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BUS 5113

Portfolio Activity Unit 6

Organizational Theory and Behavior

Title: Cultivating Diversity and Promoting Sustainability: A Comprehensive Approach to

Project Management for an Eco-Friendly Resort Initiative

By: - Dekamo Fiseha Lomiso

University of People

December, 2023

As the project manager tasked with spearheading a multicultural team for an ambitious eco-

friendly resort initiative, the primary objective is to create a harmonious and inclusive work

environment that mirrors the project's goal of providing sustainable and culturally immersive

travel experiences. This report outlines strategies to address potential conflicts in cultural values

and practices within the team and for resort guests. Additionally, it explores innovative

marketing strategies aimed at positioning the resort as a preferred destination for travelers

seeking culturally enriching and eco-friendly experiences.

1. Fostering a Harmonious and Inclusive Work Environment

1.1 Cultural Sensitivity Training

To mitigate potential conflicts arising from diverse cultural values and practices within the team,

a comprehensive cultural sensitivity training program will be implemented. This program will

enhance team members' understanding of each other's backgrounds, fostering empathy and open

communication. External experts and consultants with experience in multicultural team

dynamics will be engaged to conduct workshops and provide insights into effective cross-

cultural collaboration.

1.2 Establishing a Cultural Liaison Role

A designated cultural liaison will be appointed within the team. This individual will serve as a

bridge between team members, helping to clarify misunderstandings, mediate conflicts, and

ensure that cultural nuances are considered in decision-making processes. The cultural liaison

will also play a crucial role in promoting cultural awareness and appreciation among team

1.3 Regular Team Building Activities

Periodic team-building activities that celebrate cultural diversity will be organized. These

activities may include cultural potlucks, language exchange sessions, and collaborative projects

that encourage team members to share and learn from each other. By fostering a sense of

camaraderie and mutual respect, these activities will contribute to a more cohesive and

harmonious work environment.

1.4 Inclusive Decision-Making Processes

In decision-making processes, an inclusive approach will be adopted, ensuring that diverse

perspectives are considered. This will involve soliciting input from team members with different

cultural backgrounds and valuing their insights. By promoting a sense of ownership and

inclusion, the team will be better equipped to navigate cultural differences and reach consensus

on project-related matters.

2. Innovative Marketing Strategies for Cultural Enrichment and Sustainability

2.1 Authentic Cultural Integration

The resort's marketing strategy will focus on authentic cultural integration, emphasizing genuine

interactions between guests and local communities. This could involve collaborations with local

artisans, cultural performances, and curated experiences that showcase the rich heritage of the

regions represented. Marketing materials will highlight the positive impact of guests' visits on

local communities, reinforcing the resort's commitment to sustainable and responsible tourism.

2.2 Digital Storytelling and Social Media Engagement

Harnessing the power of digital media, the marketing team will employ storytelling techniques to

convey the resort's commitment to cultural enrichment and eco-friendly practices. Engaging

content, such as video documentaries and social media campaigns, will provide a behind-the-

scenes look at the diverse team working together and showcase the unique cultural elements

integrated into the resort experience. This approach aims to create an emotional connection with

potential guests, inspiring them to choose the resort for its authentic and sustainable offerings.

2.3 Collaboration with Influencers and Thought Leaders

Building partnerships with influencers and thought leaders in the sustainable travel and cultural

immersion space will amplify the resort's message. These collaborations can include sponsored

content, joint initiatives, and participation in industry events. Leveraging the credibility and

reach of these influencers will enhance the resort's visibility and credibility among the target


2.4 Eco-Friendly Certification and Transparency

To appeal to environmentally conscious travelers, the resort will pursue eco-friendly

certifications and prominently display them in marketing materials. Emphasizing transparency

about sustainable practices, such as renewable energy sources, waste reduction measures, and

conservation efforts, will build trust with guests who prioritize eco-friendly accommodations.


Successfully managing a multicultural team for an eco-friendly resort initiative involves

navigating cultural differences within the team and catering to diverse guests worldwide. By

implementing cultural sensitivity training, appointing a cultural liaison, organizing team-building

activities, and adopting inclusive decision-making processes, potential conflicts can be mitigated,
fostering a harmonious work environment. Simultaneously, innovative marketing strategies, such

as authentic cultural integration, digital storytelling, influencer collaborations, and eco-friendly

certifications, will position the resort as a preferred destination for travelers seeking culturally

enriching and sustainable experiences. This dual approach ensures the project's success in

delivering a globally appealing, inclusive, and environmentally responsible resort.

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