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Programming language is a communication tool or intermediary between humans and computers.
The programming language is divided into 3 levels, namely, low level programming languages (Low
Level Programming Language), intermediate level programming languages (Medium Level
Programming Language) and high level programming languages (High Level Programming
Language). Current technological developments change industry standards in particular the need
for IT personnel. Programming language has become a scientific discipline that currently attracts the
attention of the general public with various groups and backgrounds. To learn the programming
language itself there are 2 ways that can be done, first through formal education and non-formal
education. Formal education such as through high school / vocational high school and tertiary
education levels which need much money. Non-formal education such as courses that are opened
by individuals and groups and certainly with a lower cost compared to Formal Education. Formal
and non-formal education has several disadvantages, namely for formal education, especially
tertiary education, only high school students majoring in Natural Sciences and Vocational School
majoring in computer network, multimedia, and software engineering can register. For non-formal
education such as courses, applicants are required to come to the location of the course and of course
will add their own fees for applicants whose location is quite far from the location of the course held. By
these limitations, then a solution is made with the method of online learning (e-learning). There
are several definitions of online learning including [1] defining online learning as sending instruction
to distance learners using the web as an intermediary, while Carliner [2] defines online learning as
educational material presented through computers. The study by [3] describe online learning as
learning that is entirely online. With this online learning media, it is expected to be able to reduce the
existing limitations and of course with a lighter cost and can be accessed anywhere. Online learning
media is created by presenting material and a case study approach to facilitate understanding in
understanding a material. Online learning is focus on the needs of individual learners as an important
factor in the process of education rather than on the instructors’, or educational institutions’
needs [4]. The advantages of online learning include flexibility, convenience and self-paced-learning
[5]. There are many learning management system (LMS) nowadays, free or paid. But based on [6],
the limitation of ability in LMS in order to manage learner’s contents or evaluation system is not
standard. This study aims to develop an online learning application for language programming. The
application will include learning materials and also the final test.studying some online learning
application that already exists. The data collected in this study are: the course materials, question
banks, and the flow of user to take a course and quiz. The development of this online learning
application uses the Scrum framework. Scrum is a framework for Agile software development
methods. Scrum is made to be able to develop software flexibly and quickly. According to [11],
there are considerations for using Scrum or traditional software development methods.


Conventional learning (classroom learning) is normally fairly structured. It requires learners meeting on
a regular basis, at scheduled times on the same days each week. This limits flexibility with work and
other activities. Learners generally must be in class to get the learning experience and to keep up with
requirements. Unless your instructors record lectures, in-class instruction is not available after the class
session is over. Students who struggle to focus may also find classrooms and cohorts distracting to their
learning experience.

Furthermore, it is very obvious that students tend to concentrate basically on the departmental
compendium, as a result, this gives them little knowledge of what is expected of them, thereby impedes
their performance when tested through mid-term assessments or examination.Hence, the problem
centers on effective teaching and learning processes for the impacting and the advancement of the
students’ theoretical and practical knowledge.


The aim of this study is to design and implement an e-learning platform in which the course materials
are presented using the advantages of multimedia and hypermedia. To achieve the stated aim, the
following specific objectives were laid out:
1. To enable instructors to upload learning materials for the students to access.
2. To provide the students with more learning materials (reference materials of the compendium).
3. To facilitate the interaction between instructor and students, and students to students (group
4. To enable learners to gain access to learning materials at their convenient time.
5. To enable learners to learn anywhere and at any time.


This study examines objects in the form of using the Scrum framework in developing online
learning application. The data in this study are primary data collected through literature study and
observations. The observation is done by studying some online learning application that already exists.
The data collected in this study are: the course materials, question banks, and the flow of user to
take a course and quiz. The development of this online learning application uses the Scrum
framework. Scrum is a framework for Agile software development methods. Scrum is made to be
able to develop software flexibly and quickly. According to [11], there are considerations for using
Scrum or traditional software development methods.



1. Putu ciptayani, Developing This study The use of this
July 2020 Online Learning examines objects in framework fits
Application for the form of using perfectly with
Programming the Scrum the
Language framework in characteristics
developing online of users who
learning application. have not been
The data in this able to clearly
study are primary and in detail
data collected define their
through literature needs. The
study and existence of
observations. The deliverables that
observation is done are directly
by studying some given and can be
online learning used by users
application that directly after a
already exists. The sprint is
data collected in executed is able
this study are: the to explore more
course materials, data on user
question banks, and needs. The
the flow of user to rapid
take a course and development
quiz. The time also
development of this became an
online learning advantage of the
application uses the Scrum
Scrum framework. framework in
Scrum is a developing this
framework for online learning
Agile software system.
methods. Scrum is
made to be able to
develop software
flexibly and
2. Mustafa Yağci, Software The case study The findings
February 2017 Engineering for method, which is obtained from
smart healthcare one of the this study,
application. qualitative research which evaluated
methods, was used student opinions
in this study. Case relating to a
study is a qualitative project / video-
research approach in based
which cases and blended-
themes are evaluated learning method
and the data supported with a
collection tools blog site show
(observation, that the average
interviews, scores for
visual-aural satisfaction and
evidence, content
documents, reports), evaluation
including multi- were highly
sources, and one or positive. As
more cases, within mentioned
time-limits set by before,
the programming
researcher, are languages
evaluated in an in- require high-
depth form level problem
(Creswell, 2007). solving skills.
The case study The
method has been participation of
chosen here for the student and
analyzing the
students’ opinions of implementation
the web-based of this kind of
learning course is very
environment important. Thus,
designed to support it may be said
the “Introduction to that the
Programming” project-based
course and student-
which the teacher centered
candidates also programming
studied through the languages
traditional face-to- course had a
face teaching positive effect
method. on students’
success and
sense of
according to the
research results.


Online learning provides the following significance:

1. The provision of course content to off-campus students.

2. The provision of feedback to off-campus students.
3. The provision of student support services to off-campus students.
4. Links to the World Wide Web (www) and other resources.
5. Student-to-student interactivity.
6. Student to tutor and Institution interactivity.
Scope of the Study

The design of an e-learning platform is a very broad field, but this research work focuses on the
development of a platform where students of this great faculty; School of Computer Science,
Mathematics and Information Technology (SOCSMAIT), can easily access reference materials of the
departmental compendium, can read, copy or print these materials. Also students can download or
watch videos of lectures uploaded by the instructor. It also makes a provision for the students to assess
themselves after each studied course (objective-based).


To be candid, many problems were encountered while carrying out this research work. It wasn’t easy to
get information relevant for this research. The most important thing needed was reference materials of
the compendium of all the levels and departments of this faculty, this required internet subscription
which is very costly here in Benin, but we were able to bypass it due to our hard work. Finally, due to
the programming requirement of the software, we lacked the programming skills to get the work done,
it cost us more time learning how to program the software.However, efforts were made, towards
retaining the e-learning products quality, accomplishing of the projects objectives and completion of the
project within the specified period of time.


Mobile: With respect to technologies, ‘mobile’ generally means portable and personal, like a mobile

Learning: This is the act of acquiring new or modifying and reinforcing existing knowledge,
behaviour,skills, values, or references and may involve synthesizing different types of information.

E-Learning: This can be defined as any dissemination of educational knowledge over the internet. It can
be defined as the delivery of a learning, training or education program by electronic means.

Conventional Learning: This means having education in the four walls of a school.

Mobile Learning: The definition of mobile learning is still evolving and so there are many definitions I
existence. Techno-centric defines mobile learning as learning that takes place with the aid of mobile
CAL: This stands for computer Assisted learning. It is an application package that is designed to enable
the user to learn a particular subject through the provision of tutorial that may or may not be
accompanied by questions. CAL is popularly called tutorial software.

CAI: This is an abbreviation of computer aided instruction. It is an application package that is designed to
enable the user to learn and/or get acquainted with a specific subject or an aspect of life.

Website: It is information of a particular people, individual, state, country etc, made available to be seen
or can download on the net.

Login: To connect to the scale and make use of available information provided by the designer within
some range of specification.


1. User Interface Design: Creating intuitive and visually appealing interfaces to enhance the overall user
experience, ensuring easy navigation and engagement.

2. Interactive Learning Modules: Developing interactive coding exercises, quizzes, and projects to
reinforce learning and provide hands-on experience with programming concepts.

3. Adaptive Learning Paths: Implementing personalized learning paths based on user progress and
performance, tailoring the content to individual needs and skill levels.

4. Real-time Feedback: Incorporating feedback mechanisms to provide instant feedback on code

submissions, helping learners understand their mistakes and improve their coding skills.

5. Collaborative Features: Integrating features that facilitate collaboration, such as discussion forums,
pair programming tools, and code sharing options to encourage a sense of community among learners.

6. Performance Analytics: Implementing analytics to track user progress, identify areas for improvement,
and offer data-driven insights to both learners and instructors.

7. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring the application is accessible across various devices and
platforms, allowing users to learn anytime, anywhere.

8. Integration with Version Control: Enabling integration with version control systems like Git, allowing
users to manage and track changes in their code effectively.
9. Gamification Elements: Incorporating gamification elements such as badges, achievements, and
leaderboards to motivate learners and make the learning process more engaging.

10. Accessibility Considerations: Ensuring the application is designed to be accessible to users with
diverse needs, including those with disabilities.

11. Regular Updates and Improvements: Committing to continuous improvement by addressing user
feedback, fixing bugs, and incorporating updates to keep the application current and effective.

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