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ROLL NO: D21E106

1. In which of the following is not characteristic of alkaloids?
(a) Bittertaste
(b) Presence of N in a heterocyclic ring
(c)Soluble in non polarsolvents
(d) Pharmacological activity.
Ans: c

2- Alkaloids can be detected by following except

(a) Mayer's reagent
(b) Dragondorff reagent
(c) Wagner's reagent
(d) Molish reagent
Ans: d

3- Following are the examples of alkaloids except

(a) Nux vomica
(b) Datura
(c) Rauwolfia
(d) Senna
Ans: (d)

4. Which alkaloid is commonly found. in opium

(a) Atropine
(6) Morphine
(c) Coffeine
(d) Quinine
Ans: (b)
5- which plant family is known for the production of tropane alkaloids?
(0) Solanaceae
(b) Fabaceae
(c) Rosaceae
(d) Lamiaceae
Ans (A)

6- Cinchona bark is the source of which alkaloid use in the treatment of malaria?
(a) Morphine
(b) Caffeine
(c) Quinine
(d) Nicotine
Ans: (c)

7- Following are the examples of Tropane Alkaloids except:

(a) Datura
(b) Coca
(c) Belladonna
(d) Nuxvomica
Ans: (d)

8- Following are the examples of indole alkaloids except:

(a) Rauwolfia
(b) Ergot
(c) Vinca
(d) Datura
Ans: (d)
9- Which of the following is example of Purine alkalord?
(a) Tea
(b) Coffee
(C) Both of these
(d) None of these.
Ans: (c)

10- Which type of plant Tropane Alkaloids cateogry?

(a) Belladona
(b) Datura
(c) Hyoscyamus
(d) All of these.
Ans: (d)

11- Pyrole Alkaloids are e.g of?

(a) nicotine
(b) Hygrine
(C) Trigonelline
(d) All of these
Ans: (d)

12. Which alkaloid is primarily found in coffee beans?

(a) Morphine
(b) Quinine
(c) Caffeine
(d) Atropine
Ans: (c)
13. Which alkaloid is used as muscle relaxant?
(a) Atropine
(b) Strychnine
(c) Tubocurarine
(d) Ephedrine
Ans: (c)

14- Which alkaloid in antidote for atropine poisoning?

(a) Morphine
(b) Pilocarpine
(c) Physostigmine
(d) Naloxone
Ans: (c)

15- Which alkaloid is used as Local anesthetic?

(a) Quinine
(b) Ephedrine
(c) Cocaine
(d) Strychnine
Ans. (C)

16- Which alkaloid is extracted from Strychnos nux-vomica?

(a) Quinine
(b) strychnine
(c) Coffeine
(d) Theobromine.
Ans: (b)
17- Which alkaloid is used to treat asthma and nasal congestion?
(a) Atropine
(b) Ephedrine
(c) Nicotine
(d) Pilocarpine.
Ans: (b)

18- Which of the following is not the function of alkaloids in plants?

(a) Defense against heebivores
(b) Attraction of pollinators
(c)Regulators of osmotic balance
(d) Antimicrobial activity
Ans: (c)

19- Which alkalord has role in treating cardiac arrhythmia?

(a) Atropine
(b) Digoxin
(c) Nicotine
(d) Cocaine.
Ans: (b)

20- Which of the alkaloid is derived from bark of Yohimbe Tree?"

(a) Yohimbine
(b) Theobromine
(C) Caffeine
(d) Morphine

21-Which alkaloid has stimulant effect on CNS

(a) Quinine
(b) Ephedrine
(c) Strychnine
(d) Morphine

22: Alkaloid use in the treatment of Parkinson's disease is:

(a) Physostigmine
(b) L-Dopa
(6) Cocaine
(d) Caffeine
Ans: b

23: Codeine is used as:

(a) Analgesic
(b) Carminative
(c) Expectorant
(d) Stimulant
Ans: (a)

24- which alkaloid is commonly used in the treatment of hypertension and as a diuretic?
(a) Nicotine
(b) Strychnine
(C) Reserpine
Ans: (c)

25- Alkaloid use for antiarchytmic property is:

(a) Digoxin
(b) Morphine
(c) Atropine
(d) Quinidine

26- Which alkaloid is used as beonchodilator in asthma?

(a) Caffeine
(b) Ephedrine
(c) Cocaine
(d) Pilocarpine
Ans: (b)

27-Which alkaloid has its role treating Parkinson's disease?

(a) Reserpine
(b) Atropine
(c) L-Dopa
(d) Theobromine
Ans: (c)

28- Antidote for opioid overdoses:

(a) Naloxone
(b) Yohimbine
(c) Physostigmine
(d) Quinine

29- Alkaloid used for motion sickness:

(a) Scopolamine
(b) Theobromine
(c) Caffeine
(d) Papaverine
Ans: (a)

30- Alkaloid used for Alzheimer's disease:

(a) Galantamine
(b) Yohimbine
(c) Pilocarpine
(d) Caffeine
Ans :( a)

31- Alkaloid used as vasodilator is:

(a) Sildenafil
(b) Codeine
(c) Cocaine
(d) Atropine
Ans: (a)

32. Proto alkaloids are also called as:

(a) Amino alkaloid
(6) Pseudo alkaloid
(c) True alkaloid
(d) Extra alkaloid.
Ans: (a)

33- The example of Pseudoalkaloid:

(a) Caffeine
(b) Hygrine
(c) Arecoline
(d) Lobelline

34- The ring structure present in Strychnine:

(a) Indole
(b) Pyrrole
(c) Pyridine
(d) Peiperidine
Ans: (a)

35- Drug is an example of amino alkaloid:

(a) Ephedrine
(b) Aconine
(c) caffeine
(d) Theo phylline
Ans: (b)

36- Ergometrine shows configuration:

(a) Laevo
(b) Dextro
(c) Racemic Mixture
(d) Trans.
Ans: (b)
37-How many pairs of alkaloids are present in Ergot?
(a) Five
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) three
Ans : (c)

38- Which drug is not belonging to Apocyanacea?

(a) Vinca
(b) Rauwolfia
(c) Kurchi
(d) Gloriosa
Ans: (d)

39- Ergometrine shows configuration:

(a) Laevo
(b) Dextro
(C) Racemic Mixture
(d) Trans
Ans: (b)

40- Which form of ergot alkaloids are especially important?

(a) Laevo
(b) Dextro
(c) Cis
(d) Trans
Ans: (a)
41- How many pairs of alkaloid are present in Ergot
(a) Five
(b) Four
(c) Three
(d) Six
Ans: (d)

42- Reserpine, when treated with Solution of vanillin in acetic acid shows:
(a) Red
(b) Green
(c) Blue
(d) Pink
Ans: (a)

43- Diacetyl derivative of morphine is.

(a) Codeine
(b) Heroin
(d) Thebaine
Ans: (b)

34. Opium alkaloids are present in plant as salt of:

(a):Benzoic acid
(b):Tartaric acid
(c):Meconic acid
(d):Acetic acid.
Ans: (c)
45- which alkaloid is not present in Cinchona baek?
(a) Quinidine
(b) Quinine
(e) Quinovin
(d) Cinchonin.
Ans: (c)

46- The pharmacological action of Ipecac:

(a) Stimulant
(b) Emetic
(c) Sedative
(d) Hypnotic
Ans : (b)

47- Papaverine shows pharmacological activity:

(a) Spasmolytic
(b) Emetic
(c) Antitussive
(d) Antipyretic
Ans: (a)

48- In uv light Eegot shows fluorescence:

(a) Yellow
(b) Blue
(c) Red
(d) violet
Ans : (c)
49. Thalleoquin test is used for identification of:
(a) Atropine
(b) Vincristine
(c) Quinine
(d) Strychnine.
Ans: (c)

50- Active constituent of Ipecac:

(a) Cephaeline
(b) Berberine
(c) Hydrastine
(d) Teopane.
Ans: (a)

51- 'Thornapple' is synonym of:

(a) Bella donna
(b) Cinchona
(c) Datura
(d) Stramonium.
Ans: (d)

52.One of the following microscopic characters not associated with Nux Vomica is:
a) Epidermis consist of lignified trichomes
b) Epidermis is followed by layer of collapsible cells
c) Endosperm shows presence of plasmodesma
d) Calcium oxalate crystal and starch grain are present
Ans: d
53. Lignified trichomes is characteristic of drug :
a) Catharanthus
b) Cassia angustifolia
c) Strychnous nux vomica
d) Digitalis purpurea

54. When the transverse section of nux vomica is treated with ammonium vanadate and sulphuric
acid, the endospermic cells show purple colour, due to presence of:
a) Strychnine
b) Brucine
c) a-Coubrine
d) B-coubrine
Ans : a

55. Which is not the characteristic feature of alkaloid ?

a) Complex molecular structure and nitrogen in the molecule
b) Basic in nature
c) Biosynthetically derived
d) Acidic in nature only
Ans: d

56. Jesuit's bark is synonym of:

a) Coca leaves
b) Ipecacuanha
c) Cinchona
d) Calumba
Ans: c
57.Biological source of nux vomica is:
a) Strycnous nux vomica
b) Strychnous potatorum
c) Strychnous nux blanda
d) strychnous wallichiana
Ans: a

58. Diacetyl derivative of morphine is:

a) Codeine
b) Heroin
c) Papaverine
d) Thebaine
Ans: b

59. Which compound is showing the most potent analgesic properly?

a) Heroin
b) Morphine
c) Codeine
d) Papaverine
Ans: a

60. Trukish opium is commonly known as:

a) Chemist opium
b) Druggist opium
c) Chinese opium
d) Chemist and druggist
Ans: b
61. Which alkaloid is found in tobacco leaves and is responsible for its addictive properties?
A) Nicotine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine

62. Which alkaloid is derived from the poppy plant and is used as a cough suppressant?
A) Morphine
B) Caffeine
C) Codeine
D) Quinine
Ans: (c)

63. Which alkaloid is found in the seeds of Strychnos nux-vomica and is known for its toxic
effects on the central nervous system?
A) Nicotine
B) Strychnine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: B

64. Which alkaloid is commonly used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease due to its
dopamine agonist activity?
A) Morphine
B) Caffeine
D) Quinine
Ans: (C)
65. Which alkaloid is derived from the periwinkle plant and is used in chemotherapy for its
anticancer properties?
A) Vinblastine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (a)

66. Which alkaloid is found in the betel nut and is known for its stimulant and euphoric effects?
A) Betelaine
B) Caffeine
C) Arecoline
D) Quinine
Ans: (C)

67. Which alkaloid is derived from the Ergot fungus and has vasoconstrictive properties, used in
the treatment of migraines?
A) Ergotamine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: a

68. Which alkaloid is found in the leaves of Duboisia species and is used to dilate the pupil
during eye examinations?
A) Atropine
B) Caffeine
C) Nicotine
D) Quinine
Ans (a)

69. Which alkaloid is derived from the plant Colchicum autumnale and is used in the treatment
of gout?
A) Morphine
B) Colchicine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans (b)

70: Which alkaloid is found in the bark of the Pacific yew tree and is used in chemotherapy for
its anticancer properties?
A) Taxol (Paclitaxel)
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (a)
71. Which alkaloid is found in the leaves of Camellia sinensis and is responsible for its
stimulating effects?
A) Theobromine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (b)

72. Which alkaloid is derived from the plant Passiflora incarnata and is used as a mild sedative?
A) Quinine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Harmine
Ans: (d)

73. Which alkaloid is found in the roots of Symphytum officinale and is used topically for its
anti-inflammatory properties?
A) Symphytine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Allantoin
Ans: (b)

74. Which alkaloid is derived from the seeds of Cola acuminata and is used as a flavoring agent
in beverages?
A) Colatine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (b)

75. Which alkaloid is found in the bark of Uncaria rhynchophylla and has been studied for its
neuroprotective effects?
A) Rhynchophylline
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (a)
76. Which alkaloid is derived from the plant Aconitum napellus and is highly toxic due to its
cardiotoxic effects?
-A) Aconitine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (a)

77. Which alkaloid is found in the leaves of Chelidonium majus and has been used in traditional
medicine for its antispasmodic properties?
A) Chelidonine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans: (a)

78. Which alkaloid is derived from the plant Datura stramonium and has hallucinogenic
A) Daturine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Scopolamine
Ans: (d)

79. Which alkaloid is found in the roots of Aspidosperma species and is used in medicine for its
bronchodilator effects?
A) Aspidospermine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (c)
81. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of the Berberis species and has antimicrobial
A) Berberine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

82. Which alkaloid is found in the leaves of Atropa belladonna and has anticholinergic
A) Atropine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

83. Which alkaloid is derived from the roots of Erythrina mulungu and is known for its
anxiolytic effects?
A) Mulunguine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

84.Which alkaloid is found in the roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra and gives licorice its sweet taste?
A) Glycyrrhizin
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

85. Which alkaloid is derived from the plant Passiflora edulis and is used as a natural remedy for
anxiety and insomnia?
A) Passiflorine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Harmaline
Ans : (a)

86. Which alkaloid is found in the seeds of Pausinystalia johimbe and is used traditionally as an
A) Yohimbine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

87. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of Peganum harmala and has been used in
traditional medicine for its psychoactive effects?
A) Harmine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

88. Which alkaloid is found in the bark of Physostigma venenosum and is known for its powerful
cholinergic effects?
A) Physostigmine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

90. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of Strychnos toxifera and is used as a muscle
A) Strychnine
B) Caffeine
C) Curare
D) Quinine
Ans : (c)

91. Which alkaloid is found in the leaves of Theobroma cacao and has similar effects to caffeine
but is less stimulating?
A) Theophylline
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

92. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of Vinca minor and is used in medicine for its
cytotoxic effects against cancer cells?
A) Vincamine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Vincristine
Ans: (d)

93. Which alkaloid is found in the seeds of Catharanthus roseus and is used in chemotherapy for
its anticancer properties?
A) Quinine
B) Caffeine
C) Vinblastine
D) Ephedrine
Ans : (c)

94. Which alkaloid is derived from the roots of Valeriana officinalis and is used as a herbal
remedy for insomnia and anxiety?
A) Valerianine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

95: Which alkaloid is found in the roots of Chondrodendron tomentosum and is used
traditionally as a muscle relaxant?
A) Chondrodendrine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Tubocurarine
Ans : (d)

96. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of Cinchona ledgeriana and is used in medicine for
its antimalarial properties?
A) Cinchonine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)
97. Which alkaloid is found in the roots of Aconitum carmichaelii and is used in traditional
Chinese medicine for its analgesic effects?
A) Carmichaeline
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Aconitine
Ans : (d)

98. Which alkaloid is derived from the leaves of Ilex paraguariensis and is a major component of
yerba mate tea?
A) Mateine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Theobromine
Ans : (a)

98. Which alkaloid is found in the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger and has been used historically as
a hallucinogen?
A) Hyoscyamine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

99. Which alkaloid is derived from the bark of Corynantheyohimbe and is used as a treatment for
erectile dysfunction?
A) Yohimbine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

100. Which alkaloid is found in the seeds of Pilocarpus jaborandi and is used in medicine for its
effects on salivation and sweating?
A) Pilocarpine
B) Caffeine
C) Ephedrine
D) Quinine
Ans : (a)

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