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150 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

(A) mat | maet ] n.薦;墊
(B) bat [ baet ] n.蝙蝠
1 (C) fat [ faet ] adj.胖的
(D) hat [ haet j n.帽子
-(E) rat L raet J n.老鼠
【價用語】⑴ M blind as a bat 視力極差
(2) high hat 高傲的人
(3) Bad hat !卑鄙的人
(4) get under one's hat 贪帛囊妙計
(5) hang one's hat 歸宿
(6) talk through ones h&t 說大話;吹牛
(7) take one's hat off to someone ............................. 表敬意或佩服
2 r(A)maxim [ 'maeksim ](二 proverb 二 apothegm ) n.格言
I (B) maxi mum [,maeksimam ](二 greatest possible degree ) adj.極限 的;極大的
[反義字】 minimum 極小的
金 f (A)maze [ mez ](二 bewilder ) v. t.迷惑 ■:.二 labyrinth ) n.迷宮
I (B)maize [ mez ](二 Indian corn ) n.玉黍蜀
(A)medial [ 'midiol J ( = of the middle ) adj.中等的;中間的
4. (B)medical [ 'medikl ] adj.醫學的;醫藥的;內科的
(C) medieval [ midi'ivl ](二 of the Middle Ages ) adj.中世紀的
(A)medal | fm£dl ] n.獎章;勳章;獎牌
5. (B)metal [ 'mctl | n・金屬
(Omental [ 'm£ntl ] adj.心理的;智力的(mental arithmetic 心算)
6 HA)melody [ ^eladi ] n.優美的旋律;優美的音樂 , I (B)me Ion [ fm£lan ] n.瓜
7 ( (A)memorial [ mE'morial ] n.紀念物 adj.紀念的
't (B)memory [ memari ] n.記憶力;記憶(memorandum 備忘錄)
【丽變】memorize (二 learn by heart )記憶;背誦
【慣用語】in memory of 紀念
r (A)mental [ mcntl ] adj.精神的;智力的
t (B)dental [ dent 1 ] adj.牙齒的
【詞變】mentality n.知性;精神作用 dentist n.牙醫
【慣用語】mental tst 智力測驗 mental arithmetics^
((A)merchandise [ 1 m3*tJandaiz ] ( = goods ) n.商品
I (B)merchant [,m3*tj0nt ] n.商人
|(A)merit [ ^merit ] n.優點;價値 v.t. 應得-defect n.缺點
I (B) inherit [ in^eri t ]v.t.孵承 *
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 151

Unit 2D
1 A_______is a piece of material woven of straw, rags,
fibre etc. used for a floor covering.
(A) bat (B) fat (C)hat (D)mat (E) rat
fAirBrcinoirE 2. M Look before you leap. " is a ______________.
(A)maxim (B) maxi mum (C) mini mum (D) proverb (E) apothegm
StEEfEE 3. The________score on the test is 100.
(A) maxim (B) maxi mum (C) mini mum (D) proverb (E) apothegm
囚 4. For each battle he won, the general was given a ______________・
(A) met al (B) medal (Omental (D) dental
EWEligl 5. Books and magazines are of ten referred to as
E ______________________________________________________
(AHjEKE (53 .大)
6 Gold is a precious ・
tE (A)metal (B) medal (C) me nt al (D) dental
MEEMEI 7. He was _______d at the beauty of the scenery.
E (A) maze (B)maize
®IE£] 回 & This is a - legend.
IE (A)medial (B)medical (C)medieval
囚回皿 its 9. He wanted to be a physician, so he attended a __________________
school. (A)medial (B)medi cal (C) medieval

casra 回 10.The hospital was founded as a _____________of Dr. Owen.

(A)memory (B) memorize (C) memorial (D) memorandum
SEEitSE 11 The singing of the bird is an enchanting________________ .
(A) music (B) merit (C) me Ion (B^melody
SKEKIEt 12 In order to save the vessel in the storm, they threw the valuable
E ___________________overboard^
(Aimer it (B) me Ion (C)meda! (^merchant (E) merchandise
囚 tnnscE 13. I have found both the___________s and the defects of the
(A) merit (B) inherit (C) melon (D) me dal (E) maxim

2(A)(D)(E) a(B) 4.(B) 5.(C) 6(A) 7. (A) 8. (C) 9. (B) 10.(0

g3 12(E) 11(A)

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