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An analog LTI system with impulse response function h ( t )=u ( t+ 4 )−u(t−4) is presented
with an input x (t )=t [u ( t ) −u(t−2)].

a) Determine and plot the system output y ( t ) =x ( t )∗h (t)

b) Is the system BIBO-stable? Justify your answer.
c) Is the system time invariant? Why?
d) Is the system causal? Justify.
2. Suppose the signal x ¿) can be written as a Fourier series
0 0
x (t )=4 cos (4 πt +70 )+5 cos( 8 πt+ 85 )
a) Determine the fundamental period of x (t).
b) Plot the magnitude and phase of the Fourier series coefficient of x (t)
c) Determine the value of a 0 , a k ,∧b k for all k ≥ 1and x (t) is real and can be written in
trigonometric form as

x (t )=a0 + ∑ a k cos ⁡(k ω0 t+ bk )

3. For the given signal x (t ) shown below

a) Determine the total power of x(t).

b) Perform time scaled and sketch i . y ( t )=x ( 6 t ) ii . y ( t )=x (0.6 t).
c) Sketch y ( t ) =x (7 t−5) use both correct and incorrect thump rule and justify your

4. Let w (t )=t [u ( t−1 )−u(t−3)], define the periodic signal x (t) as

x (t )= ∑ w ( 3t +2 k )−0.7 w (3 t+2 k −1)
a) Sketch w (t) and x(t). What is the fundamental period T 0 of signal x(t).
b) Sketch y ( t ) = x (2−0.7 t)
c) Determine the energy E zand power Pz of the signal
z (t )=x ( 0.7−1.2t ) [u ( t−1 )−u(t−3)]. Sketch z (t).
5. Consider the signal x (t )=α t u (t)

a) Calculate and sketch the signal g ( t )=x ( t−2 ) −αx ( t−3 ) .

b) Use the result of part (a) in conjunction with properties of convolution in order to
determine a sequence h(t) such that

( ) [ u ( t+5 )−u(t−5)]
x (t )∗h ( t ) =
6. A periodic signal x (t )=2+ 3cos ( 7 πt ) +5 sin ⁡(10 πt) is applied to an LTIC system with
impulse response h ( t )=5 sinc (2 t ) cos( 4 πt) to produce output y ( t ) =x (t)∗ y(t).
(a) Determine ω 0 the fundamental radian frequency ω 0 of x (t).
(b) Determine X (ω), the Fourier transform of x (t).
(c) Sketch the system’s magnitude response ¿ H ( ω ) ∨¿ over −8 π ≤ω ≤8 π .
(d) Determine y (t ).
7. Consider a causal LTI system with frequency response

H ( ω )=
jω+ 4
For a particular input x (t), this system is observed to produce the output
−4 t −5 t
y ( t ) =e u ( t )−e u (t )
(a) Determine x (t).
(b) Plot the magnitude spectrum ¿ X ( ω )∨¿and the phase spectrum ∠ X (ω) over
suitable ranges of ω.
8. The signal y ( t ) =e−4 t u( t ) is the output of a causal all-pass system for which the system
function is
H ( s )=
(a) Find and sketch at least two possible inputs x (t) that could produce y (t ).
(b) What is the input x (t) if it is known that

∫ ¿ x ( t ) ∨¿ dt< ∞ ¿
(c) What is the input x (t) if it is known that a stable (but not necessarily causal) system
exists that will have x (t) as an output if y (t ) is the input?
(d) Find the impulse response h(t) of this filter, and show by direct convolution that it
has the property claimed [i.e., that y ( t )∗h ( t )=x (t)¿.
9. Consider an LTI system with input x (t )=e−2t u (t ) and impulse response h ( t )=e−4 t u (t )
(a) Determine the Laplace transforms of x (t ) and h ( t ).
(b) Using the convolution property, determine the Laplace transform Y ( s ) of the output
y ( t ).
(c) From the Laplace transform of y ( t ) as obtained in part (b), determine y ( t ) .
(d) Verify your result in part (c) by explicitly convolving x (t ) and h ( t ).
10. A complex signal x (t ) has a spectrum given as

X ( ω )= ω 0 ≤ t ≤ 20 π
0 otherwise

Let x (t ) be sampled at rate f s=24 Hz produce signal x (t ) with spectrum X ( ω ).

(a) Sketch X ( ω ).
(b) Has aliasing occurred in sampling x (t ) to produce x (t ) ? Explain.
(c) Can x (t ) be exactly recovered from x (t ) ? Explain.

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