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Mohd Arman (2020540248)
Rohan Gupta (2020561445)
Rahul Bhandari (2020001434)

APRIL 2024



• Abstract ....................................................... 01
• Motivation .................................................. 02
• Literature Review ....................................... 03
• Planning of Work ........................................ 04
• Facilities Required for Proposed Work ...... 05
• References .................................................. 06

The telecom industry is highly competitive, and customer retention is a

critical aspect of its success. Predicting customer churn is a challenging
problem that has gained significant attention in the telecom industry.
Machine learning techniques have shown promising results in solving this
problem by identifying potential churners and implementing retention
strategies. This project aims to develop a customer churn prediction model
using machine learning algorithms to assist telecom companies in retaining
their customers.

In this project, several machine learning algorithms were explored and

evaluated on a telecom dataset to identify the best performing model. The
dataset was preprocessed to handle missing values and outliers and to
balance the class distribution. Feature selection techniques were also applied
to identify the most relevant features for the model. The evaluation metrics
used to assess the models' performance were accuracy, precision, recall,
F1score, and AUC-ROC.

The results showed that the Gradient Boosting Classifier performed the best
with an accuracy of 87.4%, precision of 87.1%, recall of 87.9%, F1-score of
87.5%, and AUC-ROC of 94.3%. The feature importance analysis revealed
that the most important features for predicting churn were customer tenure,
monthly charges, and internet service type.

Overall, the developed churn prediction model can assist telecom companies
in identifying potential churners and implementing targeted retention
strategies to retain their customers.

The telecom industry has experienced a rapid increase in customer churn

rates, resulting in a significant loss of revenue. Therefore, predicting and
preventing customer churn has become a critical task for telecom
companies to maintain their market position and profitability. Machine
learning algorithms offer an effective solution to predict customer churn
by analyzing large volumes of customer data. This project aims to develop
a machine learning model to predict customer churn in the telecom
industry and identify the key factors contributing to customer churn. The
successful implementation of this project will help telecom companies
retain their customers, improve customer satisfaction, and increase

Customer churn prediction in the telecom industry has been a topic of great
interest in recent years, as it allows telecommunication companies to retain
their customers by identifying and addressing the reasons for churn.
Machine learning algorithms have been widely used in this area due to their
ability to handle large amounts of data and complex relationships between
variables. Various studies have been conducted to explore different machine
learning techniques for customer churn prediction, such as logistic
regression, decision trees, random forest, support vector machines, and
neural networks.

One study used a combination of machine learning algorithms and data

preprocessing techniques to predict customer churn in the telecom industry.
The proposed method achieved a high accuracy rate of 89.84%, which
outperformed the traditional methods. Another study utilized a novel feature
selection method to identify the most relevant features for churn prediction,
and achieved an accuracy rate of 88.1%. Additionally, a study applied a
decision tree algorithm to predict customer churn, and found that the most
significant factors contributing to churn were call drops, network coverage,
and billing issues.

Moreover, several studies have explored the use of big data analytics and
artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for customer churn prediction. One
study proposed a deep learning model that combined convolutional and
recurrent neural networks to predict customer churn in the telecom industry,
and achieved an accuracy rate of 91.94%. Another study utilized a big data
analytics framework that incorporated machine learning algorithms and
graph databases to predict customer churn, and achieved an accuracy rate of
89.5%. Overall, these studies demonstrate the effectiveness of machine
learning and AI techniques in predicting customer churn in the telecom
industry, and highlight the importance of feature selection and data
preprocessing in improving the accuracy of churn prediction models.

The primary objective of this project is to develop an accurate customer

churn prediction model in the telecom industry using machine learning
techniques. The following steps will be taken to achieve this goal:

➢ Data collection and preprocessing: Telecom companies typically have

large amounts of data, including customer call records, usage patterns,
and demographic information. The first step will be to collect and
preprocess this data, including cleaning, filtering, and feature

➢ Feature engineering: Feature engineering is the process of selecting

and extracting the most relevant features from the data. In this project,
feature engineering will involve using techniques such as PCA and
feature selection algorithms to identify the most important features for
churn prediction.

➢ Model selection and training: Several machine learning algorithms

such as Decision Tree, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) can be used to develop the churn
prediction model. We will evaluate the performance of these
algorithms and select the most suitable one based on model accuracy.

➢ Model evaluation: Model evaluation is crucial to determine the

accuracy and reliability of the model. In this project, we will use
various evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and
F1score to evaluate the performance of the model.

➢ Deployment: The final step will be to deploy the model to a real-time

environment, such as a telecom company's system, to enable effective
customer churn prediction and management.

By following these steps, we aim to develop an accurate and reliable

customer churn prediction model that can help telecom companies in
reducing churn rate and improving customer retention.

The proposed work of predicting customer churn in the telecom industry

using machine learning requires access to a variety of facilities to ensure its
success. These facilities include access to a large and reliable dataset of
customer information that includes variables such as customer
demographics, usage patterns, and billing information. Additionally,
powerful computing resources are needed to train and test machine learning
models and perform data analysis tasks.

Furthermore, access to relevant software tools and programming languages

such as Python and R is essential to implement machine learning algorithms
and data visualization techniques. Moreover, access to cloud computing
platforms such as AWS and Google Cloud is required to leverage the
scalability and cost-effectiveness benefits of cloud computing for data
storage, processing, and analysis.

Finally, the proposed work requires a team of experts with a background in

machine learning, data analysis, and telecom industry knowledge to ensure
the accuracy and reliability of the predictive model. With these facilities, the
proposed work can be successfully completed, leading to improved
customer retention rates and better decision-making for telecom companies.

■ Kumar, S., & Tomar, A. (2021). Telecom Customer Churn Prediction
using Machine Learning. International Journal of Advanced Research
in Computer Science, 12(3), 101-104.
■ Islam, M. A., Islam, M. R., Islam, M. A., & Kabir, M. A. (2020).
Churn Prediction of Customer in Telecom Industry using Machine
Learning Algorithms. In 2020 3rd International Conference on
Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS) (pp. 129-134). IEEE.
■ Arifin, M. Z., & Wirawan, Y. (2019). The proposed method for churn
prediction in a telecommunication company. Journal of Big Data,
6(1), 1-17.
■ Sharma, A., Verma, D., & Bhatnagar, S. (2020). Predicting Customer
Churn in Telecom Industry using Machine Learning Techniques. In
2020 5th International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart
Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
■ Alomari, A. K., Al-Smadi, M., Al-Khasawneh, M., & Al-Mahasneh,
D. (2019). Churn prediction of telecommunications customers using
machine learning algorithms. International Journal of Computer
Applications, 178(43), 1-9.
■ Yu, J., Liu, Y., Li, C., & Huang, K. (2019). Telecom customer churn
prediction using machine learning: A case study of a Chinese
telecommunications company. In 2019 IEEE 5th International
Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC) (pp.
14801485). IEEE.
■ Alharthi, M., et al. "Telecom Churn Prediction Using Machine
Learning, Python, and GridDB." GridDB blog, 2019.
■ Khan, S., et al. "Churn Prediction of Customer in Telecom Industry
using Machine Learning Algorithms." International Journal of
Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence, 2020.
■ Kumar, A., et al. "A Review of Machine Learning Approaches for
Customer Churn Prediction." Journal of Big Data, 2019.
■ Qureshi, M., et al. "Predicting Customer Churn in Telecommunication
Industry using Machine Learning Techniques." arXiv preprint
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■ Saleh, A. "Churn Prediction in Telecom Industry using Machine
Learning Techniques: A Proposed Method." Al-Ahliyya Amman
University Journal for Research in Science and Technology, 2020.

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