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Inorganic Chemistry

Question Acceptable Answer Mark Additional Guidance

1 a) decreases down a group 1 Allow
b) increase in the size of atom / 1 valence electron further from
increase in shielding effect of filled inner electrons/ 1 nucleus
Decrease in force of attraction between nucleus and Decrease net nuclear charge
valence electrons
2 a) cream colour 1
b) dilute ammonia: no change 1
concentrated ammonia: ppt dissolves 1
c) AgBr(s) + 2NH3 (aq)→ [Ag(NH3 )2] + (aq) + Br - (aq) 1 Do not allow without state
3 a) Insoluble 1
b) Mg (s) + 2 H2O (l) →Mg(OH)2 (aq) + H2 (g) 1
c) react with increasing vigour 1
d) Magnesium burns in steam to produce 1
magnesium oxide and hydrogen. The Mg would
burn with a bright white flame.
Mg (s) + H2O (g) →MgO (s) + H2 (g) 1 Do not Allow without state
4 a)
b) Group 2 carbonates are more thermally stable as
you go down the group. 1
As the cations get bigger they have less of a
polarising effect and distort the carbonate ion less. 1
The C-O bond is weakened less so it less easily
breaks down 1

c) heat a known mass of carbonate in a side arm

boiling tube and pass the gas produced through lime 1
Time for the first permanent cloudiness to appear in
the limewater. 1
Repeat for different carbonates using the same
moles of carbonate/same volume of
limewater/same Bunsen flame and height of tube 1
above flame.
5 a) nichrome is an unreactive metal and will not give 1
out any flame colour
b) Lithium: red; Sodium : yellow-orange; Potassium : 2 0.5 marks for each correct
lilac; Rubidium : red (reddish-violet) colour
c) heat causes the electron to move to a higher

energy level.
The electron is unstable at the higher energy level 1
and so drops back down.
As it drops back down from the higher to a lower 1
energy level, energy is emitted in the form of visible
light energy with the wavelength of the observed 1
6 a) Trend: The reducing power of the halides 1
increases down group 7
Explanation: A reducing agent donates electrons. As 1
the ions get bigger, it is easier for the outer
electrons to be given away as the pull from the
nucleus on them becomes smaller
b) NaCl(s) + H2SO4 (l) → NaHSO4 (s) + HCl(g) 1
Observations: White steamy fumes of HCl are 1
7 a) Disproportionation is the name for a reaction 1
where an element simultaneously oxidises and
b) 1
c) first turn red due to the acidity of both reaction
products. 1
It will then turn colourless as the HClO bleaches the
colour. 1
8 a) The reactivity of the halogens decreases down the 1
as the atoms get bigger with more shielding so they 1
less easily attract and accept electrons. They
therefore form -1 ions less easily down the group
1 Do not Allow if equations are
ii) not balanced

9 a) warm sodium hydroxide 1 Allow NaOH

b) a pungent gas is evolved which turns damp red 1
litmus paper blue
c) 1
10 a) Silver chloride
Dilute Ammonia 1

Silver bromide
Conc Ammonia 1

Silver iodide 1
No reaction
11 a) barium, calcium, magnesium 1
b) it is safe to use here because of its low solubility. 1 Do not Allow The Barium
suphate absorbs the x-rays
and so the gut shows up on
the x-ray image
Although true that is not what
c) Insoluble Barium sulphate produced will cover the 1 the question is about
surface of the metal and act as a barrier to further
12 a) Carbonate ions 1
b) The hydrochloric acid is needed to react with 1
carbonate impurities that are often found in salts
which would form a white Barium carbonate 1
precipitate and so give a false result.
b) carbon dioxide 1
13 a) i) before: yellow 1
after: colourless 1
b) Br2(aq) + 2NaOH(aq)→ NaBr(aq) + NaBrO(aq) +
H2O(l) 1
14 a) Electronegativity is the relative tendency of an 1
atom in a molecule to attract electrons in a
covalent bond to itself. 1
b) down the group the electronegativity of the 1
elements decreases.
As one goes down the group the atomic radii 1
increases due to the increasing number of shells.
The nucleus is therefore less able to attract the
bonding pair of electrons
15 a) carbon dioxide evolved 1
pass gas through lime water- lime water turns milky 1
1 Do not accept ionic equation
16 a) White steamy fumes of HCl 1
b) Phosphoric acid is more suitable for producing
hydrogen halides than the ones with concentrated 2 Allow ‘phosphoric acid is not
sulphuric acid because there are no extra redox oxidizing agent- does not
reactions taking place and no other products oxidize product/hydrogen
c) HCl more dense than air 1
17 a) Missed acidifying the solution (with nitric acid) 1
The role of nitric acid is to react with any carbonates 1
present to prevent formation of the precipitate

b) Ag+ (aq) + X- (aq) →AgCl(s) 1
c) it darkens 1
18 a) The reducing power of the halides increases down 1
group 7
They have a greater tendency to donate electrons. 1
This is because as the ions get bigger it is easier for 1
the outer electrons to be given away as the pull
from the nucleus on them becomes smaller.

19 a) 2Mg (s)+ O2 (g) → 2MgO (s) 1
b) white solid 1
c) MgO (s) + 2HCl (aq) →MgCl2 (aq) + H2O (l) 1
d) it will react more rapidly 1
rate of reaction increases down group because 1
electrons more easily lost
20 a) Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)→ MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g) 0.5
MgO (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2O (l) 0.5
b) Mg ribbon will have a thin layer of magnesium 1
oxide on it formed by reaction with oxygen in air.
testing for reaction rates with Mg and acid, an un-
cleaned Mg ribbon would give a false result because
both the Mg and MgO would react but at different
leaned off by emery paper before doing reactions 1
with Mg ribbon

Question Acceptable Answer Mark Additional Guidance
1 a) A Bronsted-Lowry acid is defined as a substance 1
that can donate a proton.
A Bronsted-Lowry base is defined as a substance 1
that can accept a proton.
2 1 mark for equations
1 mark for link

c) In the products of an acid-base reaction the 1

substance with bigger Ka will act as the acid 1

2 a) pH= -log [H+] 1

[H+ ] is the concentration of hydrogen ions in the 1
solution 1
b) [H+ ] = 1 x 10-1.35 1

= 0.045M

3 a) The concentration of hydrogen ions in a 1

monoprotic strong acid will be the same as the 1
concentration of the acid. Therefore relationship is:
hydrogen ion in a solution = concentration of the 1
acid in a solution 1
a) pH= –log[0.7] =.15 1
b) Both are strong acids. For HCl and HNO3 the [H+
(aq)] will be the same as the original
concentration of the acid.
4 a) 1

b) Re-arranging the Kc expression gives:

Kc x [H2O (l)] = [H+ (aq) ][OH- (aq)]
Because [H2O (l)] is much bigger than the
concentrations of the ions, we assume its value is
constant and make a new constant Kw.
Kw = [H+ (aq) ][OH- (aq)]
5 a)

[H+ (aq) ] = √ Kw = √ 6.326 x 10-14 =2.52 x 10- 1
7mol dm-3 1
pH = - log 2.52 x 10-7 = 6.6 1
It is still neutral though as [H+ (aq) ] = [OH- (aq)]

6 a)

1) [H+ (aq)]eqm = [A-(aq)] eqm because they have 1
dissociated according to a 1:1 ratio.
2) As the amount of dissociation is small we 1
assume that the initial concentration of the
undissociated acid has remained constant. So
[HA (aq) ] eqm = [HA(aq) ] initial
c) 1


7 a) pKw = -log Kw so Kw = 10-pKw 1

If Kw = 1x10-14 then pKw =14 1
b) At different temperatures to 25oC the pH of pure
water changes. Le Chatelier’s principle can predict 1
the change. 1
The dissociation of water is endothermic so 1
increasing the temperature would push the
equilibrium to the right giving a bigger
concentration of H+ ions and a lower pH
8 a) 1

b) Sometimes Ka values are quoted as pKa values

pKa = -log Ka 1
so Ka = 10-pKa
c) The larger the Ka the stronger the acid 1

9 a)

Allow e.c.f

10 a) 2

b) From the volumes and concentrations spot it is 1

half neutralization:
pH = pka = -log (1.7 x 10-5 ) 1
= 4.77

11 a) At half neutralisation we can make the
assumption that 1
[HA] = [A-] 1
and pH = pka
b) From the volumes and concentrations calculate 1
pH = pka = -log (1.7 x 10-5 ) 1
= 4.77
c) 1

12 a)

b) Because pH is a logarithmic scale, diluting a
strong acid 10 times will increase its pH by one unit, 1
and diluting it 100 times would increase its pH by
two units
Weak acids would not change in the same way as 1
when they are diluted. They increase by less than 1
CH3CH2CO2H +H2O↔ H3O+ + CH3CH2CO2 1
Diluting the weak acid pushes the equilibrium to
the right so the degree of dissociation increases and
more H+ ions are produced meaning pH increases
less than expected
13 a) An acidic buffer solution is made from a weak acid 1
and a salt of that weak acid ( made from reacting
the weak acid with a strong base). 1
A basic buffer solution is made from a weak base
and a salt of that weak base (made from reacting 1
the weak base with a strong acid). 1
b) acidic buffer solution: ethanoic acid and sodium 1
basic buffer solution: ammonia and ammonium 1
c) If small amounts of acid is added to the buffer:
Then the equilibrium will shift to the left removing
nearly all the H+ ions added.
If small amounts of alkali is added to the buffer. The
OH ions will react with H+ ions to form water



Here we assume the [A-] concentration is due to the

added salt only.
We also assume the Initial concentration of the acid
has remained constant, because amount that has
dissociated or reacted is small.
b) The salt content can be added in several ways: a
salt solution could be added to the acid or some
solid salt added.
A buffer can also be made by partially neutralizing a
weak acid with alkali and therefore producing salt.
15 b) Work out the moles of both solutions
Moles ethanoic = conc x vol = 0.1 x 0.045 = 1
0.0045mol 1
Moles sodium ethanoate = conc x vol = 0.15 x 1
0.050 = 0.0075

b) 1

16 a) A carbonic acid – hydrogen carbonate equilibrium 1

acts as a buffer in the control of blood pH.
b) The H2CO3 /HCO3 – buffer is present in blood 1
plasma, maintaining a pH between 7.35 and 7.45. 1
c) Adding alkali reacts with H+ so the above 1
Equilibrium would shift right forming new H+ and
more HCO3- 1
H2CO3 ⇌ H+ + HCO3-
17 a) If a small amount of acid is added to a buffer then 1
the moles of the buffer salt would reduce by the
number of moles of acid added and the moles of
buffer acid would increase by the same amount so a
new calculation of pH can be done with the new 1

H + + CH3CO2-(aq) CH3CO2H (aq) 1

b) If a small amount of alkali is added to a buffer

then the moles of the buffer acid would reduce by
the number of moles of alkali added and the moles 1
of salt would increase by the same amount so a new
calculation of pH can be done with the new values.
CH3CO2H (aq) +OH- CH3CO2-(aq) + H2O (l)

18 a)
1. Transfer 25cm3 of acid to a conical flask
with a volumetric pipette 1
2. Measure initial pH of the acid with a pH
3. Add alkali in small amounts (2cm3 ) 1
noting the volume added
4. Stir mixture to equalise the pH 1
5. Measure and record the pH to 1 d.p.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 but when approaching 1
endpoint add in smaller volumes of alkali
7. Add until alkali in excess 1
b) Calibrate meter first by measuring known pH of a
buffer solution. This is necessary because pH meters
can lose accuracy on storage. Most pH probes are 1
calibrated by putting probe in a set buffer (often pH
4) and pressing a calibration button/setting for that
pH. Sometimes this is repeated with a second buffer
at a different pH. 2

19 a)


At the start the pH rises quickly and then levels off.

The flattened part is called the buffer region and is
formed because a buffer solution is made.



20 a) An indicator will work if the pH range of the 1

indicator lies on the steep part of the titration curve.
In this case the indicator will change color rapidly
and the color change will correspond to the
neutralization point. 1 Ignore state symbols

We can apply Le Chatelier to give us the color. In an
acid solution the H+ ions present will push this
equilibrium towards the reactants. Therefore color A
is the acidic color. In an alkaline solution the OH-

ions will react and remove H+ ions causing the
equilibrium to shift to the products. Color B is the 1
alkaline color. 1

b) The end-point of a titration is defined as the point

when the color of the indicator changes color. The
end-point of a titration is reached when [HIn] = [In-].
To choose a correct indicator for a titration one
should pick an indicator whose end-point coincides
with the equivalence point for the titration.


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