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Biological Molecules
The bodies of all living things are made up of many different kinds of chemicals. Biological
molecules or Biomolecules are organic molecules, which are essentially required in the
metabolic processes of living organisms thereby, maintaining life processes.

The four main biomolecules are,

 Carbohydrate  Lipid
 Protein  Nucleic Acid

An average adult human body contains these substances in different percentages such as,

 Proteins 16%  DNA 1%

 Lipids (fats & oils) 16%  Water 60%
 Carbohydrates 1%
These biomolecules are macromolecules (polymers) and are made up of small subunits

They are made up of carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Smallest unit of carbohydrates is Glucose.
Glucose chemical formula is ……………………………

Small carbohydrates Large carbohydrates

Simple Complex
(monosaccharide) (disaccharides)

Called as sugars Cannot called as sugar

One sugar molecule Two sugar molecules Many sugar molecules are linked together

Easily soluble, Moderate soluble, Takes time to digest and absorb. Insoluble so
digested, absorbed digested and have a makes a suspension. Do not taste sweet.
quickly and have a sweet taste (not
sweet taste. sweet as

1. Glucose 1. Sucrose 1. Starch

2. Fructose 2. Lactose 2. Glycogen

3. Galactose 3. Maltose 3. Cellulose

Tests to show the presence of carbohydrates

Benedict’s test (for reducing sugar)

Iodine test (for starch)
Eg: Glucose, Maltose

Procedure: Few drops of Iodine solution is Procedure: Equal volumes of sugar and the
added to a mixture or paste of starch Benedict’s reagent (CuSO4) are added into a boiling
tube and heated over a water bath.

Test reagent : Test reagent :

Positive result : Blue black Positive result: Blue – Green – Orange – Red – red
Negative result : yellow brown/ orange brown precipitate.
Negative result : Blue

Lipids contain elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
How is a lipid molecule produced?

Test to show the presence of lipids

Ethanol Emulsion Test

 A dried sample of the substance to be tested is mixed with ethanol.
 Then this mixture is poured into a test tube of water.
Test reagents: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Positive result: The water turns cloudy (forms a white emulsion)
Negative result: Water remains clear

Proteins have elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Sometimes proteins contain other
elements such as sulphur and phosphorus.

They are large, usually insoluble molecules which are built up from simple soluble units known as
amino acids.

Different or same amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds and make long chains of

Draw the general structure of amino acid.

Protein shape

 Different proteins have different amino acid sequences resulting in them being different
 Even a small difference in the amino acid sequence will result in a
completely different protein being formed.
 The different sequences of amino acids cause the polypeptide chains to fold in different
ways and this gives rise to the different shapes of proteins.
 In this way, every protein has a unique 3-D shape that enables it to carry out its function
 The shape of a protein determines its function.
 For example:
o Enzymes have a specifically shaped active site - this is where a specific
substrate molecule fits in order for a reaction to take place
o Antibodies are proteins produced by certain types of white blood cells that attach to
antigens on the surface of pathogens

Test to show the presence of proteins
Biuret Test
Equal volumes of Biuret solution is added to the substance to be tested and shake gently.
Test reagent: …………………………………………………………………………………………
What are the components in biuret reagent?
Positive result: Purple solution
Negative result: Blue solution


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