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Inducing experimental bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis lameness

in broiler chickens using aerosol transmission model

Andi Asnayanti ,*,y,z Anh D. T. Do,*,y Khawla Alharbi,*,y and Adnan Alrubaye *,y,1

Cell and Molecular Biology Program, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA; yCenter of Excellence for

Poultry Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA; and zNational Agency of Drug and Food Control,
Jakarta, Indonesia

ABSTRACT Lameness disease attributed to bacterial using an aerosol transmission model employing a group
chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis in broilers affects of birds reared on wire-flooring pens as a BCO infection
production, animal welfare, and food safety in the poul- source, and the disease is further disseminated through
try industry. The disease is characterized by necrotic the airborne transmission to other birds reared on litter
degeneration of the rapidly growing femora and tibiae flooring in the same housing environment. The effective-
due to bacterial translocation from the respiratory or ness of the aerosol transmission model in inducing BCO
gastrointestinal tracts into the blood circulation, eventu- lameness was concluded from 4 independent experi-
ally colonizing the growth plate of the long bones. To ments. The cumulative lameness generated from the
investigate the etiology, pathogenesis, and intervention BCO source group on the wire floors versus negative
measures for BCO, developing an experimental model control treatments on the litter floors from Experiments
that reliably induces BCO lameness is of the utmost 1, 2, 3, and 4 were 84% vs. 69.33%, P = 0.09; 54.55% vs.
importance. In the past, we have employed a wire-floor- 60%, P = 0.56; 78% vs. 73.50%, P = 0.64; 81% vs.
ing model and a litter-flooring model administered with 74.50%, P = 0.11. Overall, the cumulative lameness gen-
a bacterial challenge to investigate strategies for miti- erated from the wire floors was successfully transmitted
gating BCO. However, multiple issues on labor-intensive to the birds on litter floors without significant statistical
barn setup and cleanout efforts for the wire-flooring sys- differences (P > 0.05). The effectiveness of the aerosol
tem and concern of direct pathogenic exposure to the transmission model for experimentally triggering BCO
broilers for the litter-flooring models rendered these lameness provides a reliable system for evaluating prac-
research models less effective. Thus, we investigated a tical intervention strategies for BCO lameness in
new approach to induce experimental BCO lameness broilers.
Key words: aerosol, broiler, lameness, chondronecrosis
2024 Poultry Science 103:103460

INTRODUCTION weight gain of the modern broilers, which far outpaces

the maturity rate of cartilaginous growth plates in the
Bacterial chondronecrosis with osteomyelitis (BCO) proximal leg bones, is considered the main determinant
is a primary cause of lameness in the broiler industry, of BCO susceptibility in the broiler industry (McNamee
leading to significant economic losses and tremendous and Smyth 2000; Bradshaw and Kirkden, 2002; Wide-
impacts on animal welfare (McNamee and Smyth, 2000; man and Prisby, 2013). The disease is characterized by
Bradshaw and Kirkden, 2002; Wideman and Prisby, necrotic degeneration due to pathogenic infection on the
2013; Wideman, 2016; Siegel et al., 2019). The latest proximal growth plates of the femora and tibiae (McNa-
study reported that 19% of the birds in commercial mee and Smyth, 2000; Li et al., 2012; Wideman et al.,
broiler farms exhibited moderate-to-severe lameness 2012a; Wideman and Prisby, 2013; Prisby et al., 2014).
symptoms (Granquist et al. 2019). The exceptional body Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus
cecorum, and Staphylococcus hyicus were the most prev-
Ó 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Poultry alent cultures from commercial broiler farms affected by
Science Association Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BCO, while Staphylococcus agnetis was the most pre-
BY-NC-ND license ( dominant species discovered in our research facility at
4.0/). the University of Arkansas Poultry Research Farm (Al-
Received September 4, 2023.
Accepted January 9, 2024. Rubaye et al., 2015; Shwani et al., 2020; Ekesi et al.,
Corresponding author: 2021). Typically, these pathogens translocate from the


respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts into the blood- Cobb-Vantress (Siloam Springs, AR, USA) were placed
stream, spreading hematogenously to invade the growth in designated pens at approximately 750 cm2/chick (60
plates of broilers (Wideman and Prisby, 2013; Alrubaye birds per pen) on d 1. The number of birds was culled to
et al. 2020a). 50 per pen on d 14 to maintain optimal stocking density
A reliable experimental model for triggering BCO in (approximately 900 cm2/chick). The total number of
broilers is essential for investigating the etiology, patho- birds used depended on the experimental designs of each
genesis, and intervention measures for BCO lameness. study presented in this report.
Our group has developed 2 approaches to induce experi-
mental BCO lameness. The first model is a wire-floor
challenge model where wire floors impose mechanical
stress on susceptible joints of the long bone of the Pen Design and Barn Layout
broiler’s legs while the birds traverse to access feed and
water in opposite directions. Massive body weight accre- The wire-flooring pen is a rectangular pen with a
tion exacerbates the skeletal fragility on wire floors, dimension of 3 m £ 1.5 m made of a size of 5 cm £ 5 cm
weakening the immune system, and promoting patho- net. The panels were elevated on 30-cm high masonry
genic translocation from the respiratory and intestinal blocks to permit manure to pass through and accumu-
tracts to the bloodstream by compromising the tight late underneath the wire surface. The litter-flooring pen
junction barrier (Al-Rubaye, 2013; Wideman et al. is a rectangular pen with dimensions of 3 m £ 1.5 m con-
2013; Wideman et al., 2014; Wideman, 2016; Al-Rubaye sisting of wood-shaving litter bedding. The schematic
et al. 2017; Alrubaye et al. 2020a; Alrubaye et al. presentation for the aerosol transmission experiments is
2020b). The second model is bacterial challenge adminis- shown in Figure 1. Two wire-flooring pens were set up on
tered to the broilers reared on wood-shaving litter floor- the left and right sides at the upstream end of the ventila-
ing. We demonstrated that the application of tory air flow, followed by empty spaces as buffers. Two
approximately 105 CFU/mL of S. agnetis in the drinking rows of litter flooring pens were assembled downstream
water at 10, 20, or 30 d of age for 24 h induced almost (downwind) on the left and right sides of the house. Four
equal incidences of lameness in broilers (Al-Rubaye, et exhaust fans at the end of the barn controlled the air circu-
al., 2017, Alrubaye et al. 2020b). lation assisted by automatic inlet ventilations on the sides
Rearing broilers on wire floors has been proven to be a of the house. The overall design allows for a BCO source
golden approach in inducing naturally occurring BCO upstream/upwind of the remaining unchallenged litter-
lameness in broilers through mechanical torque and flooring pens, allowing the pathogens to spread downwind
shear stress on susceptible leg joints (Wideman and via aerosol transmission. This infectious spread is distrib-
Prisby 2013; Wideman, 2016). Nevertheless, the use of uted by air circulation, which is controlled by ventilation
multiple wire-flooring chambers or pens in large-scale airflow and exhaust fans.
trials requires highly laborious work for assembly, disas-
sembly, and thorough cleanup between experiments. On
the other hand, even though we have successfully repro-
duced BCO by challenging our S. agnetis 908 isolates to
House Installation and Environmental
the drinking water of broilers on litter-flooring (Al- Control
Rubaye et al. 2015; Al-Rubaye et al. 2017; Alrubaye Each pen was equipped with nipple water lines on 1
et al. 2020b), there is a significant drawback of exposing side of the pen and 2 feeders were stationed on the oppo-
pathogen to the surrounding environment including site side. Automatic controllers were used to regulate
potentially cross-contaminating of chicken flocks. To temperature, photoperiod, and ventilation of the house.
address the issues observed in the previous models, we The photoperiod was set for 23-h light: 1-h darkness for
propose a new strategy for inducing infectious BCO in the entire experiment. Thermoneutral/optimal brooding
broilers located in the same housing environment. A and growing temperatures as follows: 32°C for d 1 to d 3;
group of birds reared on wire floors is used to trigger 31°C for d 4 to d 6; 29°C for d 7 to d 10; 26°C for d 11 to
BCO in the research house, followed by the aerosol d 14; and 24°C thereafter.
spread of the pathogens to the hatch-mate birds reared
on litter floors. This report presents our findings on the
power of the aerosol transmission model to effectively
and efficiently transmit BCO lameness in broilers. Feed
From d 0 to d 35, birds received a standard starter
MATERIALS AND METHODS diet (crumbles), after which a finisher diet (pellets) con-
Animal Use and Welfare tinued from d 35 to d 56. Basal diet used in the 4 experi-
ments met the broiler feed requirements. The same basal
All animals used were approved by the University of diet was applied to the BCO source group in the wire-
Arkansas Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee flooring pens and the negative control group reared in
(21,007, 21,066, 21,085, 21,144). One-day-old chicks rep- the litter-flooring pens in each experiment. Birds
resenting surplus male over female purchased from accessed the feed and water ad libitum.
Experimental Designs the source of BCO infection. Dietary treatments
included one group on a negative control diet and 3
Preliminary Study (Spring, March 2020) This prelim- groups on diets supplemented with Zinpro Availa ZMC
inary study, designed to investigate the effect of specific organic trace mineral at 1,500 mg/kg, microalgae (5%
mycotoxins in BCO induction, was the first experiment spirulina algae), and a combination of organic trace min-
to use both the wire and litter-flooring models in the eral and microalgae (5% spirulina algae and Availa ZMC
same house. Six pens were allocated for each of the wire at 1,500 mg/kg) in 5 replicates of litter-flooring pens in
flooring and litter flooring models, which were randomly each treatment.
distributed within the house. Experiment 3 (Fall, December 2021) This study
Aerosol Transmission Model Four consecutive inde- investigated the potency of 3 herbal-supplemented diets
pendent experiments presented below were employed to in reducing the incidence of BCO lameness. The experi-
investigate the effectiveness of the aerosol transmission ment was divided into 7 treatment groups with 2 wire-
model in triggering BCO lameness. All studies shared a flooring pens serving as the source of infection, and 6
similar experimental setup using the same research facil- treatment groups − including a negative control,
ities in Arkansas Agricultural Research and Extension Nuproxa Panbonis in different concentrations, Indian
Center at building A365W. Herbs Natufeat, and thyme oil diet supplementations −
Experiment 1 (Fall, October 2020) This study was reared in the litter-flooring model with 4 pen replicates
conducted to evaluate the efficacy of probiotic products of each treatment.
in reducing incidence of BCO lameness employing 5 Experiment 4 (Fall, September 2022) This study was
treatment groups in a randomized block design. A BCO conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the selected
infection source group were grown in 2 wire-flooring herbal-supplemented diets with various concentra-
pens, while a negative control diet group and 3 groups of tions and treatment strategies for reducing the inci-
Biomin probiotics were reared in litter-flooring pens dence of BCO lameness. Two wire-flooring pens were
with 3 replicate pens of each treatment. used as the BCO etiological source, and 6 treatment
Experiment 2 (Spring, February 2021) This study groups − including a negative control group and 5
investigated the effects of microalgae and organic trace groups of Nuproxa Panbonis diet supplementations in
mineral supplemented diets on the incidence of BCO different concentrations and feeding strategies −
lameness. There were 5 treatment groups in a random- reared on litter-flooring pens with 4 pen replicates of
ized block design, with 2 pens of wire-flooring serving as each treatment.

Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the aerosol transmission model to induce experimental BCO lameness. The BCO seeder birds are reared on
the wire floors placed upwind of the other treatment groups grown in the litter floors. Lameness causative agents follow the air flow from the wire
floors to the litter floors. Buffer (empty) zones in between the wire floors and the litter floors are created to prevent direct contact of the BCO seeder
birds and the treatment birds to mimic BCO outbreak in commercial broiler farms.

Lameness Assessment The treatment effects were analyzed with logistic

regression (binomial distribution) using the generalized
Assessment of the cumulative lameness was performed linear model (GLM) procedure implemented in R
by daily diagnosis of lame birds from d 22 to d 56. Birds v4.2.2, (R Foundation for Statistical Computing,
showing symptoms of goblet gait, kinky back, wing tip Vienna, Austria). Cumulative lameness is mean value §
dipping to support the body, and complete paralysis standard error of the mean (SEM), where significant sta-
were diagnosed as clinically lame birds. All lame birds tistical difference is determined at P ≤ 0.05.
were humanely euthanized for necropsy and further
gross evaluation of tibial and femoral lesions based on
the classification presented by Wideman (2016) as fol- RESULTS
lows: N = Femur head and proximal tibia appear
Preliminary Data
entirely normal; FHS = Proximal Femoral Head Separa-
tion (epiphyseolysis); FHT = Proximal Femoral Head The incidence of lameness was compared between
Transitional degeneration; FHN = Proximal Femoral broilers reared in the wire-flooring pens and in the wood
Head Necrosis; THN = Proximal Tibial Head Necrosis; shaving litter-flooring pens. Figure 3 presents data that
THNC = Proximal Tibial Head Necrosis Caseous; the wire flooring model can generate BCO lameness by
THNS = Proximal Tibial Head Necrosis Severe. Other 45% higher than the litter flooring model (P ≤ 0.05). In
symptoms are TD = Tibial Dyschondroplasia; this study, there were no specific arrangements for the
KB = Kinky Back (spondylolisthesis). Total lame sites of the wire-flooring and litter-flooring pens. Lame-
included all birds with FHS, FHT, FHN, THN, THNC, ness incidence on both wire and litter-floorings were
THNS, TD, and KB lesions. Picture representation of noticeable after d 34 of age.
BCO lesion categories is shown in Figure 2.

Airborne Transmission Model

The effectiveness of the aerosol transmission model of
Data Analyses BCO lameness was evaluated from 4 independent stud-
The percentage cumulative lameness from the lame- ies generating cumulative BCO lameness data by com-
ness trials was calculated using Microsoft Excel 2018 paring the lameness incidence of the wire-flooring group
(Microsoft, Redmond, WA) with the following formula: and the negative control group on litter floors in each
experiment. Data in Table 1 demonstrates the detail of
% cumulative lameness per treatment ¼ cumulative lameness of BCO source on wire floor versus
Number of lame bids for treatment negative control on litter floors in Experiments 1, 2, 3,
 100 and 4 were 84 vs. 69.33%, P = 0.09; 54.55 vs. 60%,
Total number of birds in treatment on d14

Figure 2. Classification of BCO lesion progressions in the femur and tibia. Femur (top row): 1. Normal femur (the head of the proximal femur is
fully intact), 2. FHS (femoral head separation), 3. FHT (femoral head transitional degeneration), and 4. FHN (femoral head necrosis, femoral head
is completely damage); Tibia (bottom row): 5. Normal tibia (no macroscopic abnormalities of the proximal tibia), 6. THN (tibial head necrosis), 7.
THNS (tibial head necrosis severe), 8. THNC (tibial head necrosis caseous, a visible caseous excretion), and 9. TD (tibial dyschondroplasia).

Figure 3. Preliminary data for cumulative lameness of birds grown on wire floor and litter floors. Six replicates of 25 birds were used for each
wire and litter floor. a-bValues denote significant statistical differences at P ≤ 0.05.

P = 0.56; 78 vs. 73.50%, P = 0.64; 81 vs. 74.50%, experimental flocks (Wideman and Pevzner, 2012;
P = 0.11. Generally, the 4 experiments successfully gen- Wideman and Prisby, 2013; Wideman et al. 2013; Wide-
erated lameness in the wire-flooring pens with cumula- man et al., 2014; Wideman, 2016). In this report, broilers
tive incidences of BCO lameness ranging from 50 to reared in the wire-flooring pens showed cumulative
84%. The litter-flooring pens developed cumulative lameness of up to 84%, which reinforces previous reports
BCO lameness incidences ranging from 60% to 73%. of BCO exceeding 50% using the same model (Wideman
From Experiments 1 to 4, lameness incidences were also and Pevzner, 2012; Wideman et al., 2014; Alrubaye
recorded starting in litter floors from d34 and spread to et al. 2020a; Alrubaye et al. 2020b). A significant impact
other groups until the end of the experiment. of the wire-flooring model design lies in its ability to
impose mechanical stress and damage to the bones, ren-
dering the broiler susceptible to pathogens infection,
DISCUSSION weakening immune response, and promoting leaky gut.
Discussions related to the model’s mode of action agree
The wire-flooring model has consistently proven an on the physical and physiological stress imposed as the
effective method to generate BCO lameness in animals traverse the length of the wire flooring to access
feed and water. This continuous locomotion on unstable
Table 1. Percentage cumulative lameness in 4 independent flooring is postulated to exacerbate conditions such as
experiments using the airborne transmission model. epiphyseolysis, osteochondrotic cleft formation in the
Cumulative growth plates, and microfractures on the long bones
Experiments Treatment groups lameness (%)1 N2 of the animal’s legs − the onset of which seems to be
1 BCO source in wire floors 84.0 § 2.5a
2 imposed by a combination of rapidly increasing body
Negative control diet 69.3 § 2.2a 3 weights, growing trends, and inherent nature of
Probiotic 1 37.3 § 1.2b 3 broiler skeletal development (Wideman et al., 2012b;
Probiotic 2 37.3 § 3.2b 3
Probiotic 3 33.3 § 1.9b 3 Wideman, 2016). Potential pathogenic translocation
2 BCO source in wire floors 54.5 + 3.0a 2 of bacteria from other sites in the body leads to even-
Negative control diet 60.0 + 2.5a 5 tual colonization, lesion formation, and tissue necrosis
Availa ZMC 29.3 § 1.3b 5
Microalgae 63.8 § 1.5a 5 at these damaged points (McNamee and Smyth 2000;
Microalgae + Availa-ZMC 50.0 § 1.6c 5 Wideman et al. 2012b;Wideman, 2016; Weimer et al.,
3 BCO source in wire floors 78.0 + 3.0a 2 2021). On the other hand, the wood-shaving litter
Negative control diet 73.5 + 1.3a 4
Panbonis high 1,000 g/ton 41.5 § 1.9b 4 floor exaggerates the broiler’s vulnerability to BCO
Panbonis low 100 g/ton 32.5 § 1.9c 4 infection due to direct contact to the fecal aggrega-
Panbonis low + NatuFeat 38.5 § 1.3b,c 4 tion on which they stand.
Panbonis low + Animunin 35.0 § 2.2c 4
Panbonis low + Thyme oil 29.0 § 1.3c 4 Considering the advantage of the wire-flooring for
4 BCO source in wire floors 81.0 + 3.0a 2 inducing BCO lameness in broilers, we expanded our
Negative control diet 74.5 + 2.1a 4 strategy to combine the wire-flooring and litter-flooring
Panbonis 50 g/ton 60.5 § 1.5b 4
Panbonis 100 g/ton 34.5 § 3.6c 4 models in order to reduce the number of wire flooring
Panbonis 200 g/ton 36.0 § 3.9c 4 pens required in experiments. Our hypothesis for the
Panbonis 100g/ton (d29-56) 68.0 § 3.5a 4 aerosol transmission model focused on the potential for
Panbonis 100g/ton (d1-28) 35.0 § 4.0c 4
excreta from affected wire-flooring broilers to carry the
Superscript letters represent significant statistical differences at
P ≤ 0.05 against negative control diets.
etiological agent for BCO lameness − mainly reported
Cumulative lameness is mean § SEM. Staphyloccocus species in the current literature − and
N is number of pens with n = 50 birds per pen. disperse them to litter-flooring birds throughout the

research barn when placed at a strategic location that In conclusion, the aerosol transmission model − air-
maximizes the downstream ventilatory distribution of borne transmission as an extension to the already effec-
air flow. This model involves placement of 2 wire-floor- tive wire-flooring model − is a remarkably simple and
ing pens serving as the infection source at the north end powerful tool to induce BCO lameness in an experimen-
of the house where ventilation curtains are located, with tal broiler population. The effectiveness of the aerosol
exhaust fans located at the south end, and all other transmission model potentially provides a reliable sys-
experimental pens situated between these 2 points, tem for evaluating practical intervention strategies for
allowing for constant unidirectional airflow (Figure 1). reducing BCO lameness, particularly with the applica-
The arrays of the wire floors, litter floors, and exhaust tion of feed supplements, as well as prophylactic and
fans are pivotal in the aerosol transmission model. In the therapeutic measures.
preliminary study, the wire floors and litter floors were
randomly assigned resulting in a significant difference of
cumulative lameness. While the results of 4 experiments ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
having a consistent setup displayed in Figure 1 demon-
strated cumulative lameness incidence values ranging This research was funded by a grant to Alrubaye from
from 50 to 84% on wire flooring pens. Furthermore, the Biomin DSM and a grant 2019-69012-29905 to Walter
negative control groups reared on wood-shaving litter Bottje from USDA Sustainable Agricultural Systems.
also demonstrated high cumulative incidences of BCO
lameness, ranging from 60 to 73%, without significant
differences when compared to their respective wire floor- DISCLOSURES
ing pens (P > 0.05). As a point of clarification, we The authors declare that they have no competing
acknowledge that these experiments did not solely focus interests. The funders played no role in the design of the
on the airborne transmission model as a research objec- experiments, the interpretation of the data, the writing
tive, but rather on the investigation of multiple feed sup- of this manuscript, or the decision to publish this manu-
plements and their effects in reduction of BCO lameness. script.
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use and placement strategy of similarly designed wire
flooring and negative control (litter flooring) pens, the REFERENCES
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