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Task 1:

The diagram illustrates the process in which ethanol fuel is made from corn.
Overall, the production of ethanol fuel has eight steps, starting at -> with harvesting
corn and ending at -> with the delivery of finished product. / ending with delivering
the finished product.
- the/a/an + (adv) + adj + N
- the/a/an + (adj) N1 + N2
E.g. A television program.
A education system
S1 + V1, and S2 + V2
Initially, corn is harvested, and then is put in a suitable place to ensure safe
storage before it is ready for milling. During the milling stage, the corn is ground into
a fine powder, which is mixed with water. The resulting mixture is cooked for four
hours. Following that, the mixture undergoes a fermentation process, which takes two
days, and ethanol is produced after this stage.
The process continues with -> when the liquid ethanol is separated from the
fermented mixture, during which some solid by-products are taken out. It takes five
hours for the resulting ethanol to be purified to remove any impurities. At the final
step, this ethanol is stored before being transported to gas stations, ready to be sold.
(153 words)

TA CC Lexical resource GRA

7-8 logical 7 7

Task 2:
Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical
attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Some people believe that foreigners should be charged more than local
residents to visit attractive destinations such as monuments. From my perspective, I
am totally not convinced by this statement.
reason / belief / statement (n) that S + V
This view might come from the reason is -> that local people already pay for
tourist sites through taxes. To be more specific, when local residents make income
from their work or consume goods or services, they have to pay taxes that contributed
-> contribute to state budgets, and then the government will spend money from its
funding on improving infrastructures in the cultural and historical attractions. This
leads to the belief/opinion that foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors.
However, it is undoubtable that tourists from overseas also account for the public
money of the country they visit. (Explain) When visiting a country, foreign visitors
contribute greatly to the state budget by consuming goods and services provided by
local citizens. (Link) Therefore, it is unreasonable to force them to pay more for the
innovation and maintenance of local tourist attractions.
=> point out the reason for the statement (local ppl pay through taxes) -> reject the
reason => DISAGREE
It is obvious that this method is counterproductive. Clearly, creating unfair
treatment will discourage foreign tourists to visit well-known destinations because
they will consider going to other places with more reasonable prices. As a result, a
significant amount of income of native people will be lost. Furthermore, an unequal
environment has a negative effect on the national image. If a nation has a
discrimination between local people and foreigners, not only that country will be
against its traditional culture, but it also creates a barrier for international relationship.
=> list reasons to reject the opinion => DISAGREE
In conclusion, I completely disagree with the opinion that foreign visitors
should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions. I suggest that
countries should create a fair and equal environment for visitors regardless of their
nationalities in order to increase international integration.
(260 words)
6.5 -> 6

- Opinion is 7 7 - Still have

not systematic
throughout errors
the essay -> 6
- One idea is
-> 6

Task 1
General ideas - Subject: the amount of money (invest, spend)
- Unit: billion euros
- Overview: Organization B: highest
- Paragraph:
+ P1: B + D + E (highest: building)
Topic sentence: B D E had the biggest investment in building
+ P2: A + C
Comparison - Comparison between organizations
- Comparison between aspects / sectors
The bar chart illustrates how much money is invested in four categories of five
organisations. It is clear that the amount of money spent of -> by organisation B was
the highest.
Three organisations B, D and E had the biggest investment in building. In
detail, organisation B invested 1.7 billion euros in building. A bit lower numbers
were 1.6, 1.5 and 1.4 billion euros spent on research, staff training and machinery
respectively. The amount of money spent on building of organisation D and E were
equal at 0.5 billion euros, and around 0.4 billion euros were the amount of money
invested in each other categories of organisation D and E.
invest + <the amount of money> in Sth
spend + <the amount of money> on sth
Organisation A invested 1 billion euros in staff training which just doubled the
figure for organisation C. While organisation A spent more money than organisation
C on machinery and research with 0.8 and 0.7 billion euros respectively, both
organisations invested 0.5 billion euros in building, the same as the figure for
organisation D and E.
(173 words)
Task 2:

It is inevitable that traditional cultures will be lost as technology develops. To what

extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

General ideas Statement: inevitable (certainly, completely,...)

Ideas for both sides + -

globalization -> exchange Technological development
cultures -> replacement of helps preserve culture:
traditional culture by Tools to spread out the
foreign culture cultures -> TD deliver
E.g. Vietnam: Clothes cultures to people in other
replaced by Western countries -> E.g. social
clothes media (youtube, FB)
connects people all around
the world -> foreigners
listen to Vietnamese
traditional music without

Some people believe that conventional cultures will certainly be lost as

technology develops. From my perspective, I do not totally agree with this statement
because in some cases, traditional cultures are preserved and spread out by
technological development.
This view might come from the reason that the growth of globalization which
is stimulated by technological advancements leads to a significant increase in
exchange cultures -> cultural exchange. To be more specific, foreign cultures will
gradually replace conventional cultures such as what kind of music people listen to,
what sort of clothes they wear, and so on. This could result in the loss of traditional
cultures in daily life of local residents. For example, over the past decade in Vietnam,
conventional clothes namely “ao dai", “ao tu than" have been replaced by Western
clothes namely suits, dresses, and so on and hence, silk weaving villages have been
replaced gradually by garment factories. Therefore, it might be true that traditional
cultures will be lost as technology develops.
However, it is obvious that technological development helps preserve
convention -> traditional culture. It is because technological platforms are the tool to
spread out the traditional cultures -> traditions of a country to people in different parts
of the world. For example, through social media networks namely -> including
Youtube and Facebook, people all around the world are connected with others, so
foreigners can listen to Vietnamese traditional music without travelling. Therefore ->
In a nutshell, technological development plays an important role in the conservation of
traditional cultures.
In conclusion, I do not completely disagree -> agree with the claim that when
technology develops, conventional cultures will certainly be lost. I think that if the
authorities have reasonable and viable policies, not only technological growth does
not lose -> kill off (= destroy) traditional cultures, but it also allows them to be
delivered to people living in other countries.
(287 words)

Central idea is not 7 6 7
throughout (there is
a conflict between
thesis statement
and conclusion)

Topic sentence of
the 2nd paragraph
refers to
“globalization” not
My answer:
The co-dependence and co-existence of technology and cultures has been established
since the dawn of humankind with the earliest inventions of simple tools and as of today,
the boom of cutting-edge technology. As far as this relationship is concerned, some opine
that the disappearance of traditional culture by virtue of technological advancement
seems to be a foregone conclusion. From my perspective, I do acknowledge the adverse
effects of technology on cultural values, yet I still find it rather absurd to assure that it
could ever cease the existence of traditional cultures.

On the one hand, the development of technology is the driving factor behind
industrialization which has transformed the way people in a community interact with each
other, and somehow led to the loss of traditions. For example, the tradition of multi-
generational families had been cherished for thousands of years by Vietnamese people
before the rise of industrialization in the 21st century. Due to the development of
transport and manufacturing, young people nowadays have the tendency to leave home
to build their careers in distant regions. Consequently, the scene of a family gathering
around the dining table at dusk has been fading away and gradually replaced by a quick
call from afar.

On the other hand, technological innovations play a pivotal role in preserving traditional
cultures in the modern world. Undoubtedly, it has unified the world into a global village by
globalization in which cultural exchange is a fundamental part, and thus allows the spread
of regional traditions to other parts of the world. As more people, even those from
different cultural backgrounds, embrace the traditions, they will continue to live on. More
importantly, communication technologies contribute greatly to cultural promotion, and
therefore are a stimulus to tourism. As a result, local communities can have a sustainable
flow of revenue for maintenance and renovation of cultural and historical structures that
represent the life of their ancestors in the past.

In conclusion, it cannot be hastily asserted that technology must be held accountable for
the loss of cultural traditions since its influences are not all destructive. Instead, its
contributions to cultural preservation and continuation should be taken into account. (356

Introduction + PAST
Overview - industrial area -> trees
- more houses
- swimming pool and a harbor were added
=> transform from A to B: transform from an industrial area
to a residential area (with facilities…)
P Subject (the lake, convention center,...): location +

The two maps illustrate the main changes which occurred at the waterfront area
in a town called Darwin from 2009 to 2014. Overall, there was a transformation from
an industrial area to a residential area with many trees. In addition, a couple of
facilities were also built.
A range of residential buildings located in the center of the town divided it into
two parts. To the north of the buildings, 2014 experienced no change of the lake
situated in the middle of the northern region. Likewise, other facilities which lie ->
lying surround -> around | surrounding the lake including the footpath, the school, the
convention center, two swimming pools and the fishing area still remained except the
industrial area located between the school and the lake that was converted into the -> a
swimming pool. There was also a construction of the -> a swimming pool situated in
the top-left corner in 2014.
To the south of the building, the industrial area which lies -> lied in the middle
of the southern region was destroyed. Most of its place was used for planting trees,
and the remaining area was used to construct the -> a university building located in
the northwestern corner, the -> a new residential building (situated) to the south of the
old another -> one and the -> a footpath (sited) in the middle of southern region after 5
years. Besides, there was an erection of the -> a harbour which lies on the sea in 2014.

+ -
- save more time and money-> not - not opportunities to travel -> little
move encouragement to travel -> not
- communicate with foreigners visit famous attractions to
without travel -> exchange culture increase knowledge about -> not
contribute to the local tourism ->
state budget
- in some cases, must face-to-face
communication -> prevent
interruption due to technical
errors -> not effectively work and
study => change to subject back
“social media”
Nowadays, face-to-face communication is being replaced by online
conversations using social media among many people in society. This essay will
present benefits and drawbacks of this trend, and from my perspective, the latter
outweighs the former.
It might be the fact that converting eye-to-eye interaction into using social
media allows people to save more time and money. It is because people do not need to
move to places where people meet together -> need to travel in order to meet each
other, and thus people not only do not have to spend time on the road but also can
save an amount of money that relates to meeting such as money -> cost of
transportation, and so on. In addition, it might be true that people can use social media
to communicate with foreigners without traveling. To be more specific, social media
allows people to build relationships with foreigners, and therefore people can
exchange culture and broaden their horizons about the different countries in the world.
In the nutshell, using social media replaces face-to-face conversations benefits people
in terms of saving time, money and learning.
However, undoubtedly, eye-to-eye -> online communication has a negative
effect on the economy. It is obvious that if people meet and talk through social media,
they might not have opportunities to travel. This leads to the fact that famous
destinations will not have visitors and goods and services of local residents will not be
consumed by tourists. Consequently, while tourists can not increase their knowledge,
native people will not make income and pay taxes to account for the government
budget. Furthermore, the authorities will not have funding to improve public services
such as infrastructures and healthcare. In some cases, using social media causes
interruption due to technique errors. As a result, this impacts the efficiency of working
and studying. By contrast, people can fully achieve their communication purposes
when -> with face-to-face interaction.
In conclusion, for the reasons mentioned above, I am of the opinion that the
positive effects that social media has on our communication are outweighed by the

Opinion clear be aware of usage of - articles (a/an/the)
some errors uncommon words + - fixed structures
have efforts to use - punctuations (, and
7 7 them thus….)
However, still lack of
style be aware of sentence
structure diversity + have
6 efforts
However, systematic

The bar chart illustrates the rate of population using the internet, and the pie
chart compares how much average money every individual spends on shopping online
in five different countries. Overall, while Sweden has the highest percentage of
internet users, the amount of average money spent on shopping online is the biggest.
Looking at the bar chart, the proportion of the population in Sweden using the
internet is highest, accounting for 35%. The rate of internet users in the UK is far
lower than the figure for Sweden, at 20%. Those of Germany, France and Spain are
15%, 10% and 5% respectively.
In terms of the pie chart, 87 pounds is the average money every individual
spends on shopping online in the UK, the biggest in five nations and bigger than 11
pounds in comparison with that of Sweden. The figures for Germany and France are
46 pounds and 57 pounds respectively. Spanish people just spend about 10 pounds on
shopping online, the smallest in five countries.
Protecting environment is a long-term strategy -> future generations -> existence of
humankind >< protect people’s health: short-term: (lifespan of a human is shorter) +
lifestyle: important -> health -> more diseases will appear

Nowadays, some people believe that the government should invest more
money in medical study to defend residents’ health rather than in defending the
environment. From my perspective, I do not agree with this claim.
It is obvious that both people’s health and the environment are important. It is
because the polluted environment also has negative effects on citizens’ health, and
therefore spending more money on medical research is just a temporary solution. For

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