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ROJGAR WITH ANKIT aefarr or Por ty Demo -oL =——~= SyWlabus eRe UH Ceonsdttuert Assemb-y ) + dB op Rei CRAnatton of Censtitutfon) . TAT | sgefren CPreambde ) ofa SHE gazes eer ator (Union B's) Jorttedes) + ota C citizenship) + S05 siPonr<, Cfundamentat Rights) © oer & AP BBare aad (Hintctive’ Prinefpte of State Peticg) + ag apfieer Cfundamental ducted) + atehher onebarftron The Union executive) + coy A onto Cthe ste ayreutive) get facaTferal (the vaton Jegteatabire) + xray eater (The state teyiel edo) & acta orearPray (the union execrdiie)™ President 2T6x7 _ President saree Ly vice Lo Prime Minister 9! Lacounetl ¢ Ministers Lindtonny Gersral HHT a act A arate (the state bx ecutive) Groveinor VTS cay maingetr Ly Bakeg (a7) L Advocate General Gerleraa) ROJGAR WITH ANKIT * dedpr feeerferon (unten teptdertved—=? faxtiamect RT Lok Sabha Rajya Sebha = State eee Syenrmy) I aber (Feeney jslative Assembly (Peer t7HT ) eter counet& wREG) + encla SIAIRT] (socal sy GoveanmentJ—> gerre oop = raat mynd cip abit © enact IITA (the Inclign judiciary) 7 1- Seems Coat (gerry ETOH) 2 PR cout (Seq -URTAT) + Prafaa aretiai ( eleetion Commission) Audis General) * Ream ed zerereat dsr C comptroller 4 Aa) © gq ora Aap aretv (varon public sevice commissien) vara ofte Bar givin (state public duwitee coermission) © Terre] (ofpictat dorgusye) © sro ard C&m fro vis bq) + sigafee (stheslules) * fear & v3 (forts of cong titection) oxtant conciffetion Amendment (sFangt 2terer - aires) ROJGAR WITH ANKIT ert P01 COonstituent fresemb4) SH ce cos Sash eTtOT, (arpa decum ent) & ee oa i ongght ost. re F7 (Rules and taus faamintstaedve agin) 3- et ofan A ane ERT A go aaia & fare (apatematie: wag) 2 er opens sex (werd) on et gun PAIT Pat ae tay Fr > satel) + i 6 ret FRG Cotnrrmenbory TEA formad)—> Bp Nov- 1927 o SeqaM— tie XS area (gree een > S Rate Pda — "Go Back Stmon” * (TRF arse onstt JS + ona eerer — abats 7 : 1d) gaa) Cchablonge) A Caney Indian National Congress e (orrerffy ard FT pil pad A) gat fe ot om Beenie, BET Cometutonat Bayt) | cone oR aed Ge A sige BF |. eA A andar F. 2 ye Adler Dep Aorta FF ear 216A om sea mn). (comm tee) = Re A= € Rak Aa Jo Aug L928 (ese RS) 2 Maha RI eae (rea A iy Al ta ao eq sree ATE 7H 3 3 sn ofa mply > mucmember | fanbiawnae $55 # aaa 9 mals membre a legislative Retell ener or ¢ (rarer) a A ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Gmctiduent Arssembily, ant 1935 At 1937 auction 9 sid HD, 9 wie H ody trator 4) UOTE auf ( Bier, dome dries) F IOTR ey ath | =p > ipgottl woll wor — 2RoId alk Cet 35 a rifftisa cabinet = afte (anitttlaeog. SAAT Le Recta TBA ae anita oral FY, aide Hfisas et gs Bea wader re I. d => ofa Abwrss —» Resign Ccerompp fea = Oct 1939 cob 26 Are ama Ser Cony 20 enins wate ) N@=) Indian Nedforal Gongaess (rad etext oD aug 3 29 dee 1885 UTI 9 Go SIP ABT canta A) gall 9 gem cfr 4 - _ afm Row AA 92 dee 1935 (Liberation lng) BR sail samt amy ste fara SSH FP eT], August Proposed lqfe @ am-i940 SFA 2 SETA aang onitt oo Poreif ret ROJGAR WITH ANKIT sae Ft Reha sate ote 4) onsferiett F Rermmandotins ouxdyy a1qea SH) sixour oe Receronane Inereage dhe humbor 4 Indfans in txecutive t gevoner prem: 275 aE aoremTe Rag of ate Per orm | fosmed gee pelncuhy councit, . ger 9 HE ten Al TET * ane sa FAA a veae SV SENS, Mustim league Yay Fer c wee son wear IPeek 1940 sun ems) o aqrarel (Arar aH . sax arenme 2 de AMER oT FEB x attra sere DS feel] ~aéhi 3frarerr >t over tet FY cau? ance Bod}) Se oy Seer — Tete Ber Mfssien ¥ oda aT of a an Pe ge Teaeald wien. al in LP pro teeratte — Seprey of Tadur's 4 a aren > fer view q nao + ea Para a3 ark 1qy2 aA Reel 31177 | calpps misseo come te Delhi fa 2374 march I9y2 7 BART chaltnan — ROJGAR WITH ANKIT one DS mraTR 1 We oT cMOF AG 2 SIT SHH STAG, Y =, a3 xara PafRra arava wel 51 SPF Recommendations & — aue % sectors, or (51 | Muslim tegie 7 Repeet) waar ovelbolt F gases $1 ay » sition éF4 3 (Post dated cheque) A set A] ita fe , “Ratha aeRe) (Medi ft ution ¢ xe Tet world wars (L439- 1445 feale faa a Zura Boa Fort aera eeret ox ote 2 = ae (_Gnduet 4 adhe Genoal elechons In BATtain ) = at sear — eet veo (an) of cemmons' pm — 14 march 1946 dy “House Cita At dag maga @) Mond & ai ier oh 2 omcchy BH TabT SF 97 sie 2, ROJGAR WITH ANKIT geiarr He class-2> Petty Bfacte fer em (Bsftaln) = Eee peel] © RT on ATTY 4 Bat uk relia * Seger = city (saa ara) ae: 2 sraqaiqey > i) Darl Oce ( SI (tren menbers) OR roe (it) Be dje BIAOOSR ( Pgattt) inet (Beetf) = 24 march 1946 RORGI sad} Revita qe seed wer Kecommenclastony C6 dee 1946) sifjeart gar or Frate) : Cmoning of Const pusnt *esembly) Sead 3T rae! » Prafitra — -sugezca fafaret — aid) Preerasiontatt Indinect elechoy aT * Membos province Legislative Tas an tof fo ora area KOM) Representative 2 so dita 384. = Rema (division) 242. ay geats 4S Atos BRA yore via ROJGAR WITH ANKIT => Bratt > Tuby-Argust S146 cdeots = 276 : Noteo| Pafra 2% are Fafl Rawat B sx Brake on Bod seatr- INC 4 eae #3 scats — Muslim league a 15 Seat ~ 4 seals =» Smallgmoups 9 ~ B Seale ome Snclependent membos- SPyerergon — afeara’ a) steer ge te) HIT Nos females fr con shitert Assembly Anglo Sndiian = sc=26 ty > sT=33 far es dra Aad Hater 3 STEARATE aan AGEN, BH) SPAT SP HT = 213 Shear son H ga BCT = Gea tert = Bo Pehl gfen= 4 2 eared] > PH AY ae oo Fee) offal SR AS srott fren yar en) A Fl. . “ Afar 1 Brertey, fepmadion of conetnen) ear sn guy Fa =9 dee /146 ; Be de ere (seme) == = TRE ATHG pen — 2g Pe to (Adhoe> chairman area — aReeAT (senboatg) - wea 2 o& Ree) (Befly sera central hall) a qed) A ROM —y 201 Ne- of members ate it dee 4946 ree (cre Das Se EE ATG, y ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Hoc. Iauft’ anays ‘Deputy a eeoarad) ~ amas 76 feat tars [3 dee £944 sre )gasna — sdkxy yeaa Sere c Accept) 22 Tan L94F rad se B ark 3eRIy TRIG? Ant sqeyG= 8 Coyeettve BMI) rn ore = 13 dec 1146 Pay Bate Beg L. Neha ore} ser Luo sree 2tereara 4) aaa, & TT anita |, ROJGAR WITH ANKIT edits Sr “rity Class ou Meeting ~ sa- 29 Prag SF rey Ste de SIRs, GUO? Te 6 oy I tb L- Bo vae Hh / 2 pao srmorenA Tae a. areas] eeoreql FEAR, an Sterne 4 Nevlqys— 4 ater (RR) A seer CPirstrsadingy 7 NOW HS 2 der a Ren orn 21 TE Reading > 1S Nov 1748 - 1F-oct 4144 Pane ee rt (biecussin on ahe Report) £ ST (xi tea BHT) ai! Reading —> 1y Now 1949 ~ 26 Nev 1749 at wiftieerer ony Probar onl gat EF ter | Ant 345 3 ofl Shear a eet art Sehsduder~ 8 stilesa pela, cAccept) FZ faboar (Brn orn |, “sont Ral aka Herat RI » » » » » é , , ROJGAR WITH ANKIT ~ Pant Class-0F cyanea = ag nov. 1949 4 Stee, alafiipa Adept) to Soh + 26 Jan s45° And ~ 395 reeute, argafiret Gechedtules) » 8 [ afta — Ae-470 ora) [Ponts = 24 sas 26 Nw-1949 — sheet Raf I = ST TIT =D, 6 particies By 61%18, 9168, 324, Ree ' giltaarat = 1+ 345 366, 3671349 38%, Gessters) 308, 291,392 39339 eget ai@Paia 212 24 Tan 1150 afar IH AL sifra Fem Qast mecting of consttruent assembly) Q ~ ‘on acts ae ee > go Bam — 205 (165 fer cree) ees € 5 24 Tan 3450 ae Ra seat ve tren, (IAI est Bor Se ares ge ey es a rot TAK ufr ig ama aT gum xu aA STAT |. => eh Ra avorner, (oer ae- FD HR apahla CaF ATEN) A Sarat aT) sah ter eur gon GD vin [Preaea (discbuad) 73, Rian SHH se Sra sera (intent Poatiomert) % aRerhfet oe RI | Temponaty (armeit)— 24 Fan i950- eur] ing = 1952 fechoma coud (Pameanext Frabiamert) as rs Sut 5 falter (Publishes? gata Paves 23 ayaa OV Fer HAS Cyannehun’ sotaf dime 4 making mn stitution - 5 A, aha Bor a { 2 ys Ld months "Bay me 2 TE Ra pure bind > ga od, aera ora etal axpense 63,946,429 3 OO ROJGAR WITH ANKIT , > Sart a and env 2 Brit PPreat > Dap Perk} ARPT 217TH vont Snalfan Conatiteeton CHInat + enghich) > 2 pes Ag errr AA => span A Batt aia sw |. pov cop ley Copice ports gerd =2s) | - FERRE words (aTea) 11 #369 stihl] cengtish words) = 1,4 6,387 = dears we SF aR OS HR SRR, (teeter ef cons Huet assembly) aug? . xifteara Al gray ese conshinets> HBT) ATER astatem ects : rota TH + seca @ ero rarest} => Bova gf] Petitcel Horesce pe eopererar oy Steere 5 Remi got (kg ccahhutien) <> Ste FS sur FATI > — go Tan 195° objective Resectarien apf aaa gear After! &) sxataey % 4 «af gray 27 ) 4 Pee te Me Sx) 9 13 dee 194 aa wala 7 Badan saeep pera &) Serary 9 a a UF nptroduct ©? of conecttution ROJGAR WITH ANKIT class-26 Class“86, ed _sereay/ | (Preemie) FRATAAT o> axa] (Question) 9 GAMA ater orsia fe Pol 4 constitution 7 eenfh are 219609 gery Bx far aR rT lL maleing ¢ Jaw's fre county A sey eo SS seq rer ater % wit Saver imendment in constitution Pant of cenaditation= i Original consittubem Part amar = 22 apg iter => adam = a6 1! Hararry sR aan BRAME = IHS 8 _ Supreme Cast ve sstecte * feral gag ater B fea) of] se HSH ope THT Pana sear opmaga cep (Ansic csauctwre + cometchehin) BY BER Peitamerd — whet fs baste ad Nreture 3 7 2 gene etarr car 2? se ag 2A RST ial azn maa A El BY ana aarget aging say FAT eR Fudiqad Judgement eats reer ROJGAR WITH ANKIT * Saar ag B eae Fea Hered yer pag 24nd 1qye org, TAT Ioint emotitfion D waren WY ge is a ~ ——— i Sool bist ' 9stling, mimae codes aecqesat Detepsttg — 6! Afoe ile yer / aR © ey oma 3 ct)" We sthe people of Indio prer 3 ofa! = ahead 51 wa CAouree of constitection) sone ¢ Public iia sore afeaai or Beg Are Center fork of ott Powers) 2° gel vyca aim 3 “ ( Sovertgn) rarer wien re courdny " smet > End epenctert ( gz alell (Based on Netnuvian Medel) ae a‘ Hise SSN <> aaa & any Meroe Kesounees 4 pereleporl Division Ltn eyaliy. faut cuestion Empey Serer a aft Fis vl eacee ATAPI clean envive nme Heatth saree ate ROJGAR WITH ANKIT GuS7S Csecutend Add on» 42 CALI 5 z Am peligiens axe squal > 24] car. SAI / Fa Coucby SHE] ITT os eat AF). chert tr on at =>. Demecsae Austen enphe Decne Auster Peep . , + sqgtey (Besar = aH om atta, ov? 3 Ae oan’ at sare (Base) = FISD es sagt + sPiPaer ators! Gras > sere (ond oer ey aaa B aR ome aperar at ul (Representative) eye mp's = memb & 4 Paaliqgrnent 2 SAG MLAS — Memb 4 Legistadive fissembly feet) > yer ROJGAR WITH ANKIT erg class-o t ——— ~yeavaetl [TIRES oranda — > aX = Indinect democracy STITH orracia} — b ws «a Ae 2 TT feat = EERSTE cit sre He aie oft A teat tection sper irene pip regindials > Ta cereReteT Lapisentive fase lp 1 (iep whic > aegreney = enema Head pnetion Pye stelest L afr Post (QD = elected rac Pritain > Republte x Littead 4! pestion King [ @ueen 9 Hereditory asad oeyele —= ROJGAR WITH ANKIT iors “(Pourent aaa &) ST RreTTy ” Prafoat 27 eT ot afeene 4 Liberty - sum fre Thoyght d Sarat spremea Expression 4 Praart Belief t east Rattgion surat Wonshtp. 4 . 4 Equally Lg sore aftrrar Status * waraal srry opportunliy - 4 + PRAT (unity) : > degra (Paaterntty) ‘ + SKEET Cinegntty ) > Add on tls are = 42 cn 1946 : Ca on -dtst ar un ) Spero FAP ‘ . ax (most b = adra4r (Uibvrty > a Aa ae inp: element of State & > aarear Cequality) —Pogier Al amie kaurty és : = dept (fyatearity) French Reveluetion , OD Seti ( = Reader wat ure Fafa ey Fa a ush- q Sehedules | araaaferin ‘ ar MFA (4ntztnak constuction j= 8 achaq FW (an present ) = Am gu aa — 26 tales cet) 2 on atu a Ba aifere $1 tonfon tutes? Gel ny geet} ID spswragrrorare "9 7K cnn Ga oeey “9 ®) eRe Vi) SAAR errefy & srnduchedule > Aateny , Pension Constthustinal officers — Baer setters ? gtalrs s ROJGAR WITH ANKIT © atau (President ) : 2. em (speaker) : “LS ond Legislative fesely Ls 382 Renan SUTTER (+ sheater) p " 3 RS and JegisJative caunct} — Chafrman Carrara) Re cy (art) = ent. srr a Tudges Ceznayefany Se Ss > CA SH aga (| President) Art 6° wt eg > Union & eens sane (vice Preside) A eethay az HS zremurer (qevtasy) Ad 159 — mpg, MLA'S, MLC —> faXTTURTG on Ry Ya ht cre Membr ¢ barettive Gund <4 3 3 Xa) 2] = geal ris} CPM), aR em) 233 Bee population) _ gaienye ere . sched z Lider Be ania & 3 sitive} Bare Gh RE Renee as On Mad teites awh ie Sey a sear(e tna) CERAB a4 otetes nominate stegele ai eon BRIG oo BFA —> SE ATA (upper House) Horice of Fastiemet arcdy on SGT, aerann tk Ff 2160 aut Heuse of state Fy trad} @ BS ore foe Clegtslacfive Pssemb)y) pon at ist me) ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Peat Ligss-s2: : SERRAT | - Aehecule sd: SE ichedhe co ee duteeaste oTgegre orth pe (Ane ST+ Schedule Tathe say ect t J centred & Admini: Apechion STRATA sk er i ; MEDD st AW on sonar Se Prey ATMM— SRIF» Pog Nereer , frotay Wi, ee ary acon % AM aihret on ay Pousrs belercen conserd ctate Division ¢ a ath - 2 Re] Unden ated | 21077 aalette aig | spraAtsxel] ales Avy LS cancun ent ist Bubfeds faa =SQ Cont fer2W) ci Ul) on ede een, RR, : 9 RRraih cara yer und} x7 yay STE] . snow sett — eargarre 4TEY VRATA YF aia, 2g, ahetey a7 1 srrert xpef] ~~ Céatral + state eu 6 TED 7 Sia af SAY array’ A aver ae} feaeH oe ong ot Bax a (elitpule) B vid at Bez RBI ) org 0 on |. = Ben Cedezatien) * a thonat). fae (Manto (ies te yf Shei aireriey C offytetal tanguag*) ger eae! = A | adie ~ 2% Oniatnal castuden aricn £169 > {H CWI — 4 June 1993 Ree Muntet p al? erie LE ete orfetor afters fae = 19. Prag, Pere aredlg” shied & aire Sources of gy ton Comstihation K Soe Rent Prete) & war Si Pana 250 2 ewrrt calor & ab frecta an csyenrar (Ban wr BY serch} are ain? oF oP onediz RIB BS srager Pa aiframt Gah) = 60 37h aa er ngewe a pon Broiadion ¢ — be cout nacnrsn 1 jo BAD 2 year” af => oneer}sr aa ela “8 Carey 4304 =7935 6 SRT Act = ss oa ater B 250 HaKeles BY dean Ard -= 321 a aia zn seh my A aifhret eave |. Schedules = 1? feats = 14° ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Pott Class-05._ sadly Speirs B sits Sounces of consthfetion’ + Petar differs 3 — sted ama cl? Poabiamentarg, system a + Prag ore Bicamerak ay ston ° = * lmao & oF ABrTese arate ee saree (srg 15 (39). cence 2 eeunett Ba Rs + Cobtee five sres poosibrti hy . - ministers --LS rah eet 6 TA > VP, mn D igcor . Stayer” Lofgren: a Xx \ ae. stem) 9°47 actu Big cont) 9 ferrerern FAERIE tagteeais OEY aatce ; . ae Byers F awa FH” zee Hy Shes - % yearaar SUR arerfas 2 fe od i mas fe S i Read Head corined® + pa eorftes ute miiseos Alagte Juctict any ager | + Alar rie A sien <4 fe (HEP on aR Rute of tows . cata + Pel seo “single citizenship a -Paeaion S ceed 3 Sensor vd sazen iy «penn “haere vin igislatie OP 5 ] PRE fax lionent » Rreafon 3 arene ft ogProni Stecke Tet > math ES eel fT HOSAT datee VP Leg sladea, ROJGAR WITH ANKIT “safer Ha F sem ce goer ot on Fob arom HS Aaa 1 azat (DPSP) ©1934) Dincettee PAtneiple 4 state Patfcies «eaten -eron , Pra roe, Bret alr Fore zroy apn AP gee? ACE G1 ATT RS > 12 member — Nominate Parstdert . anya a Pera OSA OA uel Edectonal college % President 3-. atger rey sARaT See ge) = ag ae —— g adamentet Ri +g eaRyay- 1 TK. Thought 4 Preamble canegy aq eR AL OFBAL Tempeh mew sate FaRaaad or Reign Tuelicink Review «gears -eeTUHeeHT = Tndiepenclent Tucliciay, «femora aia) pau (Pablte Entencst Lt ation) pty: hed aries OF seq cARUCTT > earner faa ety or 4 eal : oaqynguia I Te fost of utce Pres tclent afer atid Financtect emengencgs satGera sata A 3168 Banta srieyter _ state Legislative fiss — Approval apr yTCreerTet et ft Langues. “f Preamble » erred 3 5 cenetevrenct fst + Seq sree STR Contre stette Retatfons ; saree i aes Dletson of Powers faq 8 GEN aarti A) digact Feo ROJGAR WITH ANKIT (Yefnt sessien ¢ Partiiarmont)- 5 ars — Sefer area gonett (Fedenal ay stm) sre, ar enuf 3 praerd Gaerne 2a Crowancy Recred the bist fas Phesidext- -garenr See Powerful cette © earattrce, aren’ ot Rigaed Resicluany Powers — corer HZ) sarety' Ao ere A) OR fagRa saul + SS Tay _s! oma” eaters . 6- uaa atatlera Advisory Jur sclictien— Ouesident we ot W afeter fateh arn eenfda sh Accorcling ste prote-dune 4 clabsrched by Low +- eB arParT — sehen A sei S South AFATCA Methed ef consti tutin Amendment An¥- (868) (errr ¥ Past ~ 20 + Tey THT erexat on Peatra erection % members + Rafya sabha pe Safer ara (en) ARATE > ge ater] See ( Fandameniat, Duties) cates arent, — 3 GhTS IY ° gxaram S- whe — sea aie Gero Republic Sy stem (1946) xiao waTaaT od deged Gare Liberty, Equaiity and facdewnty, ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Lo- ort & dim sfheaa (1933 8 2 aera sa SAR Seraeaag CNB ST em ogy Prouisi's SRA area HPP 1935-45 ope] 250 HEP TRA Se STA 19185 4 Caafh ang A nl gs oftada 3 ae. ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Polity, chass-le ey Ae avon seer Ast The Unfon 2 rile Teantiony Part © HISI)- b Anticle Cargr ery) = 2-4 ® dq Union —a.gafh areth HY ater SET FD op, 31 Re SS ae i Federal crea ste $ srest Br erat 27 €x- USA: Asticle= +> tndia-Jpirea acai on iq BN | India thet fs @hanat ‘A union q states - feop> 28 276) Tey Vator ce Be5 after seet sUCFa a) Required Anea « Article 2 5 HS) rar set BY a rch) sare Lina Tat & AER out of Inclia. i : + aqey BS CAeq wre) se = ss stkkion, Goa. QA TOY = — 9g IEF = e Sikkin > ah i fheny ment 9 elke ve > azerRTaes FereTe STTRRACS Antu amr steel 2 SR ag 1 AN ie >” aretray 37 mat parr ead ore oath (Aa 868) AN AS dareutaher, 3 sift sister 37% Ant 3 Go sxe GP SB) STAT — 2G to. 8 (aire ae aqraro) EEA UP 9 vitaralchand ol faq i oo ce a a oe “5 gh proses Lom get HRS RIC Introduce) ackeny = 543 4 ira pesent & VoHn J Gara (Sept a is Bae BaEY Ras — Prange Oe pe cS oe « = rel piseuss io f = write _ Pass oe ED ari a A grey Rear =e * F poe Qe — President $F ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Hoi aaa Z) Gate Legis tine > L Pass ana date Amundinant ase earl) th meet sie 8 Re Sibrarl’ el 2. & Presidest —» ECAR Act /sfeierand |orRT aero" 371 |. ROJGAR WITH ANKIT fou Class" dq Bh sao 1071 a4 ‘Qaa] aig ear exer afar — (1960) Supreme enat 85771 1 Berubaxs case Yb unite Gowssmenk — Sgearay amarery Qo er 319° 33 cle Sq et srccfty %- 2ST a Pal} see V1 BF Hora? A 053 «Tort Thdgeme ot a AY atre Mak PR cree ‘Dan af} 38 Der apart MS Meara D sisters waar @TT |, >» Asa] often ace 2 Lsterg Aaa YW Gate Eeaeprr Ow gH 1960 — Baers} Shs ors FART aw aivciih, gndiat sing dag afferearat SST Riot 2 Loo ch 2015 ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Reorganisation of states arent on Grate 4, wa 8) anordh & TATA nist wpemand ) + Tee D 1 Mier ate Undeperclece. of Snatfes fers gras ain > fear > . anor anual 2iet— are ° alles Linpusst'e Base Atates formed brat 2 ste tes ea OM chefrman of censtitient Assembly > Dr hofendra Pras od. eg X apiter (Comomnisson) =, SET > PHB" ure arqerdh gipnst et | oT 5 Tunes 748 sed ant oer A -aapue PRA fe 27a aferee mee 71-7) 9 incon ao ot BTea ET ¢ fxtire — to dec 1948 / Ls Saar eran B Sede YR TTA BET of) rar ~FRE | wey > sarefracaaen (Administ Aative aystrr 9 avon Pease fn, edhe ed aor > snicrg Gase). oP ~ gisa formed 9 1948 *. Typ_conmnblifs 3 AA, CATER 1TH yee aru os ea PF faerery onef—» oy Awe TR Aree f oerer sien ot Ta! AT IBA Aar «ike 2 -8\'2 RAL Hg Apa 1749 Sy) a otaet TH) ETAT ~nihep |. suet B BAR TR NH x 97H Teluyy 2 S stared yD = Rn), i oe1( dead (te wy 7 The a eT comes SAT GR OR YEH. (deatn statke) ROJGAR WITH ANKIT 2 i Ret > srerey avast % aq — Ay (death) Lis dee 196%) % syegay ie ENS Fe > wey 3 wea Bard pm Peek Nersugn 9G7 STE sate «16g 3 oer 4) fron |. Lingutste Sherr 3 asm sar grorka sue Wet Hyssop SEA = 4 oct 3903 Saige aera 1 AF sigan _gevoeve erm te ~ jase arom get (Stede Re orga’ x m0 gaat SATA =. aa 72 $993 _Atate Reorganization SS sear _, "enmg GRIT SI te lll Rane ree Bea 2 LEY UG wah He pate WAR, otha MembAs o- aqaremt Bre ep en eh 2 ; at? ait oTea er merle ort srar sire 2 Ree > 1955" gre shir sear Tee! nigatien ) : ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Ruty Clase!% apitaar —— ee srteq sry) 3963 gat op RAE — a0 dee 1955 I Pood Sa By ¢Reasaaryn MA HAT 4 AAI Coadeponte? a ona f afer sen UT 28 aren 3 tore anita Fear oe war | cas - a aner gator sftifeer mR 4 oval ~uTeR | eit 2 HPV + Attote eatin 4 ger Rena Tar cA 395% Reongantzation ct (Rone) wen. qusy gostor siftiRrear last— germ Puke Pr | = tH 0H ¢ Ber anf GET > 6 Lt = F = 3! oct 2019 artara 3* 28 qetera 9B > 1 Be anor Gea = 1962 ae mB} CHAD 4-41 Rpt af B26 Ton 200 r 16 2 4CMLG2) iT ite ap FAIL. eng da on Faery HEH | andl aroha FY Speonte ~ Pot ay son ward aga q irae aE Serer t Home Mintstoyy) arnitsa)| —S°F] (stylos 6aitein wea tenes Guat) = venl 3m fy S Ren 2 Tahun from B34 Fein ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Dual citizenship — ogi ue gt tm aie 6G’ A) ART? ated} arerRara) efaiaey art & art weg ated) eT era} @)- | use 2 4 avatar = SOrReiCEs : ay enaritar’ = 21a A (SP) Antic um ate Gare afr of ord) PB ae error A eeabiga ener ac Sad B13 sively ertoihorar” ath ; I (Related to eflseenship) Ja5%5 Indian ct taensSP } act 1985 THT HT Te sy Stet Psd 7). , j get, “ae tiga, avdeod, B+ Lee se vee ai cet 2 7 , sion Ger eH aqeeryaal a syed Cs) — cS aroviates (16) — = eRe feral F228. agate — 197% (23,2425) Prnwr. asqurriel een — 3907 & > seers fi 2s) Pr 4 Nov: 2609 difreaica Sa etree (wih 28) ~~ ; Congtttion sarees UPON meee Anand rns ae 15 Nev 2000 STRATE (BE 4g Tune 201% seta (sirepb@e) — Sets 2) 2g a dune zo — TOI mer PARA => 36 cA LIF Astieiale 26 acho S aac Tae = 2019 BIS PH Becr 3945 Jer VTE ser ae bs, cet Be ork om TED Beg onde Rev ar an oTaT) Unb Te TO, JK = oar” {BO eR |. ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Patty Class~1 3. aPiRasarT Atom ay orator Here laos —> ase _ , ‘S sara oma: A 19Gb, 19921 2ow3, QooT, 2oIS, Pld a a aise (Anyndmert) ocr erent) Sy [By bIMN> Jags ofr / Act 1955 AR Lae San $950, a8Sr N@D- sary BRA CORN OM) L7H stajrerat— i906 aet warm PN Ge MRT en apiesat FEW! ( Race cad Indiad WB AL po, saa APIA Son ITP | Ciincian ctt=en) s- By Descect _ (orn wha — Haat B AMER D Gz gaeRT FR) Phair v{ HI At ~ oud m4 Sndia - =—— é C i zi Ack 4 196% ne Jan 1960 & ate ( Pat ha ora L on Tae BR BAe UA DS WT gained + 1992 sxe fret sraa DB arate Bid Addon Vis anat~ Ren Nsfe—> 3 dee 2604 BIER ford) oreRh HP UTA enya aree & er SH ATS 3 ur on TORR ( Regist nation 9 £ oD SRT Cestinin ot yeor > 327 Say orate ATTA ( Inclian Ambasy) F sza3n Ez | wegpis tects 3 f egy — Indian oniginede Queda Fe) . ty ora 2° Fara 4a$ (sn8q2 A) RS xf) si fo Teli 4 clote ton Residence, fo Tretia efsee e goette Ayachon 3 By ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Yar ade Baar oar ana A gor A Sify Boh 3) ace & ae wna 3 arex Pare (RestdenaeV/ Z tAsen —5 Place Birth tncliad Restdeneo ~ ert Inclia . iit) Bahl Boh aRer see ysa (trdlan Male) 4 Bare (Masiog) oe ga M1. fy) srrey aries? 8 sreemeey oF Cringe chitdren andian ce bieen'S). a A BY Natuatization 4) AS Balt carBa of awe C Seis) ee Sp eh cen Sr HN srotear on URED os aTrely tIerROe TET aan Oo caeh} zguen HTX STR HSA I. ¥ * 2 - = 209 W SH AeTHR ir) a st ded Ct oat ne Be “=, nD BR sais ya erat} oft pop sen ovr reea] It geod Rramnge G ory ARE ee ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Potty eles Sy eHeRO aT_ = fy Acquison 4 tend aa AR AeA) BE oe Geer FH sar aro sr ar ox omge Bret Prar & a SEO SIS fae De ea ai Ba ort 2% enonttas FF. IpncAaels” serra TRO ste CO ate =e gem 5] EM arr FR, L near ale § aetoen ar eT AR! Gopnang 4 aF am simr aren xEA 42 (consecubtre yeor!s ‘ ayerD ‘ b A> saan wien Pal) gaa Breve SR Caad oa 3 ax x4 RO) . ‘ > Glesz (Ry sednation) > aah FH ae & as A : ws ae ( talgettn) ean Ae ct araer Tet Ft atx GfS staz Cutinin S see’), tout} sree BAP SR 208 ay SUVSTAS Al ot pereffiae] sreRter Fy 4 une & B Bai eee ETAT EY ore | Anticle 9 Sifter B WR rea ah ctoikwrr ® atl Ba ae ats 2 reo ' Ant: 6 tres BURA :, fe India from alciston + Pysen's come Aa Da Ant 6? pixa ® tex AEP ON og, % afer apie * | a Qa A Ba A) roReaa pase a BO a ET Fach re ma a wet] . scree ial aw ise Gay eda A Teg ead Canlaon extary ~~ oun erteafh | davy B aR A ot x Nene Resid ence Dn tlan’s CN RE) => aitrench ana a ate ear 162 mn a HRI foe al ara & Atel Le STR india Passport canta rae) G44 EE EK EY SSS ISIS SS ROJGAR WITH ANKIT PTO—Persen 4 indian sated sen wet exe A] —Spromd = WR eaGaBwe mE cord 5% oat A TERA wig ayaa sila a fey fessp cmege) \ pveaseas adh Bt | 6 sizen of Tell cr citer qin fe yo acct PM Presper. cand Oct cam : capo aslt a cepenicte) = te Jan 207° citmenakip Boendmest gif ofl ea Sr amie, PET act roti & 314 ein pat V9 aye oral CAiegat aoaral gst) yan @ ve OTA ad)e HreT opar }. ans eg RE, HE! a, Big eh He a 2 Pot DE Oats (red Digdamental Hf Acegree® Pa AN -(1a-32) t sgh ‘Yoenoie! Lain arty a7Se4I aneptned BRer— Osh Ni Pea 7 TECH aca forere gate after RED BRI aT ). » xq W ueNSe Sen FER rer erator’ oF) CoRR BEC BAT +185 Eo [np 2st [TOT A L > ora & a Sfeara conigtnat exrst 3 / ey aed Hr FR =) shcown = id = é ds Garrat on arferanrz, Rig te ae Kayay or SeTeTl Rye! te 3- Hue % wa Frag Siero, Right gains! wexplottaction ~ uatity = Aw 4B ardem = Aart ly 22 An -23 22y d ROJGAR WITH ANKIT aaah Bl acter on sift, Rignt to Religion ~ Au 25 @ 28 Ss 5 ateater Si Stirs siftare AAR Asa cutturat and #ducactfonnk Rist . é- gittartrs sya of sift - Ant 32 Right to const tutonak Remedies Ast _33 he sn Ant Tae 19009) RAS te pore s Ig ¢4 GD ezyay apn 94 cA.NTE Reanoye) adma 7 At aoe "Ctagal Right tanks & bad ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Past class15 Cte ee Hern sifeanz aga : iiray atten, arg) | Beaters sitrone = Au 300 (A) M12 FE SIye TEA steg outa oat RTT avery orale feta 4 oe) TL ait aire yiera F fyeto ern 2! + 5a age BGR (er! aTeg BY ROR ae ond Q dag ere SR xed A) Geneon , viz Ss 3 sine al wary ate saeu 12 | » sccout 3 Ban geen 1 at of] Fal aos og ar 8 order os ae ard past of - agg oh UQsrgr 3 strata ote) Ad 32 9 Souab3cady —-YTaTery = ver err © ROJGAR WITH ANKIT es OTT eA MN RS ae arom NN. gavfhp SR ae : ae abuse | pitt ent FY : ‘s i Saget Cer % righ fs (Rate+) sree London S) sr Qn scarflatncd me) Om are , ir BY AM? sq HaRee Bara. pa aga A pratt ae Fis fo Hind) B ww gift (Fundamenter Ry ar sarataoraay 8 38 NS BK 31 Hea areata ange frur viTa7 4. ° «gh one atte ark af Fh Beh Se ain Harte eeu {3 otf Pier [OTE on Benes > TI ing | : FoR 3 fae a mi Ripkis - te go 4 funda verte ights “anf “acto 5- Coun! te a0), zt es ang aes TF ma on Dalton er eho aera el ee Kueis oe), sie tS A mGt A eee (all> rf HQAICE decles) aM GI SiON a RgM sto mye (Ax te t8) AM IY aqeq ot a ed “of eae Coney 3 eqrar-aT4 2a of orga 3 ae Tener) SIR rea B dak orga B «ra atau 3 fa ai)” Ra “Aer }, oO ay rea, eat Rete An. 15,16) 19+ 29730 Saar aredhey eATIRA ® fav onty fee Tnclian Cifzens Aabliyr a2} carlin axraget Al gery [are saree ard & HTT ITH] ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Ant i693 SgaTd on TO ‘ Phoni bihih aurscaimination Ad is()> 367 aie Q iy ae ear, pRIRD unt, Par a ureneUrT B BTR ya Sad astm zor | At 1512) adolemh 24 ge Basra 10 | Pubtic place bs ARR oh arb uae oTrer ara Y 2 fia Cok, Pubtic ArsteuuranKS UH, gana , dicld , Aes Reads Shep” fond Ant 16 (a> marsh SIR axart & Ae ear 37 © Apeetal provision fee wernatn & children uo Fay \p jcigey areata (A An is(i> sux Sad gishera — 1964 gst comsbhener Aracnd mot Addan : ctr) Tay ; ft "o SI araRGT) 4 SFB = Seeley andl Elweat mattty Boeke ! Resemeadton ” STAN 32 Say BF 2 Pregst 1 enrd] Stabe, gc — Scheduled. caste siggy hye ome ie | Rm 59-5 7, GET ( 4 ' ( Hrsrmective discimtosts) ROJGAR WITH ANKIT fae tO er arch eet va ve Crltory or GP E peletmext a eoafeer aah Ware A) cera FP eyed % . = aneag et, opment : Re sa sneaker ox Pat 2A Lie emery a) arry STORTR, be LO ear Rigi Bees of} er) c sea > Far ait [ta Berea MIA ~~ bo ation va age ore A arte th ee Amt ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Poti y Class-16 inom Cad frien SHEN a5 ote — sme Se Sf, agian eae, & L Abodition x Takes These caption 2h Academte RAMA HY unre ge sarhentr 6 STNG eatltkay BAT CS gait — sioner STMT gy ented en qpakificstion. aAawar ont SHAIMHR, (Ant 19-22) AGG ot NR : -. . AM I9- gx argo cea, oma 3 aan A zac 4 — “ema 6 afar A sees} a atS 21. An I9C (a) — ate SNR siiemEa ot SaaTAT —— Regkt sto Apeech & aypression ° 2x7, BUA) Sara Lpsedom pares: 2 aretey 0ST A VR yon SHRGATR a. arf Gy rar A cada Right te commenateel speech 4- oe a STRATE RE fo Frew - ROJGAR WITH ANKIT ‘ wn ea arora Right te Femein bilence * 19W6) > ea eth efirary % abteretes ereet | Ferse arb A wactten | QO — wer ar genrdy wheat ast A) xaddores layla) az & ge as &° aqrbr wed gia od) Sa! fire) oft Ra HF xe SHR > cy 190)@)— anette AS aus a) Taetrar : 19CXgI— ware & preir o UR W ont A eases 10) (Po way on Sie —> ern wey cA 19 +8 Antes Uae 3 sane H oor : Proleetion tn Respect of. Cenviction for offences An-2di2 onthcar fariay ‘2 sxe Protection fhotts tx pest foctorlac Ets ocl* Cees Jo yes = 2019 2 Ja yrs R Cages Ane 20 Ci) gi GOS BH WH . Prolech’on fiom double fropody- Art 2(it1)—» aren aiftreine 2 Ree . ProkeH en from elf in calm3nabien A219 sro pa Shem 2aaa7 Ratecton ¢ Life and passonal Liberty, be Life (tera) — Faaat on arfumig Rigut to pat eta, fla ey — 258 ve | Pure wakes —. FAS vty an sfOATS 4 Right fe ge abrnd 7 MS aTaTaye) (Purse envinenms +) be ; gs: aR: apm are aor Aaa stil] v/e emvawey . (378) Fase ood items — Fn ges Ferfeyear Sear Cras medica help ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Art aula) — en on sHtteay Rist 4o aducotior Add on> * eigporn 4 April 2010, 6 cA 2o0r 6-14 ¢f 9 ot — Pree oa atenrd ren Frac and Compulsany aducehion + An 27 Reward st Rar eo, Protection again st anest * detention #9 cettedtn © canes t- Far} at oiel ¢ Reason qteret> c ; a consi 2 sad ate B sileraeay (Pratvoc ate) . on am & HR sen esrr ® face ne ae ET g- Rawang curta a 24 wo S stew? fae) APRS 3 zareetat ot (sre ) CE xchuding daavelll sta): 4- cept ® agueh 3 fen eT cared o gyuaed Be OED ard eam on BGT | ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Polity classi + ico cee SE after ® (eae STR, nk 23124 Right Ageiast é xpLo flection Ant 23-5 FAR on TRIB Pavhibitien of fread tabour ators 3% ecat hi sich ATR ammosal drade ef women and children + FER) on BIR SREP sme lanqege Protection (educotonal josh) Wnt Bo— ante] wanes fFIOT xigursit = Administaah ey) BH) earqar Cestablishra ext) Sie seme ( on SPAR | « se TERT | Peni aera iti hy SETA Am - 38 ( Riget te Corti hutie nad Remedios) a tae oe ame 3 AEA, om Atta aTIS fad 2a Tere, ROJGAR WITH ANKIT oes ath & fae wler SEH are = Dar Rarer Eh am org goer aE Pee 3 ond) ae ont sae Farr osxat E | =, om Revs an@r AY ReRIe 2 ev are eh ee mor oe 2% ~aHay — ae Re cs set ae (Mandamus) ay HS pense nie cane ees e var wast sar ae atl Friar adeentz_ ASI gitar 5* eee: Parcel areteret a ene wir at ¥): aaffisnsrl Garry oa eel caret Fs Serol ae — Duvet s pretinccke cau? (ceteneZ) 5 Gubttinars oT Fs eri She oar): a 38° auraieatt art anrtar © att arany eer “Ads aftt ( Foretyn Polity)— we Creat ) regy Batter a ware" | psp fateh _—— feds. Bt a GISAL oP ET STAT , 1946. — ST ae Rar Gh te rtery Bn aT DE SAT AACTE HrBayen wreht Teray Ae aur] agcn)- are —_ . ert} eae Sit 5 ee A AT ser] pnt uO A) FafRaT BT RE HT a BAF _, eayaf aa Ae arraniaet TAT Chelan pésponsi bility *b- Pansish csaucablor ROJGAR WITH ANKIT Cla¢s-260 . Afra ose Fandamertas Duties BA 1G, B Quy aKa d ged) aie om HE ortex on ke ae * saeeth, deur egemat HER Aaa on are A die Sad MQW a1 ane oR — : obey the Camel and respect Us Ideals 1 fastthetions« nado nal Frag and national arihen- : 2 cata & Ae crit pelkl, Puduchomry TAK. fe vs> ° : pax caps eSee = minimum = 6°

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