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1. After this class, what are your plans?

I am GOING TO take a walk.

I’m GONNA take a walk

He’s GONNA make a presentation.

They’re GONNA bake a cake.
I’m not GONNA take a walk.
He’s not GONNA give a presentation.
They’re not GONNA bake a cake.
2. Where is your dream location to visit?
I WANT TO visit Japan.
I WANNA visit Japan.

They WANNA come over today.

I don’t WANNA visit Japan.
They don’t WANNA come over to my house.

She wants to visit Japan.

She WANTS TO visit Japan.
3. What do you need to do to improve your English skill?
I HAVE TO study every day.
I HAFTA study everyday.

She HASTA study every day.

You HAFTA take a test.

She HASTA call her mom.

I don’t hafta study everyday

You dint hafta take the test
She doesn’t hafta call her mom.
4. What are you doing right now?
Im TRYING TO learn something new.
Im TRYNA learn something new.

Im TRYING to improve my pronunciation.

Imtryna improve my pronunciation.

She tryna take a nap.

They’re tryna find their turtle.

I’m not tyrna improve my pronunciation

She’s not tryna take a nap.
They’re not tryna find theit turtle.

Contractions/ put words together

I would like- I’d like
He is- He’s
Reduction- reduce common verbs
Reduction of YOU in a question with WHAT
What are you doing?
Whatcha doin?

Where are going?


Would you help me?

Wouldja help me?

1. Pack up
 To put things away in a proper or suitable place.
 She pack up her belongings and left.
2. Set out
 To begin a journey, to begin traveling in a particular direction.
 They set out toward the east.
 Your family will be setting out this December.
3. Scrape by
 To live barely enough money: to be able to buy only things you need most.
 Money was tight, but we somehow managed to scrape by.

 To manage with difficulty to get a successful result or reach any acceptable

4. Blend in
 To look like you belong with a particular group , to look like what is around, you don’t notice them.
 She tried to blend in by dressing like the other girls.
 The old house blends in perfectly with the countryside.
 The fish settles on the sandy ocean bottom where it blended in perfectly.
5. Drive out
 To cause or force someone/something to leave
 The family was driven out of the neighbourhood by rising real estate prices.
 With the help of Americans, the Japanese were duccessfully driven out.
6. Clamp down on
 To try harder to punish(people who are doing something that is not legal or
 Customs official are clamping down on the smugglers.
 The school should clamp down on students who cut classes.
7. Wind up
 The act of bringing something to and end, the conclusion of any action, to arrive
or end up in a specified state, situation, or place.
 I wind up living at home for almost two years while I continue to pay debts.
 I never thought that Jerry would wind up in real estate.
8. Move past
 To go on, to persevere, to move on, to proceed
 They were able to move past their issues and now they’re happy.
9. Move on
 To go on to a different place, subject, activity, etc.
 When immigrating, people often stop for a few months in one country moving
on to the next.
 Lets put that issue aside and move on.
 After 10 years working for one company she felt it was time to move on to a
new job.
10. Get away
 The act getting away or escaping.
 Some people immigrate to get away from violence.
 The robbers made a clean get away.
11. Hold on to
 To not lose or give up
 Despite all his troubles, he somehow hold on to his traditions.
12. Show up
 Appear or become visible.
 Every year, thousands of people show up at embassies and consulate, hoping to
gain visa.
13. Deal with
 To do something about ( a person or thing) that causes problem or difficult or
difficult situation.
 The government deal harshly with the rebels.
 Some countries have hard time dealing with a large number of immigrants and

Content contents

1. Put down
2. Pay off
3. Pay back
4. Dip into
5. Cut back
6. Shop around
7. Compliment
8. Complement
9. Heads up
10. Stock up
11. Back up
12. Fall through
13. Be into
14. End up
15. Fall through

Somehow- a way that is unknown. You don’t know it happen.

Even though I didn’t know how to drive very well, I somehow made it home in one piece.

I wasn’t aI don’t know how but I was able to make it safely. good driver

I was so surprise that my dog followed me into the park. He somehow escaped
from my yard.

I don’t know how he escaped.but somehow it escaped

Somewhere- a palace that is unknown

I am looking for my eyeglasses. I know I put my sunglasses somehere.

Somewhat- a little, talking about an amount of something.

I am somewhat tired.

Learning English is somewhat confusing at times

I think John lives _______in this neighborhood.

I didn’t study at all but I _______ passed my test.

The project has progressed_______.

I didn’t know the city very well but I______ made it to my hotel.

My major is _____ difficult. So, I shifted to another major.

I think John lives SOMEWHERE in this neighborhood.

I didn’t study at all but I SOMEHOW passed my test.

The project has progressed SOMEWHAT.

I didn’t know the city very well but I SOMEHOW made it to my hotel.

My major is SOMEWHAT difficult. So, I shifted to another major.




Length of STAY





On time Not especially early/ not late for designated time.

In time Early enough, before a deadline/ cut off

1. The meeting is scheduled for 9AM so please be _______.

2. I got to the concert just _______ to hear allnmy favourite songs.
3. I’m alway meeting is scheduled for 9AM so please be ON TIME. s_______ for the
4. I didn’t get to school _______ but I arrived ______to turn in my report.
1. The meeting is scheduled for 9AM so please be ON TIME. You don’t need to be so early but you
should not be late.
2. I got to the concert just IN TIME to hear all my favourite song.
3. I’m always ON TIME for the meeting.
4. I didn’t get to school ON TIME but I arrived IN TIME to turn in my report.


Good for you.

Keep me posted.

Keep me posted.

Let it go.

All is well.

Count your blessing

No big deal

The more the merrier

Keep me posted.

Want to know update. Keep someone informed of the latest development.

I’ll keep you posted on his progress.

Keep me posted.

Delay making decision on something until the following day.Why don’t you sleep on it.

Don’t be a rush to decide.

Im going to sleep on it tonight ‘ and Ill make decision tomorrow.

Let it go.

Forget or not care about something.

I understand. Forget about it. Move forward.

If someone do annoying and you try to let it go meaning you try not to react or say anything
about it

Your’re late. I’ll let it go this time, but it had better not happen again
Let it go.

Calm down. Relax. Don’t be under stress.

All is well.

Everything is okay/fine. Hope all is well with you

Never say never

They are pessimistic/ becoming negative. Give them positive energy. Good thing will happen.

Used to say a person should not say that he or she will never do something because people
change their minds

Count your blessing

COMPLAINING ABOUT LOTS OF THINGS. Sometimes goes bad. Be happy that you have your

No big deal

Someone is feeling bad and you are trying to tell them that it is okay. Its not a problem. No

Stay in touch.

Fake it till you make it.

Try to pretend util in a long term you achieve it in the future.

You snooze or you loose

If you are not paying attention or not quick. You loose the opportunity.

The more the merrier

Merry means happy, the more people the better is going to be…
The more people, the happier is going to be……

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth

Don’t be ungrateful. If someone give you gift, you should not be ungrateful. Don’t try to
ask how much is the gift

Brother from another brother

Best friend

On second thought

Use to change your mind

No thanks, but I’d love a coffee. Actually, on second thought, I’d love a beer.

Off the top of my head

Use when you take a guess. Or try to remember that yo

Off the top of my head id say about 70%.

There a really good restaurant. I cant think of the name. Off the top of my head

In /out of the loop- please keep me in the loop.

1. What's your ideal job?

2. How has technology changed business? Do you think it's created more work or less?
3. Is it typical for men and women to have the same jobs in your country?
4. Would you prefer to have an easy routine job or a job in which you made a lot of decisions?
5. Do you think office romances can be successful? Why or why not? Do you know of any
couples who have met at work?
6. Do people usually work for one company for a long time in your country or is it common for
people to change jobs every few years? Why do you think people in the US change jobs so
7. Describe the first job you had for money.
8. Would you prefer to work four ten-hour days or five eight hour ones?
9. In your opinion, which jobs are most prestigious? Why?
10. How do people address each other at work in your country? How do you address your boss?
Your co-workers? What do you think of the idea that at most offices in the US nearly
everyone goes by their first names?
11. What three things are most important for you in a job? Why?
12. Do women usually work after they get married in your country?
13. Would you like a job that involved a lot of travel? Why or why not? Have you ever known
anyone with one of these jobs? Tell about them.
14. If you could own your own business, what would it be?
15. Who in your family or among our friends has the most interesting job? What about the most
16. How important are clothes at work? How does your job determine what you wear in your

1. Thaw out

Take food out of the freezer so that we can cook it

I ‘ll thaw out some fish for dinner

2. Snack on
To eat small amount of food between
I’m bit hungry I’ll snack on some cheese or biscuit.
3. Wolf down
Eat something quickly almost without chewing
I wolfed my breakfast down and went to work.
4. Dig in
To start eating
Dig in before your food gets cold.
I cant wait to dig into it.
5. Go off
When food is not good to be eaten anymore
I forgot to freeze this meat and now it has gone off.
Don’t eat those leftover, there’re a week old and have definitely gone off

6. Pig out
To eat a lot of food at all once
I’ve been pigging out too much lately.
7. Polish off
To eat something until finished
He polished off a plateful of spaghetti

I were is used when the subject of the sentence is referring to a hypothetical or imaginary

○ If I were good at math and science, I would’ve become a doctor.

If I was is used to refer to a situation that might happen or actually happened in the past.

○ If I was late to school when I was younger, I’d get detention.

If I were a woman, I would+verb

If I were a president,
If I were a millionaire,
If I were have12 siblings
If I were an animal


1. Flying high
Meaning: very happy.
She’s flying high after the successful product launch.
2. Pumped up
Meaning: very excited about something.
He’s pumped up for his first half-marathon race this weekend.
3. Fool’s paradise
Meaning: a situation when someone is happy because they’re ignoring a problem or fail to
realize its existence.
He’s been living in fool’s paradise since he started trading stocks, expecting to make millions
even though he doesn’t have investing experience.


4. Be down in the dumps
Meaning: to feel unhappy or without hope.
I always feel down in the dumps when I go back to work after a long weekend.
5. Be at the end of your rope (American); Be at the end of your tether (British)
Meaning: to feel very upset because you’re no longer able to deal with a difficult situation.
Helen is at the end of her rope after looking for a job for months without any luck.
6. Grief-stricken
Meaning: extremely sad.
After his partner died in a car accident, he was left grief-stricken.


7. Bite someone’s head off
Meaning: to respond with anger to someone.
I just asked one question to confirm his request, and my boss bit my head off.
8. Black mood
Meaning: to be irritable, angry or depressed.
She’s scared to ask for a day off as her boss is in a black mood today.
9. Drive up the wall
Meaning: to annoy or irritate someone.
His constant whining drove me up the wall, so I left.


10. Have/get/feel butterflies in your stomach
Meaning: to feel very nervous or excited about something that you have to do, especially
something important.
I’m going to have the first meeting with a big client tomorrow, and I’m feeling butterflies in my
11. Afraid of your own shadow
Meaning: very easily frightened.
After reading “Dracula,” she became afraid of her own shadow.
12. Petrified of
Meaning: extremely frightened, especially so that you cannot move or decide what to do.
In the “Harry Potter” series, Ron Weasley is petrified of spiders.


13. Feel out of it
Meaning: to not feel in a state of one’s normal mind.
He just woke up from a night of heavy drinking and felt so out of it.
14. Puzzle over
Meaning: to think carefully about someone or something for a long time and try to understand
I puzzled over the assignment for a few days before I decided to ask my professor for
15. Ambivalent about
Meaning: feeling two different things about someone or something at the same time, for
example, that you like them and dislike them.
He’s ambivalent about quitting his job to start his own business; he wants his freedom, but there
are risks.

The causative Verbs

Basic concepts
=you don’t do the action
=someone else do the action
=you are in control
1. paying for a service
Have/get +something+ past participle
I have my shirts iron every week
I had my groceries delivered.
I had delivered my groceries.
2. Ask someone to do the task/convice/persuade
Have+ someone+verb
Get+ someone+to+ verb
3. force= don’t a choice
The robbers made the security guard give them the code.
4. Allow something to happen
Let+person/thing+ base form
My friend got me to wear a summer dress that is not my style.
5. Assistance/ aid
Help+someone+base form
She helps me do my homework every night.
She helps me to do my homework every night.


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