TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals eggshell matrix protein changes correlated with eggshell quality in Jing Tint 6 laying hens of different ages

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TMT-based quantitative proteomic analysis reveals eggshell matrix protein

changes correlated with eggshell quality in Jing Tint 6 laying hens of different

Dan-rong Zhao,*,y Li-bing Gao ,y Fei Gong,* Jia Feng,* Hai-jun Zhang,y Shu-geng Wu,y
Jing Wang ,y and Yu-na Min *,1
College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, Shaanxi, China; and yKey
Laboratory of Feed Biotechnology, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk
Assessment for Products on Feed-origin Risk Factor, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Feed
Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China

ABSTRACT The decline in eggshell quality resulting ultrastructure variations primarily involved an
from aging hens poses a threat to the financial benefits increased ratio of the mammillary layer and a reduced
of the egg industry. The deterioration of eggshell quality thickness of the effective layer of eggshell in the 108-wk-
with age can be attributed to changes in its ultrastruc- age group (P < 0.05). However, no significant differen-
ture and chemical composition. Specific matrix proteins ces in eggshell compositions were observed among the
in eggshells have a role in controlling crystal growth various age groups (P > 0.05). Proteomic analysis
and regulating structural organization. However, the revealed the identification of 76 differentially expressed
variations in ultrastructure and organic matrix of egg- proteins (DEPs) in the eggshells of the 38-wk-age
shells in aging hens remain poorly understood. This group and 108-wk-age group, which comprised proteins
study assessed the physical traits, mechanical quality, associated with biomineralization, calcium ion binding,
chemical content, as well as the microstructural and immunity, as well as protein synthesis and folding. The
nanostructural properties of eggs from Jing Tint 6 hens downregulation of ovocleidin-116, osteopontin, and cal-
at 38, 58, 78, and 108 wk of age. Subsequently, a quanti- cium-ion-related proteins, together with the upregula-
tative proteomic analysis was conducted to identify dif- tion of ovalbumin, lysozyme C, and antimicrobial
ferences in protein abundance in eggshells between the proteins, has the potential to influence the structural
ages of 38 and 108 wk. The results indicated a notable organization of the eggshell. Therefore, the deteriora-
decline in shell thickness, breaking strength, index, frac- tion of eggshell quality with age may be attributed to
ture toughness, and stiffness in the 108-wk-age group the alterations in ultrastructure and the abundance of
compared to the other groups (P < 0.05). The matrix proteins.
Key words: eggshell quality, ultrastructure, matrix proteins, proteomics
2024 Poultry Science 103:103463

INTRODUCTION quality eggshells throughout the egg production cycle.

The shape, size, thickness, and material distribution of
Lower eggshell quality can lead to egg damage during the eggshell all contribute to its quality and mechanical
transportation and storage, which greatly impacts the properties (Ma et al., 2020). As hens age, there is a
economic benefit of egg industry (Bain et al., 2016; Fathi decline in eggshell quality, characterized by increased
et al., 2019). The financial loss caused by broken and egg weight but decreased shell thickness and index
cracked eggs at the end of the laying period accounts for (Rayan et al., 2010; Feng et al., 2020).
approximately 12 to 20% of the total loss (Travel et al., The physical properties of the eggshell result from its
2011). Therefore, it is important to maintain high- unique structure, which is a bio-ceramic formed by the
highly ordered precipitation of minerals (mainly calcium
Ó 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Poultry carbonate, CaCO3, » 95%) and organic matrix (»
Science Association Inc. This is an open access article under the CC 
3.5%) (Ketta and Tumova, 2016; Nys et al., 1999). The
BY-NC-ND license (
4.0/). calcified part of eggshell consists of the cuticle, effective
Received November 8, 2023. layer (palisade and vertical crystal layer), and mammil-
Accepted January 10, 2024. lary layer, with the effective layer being the main load-
Corresponding author:


bearing part that prevents crack propagation (Radwan, MATERIALS AND METHODS
2016). The composition and distribution of these layers
are closely related to the mechanical performance of the
Animals and Samples
eggshell. It was reported that the eggshell strength was The animal protocol for this study was conducted
positively correlated with the ratio of the effective layer under the management of the Animal Care and Use
and mammillae density but was negatively correlated Committee of the Institute of Feed Research of the Chi-
with the ratio of the mammillary layer and width of the nese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. A total of 90
mammillary knob (Carnarius et al., 1996; Hincke et al., healthy Jing Tint 6 (38 wk of age) laying hens were
2011). Furthermore, the eggshell structure at the nano- divided into 6 replicates of 15 hens in a randomized com-
meter level has been observed and it occurs through the plete block design, and three birds were assigned to 1
interaction between inorganic and organic components, cage. All the laying hens were fed with a compound basal
which affects the eggshell mechanical properties (Lam- diet and were given water ad libitum. The room temper-
mie et al., 2005; Rodríguez-Navarro et al., 2015). In ature was controlled, and artificial light consisted of 16
nanomaterials, hardness tended to increase as the sub- h of light and 8 h of dark. All laying hens remained in
unit size decreases (Naik and Walley, 2020; Wu et al., good health during the feeding period. The 54 egg sam-
2020). The eggshell distinct regions displayed varying ples (3 eggs/replicate/d £ 3 d) were collected from hens
nanostructures, with the smallest nanoparticles found in at 38, 58, 78, and 108 wk old respectively. Eggshell sam-
the outermost vertical crystal layer and upper palisade ples were carefully washed and dried at room tempera-
layer. This reduction in particle size was inversely associ- ture for ultrastructural and component analysis.
ated with the increase in eggshell hardness and elastic
modulus (Athanasiadou et al., 2018).
Additionally, the composition of the eggshell, including Egg and Eggshell Quality Assessment
inorganic calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), and organic
matter, plays a crucial role in determining the material Each egg was weighted and measurements of egg
performance of the eggshell. Various components of the length (L) and width (W) were taken with an egg shape
organic matrix, including proteins, polysaccharides, and index analyzer (FHK, Fujiping Company, Tokyo,
proteoglycans, are secreted into the uterine fluid to Japan) on the day of sampling. Eggshell thickness was
accomplish the eggshell biomineralization (Gautron et measured by Egg Shell Thickness Gauge (Israel Orka
al., 1997; Brionne et al., 2014). The organic constituents Food Technology Ltd., Ramat Hasharon, Israel) and
in eggshells play a vital role in controlling crystal growth, breaking strength was determined by Egg Force Reader
shaping, and determining the mechanical performance of (Israel Orka Food Technology Ltd., Ramat
the material (Addadi and Weiner, 1992; Hernandez- Hasharon, Israel). Shell stiffness was measured by a
Hern andez et al., 2008; Le Roy et al., 2021). Proteomic physical property structure analyzer (TMS-Pro, Ensoul
analysis has identified over 900 proteins in the eggshell Technology Ltd., VA) and the fracture toughness of
matrix, prompting investigations into their distribution each egg was calculated according to the formulas devel-
across different structural layers and their related func- oped by Mabe (Mabe et al., 2003). After removing egg
tions (Mann et al., 2006; Marie et al., 2015a; Gautron, contents, eggshell was cleaned, dried at room tempera-
2019; Yang et al., 2020). The variation in matrix proteins ture for 48 h, and weighed. Shell percentage [(eggshell
in eggshells, which exhibit different mechanical perform- weight/egg weight) £ 100], egg surface area
ances, has become the focus of exploring the mechanisms (S = 4.68 £ W2/3, where W = egg weight), and eggshell
underlying these proteins. Previous studies have demon- index [(shell weight/egg surface area) £ 100] were also
strated an increase in the amount of matrix proteins, calculated.
such as ovalbumin (OVA), ovotransferrin, and ovoclei-
din-17, in weakened eggshells from aging hens (Panheleux Analysis of Eggshell Components
et al., 2000). After molting, there was observed improve-
ment in eggshell quality and a reduction in crystal size, The determination of organic matter in the eggshell
which was attributed to an increase in ovocleidin-116 was taken by the ignition loss method. The method
(OC-116) content in the eggshell gland (Ahmed et al., involves heating the sample to a high temperature, typi-
2005). However, comprehensive information on the differ- cally around 550 to 600°C, which causes the organic
ences in eggshell matrix proteins from hens of different matter to combust and volatilize, leaving behind a resi-
ages is still limited. due of inorganic material (Pliya and Cree, 2015).
This study was performed to explore the change in the Approximately 1.0 g eggshell powder from each replicate
eggshell quality and hierarchical ultrastructure with was weighed in the crucibles, dried at 110°C for 5 h,
increasing age and then we employed a TMT-based com- weighed as W1, and then ignition to constant weight by
parative quantitative proteomics analysis to reveal the muffle furnace at 550°C, weighed as W2. The percentage
key differential proteins in the eggshell of peak and late of organic matter content was calculated as (W1-W2)/
laying hens. Consequently, the study aimed to gain a W1 £ 100.
better understanding of the underlying mechanisms The method used to determine Ca and P contents of
involving crucial matrix proteins and to reveal the rea- eggshells was based on a previous study (Feng et al.,
sons behind poor egg quality in aged laying hens. 2020). The eggshell samples were dissolved in the 3 mL
nitric acid and 3 mL H2O2, and then digested by the nm £ 800 nm, referring to the method of Athanasiadou
microwave dissolution instrument (MDS-10, Shanghai (Athanasiadou et al., 2018). The Feret diameter meas-
Xinyi Instrument Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai, urements of the nanoparticles observed by AFM were
China). The Ca and P content of eggshells were tested calculated using Image-J software and a total of 210
with an atomic absorption spectrometer (Zeenit700 P, Feret diameter measurements of each sample. The Feret
Analytik Jena) and a spectrophotometer (UV-2000, Shi- diameter is a descriptor for evaluation of particle size,
madzu). which is defined as the longest distance between the two
Eggshell proteins were extracted and determined as furthest points of the shape (Drazic et al., 2016).
previously described (Ahmed et al., 2005). A total of
250 mg of the dried sample per replicate was demineral-
ized with 20% acetic acid. Thereafter, the samples were Proteomic Analysis
mixed with ultrapure water (v:v = 1:1) and lyophilized.
The lyophilized powders were dissolved lasted 12 h at 4° Every group consisted of 6 biological replicates (n = 6)
C in an extraction milieu (containing 4 M guanidine in order to minimize individual level variation. Each egg-
hydrochloride, protease inhibitors, 0.05 M pH 5.8 shell sample from 38wk and 108 wk groups was ground
sodium acetate, 10 mM EDTA, and 0.5% Tween 20) as in liquid nitrogen, and SDT (4% SDS, 100 mM Tris-
the previous study demonstrated (Gautron et al., 2001) HCl, pH 7.6) buffer was used for sample lysis and protein
and the extracts were dialyzed (dialysis bag cut off 3,500 extraction. The 20 mg of extracted protein was taken
Da). Then, the solutions were centrifugated (2,500 g, 20 and mixed with 5 times loading buffer and boiled for
min), and the supernatant was collected. Finally, the 5 min. The proteins were separated on 4%-20% SDS-
total protein content in the eggshell was determined PAGE gel (180V, 45 min). Protein bands were visual-
using the Bradford Protein Assay Kit (PC0010; Beijing ized by Coomassie Blue R-250 staining. Protein diges-
Solarbio Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, tion by trypsin was performed according to a filter-aided
China). sample preparation procedure. The digest peptides of
Eggshell cracking typically originates from a single each sample were desalted on MCX, concentrated by
point on the surface. The chemical composition per unit vacuum centrifugation, and reconstituted in 40 mL of
area may be associated with crack propagation. To pro- 0.1% formic acid, the quantitative peptide (OD280) was
vide a more precise representation of the variations in obtained.
eggshell components, the content of organic matter, egg- The peptide (100 mg) mixture of each sample was
shell protein, Ca, and P per eggshell area [the content/ labeled using TMT reagent according to the instructions
egg surface area] were calculated. (Thermo Scientific, MA). Labeled peptides were mixed
equally and then fractionated by High pH Reversed-
Phase Peptide Fractionation Kit (Thermo Scientific,
Eggshell Ultrastructure MA). The peptide mixture was reconstituted and acidi-
fied with a 0.1% TFA solution. Following this, it was
The pieces of shell (about 1 cm2) from the equatorial
loaded onto an equilibrated, high-pH, reversed-phase
region of each egg were evaluated for the ultrastructure
fractionation spin column, where the peptides were
of the internal shell surface and cross-section by scan-
bound to the hydrophobic resin under aqueous condi-
ning electronic microscopy (SEM, SU8020, Hitachi,
tions and desalted through low-speed centrifugation
Japan). The preparative treatments of eggshell speci-
with water washing. Subsequently, a step gradient of
mens referred to the previous method (Bain, 1990). The
increasing acetonitrile concentrations in a volatile, high-
cross-sectional lengths (total thickness of palisade, verti-
pH elution solution was applied to the columns to elute
cal crystal layer and cuticle) of effective and mammillary
the bound peptides, resulting in the collection of 10 dif-
layers and the width of the mammillary knobs were
ferent fractions by centrifugation. Finally, the collected
directly measured in the images photo’d by the SEM at
fractions were vacuum dried and lyophilized using 12
a magnification of £ 180. Mammillae density was
mL 0.1% FA.
counted and observed as the number of knobs per unit
LC-MS/MS analysis was performed on a Q Exactive
by the SEM at a magnification of £ 150.
mass spectrometer (Thermo Scientific, MA). The pepti-
des were loaded onto a reverse phase trap column
Eggshell Nanostructure (Thermo Scientific Acclaim PepMap100, 100
mm £ 2 cm, nanoViper C18) connected to the C18-
The pieces of shell samples from the equatorial section reversed phase analytical column (Thermo Scientific
were embedded in epoxy resin vertically, and the top Easy Column, length 10 cm, 75 mm inner diameter, 3mm
cross sections were successively ground with 150, 1,500, resin) in buffer A (0.1% Formic acid in water) and sepa-
4,000, and 8,000 mesh sandpaper, then polished with rated with a linear gradient of buffer B (84% acetonitrile
0.06 silica suspension. Height and amplitude images of and 0.1% Formic acid) at a flow rate of 300 nL/min.
palisade and mammillary layers were taken using an The mass spectrometer was operated in positive ion
atomic force microscopy (AFM, Dimension Icon, mode. MS data was acquired using a data-dependent
Bruker AXS) operating in tapping mode at room tem- top20 method dynamically choosing the most abundant
perature in air with a scanning area of 800 precursor ions from the survey scan (300−1800 m/z) for

HCD fragmentation. The Automatic Gain Control annotated using the software program Blast2GO (Ash-
(AGC) target was set to 1e6, with a maximum injection burner et al., 2000; G€otz et al., 2008). Following annota-
time of 50 ms. Dynamic exclusion duration was set to tion steps, the studied proteins were blasted against the
30.0 s. Survey scans were acquired at a resolution of online Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
60,000 at 200 m/z, while the resolution for HCD spectra (KEGG) database ( and
was established at 15,000 at 200 m/z, with an isolation were mapped to pathways in KEGG (Kanehisa et al.,
width of 1.5 m/z. The normalized collision energy was 2012). Enrichment analysis of all data was applied based
maintained at 30 eV, and the underfill ratio, defining on the Fisher exact test and Benjamini- Hochberg cor-
the minimum percentage of the target value reached at rection for multiple testing was further applied to adjust
maximum fill time, was specified as 0.1%. Peptide recog- derived p-values. The protein-protein interaction (PPI)
nition mode was enabled during instrument operation. information of the studied proteins was retrieved from
The raw data for each sample were searched using the the IntAct molecular interaction database (http://
MASCOT engine (Matrix Science, London, UK; version by the STRING software
2.2) embedded into Proteome Discoverer 2.4 software, ( (Szklarczyk et al., 2019). And
and the database search analysis was carried out using the results were visualized by the Cytoscape software
the Gallus gallus database (uniprot_Gallus_gal- (, version 3.10.0).
lus_51560_20230524.fasta). The MS tolerance was set
at § 20 ppm, with a fragment ion tolerance of 0.1 Da.
Trypsin was employed as the digestive enzyme, allowing RESULTS
for up to 2 missed cleavages. All proteins with at least Egg and Eggshell Quality Assessment
one unique peptide and false discovery rate (FDR) ≤
0.01 were qualified for further quantification data analy- The change in egg properties and eggshell parameters
sis. Protein ratios are calculated as the median of only from different aged hen groups (38, 58, 78, and 108 wk
unique peptides of the protein. of age) is presented in Table 1. Compared with the egg
from 38-wk-old hens, egg weight and egg surface area of
78-wk-old hens increased significantly (P < 0.05),
Correlation Analysis Between Proteomic and whereas there were no significant changes in shell per-
Eggshell Traits centage, thickness, breaking strength, and fracture
toughness (P > 0.05). As for the egg of 108-wk-old hens,
The abundance of DEPs in this study and related lit- egg weight, and egg surface area raised considerably (P
erature for functional description provided a basis for < 0.05) and shell thickness, breaking strength, index,
selecting putative proteins. These putative proteins fracture toughness, and stiffness decreased vastly (P <
were subjected to Pearson correlation analysis to deter- 0.05) than those of other groups.
mine their potential relationship with the thickness of
effective and mammillary layers, the calcium contents of
eggshells, and the Feret diameters of nanoparticles in Analysis of Eggshell Components
palisade layers. No significant changes were observed between differ-
ent age groups in the contents of organic matter, Ca, P,
Statistical and Bioinformatics Analyses
Table 1. Comparison of egg properties and eggshell parameters
All analyses were performed using SPSS 20.0 (SPSS of laying hens with different weeks of age (n = 6).
Inc., Chicago, IL). Data were analyzed using one-way Hens age (wk of age)
analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the means were
Items 38 58 78 108 SEM1 P-value
compared using Duncan’s multiple range test among the
Egg weight (g) 54.12 c
58.12 b
58.31 63.06b a
0.390 <0.001
groups. Data were shown as mean with pooled standard Shape index 1.34b 1.37a 1.34b 1.37a 0.004 0.001
error of the mean (SEM). P-values < 0.05 were consid- Surface area 66.93c
74.12a 0.316 <0.001
ered statistically significant. (cm2)
5.02c 5.51a 5.24b 5.20bc <0.001
Proteins with fold change (FC) in a comparison > 1.2 Shell weight (g)
Shell percentage 9.28ab 9.48a 9.00b 8.24c
0.064 <0.001
(or < 0.83) and P < 0.05 were considered to be signifi- (%)
cantly different (differentially expressed proteins, Thickness (*102 44.25a 43.59a 43.10a 41.36b 0.285 0.004
DEPs). Protein domains were identified using the Inter- Breaking 38.68a 37.55a 35.63a 30.30b 0.817 0.002
ProScan software from the InterPro member database strength (N)
Pfam (Finn et al., 2016). Complexheatmap R (R Version Eggshell index 7.49b 7.84a 7.45b 7.01c 0.048 <0.001
(g/100 cm )
3.4) was used to perform hierarchical clustering analysis Fracture tough- 321.20a 332.85a 324.13a 272.50b 7.074 0.006
(based on the Euclidean distance algorithm for similar- ness (N/mm3/
ity measure and average linkage clustering algorithm). )
Stiffness (N/mm) 71.18a 72.07a 66.94b 60.65c 0.833 <0.001
The protein sequences of the selected DEPs were locally
searched using the NCBI BLAST+ client software and Means within a row with no common superscripts differ signifi-
cantly (P < 0.05).
InterProScan to find homolog sequences, then gene 1
SEM: standard error of means.
ontology (GO) terms were mapped and sequences were
Table 2. Comparison of eggshell chemical composition of laying
hens with different weeks of age (n = 6).

Hens age (wk of age)

Items 38 58 78 108 SEM1 P-value
Organic matter 3.46 3.43 3.33 2.97 0.092 0.325
Organic content 2.60 2.69 2.48 2.08 0.090 0.087
per eggshell
area (mg/cm2)
Eggshell protein 13.66 13.15 13.63 13.54 0.098 0.250
content (mg/g)
Protein content 1.02a 1.03a 1.02a 0.95b 0.013 0.027
per eggshell
area (mg/cm2)
Calcium content 422.03 416.56 418.44 416.55 1.046 0.210
Calcium content 31.64 b
32.39 a
31.19 c
29.23 d
0.357 <0.001 Figure 1. Eggshell ultrastructure of cross section of laying hens at
per eggshell different weeks of age (scanning electron microscope images, scale bar,
area (mg/cm2) 300 mm, magnification, 180 £). wk, weeks of age; MT, mammillary
Phosphorus con- 1.13 1.13 1.15 1.15 0.004 0.070 layer thickness; ET, effective layer thickness; TT, total thickness.
tent (mg/g)
Phosphorus con- 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.002 0.121
tent per egg-
shell area (mg/
Means within a row with no common superscripts differ signifi-
cantly (P < 0.05).
SEM: standard error of means.

and total matrix protein in eggshells (P > 0.05)

(Table 2). However, the total protein per eggshell area
and Ca content per eggshell area of 108-wk-old groups
declined substantially compared with other age groups
(P < 0.05).

Eggshell Ultrastructure Figure 2. Eggshell ultrastructure of the inner surface of laying hens
at different weeks of age (scanning electron microscope images, scale
The age-related deterioration in eggshell ultrastruc- bar, 300 mm, magnification, 150 £). wk, weeks of age.
ture is presented in Table 3. The thickness of the total
calcified and effective layer of eggshell decreased signifi-
cantly in 78-wk-age and 108-wk-age groups than egg- Eggshell Nanostructure
shells of other groups (P < 0.05). Especially, the
proportion of effective layer declined and the proportion The nanostructure size analysis of different regions in
of mammillary layer increased greatly in the 108-wk-age eggshell is revealed in Table 4, and associated AFM
group compared with others (P < 0.05). Whereas there images are observed in Figure 3. For the nanoparticle
was no difference (P > 0.05) in mammillary knob width size of palisade layer, the Feret diameter of 108-wk-age
among various age groups (Figure 1). Moreover, com- group expanded significantly than those of 78-wk-age
pared with the 38-wk-old group, the decreased mammil- group (P < 0.05). However, no significant difference was
lae density of eggshell was found in the 108-wk-age observed among all groups in nanogranules size of the
group (P < 0.05) (Figure 2). mammillary layer (P > 0.05).

Table 3. Comparison of eggshell ultrastructure of laying hens with different weeks of age (n = 6).

Hens age (wk of age)

Items 38 58 78 108 SEM1 P-value
Total thickness (mm) 339.30 a
337.07 a
317.64 b
314.96 b
2.086 <0.001
Thickness of mammillary layer (mm) 71.16bc 68.65c 72.61b 79.06a 0.638 <0.001
Thickness of effective layer (mm) 268.95a 267.05a 246.57b 235.55b 2.357 <0.001
Mammillary knobs width (mm) 67.17 67.85 68.06 67.08 0.295 0.563
Mammillary layer (%) 20.79c 20.75c 22.72b 25.25a 0.291 <0.001
Effective layer (%) 79.21a 79.25a 77.28b 74.75c 0.291 <0.001
Mammillae density (1 mm2) 250.13a 244.33ab 241.40bc 235.20c 1.334 0.001
Means within a row with no common superscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05).
SEM: standard error of means.

Table 4. Comparison of the nanostructure size in eggshell varies Functional Analysis of DEPs
layers (palisade and mammillary layers) of laying hens with differ-
ent weeks of age (n = 6). To better realize the functional roles of proteins, the
GO enrichment, KEGG pathway, and protein-protein
Hens age (wk of age)
interaction network analyses were conducted. Gene
38 58 78 108 SEM1
Items P-value Ontology functional enrichment analysis (P < 0.05) was
ab ab b a
Feret diameter of 41.82 41.92 41.26 42.66 0.174 0.026 performed based on biological process (BP), molecular
palisade layer
(nm) function (MF), and cellular component (CC) modules,
Feret diameter of 50.92 50.78 50.30 50.05 0.236 0.541 and all functional classes of DEPs were found in
mammillary Figure 5A. The GO enrichment in BP mainly included
layer (nm)
complement activation, classical pathway
Means within a row with no common superscripts differ signifi- (GO:0006958), humoral immune response mediated by
cantly (P < 0.05).
SEM, standard error of means. circulating immunoglobulin (GO:0002455), protein acti-
vation cascade (GO:0072376) and B cell mediated
immunity (GO:0019724), which were primarily related
Proteomic Analysis of Eggshell From 108 wk to immunity. The MF classes were mostly enriched in
misfolded protein binding (GO:0051787), lipoprotein
and 38 wk Groups particle receptor binding (GO:0070325), and molecular
TMT-based quantitative proteomics of eggshells was function regulator (GO:0098772) which was composed
performed to analyze the different matrix proteins of 12 proteins. The key CC was the apical junction com-
between hens at two wk of age. In the LC-MS/MS analy- plex (GO:0043296).
sis, we observed the average peptides mass error was < The pathways of KEGG enrichment analysis per-
10 ppm, which is reasonable for subsequent proteomic formed for upregulated and down-regulated proteins
analysis. Overall, 9808 peptide spectrum matches respectively were further demonstrated (Figure 5B).
(PSMs) were matched to 2,516 peptides, of which 2,131 The upregulated protein annotation was enriched in oxi-
were unique. A total of 655 proteins were identified from dative phosphorylation, adherens junction, cytokine-
the two groups, and there were 43 significant upregu- cytokine receptor interaction, and proteasome. Whereas,
lated and 33 significant down regulated proteins (P < the ECM-receptor interaction, focal adhesion, MAPK
0.05, FC > 1.2) in the 108wk group compared to the 38 signaling pathway, and lysosome were downregulated.
wk group (Figure 4A). The detailed information about Using the STRING database and Cytoscape software,
these DEPs is provided in Table S1, and all identified the protein interaction networks were constructed for
and quantified proteins are listed in Table S2. The VH1, the DEPs (Figure 6). The PPI networks indicated 41
protein TENP, avidin, lysozyme C, ovalbumin, Immu- proteins, of which 20 were up-regulated and 21 down-
noglobulin lambda-like polypeptide 1, ovodefensin A1 regulated. The crucial proteins that closely interacted
and avian beta-defensin 11 were regarded as high abun- with other DEPs had greater connectivity and impor-
dance proteins within the differentially expressed pro- tance, like osteopontin (OPN) (14 interactions), apoli-
teins (FC > 1.5). To analyze the change in protein poprotein AI (11 interactions), OC-116, lysozyme C
abundance of inter-group and intra-group samples, hier- (LYZ) and OVA (all had 4 interactions).
archical cluster analysis was used to classify the DEPs of To speculate on all proteins that might be associated
the comparison groups. In the result, the expression pat- with the decline of eggshell quality, every DEPs was
terns of DEPs were similar within the intra-group sam- searched and analyzed from related databases and
ples, suggesting that a significant difference in protein research. Among all the DEPs, 15 proteins were found
abundance was only present between the two groups to be more essential for the information of eggshell struc-
(Figure 4B). ture and thus affected the eggshell quality. The

Figure 3. Eggshell nanostructure in palisade (A) and mammillary (B) layer of laying hens with different weeks of age (atomic force microscopy
amplitude images, scanning area, 800 nm £ 800 nm). wk, weeks of age.

Figure 4. Identification and comparison of differential expressed proteins. (A) Volcano plots. The fold change (FC) criteria is > 1.2 (or < 0.83)
and p < 0.05. X-axis displays the fold change of differential proteins (value of log2), and Y-axis corresponds to the P value (value of -log10). The red
dots express the up-regulated significant differentially expressed protein, the blue indicate the down-regulated, and the gray are the proteins with no
difference change. (B) Hierarchical cluster heatmap. X-axis manifests groups of samples, and Y-axis demonstrates the differential proteins. The red
and blue signify the high and lower expressed levels respectively. And gray represents no quantitative protein information.

functional description and regulated type for these pro- proteins, synthesis and folding of proteins, and other
teins are listed in Table 5. To sum up, the results of func- proteins. Specifically, it was verified the concentrations
tional analysis suggested that different eggshell quality of two key proteins, LYZ and OVA, from the proteomic
in the aged hens (108 wk of age) and the young hens (38 data by Elisa, and the results indicated that the expres-
wk of age) was regulated by proteins involved in biomin- sion levels of these proteins were consistent with the pro-
eral proteins, Ca ion-related proteins, immune-related teomics.

Correlation Analysis Between Proteomic and

Eggshell Traits
A Pearson correlation analysis was utilized to deter-
mine whether there was any association among the
thickness of effective and mammillary layers, the Ca
contents of eggshells, the size of nanoparticles in pali-
sades layers, and the quantification of main eggshell
matrix proteins (Figure 7). The results revealed that the
thickness of mammillary layer was negatively correlated
with the quantification of OPN, nephronectin

Figure 5. Gene ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway enrichment

analysis of up and down-regulated differential proteins. (A) GO func-
tional enrichment analysis. The abscissa presents enriched GO terms,
and ordinate represents the number of proteins. The color of column
corresponds to the P value, color gradient indicates significance of the
enriched GO terms and the number at the top of the column are rich
factor (≤ 1). BP, biological process; MF, molecular function; CC, cellu-
lar component. (B) Butterfly plot of KEGG enrichment pathway. X- Figure 6. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks. The color of
axis displays the P value (value of -log10) and the pathways involved in the circle indicates the difference in protein expression (blue for down-
up-regulated and down-regulated proteins are represented by red regulation and red for up-regulation), and the size of the circle indicates
(right) and blue (left) bars. the number of proteins that interact directly.

Table 5. The vital matrix proteins contributing to decreased mechanical properties of eggshell in aged laying hens.

Functional class Protein name (Gene symbol) Annotation Regulated type

Biomineralization Lysozyme C (LYZ) Hydrolytic antimicrobials; a modulator for Up
CaCO3 crystallization
Ovalbumin (OVA) Regulate shell structure and present in eggshell Up
Ovocleidin-116 (OC-116) Major component of the eggshell matrix; Play an Down
important role in the regulation of calcite
growth during eggshell calcification.
Osteopontin (SPP1) Binds tightly to hydroxyapatite; Appears to form Down
an integral part of the mineralized matrix.
Calcium ion related Annexin (ANXA11) Calcium ion binding Down
Nephronectin (NPNT) Cell-substrate adhesion Down
EF-hand domain-containing protein Calcium ion binding Down
Fibronectin (FN1) molecular adhesion; related to mechanical Down
Nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2) Contained EF-folding domains; Calcium ion Down
Syndecan (SDC1) Cell surface proteoglycan. Down
Alpha 1 type IIA collagen (COL2A1) Extracellular matrix structural constituent Down
Immune-related Ovodefensin A1 (OvoDA1) Defense response to bacterium Up
Avidin (AVD) Biotin binding; antibacterial humoral response Up
Avian beta-defensin 11 (AvBD11) Defense response to bacterium Up
Protein synthesis and folding DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member Proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic Down
C3 (DNAJC3) process

(NPNT), alpha 1 type IIA collagen (COL2A1), fibro- DISCUSSION

nectin (FN1) and nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2) (P <
0.05). The thickness of effective layer had a positive cor- The age of the hen is one of the main factors that
relation (P < 0.05) with the quantification of OPN, OC- affects eggshell quality, with eggs laid by older hens more
116, DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member likely to have poorer mechanical performance (Kemps et
C3 (DNAJC3), annexin (ANXA11), EF-hand al., 2006; Sirri et al., 2018). Our study found that the
domain-containing protein, epithelial cell adhesion mole- breaking strength of eggshells significantly decreased in
cule, insulin-like growth factor II and syndecan (SDC1). older hens, particularly at 108 wk of age. Compared to
Whereas, this was negatively correlated with the concen- eggshell samples from hens at 38 wk of age, the strength
tration of LYZ, OVA, ApoA-I, FAM20C golgi associ- declined by 3.05N (7.89%) at 78 wk and by 8.38N
ated secretory pathway kinase, ovodefensin A1 (21.66%) at 108 wk. In addition to breaking strength,
(OvoDA1), and Avian beta-defensin 11 (AvBD11) (P stiffness, and fracture toughness are commonly used to
< 0.05). There was no significant correlation between assess the physical properties and material strength of
the Ca contents of eggshells, and the nanoparticle size in eggshells (Bain, 1990; Bain, 2005). The significantly lower
palisades layers with the quantification of these eggshell values of stiffness and elastic modulus of eggshells with
matrix proteins (P > 0.05). hen age were observed in the previous study (Mabe et al.,
2003). It was consistent with our results that a significant
decline in the 108-wk-age group. Furthermore, eggshell
characteristics, such as thickness and surface area, were
found to vary during the production cycle of laying hens,
reflecting changes in shell material properties (Fathi et
al., 2019). In our study, the decrease in eggshell thickness
and increase in surface area were likely attributed to the
lower mechanical quality observed in the 108-wk-age
group. Previous studies have indicated that the age-
related changes in egg and eggshell traits contribute to
decreased eggshell quality, with increases in egg weight
and surface area but decreases in shell percentage and
index (eggshell weight per area) (Roberts et al., 2013;
Kim et al., 2014; Molnar et al., 2016). Although shell
weight did not show a significant change, the shell per-
centage declined significantly with age (Nys, 1986). Simi-
larly, our study found that eggshells at 108 wk of age
exhibited increased surface area and altered shape, but
Figure 7. Corrplot based on Pearson’s correlation analysis. Red the shell weight did not proportionally increase.
represents a significant positive correlation (P < 0.05), blue indicates The chemical composition and ultrastructure play
significantly negative correlation (P < 0.05), and white shows that the crucial roles in determining the mechanical properties of
correlation was not significant (P > 0.05). MT, mammillary layer thick-
ness; ET, effective layer thickness; CC, calcium content; NP, nanostruc-
eggshells. The eggshell consists of CaCO3 crystals and
ture size in palisade layer. the organic matrix as well as magnesium, P, and a
variety of trace elements (Hincke et al., 2012). The 108-wk-aged hens contributed to impaired eggshell qual-
decline in Ca deposition in aging laying hens may con- ity. Although there were no considerable changes in
tribute to poor eggshell quality. A recent study by Park composition among different age groups, the abundance
and Sohn, 2018 found that although the eggshell weight of different types of proteins was suggested to play
increased with hen age, the proportionate rise in the Ca important roles in influencing eggshell quality.
content of eggshell deposition was not observed, which The matrix proteins play a key role in regulating egg-
is consistent with our findings. Our study did not shell formation and controlling structural organization
observe a change in the total Ca content in eggshells (Gautron and Nys, 2007). In total, the present study
with age but a decrease in distribution (Ca content per identified 43 upregulated and 33 downregulated proteins
eggshell area), which aligns with our results indicating in the 108-wk-age group, primarily related to four func-
decreased thickness. Previous research has demon- tional classes: biomineralization, calcium-ion-related,
strated that P influences CaCO3 deposition in the shell immune-related, and protein synthesis and folding. The
gland (Cusack et al., 2003). However, our results indi- proteins with a key role in the control of eggshell biomin-
cate no change in the P content and distribution of egg- eralization process show the different regulated types in
shells with age. Further investigation is needed to this study. OC-116 is one of the most crucial proteins in
explore the impact of inorganic minerals on eggshell the eggshell, related to mineralization. It is predomi-
mechanical performance. Regarding eggshell protein nantly located in the palisade region of the shell and
content, our study also did not observe a significant found an overabundance in the uterine fluid at the active
change with age, consistent with the findings of Ahmed growth phase (Hincke et al., 1999; Marie et al., 2015b).
(Ahmed et al., 2005). It suggested that the total amount A candidate gene association analysis demonstrated
of protein may have a lesser effect on eggshell quality. that single nucleotide polymorphisms in the OC-116
The structural organization of the eggshell at various gene show an association with elastic modulus, shell
levels significantly influences its mechanical properties thickness, and egg shape (Dunn et al., 2009). In our

(Ketta and Tumova, 2016). The age-related deteriora- study, OC-116 was found downregulated in the eggshell
tion in ultrastructure may contribute to weakened egg- from aged hens and had a positive correlation with the
shell quality in older laying hens. Previous studies have thickness of the effective layer. Meanwhile, OPN is a
suggested that the reduction in thickness and proportion highly concentrated phosphoprotein found in the pali-
of the effective layer is the main factor affecting shell sade layer (Pines et al., 1995; Hincke et al., 2012). Previ-
strength (Bozkurt et al., 2009; Dunn et al., 2012). Addi- ous research has highlighted associations of OPN gene
tionally, the increased height of mammillary columns expression with abnormalities, fracture toughness, and
and irregular arrangement of mammillary cores may fur- cracks in the eggshell (Arazi et al., 2009). Lower abun-
ther negatively impact the quality of formed eggshells dance of osteopontin has been identified in weak egg-
(Feng et al., 2020; Radwan, 2016). In our study, we shells compared to strong eggshells (Sun et al., 2013),
observed a decreased ratio of the effective layer and an which aligns with our findings of downregulated OPN in
increased ratio of the mammillary layer in eggshells laid the 108-wk-age group. Our results also showed a close
at 78 wk of age, which continued to decline in the 108- positive relationship between the effective layer and
wk-age group. Besides, a decline in mammillae density OPN quantification. Therefore, the decreased levels of
was observed in 108-wk-age eggshells, which has been OC-116 and OPN in the eggshell may contribute to the
reported to compromise the attachment points of the decline in eggshell quality. The quantification of OVA
eggshell mineral to the membranes and negatively affect and LYZ increased in the eggshells from the 108-wk-age
eggshell mechanical properties (Benavides-Reyes et al., group. OVA, a widespread egg white protein, could be
2021). The eggshell nanostructure arises from the inter- entrapped within the mineral layer during eggshell for-
action between organic components and CaCO3 crys- mation and was localized in the mammillary knobs
tals, forming "nanosphere particles" (Dauphin et al., (Hincke, 1995). The presence of OVA in eggshells sug-
2018). This unique nanoscopic organization plays a role gests its influence on the initiation of eggshell formation.
in the macroscopic properties and functionality of the Similarly, previous studies have demonstrated higher
material. The size of eggshell nanometer-scale granules concentrations of OVA in eggshell extracts from older
in the palisades layer and mammillary layer, as demon- hens compared to young hens (Panheleux et al., 2000).
strated by AFM, is approximately 30-70 nm, consistent The increase in OVA may induce added thickness to the
with our observations (Perez-Huerta and Dauphin, mammillary layer and abnormal formation of the mam-
2016; Athanasiadou et al., 2018). An inversely propor- millary core. Moreover, LYZ is another egg white pro-
tional relationship has been found between the size of tein abundant in the early stage of eggshell formation.
nanogranules and the mechanical characteristics of the (Marie et al., 2015b). Lysozyme C, in addition to its
material (Wolf et al., 2016). However, in our study, the antibacterial defense role, has been suggested to play a
size of nanogranules in the palisade layer appeared to role in eggshell biomineralization (Moreau et al., 2022).
gradually increase with age, although not significantly. Under in vitro conditions, high concentrations of LYZ
Further investigation is needed to understand the rela- have been shown to alter crystal morphology (Hincke et
tionship between nanostructure and age-related decline al., 2000). The close positive relationship between LYZ
in eggshell mechanical performance. Thus, the varia- and the mammillary layer may explain the variations in
tions in eggshell structural organization observed in the eggshell structure observed in the aged hens.

Several proteins involved in Ca binding and regula- age group, indicating an abnormal state of the uterus.
tion participate in the eggshell formation process. In the Therefore, our present study suggests that the abnormal
108-wk-age eggshell, ANXA11, NPNT, EF-hand deposition of immune-related proteins in eggshells from
domain-containing protein, NUCB2, FN1, and proteo- aged hens can be attributed to uterine senescence and
glycans (SDC1 and COL2A1) were downregulated com- subsequent damage to eggshell quality.
pared to the 38-wk-age group. ANXA11, proposed to be
present in vesicle membranes, can promote Ca ion entry,
and annexins serve as nucleation sites for mineral forma-
tion due to their Ca ion-binding properties (Wu et al., In summary, the eggshell thickness and mechanical
2008; Stapane et al., 2020a; Stapane et al., 2020b). properties of Jing Tint 6 at 108 wk of age exhibited a sig-
NUCB2, identified as an abundant noncollagenous bone nificant decrease compared to the peak laying period.
protein associated with the mammillary cones, has an This decline could primarily be attributed to changes in
EF-hand Ca ion-binding domain and is involved in the layer proportion of eggshell ultrastructure. However,
maintaining Ca levels (D’Ambrosio et al., 2008; Rose- no significant variations were observed in eggshell com-
Martel et al., 2015). The downregulation of these pro- positions. The DEPs in the eggshells from 108-wk-age
teins with hen aging may compromise the mammillary hens may be associated with the formation of an altered
knob and consequently impact eggshell structure and structure. The decreased levels of OC-116 and OPN,
quality. Similarly, NPNT is a Ca-binding protein identi- along with the increased abundance of OVA and LYZ,
fied in the unique organization responsible for the are considered to be the main factors contributing to the
mechanical properties of the Guinea fowl eggshell (Le structural changes.
Roy et al., 2019). FN1, a glycoprotein found in the min-
eralized layer, interacts with the extracellular matrix
and facilitates molecular adhesion by binding proteogly- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
cans (Zeng et al., 2023). These proteins are likely to play
This work was financially supported by the earmarked
a crucial role in eggshell structure, and their downregu-
fund for China Agriculture Research System (CARS-40-
lation may contribute to decreased eggshell quality in
K12; CARS-40-S20), the National Natural Science
the 108-wk-age group. Meanwhile, NUCB2, NPNT, and
Foundation of China (32302776) and the Agricultural
FN1 exhibited closely positive correlations, may suggest-
Science and Technology Innovation Program (ASTIP)
ing their co-participation in biological pathways perti-
of CAAS.
nent to the eggshell calcification process. Furthermore,
COL2A1 and SDC1, as the extracellular matrix pro-
teins, also participate in eggshell mineralization by inter- DISCLOSURES
acting with Ca (Arias et al., 2004; Brionne et al., 2014).
In total, the declining abundance of these proteins may The authors have declared that they have no conflicts
indicate impaired eggshell calcification processes in aged of interest.
hens, subsequently resulting in poor eggshell quality.
The decline in immunity is a notable characteristic of SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
aged laying hens. Our previous findings demonstrated
that impaired reproductive function and inflammation Supplementary material associated with this article
in aged laying hens led to increased expression of anti- can be found in the online version at doi:10.1016/j.
bacterial proteins in the uterus (Feng et al., 2020). How- psj.2024.103463.
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