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AME Set Up

AME admin User rights to an USER and to setup an Approval management Engine in Oracle
Applications. This mainly deals with the defining of business processes for governing the
approval transactions in Oracle Applications. This Document involves Steps to grant AME
privileges to a user and to set up AME to transform business cases of an organization into
approval routing rules for a particular transaction in oracle Applications.

AME (Approval Management Engine) is a self service Application which defines business
process that governs Approval process. AME transforms unique business cases into approval
routing rules for a particular transaction in oracle Applications. AME enables user to define
business rules in order to govern the approval management in Oracle Application where
AME is integrated. AME is also tightly integrated with Workflows

In order to set up an AME user should have some privileges and rights to access AME.

Steps to Provide AME admin rights to a USER:-

1) Log in to Oracle Applications as SYSADMIN user.

1) Select “User Management” Responsibility – “Roles & Role Inheritance”

Function from the Menu

Creating Data Grants to assign to Approvals Management Roles

2) Select “All Roles and Groups” in Type and type “Approvals%” in Name
and click the “Go” button (you can leave the Code and Application fields
3) Click the “Update” pencil icon for the first row returned

Role = Approvals Management Administrator


4) Click the “Create Grant” button

5) Click the “Save and proceed” button if prompted

6) Fill out the Define Grant form as follows:

Name - “Approvals Management Administrator Grant”

Description – “Data Grant to Approvals Management Administrator


Responsibility – “Approvals Management Administrator”

Object – “AME Transaction Types”

7) Click the “Next” button

Ensure Data Context Type = “All Rows” and click the “Next” button

8) Enter “AME Calling Applications” in the Set field, or select it from the LOV
returned by the flashlight icon. Click the “Next” button.

9) Review the Grant definition and click the “Finish” button.

Click the “OK” button

Click the “Apply” button

10) Repeat Steps 3 through 11, with the following differences:

Step 3 – Update the second row returned from search where:

Role = Approvals Management Business Analyst


Step 6 -Name - “Approvals Management Business Analyst Grant”

Description – “Data Grant to Approvals Management Business Analyst


Responsibility – “Approvals Management Business Analyst”

Object – “AME Transaction Types” (same Object)

11) Assigning Roles to Users

User Management -> Users link

Enter User Name in the “User Name” field and click “Go” button

12) Verify correct User is returned from Search, and click the “Update” pencil
icon for that user

13) Click the “Assign Roles” button

14) Enter “Approval%” as search criteria for Roles and click “Go” button.
Approvals Management Roles will be returned All Roles have been
assigned to this user for implementation purposes in this example, even
though not all roles are required.

15) Enter a “Justification” (required) and review / update “Active From” date
for each Role that was assigned, and click the “Apply” button.

Repeat steps 12 through 16 for each User to be assigned access to Approvals

Steps to set up an AME

The different components of AME are as follows:

– Transaction Types: Describes the type of transaction for

which business cases (rules) and approval routings will be
based. Transaction types can be:

• Seeded Transaction Types-Transaction types for

common transactions that occur in Oracle Applications
Modules. For ex: Payables Invoice Approval, Internal
Requisition Approval etc.

• Custom Transaction Types-New transaction types

created in order to integrate custom applications with

– Attributes: Business variables that represent the value of a

data element of a given transaction

– Conditions: Used to evaluate the value of attributes in a

particular transaction

– Actions: Describe the nature of what should be done in AME if

a particular condition and rule is satisfied by a transaction.

– Action Types: Action types are groupings of actions that have

a similar functionality

– Rules: the component that is evaluated to determine the

approval path the transaction Needs to follow when submitted
for Approval
User need to set up all these components in order to set up an AME.

1) Login oracle Application with User having AME admin rights

2) Select “Approval management Administrator” Responsibility –

“Administrator dashboard” Function from the Menu

2) Create a Transaction Type

a) Login as that AME Admin and go to the Navigator to select

-> Approvals Management Administrator responsibility-

>Administrator Dashboard

b) Press the Create Transaction Type button

c) Enter the following information to create a transaction type:

• Application (e.g. Order Management we can even query it from

LOV by pressing Torch Sign)

• Transaction Type Key

• Transaction Type Name

Create Transaction type by providing appropriate Application

name, Transaction type key and transaction type name and press


d) Press Next to skip to Step 4

e) Press Finish to create the transaction type.

User can query for the transaction type and view the Transaction type


2) Go back Home to the Navigator. Select Approvals Management

Business Analyst and Select the transaction type that you just created

3) Click set up link for transaction type.

4) Create Attribute (Business variables that represent the value of a

data element of a given transaction).

Press CREATE button for creating Attributes.

Provide valid details for the Attributes and Press Apply Button. Usage
type can be static and dynamic based on the values of the attributes.
Attribute can be static or dynamic

based on requirement.

5) Create Conditions.

Presses CREATE Button to create conditions.

Select Attribute from the List of vales Highlighted By torch Sign

(Condition type can be Ordinary).

Select the Appropriate Expression as per the requirement and press

Apply button
For example here three conditions have been created.

6) Create Action type need

Press Using Existing Action type and select from Existing one based
on the requirement. Action type describes the nature of what should
be done if particular condition or rule gets satisfied by a transaction.
It is the Actions that dictate the Approver list that is generated by
AME for the given transaction.

Select Appropriate Action type and press Continue. User can create own
Action type as well.

Press Finish to create Action type.

7) Create Approval group

Enter Voting Method as Order Number and Press Apply button to


8) Create Rules

Press Create Button

Enter Appropriate Value for the rules details and press Next Button

After Rule detail Value Add conditions by pressing Add condition Button

Select the condition to be checked in the particular rule and press


User can create any number of rules and Add Condition to each rule.

After Adding Condition Press next button to Add Action type to the Rule
Press Next Button After selecting Action type for the Rule and press
Finish to confirm.

9) Create Approval group

Select Approval groups from Set up Tab and press Create button

Enter Approval group Details and press ADD another Row to select the
Approver or group if Approvers and Press Apply Button.

Press Apply Button to confirm

This completes the step to set up an AME. We can test the set up by test

We can create test case or run real transaction test case.

Enter unique transaction Id and run test case.

Approver name can be seen with All Details of AME.

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