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Catboy and the Shrinker (A)

Match the pictures with the correct words.



E. F

1. Icicles 2. Slip 3. Frozen 4.Roller coaster 5. Steep 6. Sticky

Watch the video and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Greg: Huh? What's this? Ice? But it's the ( ) of ( ) .
Amaya: ( )? Whoa!
Greg: That was awesome!
Amaya: There's ice ( ) ( ) the place!
Greg: Everyone's ( ) and ( ).
Connor: But only to the ( ) of the street. Then it just stops.
Greg: What's going on?
Amaya: We'll find out tonight.
Gekko: It's ( ) ( ) now! Almost half the city's ( )! Even the cats and dogs have made friends
to stay warm.
Catboy: I knew Romeo was behind this!
Gekko: What's that on the front?
Catboy: That looks like an ice machine. Go after him, Owlette!
Romeo: I wondered how long it would be before you PJ do-gooders ( ) ( ).
Catboy: What are you ( ) ( ), Romeo?
Romeo: Isn't it obvious? I'm making the city into an ( ) ( ) ( ) for my new lab toboggan-my
Owlette: Almost got it.
Gekko: If you just want an amazing ride, Romeo, I could use my Super Gekko Muscles to push
your lab around on its ( ).
Romeo: It's not just about having fun, even though it is fun. While you pesky PJ Masks are all slip-
sliding around, I'll be taking over the whole world.
Gekko: Romeo's taking over the whole world?
Romeo: Ah! That's ( )!
Owlette: Fluttering feathers! I can't fit through! We'll have to land.
Catboy: We've got to stop him before he ices anything else up.
Owlette: It's really ( )!
Gekko: Hey! Maybe I could chase Romeo. My feet are really ( ).
Catboy: Hang on, Gekko. I've got a plan that will definitely work. Owlette, we need your Owl Eyes
to find Romeo,then your flying skills to make sure he doesn't see me and Gekko. Ok, Gekko, I'm
going to sneak onto the lab from below. You sneak on from above, and then we'll take control of
the lab before Romeo ever knows we're there.


Greg: Huh? What's this? Ice? But it's the middle of summer.
Amaya: Icicles? Whoa!
Greg: That was awesome!
Amaya: There's ice all over the place!
Greg: Everyone's slipping and sliding.
Connor: But only to the end of the street. Then it just stops.
Greg: What's going on?
Amaya: We'll find out tonight.
Gekko: It's even worse now! Almost half the city's frozen! Even the cats and dogs have made
friends to stay warm.
Catboy: I knew Romeo was behind this!
Gekko: What's that on the front?
Catboy: That looks like an ice machine. Go after him, Owlette!
Romeo: I wondered how long it would be before you PJ do-gooders showed up.
Catboy: What are you up to, Romeo?
Romeo: Isn't it obvious? I'm making the city into an icy roller coaster for my new lab toboggan-my
Owlette: Almost got it.
Gekko: If you just want an amazing ride, Romeo, I could use my Super Gekko Muscles to push
your lab around on its wheels.
Romeo: It's not just about having fun, even though it is fun. While you pesky PJ Masks are all slip-
sliding around,I'll be taking over the whole world.
Gekko: Romeo's taking over the whole world?
Romeo: Ah! That's steep!
Owlette: Fluttering feathers! I can't fit through! We'll have to land.
Catboy: We've got to stop him before he ices anything else up.
Owlette: It's really slippery!
Gekko: Hey! Maybe I could chase Romeo. My feet are really sticky.
Catboy: Hang on, Gekko. I've got a plan that will definitely work. Owlette, we need your Owl Eyes
to find Romeo,then your flying skills to make sure he doesn't see me and Gekko. Ok, Gekko, I'm
going to sneak onto the lab from below. You sneak on from above, and then we'll take control of
the lab before Romeo ever knows we're there.

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