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Kim Ouddommony ID:60-22-02-45 COM101 Weekend


1. Define relationship.
2. Explain the three types of relationships.
3. Name five ways to begin a relationship.
4. Discuss some reasons why relationship ends.
5. How to deal with cultural differences in a relationship? Family differences?
6. How to deal with break-up?


1. A relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two

or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring. It is a social
connection that exists between two people who form an established history,
emotional or relative involvement, and who relate through behavioral interactions
over a period of time.

2. Types of relationship:
• Romantic relationship: Relationship involving emotional and physical
attraction and intimacy between two individuals. For example, dating,
marriage, etc.
• Family relationship: Relationship with family members such as parents,
siblings, children, relatives.
• Friendship: Non-romantic relationship involving mutual trust and care
between two individuals.
• Work relationship: Relationship between coworkers or associates within a
workplace environment.

• Acquaintance: Casual relationship characterized by recognition of each
other but not deep interactions.
• Online relationship: Relationship formed and maintained primarily through
internet or social media without physical interactions initially.
3. Five ways to begin a relationship:

• Cyber dating: Meeting people online through dating apps or websites. We

browse profiles, chat, exchange messages and photos to see if we connect
with someone before meeting in person.
• Personal ads: Placing an ad about yourself in a newspaper, magazine or
online classifieds to attract potential partners. Ads describe your interests,
values and what you're looking for in a mate. Others can respond if
• Speed dating: Structured events where you have brief, back-to-back initial
meetings (typically 5-7 minutes each) with multiple potential partners. It
helps assess initial attraction and chemistry on a larger scale than typical
first dates.
• Matchmaking: Working with a professional matchmaker who evaluates your
preferences and lifestyle to identify promising matches from their database
or social network. Some make formal introductions while others only provide
potential contacts.
• Relational coaching: Meeting with a therapist, life coach or dating coach to
explore your relationship patterns and needs. A coach can provide
guidance, exercises and accountability to help you achieve relational goals
like meeting someone compatible and navigating the courtship process in a
healthy way.

4. Reasons for relationship to end such as, fulfillment/non-fulfillment of goals, fading

of initial attractiveness, appearance of new attractive relationships, changes in
other relationships, confrontation by one person wanting to end it.

5. To deal with cultural differences in a relationship and family differences we must:
• Develop understanding and acceptance of each other's backgrounds
through thorough learning about cultures, traditions, values and families.
• Respect, appreciate and accommodate differences rather than demanding
changes or highlighting disparities.
• Find compromises through thoughtful communication and negotiation that
allow honoring some practices of both sides.
• Be tolerant of different opinions and avoid criticizing partner's views on
cultural/family matters.
• See things from each other's perspective and maintain an open mindset.
• Involve families through organized interactions to promote education and
• Seek advice from elders/leaders to respectfully resolve issues.
• Build a new blended approach upholding both cultural roots through
understanding and compromise.
• Maintain open-mindedness rather than letting cultural pride turn into
• Focus on similarities, appreciate uniqueness and negotiate workable
solutions respectfully.

6. To deal with a break-up, we can use indirect disengagement strategies mentioned

like decreasing contact, seeing each other less or direct strategies like stating you
want to end the relationship and not expecting future contact. Expressing emotions
to find closure can help with moving on from the relationship.

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