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College English Grammar

Understanding and Using English Grammar

1-5 Simple Past vs. Past Progressive

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① 教科書 P.16 のチャート内の例文の意味を、下部に日本語で記入してください。

② 教科書の各 EXERCISE の解答をそれぞれの解答欄に記入してください。
1-5 Simple Past vs. Past Progressive 単純過去形と過去進行形
Simple Past (a) I walked to school yesterday.
単純過去形 (b) John lived in Paris for ten years,
but now he lives in Rome.
(c) I bought a new car three days

(d) Rita stood under a tree when it

began to rain.
(e) When Mrs. Chu heard a strange
noise, she got up to investigate.
(f) When I dropped my cup, the coffee
spilled on my lap.
Past (g) I was walking down the street
Progressive when it began to rain.
過去進行形 (h) While I was walking down the
street, it began to rain.
(i) Rita was standing under a tree
when it began to rain.
(j) At eight o’clock last night, I was
(k) While I was studying in one room
of our apartment, my roommate was
having a party in the other room.


College English Grammar
Understanding and Using English Grammar
1-5 Simple Past vs. Past Progressive

EXERCISE 28 Looking at grammar

1 a b
2 a b
3 a b
4 a b
5 a b

EXERCISE 29 Looking at grammar

1 (sit) was sitting (think)
(listen, not)
2 (shine) (blow)
3 (stop) (be, not)
(sit) (get, not)
4 (argue) (walk)
5 (wait) (open)
6 (read) (fall)
(cover) (sneak)

EXERCISE 31 Looking at grammar

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8

College English Grammar
Understanding and Using English Grammar
1-5 Simple Past vs. Past Progressive

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