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146 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

虹 Unit
.((A) literature [ f litaratf^ ] n.文
學;文學作品 1(B)
temperature [ r tempratja- ] n.
溫度;體溫 r (A) livelihood
[ ' laivlihud ](二 1 iving ) n.
生計 l(Bj lively [ f laivli ] adj.
活潑的 r(A) liver [ ' liva< ] n.
1 \ (B) river [ 1 riva« ] n.河
1(C) shiver [ 'Jig ] v.r. & n.嵋
抖(二 tremble ) r(A) load
[ lod ] n・載貨;負擔 v.裝

I (B) road [ rod ] n.路
【辨字】road 與 rode
( ride 之過去式)同音
【詞變】loading n・裝
載;貨物 unload v・卸貨
【憤用語】be loaded
with 裝載
Mme 法~~~
load 裝載
loan 貸款 loaf 塊
f (A) local [ 'lokl ] adj.本地
的;地方的;局部的 n.本地
t(B)vocal [zvokl ] adj.發聲的

【詞變】locality n.位置;
【11 用 local color 地
方色彩 a local train 慢車
〔(A) lodge [ Iad3 ] v.i.寄宿
lodging house 出租房間
I (B) dodge [ dads ] v.i.閃避
'(A) loss [ los ] n.損失(at a
loss 迷惑 at a loss to 不能)
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 147
(B) lose [ luz ] v.失落;
(C) loose [ lus ] adj.鬆
• (D) loosen [ 4usn ] v.弄鬆;
j(A) legal [ lig 1 ] adj.合法的
J i 1 legal ( = illegitimate ) adj.
1(B)regal [ 'rigl ] adj.帝王
| (A) loyal [ ] adj.
t(B) royal [ 'roial ] adj.王室

gain five minutes 快五

lose five minutes 慢五

[格富】There is no royal
road to learning.學習無捷徑
f (A) ludicrous [ ' ludikras ]
(二 causing laughter ) adj.滑稽

* t (B) ridiculous [ r I’dik j”9s 1
( = absurd ) adj.荒謬的
IL j(A)lustful [ ' lAstfal ](二 full
of impure desire ) adj.好色的
t (B) lusty [ f 1 Asti ] ( =
healthy and strong ) adj.精力
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 147

1 The________ of a person who has fever is over 98-6
degrees Fahrenheit.(華氏)(c.f Centigrade 攝氏) (A) temperament (B)
temperature (C) literature (D) tempest (E) temple

2 "_________" means " gay and cheerful."

㈤ Life (b.) Lively (|C) Living (D) Livelihood
3. Our music - master gives us______________s in music.
(A) lesson (B) lessen (C) level (D) lever
4. The mountain is 2,500 feet above the ___________________of the sea.
(A) 1 esson (B) lessen (C) level (D) lever
5 Please drop these _____________s in the nearest post-box.
(A) little (B) litter (C) letter (D) latter
6 He earns his______________by teaching.
(A) life (B) lively (C) living (p) 1 ivehihood
7. They say cod-fish______________oil is full of vitamin A and D・
(A) liver (B) river (C) Iiquid (D) bowel
8. The rice was ed upon a wagon-
(A) load (B) road (C) lick (功 linger
9. A________train stops at every station so it goes much
slower than an express train*
(A) vocal (B) local (C) legal (D) r egal

10. It fs cheaper to live in a_________________house than in a hotel -

(A)vocal (B) local (C) legal (D) lodging (E)dodging
IL The rope is too ______________; please tighten it.
(A) loose (B) loosen 们)lose (D) loss
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 147
12. If you feel uncomfortable, you may________________your necktie.
(A) 1 oose (B) loosen (C) lose (D) loss
13. His question was so______________that everybody in the room
(A) ludicrous (B) ridiculous (C) lustful (D) lusty
14.What is the ____________procedure in buying a house ?
(A) logal (B) royal (C) legal (D) regal
15.He is a__________young man. = He is a healthy young man.
(A) lustful (B) lusty (G) loyal (D) royal (E) legal

由 旳 1(B) 2(B)
1(A) 4.(0
5(C) 6(0(功 7.
(A) &(A) 9.(B) 10.(P)
W ll.(A) 1Z(B) 13,
(B) 14.(0 15.
(B) ______

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