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SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.

Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

1. Scope
This chapter is applicable to all vessels.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this chapter is to highlight drills and training requirements which form a
vital part of emergency preparedness.

3. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that all required Drills and trainings are
carried out as per the below procedure.

4. Procedure
4.1 Drills and Training Schedule
4.1.1 Drills shall be carried out as detailed in:-
S-111003-01FIG Drill Schedule
In case, the flag state requirement, local port regulations or SOPEP etc. stipulate a
stricter frequency same shall be complied with.

4.1.2 Procedure of Conducting the Drill

a) Make everyone thoroughly familiarize with the drill execution procedure, the
duties assigned to each person, words of caution on safety, etc.
b) Prepare a plan for executing the drill (time, place, procedure, personnel, etc.)
c) Simulate the mock situation, as close as possible, to actual emergency.
d) More than one drill scenarios could be simulated together for making the drill
e) For training purposes, individual checklists as per “Shipboard Contingency Plan”
are to be utilized and all actions carried out/ simulated during the drills
f) Maintain all drill record/ documents.
In addition, the drills shall also satisfy the following conditions.

4.2 “Abandon Ship” Drill

a) Have crews and supernumeraries muster at emergency station
b) Check that crews and supernumeraries are wearing appropriate clothes and
carrying life jackets and immersion suits.
c) Check that crews and supernumeraries are wearing lifejackets correctly.
(For Free Fall Lifeboat:
If the manufacturer’s launching instructions specifically state that Lifejacket and
Helmet shall be removed prior to being strapped on to the seat, then same shall
be followed and placed within reach. They shall be donned immediately after the
person in charge of the lifeboat instructs that it is safe to do so.)

d) Check duties and articles to be carried by each person.

e) After preparing to launch, lower at least one lifeboat.
f) Operate the lifeboat engine.
g) Demonstrate life rafts launching.
h) As far as practicable, lower different lifeboats in successive drills.
i) For Ships with Free Fall Lifeboat Arrangement :-
i) At least once every three months during an abandon ship drill the crew shall
board the lifeboat, properly secure themselves in their seats and commence
launch procedures up to, but not including, the actual release of the lifeboat.
SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.25
Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

(i.e., the release hook shall not be released). The lifeboat shall then either
be free-fall launched with only the required operating crew on board, or
lowered into the water by means of the secondary means of launching with
or without the operating crew on board. In both cases, the lifeboat shall
thereafter be maneuvered in the water by the operating crew.
ii) At intervals of not more than six months, the lifeboat shall either be launched
by free-fall with only the operating crew on board, or Simulated Launching
shall be carried out
j) Test the emergency lighting for mustering and abandoning ship.
k) Vessels equipped with escape chutes, provide training in boarding procedures till
immediately before rigging the chute.
l) If vessel is within port limits, a prior permission from port shall be taken before
lowering boat into water.

4.2.1 Safety Precautions during Abandon-Ship Drill & Use of “Fall Preventer
Device (FPD)” For All type of Life Boats and Rescue Boats
a) Launching shall not be carried out when the vessel is making way through the water.
b) The person in charge of life boat shall review ship specific Work Instruction on
lowering, heaving, disengaging and engaging of the boat and hook.
c) During drills, person in charge of the boat should be alert for potentially dangerous
conditions and situations.
d) Ensure that handle for heaving life boat as applicable is disengaged from winch
before lowering or when heaving the boat by power. For All type of Life Boats except Free Fall Lifeboats
a) Before placing persons inside the lifeboat, the empty boat shall first be lowered
and recovered to ascertain that the arrangement functions correctly.
b) The boat shall then be lowered into the water with only the number of persons on
board necessary to operate the boat (four to six persons). Alternately, as allowed
by SOLAS, if in opinion of the Master it is safe to do so, the Master may allow to
lower the boat into water and send the required crew to the boat using
embarkation ladder.
c) Proper release of lashing or gripes should be checked.
d) Points to be noted regarding FPD:-
i) Rig “FPD” during Life Boat Drills, while lowering and hoisting the Life Boats
and during routine maintenance when the life boat gripes are not secured.
(Ref: S-111003-05FIG Use Of Fall Preventer Device ( Reference ).
ii) Disconnect the FPD after use.
iii) In real emergency the FPD shall not be used.
iv) A warning notice at the release handle, shall be in place to ensure that the
FPD are removed before the release mechanism is activated.
v) The attachment point of the FPD to the on-load release hook and the davit
falls block shall be clearly marked.
vi) The release of the FPD shall be achievable quickly and easily without posing
any risk to the operating crew

4.2.2 Work Instructions for Life Boat Drill

Work instructions for life boat operation shall be prepared and included in the SOLAS
Training Manual and displayed at appropriate locations.
SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.25
Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

4.3 Fire Drill

a) Set up different location for every drill such as the engine room, living quarters,
holds, etc.
b) Check the times required from the time orders to take up stations are issued until:-
i) Firefighting structure is set up
ii) Firefighting is started
iii) The fire zone is isolated, etc.
c) Test the fire pump pressure by rigging two fire hoses on the lee side of the bridge
d) The C/O and the C/Eshall check that all firefighting equipment are in their
prescribed locations and in good condition.

4.4 Structural Failure and Damage Control Drill

Training shall be provided on the following items:-
a) Damage control material
b) Location and Operation of all Watertight Doors.
c) If vessel is enrolled with emergency response services e.g. Class NK Emergency
Technical Assistance Services, Lloyd’s Ship’s Emergency response Services etc,
prepare a condition report in the format suggested by such services. (During drill
fill up ETAS condition report form, do not send the form to Class NK)
d) Securing of bilge line, operating the pumps
e) Initiating the temporary repairs.

4.5 Rescue Drill

4.5.1 Rescue Boat Drill
a) Check duties and articles to be carried by each person
b) Training in lowering of rescue boat (including emergency operation for vessels
having dedicated rescue boats), and executing of Williamson turn (if
circumstances permit) and wearing of immersion suits.
c) Ensuring of ship's reception setup (accommodation, preparations for medical
treatment, blankets, and bath).
d) Training in releasing/ functionality of MOB marker and other appropriate
equipment such as lifebuoy etc.

4.5.2 Enclosed Space Entry and Rescue

Drill shall at least include:-
a) Check and use of following with detailed instructions imparted to all staff:
i) Personal protective equipment required for entry
ii) Communication equipment and procedures
iii) Instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces;
iv) Rescue equipment and procedures;
v) Breathing apparatus
b) Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques and Recognition of signs of
adverse health due to exposure in an enclosed space.
c) Risks associated with enclosed spaces, controlling hazards and onboard
procedures, precautions for safe entry into such spaces
d) Simulating the rescue of an incapacitated person from a dangerous space using
stretcher or other means. Following should be referred and utilized so that necessary requirements related to
Enclosed Space Entry as well as Rescue are appropriately included:-

SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.25
Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

a) "S-P-09.30.03 Enclosed/Confined Spaces"

b) Standard Risk Assessment Template for Enclosed Space Entry
c) Relevant Chapters of Code of Safe Working Practices
d) Video Training Material as available
An enclosed space shall be made safe for purpose of drill, for operational
convenience, a non-dangerous space may be used, so long as it provides equivalent,
realistic conditions for actual real-life rescue.

4.5.3 Helicopter Operation and Evacuation of Injured Person(s) by Helicopter

a) Training shall be carried out in standards and procedures with respect to actual
ship’s arrangement, demonstration of use and readying of equipment for
winching and landing operations etc. as per SMS procedures “Helicopter/Ship
Operation” and ‘Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations (ICS)’. Applicable sections
of IAMSAR Manual.
b) Following scenarios shall be simulated during drills:-
i) Routine Helicopter operations
ii) Helicopter Emergencies such as Crash on deck, fuel spillage, ditching etc.
iii) Man Overboard / Personnel in water

4.6 Critical Equipment Failure Drill and Training

4.6.1 Emergency Steering Drill
a) Training in emergency steering stationed in the steering gear compartment.
b) Training in moving the compass bowl.

4.6.2 Emergency Operation of Main Engine and CPP (Operating from Machine Side)
a) Training in emergency maneuvering of the engineers and engine room crew
stationed at the machine side.
b) Checking means of communications between the bridge, engine control room,
and machine side.

4.6.3 Failure of Main Power Source (Black out) and Operation of Emergency
Training shall be imparted regarding:-
a) Demonstration of starting procedure of emergency generator
b) Ship specific Work instruction for Blackout recovery procedures

4.6.4 Gyro Failure

a) Training in switching over from Gyro No 1 to Gyro No 2.
b) Check & list all equipment being affected by Gyro Failure.

4.7 Oil Spill Response Drill

a) Checking that each member of the crew understands his duties and the articles
he is to carry in accordance with the procedure entitled "Oil Spill" and SOPEP
(Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan).
b) Checking of and mock communications with the marine safety agencies of the
area in question to be contacted.

4.8 Other Drills

4.8.1 Emergency Towing procedures
a) Familiarisation with Emergency towing booklet and its contents.

SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.25
Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

b) Familiarisation with identified equipment, safety precautions & procedures

contained therein

4.8.2 Emergency Communication Drill (At Change of Every Command)

Master shall conduct communication drill preferably with other shipboard drills within
15 days after taking over command. The timing of drill shall be confirmed with
attending Superintendents of vessel.
a) Call Superintendents and take his consent to start the communication drill.
b) Once confirmed by Superintendents, call emergency telephone number as per
vessel’s Emergency Communication Diagram.
c) Start communication with clear announcement “’This is a communication Drill’’.
d) Confirm the communication by sending e-mail or fax using the format as per "S-
P-11.10.02 Record and Report of Marine Accident" with clearly mentioning that ‘’
This is a communication drill’’.
e) Confirm audibility and receipt of communication.
f) Call Superintendents on his hand Phone and declare completion of the drill.

4.9 Training Drill

4.9.1 Use of LSA and Survival Techniques
The SOLAS Training manual and Operational & Maintenance manual shall be utilized
for imparting training to crew members. The training shall include but not limited to:-
a) Practical demonstration of using life jacket, life jacket lights, immersion suits.
b) Use of Life boat equipment.
c) Starting of life boat engine, use of oars, steering and check of life boat lights
(including canopy light).
d) Use of Life boat sprinkler, air bottles.
e) Procedure for Boat release mechanism and precaution involved in it. Use of FPD.
f) Use of hanging off and recovery pendant in heavy weather. Specific instruction
necessary for use of the ship’s lifesaving appliances in severe weather and sea
g) Launching and recovery of boat.
h) Use of life boat hand held radio, SART, EPIRB, ship and life boat pyrotechnics.
i) Problems associated with Hypothermia, first aid treatment for hypothermia and
other appropriate First aid procedures such as Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR), use of resuscitator etc.
j) Launching instruction of Life rafts.
k) Location of switch for emergency light etc.

4.9.2 Use of FFA and Fire Fighting Technique

The FFA Operation and Maintenance Manual shall be utilized for imparting training to
crew members. The training shall include but not limited to following:-
a) The type and location of portable fire extinguishers and their intended use.
b) Operating instruction of portable extinguishers, 45 liters foam extinguishers, portable
foam applicators etc.
c) At least one portable extinguisher, which can be refilled on board, shall be operated for
training purpose. The used extinguisher shall be refilled on the same day.
d) Practical demonstration regarding checks and use of fire-man outfit, SCBA, EEBD etc.
e) Starting of fire pump, rigging and operation of fire hose.
f) Special precautions for fire in accommodation, galley, engine room and paint store etc.
g) Search and rescue methods, fire man’s lift and precaution during firefighting.
h) General fire precaution and fire rounds.
SMS / S-P-11.10.03 Drills and Version: 2023.05.25
Training on Board Approved By: Head of G-SMSC

i) Necessary arrangements for subsequent abandoning of the ship during fire.

j) Location and operation of
i) Fire call point, fire hose, fire hydrant, emergency fire pump and required operation
of valves including use of isolating valves.
ii) Fixed firefighting system, hyper-mist system, fire detection system, fire dampers,
watertight doors, fire doors etc.
iii) Galley firefighting system, switch to isolate galley power and galley ventilation.
iv) Emergency trip for accommodation and engine room ventilation.
k) Limitations of the fireman suits on board, referring to S-P-11.10.05 APP Limitations of
the Fireman Suits.
The equipment used during drill and training shall immediately be placed back to its fully
operational condition.

4.10 Evaluation of Drill and Training

Master shall evaluate all the drills conducted:-
a) Evaluation to be recorded using S-111003-02FRM Drill Record / S-032000-01FRM
Crew Training Record.
b) Evaluation to clearly indicate the objectives, level attained and corrective actions (if
any). Concerns from previous drills shall be reflected and improved.
c) Any crew requiring supplemental training (refer to S-032000-07FRM List of Crew
Required To Get Supplemental Training).
d) Item c) shall be mentioned in monthly Shipboard Management Meetings minutes.

4.11 Recording of Drill and Shipboard Education &Training

4.11.1 Entering in Log
The record of drill and training shall be recorded in ship's log book and official log book
(applicable drills only) and S-111003-02FRM Drill Record / S-032000-01FRM Crew
Training Record.

4.11.2 Reporting of Drill to Company

S-111003-02FRM Drill Record / S-032000-01FRM Crew Training Record shall be
submitted to company.

4.11.3 Record of Insufficient Drill

When drills and training could not be fully carried out within the prescribed period
because of rough weather or other unavoidable reasons, an entry shall be made in the
ship's log book stating the circumstances and the extent of the muster, drill or training
session held.

5. Documentation
S-111003-01FIG Drill Schedule
S-111003-02FRM Drill Record
S-111003-05FIG Use Of Fall Preventer Device ( Reference )
S-032000-01FRM Crew Training Record
S-032000-07FRM List of Crew Required To Get Supplemental Training

6. References
Z-P-09.10.00 Risk Management
S-P-11.10.02 Records and Reports of Marine Accident
S-P-11.10.04 Shipboard Contingency Plan
S-P-11.10.05 Emergency Response


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