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PART 1: READING (30 points)

SECTION 1: What is the word or phrase which best completes each sentence? For questions 16-30,
write the correct letter (A, B, C or D) in boxes 16-30 on your answer sheet.

Câu 16: Copyright is a/an…………………….right arising from the statute.

A. automatic B. automobile C. automatically D. auto

Câu 17: Copyright arises as soon as an …………….work is created and embodied in a specific media.
A. creative B. original C. musical D. artistic

Câu 18: It is …………………, not ……………………., that is protected by copyright law.

A. the expression in a B. the idea/the C. the expression in an D. the trademark/the
particular tangible appearance of intangible form/the trade secret
form/the idea products idea

Câu 19: The copyright owner has an …………………right. That is, the author is the only person who
have the right to make copies, to sell copies to the public or to give a public performance of
the work.
A. important B. original C. exclusive D. essential

Câu 20: A patent is a territorial right given to the patent …………….. for a statutory period of years.
A. holder B. possessor C. owner D. leader

Câu 21: To be patentable, an invention must be …………………, that is not made public anywhere
before the filing date on which the application is submitted for patent.
A. story B. poem C. song D. novel

Câu 22: An invention must be capable of ………………………….. , that is use in some kind of
A. economic B. agricultural C. industrial D. cultural application
application application application

Câu 23: An invention results from a/an ………………………step. In the US, the test is to be non-
obvious – something distinctive which couldn’t be produced by anyone with relatively good
knowledge in the relevant area.
A. excellent B. inventive C. outstanding D. understandable
Câu 24: The inventor can transfer his property interest (from his invention) to another by
A. grant B. register C. assignment D. permission

Câu 25: A trademark needs to be ………………… the Patent Office to be protected.

A. registered B. announced C. presented D. submitted

Câu 26: A service mark is used to identify one ……………….from another.

A. service B. product C. artistic work D. copyright

Câu 27: To be capable of registration, a mark must be original and ………………….from any other
marks for the same/similar goods/services.

A. counterfeit B. fake C. distinctive D. similar

Câu 28: Not all trademarks are…………………... For example, the shape results from the nature of
the products.
A. registry B. registerable C. registrar D. registering

Câu 29: The trademarks may be licensed for ……………………….use.

A. authorized B. unauthorized C. authored D. created

Câu 30: The right holder can obtain financial compensation for losses caused by …………………..
A. legislation B. infringement C. assignment D. license

PART 1: READING (30 points)

SECTION 1: What is the word or phrase which best completes each sentence? For questions 16-30,
write the correct letter (A, B, C or D) in boxes 16-30 on your answer sheet.

Câu 16: …………………… practices are practices that reduce competition in a market.

A. Un-competitive B. Anti-competitive C. Non-competitive D. Im-competitive

Câu 17: …………………………………… are firms that control at least half of the market in which it
operates and has no significant competition.

A. Dominant firms B. Monopoly C. Competitors D. Joint firms

Câu 18: A …………………….. has complete control of a business activity so that other organizations
cannot compete with it.

A. dominant firm B. enterprise C. monopoly D. partnership

Câu 19: …………………….. is the practice of selling something for less than it costs to produce to
increase a company’s proportion of a market and to drive competitors out of the market.

A. Overcharging B. Price gouging C. Product tying D. Predatory pricing

Câu 20: ………………………… is the practice of selling one product or service as a mandatory
addition to the purchase of a different product or service.

A. Undercharging B. Price gouging C. Product tying D. Predatory pricing

Câu 21: ……………………. refers to the situation when a seller charges the prices of goods, services
to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair.

A. Undercharging B. Price gouging C. Product tying D. Predatory pricing

Câu 22: ……………………….is a collection of American federal and state government laws that
regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair
competition for the benefit of consumers.

A. Real property law B. IP law C. Competition law D. Antitrust law

Câu 23: Money that you have to pay as a punishment is a …………………….

A. bad B. fine C. good D. nice

Câu 24: …………………is money that a court orders someone to pay to someone else for harming
them or their property, or causing them financial loss.

A. Damages B. Effects C. Consequences D. Limits

Câu 25: Director …………………… the situation where directors are banned from managing a
company if they don’t meet their legal responsibilities.
A. disqualified B. qualify C. qualified D. disqualification

Câu 26: ………………… an official statement from a court of law, telling someone to do
something or to act in a particular way.

A. Court information B. Court order C. Court letter D. Court menu

Câu 27: A/an ……………….. is a group of producers who increase their collective profits by means of
price fixing, limiting supply, or controlling the prices of purchased inputs.

B. dominant firm B. undertaking C. cartel D. corporation

Câu 28: The …………………. is the obligation of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will
prove the claims they have made against the other party.

A. witness B. burden of proof C. prosecution D. trial

Câu 29: …………………………. occurs when a company assumes control over several production or
distribution steps involved in the creation of its product or service in a particular market.

A. Vertical integration B. Square integration C. Circle integration D. Triangle integration

Câu 30: …………………….is a strategy where a company acquires, mergers or takes over another
company in the same industry value chain.

A. Privatization B. Vertical integration C. Horizontal D. Acquisition


Câu 31: The percentage of sales in a market that a company or product has is called
A. market percentage B. market number C. market share D. market proportion

Câu 32: A term that describes a company that produces a virtually identical good or service that is
offered for sale within the same market as those produced by one or more other companies.

A. Immediate B. Local competitor C. Domestic D. Overseas

competitor competitor competitor

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