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OXFO PENA ean Headway Test. Created on 08/04/21 Present Simple/Present Continuous Choose the correct answer. 1 Sheusually___——_to work, [ cycles, is cycling } 21 with what he said. [don't agree, 'm not agreeing } 3 He He's asleep. [isn't listening, doesn't listen] 4 this coat to that one. _[ prefer, 'm preferring ] 51 with my sister for afew ['m staying, stay] days Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 Mydad too much TV. (watch) 7 Sshtl to the radio! (listen) 8 He tennis twice a week. (play) 9 These birds from India. (come) 10 | some friends for a drink later. (meet) 11 My brother never meat. (eat) Past Simple Choose the correct answer. 11 some money in the [ found, finded } street yesterday. 2 Whattime the party? [did you leave, did you left] 3 We inthe same class at [were, was ] school. at work early today. [ stopped, stoped ] 5. Your friend his ticket. [didn’t bring, didn't brought ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 6 Economies at university. (study) htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on ant 7 We to Italy last year. (go) 8 When did your parents 2 (meet) 9 Where you when | phoned? (be) 10 1 up the present and gave it to her. (wrap) Past Simple/Past Continuous Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 While I was working, ° (© When she crashed 2 The sun was shining (© allnight at the p ° arty, 3. She was driving too fast (© two hours later! 4 We were still waiting © the phone rang. 5 Julia was dancing © when | woke up. ° ° Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 61 7 He 8 He 9 He 10 He Past Simple/Past Perfect for the bus when the man appeared. (wait) very strangely. (behave) when I spoke to him, (run away) my wallet and my watch. (take) a black jacket, (wear) Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 Varrived an hour late, (© two hours later! 2 I didn't watch the film © allnight at the pi ° ° arty, 3 We'd been together for o years (© When | woke up. 4 When the bell rang, ° (© When she crashed htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on 5 Ipicked up the phone, (© the phone rang Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 He went back to get his bag, but it (g0) 7 Iwas sure | him before. (meet) 8 When the light went green, the cars moving. (start) 9 Irealized | my passport. (forgot) 10 | didn't watch the film because it ‘on too late. (be) ‘going to/will Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 Tilhave ° (© allnight at the party. 2 Imgoing to look for «g © When she crashed 3 Will you answer oO (© two hours later! 4 Anna's going tohave © the phone rang, 5 Shall I get you ° © When | woke up. Choose the correct answer. 6 Do you think it snow this will, 's going to ] winter? 7 Ohno! That man falll_['s going to, will ] 8 Here, | help you with ['ll'm going to] those bags. 9 What colour paint your [are you going to, will room? you] 10. I'msure you find ajob [re going to] soon Present Continuous: future Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 I'm meeting ° (© allnight at the party. htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on ant 2 When are you going © When she crashed 3 We're having oO (© two hours later! 4 I'm taking ° © when | woke up. 5 Is Rachel ° (© the phone rang, Complete the sentences. Use: come, fly, see, meet, do. 6 What this evening? (you) 7 Which airport from? (Andrea) 8 How many people for dinner tonight? 9 Who you at the airport when you arrive? 10 the doctor tomorrow? (you) Questions with like Match the questions and answers. 1 What's your house like? © When she crashed. 2 Whatare yournew = «oy shoes like? (© two hours later! 3 What's work been like recently? (© When I woke up. 4 What was the band like? 9 © allnight at the party. 5 What were the bars like? ¢ (© the phone rang. Make questions with ‘What ... ike?’. Use the words in brackets, 6 What yesterday? (your exam) 7 What 2 (her husband) 8 What last night? (the food) 9 What in the year 2050? (London) 10 What 2 (your office) htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on an Present Perfect Choose the correct answer. 1 We each other since ['ve known, 've knew ] 2001 She illfor three days. ['s been, 's] 3 Chinese folk music? [ Have you ever heard, Have you ever hear ] 4 her exams yet? [ Has she taken, Has she took ] 51 to France lots of times. [ve been, 'm gone ] Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 Paula back from her holiday. (just arrive) 7 My mum a bike! (never ride) 8 How long your camera? (have) 91 to America. (never go) 10 your sandwiches already? (eat) Present Perfect/Past Simple Choose the correct answer. 1 My dad's in Paris, He ['s been, was] there for a week 2° Marlon Brando two [won, 's won] Osears in his lifetime. 3. It's eleven o'clock and | [haven't had, didn’t breakfast yet! have} 4) this film three times. [ve already seen, already saw ] 5 Ilast Alan this morning. [ saw, have seen ] Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 Elena today. (not see) 7 Tony his job in March. (lose) 8 We here since 2002. (live) 91 school three years ago. (leave) 10. Erika very busy recently. (be) Present Perfect Simple/Continuous hitpslt cup.comistudenthoadwaylinttestbulder?cc=globalaselLanguagt sit Choose the correct answer. 1 We've three of the four —_[ painted, been painting rooms ] 2 Imhot because I've [been dancing, danced ] 3 Ive my foot. [hurt, been hurting } 4 Jo's ltalian recently. [been studying, studied ] 5 He's alotof blood. [ lost, been losing ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 6 Ive some coffee for everyone. (make) 7 INe the piano all day. (play) 8 Fred's six sandwiches! (eat) 9 Ive just TV. (watch) 10 Who's nuts in here? (eat) Time expressions Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 Tread a magazine while G (© allnight at the party. 2 We've been friends sinceo, (© two hours later! 3 Ten years ago oO © when | woke up. 4 Lusually go for a walk at O (© the phone rang, 5 She doesn't smoke during (© When she crashed Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 6 We've been married for © allnight at the party. 7 Iwas born in ° (© When she crashed. 8 See youon O° (© two hours later! htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on 9 The meeting starts at (© the phone rang 10 I'lbe home in (© When | woke up. The Passive Choose the correct answer. 1 Grapes 2 Mycar 3. The school 4 What? Paul 5 Irealized that my bike in Scotland. [aren't grown, aren't grow] soll walk. ['s being repaired, 's repaired ] every week. ['s cleaned, cleaned ] 2 ['s been arrested, 's arrested | ! [had been stolen, was stole ] Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 6 Most toys in China, (make) 7 The post twice a day. (deliver) 8 This house 200 years ago. (build) 9 This party for months. (plan) 10 1 by a dog when I was two. (bite) Verb patterns 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 Amelia promised 2. [really enjoy 3° We'd really like you 4 Remember 5 Don't let the children me. (visit) round museums. (go) (come) your phone with you. (take) my computer! (touch) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 6 Did you manage 7 I'm looking forward 8 The manager refused 9 We stopped 10 | remember your car? (fix) Alex again. (see) to me. (talk) to look at the map. (walk) here as a child. (come) htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on ms Verb pattems 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1 Ihope you again soon. (see) 2. She can't stand | (tidy up) 3 Did you remember your mum? (phone) 4 I tried but | couldn't. (sleep) 5 stopped two years ago. (smoke) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 6 Ty more salt in the soup. (put) 7 I've forgotten any money! (bring) 8 The manager refused to me. (talk) 9. Please don't let them in here. (come) 10 Youneed more studying! (do) Modal verbs 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 You smoke anywhere in [ can't, shouldn't ] the hospital 2 You be careful with your [ must, can] money. 3 You pay for children [don't have to, can't] under two. 4 You eat so many burgers. [ shouldn't, can't] 5 You watch the film if [can, must ] you're over 15. Choose the correct answer. 6 you tell me the way tothe —[ Can, Shall ] station? 7 we have a menu, please? [ Could, Will ] el help you if you want, [ll shall ] 9 pass me that pen, [Will you, Would you please? mind ] 10 | give you my phone ['Shall, Will ] number? Modal verbs 2 htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on at Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 He's got three sports. cars. (© When | woke up. 2 He can't find his keys. (© two hours later! 3 [lent him 200 euros. © allnight at the party. 4 He's not answering the © phone. (© when she crashed. 5 He should be careful. © the phone rang Choose the correct answer. 6 He's late. He lost. [ must have got, must get] 7 Vean't the right number. [have phoned, phoned ] 8 It snowing last night. [ must have been, can't have ] 9 She asleep. [could have fallen, could fall} 10 Maria got my message. [ couldn't have, will] Conditionals 1 Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 Ifthe weather's nice, © when | woke up. 2 If was taller, ° (© two hours later! 3 If get the job, O° (© allnight at the party, 4 Ifyou don't slow down, (© the phone rang htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on ont 5 Ifididn'tknowany English, © When she crashed. Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 fit tomorrow, what shall we do? (rain) 7 If lwere you, | to bed earlier. (go) 8 If hated my boss, | my job. (leave) 9 Ifyou . welll be late, (not hurry) 10 If a headache, I'd come with you. (not have) Conditionals 2 Match the sentence beginnings and endings. 1 If 'dworked harder, © When I woke up. 2 Ifyou were richer, O° (© allnight at the party. 3 Ifyou'd seen me, ° © the phone rang. 4 If! hadn't been ill, ° (© When she crashed 5 fit broke, ° (© two hours later! Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 fl it, | would have told you. (eat) 7 me some money if | needed it? (give) 8 He'd have won if he in the match. (play) 9 Ifyou here, we wouldn't be friends. (not live) 10 Il a headache, I'd have gone to the party. (not have) Articles Choose the correct answer. 1. She lives in large house. [a, the] 2. Ireally love meat. [-,a] 3. Did you like holiday? [ the, a] 4 Ilivein Amold Road. [-, an] htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on sont 5 My brother is accountant. [ an, -] Complete the sentences with the correct article. 6 I prefer to live in countryside. 7 Have you got apple | gave you? 8 What's this? Is it animal? 9 Thisis great party. 10 sun is very hot today. Reported speech Change the direct speech to reported speech. Use short forms. "Ill arrive at six.' She said she at six. "You shouldn't smoke.’ He told me "Why are you crying? I asked him why he "Mel left today.’ He said Mel that day, "We're not married,’ She said they ahena Complete the sentences with the correct (short) form of the verbs. 6 asked how he his leg. (broke) 7 She asked me what | (want) 8 | thought you ill today! (be) 9. I didn't know you meat! (eat) 10 | was hoping you here! (be) wora.oup.comelh Copyright Oxford University Pre htpssolt cup.comistudentheadwaylinttestbulder?ec=global&selLanguage=on an

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