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Infection After Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty

Article in Orthopedics · April 2014

DOI: 10.3928/01477447-20140401-08 · Source: PubMed


95 405

4 authors, including:

Bennie Lindeque Andriy Noshchenko

University of Colorado University of Colorado


Peggy Cruse
National Jewish Health


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n Review Article

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and other illustrative materials, as they have been selected to

Infection After Primary Total

enhance your knowledge and understanding.
3. The following quiz questions have been designed to
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Hip Arthroplasty
and your everyday practice. Read each question, choose
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Registration Form at the end of the quiz.
4. Type or print your full name and address and your date
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5. Indicate the total time spent on the activity (reading Bennie Lindeque, MD, PhD; Zach Hartman, MD, MBA;
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7. Send the completed form, with your $15 payment (check As a result of reading this article, physicians should be able to:
or money order in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or credit
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Thorofare, NJ 08086, OR take the quiz online. Visit www. 1. Understand contemporary postoperative infection rates for primary total for details.
hip arthroplasty (THA).
8. Your answers will be graded, and you will be advised
whether you have passed or failed. Unanswered questions will be
considered incorrect. A score of at least 80% is required to pass. 2. Understand the epidemiology of bacterial species responsible for postop-
If a passing score is achieved, Keck School of Medicine of USC
will issue an AMA PRA Category 1™ certificate within 4-6 weeks.
erative primary THA infections.
9. Be sure to mail the CME Registration Form on or before
the deadline listed. After that date, the quiz will close. CME 3. Review current interventions to decrease the primary THA infection rate.
Registration Forms received after the date listed will not be
processed. 4. Assess the volume and quality of data in the current orthopedics litera-
This activity has been planned and implemented
ture regarding primary THA infections.
in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through
the joint sponsorship of Keck School of Medicine of USC and
Orthopedics. Keck School of Medicine of USC is accredited
by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for
Abstract to summarize (1) the published data con-
Keck School of Medicine of USC designates this Journal- The number of primary total hip arthro- cerning the risk of surgical site infection
based CME activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA Category 1
Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate plasties (THAs) performed in the United (SSI) after primary THA by type of bacteria
with the extent of their participation in the activity. States each year continues to climb, as and (2) the effect of potentially modifying
This CME activity is primarily targeted to orthopedic
surgeons, hand surgeons, head and neck surgeons, trauma does the incidence of infectious compli- factors.
surgeons, physical medicine specialists, and rheumatologists.
There is no specific background requirement for participants cations. The changing profile of antibiotic-
taking this activity. resistant bacteria has made preventing and The Cochrane Central Register of Con-
In accordance with the Accreditation Council for Continuing treating primary THA infections increas- trolled Trials, Cochrane Database of Sys-
Medical Education’s Standards for Commercial Support, all ingly complex. The goal of this review was tematic Reviews, Database of Abstracts of
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and authors involved in the development of CME content. An
individual has a relevant financial relationship if he or she has
a financial relationship in any amount occurring in the last
The authors are from the Department of Orthopaedics (BL, ZH, AN), University of Colorado School of
12 months with a commercial interest whose products or Medicine; and the University of Colorado Health Sciences Library (MC), University of Colorado Health
services are discussed in the CME activity content over which Sciences Center, Aurora, Colorado.
the individual has control.
The authors have no relevant financial relationships to
The material presented in any Keck School of Medicine of USC continuing education activity does
disclose. Dr Aboulafia, CME Editor, has no relevant financial not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Orthopedics or Keck School of Medicine of USC. Nei-
relationships to disclose. Dr D’Ambrosia, Editor-in-Chief, has ther Orthopedics nor Keck School of Medicine of USC nor the authors endorse or recommend any
no relevant financial relationships to disclose. The staff of
Orthopedics have no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
techniques, commercial products, or manufacturers. The authors may discuss the use of materials and/or
products that have not yet been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. All readers and con-
The audience is advised that this continuing medical tinuing education participants should verify all information before treating patients or using any product.
education activity may contain references to unlabeled uses Correspondence should be addressed to: Bennie Lindeque, MD, PhD, Department of Orthopaedics,
of FDA-approved products or to products not approved by the University of Colorado, 1635 Aurora Ct, Aurora, CO 80045 (
FDA for use in the United States. The faculty members have
been made aware of their obligation to disclose such usage. Received: May 2, 2013; Accepted: September 30, 2013; Posted: April 15, 2014.
doi: 10.3928/01477447-20140401-08

APRIL 2014 | Volume 37• Number 4 257

n Review Article


Reviews of Effects, EMBASE, Web of Sci- Description of Intervention cases with intraoperative surgical wound
ence, and PubMed were searched. Studies Ultra-clean-air systems, limiting the contamination.14
dated between 2001 and 2011 examin- number of personnel in the operating
ing primary THA in adults were included. room, improved barrier draping, and the How the Intervention Might Work
Meta-analysis of the collected data was use of sterile suction systems reduced the Studies from the early 2000s showed
performed. The pooled SSI rate was 2.5% risk of exogenous wound contamination, that strains of methicillin-resistant S au-
(95% confidence interval [Cl], 1.4%- decreasing the infection rate from 7% to reus (MRSA), which had previously been
4.4%; P<.001; n=28,883). The pooled 10% in the 1960s to 1.5% to 3% in the observed in hospitals and patients with
deep prosthetic joint infection (PJI) rate 1990s.1,6 Bacteriological tests suggested chronic diseases, were emerging in the
was 0.9% (95% Cl, 0.4%-2.2%; P<.001; that skin-concomitant bacteria, in particu- community and in an increasing number
n=28,883). The pooled rate of methicil- lar Staphylococcus aureus, were the most of healthy carriers.15,16
lin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus SSI typical isolates in cases of both early and Currently, cefazolin and cefuroxime
was 0.5% (95% Cl, 0.2%-1.5%; P<.001; late infection.6 Bacteriologic analysis of are recommended for patients undergoing
n=26,703). This is approximately 20% of swabs taken from surgical wounds at the orthopedic procedures, and clindamycin
all SSI cases. The pooled rate of intraopera- end of surgery showed that 15% of surgical or vancomycin is recommended for pa-
tive bacterial wound contamination was wounds were contaminated by skin flora.7 tients with known MRSA colonization.17
16.9% (95% Cl, 6.6%-36.8%; P=.003; Preoperative application of an iodophor However, pre- or perioperative admin-
n=2180). All these results had significant plastic adhesive drape decreased the risk of istration of cefazolin and methicillin did
heterogeneity. The postoperative risk of perioperative bacterial wound contamina- not decrease the risk of PJI significantly.11
SSI was significantly associated with in- tion to 1.6%.7 The association of postoper- Preoperative selective decolonization by
traoperative bacterial surgical wound con- ative infection with intraoperative bacterial intranasal administration of mupirocin
tamination (pooled rate ratio, 2.5; 95% Cl, wound contamination was not evaluated. and chlorhexidine baths decreased the
1.4%-4.6%; P=.001; n=19,049). [Ortho- However, it was shown in the 1980s that risk of postoperative infection to 1.2%18;
pedics. 2013; 37(4):257-265.] a combination of aseptic measures, such however, 27% of MRSA isolates causing
as ultra-clean-air systems with periop- hip and knee PJI were resistant to mupi-

otal hip arthroplasty (THA) has erative antibiotic prophylaxis, decreased rocin.19 Use of at-home chlorhexidine
been widely recognized as one of the postoperative infection rate to 0.6%.8 decreased the risk of deep infection after
the most successful orthopedic Meta-analysis showed that the rate of deep THA; however, this effect was not sig-
surgeries since its introduction in the ear- infection after THA varied from 1.2% to nificant due to the low rate of infectious
ly 1960s.1,2 Approximately 220,000 THAs 2.3% and was lower if antibiotic-loaded ce- cases.20,21 A Cochrane review with meta-
were performed in the United States an- ment was used.9 A Cochrane review dem- analysis revealed no significant decrease
nually between 1998 and 2008.2 Despite onstrated that application of closed suction in postoperative SSI associated with hair
advances in surgical techniques and de- surgical wound drainage did not decrease removal, regardless of method.22
vices, the rate of revision increased from the risk of SSI after THA.10 The use of ultra-clean laminar airflow
9/100,000 in 1990 to 15/100,000 in 2002, The most significant risk factors of SSI ventilation systems was associated with a
with a mean revision burden of 17.5%.3 and PJI can be classified into 3 groups: (1) higher rate of SSI after THA (OR=1.71).23
The infection burden as a proportion of preoperative: prior rheumatoid or septic This may suggest that in contemporary op-
the total number of primary and revision arthritis (odds ratio [OR]=2.2), other prior erating rooms, skin-concomitant bacteria
THAs performed increased from 0.66% in infectious diseases (OR=1.8-2.3), malig- determine intraoperative surgical wound
1990 to 2.18% in 2009.4,5 The estimated nancy (OR=2.4), prior THA (OR=2.2),11 contamination and risk of postoperative
nationwide total hospital cost for treat- or nasal carrier of S aureus (relative SSI/PJI rather than exogenous infection.
ment of hip PJI was approximately $200 risk=8.9)12; (2) perioperative: contaminat-
million in 2009.4 ed wound (OR=4.3)13; and (3) postopera- Why This Review Is Important
There are 3 main types of postoperative tive: SSI (OR=27.5), wound dehiscence The change in proportion of antibiotic-
surgical site infection (SSI) after THA: (1) (OR=21.5), or hematoma (OR=2.7).11 resistant surgical wound pathogens in-
acute postoperative (early onset), appearing The risk of PJI was associated with intra- fluences THA infection prophylaxis and
within 3 months postoperatively; (2) de- operative surgical wound contamination treatment. Thus, assessment of postop-
layed deep, appearing 3 to 12 months post- by skin-concomitant bacteria (OR=2.1); erative infection rate, taking into consid-
operatively; and (3) late hematogenous, ap- however, this finding was not statistically eration pathogenic microorganisms such
pearing more than 1 year postoperatively.1 significant due to the small number of as MRSA and other methicillin-resistant


n Review Article


microorganisms, is an important task. Tak- 2. Rate of postoperative deep PJI by ies were then analyzed by 2 reviewers
ing into consideration contemporary rates type of bacteria, including MRSA (A.N., Z.H.). Disagreements regarding
of postoperative SSI (approximately 2.5%) 3. Rate of intraoperative bacterial surgi- inclusion were resolved by discussion.
and PJI (approximately 1%) after primary cal wound contamination by type of bacte- Excluded studies were listed with reason
THA and that rates of different microorgan- ria, including MRSA for exclusion.
isms varied from 40% to 60% (S aureus) 4. Association of postoperative SSI with Data were extracted from the included
to 1% (Propionibacterium species), more intraoperative bacterial surgical wound studies by 1 reviewer (A.N.) and checked
than 4200 cases of primary THA should be contamination by another (B.L.). The following data
included in the analysis to obtain statisti- Secondary outcomes included: were collected: (1) general information:
cally significant results with 95% statisti- 1. Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis authors, title, publication status, year of
cal power. To obtain statistically significant (yes/no/nonspecified) publication, country, study design, spon-
results concerning the association between 2. Air-cleaning system in the operating sorship, and study objectives; (2) partici-
intraoperative bacterial surgical wound room (yes/no/nonspecified) pants: inclusion and exclusion criteria,
contamination and postoperative infection, 3. Type of implantation (cemented/non- number in intervention groups, ages,
125 cases or more of intraoperative wound cemented/nonspecified) sexes, baseline comparability, dropouts;
contamination and a corresponding number 4. Postoperative follow-up (less than 12 (3) trial characteristics: design, length
of uncontaminated cases should be ana- months/12 months or more/nonspecified) of follow-up, randomization, allocation
lyzed. It is difficult to collect this number concealment, and blinding of assessors
of cases in 1 study, so pooling data with a Search Methods if applicable; (4) interventions: cemented
meta-analysis offers a solution. Moreover, The following databases were or noncemented, perioperative antibi-
pooling data from different independent searched: Cochrane Central Register otic prophylaxis, preoperative skin treat-
studies provides more representative results of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Co- ment, air-cleaning system in the operat-
than data obtained from a single study. chrane Database of Systematic Reviews ing room, and postoperative follow-up
(CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Re- period; and (5) intra- and postoperative
Materials and Methods views of Effects (DARE), EMBASE, outcomes.
Objectives Web of Science, and PubMed. The search Only groups within a study that used
This review assessed the risk of SSI af- strategy was developed in Ovid Medline the same surgical technique and device
ter primary THA while taking into consid- and translated to PubMed, EMBASE, were included in the analysis.
eration the type of complication; the bac- Web of Science, CENTRAL, CDSR, and Studies with a dropout rate of more
terial types, including methicillin-resistant DARE. Medline, Embase, and Web of than 30% at 24-month follow-up were ex-
strains; the effect of potentially modifying Science strategies are shown in Appen- cluded.
factors; and the heterogeneity of the re- dix A (available at the end of the PDF
sults obtained by different studies. of this article). A sensitive search was Assessment of Risk of Bias
performed to identify as many relevant The risk of bias for each study included
Inclusion Criteria trials as possible. Only studies published in the review was defined independently
Randomized controlled trials; prospec- between 2001 and 2011 were included. by 2 reviewers (A.N., Z.H.) using Cow-
tive cohort studies; case series; and retro- No language limits were applied. The ley’s score.24 The items were scored with
spective comparative and noncomparative search was performed by a University of yes or no. Studies were selected for analy-
studies with a follow-up greater than 2 Colorado Health Sciences Library Pro- sis if at least 6 of the 16 criteria were met,
months focusing on the evaluation of post- fessional Research Librarian. and risk of bias was defined using Review
operative SSI and intraoperative surgical Reference lists of review articles, in par- Manager 5.1 (The Nordic Cochrane Cen-
wound contamination by type of bacteria ticular Cochrane systematic reviews, were ter, Copenhagen, Denmark). Agreement
were sought. Participants were skeletally also reviewed to identify eligible studies. between the 2 independent assessments
mature adults (male and female) 18 years was defined by kappa test. Disagreements
and older undergoing primary THA. Data Collection, Analysis, Extraction, were resolved by discussion.
and Management
Outcome Measures One reviewer (Z.H.) screened the ti- Measures of Studied Effects
Primary outcomes included: tles, abstracts, and, when necessary, full The studied effects were binary data
1. Rate of postoperative SSI by type of texts to determine potentially eligible and were assessed as a ratio of studied
bacteria, including MRSA studies. Full-text reports of selected stud- evidence to sample size at follow-up. An

APRIL 2014 | Volume 37• Number 4 259

n Review Article


applied to evaluate the quality of the re-

vealed evidence.25,26

Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis was performed by
extracting studies that showed results sig-
nificantly different from the pooled result.

Description of Studies
Electronic searches provided a total
of 1024 citations, and 67 were identified
from other sources. After adjusting for du-
plicates, 918 remained and were screened.
Of these, 904 were discarded because
they did not meet the study criteria. The
remaining 14 citations were examined in
more detail. A further 6 studies did not
meet all of the inclusion criteria, leaving 8
studies that were included in the system-
atic review and meta-analysis (Figure 1).

Included Studies
Eight studies selected for the review
were published as full-text articles in
English and were conducted in the fol-
lowing countries: United States,27 Can-
ada,28 United Kingdom,29 Ireland,30,31
Greece,32 Hong Kong,33 and Poland34
(Table A, available at the end of the PDF
of this article). Six studies were prospec-
tive, including 5 case series,28,30-32,34 1
was a nonrandomized cohort study,29 and
Figure 1: Flow chart of study inclusion in the meta-analysis. 2 were retrospective case series.27,33 The
search revealed no randomized controlled
clinical trials meeting the inclusion crite-
inverse-variance method was used for of heterogeneity: less than 30%=low; ria. The postoperative follow-up period
combining data across studies. Pooled 30% to 60%=moderate; greater than ranged from 2 to 120 months. Dropout
rates with 95% confidence intervals 60%=high. was reported by 6 studies and did not ex-
(CIs) were calculated. To evaluate the ceed 20%.27-31,33
influence of modifying factors, grouping Assessment of Publication Bias The included studies involved 28,883
analysis was applied. A random-effects Funnel plots were used to evaluate the participants after THA, including 23,729
model was used for pooling data in each risk of publication bias. primary THAs,27,29-31,33 2587 revision
group. THAs,29,31,33 and 2567 combined pri-
Data Synthesis mary and revision THAs.28,32 Mean age
Assessment of Heterogeneity A meta-analysis of studied effects was in the study groups was reported by 6
Statistical heterogeneity of pooled performed by defining pooled rates in studies27,29,32-34 and ranged from 40 to
data was defined by chi-square test each group of interest with 95% CIs. To 72 years (Table A, available at the end of
(P<.05 represented heterogeneity) and summarize data, a random-effects model the PDF of this article). The male:female
I2 test with the following interpretation was applied. The GRADE approach was ratio was reported by 5 studies27,29,31-33


n Review Article


and ranged from 0:5 to 0:7. Two studies suggests a high risk of detection bias in
reported results of cemented THAs,28,30 the other 7 studies (Figure 2).27-33 Two
1 study reported results of uncemented studies did not report the number of pa-
THAs,27 3 studies reported results of com- tients lost to follow-up, leaving them vul-
bined (cemented, uncemented, or hybrid) nerable to attrition bias.32,34
THAs,29,31,33 and 2 studies did not specify In summary, 100% of included studies
the type of implant fixation.32,34 Preopera- were at risk of selection and performance
tive infection status of enrolled patients bias, 87.5% were at risk of detection bias,
was reported in 3 studies.31-33 Antibiotic and 25% were at risk of attrition bias (Fig-
prophylaxis was reported by 7 studies ure 3).
(Table B, available at the end of the PDF
of this article).27,28,30-34 Antibiotic prophy- Primary Outcomes
laxis was applied as a standard procedure Rate of Postoperative Surgical Site In-
for all patients in 5 studies,27,30-32,34 was fection. In the 8 included studies, the rate
partially used in 2 studies,28,33 and was not of postoperative SSI ranged from 0.3%
specified in 1 study.29 Preoperative wound to 63.6%. The pooled SSI rate was 2.5%
site preparation was reported in 3 studies (95% CI, 1.4%-4.4%; P<.001; n=28,883;
(Table B, available at the end of the PDF high heterogeneity: I2=95.7%; P<.001).
of this article).27,30,31 Seven studies re- Rate of Postoperative Deep Prosthetic
ported testing of surgical wound bacterial Joint Infection. In the 8 included studies,
contamination.27-33 All studies reported the rate of postoperative deep PJI ranged
data concerning postoperative infection, from 0.1% to 11.1%. The pooled deep
Figure 2: Review authors’ judgments about each
including deep PJI. Five studies reported PJI rate was 0.9% (95% CI, 0.4%-2.2%; risk of bias item for each included study.
that an air-cleaning system was used in P<.001; n=28,883; high heterogeneity:
the operating room during THA.27,28,30-32 I2=94.4%; P<.001). This is approximately
Three studies did not specify this.29,33,34 36% of all SSI cases. was cultured in 6 studies, with rates rang-
Rate of Bacteria Types Associated With ing from 0% to 13.6%.27-29,32-34 The pooled
Risk of Bias in Included Studies Surgical Site Infection. Staphylococcus rate was 0.5% (95% CI, 0.2%-1.3%;
The 2 independent bias evaluations aureus was found to be a cause of SSI in P<.001; n=26,505; high heterogeneity:
demonstrated good agreement (kappa 6 studies.27-29,31,33,34 Rates of SSI with iso- I2=88.9%; P<.001). This is approximately
coefficient, 0.95; standard error, 0.027; lated S aureus ranged from 0.2% to 27.3%. 20% of all SSI cases. Streptococci were
P=.56). All studies were nonrandomized, The pooled rate of SSI with S aureus reported in 2 studies, with a pooled rate
including 7 case series27,28, 30-34 and 1 co- was 1.3% (95% CI, 0.6%-2.5%; P<.001; of 0.2% (95% CI, 0.1%-0.3%; P<.001;
hort study.29 None of the studies reported n=28,185; high heterogeneity: I2=95.3%; n=20,834; low heterogeneity: I2=0%;
the type of hip prosthesis. Three studies P<.001). This is approximately 52% of P=.784).28,29 This is approximately 8% of
did not report the number of enrolled men all SSI cases. Staphylococcus epidermidis all SSI cases. Gram-negative bacilli were
and women.28,30,32 Seven studies did not
report preoperative diagnosis.27-31,33,34
Only 2 studies reported patient weight
and body mass index.27,29 This suggests a
risk of selection bias in all included stud-
ies (Figure 2). A high risk of performance
bias was found for all 8 studies. This bias
is attributed to the fact that personnel and
participants could not be blinded to the
type of complications associated with
infection. Only 1 study reported that the
evaluation of clinical and radiologic out-
comes, including statistical analysis, was Figure 3: Review authors’ judgments about each risk of bias item presented as percentages across all
independent of operating surgeon.34 This included studies.

APRIL 2014 | Volume 37• Number 4 261

n Review Article


reported by 2 studies, with rates of 0.04%29 Streptococci were reported by 2 stud- Secondary Outcomes
and 1%.34 The pooled rate was 0.2% (95% ies, including Streptococcus pyogenes, Perioperative Antibiotic Prophylaxis.
CI, 0%-4.6%; P<.001; n=16,770; high het- Streptococcus viridans, and Streptococ- Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis was
erogeneity: I2=96.3%; P<.001). This is ap- cus salvarius, with rates of 0.3%28 and given to all patients in 2 studies, with a
proximately 8% of all SSI cases. 1.8%.30 The pooled rate was 0.6% (95% pooled risk of SSI of 1% (95% CI, 0.7%-
Other and mixed bacteria isolates, in- CI, 0.1%-3.6%; P<.001; n=2048; high 1.6%; P<.001; n=1845; low heterogene-
cluding Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneu- heterogeneity: I2=69.4; P=.071). Esche- ity: I2=0%; P<.562).30,31 Three studies
moniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pro- richia coli was reported in 3 studies, with showed a risk of SSI after partially used
teus mirabilis, and others, were reported rates ranging from 0.1% to 13.6%.28,32,33 (not in all patients) perioperative antibi-
by 5 studies, with rates ranging from The pooled rate was 1.1% (95% CI, 0%- otic prophylaxis for primary THA, with a
0.04% to 4.5%.27-29,32,33 The pooled rate 23.5%; P=.008; n=2125; high heterogene- pooled SSI risk of 1.4% (95% CI, 0.5%-
was 0.4% (95% CI, 0.2%-1.0%; P<.001; ity: I2=93.8; P<.001). Gram-negative ba- 4.4%; P<.001; n=21,884; high hetero-
n=26,026; high heterogeneity: I2=85.8%; cilli were reported in 1 study, with a rate geneity: I2=97.1%; P<.001).27,29,33 This
P<.001). This is approximately 16% of all of 1.8% (95% CI, 0.3%-11.8%; P<.001; difference is not significant, but higher
SSI cases. n=55).30 Other bacteria and mixed bacteri- heterogeneity in the second group sug-
Rate of Methicillin-resistant Bacteria al wound contamination were reported in gests that nonregular use of perioperative
Associated With Postoperative Surgical 4 studies, with rates ranging from 0.4% to antibiotic prophylaxis may lead to less
Site Infection. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria 4.6%.28,30,32,33 The pooled rate was 1.6% certain outcomes after primary THA.
reported included MRSA and methicillin- (95% CI, 0.4%-5.9%; P<.001; n=2180; Air-cleaning System in the Operating
resistant S epidermidis (MRSE). Methi- high heterogeneity: I2=76.5%; P<.001). Room. Three studies reported that air-
cillin-resistant S aureus was reported by Rate of Methicillin-resistant Bacteria cleaning systems were used in the operat-
5 studies, with rates varying from 0.1% to Associated With Intraoperative Surgical ing room during primary THA, with rates
1.9%.27,29,31,33,34 The pooled rate was 0.5% Wound Contamination. One study report- of SSI ranging from 0.3% to 1.8%.27,30,31
(95% CI, 0.2%-1.5%; P<.001; n=26,703; ed cases of MRSA isolated from surgical The pooled risk of SSI was 0.7% (95%
high heterogeneity: I2=95.7%; P<.001). wounds during THA revisions caused by CI, 0.2%-1.9%; P<.001; n=6905; high
This is approximately 20% of all SSI cas- PJI, with a rate of 46.2% (95% CI, 22.4%- heterogeneity: I2=85.3%; P=.001). Use of
es. Methicillin-resistant S epidermidis was 71.9%; P=.782; n=13).33 However, this an air-cleaning system was not specified
cultured in 1 study, with a rate of 0.1% finding is not significant due to the small in 2 studies, with SSI rates of 2.2%29 and
(95% CI, 0%-0.2%; P<.001; n=5060).27 number of cases. 4.4%33 and a pooled rate of 2.9% (95%
Rate of Intraoperative Bacterial Surgi- Association of Postoperative Surgical CI, 1.6%-5.3%; P<.001; n=16,824; high
cal Wound Contamination. Four studies Site Infection With Intraoperative Sur- heterogeneity: I2=87.6%; P=.005). This is
reported cases of intraoperative surgical gical Wound Bacterial Contamination. significantly (P=.018) higher than in stud-
wound bacterial contamination, with rates Five studies reported cases of postopera- ies using air-cleaning systems.
ranging from 2.7% to 59%.28,30,32,33 The tive SSI in patients with clean intraopera- Type of Implantation (Cemented/Non-
pooled rate was 16.9% (95% CI, 6.6%- tive surgical wounds and in patients with cemented). Primary cemented THA was
36.8%; P=.003; n=2180; high heteroge- bacterial contamination of their surgical performed in 1 study, with a risk of SSI
neity: I2=92.8%; P<.001). wounds.29,30,32-34 These results allowed of 1.8% (95% CI, 0.3%-11.8%; P<.001;
Rate of Bacteria Types Associated With evaluation of postoperative SSI risk asso- n=55).30 Primary noncemented THA was
Intraoperative Surgical Wound Contami- ciated with intraoperative bacterial surgi- performed in 1 study, with a risk of SSI
nation. Three studies reported that S au- cal wound contamination. Pooled risk ra- of 0.3% (95% CI, 0.2%-0.5%; P<.001;
reus was cultured from swabs taken from tio was 2.5 (95% CI, 1.4%-4.6%; P=.001; n=5060).27 This difference is not statisti-
the surgical wound, with rates ranging n=19,049; low heterogeneity: I2=0%; cally significant.
from 0.5% to 27.3%.28,32,33 The pooled rate P=.685) (Figure A, available at the end Postoperative Follow-up. Two stud-
was 3.5% (95% CI, 0.2%-36.5%; P=.019; of the PDF of this article),27,28,30-34 sug- ies had less than 12 months of follow-up,
n=2125; high heterogeneity: I2=96.5%; gesting a significant association between with a pooled risk of SSI of 2.7% (95%
P<.001). Four studies reported S epider- intraoperative surgical wound bacterial CI, 1.8%-4.1%; P<.001; n=19,320; high
midis, with rates ranging from 0.3% to contamination and risk of postoperative heterogeneity: I2=90.2%; P<.001).29,34
18.2%.28,30,32,33 The pooled rate was 3.5% SSI. The pooled data were insufficient to Twelve or more months of postopera-
(95% CI, 0.3%-27.3%; P=.005; n=2180; assess the contribution of bacterial types tive follow-up was reported in 6 stud-
high heterogeneity: I2=95.6%; P<.001). in relation to the risk of SSI and PJI. ies.27,28,30-33 The pooled risk of SSI was


n Review Article


3.8% (95% CI, 1.9%-4.1%; P<.001; E coli, K pneumoniae, P aeruginosa, P tent. However, the level of evidence is low
n=9578; high heterogeneity: I2=97.1%; mirabilis, and others, with a pooled rate because of methodological limitations of
P<.001). The difference between these 2 of 0.4% (95% CI, 0.2%-1.0%).27-29,32,33 the studies and a high risk of bias.
groups was not significant. Streptococci28,29 and gram-negative ba- Collected data and pooled results do
Deep PJI with less than 12 months of cilli29,34 were reported by 2 studies, with not allow a conclusion concerning effica-
postoperative follow-up was reported in 2 a pooled rate of 0.2%. The most common cy of antibiotic prophylaxis, air-cleaning
studies, with a pooled risk of 0.3% (95% antibiotic-resistant strain was MRSA, re- systems in the operating room, and type of
CI, 0.1%-0.9%; P<.001; n=19,320; high ported by 5 studies and with a pooled rate implantation (cemented or noncemented)
heterogeneity: I2=84.6%; P<.001).29,34 of 0.5% (95% CI, 0.2%-1.5%).27,29,31,33,34 for prevention of SSI and PJI after THA.
Six studies reported 12 or more months One study cultured MRSE in 0.1% (95% Duration of follow-up less than 12
of postoperative follow-up, with a pooled CI, 0%-0.2%) of cases.27 All of these re- months after primary THA can signifi-
risk of deep PJI of 1.4% (95% CI, 0.5%- sults are statistically significant, but the cantly underestimate the risk of PJI. De-
3.7%; P<.001; n=9578; high heteroge- level of evidence is low due to the meth- spite the statistical significance of this
neity: I2=91.6%; P<.001).27,28,30-33 The odological limitations of the studies, high finding, the level of evidence is low.
difference was statistically significant heterogeneity of the results, and small
(P=.037), suggesting that more than 12 number of studies reporting several find- Overall Completeness and Applicability
months of follow-up revealed a higher ings. of Evidence
rate of deep PJI than did fewer than 12 Intraoperative bacterial wound con- The included studies provide the most
months of follow-up. tamination was reported by 4 studies, with complete information available concern-
a pooled rate of 16.9% (95% CI, 6.6%- ing rates of SSI and deep PJI after prima-
Discussion 36.8%).28,30,32,33 Despite statistical sig- ry THA; however, methods of diagnosis
Summary of Main Results nificance (P=.003), the level of evidence were different, adding heterogeneity to the
Eight nonrandomized clinical studies is low due to the methodological limita- pooled results. Information concerning
(7 case series and 1 cohort study) involv- tions of the studies and high heterogene- bacteriologic analysis of SSI and surgical
ing 28,883 participants were included to ity of the results. Skin concomitants were wound swab isolates was presented par-
assess the risk of SSI after THA. Informa- the most typical isolates from the surgical tially. Rates of SSI associated with MRSA
tion concerning sponsorship of these pub- wound, including S aureus (3.5%; 95% CI, were presented partially. Information con-
lications was not provided. 0.2%-36.5%),28,33 S epidermidis (3.5%; cerning surgical wound intraoperative
All studies reported rate and number 95% CI, 0.3%-27.3%),28,30,32,33 strepto- bacterial contamination—in particular
of SSIs after THA, with a pooled rate of cocci (0.6%; 95% CI, 0.1%-3.6%),28,30 by MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant
2.5% (95% CI, 1.4%-4.4%; P<.001). De- and gram-negative bacilli (1.8%; 95% CI, strains—and its association with post-
spite statistical significance of the pooled 0.3%-11.8%).30 E coli and other bacteria operative SSI and PJI was limited. Data
result, the level of evidence is low due to were reported with pooled rates of 1.1% concerning potential confounding factors,
the serious limitations in the design of the (95% CI, 0%-23.5%) and 1.6% (95% CI, such as preoperative diagnosis, type of hip
studies, high risk of bias, and high hetero- 0.4%-5.9%), respectively.28,32,33 Pooled prosthesis, type of prosthesis fixation, use
geneity of the combined data. data concerning bacterial contamination of antibiotic-loaded cement, preoperative
Deep PJI was also reported by all in- of the surgical wound are statistically sig- skin treatment, antibiotic prophylaxis, and
cluded studies, with a pooled rate of 0.9% nificant, but the level of evidence is low air-cleaning system in the operating room,
(95% CI, 0.4%-2.2%; P<.001). Despite due to high heterogeneity, methodological were incomplete.
statistical significance, the level of this evi- limitations, and a small number of studies
dence is also low, due to the same problems. reporting several results. Quality of the Evidence
Pooling data concerning bacteria cul- Combining the results of 5 stud- The overall quality of included studies
tured in SSI cases demonstrated the preva- ies showed that intraoperative bacterial is poor. All are nonrandomized observa-
lence of skin concomitants such as S aure- wound contamination resulted in a more tional studies with serious limitations.
us (1.3%; 95% CI, 0.6%-2.5%),27-29,31,33,34 than 2-fold increased risk of SSI after Overall sample size allows obtaining
and S epidermidis (0.5%; 95% CI, 0.2%- THA (Figure A, available at the end of several statistically significant results.
1.3%), reported by 6 studies.27-29,32-34 the PDF of this article).29,30,32-34 This re- However, the level of evidence of these
In addition, 5 studies revealed the fol- sult was statistically significant with low findings is low or very low due to hetero-
lowing species sometimes found in com- heterogeneity, suggesting that the results geneity of the pooled data and the risk of
bination with S aureus and S epidermidis: of different studies were relatively consis- bias caused by the studies’ design.

APRIL 2014 | Volume 37• Number 4 263

n Review Article


Potential Biases in the Review Process data concerning the risk of SSI and/or PJI This review highlights the paucity of
The review was conducted following associated with different bacterial species, high-quality studies on the risk of compli-
contemporary requirements for system- in particular antibiotic-resistant strains. cations associated with type of bacteria,
atic reviews and meta-analysis of studies Since the 1970s, it has been well-known especially methicillin-resistant infections
that evaluate health care interventions.35-37 that skin flora are the most common isolate after THA. Well-designed randomized,
Comprehensive searches were performed from surgical wounds and postoperative controlled trials and economic studies are
to identify relevant studies. Unfortunately, infections.6,7,50 Data concerning the as- needed to assess the clinical effectiveness
no randomized controlled clinical trials met sociation between intraoperative surgical and cost-effectiveness of methods to de-
the inclusion criteria. Therefore, the au- wound bacterial contamination and the risk crease infection and risk of reoperation
thors had to include nonrandomized stud- of postoperative infection after THA were after primary THA.
ies while taking into consideration the risk published but did not reach statistical sig-
of corresponding biases.36,37 The results of nificance due to the relatively small num- References
the meta-analysis are limited by the qual- ber of cases.14 The current review showed a 1. Fitzgerald RH Jr. Infected total hip arthro-
ity of the studies identified in the review. statistically significant association by pool- plasty: diagnosis and treatment. J Am Acad
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2. Memtsoudis SG, Pumberger M, Ma Y, et al.
may have been missed by the search. How- Data concerning the appearance of Epidemiology and risk factors for periopera-
ever, the authors’ analysis demonstrated methicillin-resistant strains of S aureus and tive mortality after total hip and knee arthro-
plasty. J Orthop Res. 2012; 30(11):1811-1821.
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Pooled data concerning postopera- ously published data were revealed. joint infection in the United States. J Arthro-
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this study were similar to previously pub- Conclusion 5. Kurtz SM, Lau E, Schmier J, Ong KL, Zhao
K, Parvizi J. Infection burden for hip and
lished results. A 2008 Cochrane review This study clarifies primary THA in- knee arthroplasty in the United States. J Ar-
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organisms by the pre-operative application
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APRIL 2014 | Volume 37• Number 4 265

Appendix A Search Strategies and Strings

Medline strategy + first 100 results:

• .mp = keyword in any field

• .tw = title words
• $ = truncation device (right end “catch all”)
• .fs = “floating subheading” (not used yet, although it might be incorporated later)
• #36 is larger set bcs it includes the broad terms, postoperative complication$ and all
prosthesis related infections (not just bacterial ones)
• #38 is the set without those 2 terms (much more focused on your question)
28 exp treatment outcome/ 465066
29 therapy.fs. 1201998
30 complications.fs. 1360604

31 mortality.fs . 332769
32 (revision and (bone or joint or hip or knee or ankle or wrist or knuckle or 9877
shoulder or prostheS)) .tw.
33 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 68866
34 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 371642
35 17 or 18 or 19 or 20 or 21 or 22 or 23 or 24 or 25 or 26 or 27 or 28 1302560
36 33 and 34 and 35 3209
37 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 or 12 or 13 or 14 342005
38 33 and 35 and 37 970
Table A Characteristics of the selected studies
Study Study No Mean Gender Initial Implantation Preo- Perioperative Assessment of Monitoring of Bacterio- Follow- Air Cowley’s
design age selection perative antibiotic perioperative postoperative logic up, cleaning
(Country) m/f (primary/ (cemented/ infection prophylaxis bacterial wound infectious month system in score
ratio revision) other) contamination complications analysis of operation
postoperative room
Byrne 2007 no compli-
(Ireland) pCS 55 ns ns primary cemented ns yes yes yes 49.6±3.2 yes 7
Hamilton 2008 primary&
(Canada) pCS 1993 ns ns cemented ns yes/no yes yes yes 6-120 yes 10
64.3 primary& no compli-
2009 (Greece) pCS 110 0.6 ns yes yes yes yes 12-48 yes 6
revision cations
Ip 2005
70 cemented,
(Hong Kong)
22 0.5 revision cementless, yes yes yes yes ns 13-98
rCS (54-82) hybrid ns 7

533 ns ns primary ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
March 2008 pCS 479 20-80 0.7 ns ns ns yes no yes yes 2 ns 8
pCS cemented/
2005 (UK) 16291 50-85 0.6 primary ns yes/no yes yes yes 3 ns 10
2550 50-85 0.6 revision ns yes/no yes yes yes 3 ns
Pulido 2009
62 43
(USA) rCS 5060 0.7 primary uncemented ns yes yes yes yes yes 9
(15-94) 12-76
Walls 2008
(Ireland) 72.7
pCS 1790 ns primary cementless, yes yes yes yes yes 9-88 yes 10
Note: pCS – prospective case series or cohort study, rCS – retrospective case series or cohort study
Table B Preoperative wound site preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis
Study Preoperative wound site preparation Antibiotic prophylaxis Application

Byrne 2007 Chlorhexidine shower on the morning of Cefuroxime (1.5 g) intravenously every 8 Standard protocol
surgery hours postoperatively for 24 hours

Cephamadol (2.0 g) intravenously during Partially used

Hamilton 2008 Not specified
surgery and 1 g after surgery
Petsatodis 2009 Alcohol solution of povidone-iodine (1%) Cefuroxime (1.5 g) before skin incision and Standard protocol
every 8 hours for 48 hours
Ip 2005 Not specified Intravenous antibiotics for 6 weeks between Revision
the 2 stages of reconstruction
Vancomycin loaded cement (2 g) Revision in
patients with
Tabromicine (1g/ 40 g of cement powder)
positive MRSA
Wójkowska- Not specified Perioperative administration of Standard protocol
March 2008 cephalosporines (five 1 g doses)
Ridgeway 2005 Not specified Not specified -

Pulido 2009 Alcohol and iodine lavage plus an Incise Perioperative administration of antibiotics Standard protocol
adhesive drape for 24 hours
Walls 2008 Not specified Cefuroxime (1.5 g) three doses during and Standard protocol
after surgery for 16 hours

Note: MRSA - Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus

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