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简单词 复杂词

about approximately
area field, discipline
ask inquire, request
at once immediately
adverse, destructive, detrimental, disastrous, harmful, malicious, negative,
unsatisfactory, vicious
beautiful appealing, attractive, striking
begin commence, implement, initiate
big alarming, immense, incredible
break collapse, demolish, destroy, ruin
buy acquire, purchase
car automobile
careful cautious
chance opportunity
change adapt to, adjust, alter, transform, vary
cheat deceive
choose favor, prefer
common prevalent, universal, widespread
control command, order
course curriculum
deep incisive, radical
different conflicting, diverse/diversified, various
different from be opposite to, in contrast with
difficult challenging, complicated, demanding, intricate, problematic
difficulty barrier, obstacle
do accomplish, achieve, affect, exert, impact, influence
enough adequate, sufficient
fair equal, impartial, objective, unbiased
famous distinguished, eminent, prominent, renowned
few/little inadequate, limited, rare, scarce
find/find out discover, explore, uncover
follow adhere to, conform to, comply with, in accordance with
full comprehensive, systematic
game entertainment, leisure
get acquire, attain, gain access to, receive, seize
get better advance, develop, enhance, enrich, improve, promote, strengthen
get worse deteriorate, exacerbate, threaten, weaken, worsen
give deliver, offer, provide
go down alleviate, decline, decrease, diminish, eliminate, minimize, reduce
go on continue
go up boost, enlarge, exceed, expand, increse, maximize
advantageous, beneficial, efffective, efficacious, favorable, invaluable,
rewarding, unparalleled, unprecedented
good at adept in, proficient in, skilled at/in
grow cultivate, foster, nurture, thrive
happy content, delighted
hardworking diligent, productive
have boast, maintain, obtain, own, possess
help assist in
homework assignment
idea argument, opinion, statement, suggestion, viewpoint
central, critcal, crucial, decisive, determining, essential, indispensable, pivotal,
primary, substantial, vital
interesting captivating, fascinating
join attend, engage in, enroll in, involve in, participate in, take part in
known be acquainted with, familiar
leave abandon, depart
let allow, enable, permit
like appreciate, enjoy, prefer, satisfy
lose beat, fall
lucky fortunate
make create, generate, invent, produce
make sure ensure, guarantee
a large amount of/large amounts of, a large number of/large numbers of,
many/much abundant, adequate, innumerable, numerous, plenty of, a large quantity of, a
variety of, a wealth of
meet come across, confront, encounter, fulfill, satisfy
money asset, fortune, possession, wealth
more and more gradual, growing, increasing
necessary compulsory, imperative, inevitable, mandatory
need require
new/modern advanced, cutting-edge, innovative, latest, novel, sophisticated
often frequently, regularly
old aged, ancient, primitive
past former, precedent, previous
place location, region
plan schedule
problem crisis, difficulty, dilemma, drawback, setback, shortcoming
quicken accelerate, speed up
real authentic
rich affluent, wealthy
right appropriate, suitable
safe secure
same equal, identical, similar
show demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, reveal
simple elementary
skill expertise, talent
strong competitive, powerful
study analyze, examine, explore, investigate
take accept, adopt, choose, employ
talk about discuss
teach educate, instruct
teacher professor
tell inform
argue, assume, be aware of, be conscious of, comprehend, perceive, reflect on,
today at present, nowadays
try aim at, attempt to, be inclined to, endeavor to, intend to, strive to, tend to
use accept, apply, employ, harness, utilize
considerably, deeply, completely, fully, greatly, heavily, highly,
incredibly,significantly, strikingly, strongly
want demand, desire, expect
war conflict
way approach, aspect, means, method, perspective
weak vulnerable
win defeat, prevail, triumph over
wrong erroneous, incorrect, misleading
young adolescent, juvenile

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