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Quiz: What Type of Teacher Are You?

Instructions: Read each question carefully and choose the answer that best
reflects your teaching approach.
Section 1: Classroom Atmosphere
1. How do you prefer to set the tone for your classroom?
a) Structured and organized with clear rules and expectations.
b) Lively and dynamic, encouraging creativity and collaboration.
c) Relaxed and flexible, allowing students some autonomy.
Section 2: Lesson Planning
2. When planning a lesson, what is your priority?
a) Clearly defined learning objectives and a detailed plan.
b) Incorporating interactive activities and group work.
c) Allowing room for spontaneity and adjusting based on student needs.
Section 3: Student Engagement
3. How do you keep your students engaged during a lesson?
a) Utilizing a variety of teaching materials and methods.
b) Incorporating games and interactive elements.
c) Allowing for discussions and student input.
Section 4: Handling Challenges
4. In the face of a challenging classroom situation, what is your initial
a) Addressing it with a structured and systematic solution.
b) Finding creative and innovative ways to navigate the challenge.
c) Collaborating with students to find a solution together.
Section 5: Feedback and Assessment
5. How do you provide feedback to your students?
a) Clear and specific feedback tied to learning objectives.
b) Positive reinforcement and constructive feedback.
c) Encouraging self-assessment and reflection.


• Mostly a's: You have a structured teaching style, emphasizing organization and clear objectives.

• Mostly b's: Your teaching style is dynamic and creative, promoting collaboration and

• Mostly c's: You have a flexible teaching style, valuing student autonomy and adaptability.

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