 sends alerts to the parent/ teacher devices 162-1 operated then sends an alert to the parent/teacher devices 1622
by the parents 160-1 based on the bus proximity information operated , for example, by the bus driver 160-2 and the
and preference information for each student 150. In one school administrator 160-3 indicating that the emergency
example , the alert indicates that the student's 150 bus 107 is 55 exit 109- e was engaged .
five minutes away from the student's 150 assigned bus stop FIG . 13 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
105 . how the student tracking system 100 generates the event
FIG . 12 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of information based on entering and exiting events at the
how the student tracking system 100 generates optimal route school entrance /exit point 111 of the school building 113 .
information and provides information to bus drivers 160-2 60 Step 500 proceeds as previously described , as the student/
and school administrators 160-3 while the buses 107 are in faculty management system 108 is populated with student,
transit . student device, authorized vehicle , bus, stop and preference
In step 900 , the bus reader 130-6-1 stationed at the bus information .
entrance/ exit point 109 (e.g. the main passenger door) In step 1000, the reader 130 receives tag identification
receives tag identification information from the student tags 65 information via the wireless receiver 221 from the tags 132 .
132 - u as the students 150 enter and exit the bus 107 during According to the different configurations previously dis
the entering and exiting events. cussed , step 1000 can include school readers 130 -s receiving
US 10,586,436 B1
19 20
tag identification information from student tags 132 -u or 132 -u with tag identification information matching the stu
student readers 130 -u receiving tag identification informa dent tag identification information received from the hand
tion from school tags 132-s. held reader 130- h ).
In either case , in step 1002 , the reader 130 sends its own In step 1108, the tracking and authorization module 110
reader identification information , the tag identification infor- 5 generates event information based on the student informa
mation received from the tag 132, and signal strength tion , signal strength information and vehicle tag identifica
information for the wireless signals transmitted by the tag tion information . For example, the event information might
132 and received by the reader 130 to the tracking and indicate that a student 150 left the school premises 103 at
authorization module 110 . 2:35 in a vehicle 123 identified as “ car2 ” .
In step 1004 , the tracking and authorization module 110 10 Steps 1006 through 1010 proceed as previously described .
generates the event information based on the signal strength Now , however, in step 1110 , the tracking and authoriza
information . In examples, the event information might indi tion module 110 generates the verification information based
cate that the students 150 entered or exited the school on whether the event information matches the authorized
building 113 at certain times . vehicle information for the students 150 in addition to
In step 1006 , the tracking and authorization module 110 15 whether the event information matches the predetermined
sends to the student/faculty management system 108 either school schedule information . For example , the verification
the tag identification information or the reader identification information might indicate that the student 150 is not on
information (depending upon the current configuration of their assigned bus 107 but left in an authorized vehicle 123
the student tracking system 100 and which identification instead , or that the student 150 left the school premise 103
information is associated with the students 150) and the 20 in an unidentified vehicle .
event information . In step 1008 , the student/faculty man Finally, step 1014 proceeds as previously described , as the
agement system 108 stores the event information based on event information and verification information is sent to the
the reader/tag identification information matching the read parent/ teacher devices 162 .
ers 130 or tags 132 associated with the students 150, and, in FIG . 15 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of
step 1010 , the student/faculty management system 108 25 how the student tracking system 100 detects unauthorized
returns the contact information and preference information individuals by comparing entering and exiting events
for each student 150 based on the reader/tag identification detected based on image data captured by the surveillance
information . camera 119 to entering and exiting events detected based on
In step 1012 , the tracking and authorization module 110 identification information received from the readers 130 and
generates verification information based on whether the 30 tags 132 .
event information matches predetermined school schedule First, in step 1200, the surveillance camera 119 captures
information (e.g. by determining that students 150 did not image data depicting entering and exiting events at the
enter the school building 113 by a predetermined time or school entrance /exit point 111 in step 1202 , sends the
that students 150 arrived later, after the predetermined time).
image data to the tracking and authorization module 110 .
Finally , in step 1014 , the tracking and authorization 35 In step 1204 , the tracking and authorization module 110
module 110 sends the event information and verification analyzes the image data and determines that an entering or
information based on the contact information and preference exiting event has occurred ( e.g.based on detecting a depic
information for each student to the parent/teacher devices tion of an individual entering the school building 113 ).
162 . On the other hand , in step 1206 , the tracking and autho
FIG . 14 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of 40 rization module 110 determines that no corresponding iden
how the student tracking system 100 confirms whether tification information from any readers 130 or tags 132 was
students 150 exiting the school building 113 and /or the received to be associated with the entering and exiting event
schoolpremises 103 are leaving in an authorized vehicle 123 depicted in the image data .
associated with the student 150 . In step 1208 , the tracking and authorization module 110
Step 500 proceeds as previously described . 45 sends an alert to the parent/teacher devices 162 indicating
Now , however, in step 1100, the handheld reader 130 - h that an unauthorized individual was detected entering the
(e.g. operated by a faculty member 160-4 ) receives tag school building 113 .
identification information from the student tags 132 -u . Simi FIG . 16 is a schematic diagram of the student tracking
larly, in step 1102 , the handheld reader 130 -h receives tag system 100 according to another embodiment of the present
identification information from the vehicle tags 132 - v 50 invention .
installed on the authorized vehicles 123 for the students 150 . Here , the student tracking system 100 is similar to the
For example, a faculty member 160-4 walks the student 150 previously described embodiments. Now , however , several
out to the authorized vehicle 123 and uses the handheld school readers 130 - s are stationed at school entrancelexit
reader 130 -h to scan the student tag 132 - u and the vehicle points 111 throughout the school, including entrances/ exits
tag 132- v. 55 to the school building 113 as well as to interior rooms and
In step 1104 , the handheld reader 130 -h sends its own areas of the schoolbuilding 113 such as hallways , cafeterias,
reader identification information along with the student tag and classrooms, among other examples.
identification information received from the student tags The school readers 130 -s read the tag identification infor
132 -u and the vehicle tag identification information received mation from student tags 132 -u as they enter and exit
from the vehicle tags 132 -v to the tracking and authorization 60 classrooms through the school entrance /exit points 111. As
module 110 . before, the school readers 130 -s send the tag identification
In step 1106, the tracking and authorization module 110 information to the tracking and authorization module 110 ,
retrieves student information and authorized vehicle infor which generates event information . Additionally, the track
mation from the student/ faculty management system 108 ing and authorization module 110 generates attendance
based on the student tag identification information and the 65 information based on the event information as well as
vehicle tag identification information ( e.g. by retrieving the predetermined school schedule information ( including class
information for students 150 associated with student tags schedule information for each student 150 ) .
US 10,586,436 B1
21 22
The tracking and authorization module 110 sends the students to and from the schools receive identification
event information and /or the attendance information to the information associated with the students from mobile com
parent/ teacher devices 162 , including parent teacher devices puting devices, wearable beacons and /or identification
162-4 operated by faculty members 160-4 of the school. badges of the students.
In the illustrated example, a student 150 presents a student 5 3. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein readers of
tag 132 - u to be read by the school reader 130 -s -2 stationed the students receive identification information associated
at the school entrance/ exit point 111-2 leading to classroom with buses for transporting the students to and from the
2 , and the school reader 132 - s- 2 reads the tag identification schools from tags stationed on the buses.
information from the student tag 132 -u .
FIG . 17 is a sequence diagram illustrating an example of 10 the4. students
The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein readers of
receive identification information associated
how the student tracking system 100 generates attendance with areas of the schools from tags stationed at the areas of
information for the students 150 . the schools .
In step 1300 , the school reader 130 -s stationed at the 5. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the tags
school entrance/ exit point 111 of a classroom receives tag
identification information from student tags 132-u during is comprise wireless transmitters and/or passive radio -fre
entering and exiting events in which the students 150 enter quency identification tags for sending the identification
and exit the classroom . information .
In step 1302 , the school reader 130 -s sends its own reader 6. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein mobile
identification information , the tag identification information applications executing on the parent/teacher device render
received from the student tags 132-u and signal strength 20 graphical user interfaces on displays of the parent/teacher
information to the tracking and authorization module 110 . devices, and parent/teacher devices display the event infor
In step 1304 , the tracking and authorization module 110 mation via the graphical user interfaces .
generates attendance information based on the reader and 7. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the parent/
tag identification information and the signal strength infor teacher devices are operated by parents of the students ,
mation . In one example , the attendance information indi- 25 teachers , school administrators, bus drivers and / or security
cates which students are currently in the classroom , whether personnel of the schools .
a particular student is in the classroom , or a historical 8. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the readers
attendance log covering a predetermined period of time for comprise global navigation satellite system (GNSS ) receiv
one or more students 150 . ers and generate location information for the buses based on
In step 1306 , the tracking and authorization module 110 30 GNSS data received by the GNSS receivers, and the tracking
stores in the student/ faculty management system 108 the and authorization module receives the location information
attendance information for each student 150 based on the tag and sends the location information to the parent/teacher
identification information received from the student tags devices .
132 - u . 9. The system as claimed in claim 8, wherein the tracking
Finally, in step 1308 , the tracking and authorization 35 and authorization module generates and stores bus and route
module 110 sends the attendance information to the parent/ information for the buses and the students based on the
teacher devices 162 operated by the responsible parties 160, location information and the event information .
including the parents 160-1, school administrators 160-3 10. The system as claimed in claim 8, wherein the
and /or faculty members 160-4 . tracking and authorization module generates bus proximity
While this invention has been particularly shown and 40 information with respect to stops assigned to the students
described with references to preferred embodiments thereof, based on the location information and sends the bus prox
it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various imity information to parent/teacher devices operated by
changes in form and details may be made therein without parents of the students.
departing from the scope of the invention encompassed by 11. The system as claimed in claim 8 , wherein the tracking
the appended claims. 45 and authorization module generates optimal route informa
What is claimed is : tion based on the location information and the event infor
1. A system for tracking students of schools, the system mation and sends the optimal route information to parent/
comprising : teacher devices operated by drivers of the buses .
readers comprising wireless receivers for receiving iden 12. The system as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
tification information from tags during entering and 50 tracking and authorization module generates occupancy
exiting events of the students ; and information for the buses based on the event information and
a tracking and authorization module for generating event sends the occupancy information to the parent/teacher
information for the entering and exiting events based devices .
on the identification information received by the read 13. A system for tracking students of schools, the system
ers and sending the event information to parent/ teacher 55 comprising:
devices , readers comprising wireless receivers for receiving iden
wherein the readers or the tags are installed on buses for tification information from tags during entering and
transporting the students to and from the schools, and exiting events of the students ; and
the exiting and entering events represent instances of a tracking and authorization module for generating event
the students entering and exiting the school buses and 60 information for the entering and exiting events based
wherein the tracking and authorization module generates on the identification information received by the read
verification information based on the event information ers and sending the event information to parent/teacher
and stored bus and route information for the students devices,
and sends the verification information to the parent/ wherein the readers comprise global navigation satellite
teacher devices. 65 system (GNSS ) receivers and generate location infor
2. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein readers mation for buses based on GNSS data received by the
stationed at the schools or on buses for transporting the GNSS receivers, and the tracking and authorization
US 10,586,436 B1
23 24
module receives the location information and sends the represent instances of the students and/or other authorized
location information to the parent/teacher devices, and individuals entering and exiting the classrooms, and the
wherein the tracking and authorization module generates tracking and authorization module generates attendance
information based on the event information and sends the
anomaly information based on accumulated location
information and bus and route information for the buses 5 attendance information to the parent/teacher devices.
18. A method for tracking students of schools, the method
and sends the anomaly information to the parent/ comprising :
teacher devices .
14. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the readers readers receiving identification information from tags
or the tags are installed at emergency doors of the buses, and during entering and exiting events of the students; and
the tracking and authorization module sends alerts to the 10 generating event information for the entering and exiting
events based on the identification information received
parent/ teacher devices in response to determining that the by the readers and sending the event information to
emergency doors were accessed based on the event infor parent/teacher devices,
mation .
15. A system for tracking students of schools, the system wherein the readers or the tags are installed on buses for
comprising : 15 transporting the students to and from the schools, and
readers comprising wireless receivers for receiving iden the exiting and entering events represent instances of
tification information from tags during entering and the students entering and exiting the school buses, and
exiting events of the students; and further comprising generating anomaly information based
a tracking and authorization module for generating event on accumulated location information and on stored bus
information for the entering and exiting events based 20 and route information for the buses and sending the
on the identification information received by the read anomaly information to the parent/ teacher devices .
19. A method for tracking students of schools, the method
ers and sending the event information to parent/teacher comprising:
devices , readers receiving identification information from tags
wherein the readers or the tags are stationed at entrance during entering and exiting events of the students; and
and exit points of the school, and the exiting and 25 generating event information for the entering and exiting
entering events represent instances of the students events based on the identification information received
entering and exiting the school, and by the readers and sending the event information to
wherein the readers stationed at the entrance and exit
points include mobile computing devices operated by parent/ teacher devices,
faculty, administrators and/or security personnel of the 30 wherein the readers or the tags are stationed at entrance
and exit points of the school, and the exiting and
school, and the tracking and authorization module entering events represent instances of the students
verifies the entering and exiting events based on and /or other authorized individuals entering and exiting
whether the readers also received identification infor
the school, and
mation from tags installed on authorized vehicles asso 35 further
ciated with the students . comprising verifying the entering and exiting
16. A system for tracking students of schools, the system events based on whether the readers also received
comprising: identification information from vehicle devices
readers comprising wireless receivers for receiving iden installed on authorized vehicles associated with the
tification information from tags during entering and 40 students, wherein the readers include mobile comput
exiting events of the students ; and ing devices operated by faculty, administrators and/or
a tracking and authorization module for generating event security personnel of the school.
information for the entering and exiting events based 20. A method for tracking students of schools, the method
on the identification information received by the read comprising :
ers and sending the event information to parent/teacher readers receiving identification information from tags
devices, 45 during entering and exiting events of the students ; and
wherein the readers or the tags are stationed at entrance generating event information for the entering and exiting
and exit points of the school, and the exiting and events based on the identification information received
entering events represent instances of the students by the readers and sending the event information to
entering and exiting the school, and parent/teacher devices,
further comprising surveillance cameras for capturing 50 wherein the readers or the tags are stationed at entrance
and exit points of the school, and the exiting and
image data depicting entering and exiting events at the entering events represent instances of the students
entrance and exit points of the school, wherein the and/or other authorized individuals entering and exiting
tracking and authorization module receives the image the school, and
data, detects entering and exiting events based on the further comprising detecting entering and exiting events
image data , determines whether identification informa- 55 based on image data captured by surveillance cameras ,
tion corresponding to the detected entering and exiting determining whether identification information corre
events was received from the readers , and generates sponding to the detected entering and exiting events
alerts in response to determining that no corresponding
identification information was received . was received from the readers, and generating alerts in
17. The system as claimed in claim 1 , wherein the readers 60 response to determining that no corresponding identi
fication information was received .
or the tags are stationed at entrance and exit points of
classrooms of the school, the exiting and entering events * * *

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