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APRIL, 2024

An Initiative by Unacademy

Supreme Court expands Article 21: Right

against the adverse effects of climate change

90 Years of the
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

What Makes a Total Solar

Eclipse Rare?

FSSAI investigating Ethylene Oxide

Katchatheevu Island
Polity and Governance 9
y Federal Issues 9
⚪ Article 244(A) of Indian Constitution- For the Creation of Autonomous State Within
Tribal Areas of Assam 9
y Rights 10
⚪ Buddhism separate religion, and Hindus need to seek permission to convert:
Gujarat government 10
⚪ Living Will implementation 10
⚪ Supreme Court expands Article 21:Right against the adverse effects of climate change 11
⚪ Supreme Court: Candidates have Right to Privacy 12
⚪ The Bombay HC: Right to sleep basic requirement 12
⚪ Judiciary 13
⚪ Why the Supreme Court Barred Unregulated Soil Extraction for Linear Projects? 13
⚪ Why in News: 13
⚪ Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act, 2004 Held Unconstitutional by
High Court, SC stays decision 14
⚪ SC shares rising Concern on State’s Grievances against Appeal 15
⚪ Curative Petition 15
⚪ Anticipatory bail- Not the Norm 16
⚪ Kanyadaan not necessary under Hindu Marriage Act: HC 16
⚪ SLAPP Suits 17
y Elections: 17
⚪ In Jammu why EC has scrapped ‘Form M’ for Kashmiri Pandits 17
⚪ Oppositions’ Demands on Voter verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) 18
⚪ Home Voting- First time for Lok Sabha Elections 18
⚪ Evolution of Election Symbols of INC and BJP 19
⚪ Legal Provisions Regarding Star Campaigners 20
y Governance: 20
⚪ Govt asks FSSAI to initiate appropriate action against Nestle 20
⚪ Childbirth Registration- Union Ministry of Home Affairs Model Rules 21
⚪ Curriculum framework for anganwadis- Aadharshila 21
⚪ Childcare Leave 21
y Probable MCQs 22

Economy 25
y Money, Banking, Finance & Insurance 25
⚪ Imported Inflation 25
⚪ New Version of SCORES by SEBI 25
⚪ UPI for Cash Deposit 26
⚪ 90 Years of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) 26
⚪ RBI’s Review on Liquidity Coverage Ratio ( LCR) 27
⚪ Health Insurance for All Ages: IDRAI Directives 27
⚪ Inheritance Tax 27
y Balance of Payment & International Trade 28
⚪ Special Rupee Vostro Account (SRVA) 28
⚪ Investment Facilitation for Development (IFD) Agreement by WTO 28
⚪ Peace Clause - WTO 29
⚪ India revises the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Mauritius 30
y Sectors of the Economy, GDP, Inflation 30
⚪ Krishi ICCC: To Leverage Technology for the Advancement of Agricultural Practices 30
⚪ Revised Wages of MGNREGA 31
⚪ Food Waste Index Report 2024- by UNEP 32
⚪ Iron Ore in India 32
y Infrastructure 33
⚪ Cluster Development Programme (CDP)- SURAKSHA: 33
⚪ NABARD Strategy 2030: For Green Financing 34
⚪ Nuclear Energy Summit 35
y Human Resource Development, Health and Education 35
⚪ India Employment Report 2024- by ILO 35
⚪ Two difficulty levels for additional language in CBSE Class XII 35
⚪ India has 2nd highest hepatitis cases, 11% of global burden: WHO 36
⚪ India’s Fertility Rate Forecast by Lancet Study 37
⚪ Decline of 16% of new TB cases in India 37
⚪ Kala Azar (visceral leishmaniasis)- Eliminated in India 38
⚪ National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)-ID 38
y Probable MCQs: 39

IR Defence and Security 42

y Global Issues 42
⚪ Israel’s weapons that thwarted Iran’s attacks 42
⚪ Bulgaria and Romania 42

⚪ Iran-Israel Conflict 43
⚪ Artemis Accord 44
⚪ ASEAN Future Forum- First Plenary Session in Hanoi, Vietnam 44
y India and World 44
⚪ India’s Interest in Afanasy Nikitin Seamount 44
⚪ Clean Economy Investor Forum (CEIF) 45
⚪ Katchatheevu Island 45
⚪ India supports the Philippines’ Sovereignty 46
y Defense and Internal Security 47
⚪ India Leads Global Arms Imports: SIPRI Data 47
⚪ Defence Exports of India 47
⚪ New Air Travel Security Protocols Issued 47
⚪ Agni Prime Missile 47
⚪ Strategic military infra upgrade in Andaman & Nicobar Islands 48
⚪ Strategic Importance of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands 49
⚪ Doxxing- Making personal information public 50
⚪ Govt plans to augment NCC strength to 27 Lakh cadets in 10 years 50
y Probable MCQs: 51

Geography and Environment 54

y Physical Geography 54
⚪ Time Standard for the Moon 54
⚪ What Makes a Total Solar Eclipse Rare? 54
⚪ Volcanic Vortex Rings 56
⚪ Mount Erebus: on Antarctica 56
⚪ Heavy Rainfall in UAE 56
⚪ Ring of Fire - The Circum-Pacific Belt 57
⚪ Glacial Lake Outburst Floods 58
⚪ What is Kallakkadal: Swell Waves 59
⚪ Discovery of Ozone on Callisto, Jupiter’s Moon 60
⚪ IMD Forecast- Above Normal Heat Wave in India this Summer 60
⚪ Tropical Cyclone of Higher Intensity Demand New Category 61
y Environment Conservation 62
⚪ Lakshmana Tirtha River: A tributary of Kaveri dries up 62
⚪ Lake Kariba, in Zimbabwe, only 13% Full 63
⚪ Global Forest Watch Monitoring Project 63
⚪ UNESCO Global Geoparks Network 64

⚪ Centre makes deemed forest report public 64
⚪ Khavda Renewable Energy Park in Kutch: World’s Largest Renewable Energy Park 64
⚪ Degraded forest land for Green Credit 65
⚪ Why is Botswana sending Elephants to Germany? 65
y Pollution 66
⚪ National Clean Air Program (NCAP) Assessment 66
⚪ Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution 66
y Climate Change 67
⚪ Farmers in Vietnam adopting innovative techniques to reduce Methane Emissions 67
⚪ Global Methane Tracker 2024 by International Energy Agency 67
⚪ Fourth Global Mass Coral Bleaching Event 67
⚪ Green Credit Programme (GCP) 69
⚪ Senior women from Switzerland won a landmark climate case 69
y Fauna 69
⚪ Butterfly Species Neptis philyra- Discovered for First Time in India 69
⚪ Vasuki Indicus-Largest Snake Ever 70
⚪ Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra) 70
⚪ Three new fish species in the Laccadive Sea 71
⚪ Invasive Alien Species (IAS) 71
⚪ Butterfly Cicada 72
⚪ Fish Otolith 73
⚪ Magnetic Fossils- Also called Magnetofossil. 73
⚪ Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary & Amrabad Tiger Reserve 74
⚪ Snow Leopard an Indicator Species 75
y Flora 76
⚪ Baobab Tree 76
⚪ On Nepal’s Himalayan hillside grows raw material for Japan’s banknotes 76
y Probable MCQs: 77

Science and Tech 80

y Space Technology 80
⚪ Angara A5: Russia’s first post-soviet Space rocket 80
⚪ ISRO’s ‘zero orbital debris’ milestone & the space debris crisis 80
⚪ Statio Shiv Shakti- Landing site of Chandrayaan 80
⚪ PRATUSH Radio Telescope- To study the Universe from the Moon’s Far Side 81
⚪ 3D Map of the Universe and Dark Energy by Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
(DESI) 82

⚪ Kodaikanal Solar Observatory - Palani Hills- Tamil Nadu 83
⚪ TSAT-1A- The sub-meter optical satellite 83
⚪ Development of Carbon-Carbon (C-C) Nozzle by ISRO 83
y Nuclear Technology 84
⚪ Artificial Sun- South Korean Scientists Achieve 100 million degrees Celsius in
a Nuclear Fusion Experiment 84
y Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence 85
⚪ Shallow Fakes 85
y Biotechnology and Health 85
⚪ Euvichol-S: Oral Cholera Vaccine 85
⚪ NexCar19 takes India to the next level in cancer care 86
⚪ Geroscience: the science related to ageing 86
⚪ Men5CV Vaccine- Against all Strains of Meningitis 86
⚪ Lumpy Skin Disease 87
⚪ Nano Hydroxyapatite-based Porous Composite in Bone Grafting and other applications 87
⚪ Longevity India Initiative by the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) 88
⚪ FSSAI investigating Ethylene Oxide 88
y Technology in News 89
⚪ Submersible Platform for Acoustic Characterisation and Evaluation (SPACE) 89
⚪ How a beam of sunlight was directed to the forehead of Lord Ram 89
⚪ Novel Hydrogel to Remove Microplastics by Indian Institute of Science (IISc) 90
⚪ Indelible Ink 91
y Probable MCQs 91

History and Culture 93

⚪ GI Tag for Tripura’s Traditional Items 93
⚪ Museum of Meenakari Heritage (MoMH) 93
⚪ Usha Mehta (25 March 1920 – 11 August 2000) 94
⚪ Mohiniyattam of Kerala 94
⚪ Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Fine Arts) 95
⚪ Vaikom Satyagraha (30 March 1924 to 23 November 1925) 95
⚪ Padta Bet near Juna Khatiya: Harappan Settlement Discovery Near Kutch 96
⚪ Azad Hind Government- Self declared First Provincial Government of Free India 96
⚪ Operation Meghdoot - 13 April 1984 97
⚪ Mahad Satyagraha 97
⚪ This day in History 98
y Probable MCQs: 100

PIN-GK 104
y Book in News 104
y Person in News 106
y Places in News 113

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1 Polity and Governance

Federal Issues

Article 244(A) of Indian Constitution- For the Creation of Autonomous State Within Tribal
Areas of Assam

y In the 1950s, a demand for a separate hill state emerged among tribal groups in undivided
Assam, leading to the formation of Meghalaya in 1972.
y In the 1980s, Karbi groups intensified demands, resulting in an armed separatist insurgency for
full statehood.
y Leaders of Karbi Anglong and North Cachar Hills opted to remain in Assam, enticed by promises
of greater autonomy, including under Article 244(A).

About Article 244(A):

y Allows for the creation of an ‘autonomous state’ within Assam in specific tribal areas like Karbi
y Inserted by the Constitution (Twenty-second Amendment) Act, 1969.
y Grants the autonomous state its own Legislature or Council of Ministers or both, with significant
powers, notably control over law and order.

Polity and Governance 9

y Contrasts with Autonomous Councils under the Sixth Schedule, which lack jurisdiction over
law and order.

Why in News?
y Candidates in Assam’s Diphu Lok Sabha constituency have pledged to implement Article 244(A)
of the Constitution, aiming to establish an autonomous ‘state within a state’.


Buddhism separate religion, and Hindus need to seek permission to convert: Gujarat
Why in the News?
y The Gujarat government recently released a circular clarifying that ‘Buddhism’ is to be considered
a separate religion, along with Jainism and Sikhism.
Key Points:
y Mass conversions to Buddhism, especially among the Dalit community, have been observed
annually during events coinciding with festivals like Dussehra.
y Under the provisions of the Gujarat Freedom of Religion Act, 2003, any conversions from
Hinduism to these religions now require prior approval from the respective district magistrate.

Living Will implementation

About living will:

y A living will is a written legal
document that individuals
can execute during their
lifetime, whereby they can
specify whether they shall
or shall not be given medical
treatment in the future if
they become terminally ill.
Brief history:
y Living wills have been legal
in India since 2018, allowing
terminally ill patients to
choose to withhold or
withdraw treatment and die
with dignity.
y 2023: The Supreme Court
acknowledged the flaws in
the process and streamlined
it by removing the requirement for judicial magistrates to countersign living wills.

Why in the news?

y Despite Living Will getting legal status, its implementation lags in India

Polity and Governance 10

Supreme Court expands Article 21:Right against the adverse effects of climate change

y 2021: To protect the Great Indian Bustard’s habitat from power transmission lines, the Court
had suggested the idea of moving the lines to the underground.
y 2024: The court has reversed its earlier order understanding the economic and technical
challenges of moving the transmission lines. But it raised key points on rights against climate
Constitutional Articles for Environment:
y Article 48A: The State shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard
the forests and wildlife of the country.
y Article 51A Clause(g): It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the
natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for
living creatures.

Key Points Raised by the Supreme Court:

y India does not have any umbrella legislation under which climate change and climate justice
issues could be addressed.
y However, the court said the absence of law does not mean absence of right.
y The court said Article 21 (Right to Life) includes the “right against the adverse effects of climate
y It also said that “the inability of certain communities to adapt to climate change violates the
right to life (Article 21) as well as the right to equality (Article 14).”
M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India have recognized the right to a pollution-free environment as part
of Article 21.

Polity and Governance 11

Why in News?
y Recently, the Supreme Court has expanded the scope of Articles 14 and 21 to include the “right
against the adverse effects of climate change.

Supreme Court: Candidates have Right to Privacy

Why in news?
y The Supreme Court ruled that an election candidate has a right to privacy from voters and need
not give every detail of his or her personal life.

y Arunachal Pradesh MLA Karikho Kri challenged a Gauhati High Court decision that voided his
election for not declaring three vehicles as assets in his affidavit.
y The MLA had won the 2019 election as an Independent candidate. The vehicles in question- one
old van, bike and scooter were sold, with the scooter sold as scrap in 2009.
y The Supreme Court, agreeing with Kri’s lawyers, ruled that sold vehicles could not be considered

Key Points:
y The Supreme Court said:
⚪ Not disclosing certain personal information does not constitute a corrupt practice under
the law.
⚪ It is not necessary to disclose all movable property unless it significantly impacts their
y The Supreme Court in ADR vs Union of India (2002) had declared that candidates need to
disclose their criminal records, educational background, and financial details, including those
of their spouses and dependents.
y This ruling emphasizes that voters’ access to this information is essential for exercising their
right to vote informedly in a democracy.
y Section 125A of the RPA, 1951, prescribes a six-month prison term, or a fine, or both, for any
candidate’s failure to disclose the required information, or giving false information or concealing
such information.

The Bombay HC: Right to sleep basic requirement

About ‘Right to Sleep’: The Right to Sleep is an integral part of the Right to Life under Article 21 of
the Indian Constitution.
y Supreme Court’s interpretation in cases like Ram Lubhaya Bagga vs. State of Punjab & Others
(1998) where emphasized that sleep is essential for a human being to maintain the natural
balance of health.

Why in the News?

y The Bombay High Court on Monday told the Enforcement Directorate (ED) that the right to
sleep is a basic human requirement and cannot be violated for recording statements overnight.
y The court said that statements must be recorded during early hours and not during the night
when a person’s cognitive skills may be impaired.

Polity and Governance 12


Why the Supreme Court Barred Unregulated Soil Extraction for Linear Projects?

Linear projects refer to infrastructure developments that follow a linear path, such as roads,
railways, pipelines, canals.

Why in News:
y The Environment Ministry issued an exemption in March 2020 allowing unregulated soil
extraction for linear projects.
⚪ The exemption, part of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, added soil extraction for
linear projects like roads and pipelines to the list of exempted activities.
y This was challenged before the National Green Tribunal which ordered the ministry to review it.
y As the Ministry delayed reviewing it, the matter reached the Supreme Court, which overturned
the exemption, deeming it “blanket” and “arbitrary.”

Polity and Governance 13

Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act, 2004 Held Unconstitutional by High Court, SC
stays decision

Why in News?
y The Allahabad High Court recently declared the Uttar Pradesh Board of Madarsa Education Act,
2004, as ‘unconstitutional’.

Key Points:
y Madrasas operate under the state minority welfare ministry in Uttar Pradesh.
y This setup contrasts with other minority education institutions, such as those for Jains, Sikhs,
Christians, etc., which fall under the education ministry, prompting questions about fairness
and consistency.
y The Madrasa Act is also deemed to violate the Section 22 of University Grants Commission Act

Section 22 of UGC Act: The right of conferring or granting degrees shall be exercised only by a
University established or incorporated by or under a Central law or state law..
y Allahabad High Court directed the state government to accommodate students studying in
Madrasas in other schools.
y The Supreme Court stayed the Allahabad High Court’s judgment in April 2024, while considering
the petitions challenging the judgment.

Polity and Governance 14

SC shares rising Concern on State’s Grievances against Appeal

Why in News?
y The Supreme Court of India has raised concerns regarding the increasing number of cases
where states are appealing against the Central government.
Example of State Grievances:
y Tamil Nadu: The state has accused the Centre of withholding disaster relief funds.
y Kerala: Kerala has taken its grievance to the Supreme Court, arguing that the Centre’s
restrictions on its borrowing limit.
y Karnataka: Has been waiting for a response to its request forNational Disaster Response
Fund (NDRF) to combat a humanitarian crisis due to severe drought and shortfall in rainfall.

Constitutional Provisions on States’ Borrowing and Dispute Resolution:

y Article 293: Outlines the state’s power to borrow within India, subject to the conditions that the
borrowing must be secured against the state’s Consolidated Fund.
y Article 131: Establishes the Supreme Court’s original jurisdiction to directly hear disputes
between the Centre and states, or among states themselves.

Significance of the SC’s Concern:

y The Supreme Court’s observation highlights the growing friction between state governments
and the Centre, pointing to potential systemic issues in federal governance and financial

Curative Petition

y About:
⚪ A curative petition is the final recourse available to individuals seeking justice.
⚪ It becomes applicable once a review plea against a final conviction has been rejected.

Polity and Governance 15

y Background:
⚪ The concept of the curative petition originated from the legal case in 2002.
⚪ This case raised the question of whether a person has any option after the dismissal of a
review petition in the Supreme Court.
The curative petition was filed against the Supreme Court’s 2013 decision that had reinstated
Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code. This ultimately paved the way for a larger bench to
reconsider the issue. This eventually led to the landmark judgment in Navtej Singh Johar v. Union
of India (2018)
y Objective: to ensure that there is no miscarriage of justice and to prevent any potential abuse
of the legal process.
y Article 137: It empowers the Supreme Court of India with the authority to review any judgment
it has pronounced or any order it has made.
y Article 145: Review power under this article specifically pertains to the laws and rules, the
Supreme Court can make for its functioning.

Why in News?
y Recently, the Supreme Court has expanded legal recourse by permitting curative writs,
emphasizing their role as a final avenue to rectify judgments deemed “oppressive to judicial

Anticipatory bail- Not the Norm

Why in news?
The Supreme Court has in a judgment said that bail may be the rule in many cases, but anticipatory
bail is certainly not the norm.

Anticipatory Bail:
y Under Section 438 of the Criminal Procedure Code there is a provision for a person to seek
Anticipatory Bail.
y Anticipatory bail is a judicial remedy available to individuals who fear they may be arrested
y In this manner, someone can apply for bail and get the permission of the court to avoid being
arrested before.

SC observations:
y The Supreme Court states that anticipatory bail should only be granted in cases when it is
absolutely necessary.
y Overuse of it can make an investigation more difficult.
y It is important to strike a balance between people’s rights and the legal system.

Kanyadaan not necessary under Hindu Marriage Act: HC

Why in the News?
y The Allahabad High Court ruled that ‘kanyadaan’ is not necessary for the solemnization of
marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act.
y A Bench of Justice Subhash Vidyarthi stated that ‘kanyadaan’ (giving away the bride) is not

Polity and Governance 16

required for a valid Hindu marriage.
y The court clarified that the Hindu Marriage Act only requires ‘saptapadi’ (seven steps of saat
pheras) as an essential ceremony.


About SLAPP suits:

y The term SLAPP stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.
y These are legal actions filed by entities, such as corporations or individuals, with the intent to
intimidate or silence critics, by burdening them with costly legal proceedings.

Why in news?
y The Supreme Court has cautioned courts against the use of SLAPP suits by powerful entities.


In Jammu why EC has scrapped ‘Form M’ for Kashmiri Pandits

About “Form M”:
y It is part of a comprehensive electoral scheme to facilitate the voting process for Kashmiri
migrants residing outside their original constituencies in Jammu, Udhampur, and Delhi.
y Voters who choose to use Form M must submit their forms to designated Assistant Returning
Officers at least 10 days before the poll date.
y Election Commission announced that Kashmiri migrants from Jammu and Udhampur districts
of Jammu and Kashmir would no longer be required to fill up “Form M” to cast their votes.

Why in the News?

y The scrapping of the M-Form requirement is seen as a significant step towards facilitating the
participation of displaced Kashmiri Pandits in the electoral process.

Polity and Governance 17

Oppositions’ Demands on Voter verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT)

What is VVPAT?
y They are attached to EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines), which print a paper slip with the
voter’s choice.
y Provides visual verification of the vote cast.
y Slip is used later to verify votes in randomly selected polling booths.
VVPATs were first used in an election in India in September 2013 in Noksen (Assembly
Constituency) in Nagaland.

Opposition’s Demand:
y Initially, only one polling station’s slips were counted, later increased to five polling stations
due to court orders.
y Parties are now demanding greater verification of VVPAT slips, ranging from 50% to 100% of
polling stations.
y Cite concerns over election transparency and fairness.
y EC cites logistical challenges and potential delays in results as reasons for reluctance.

Current Status:
y Despite opposition demands, EC remains reluctant to increase verification beyond five polling
y Opposition continues to press for expanded verification, emphasizing the importance of election
y The Supreme Court recently rejected the pleas seeking 100% cross-verification of Electronic
Voting Machines (EVMs) data with VVPAT records

Why in News?
y There has been an increasing demand for higher VVPAT verification by many political parties
because of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Home Voting- First time for Lok Sabha Elections

Key points:
Home Voting Facility for Elderly and PwDs:
y Voters above 85 years of age and Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) with 40% benchmark disability
can vote from home.

Polity and Governance 18

y Over 81 lakh voters above the age of 85 and 90 lakh plus PwD voters are registered for home

Why in news?
y For 2024 Lok Sabha Elections, the Election Commission of India (ECI), for the first time has
provided the facility of home voting for the elderly and Persons with Disabilities.

Evolution of Election Symbols of INC and BJP

What are the Regulations on Election

Symbols ?
y Rules Governing Symbols: Rules 5 and
10 of the Conduct of Elections Rules,
1961, address election symbols.
y Rule 5 Description: It mandates that
the Election Commission of India
(ECI) specifies available symbols
for candidates in parliamentary and
assembly elections, along with any
restrictions on their choice.
y Election Symbols Order, 1968: Defines
“reserved symbols” as those exclusively
allotted to recognized political parties
and “free symbols” as those available
to others.

Free Symbols Reserved Symbols

Symbols available to independent candidates Symbols exclusively allotted to recognized

and unregistered parties. political parties.
Assigned based on preferences and requests of Allotted based on the party’s recognition status
the candidates. with the Election Commission.
Can vary from election to election depending Generally consistent over time for each
on the choices of the candidates. recognized party.

Why in News?
y The 18th Lok Sabha elections are starting on April 19, 2024.

Polity and Governance 19

Legal Provisions Regarding Star Campaigners
Key Points:
Section 77 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RP Act) defines
‘leaders of a political party’ as star campaigners.

Membership Star campaigners must be members of the political party that appoints them,
Requirement as per the RP Act.

A recognized national or State political party can appoint a maximum of 40-

star campaigners, while a registered unrecognized political party can appoint
up to 20.
Names of the star campaigners must be communicated to the Election
Commission (EC) and Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of the States within seven
days from the date of notification of such election.

In multi-phase elections, a political party can submit separate lists of star
campaigners for different phases.

Single List
Despite the provision for separate lists for different phases, major parties
for the Entire
usually provide a single list applicable to all phases in a State.

Why in News?
y The wife of the Delhi Chief Minister was recently appointed as a ‘star campaigner’ by the Aam
Aadmi Party (AAP) for its campaign in Gujarat.


Govt asks FSSAI to initiate appropriate action against Nestle

Key Highlights:
y High sugar content in baby food products raises concerns about effects on children’s health
and safety.
y Removing sugars from baby food products may be a crucial step in implementing early obesity
y According to the WHO, obesity rates are sharply rising, mostly in low- and middle-income
nations, where they have already reached “epidemic proportions.” This rapid rise in obesity is
contributing to the rise in noncommunicable diseases like diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular

Why in the News?

y The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) was recently asked by the Union
Consumer Affairs Ministry to take “appropriate action” against the Nestle group for allegedly
selling baby goods with high sugar content in India.

Polity and Governance 20

Childbirth Registration- Union Ministry of Home Affairs Model Rules
Why in News?
y The Ministry of Home Affairs has drafted new model rules under Registration of Births and
Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023 for childbirth registration that states need to adopt and notify
for implementation.

Key Proposed Changes in Childbirth Registration:

y Religion Specification: Parents are required to specify their individual religions separately during
the birth registration process. This detail is also applicable to adopted children.
y Form No.1-Birth Report: The revised form will have separate sections for recording the religion
of the child, father, and mother.
Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Act, 2023:
y Amendment to RBD Act, 1969: The act mandates that all births and deaths must be registered
within 21 days. Late registrations require authorization from a First-Class Magistrate.
y National Database: A central database will maintain all birth and death records.
y Mandatory Data Sharing: States are obliged to register and share birth and death data with
the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India through the CRS portal.

Curriculum framework for anganwadis- Aadharshila

Why in news?
y The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) has released the National Curriculum
for Early Childhood Care and Education 2024 titled ‘Aadharshila’.
y It is based on the lines of the National Education Policy 2020 and the National Curriculum

Key points about the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Care and Education 2024:
y It is a comprehensive 48-week program designed for children in anganwadis between the ages
of three and six.
y Objective: To develop skills such as listening, vocabulary, imagination, narration, instruction
following, creativity, social skills, self-expression, and self-esteem.
y It is tailored for different ages, detailing required materials, age-appropriate specifications,
variations, and teacher guidelines.

Childcare Leave
Key points:
y The Supreme Court said that denying child-care leaves (CCL) to mothers of children with
disabilities would violate this Constitutional duty to ensure equal women participation in the
y The court stressed that Article 15 of the Constitution requires women to work.

Why in news?
y The Supreme Court said that denying child-care leaves to mothers of disabled children violates
the state’s constitutional duty.

Polity and Governance 21

Probable MCQs
Q. A right to be free from the adverse impacts of climate change in india is:
(a) Fundamental Right under the provisions of Articles 14 and article 21
(b) Natural Right granted to Indian Citizens under charter of United Nations Human Rights
(c) Fundamental Right under article 19
(d) Legal Right under Environmental Protection Act
Answer: (a)

Q. Consider the following statements regarding Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT):
1. It is an independent system attached with the EVMs that allows the voters to verify that
their votes are cast as intended.
2. After casting a vote, a slip is printed showing the name and symbol of the candidate through
a transparent window for 7 seconds.
3. VVPAT was first used in a bye-election of Kerala state assembly.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) only one
(b) only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (b)

Q. Consider the following rights:

1. Right against the adverse effects of climate change
2. Right to adopt a child
3. Right to default bail
4. Right to strike
How many of the above rights are fundamental rights under the Indian constitution?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
Answer: (b)

Polity and Governance 22


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Polity and Governance 23









2 Economy

Money, Banking, Finance & Insurance

Imported Inflation
About Imported Inflation:
y It occurs when there is an increase in the prices of goods and services imported into a country.
y Reasons: Increased taxes on imports, depreciation of domestic currency, or inflation in the
exporting country.
y Impact:
⚪ It can affect a country’s economy by leading to higher consumer prices and potentially
reducing purchasing power.
⚪ It can also put pressure on the central bank to adjust monetary policy to control inflation

Why in news?
y The Asian Development Bank recently warned that India could face imported inflation as the
rupee could depreciate amid the rise in interest rates in the West.

New Version of SCORES by SEBI

Why in news?
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) recently launched the new version of the SEBI
Complaint Redressal System (SCORES 2.0).

y 2011: Launch Year.
y A web based platform that enables investors to file their grievances online with SEBI, against
any entity involved in the market.
y Objective: to improve investor protection and trust while offering a prompt and efficient
resolution of concerns.

Features of SCORES 2.0:

y uniform period of time for handling complaints, which is 21 calendar days from the date of
receipt of the complaint.
y automated complaint forwarding to relevant authorities.
y To facilitate investor registration , SCORES 2.0 will be connected with the KYC Registration
Agency database.

SCORES platform discontinued:

y The previous Scores platform will no longer be available for investors to file new complaints
y Through past SCORES, they can still check the status of any complaints that have already been

Economy 25
UPI for Cash Deposit
Key Points:
y Cash deposits are currently available only through debit cards at Cash Deposit Machines (CDMs)
y The RBI has proposed enabling UPI for cash deposit
y The RBI proposes allowing Prepaid Payment Instruments (PPIs) to be linked through third-party
UPI applications.

Why in the News?

y The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has proposed enabling UPI for cash deposit facilities, enhancing
the convenience and popularity of UPI.

90 Years of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

Overview of the RBI Journey:
y The Reserve Bank of India was set up on the basis of
the recommendations of the Hilton Young Commission
y 1935: The Reserve Bank of India Act, of 1934 provides
the statutory basis for the functioning of the RBI, which
commenced operations on April 1, 1935 from Calcutta.
y 1937: The RBI was permanently moved from Calcutta
to Mumbai, where its current Headquarters is located.
y 1949: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was initially a
privately owned entity but was nationalized.
y The first Indian Governor was Sir C D Deshmukh who
was also governor after its nationalization..

Key Functions of RBI:

y Implements and monitors monetary policy for price
stability and growth, including flexible inflation
y Manages India’s foreign exchange reserves, facilitates
external trade and payments, and maintains the
external value of the rupee.
y Issues, exchanges, and destroys currency and coins.
Aims to provide the public with adequate and quality currency notes and coins, ensuring smooth
y Regulates and supervises banks, non-banking financial
companies, payment systems, and other financial entities
to maintain stability, protect depositors’ interests, and
foster healthy financial intermediation.

Why in News?
y The RBI has recently completed 90 years of its formation.
The Finance Ministry unveiled a special Rs 90 denomination
coin marking the 90th anniversary of the RBI.

Economy 26
RBI’s Review on Liquidity Coverage Ratio ( LCR)
What is LCR?
y The LCR aims to ensure that financial institutions have enough high-quality liquid assets to
withstand a 30-day financial stress scenario.
y It was implemented as a part of the Basel III regulatory reforms post-2008 financial crisis.
Basel Norms are international banking regulations issued by the Basel Committee on Banking

Why in the News?

y The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is considering a review of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
framework to enhance banks’ liquidity risk management.

Health Insurance for All Ages: IDRAI Directives

Why in News?
y IRDAI (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) has abolished the age limit
of 65 years for purchasing health insurance, aiming to broaden coverage and provide relief to
senior citizens.

Before After

Age limit for health insurance was 65 years. No age limit for buying health insurance.
Compulsory pre-insurance health check-ups No compulsory pre-insurance health check-
for those over 65. ups based on age.
No cover for pre-existing ailments for those Coverage available irrespective of existing
over 65. medical conditions.

Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax in India:
y An inheritance tax is a tax that is levied against a particular asset during the time of its
y Previously, inheritance tax was levied on specific assets inherited by an individual.
y Inheritance can occur through a Will or under personal law.
y It falls under direct taxation.
An Oxfam report says that 70% of countries don’t have any form of inheritance tax on wealth.

Current Status in India:

y The inheritance tax concept no longer exists in India.
y The Inheritance or Estate Tax was abolished in 1985.
y Properties passing to legal heirs upon death are considered transfers without consideration.
y Such transfers are excluded from gift tax under the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Some of the major countries levying tax on inherited properties are France, Germany, United
Kingdom and Spain.

Why in News?

Economy 27
y The debate on Inheritance tax has been sparked between major political parties in their political

Balance of Payment & International Trade

Special Rupee Vostro Account (SRVA)

About SRVA:
y It is maintained by domestic banks in rupees for foreign banks.
y It enables domestic banks to offer global banking services to clients without physical presence
y This arrangement allows domestic banks to cater to clients with international banking
requirements by facilitating transactions in their local currency, the rupee.
Nostro Accounts:
y It is a bank account that a commercial bank creates in some other foreign country with the
currency of a foreign country only.
Loro Account:
y It is a current account that is maintained by one domestic bank for another domestic bank in
the form of a third-party account, unlike nostro and vostro which is bilateral correspondence.

Why in news?
y India has implemented the Rupee/Kyat direct payment system through the Special Rupee
Vostro Account (SRVA) via Punjab National Bank, simplifying the payment process for traders
importing pulses from Myanmar.

Investment Facilitation for Development (IFD) Agreement by WTO

Why in the News?
y The 13th WTO Ministerial Conference in Abu Dhabi saw the non-adoption of the Investment
Facilitation for Development (IFD) Agreement.

Economy 28
The IFD Agreement
y Negotiations: Launched in 2017 by 70 countries through the Joint Statement Initiative; finalized
in November 2023.
y Support: Backed by around 120 of 166 WTO member countries (~70%).
y Purpose: To create legally binding provisions to facilitate investment flows.
y Key Provisions: Enhances regulatory transparency, and streamlines administrative procedures.
y Exclusions: No market access, investment protection, or investor-state dispute settlement
(ISDS) provisions.

Reasons for India’s Opposition

y Questioning whether investment should be part of the WTO.
y Concerns about the process followed to integrate the IFD Agreement into the WTO rulebook.

Peace Clause - WTO

Why in news?
y India has invoked the peace clause at the World Trade Organization (WTO) for the fifth
consecutive time for the marketing year 2022-23 (October-September).
y This is because India has breached the WTO prescribed subsidy limit for rice offered to its

About Peace Clause:

y 2013 Bali Ministerial meeting: Establishment year.
y It is a temporary clause.
y According to this, developing countries can provide subsidies beyond the prescribed limits for
certain agricultural products, such as rice and wheat.
y It allows developing countries to support their domestic agricultural sectors while negotiations
continue on more permanent subsidy rules.
About WTO:
y 1995: Establishment year.
y As per the 1994 Marrakesh Agreement, it replaced the 1948 General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT).
y HQ: Geneva, Switzerland.
y It regulates and facilitates international trade in goods, services, and intellectual property.
y It seeks to reduce tariffs, barriers, and other quotes to trade.

Economy 29
India revises the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Mauritius

Why in News?
y India has revised its Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Mauritius to counter
treaty misuse aimed at tax evasion or avoidance.
Benefits of DTAA:
y Deduction: Allows deductions for taxes paid to foreign governments in the taxpayer’s home
y Exemption: Provides tax relief in one of the two countries involved.
y Tax Credit: Offers a credit in the taxpayer’s country of residence for taxes paid abroad

y Double Taxation: It refers to the imposition of taxes on the same source of income by two
different jurisdictions.
y Role of DTAA: It prevents international double taxation, thereby fostering economic exchanges
such as investment and trade between the two signing nations.

Key Points of Revision of DTAA:

y The amended agreement introduces the Principal Purpose Test which says benefits of a treaty
may be denied if the principal purpose of a business is just to benefit from the treaty.

Sectors of the Economy, GDP, Inflation

Krishi ICCC: To Leverage Technology for the Advancement of Agricultural Practices

Why in news?
y The Union Minister of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare inaugurated the Integrated Command and
Control Center (ICCC) at Krishi Bhawan, Delhi.

Economy 30
About Krishi ICCC:

Ministry Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare.

Empower farmers by providing them with digital technology-based

information, services, and facilities.
y Krishi Decision Support System (K-DSS), a platform under
development, will act as an agriculture data repository.
y Studying crop diversification maps and field variability for paddy
Application helps decision-makers find areas suitable for different crops,
Examples: allowing better advice for farmers.
y The ICCC can establish an ecosystem to generate personalized
farmer advisories through apps like Kisan e-mitra, a chatbot
designed for PM-Kisan beneficiaries.

Revised Wages of MGNREGA

About: MGNREGS is a demand-driven scheme that seeks to provide guaranteed 100 days of wage
employment per year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled
manual work.
Features: Legal right to work, a time-bound guarantee of work and unemployment allowance
(within 15 days), Decentralized planning– i.e. Gram Sabha recommends work, demand-driven

How are MNREGA Wages Decided?

y The MGNREGA wage rates are fixed according to changes in the CPI-AL (Consumer Price Index-
Agriculture Labour), which reflects the increase in inflation in rural areas.

Key Points of Recent Hike:

Uttar Pradesh Increase from ₹230 in 2023 to ₹237 in 2024

Telangana, Andhra Pradesh,

Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Madhya
Wage hikes ranging from 8% to 10.5%.
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil
Nadu, and Goa

Haryana offering the highest daily wages at ₹374,

y Despite the government’s promise of 100 days of guaranteed work, the national average days of
employment provided per household in the financial year 2023-24 stood at only 51 days.

Why in News?
y The Union government recently notified the revised wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS).

Economy 31
Food Waste Index Report 2024- by UNEP

About: It presents the most extensive compilation of food waste data to date, including thorough
analysis and modeling.
Published by: UNEP and Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), an international charity

Key Findings of the report:

Food Waste Generation in

y 1.05 billion tonnes of food waste are generated globally.

y Food loss and waste contribute to 8%-10% of global

Impact on Climate Change
greenhouse gas emissions annually.
y Rural areas tend to waste less food compared to urban
Rural vs. Urban Food Waste
y This is due to better utilization of food scraps for pets,
livestock, and home composting.

Why in news?
y According to the Food Waste Index Report 2024 by the United Nations Environment Program,
Households across the globe wasted over one billion meals a day in 2022.

Iron Ore in India

Iron Ore:
y About: Iron ores are rocks and minerals containing metallic iron, extracted through various
y Abundance in India: India boasts substantial reserves of iron ore, predominantly found in
volcano-sedimentary Banded Iron Formations (BIF) dating back to the Precambrian era.
⚪ Major Iron Ore Belts in India: Orissa-Jharkhand belt, Durg-Bastar-Chandarpur belt, Bellary-
Chitradurga-Chimaglur-Tumkur belt, and Maharashtra-Goa belt. Iron metal is the commonest
of all minerals.
y Distribution in world: China, Brazil, Australia, India, Russia, Ukraine, the United States, South
Africa, Canada, Sweden.

Mineral Description Iron Content Applications

A reddish-black mineral found

y Major source of iron
in sedimentary, metamorphic, A p p rox i m at e ly
Hematite y Pigment in paints
and igneous rocks. Often used 70%
y Polishing compounds
as an iron ore.
A magnetic black or brownish-
black mineral found in various
y Iron production
Magnetite rock types. It is the most Up to 72%
y Coal washing
magnetic of all the naturally
occurring minerals on Earth.

Economy 32
An amorphous mineral
consisting of hydrated iron y Minor ore of iron
Limonite oxide. It’s not a true mineral 35-50% y Historically used for iron
but a mixture of similar smelting
hydrated iron oxide minerals.

A mineral composed of iron y Source of iron, especially

Siderite carbonate, typically occurring Around 48% in historically iron-poor
in sedimentary deposits. regions

India’s Iron Ore Mining Market:

y Global Ranking: India ranks as the world’s second-largest producer of iron ore, trailing behind
y Production Output: In 2023, India’s iron ore mine production reached a substantial 257.6 million
tonnes (Mt).

Why in News?
y A government-appointed panel has proposed setting up India’s first iron ore exchange to
determine the domestic sale price of the key steelmaking raw material.


Cluster Development Programme (CDP)- SURAKSHA:

y SURAKSHA: System for Unified Resource Allocation, Knowledge, and Secure Horticulture
y Objective: To promote the growth of the horticulture sector by facilitating instant subsidy
disbursal to farmers’ bank accounts using e-RUPI vouchers.

Economy 33
y The previous system required farmers to buy planting material on their own and then apply for
the release of subsidies.
⚪ CDP-SURAKSHA offers subsidies at the moment of purchase.
y By mandating farmers to use geotagged images and videos to confirm the delivery of planting
material, the method assures accountability and transparency.
About e-RUPI vouchers:
y These vouchers are one-time payment mechanisms.
y They can be redeemed without requiring a card, digital payments app, or internet banking
y Merchants accepting e-RUPI can receive these vouchers.
y NPCI states that e-RUPI can be shared with beneficiaries via SMS or QR code for specific
purposes or activities.

About CDP:
y A Central Sector Scheme.
y Objective: Growing and developing identified horticulture clusters to make them globally
y Implemented by National Horticulture Board (NHB), Ministry of Agriculture.

Why in news?
y Under the Cluster Development Programme (CDP), the Indian government has launched a new
platform called CDP-SURAKSHA for providing horticultural farmers with subsidies.

NABARD Strategy 2030: For Green Financing

About NABARD Strategy 2030:
y Objective: To address India’s need for green financing.
y It is structured around four key pillars:
⚪ Accelerating green lending across sectors.
⚪ Playing a broader market-making role.
⚪ Internal green transformation.
⚪ Strategic resource mobilization.
y India requires approximately $170 billion annually to reach more than $2.5 trillion by 2030.
y As of 2019-20, India got about $ 49 billion in green financing.

Green Financing:
y Green financing is to increase the level of financial flows to sustainable development priorities.
y To facilitate the provision of climate finance, the UNFCCC has established a financial mechanism
to provide financial resources to developing countries.
⚪ Adaptation Fund under Kyoto Protocol.
⚪ Green Climate Fund.
⚪ Global Environment Fund (GEF).

Why in news?
y National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) on the occasion of Earth Day
unveiled its Climate Strategy 2030 document aiming to address India’s need for green financing.

Economy 34
Nuclear Energy Summit
y This summit is a collaborative initiative with the ‘‘Atoms4Netzero’ program of the International
Atomic Energy Agency.
y 2022: Launched during COP27
y ‘Atoms4NetZero’ supports Member States in utilizing nuclear energy for transitioning to net
zero emissions.
y The summit aimed to advocate for nuclear energy as a solution to climate change and energy
security concerns.

Why in News?
y Recently, Brussels hosted a significant Nuclear Energy Summit, marking a major international
gathering on nuclear energy.

Human Resource Development, Health and Education

India Employment Report 2024- by ILO

Key Points:
y Around 83% of the unemployed workforce in India comprises
young people.
y The percentage of unemployed youth with secondary or
Recent trends higher education has nearly doubled from the year 2000.
y The Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR), Worker
Population Ratio (WPR), and Unemployment Rate (UR)
showed a decline from 2000 to 2018.
y India’s large young workforce lack essential skills. For
Skill deficit in youth example, 75% of youth are unable to send emails with

About ILO:
y 1919: Year of establishment.
y HQ: Geneva, Switzerland.
y Objective: To achieve social and economic justice by setting international labour standards.
y It is one of the first and oldest specialized agencies of the UN.

Why in news?
y Recently, India Employment Report 2024 was released by the International Labour Organisation
(ILO) and the Institute of Human Development (IHD).

Two difficulty levels for additional language in CBSE Class XII

About National Education Policy (NEP): aims to introduce several changes in the Indian education
system - from the school to college level.

Economy 35
School Education Reforms:
y Educational Structure: Replaces the 10+2 system with a new 5+3+3+4 curricular structure
corresponding to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years.
y Universalization Goal: Aim for 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio in school education by 2030 and to
bring back 2 crore out-of-school children.
y Board Exams: Class 10 and 12 board exams will be easier, focusing on core competencies, with
an option for students to take the exam twice.

Language Learning in Class 12:

y Language Study Expansion: Increases the number of languages studied from one to two in
Class 12, with at least one being a native Indian language.
y Difficulty Levels: Proposes two levels of difficulty for additional languages—basic and standard,
mirroring the options available for mathematics in Class 10.

Why in the News?

y The government is considering offering students two levels of difficulty for the additional
language — basic and standard.

India has 2nd highest hepatitis cases, 11% of global burden: WHO

Aspect Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Hepatitis C

Blood, semen, other body

Transmission Fecal-oral route Blood-to-blood contact
No specific
Antiviral medications, Antiviral medications,
Treatment treatment, often
sometimes interferon sometimes interferon
resolves on its own
Available and
Vaccination Available and effective No vaccine available
Can lead to chronic Can lead to chronic
Not chronic infection, cirrhosis, liver infection, cirrhosis, liver
cancer cancer
Often asymptomatic, but Often asymptomatic
Flu-like symptoms,
Symptoms can include jaundice, fatigue, initially, can lead to liver
nausea damage
Safe sex, avoiding sharing Safe sex, avoiding
Hygiene practices,
Prevention needles or personal items, sharing needles or
vaccination personal items

WHO Report Data:

y Over 50,000 new hepatitis B cases, 1.4 lakh hepatitis C cases, and 1.23 lakh deaths from these
infections were reported in 2022 in India.
y Viral hepatitis is a global health issue, with approximately 1.3 million deaths annually, on par
with tuberculosis.

Economy 36
Immunization on Hepatitis:
y The Hepatitis B vaccine is included in India’s Universal Immunization Programme.
y Treatment for hepatitis B and C is available, with a push towards treating all diagnosed cases
similarly to HIV management.

Why in News?
y WHO has highlighted that India faces a significant challenge with viral hepatitis.

India’s Fertility Rate Forecast by Lancet Study

Total fertility rate (TFR): It refers to the total number of children born or likely to be born to a
woman in her lifetime if she were subject to the prevailing rate of age-specific fertility.

Replacement level:
y Level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next.
y In developed countries, replacement level fertility can be taken as requiring an average of 2.1
children per woman.

Key Points of the Study:

Change in Fertility Rate of India

1950 2021
6.18 1.91
y Causes of Decline on TFR: Economic development, changing intergenerational wealth flows,
increased female literacy, and women’s workforce participation
y Impact: By 2050, the elderly population in India is expected to exceed 20%.
y Suggestions: Supportive measures for families, gender equity initiatives, economic policies for
job creation, and reforms in social security and pensions.
y Global Outlook: By 2050, 76% of countries are projected to have TFRs below the replacement

Why in News?
y The leading medical journal Lancet has published a study that predicts that India’s fertility rate
will dip to 1.29 by 2050.

Decline of 16% of new TB cases in India

Key Points:
Decline in Tuberculosis (TB) Incidence and Mortality:
y India has seen an 18% reduction in mortality since 2015.

2015 2022

Incidence rate 237 per lakh population. 199 per lakh population.
Mortality rate 28 per lakh population. 23 per lakh population.

Economy 37
Target for Eliminating TB:
y India has set 2025 as the target for eliminating tuberculosis.

Why in news?
y India TB Report 2024 was recently released by the Union Health Ministry.

Kala Azar (visceral leishmaniasis)- Eliminated in India

About Kala Azar:

y Caused by a protozoan parasite Leishmania donovani and transmitted by the female sandfly,
Phlebotomus argentipes.
y Symptoms: Irregular fever, weight loss, enlargement of the spleen and liver, and anaemia.
y Prevention: Avoid getting bitten by a sand fly.
y Treatment: The main drugs available are antimony, amphotericin, paromomycin and now the
oral drug miltefosine.

Key Points:
y India had initially aimed to eliminate kala-azar by 2010, but the target was extended until 2023
due to persistent challenges.
y India reported only 520 cases of kala-azar in 2023 across India.
y Elimination criteria set by the World Health Organization (WHO): no block in the country
reporting more than one case per 10,000 people.

Why in news?
y India has achieved its target of eliminating Kala Azar, according to data from the National
Centre for Vector Borne Diseases Control (NCVBDC).

National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)-ID

About National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (NOTTO):
y Set up under the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
y Functions:
⚪ Procurement and distribution of organs and tissues.
⚪ Registry of organs, tissue donation, and transplantation in the country.
y It has two divisions:
⚪ National Human Organ and Tissue Removal and Storage Network.
⚪ National Biomaterial Centre (National Tissue Bank).

Why in news?
y According to the Health Ministry, all cases of organ transplants must be assigned a unique
NOTTO-ID for both the donor and the recipient.

More about news:

y Directive applicable in both cases whether organ transplantation is from living or deceased
y Objective: To eliminate commercial dealings in organs, especially those involving foreign

Economy 38
Probable MCQs:
Q. What is CDP-SURAKSHA, recently in the news?
(a) It is a platform to disburse subsidies to horticulture farmers.
(b) It is a portal for credit support to disadvantaged sections of society.
(c) It is a platform to provide the necessary support to women facing physical abuse.
(d) It is an Accident Insurance Scheme offering accidental death and disability cover.
Answer: (a)

Q. The terms ‘Agreement on Agriculture’, and ‘Peace Clause’ appear in the news frequently in the
context of the affairs of the
(a) Food and Agriculture Organization
(b) United Nations Framework Conference on Climate Change
(c) World Trade Organisation
(d) United Nations Environment Programme
Answer: (c)

Q. Consider the following statements:

Statement-I: In India, Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) cannot be given effect
unless notified under the Income Tax Act.
Statement-II: DTAA ensures that no company or individual pays income tax twice while working
in a foreign country or for a foreign company.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
(a) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is the correct explanation
for Statement-I
(b) Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct and Statement-II is not the correct
explanation for Statement-I
(c) Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect
(d) Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct
Answer: (b)

Q. Consider the following statements in context of National Organ and Tissue Transplant
Organization (NOTTO):
1. It is set up under the Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health and Family
2. It has created the National Human Organ and Tissue Removal and Storage Network.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: (c)

Economy 39
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3 IR Defence and Security

Global Issues

Israel’s weapons that thwarted Iran’s attacks

How does Israel’s Air Defence system work?
y Israel’s air defense system provides multi-layered defenses against a range of aerial threats,
which includes aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles as well as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
y While cruise missiles fly at a low distance from the ground, ballistic missiles follow a parabolic
y The system includes such as Arrow 2 and Arrow 3, David’s Sling (Stunner), Iron Dome, Patriot
Advanced Capability-2, PAC-3 and advanced fighter jets operated by the country’s air force.
y They are designed to counter specific threats and are integrated to work in tandem to provide
full-proof protection from projectiles

Why in the News?

y Iran attacked Israel with roughly 300 projectiles, comprising more than 120 ballistic missiles,
cruise missiles, and about 170 drones.

Bulgaria and Romania

42 IR Defence and Security

Why in the news?
y Bulgaria, and Romania take first steps into Europe’s visa-free zone.

Key Points:
y Bulgaria and Romania joined Europe’s Schengen area of free movement.
y It will open up travel by air and sea without border checks.
y The Schengen zone will now have 29 members: 25 of the 27 European Union member states
and Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
y The only EU member states that are not part of the Schengen Area are Cyprus and Ireland.

Veto by Austria:
y New status will not apply to land routes, after Austria vetoed fears of a potential influx of
asylum seekers.
Schengen Area:
y It is an area encompassing 29 European countries that have officially abolished border
controls at their mutual borders.
y The area is named after the 1985 Schengen Agreement and the 1990 Schengen Convention,
both signed in Schengen, Luxembourg.

Iran-Israel Conflict
Why in News?
y Iran launched drones and missiles at Israel
in retaliation for an Israeli attack on its
consulate in Damascus, Syria.

Key Points:
y Hamas Attack (October 7, 2023): Hamas-
led militants crossed into Israel, hoping for
support from other regional adversaries of
y Militant Involvement: Groups such as
Hezbollah and the Houthis, backed by Iran,
have joined the conflict, pressuring Israel to
cease hostilities with Hamas.
y Damascus Strike: Israeli war jets targeted
an Iranian consulate in Syria, killing senior
Iranian military commanders.
y Iran’s Aerial Assault: In response to the
Damascus strike, Iran launched over 300
drones and missiles at Israel, which were
largely neutralized by Israel’s defense systems and international support.
y US Support: The US played a significant role in countering the attack, deploying air defense
missiles and aircraft to the region.
y Impact on India: India imports large amounts of crude oil daily through the strategic Strait of
Hormuz located at the mouth of the Persian Gulf. Any conflict or instability in the region would
lead to supply shortages and increasing energy costs.

IR Defence and Security 43

Artemis Accord
About Artemis Accord:
y 2020: Drafted by NASA and the U.S. Department of State.
y It is a framework for cooperation in the civil exploration and peaceful use of the Moon, Mars,
and other astronomical objects.
y It is a non-binding bilateral agreement.
y Founding members: Australia, Canada, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the United Arab Emirates, the
United Kingdom and the United States.
y India has also joined the Artemis Accord in the year 2023.
y It is built upon the foundation established by the Outer Space Treaty of 1967.
⚪ It is a multilateral agreement under the United Nations and serves as the foundation for
international space law.
⚪ It emphasizes the peaceful use of space.

Why in news?
y Sweden becomes the 38th country to join the Artemis Accords.

ASEAN Future Forum- First Plenary Session in Hanoi, Vietnam

About ASEAN Future Forum:
y 2023: Proposed by Vietnam at the 43rd ASEAN Summit.
y It is a common platform for ASEAN members and partner countries to share new ideas and
policy recommendations.
y Objective: To promote fast and sustainable growth, inclusivity, and self-reliance for the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
y 2024 Theme: “Toward Fast and Sustainable Growth of a People-Centered ASEAN Community”.

Why in news?
y At the 1st ASEAN Future Forum, India’s Foreign Minister emphasized the importance of a strong
and unified ASEAN in the Indo-Pacific region.

India and World

India’s Interest in Afanasy Nikitin Seamount

Afanasy Nikitin Seamount (AN Seamount):
y India is interested in the cobalt-rich Afanasy Nikitin Seamount, already claimed by Sri Lanka
under different legal frameworks.
y This interest is partly driven by reports of Chinese vessels conducting reconnaissance in the
y The AN Seamount is a significant geological structure in the Central Indian Ocean Basin.

Process of Obtaining Exploration Rights:

y Countries need an exploration license from the ISBA to start extraction activities.
y These rights apply to the open ocean, where no country can claim sovereignty.
y Though rich in minerals, the high cost and challenges of extraction have prevented commercial
resource extraction from the open ocean.

IR Defence and Security 44

y The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, linked to UNCLOS, may also affect
India’s exploration ambitions.

Why in the News?

y India has applied to the International Seabed Authority (ISBA) to explore two large seabed areas
in the Indian Ocean, beyond its territorial waters.

Clean Economy Investor Forum (CEIF)

y About: The CEIF is an initiative established within the framework of the Indo-Pacific Economic
Framework for Prosperity (IPEF).
y Investor Convergence: The forum convenes the top investors from the region, fostering
collaboration and dialogue.
y Aim: The primary objective of the Forum is to channel investments towards sustainable
infrastructure, climate technology, and renewable energy projects.
y Managed by: The forum is managed by Invest India, India’s National Investment Promotion
About IPEF:
y 2022: IPEF was launched jointly by the USA and other partner countries of the Indo-Pacific
region at Tokyo.
y 14 partner countries: Australia, Brunei, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea,
Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam & USA.
y Objective: to strengthen economic engagement among partner countries with the goal of
advancing growth, peace and prosperity in the region.

Why in News?
y The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) is set to organize the Clean Economy
Investor Forum (CEIF) in Singapore.

Katchatheevu Island
⚪ Area: It is a 285-acre uninhabited
island administered by Sri Lanka.
⚪ Location: Between Neduntheevu,
Sri Lanka, and Rameswaram,
⚪ History: The island was under
the control of the kingdom of the
Ramanad Raja (a Zamindar) from
1795 to 1803 under the jurisdiction
of the Madras Presidency.
y Timeline of the issue:
⚪ 1974: An agreement was signed by
the then Prime Ministers of India
and Sri Lanka - an agreement
by which the island went to Sri

IR Defence and Security 45

Lanka, but Indian fishermen were given “access to Katchatheevu for rest, for drying of nets
and for the annual St festival”.
⚪ 1976: India and Sri Lanka signed an agreement giving sovereign rights over a maritime patch
of a 4,000-sq-mile area called ‘Wadge Bank’ near Kanyakumari to India.
⚪ 1990: In the Palk Strait, near the Wadge Bank, many efficient Indian fishing trawlers started
operating. Meanwhile, Sri Lanka was dealing with the LTTE, and its navy wasn’t active in the
area, allowing Indian boats to fish in Sri Lankan waters.
⚪ 1991: Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister, J Jayalalithaa, demanded the return of Katchatheevu and
the restoration of fishing rights for Indian Tamil fishermen. The demand wasn’t pursued
further because of the civil war in Sri Lanka.
⚪ 2009: The civil war ended. However, Indian fishermen continued to cross into Sri Lankan
waters due to fewer fish on the Indian side. The Sri Lankan navy started arresting Indian
fishermen and destroying their boats for boundary violations, leading to renewed demands
in Tamil Nadu for the retrieval of Katchatheevu.

Why in News?
y Recently, the Prime Minister of India has criticized the opposition for relinquishing the
Katchatheevu island to Sri Lanka.

India supports the Philippines’ Sovereignty

Why in news?
y Recently, the External
Affairs Minister
mentioned that India
supports the sovereignty
of the Philippines in the
context of the South
China Sea.

India’s Regional Interest:

y India is involved in the
region due to its Act
East policy and Indo-
Pacific vision.
y India strongly supports
ASEAN’s centrality and

Recent Developments
between India &
y BrahMos cruise missile
deal: In 2022, Manila
became the first foreign
customer for the BrahMos cruise missile, signing a $375-million order for this weapon system
jointly developed by India and Russia.
y Indo-Pacific Maritime Domain Awareness Initiative: Both countries are part of this initiative.

IR Defence and Security 46

Defense and Internal Security

India Leads Global Arms Imports: SIPRI Data

About SIPRI:
Independent international institute founded in 1966 in Stockholm, Sweden.

Key Points:
y India’s imports rose by 4.7% compared to 2014-2018.
India y India is increasingly turning to Western countries like France and the USA.
India is also boosting its domestic arms industry.
Largest arms y The five largest arms importers in 2019–23 were India, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
exporter Ukraine and Pakistan.

Why in the News?

y The latest SIPRI data shows India as the top arms importer globally from 2019 to 2023.

Defence Exports of India

Key Points:
Record Defence Exports:
y India’s defence exports exceeded ₹21,000 crore for the first time, announced by Defence Minister
Rajnath Singh.
y According to the Defence Ministry, defense exports have increased by 31 times in the past 10
years compared to FY 2013-14.

Why in news?
y At an all-time high, defence exports cross Rs 21,000 crore.

New Air Travel Security Protocols Issued

Why in News?
y The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) has introduced new standard operating protocols
(SOPs) for airports and airlines.

Before After

y Passengers who deplaned due to delays were

y The Passengers can now undergo security
required to return to the arrivals section,
checks directly at the boarding gate.
leading to delays and inconvenience.

Agni Prime Missile

About Agni Prime:
y The Agni Prime or Agni-P is a nuclear-capable new-generation advanced variant of the Agni
class of missiles.

IR Defence and Security 47

y It is a two-stage canisterised missile with a maximum range of 1,000 to 2,000 km.
y It is lighter than all the earlier
Agni series of missiles.
y It weighs at least 50 per cent
less than the Agni 3 missile
and has new guidance and
propulsion systems.
y Since the missile is canisterised,
it can be transported by
road and rail and stored for
longer periods, significantly
reducing the time required for
preparation and launch.

Why in news?
y India successfully carried out
the night launch of Agni Prime
Missile from Abdul Kalam island
in Odisha.

Note: Please refer to the Articulate March 2024 for more details on ‘Agni Missiles’.

Strategic military infra upgrade in Andaman & Nicobar Islands

Importance of A&N Islands:
y These islands are strategically
crucial as they oversee one of
the world’s busiest sea lanes,
connecting the South China Sea
with the Indian Ocean through the
Strait of Malacca.
y Tri-Service Command: The
Andaman and Nicobar Command
(ANC), established in 2001, is
India’s first and only tri-service
command, coordinating the Army,
Navy, and Air Force in the region.

Cause of Defence Infra Development:

y This development is in part a
response to China’s efforts to
expand its influence in the region,
notably with military facilities on
Myanmar’s Coco Islands near the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

IR Defence and Security 48

Some key Initiatives:
y Inauguration of modern hangar and dispersal system at INS Utkrosh.
y Introduction of Precision Approach Radar (PAR) and an Integrated Underwater Harbour Defence
and Surveillance System at INS Utkrosh.
y Opening of Naval Communication Network (NCN) Centres at INS Kohassa, INS Baaz, and INS
Kardi to boost communication and operational capabilities.
y The National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) asked to increase manpower for satellite imagery
analysis to improve surveillance of inhabited islands.

Why in News?
y The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are undergoing significant military infrastructure
enhancements, including airfields, jetties, logistic facilities, troop habitats, and surveillance

Strategic Importance of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Key Points about the Islands:

y About 150 km north of Aceh, Indonesia; separated from Thailand and Myanmar by the Andaman
y Comprises the Andaman Islands (partly) and Nicobar Islands, separated by the Ten Degree
y Submerged extension of the Arakan Mountains
y Capital: Port Blair in South Andaman; Duncan Passage separates Little Andaman.
y Coco Strait between North Andaman and Coco Islands (Myanmar).
y Hosts Andaman and Nicobar Command, the only tri-service geographical command of the
Indian Armed Forces.

IR Defence and Security 49

Why in News?
y Recently, the greater awareness of maritime power and advancements in the Chinese have
highlighted the urgency of developing the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Doxxing- Making personal information public

Key points about doxxing:

y It is the act of publicly providing personal information about an individual, via the Internet and
without their consent.
y Objective: To intimidate, harm, or otherwise exploit the individual whose information has been
Law against Doxxing in India:
y There is no law in place to prevent and/or punish doxxing directly, though there are laws in
place against acts like:
⚪ Voyeurism (Section 354C IPC and IT Act).
⚪ Divulging sexually explicit content (The IT Act) and obscene content (Section 292 IPC).
⚪ Defamation (Section 499 IPC) and online stalking (Section 354D IPC)

Govt plans to augment NCC strength to 27 Lakh cadets in 10 years

About National Cadet Corps (NCC):
y 1948: NCC was formed on the recommendation of the H.N. Kunzru Committee.
y It falls under the purview of the Ministry of Defence and is headed by a Director General of
three-star military rank.
y It enrolls cadets at high school and college levels and also awards certificates on completion
of various phases.
y Benefit: It will give young people skill training and trained employees for disaster relief.

Why in the News?

y The Ministry of Defence is planning a phase-wise augmentation of the National Cadet Corps
(NCC) from the current 17 lakh cadets to 27 lakh in the next 10 years.

IR Defence and Security 50

Probable MCQs:
Q. With reference to Agni Prime Missile, consider the following statements:
1. It is a surface-to-surface missile.
2. It is a two-stage canisterised missile
3. It can deliver one-tonne warheads about 7500 km away.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (b)

Q. ‘Project Akashteer’, recently in the news, is related to:

(a) Coastal infrastructure development
(b) Growing artificial coral reefs in Coastal areas
(c) Enhancing air defense capabilities
(d) Mitigating the glacial lake outburst impacts
Answer: (c)

Q. Which of the following defence forces is observing the year 2024 as the ‘Year of Technology
(a) Indian Army
(b) Indian Navy
(c) Indian Airforce
(d) Indian Coast Guard
Answer: (a)

IR Defence and Security 51

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4 Geography and Environment

Physical Geography

Time Standard for the Moon

Why in News?
y The US White House has recently asked NASA to develop a standardized time system for the

Why Establish a Time Standard for the Moon?

y Diverse Time Experience: Time behaves differently on the Moon compared to Earth due to the
effects of gravity.
y Relativity Impact: Due to gravity time flows slightly faster on the Moon than on Earth.
y Incompatibility with UTC: The Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) used on Earth cannot accurately
measure time on the Moon.
Earth’s Time Standard:
y Coordinated Universal Time (UTC): Most clocks and time zones worldwide are based on
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), set by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures
in Paris, France.
y Local Time Calculation: Countries determine their local time by adjusting UTC based on their
position relative to the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude), also known as the Greenwich
y Time Zone Differences: Countries to the west of the Greenwich meridian subtract hours from
UTC, while those to the east add hours. T

What Makes a Total Solar Eclipse Rare?

54 Geography and Environment

Lunar Eclipse Solar Eclipse

Occurs when the moon comes between the

Occurs when the Earth comes between the sun
sun and the Earth, casting a shadow on the
and the moon, casting a shadow on the moon.

Total Solar Eclipse:

y A total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, creating daytime darkness, is
a unique event for any given location on Earth, occurring approximately once every 400 years.

Solar Eclipses:
y Solar eclipses occur when the Moon positions itself between the Earth and the Sun, casting a
shadow that darkens parts of the Earth.

Types of Solar Eclipses:

y Total Solar Eclipse: The Moon completely covers the Sun, revealing the Sun’s corona.
y Annular Solar Eclipse: The Moon covers the Sun’s center, leaving a visible outer ring, known as
a “ring of fire.”
y Partial Solar Eclipse: The Moon obscures part of the Sun.

Frequency of Solar Eclipses:

y Solar eclipses can happen two to five times a year but are only visible from certain areas of the
Earth due to the Moon’s tilted orbit.

Why Total Eclipses Are So Special:

y Total solar eclipses are particularly rare because they require being in the direct path of the
Moon’s darkest shadow, or umbra, which covers a very small fraction of the Earth’s surface.
y Additionally, since much of the Earth’s surface is water or uninhabited land, witnessing a total
solar eclipse is a special occurrence for those in the right location at the right time.

Why in News?
y A total solar eclipse, which is a rare astronomical event, is about to be witnessed in North

Geography and Environment 55

Volcanic Vortex Rings
About Volcanic vortex rings:
y These are circular formations of gasses ejected into the air during volcanic eruptions. These
rings form when a pulse of volcanic gas punches through the surface of a volcano, pulling
surrounding air into a spinning ring.
y This phenomenon is relatively rare and occurs under specific conditions, such as the presence
of a certain shape of the volcanic vent and the right type of eruptive activity.
y Volcanic vortex rings provide valuable insights into the dynamics of volcanic eruptions and the
behavior of gasses expelled by volcanoes.
About Mount Etna: It is located on the east coast of Sicily, Italy, is one of the world’s most active
and tallest volcanoes, standing about 3,329 meters (10,922 feet) high.
y It’s known for its frequent eruptions, which are both explosive and effusive, involving lava
y Etna is a stratovolcano, characterized by a composite of layers of lava, ash, and rocks from
previous eruptions.

Why in the News?

y Mount Etna volcano has been sending up almost perfect rings of smoke into the air which are
a rare phenomenon that scientists refer to as volcanic vortex rings.

Mount Erebus: on Antarctica

Why in news?
y According to NASA, Mount Erebus is
spewing out gold in the form of tiny

About Mount Erebus:

y 1841: Named by Captain James Clark
y Located on Ross Island, Antarctica.
y Highest active volcano in Antarctica
and 2nd after Mount Sidley.
y It is the world’s southernmost active
y Deception Island: 2nd active volcano
in Antarctica.

Heavy Rainfall in UAE

Why in news?
y The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recorded the heaviest rain ever after a severe thunderstorm
hit the country.
Key Points:
y It rained more than any amount that has been recorded since data collection began in 1949.
Rains usually occur in Dubai in cooler months.

Geography and Environment 56

y The primary reason was a
storm system, which was
passing through the Arabian
peninsula and moving across
the Gulf of Oman.
y Other reports suggest that
cloud seeding enhanced the
water precipitation.

Ring of Fire - The Circum-

Pacific Belt
What is the Ring of Fire?
y The Ring of Fire, or the
Circum-Pacific Belt, is a huge
area along the Pacific Ocean known for its active volcanoes and frequent earthquakes.
y It’s formed by the movements of the Earth’s tectonic plates, especially the massive Pacific
Plate interacting with surrounding lighter plates.

Geographical Stretch:
y Spanning about 40,000 kilometers (24,900 miles), it traces the edges of several tectonic plates,
including the Pacific, North American, and Philippine Plates, among others.
y The Ring of Fire stretches from the western coast of the Americas over to Asia and down to
New Zealand, including areas like Chile, Japan, and Russia.

Cause of Activity:
y The activity in the Ring of Fire is due to the movement of tectonic plates either colliding(
between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate) , moving apart (Mid-Atlantic Ridge where the

Geography and Environment 57

American Plates are separated from the Eurasian and African Plates), or sliding past each other
like San Andreas Fault (North American Plate and Pacific Plate).
y This movement leads to the formation of trenches, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes along
the plate boundaries.

Features of the Ring of Fire:

y Volcanoes: Home to over 450 active and dormant volcanoes, making up 75% of the world’s
total. Notable eruptions include Mount Tambora (1815), Mount Ruiz (1985), and Mount Pinatubo
y Earthquakes: Responsible for 90% of the world’s earthquakes. Major earthquakes include the
Chile earthquake (1960) and the Japan earthquake (2011).
y Island Arcs: These are curved chains of islands formed by volcanic activity, such as the Aleutian
Islands and the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean.
y Trenches: Deep ocean trenches form where tectonic plates collide, causing earthquakes and
volcanoes. The Mariana Trench is the deepest known trench.
y Geothermal Resources: The Ring of Fire holds over 40% of the world’s geothermal energy
resources, useful for electricity generation and other direct uses.

Why in News?
y Recently, Taiwan, which is located on the ring of fire, was hit by its biggest earthquake in at
least 25 years.

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods

What is GLOF?
y GLOF stands for Glacial Lake Outburst Floods, a kind of flood that happens when the natural
dams (made of ice or loose rock and debris) holding back a glacial lake fail, sending a massive
amount of water rushing down mountains.

Geography and Environment 58

Why Do GLOFs Happen?
y Climate Change: It leads to glaciers melting faster, creating more glacial lakes.
y Glacier Retreat: When glaciers melt, they leave depressions that fill with water, forming lakes.
y Glacier Surge: Sometimes glaciers move rapidly, blocking water flow and forming lakes.
y Weak Damming Material: The materials holding the lake (like moraine and ice) are often weak
and unstable.
y Natural Events: Earthquakes, avalanches, or landslides can destabilize the dams.
y Human Activities: Construction, mining, and other human activities can also weaken the natural
barriers around these lakes.

Vulnerability of India to GLOFs:

y ISRO’s Glacial Lake Atlas identified many glacial lakes as vulnerable to outbursts.
y Sikkim, Uttarakhand, and Jammu and Kashmir are particularly vulnerable, with hundreds of
identified glacial lakes at risk of causing GLOFs.

Why in News?
y Recently, the Uttarakhand government has constituted experts teams to evaluate the risk posed
by potentially hazardous glacial lakes in the region.

What is Kallakkadal: Swell Waves

Swell Waves:
y A swell is the formation of long wavelength waves on the surface of the seas.
y Occasionally, swells that are longer than 700m occur as a result of the most severe storms.
y These waves travel long distances and hit the coast.

y Kallakkadal is a local term in Kerala, India, for coastal flooding caused by swell waves, especially
before the monsoon season (April-May).
y It’s named from Malayalam words meaning “thief sea,” indicating the sea’s sudden and
unexpected encroachment onto land.
y This phenomenon gained official recognition by UNESCO in 2012.

Recent Events:
y A recent occurrence of Kallakkadal in Kerala was triggered by a low atmospheric pressure
system from the South Atlantic.
y The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has developed a Swell Surge
Forecast System that can provide a seven-day advance warning to help mitigate the impact.

Difference Between Kallakkadal and Tsunami

y Tsunamis are large waves caused by y Kallakkadal is caused by distant storms.

underwater disturbances like earthquakes. y Kallakkadal results from atmospheric
y Tsunamis are associated with specific conditions and stormy winds far from the
geological events. coast.
Why in News?
y Recently, many houses have been flooded in several coastal areas of Kerala due to high sea
waves, also known as swell waves.

Geography and Environment 59

Discovery of Ozone on Callisto, Jupiter’s Moon

Why in news?
y Team led by PRL Ahmedabad finds ozone on Jupiter’s moon Callisto.

Key Points about findings:

y The study focused on composition of Callisto’s surface.
y Researchers compared their findings with data from the Hubble Space Telescope to gain
insights into Callisto’s environment and assess the potential habitability of icy moons in the
Solar System.
y Significance:
⚪ The discovery of ozone on Callisto suggests the presence of oxygen.
⚪ It could help us to understand the precise mechanisms that led to the formation of Jupiter
and its moons.
About Physical Research Laboratory (PRL):
y 1947: Founded by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai.
y Autonomous unit of Department of Space.

IMD Forecast- Above Normal Heat Wave in India this Summer

Impact on India
Phenomenon Description Impact on India (Weak)

A warm phase
of the El Niño y Significantly reduced
y Reduced monsoon
Southern Oscillation, monsoon leading to
El Niño characterized by a droughts
y Warmer than average
warming of the central y Higher temperatures
and eastern tropical and heat waves
Pacific Ocean.

Geography and Environment 60

A cool phase of the y Enhanced monsoon
El Niño Southern y Slightly above normal leading to excess
Oscillation, featuring a monsoon rainfall rainfall and potential
La Niña
cooling of the central y Generally cooler flooding
and eastern tropical temperatures y Cooler overall
Pacific Ocean. temperatures

Causes of Increased heat wave these days:

y Abnormal temperature caused due to climate change could have a severe heat wave on over
90% of India.
y The ongoing El Niño weather condition also contributes to higher-than-usual temperatures,
driving an increased occurrence of heat waves.
About Heat Wave:
y The IMD declares a heat wave if the maximum temperature of a weather station reaches at
least 40 degrees C in the plains and at least 30 degrees C in hilly regions.
y The IMD can also declare a heat wave if the actual maximum temperature crosses 45 degrees
C, and a severe heat wave if it crosses 47 degrees C.

Why in news?
y The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast has said most of India will experience
above-normal maximum and minimum temperatures this summer.

Tropical Cyclone of Higher Intensity Demand New Category

Why in news?
Tropical cyclones are exceeding established categories of cyclone classification.

What are Tropical Cyclones:

y A tropical cyclone is a rapidly revolving storm system characterized by a low-pressure center,
heavy rain, and strong winds.
y Tropical cyclones typically form over large bodies of warm water and they are fueled by the
release of heat energy from the evaporation of water from the ocean surface.

Impact of global warming on tropical cyclone:

y The cyclones are becoming 12% stronger and 40% more destructive with each degree of global
y Cyclones intensify more quickly and stay over the oceans for longer as the oceans warm.
⚪ The longest-lasting tropical cyclone on record, Freddy, passed across the oceans for 37 days
in 2023.

Proposal for category 6 scale:

y Due to global warming tropical cyclones are exceeding the speed of category 5 scale of 252 km/
y This supports the introduction of category 6 at wind speeds above 309 km/h.
y The introduction of category 6 would require modification in Säffir-Simpson (SS) scale.

Geography and Environment 61

Säffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale:
y The Säffir-Simpson (SS) hurricane wind scale categorizes cyclones based on maximum
sustained wind speed at a height of 10 meters.
y There are five categories on the SS scale, with category 5 having wind speeds exceeding 252

Environment Conservation

Lakshmana Tirtha River: A tributary of Kaveri dries up

Lakshmana Tirtha River:

y Location: Tributary of the Kaveri River in Karnataka.
y Origin: Begins in the Brahmagiri hills, Kodagu (Coorg) District, Karnataka.
y Course: Flows eastward, joining the Kaveri River in the Krishna Raja Sagara Lake.
y Length: Approximately 180 km.
y Notable Feature: Lakshmana Tirtha Falls (Irupu Falls), a popular freshwater cascade located on
the river bordering Kerala, en route to Nagarhole National Park.

Kaveri River:
y Sacred Status: Considered a holy river by Hindus.
y Origin: Rises at Talakaveri on the Brahmagiri range near Cherangala village, Kodagu district,
Karnataka, at an elevation of 1,341 meters.
y Course: Flows into the Bay of Bengal at Poompuhar, in the Mayiladuthurai district of Tamil Nadu.

Geography and Environment 62

y Basin Extent: Spans Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, and Puducherry.
y Geographical Features: Bounded by the Western Ghats on the west, the Eastern Ghats on the
east and south, and ridges that separate it from the Krishna and Pennar basins on the north.
y Tributaries:
y Left Bank: Harangi, Hemavati, Shimsha, Arkavati.
y Right Bank: Lakshmantirtha, Kabbani, Suvarnavati, Bhavani, Noyil, Amaravati.

Why in News?
y The Lakshmana Tirtha River has completely dried up because of extreme drought and high

Lake Kariba, in Zimbabwe, only 13% Full

About Lake Kariba:
y In terms of volume, it is the largest man-made
lake in the world.
y Lies on the border between Zimbabwe and
y Provides electricity to Zimbabwe and Zambia
and supports the fishing industry.

Why in news?
y Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe is only 13% filled
because of the El Nino drought, leading
Zimbabwe to declare a national emergency.

Global Forest Watch Monitoring Project

About Global Forest Watch (GFW):
y Established: 1997 by the World Resources
Institute (WRI).
y Purpose: GFW is an online platform that offers data and tools for real-time monitoring of
forests worldwide, leveraging advanced technology to provide public access to information on
forest changes.

Key Findings:
y Since 2000, India has lost 2.33 million hectares of tree cover, which
Total Tree Cover Loss
represents a 6% reduction.
y 95% of the tree cover loss from 2013 to 2023 occurred within natural
Loss Within Natural forests, with significant losses recorded in 2016 (175,000 hectares)
Forests and 2023 (144,000 hectares). 2017 witnessed the maximum tree
cover loss.
y According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), between
Deforestation Rate 2015 and 2020, India had the second-highest deforestation rate
globally, losing about 668,000 hectares per year.

Geography and Environment 63

Why in News?
y The recent report of the Global Forest Watch monitoring project says that India has lost
significant tree cover since 2000.

UNESCO Global Geoparks Network

y About: UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas with internationally important rocks and landscapes,
managed responsibly for conservation, education, and sustainable development.
y 2004: Established when 17 European and 8 Chinese geoparks came together at UNESCO
headquarters in Paris.
y 2015: During the 38th session of UNESCO’s General Conference, the 195 Member States ratified
the creation of the UNESCO Global Geoparks label.
y Purpose of GGN: Members share examples of good practices and collaborate on common
The Geopark tag is similar to that of a ‘World Heritage Site’ for historical monuments, bringing
famed geological features to the global stage.

India’s involvement:
y India is a signatory to the establishment of UNESCO Global Geoparks but lacks legislation and
policy for the conservation of geoheritages.
y India has not registered or acknowledged any geoparks under the UNESCO Global Geopark list.

Why in News?
y UNESCO’s Executive Board has endorsed the addition of 18 sites to the UNESCO Global Geoparks

Centre makes deemed forest report public

About Deemed Forest:
y It refers to land that fits the dictionary definition of a forest but has not been formally recognized
as one.
y Although the concept of deemed forests is not defined in any legal documents, including the
Forest Conservation Act of 1980, the Supreme Court of India acknowledged a comprehensive
definition of forests within the Act during the T N Godavarman Thirumalpad case in 1996.
y The Court mandated the formation of expert committees in each state to identify deemed
forests, aiming to specify the territories eligible for protection under the Forest (Conservation)

Why in the News?

y The Environment Ministry has released reports from 22 state governments and four Union
Territories identifying the forest areas.

Khavda Renewable Energy Park in Kutch: World’s Largest Renewable Energy Park
About Khavda Renewable Energy Park:
y It is the largest of its kind globally.
y Location: Situated in Khavda, in Gujarat’s Kutch region, close to the international border with

Geography and Environment 64

y Capacity: Boasts an impressive 45 GW capacity, primarily solar energy.
y Solar and Wind Resources: The region has the second-best solar radiation in India after Ladakh
and wind speeds five times higher than the plains.
y Size: Spans 538 square kilometers, approximately five times the size of Paris.
y Developer: Built by Adani Green Energy Ltd (AGEL), India’s largest renewable energy company.

Why in the News?

y Adani Green Energy Ltd (AGEL) has established the world’s largest renewable energy park in
Gujarat’s Khavda region.

Degraded forest land for Green Credit

Why in the News?
y Ten states have identified 3,853 hectares of degraded forest land for the Green Credit Programme
(GCP). Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh contribute up to 40% of this land.
Green Credit Programme:
y Announcement: Introduced in the 2023-24 budget by the Union Finance Minister.
y Objective: Leverage a competitive market-based approach to incentivize voluntary environmental
actions by various stakeholders.
y Green Credit: A unit of incentive for a specified activity that positively impacts the environment.
y Activities for Green Credits: Tree plantation, Water conservation, Sustainable agriculture, Waste
management, Air pollution reduction etc.
y Administration: The Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education will administer the
y Trading: Green credits will be tradable on a proposed domestic market platform.

Why is Botswana sending Elephants to Germany?

Key Points:
y Botswana hosts the world’s largest
elephant population, approximately
y Botswana’s stable government and
strict conservation measures have
made it a sanctuary for elephants,
significantly increasing their
y In response to the overpopulation,
Botswana lifted its ban on trophy
hunting in 2019, arguing that it
helps manage elephant numbers
and supports the local economy by
generating significant income.
y Botswana has attempted to mitigate
overpopulation by donating elephants
to some countries including Germany.

Geography and Environment 65


National Clean Air Program (NCAP) Assessment

About NCAP:
y 2019: Launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
y Objective: To cut the concentration of atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM) by 20-30% by 2024,
from 2017 levels. This was later revised to 40% by 2026.
y Cities violating annual PM levels in India need to prepare and implement annual Clean Air
Action Plans (CAAPs).

Key Points:
y Ministry of Environment: Only 60% of the allocated funds have been used so far and 27% of
cities spend less than 30% of their designated budgets.
y Visakhapatnam and Bengaluru have spent 0% and 1% of their NCAP funds, respectively.
y It highlighted the importance of tools like Emissions Inventory (EI) and Source Apportionment
y An emissions inventory is a database that lists, by source, the amount of air pollutants
discharged into the atmosphere during a year.
y Source apportionment is a technique used to relate emissions from various pollution. Sources
to air pollution concentrations at a given location and for a given time period.

Why in news?
y This article is based on a recent publication in the Text and Context section of The Hindu.

Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution

y Background: In 2022, the UN Environment Assembly adopted a historic resolution to develop
an International Legally Binding Instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, particularly in the marine
y Objective: The global plastics treaty aims to establish a framework of standards concerning
accountability, responsibilities, financing, material/chemical standards, and import/export
restrictions, along with setting targets for action.
y INC Sessions: The INC will meet a total of five times to develop the specific content of the ILBI
by the end of 2024.
⚪ INC-1 in Punta del Este, Uruguay
⚪ INC-2 in Paris, France
⚪ INC-3 in Nairobi, Kenya
⚪ INC-4 in Ottawa
⚪ INC-5 in Busan, Republic of Korea.
y Timeline: INC-5, scheduled for 25 November to 1 December 2024, marks the conclusion of the
INC process.

Why in News?
y The fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution
is ongoing in Ottawa, Canada.

Geography and Environment 66

Climate Change

Farmers in Vietnam adopting innovative techniques to reduce Methane Emissions

Why in News?
y Farmers in Vietnam are adopting innovative techniques to reduce methane emissions by
changing how they grow rice.
Rice paddies contribute roughly 8% of human-made methane in the atmosphere.

Innovative Techniques:
y Irrigation Method: Farmers utilize alternate wetting and drying (AWD) irrigation, reducing water
usage compared to traditional methods and subsequently lowering methane production.
y Drone Usage: Drones are employed for crop fertilization, cutting down on labor costs.
y Effective Stubble Usage: Instead of burning rice stubble, it is repurposed as livestock feed and
for cultivating straw mushrooms, mitigating air pollution.
y Vietnam is the world’s third-largest rice exporter.
y Methane traps over 80 times more heat in the atmosphere compared to carbon dioxide.

Global Methane Tracker 2024 by International Energy Agency

Understanding Methane:
y Composition: Methane (CH4) is an odorless, colorless, tasteless gas, lighter than air.
y Global Warming Impact: It is the second most significant greenhouse gas after CO2, with a
global warming potential 84 times more than CO2.
y Sources of Emissions: wetlands, agricultural activities (rice paddies and livestock), combustion
of fossil fuels, biomass burning, and industrial processes like landfills and wastewater

Key points from Global Methane Tracker 2024:

y Over 50% increase in major methane emissions events in 2023 compared to 2022.
y A 75% reduction in fossil fuel methane emissions by 2030 is essential to limit global warming
to 1.5°C.

Why in the News?

y Recently, the Global Methane Tracker 2024 was released by the International Energy Agency.

Fourth Global Mass Coral Bleaching Event

About Corals and Coral Bleaching:
y Corals: Marine animals that form colonies of genetically identical individuals called polyps.
They attach permanently to the ocean floor and use tentacle-like structures to feed.
y Types of Corals: Mainly classified into hard and soft corals. Hard corals build the limestone
skeletons that form coral reefs.
Coral Reefs: Known as the “rainforests of the sea,” coral reefs support a diverse range of ma-
rine life and provide significant economic value through coastal protection, tourism, and fishing.

Geography and Environment 67

Coral Bleaching:
y Process: Corals expel the algae living in their tissues, called zooxanthellae, under stress
conditions such as elevated water temperatures, causing them to turn white.
y Consequences: While not immediately fatal, bleached corals are under increased stress and
are more susceptible to disease and death.

Current Global Bleaching Event:

y Extent: The event has affected approximately 54% of the world’s coral areas, with significant
bleaching reported across various regions including the Great Barrier Reef.
y Causes: Primarily driven by higher ocean temperatures, exacerbated by climate phenomena
such as El Niño.
y Impact: The full impact is still unfolding, but it is recognized as the most severe bleaching
event recorded.

Why in News?
y The fourth global mass coral bleaching event has been triggered, marking it as the most severe
to date.

Geography and Environment 68

Green Credit Programme (GCP)
About Green Credit Programme:
y 2023: It was launched by India at COP 28, Dubai and involves creating an inventory of degraded
wastelands to be utilised for planting.
y It is a part of the broader ‘LiFE’ campaign (Lifestyle for Environment), and it encourages and
rewards voluntary environmentally positive actions.
Green Credit:
y It includes monetary rewards for engaging in environmentally beneficial activities.

Why in news?
y Center modifies Green Credit Program guidelines to emphasize ecosystem restoration.

Senior women from Switzerland won a landmark climate case

About Swiss women’s climate change movement:
y The case was brought against the Swiss government by Klima Seniorinnen Schweiz (Association
of Senior Women for Climate Protection Switzerland).
y The women claimed that their right to life and other protections under the European Convention
on Human Rights were violated by the Swiss government’s insufficient climate policy.
y Court Verdict: According to Article 8 of the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights,
every person has the right to adequate protection against the negative effects of climate
change on their life, and health.

Why in the News?

y Recently, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) took the side of the 2,000 Swiss women.
These ladies filed suit against their government, arguing that by not doing more to lessen the
effects of climate change, it had infringed their human rights.


Butterfly Species Neptis philyra- Discovered for First Time in India

Why in news?
y The rare butterfly species Neptis philyra (known as long streak tailor) has been discovered in
Talle Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh.
y Previously found in east Asia, Siberia, Korea, Japan, central and southwest China.

Geography and Environment 69

About Talle Valley Wildlife Sanctuary:
y Located in lower Subansiri district of Arunachal Pradesh.
y Drainage by Pange, Sipu, Karing, and Subansiri rivers.

Vasuki Indicus-Largest Snake Ever

Why in news?
y It has been established that a fossilized vertebrae found in Panandhro Lignite Mine, Kutch,
Gujarat belong to the largest snake that has ever lived.

Key points about findings:

y 2005: Fossil was discovered by IIT Roorkee researchers.
y The fossil has been named after Vasuki, the snake king associated with Lord Shiva.
y The length of the snake is in the range of 11-15 meters (about 50 feet) and it must have weighed
1 tonne.
y The discovery gives a deeper understanding of how continents physically shifted over time and
species dispersed across the globe.

Eurasian Otters (Lutra lutra)

Why in news?
y For the first time, the Eurasian Otter was fitted with a tracking device in Satpura Tiger Reserve.
About Eurasian Otters:
y It is a semi-aquatic mammal native to Eurasia and Northwest Africa.
y Habitat: Asia, Africa, and North Europe.
y In India, it is distributed in the Himalayan foothills, Southern Western Ghats, and the Central
Indian region.

Geography and Environment 70

y IUCN Status: Near Threatened.
y CITES: Appendix I.
y Wildlife Protection Act, 1972: Schedule II.
Otters in India:
y Three species are found in India
⚪ Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata).
⚪ Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinerea).
⚪ Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra).
y Smooth-coated otters are the most widely distributed in India.

Satpura Tiger Reserve:

y Located south of the Narmada River, Hoshangabad district of Madhya Pradesh.
y Flora: Teak, bamboo, Indian Ebony, various acacias, wild mango, etc.
y Fauna: Tiger, Gaur, Sambhar, Chital, birds, reptiles and fishes.

Three new fish species in the Laccadive Sea

Why in news?
y Three fish species in the Laccadive Sea were found
using tools, breaking sea urchin shells to access
edible parts.

Key points from the news:

y New species:
1. Jansen’s wrasse (Thalassoma jansenii)
2. Checkerboard wrasse (Halichoeres hortulanus)
3. Moon wrasse (Thalassoma lunare).
y These fish use live or dead coral structures as tools
(like hammers or axe) to break sea urchin shells.
y It challenges the idea that fish lack intelligence and
are unable to perform difficult tasks.
y Unlike primates, birds, and many other animals, fish have no hands, claws, or tentacles.

Invasive Alien Species (IAS)

Geography and Environment 71

Invasive Alien Species Definition

As per Convention on Biological Diversity As per India’s Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
(CBD), (amended in 2022
“species whose introduction and/or spread “species not native to India, whose introduction
outside their natural past or present distribution may threaten wildlife or its habitat.”
threatens biological diversity” The Indian definition excludes species within
India that may be invasive to specific regions,
like the chital in the Andamans, which are
protected in mainland India but pose a threat
to the island chain.

y Impact on Native Flora and Fauna: In the absence of competition, invasive species can dominate
entire ecosystems, altering their dynamics.
y Economic Impact of Invasive Alien Species: Damage to agriculture, infrastructure, and
Spotted Deer
About: Spotted deer, also known as chital or
cheetal, are native to the Indian subcontinent. It is
the most common deer species in Indian forests.
Distribution: Widely distributed in Asia, including
India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and a small
group in Pakistan.
Habitat: Subtropical grasslands and forests.
Features: Reddish-brown with white spots, only
males have antlers and are larger than females.
Social animals are often found in herds of 10 to
50 individuals.
Conservation Status: Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.

Why in news?
y In a bid to manage the increasing population of chital (spotted deer) in Ross Island, the Andaman
and Nicobar Islands administration recently sought help from the Wildlife Institute of India.

Butterfly Cicada

Geography and Environment 72

About Butterfly Cicada:
y It is a newly discovered species of cicada belonging to the genus Becquartina.
y It brings the total number of known species in the genus Becquartina to seven.
y It marks the first-ever record of this genus in the country.
y The colorful wings of the cicada earned it the nickname butterfly cicada.

About Cicada:
y They are a group of sound-producing insects.

Why in news?
y A new species of Butterfly Cicada has been discovered in Meghalaya.

Fish Otolith
Why in news?
“Sea gems,” or ornaments created from fish otoliths, are
introduced in the market.

About Fish Otolith:

y Otoliths are calcium carbonate structures.
y They are part of the fish’s inner ear, allowing fish to hear
and sense vibrations in the water and providing a sense of balance so they may better navigate
their surroundings.
y It is the most commonly used structure for determining the age of fish.
y Three types:
⚪ Sagitta
⚪ Asteriscus
⚪ Lapillus

Magnetic Fossils- Also called Magnetofossil.

Geography and Environment 73

About Magnetic Fossils:
y They are the fossilized remains of particles created by magnetotactic bacteria (magnetobacteria).
⚪ Magnetotactic bacteria was first described in the 1960’s.
⚪ They are a group of bacteria that orient themselves along the magnetic field lines of Earth’s
magnetic field.
⚪ This alignment helps these organisms in reaching regions of optimal oxygen concentration.
⚪ These bacteria have organs called magnetosomes that contain magnetic crystals.

Why in news?
y Goa scientists find 50,000-year-old magnetic fossils in the Bay of Bengal.

Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary & Amrabad Tiger Reserve

About Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary:

y Located in the Mulugu district in Telangana, near the Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, and Telangana
y The Godavari and Dayyam Vagu river passes through the sanctuary.
y The biennial festival of Sammakka Saralamma Jatara is held in the sanctuary.

Geography and Environment 74

Sammakka Saralamma Jatara (also Sammakka Sarakka Jatara):
y It is a festival to honour the Hindu Tribal goddesses, celebrated in the state of Telangana,
y This Jatara is known for witnessing one of the largest human gatherings in the world.
y The rituals related to the Goddesses are entirely performed by the Koya Tribe priests, in
accordance with Koya customs and traditions.

Amrabad Tiger Reserve:

y Situated on the border of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, encompassing parts of the Nallamala
y It has a large presence of the Chenchu tribe.

Why in news?
y Eturnagaram Wildlife Sanctuary and Amrabad Tiger Reserve are facing the situation of forest

Snow Leopard an Indicator Species

About Indicator Species:
y It is an organism whose presence, absence or abundance reflects a specific environmental
y It can signal a change in the biological condition of a particular ecosystem, and thus may be
used as a proxy to diagnose the health of an ecosystem.

Snow Leopard as Indicator Species:

y Snow leopards are only limited to high altitude mountains.
y They help us to indicate the health of the mountains.
y Hence, they are called the thermometer of the mountains.
y They play a critical role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
y They regulate prey populations, which in turn influences the vegetation structure and

Why in news?
According to Forest conservationists, the snow leopard is an indicator species.

Geography and Environment 75


Baobab Tree

y About: Also known as the upside-down tree.

y Distribution:
⚪ Nine species of baobab trees exist, with two native to mainland Africa, six to Madagascar,
and one to Australia.
⚪ Mandu, in Madhya Pradesh, India, is a notable area where baobabs thrive.
y Features:
⚪ Baobabs are characterized by their longevity, with some living for thousands of years.
⚪ They possess massive, bottle-shaped or cylindrical trunks with faint growth rings and
compact tops.
⚪ The fruit of the baobab tree is highly nutritious and either round or oval-shaped.
⚪ It is renowned as the ‘Tree of Life’.
Why in News?
y Recently, the Global Society for the Preservation of Baobabs and Mangroves (GSPBM) has
initiated a mission to rejuvenate the iconic baobab trees.

On Nepal’s Himalayan hillside grows raw material for Japan’s banknotes

About Argeli shrub bark:
y Scientific Name: Edgeworthia gardneri.
y Characteristics: An evergreen plant, yellow flowering, and
brownish red stem.
y Found: Central and Eastern Nepal, Bhutan, North East India,
Western China.
y Use: Inner bark is used for paper making, farmers grew it for
fencing or firewood.
Why in the News?
y Recently, Japan has been importing Argeli shrub bark to
utilize it in its yen banknotes.

Geography and Environment 76

Probable MCQs:
Q. With reference to Eurasian otter, consider the following statements:
1. A Eurasian otter was radio-tagged in the Satpura Tiger Reserve for the first time in India.
2. This usually nocturnal species is listed as endangered in the IUCN red list.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) Both 1 and 2
(d) Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: (a)

Q. Consider the following pairs:

Volcano: Location
1. Mount Etna : Spain
2. Mount Merapi : Japan
3. Mount Vesuvius : Italy
4. Mount Ruang : Indonesia
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
Answer: (b)

Q. With reference to Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF), consider the following statements:
1. It is flash floods caused by the outburst of glacial lakes.
2. Seismic movement and extreme weather conditions are considered as the direct cause of
the GLOF.
3. GLOF are recognized as a potential climatological disaster in National Disaster Management
Plan (NDMP) 2019 of India.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (c)

Q. With reference to the Green Credit Program (GCP), consider the following statements:
1. It is a market-based mechanism designed to incentivise voluntary environmental actions
across diverse sectors.
2. Forest Research Institute (FRI) is monitoring the overall implementation of GCP.
3. It provides accreditation and labeling for household and consumer products that meet
specific environmental criteria while maintaining quality standards as per Indian norms.
4. Under GCP, Parties can apply to restore forests and the actual afforestation will be carried
out by State Forest departments.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one

Geography and Environment 77

(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
Answer: (b)

Q. Consider the following statements regarding Chital (Spotted Deer):

1. These are commonly found in dense deciduous or semi evergreen jungles of Sri Lanka,
Nepal, Bangladesh and India.
2. Only Adult or sexually mature males have antlers.
3. These are listed as ‘Endangered species’ in the IUCN red list.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (b)


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Geography and Environment 78









5 Science and Tech

Space Technology

Angara A5: Russia’s first post-soviet Space rocket

About Angara A5:
y The Angara project began in the 1990s after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
y It is a three-stage rocket, considered an ‘eco-rocket’ due to its use of kerosene and oxygen as
y It lifted off from the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia’s far east. This launch was its fourth
orbital test mission.

Why in the News?

y Russia recently successfully tested the launch of Angara-A5

ISRO’s ‘zero orbital debris’ milestone & the space debris crisis
About Space debris:
y It mainly comprises pieces of spacecraft, rockets, and defunct satellites, and the fragments of
objects that have deteriorated explosively as a result of anti-satellite missile tests.
y Currently, there are no international space laws about LEO debris.
y However, most space-exploring nations abide by the Space Debris Mitigation Guidelines 2002
specified by the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC), which the U.N.
endorsed in 2007.

Why in the News?

y ISRO has said its PSLV-C58/XPoSat mission has practically left zero debris in Earth’s orbit.

Statio Shiv Shakti- Landing site of Chandrayaan

80 Science and Tech

Key Points about Shiv-Shakti:
y These words from Indian mythology represent the masculine (“Shiva”) and feminine (“Shakti”)
duality of nature.
y This name aligns with IAU’s guidelines, which prohibit names with political, military, or religious

About the International Astronomical Union (IAU):

Year of establishment y 1919

HQ y Paris

y A non-governmental organization.
y It involves professional astronomers, active in professional
About research and education in astronomy.
y It assigns designations and names to celestial bodies (stars,
planets, asteroids, etc.) and any surface features on them.
y To promote astronomy in all its aspects, including research,
Objective communication, education, and development, through
international cooperation.

Why in news?
y The International Astronomical Union (IAU) working group for Planetary System Nomenclature
has approved the name Statio Shiv Shakti for the landing site of Chandrayaan-3’s Vikram lander.

PRATUSH Radio Telescope- To study the Universe from the Moon’s Far Side

y PRATUSH (Probing ReionizATion of the Universe using Signal from Hydrogen) is being built by
the Raman Research Institute (RRI) and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).
y It will study when the first stars formed in our universe and the nature of the first stars.
y Initially, ISRO will place PRATUSH into orbit around the earth. After some fine-tuning, the space
agency will launch it moonwards.
y Advantages: Operating in free space and lesser ionosphere impact.

Science and Tech 81

Why in news?
y India is among the countries looking to put high-resolution telescopes on the far side of the
moon. India has proposed the PRATUSH Telescope.

3D Map of the Universe and Dark Energy by Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI)

Why in News?
y Recently, an international team, including researchers from India, used the Dark Energy
Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) to create the most detailed three-dimensional map of the
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI):
y DESI is a unique piece of equipment that, once fitted over a telescope, can capture light from
5,000 galaxies at the same time.
y DESI is a collaboration of more than 900 researchers in institutions across the world. From
India, TIFR (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research) is the only participating institution.
y DESI is mounted over the Mayall 4-Meter Telescope in Arizona, United States.

Key Points:
y The universe is composed of:
⚪ Normal Matter: Everything visible, making up less than 5% of the universe.
⚪ Dark Matter: Invisible, making up about 27% of the universe, it forms a gravitational web
that structures the cosmos.
⚪ Dark Energy: Mysterious energy making up about 68% of the universe, believed to drive its
accelerated expansion.
y DESI’s observations have enabled scientists to measure the distances between galaxies
precisely, resulting in a 3D map of the universe.
y DESI has also helped determine the universe’s expansion rate.

Science and Tech 82

Kodaikanal Solar Observatory - Palani Hills- Tamil Nadu
What is is Solar Observatory?
y Purpose: Dedicated to observing and studying the Sun.
y Instruments: Utilizes specialized telescopes and tools to observe solar phenomena.
y Importance: Critical for understanding solar activity’s impact on Earth’s climate and space

Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KoSO):

y 1899: Established after the Great Drought of 1875-1877 highlighted a potential connection
between solar activity and seasonal rainfall patterns (Under Deptt. Of Science & Tech.)
y 1971: Merged with Indian Institute of Astrophysics
y Location: Southern tip of the Palani Hills, Tamil Nadu.
y Contributions: First detected the Evershed effect (apparent radial flow of gas observed in the
outer region of the sunspots) in 1909, linking solar activity to monsoons.
India’s Aditya-L1 Mission: Aditya-L1 is the first space-based observatory class Indian solar mission
to study the Sun from a substantial distance of 1.5 million kilometers.

Why in News?
y Kodaikanal Solar Observatory recently celebrated the milestone of its 125th Anniversary.

TSAT-1A- The sub-meter optical satellite

Why in news?
y The sub-metre optical satellite of Tata
Advanced Systems Limited (TASL) was
successfully deployed into space.

About TSAT-1A:
y Assembled at TASL’s Vemagal facility in
y Launched by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from
the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
y It will deliver high-resolution optical
satellite images with increased collection capacity, through its multispectral and hyperspectral

Development of Carbon-Carbon (C-C) Nozzle by ISRO

What is a C-C Nozzle?
y A rocket nozzle takes a combustible liquid or gas and transforms the chemical energy of that
fuel into kinetic energy used for propulsion.
y The new C-C nozzle is treated with an anti-oxidation coating of Silicon Carbide, which enhances
its resistance to oxidation and also increases its durability in extreme environments.
y Current Application: The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)-4 uses twin engines with nozzles
made from Columbium alloy.
y Benefit: It would enhance the PSLV’s payload capacity as C-C nozzles are lighter than previously
used ones.

Science and Tech 83

Why in news?
y ISRO successfully engineered a lightweight Carbon-Carbon (C-C) nozzle designed to improve
the performance metrics of rocket engines.

Nuclear Technology

Artificial Sun- South Korean Scientists Achieve 100 million degrees Celsius in a Nuclear Fusion
Why in news?
y A new world record was announced by
scientists in South Korea in a nuclear
fusion experiment.

Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced

Research device (KSTAR)
About the achievement:
y The Experiment was conducted using
the Korea Superconducting Tokamak
Advanced Research device (KSTAR)
which aims to replicate the fusion
reactions in stars.
y KSTAR sustained such high temperatures
for 48 seconds
y Korean scientists seek to sustain these
temperatures for at least 300 seconds by 2026.
y These experiments will feed into the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor’s
development in southern France, which is also called ITER..

Aspect Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Fission

Combines two light atomic nuclei Splits a heavy atomic nucleus into two
to form a heavier nucleus or more lighter nuclei
Energy Release Releases a large amount of energy Releases a large amount of energy
Requires extremely high
Can occur at lower temperatures and
Reaction Rate temperatures and pressures to
Produces minimal radioactive Produces radioactive waste that needs
Waste Produced
waste to be carefully managed
Fuel sources like hydrogen Requires specific heavy elements like
Fuel Availability
isotopes are abundant uranium-235 or plutonium-239
More challenging to control and Easier to control and sustain the
Reaction Control
sustain the reaction reaction

Science and Tech 84

Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Shallow Fakes
About Shallow Fakes:
y They are morphed images and videos created without AI technology.

Difference between shallow and deepfake:

Criteria Deepfake Shallow Fake

Complexity Utilizes advanced AI technology. Created using basic editing software.

Highly realistic and difficult to
Realism Less realistic and easier to identify.
Alters facial features, voice and Usually involves simple modifications like
actions in videos. speed changes or cropping.
Often used for malicious purposes
Intent Typically used for entertainment.
such as spreading misinformation.
Challenging to detect without Can be identified through visual cues or
specialized software. inconsistencies.

Why in news?
y Shallow fakes are increasingly used during mega-political events across the world.

Biotechnology and Health

Euvichol-S: Oral Cholera Vaccine

Key Points:
y About: It is a simplified formulation of the oral cholera vaccine (OCV) Euvichol-Plus.
y Manufacturer: South Korea-based EuBiologics Co., Ltd.
y Potential Solution: The IVI claims that it can pave the way for a potential solution to the critical
shortage of OCV worldwide.
y Third Product in the Family: It is the third product of the same family of vaccines for cholera
listed in the WHO prequalification list.
Cholera Disease
y About: It is a water-borne disease.
y Caused by: An acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium
Vibrio cholerae.
y Symptoms: Profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting, and leg cramps.
y Transmission: A person may get cholera by drinking water or eating food contaminated with
the cholera bacterium. The disease can spread rapidly in areas with inadequate treatment of
sewage and drinking water.
y Vaccine: Currently, there are three WHO pre-qualified oral cholera vaccines (OCV), Dukoral,
Shanchol, and Euvichol-Plus.

Science and Tech 85

Why in News?
y Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) prequalified a new oral vaccine for Cholera
called Euvichol-S.

NexCar19 takes India to the next level in cancer care

About CAR-T cell therapy:
y It is a type of immunotherapy that involves modifying a patient’s T cells, a type of white blood
cell that plays a crucial role in the immune system, to recognize and attack cancer cells.
y This treatment is intended to target particular proteins, including CD19, which is frequently
present in B cells, that are located on the surface of cancer cells.

Why in the News?

y Recently, the President of India launched India’s first indigenously developed CAR T-cell therapy,
hailing it as a breakthrough against cancer.

Geroscience: the science related to ageing

About Geroscience:
y Dr Daniel Belsky, an epidemiologist at Columbia University, New York, has coined the term
‘geroscience’, meaning geriatric, or related to age.
y It is a field of research that focuses on the biological processes of ageing and aims to understand
how ageing leads to increased susceptibility to disease.

Why in the News?

y Dr Daniel Belsky & his group have devised a method which studies the formation of methyl groups
through an enzyme in the DNA of senior citizens, which can aid development in .‘geroscience’

Men5CV Vaccine- Against all Strains of Meningitis

About the vaccine:
y It was approved by the WHO.
y It safeguards against five strains of meningococcus bacteria in one shot, surpassing earlier

Science and Tech 86

Meningitis belt:
y It is a region in sub-Saharan Africa where the rate of incidence of meningitis is very high.
y It includes: Gambia, Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria,
Cameroon, Chad, Central African Republic, Sudan, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia,

About Meningitis:
y It is an inflammation of the fluid and three membranes (meninges) surrounding the brain and
spinal cord.
y It can be caused by several species of bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
y Some viral and bacterial meningitis are contagious and can be transmitted by coughing,
sneezing, or close contact.
y Symptoms: Neck stiffness, fever, confusion or altered mental status, headaches, nausea and
y Prevention: Vaccination offers the best protection against common types of bacterial

Why in news?
y Nigeria has introduced the world’s first vaccine against all strains of meningitis (Men5CV vaccine).

Lumpy Skin Disease

y It is a viral disease that affects cattle. It is genetically related to the

goatpox and sheeppox virus family.
y Blood-feeding insects, such as certain species of flies and
Transmitted by
mosquitoes, or ticks.
y Fever, nodules on the skin, and can also lead to death, especially
in animals that have not previously been exposed to the virus.
y Reluctance to move and eat.
Symptoms y Skin nodules develop around the head, neck, genitals and limbs.
y Swelling of limbs, brisket and genitals may occur.
y Control of animal movement, Restriction with affected animals,
Preventive Measures
and persons dealing with such animals, Vaccination.

Why in News?
y In a breakthrough, a multi-institutional team of scientists has unveiled critical insights into the
evolution and origin of lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) strains which led to outbreaks in India.

Nano Hydroxyapatite-based Porous Composite in Bone Grafting and other applications

Bone grafting is a surgical technique used to repair and reconstruct bones affected by disease
or injury.

Science and Tech 87

Nano Hydroxyapatite-based Porous Composite Scaffolds:
y These scaffolds (biomaterial that provide the structural support ) are biodegradable and
promote bone healing and regeneration.
y They have properties for bone regeneration.

y Used in orthopedic and dental implants, bone
graft substitutes, prosthetic device coatings,
and tissue engineering scaffolds.
y Fillers in large-size bone defects without
compromising connectivity and structural

Why in News?
y IIT Kanpur signed an MoU with Canada-
based biotechnology company Conlis Global
for licensing an innovative bone healing

Longevity India Initiative by the Indian

Institute of Science (IISc)
About the Initiative:
y Objective:
⚪ It aims to address issues connected to aging and increase human health span.
⚪ To advance our understanding of aging and to develop solutions that can enhance quality
of life.
⚪ To develop new therapeutics and technologies to aid in healthy aging.

Why in news?
y Longevity India Initiative was recently launched.

FSSAI investigating Ethylene Oxide

About Ethylene Oxide:
y Classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, ethylene
oxide is a pesticide used by the spice industry to reduce microbial contamination.
y It is a colourless, highly flammable, and reactive gas known for its bactericidal properties.

Health Implications:
y Ethylene oxide can damage DNA during sterilization procedures, posing a risk of cancer and
other health issues.
y Chronic exposure, even at low levels, can increase the risk of cancers like leukemia, stomach
cancer, and breast cancer, along with respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.

Bans on Ethylene Oxide:

y The European Union (EU) banned ethylene oxide for fumigation of food and animal feed in 2011,
permitting its use only for disinfection and sterilization of medical devices.

Science and Tech 88

Why in news?
y The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is investigating the presence of cancer-
causing chemicals in powdered spice mixes sold in India.
y Hong Kong and Singapore withdrew spice mixes from Indian manufacturers, MDH and Everest,
due to high levels of the carcinogen ethylene oxide.

Technology in News

Submersible Platform for Acoustic Characterisation and Evaluation (SPACE)

About SPACE:
y It is set up by the Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory of the Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO).
y It will serve as a world-class center for testing and assessment of sonar systems.
y It will serve the needs of sample analysis and data processing ushering in a new era of research
capabilities for anti-submarine warfare.
y It will be deployed by the Indian Navy on a variety of platforms, such as helicopters, ships, and
About SONAR (sound navigation and ranging):
y A system for the detection of objects underwater by emitting sound pulses and measuring
their return after being reflected.

Why in news?
y SPACE, a premier testing & evaluation hub for sonar systems for the Indian Navy, was inaugurated
in Kerala.

How a beam of sunlight was directed to the forehead of Lord Ram

About Surya Tilak Project:
y The technique uses a specific configuration of lenses
and mirrors to focus sunlight directly onto an idol’s
forehead. It is an optomechanical setup.
y It was developed by scientists from the Central
Building Research Institute (CBRI) in Roorkee.
y Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) under the
Department of Science and Technology: Calculations
of the sun’s position, technical support for the
optical system.

Why in the News?

y The magnificent Surya Tilak Project recently took
place in Ayodhya, bringing sunlight to the forehead
of Sri Ram Lalla.

Science and Tech 89

Novel Hydrogel to Remove Microplastics by Indian Institute of Science (IISc)

What is Hydrogel?
y A hydrogel is a water-based substance that contains a network of polymer chains capable of
holding a large amount of water while maintaining its structure.

New Invention by IIsc:

y The new hydrogel features a three-layer polymer structure and uses nanoclusters of copper
y It degrades microplastics using UV light irradiation.
Microplastics: Microplastics are small plastic particles under five millimeters, often broken down
from larger plastics due to environmental factors such as UV radiation and physical wear.

Why in News?
y IISc researchers have developed a sustainable hydrogel that removes microplastics from water,
addressing their environmental and health impacts.

Science and Tech 90

Indelible Ink
y About: It contains silver nitrate, a colourless compound.
y Visibility: The ink’s colourless compound becomes
visible when exposed to ultraviolet light, including
y Ink Quality: The higher the silver nitrate concentration,
around 20 percent, the higher the ink’s quality.
y Composition: This water-based ink also contains a
solvent like alcohol to allow its faster drying.
y Manufacturer: The indelible ink was first manufactured at the Election Commission of India’s
(ECI) request by the government’s Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
y Representation of the People Act (RoPA) of 1951: It includes provisions regarding the use of
indelible ink during elections.
Why in News?
y With the first phase of voting for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections beginning on April 19, the usage
of indelible ink has come into focus.

Probable MCQs
Q. The 125th anniversary of the iconic Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KSO) was celebrated on 1
April 2024 by Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA). It is located in:
(a) Karnataka
(b) Kerala
(c) Andhra Pradesh
(d) Tamil Nadu
Answer: (d)

Q. The term ‘doxxing’, recently in the news, represents:

(a) Practice of sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a reputable
(b) Bluetooth hacking that allows someone to access your phone without your knowledge
(c) Deceptive marketing that overstates a company’s commitment to responsible social
(d) Act of digitally publicising a person’s private details
Answer: (d)

Q. Consider the following pairs:

Nuclear Power Plant : Location
1. Kalpakkam : Kerala
2. Kudankulam : Tamil Nadu
3. Kaiga : Karnataka
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) Only one
(b) Only Two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (b)

Science and Tech 91




USHA MEHTA (25 MARCH 1920 – 11 AUGUST 2000)











6 History and Culture

GI Tag for Tripura’s Traditional Items

Why in news?
Matabari Pera and Pachra, have received the Geographical Indication (GI) tag.
Matabari Pera

y A dairy-based confectionery item traditionally served as

prasad at the Tripurasundari temple in Gomati district.


y A handwoven cloth used by the state’s Indigenous


Museum of Meenakari Heritage (MoMH)

Why in the news?
India’s first-of-its-kind meenakari jewelry
museum opens in Jaipur.

About Meenakari Art:

y Minakari or Meenakari involves creating
designs onto the metal surface, which is
then filled with various colors.
y It originated in Iran.
y Meenakari is primarily associated with
y It is also popular in other parts of India,
including Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and
West Bengal.

History and Culture 93

Usha Mehta (25 March 1920 – 11 August 2000)
About Usha Mehta:
y Usha Mehta was born in a village named
Saras, near Surat in Gujarat in 1920.
y 1928: Participated in a protest against the
Simon Commission.
y 1942: Organized underground radio
station during the Quit India Movement.
y 1988: Conferred Padma Vibhushan.

Why in news?
y Recently, the 105th birth anniversary of
Usha Mehta was celebrated..

Mohiniyattam of Kerala

y Mohiniyattam is a classical dance form originating from Kerala.
y Performed by: It is performed by women as a tribute to the Hindu god Vishnu in his avatar as
Mohini, the enchantress. Men can also perform this dance.

y Grace and Elegance: Mohiniyattam combines the grace and elegance of Bharatnatyam with the
vigor of Kathakali.
y Feminine Dance: Mohiniyattam generally narrates the story of the feminine dance of Vishnu.
y Own Style: It has its own Nritta and Nritya aspects like other classical dances.
y Lasya Aspect: The Lasya aspect (beauty and grace) of dance is dominant in a Mohiniyattam
recital. Hence, it is mainly performed by female dancers.
y Costume: The costume colours is white and off-white with the presence of gold-colored
brocade designs.

History and Culture 94

Why in News?
y Recently, the Kerala Kalamandalam, a deemed university for arts and culture, has lifted gender
restrictions to learn Mohiniyattam.

Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Fine Arts)

y Inaugurated by the then Minister for Education, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.
y Established in line with Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s vision for cultural and national identity.

Akademi Headquarters Formation Year

Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) New Delhi 1952

Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA) New Delhi 1954
Sahitya Akademi (SA) New Delhi 1954

Purpose and Functions:

y Promotes Indian arts within and outside India.
y Registered as an autonomous body under the Societies Registration Act 1860.
y Serves as the apex cultural body for visual arts in India, fully funded by the Ministry of Culture.
y Publishes bi-annual art journals: Lalit Kala Contemporary (English), Lalit Kala Ancient (English),
and Samkaleen Kala (Hindi).

Why in News?
y The Ministry of Culture has recently curtailed the powers of the Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA)
Chairman, barring him from taking any administrative actions without consulting the ministry.

Vaikom Satyagraha (30 March 1924 to 23 November 1925)

About Vaikom Satyagraha:
y It was a movement against untouchability and caste discrimination.
y It took place in the vicinity of the Mahadev temple in the Kottayam district of Kerala.
y This Satyagraha was to establish the rights of the oppressed classes to walk on the roads to
the Shree Mahadeva Temple.
y Leaders who led the movement: T.K. Madhavan, K.P. Kesava Menon, K. Kelappan (also known
as Kerala Gandhi).
y Success of the movement:
⚪ Oppressed castes were given the right to move on public roads in the vicinity of all temples
in Travancore.
⚪ It led to the Temple Entry Proclamation (1936) by the Maharaja of Travancore, which lifted
the ban on the entry of marginalized castes into Travancore temples.

Why in news?
y This year marked the 100th anniversary of Vaikom Satyagraha.

History and Culture 95

Padta Bet near Juna Khatiya: Harappan Settlement Discovery Near Kutch
Why in News?
y Archaeologists have unearthed remains of a 5,200-year-old Harappan settlement near Kutch,
1.5 km from Juna Khatiya, an early Harappan mass burial ground.

Key Findings:
y The discovery includes a skeleton, pottery artifacts, and animal bones on a hillock called Padta
Bet, indicating a network of small Harappan settlements linked to Juna Khatiya. The discovery
suggestd domestication and agricultural practices.
y The findings also suggest Juna Khatiya served as a common burial site for nearby settlements.
y The presence of a skeleton within the settlement at Padta Bet hints at changing burial practices
over time, possibly related to the Late Harappan era.

Azad Hind Government- Self declared First Provincial Government of Free India
Key Points:

Role/Ministry Person

Head of State
Prime Minister Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Minister of War
Women’s Organization Captain Lakshmi
Publicity Wing S.A. Ayer
Supreme Adviser Ras Behari Bose

y About: On October 21, 1943, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose announced the establishment of the
‘Arzi Hukumat-e-Azad Hind’ or the provincial government of free India in Singapore
y Support from Axis Powers: The government garnered support from the Axis powers, including
Imperial Japan, Nazi Germany, the Italian Social Republic, and their allies.
y Proclamation of Authority: The Azad Hind government swiftly asserted authority over Indian
civilian and military personnel in Southeast Asian British colonial territory after its formation.

Why in News?
y In a recent interview, an electoral candidate claimed that Subhas Chandra Bose, not Jawaharlal
Nehru, was the first prime minister of independent India.

History and Culture 96

Operation Meghdoot - 13 April 1984

About Operation Meghdoot:

y It was the codename for the Indian Army operation to take full control of the Siachen Glacier
in Ladakh.
y Objective: To prevent the Pakistan Army from seizing control of the Sia La and Bilafond La
y It resulted in Indian forces gaining full control of the Siachen Glacier.

Strategic Importance of Siachen Glacier:

y It sets the boundary between Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
y Saltoro Ridge in Siachen acts as a division that averts the linkage of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
with China directly, prohibiting the two from developing geographical military alliances.

Why in news?
y April 13, 2024 marks forty years of Operation Meghdoot.

Mahad Satyagraha
y It is also known as Chavdar Tale Satyagraha. It was aimed against Hindu opposition to opening
Mahad tank to all communities. It emphasized self-elevation, self-help, self-respect, and self-
y Ambedkar’s visionary leadership drove Mahad Satyagraha.

History and Culture 97

Key Events:
y The Bole resolution (1923) by SK Bole proposed opening public places to untouchables.
y The Municipal Board of Mahad passed orders to open the tank, opposed by high-caste Hindus.
y Ambedkar organized a conference of 10,000 untouchable delegates in Mahad, March 20, 1927.
y Delegates asserted the right to water from the tank after the conference.
y Manusmriti burnt on December 25th, 1937, as a protest.
y Bombay High Court ruled in favor of untouchables’ right to use tank water in December 1937.
y March 20 is observed as Social Empowerment Day in India to commemorate Mahad Satyagraha.

Why in News?
y The Mahad Satyagraha is considered to be the ‘foundational event’ of the Dalit movement. It
was recently in focus due to Dr. B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary.

This day in History

Date Events

1 April
2 April 1894 Coronation of Chhatrapati Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj.
Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian to go into
3 April 1984
space as he launched aboard the Soyuz T-11.
Joseph Stalin became the first General Secretary of the Communist
3 April 1922 Party of the Soviet Union.

The second Saturn V rocket was launched to begin the Apollo 6 mission,
4 April 1968
the second uncrewed test of the Moon rocket and Apollo spacecraft.
Mahatma Gandhi reached Dandi, a small coastal village in Gujarat, after
traveling 385 kms with 78 followers to break the recently imposed
5 April 1930
“”Salt Law””. This event is known as ‘Dandi March’ and was started
from Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
The formation of the Communist government in Kerala headed by EMS
5 April 1957
6 April 1896 The modern Olympic Games began in Athens, Greece.
Mahatma Gandhi started a non-violent Satyagraha against the unjust
6 April 1919
Rowlatt Act passed by the British government.
7 April 1934 Mahatma Gandhi suspended his campaign of civil disobedience in India.
World Health Day. The date of 7 April marks the anniversary of the
founding of WHO in 1948.The WHO has declared health to be a
7 April 1948 fundamental right. The theme this year is “ My Health My Right”.
WHO has cautioned that promoting health equity is the need of the

History and Culture 98

India and Pakistan sign the Liaquat-Nehru Agreement. It was a bilateral
treaty between India and Pakistan in which refugees were allowed
8 April 1950 to return to dispose of their property, abducted women and looted
property were to be returned, forced conversions were unrecognized,
and minority rights were confirmed.
Mangal Pandey, the first revolutionary of Indian mutiny and freedom
8 April 1857
fighter, was hanged till death at Barrackpore.
9 April 1991 Georgia declared independence from the Soviet Union.
Arya Samaj was founded by Dayananda Saraswati on 10th April 1875
in Bombay. It promoted values and practices based on the beliefs of
10 April 1875
the Vedas. People of this community believed in one god and rejected
worshiping of idols.
11 April 1919 Establishment of the International Labor Organization.
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. The British troops fired on a large crowd of
unarmed Indians in an open space known as the Jallianwala Bagh in
13 April 1919
Amritsar, killing several hundred people and wounding many hundreds
The tenth Guru of the Sikhs, Guru Govind Singh, established the Khalsa
14 April 1699 Panth. Its formation was a key event in the history of Sikhism. The
founding of Khalsa is celebrated by Sikhs during the festival of Vaisakhi.
Yugoslavia surrendered to Germany during World War II. The Kingdom
17 April 1941
of Yugoslavia was then occupied and partitioned by the Axis powers.
17 April 1946 Syria gained independence from France.
The Sangama dynasty was founded by Harihara I and Bukka. Their
18 April 1336 father had been taken prisoner in 1327 by Muhammad bin Tughluq. They
founded Vijayanagara in 1336.
It was formally disbanded and its powers and functions were transferred
19 April 1946
to the United Nations,
The German army used poisonous gas chlorine for the first time in
22 April 1915
World War I.
Subhas Chandra Bose, resigned from the Indian Civil Service, and
22 April 1921
formed South Calcutta Sevak Samiti after returning to India.
23 April 2005 The first-ever YouTubevideo, Me at the zoo, was uploaded.
24 April 1929 The first non-stop flight from England to India took off.
25 April 1982 The first color broadcast on television in Delhi.
A massive explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Russia
26 April 1986
released radioactive material into the atmosphere.
The University of Calcutta gave the first approval for eligibility for
27 April 1877
women in the field of university education.

History and Culture 99

The National Defence College (NDC), New Delhi, was inaugurated on
28 April 1960
this day by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
The Battle of Attock took place on 28 April 1758 between the Maratha
28 April 1758 Empire and the Durrani Empire. The Marathas, under Raghunathrao
(Raghoba), delivered a decisive victory and Attock was captured.
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose resigned from Congress. Dr Rajendra
29 April 1939
Prasad was elected as the next President of the Congress.
World War II: Representatives of the German command in Italy signed
the surrender, and it became effective on May 2, 1945. Five days later,
29 April 1945
on May 7, 1945, Germany surrendered unconditionally to the western
Allies, ending the war in Europe.
The Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993 entered into force,
29 April 1997 outlawing the production, stockpiling, and use of chemical weapons by
its signatories.
George Washington took the oath of office to become the first elected
30 April 1789
President of the United States.
J. J. Thomson announced his discovery of the electron as a subatomic
30 April 1897
Gandhiji established his residence in the village Shegaon which he
30 April 1936
renamed as Sevagram, which means village of service.

Probable MCQs:
Q. Consider the following pairs:
Excavation sites in news: Related to
1. Phanigiri : Buddhism
2. Padta Bet : Sangam period
3. Keeladi : Indus Valley civilisation
How many of the above pairs are correctly matched?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (a)

Q. Operation Meghdoot, sometimes seen in the news, is related to:

(a) Taking control over the Siachen Glacier
(b) Pushing back infiltrators in the Kargil War
(c) Rescuing Indian from Yemen
(d) neutralising militancy in Punjab
Answer: (a)

Q. Who among the following started the journal ‘The Indian Sociologist’?
(a) Shyamji Krishna Varma

History and Culture 100

(b) Madam Bhikaji Cama
(c) Sohan Singh Bhakna
(d) Surendranath Banerjee
Answer: (a)

Q. With reference to Vaikom Satyagraha, Consider the following statements:

1. It was a satyagraha against untouchability in Hindu society.
2. It was led by K.P. Kesava.
3. Mahatma Gandhi supported this Satyagraha.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) All three
(d) None
Answer: (c)

Q. Consider the following statements in the context of UNESCO Global Geoparks network:
1. UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes
of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection,
education and sustainable development.
2. UNESCO Global Geoparks designation is permanent.
3. Two sites of India are part of UNESCO Global Geoparks network.
4. Enshi Grand Canyon-Tenglongdong Cave and Impact Crater Lake of Poland are recently
added to the UNESCO Global Geoparks network.
How many of the above statements are correct?
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
(c) Only three
(d) All four
Answer: (a)

History and Culture 101


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History and Culture 102








Book in News

Until August: The Lost Novel y By Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

y The book describes a middle aged woman
who travels to a Caribbean island to lay
flowers on her mother’s grave.
y On the eighth of these pilgrimages, without
premeditation, she invites a man who – like
her – is sitting alone in the hotel bar, to
come up to her room.
y They fell in love.

Knife Memoir y By Salman Rushdie.

y It is an account of survival, recovery, and
the triumph of love over darkness.

The Winner’s Mindset y By Shane Watson.

y Watson shares the insights and strategies
that enabled him to conquer his fears and
reach new heights in his cricketing career.

India’s Nuclear Titans y Edited by Soumya Awasthi and Shrabana

y The book traces the evolution of India into a
nuclear state while highlighting the pivotal
roles played by renowned figures like Homi
Bhabha, Vikram Sarabhai, Abdul Kalam, and
K. Subrahmanyam, among others.

104 PIN-GK
Heavenly Islands of Goa y Released by P.S. Sreedharan Pillai, the
Governor of Goa.
y It is a comprehensive monograph that
explores the etymology, heritage, caves,
forts, temples, churches, biodiversity,
tourist attractions, accessibility, and
personal testimonials of those who have
visited these islands.

India — the Road to Renaissance: A Vision and y By Bhimeswara Chall.

an Agenda. y The book is a passionate plea for a new,
resurgent India – a call to action for all
those who refuse to accept the status
quo and demand a brighter future for the

Just a Mercenary?: Notes from My Life and y By D Subba Rao.

Career. y The book takes readers on a captivating
journey through his distinguished career,
spanning diverse roles from sub-collector
to finance secretary and ultimately, the
helm of the central bank.

The Law and Spirituality: Reconnecting the y Edited by Professor Raman Mittal and
Bond Professor Seema Singh.
y The book’s primary focus lies in uncovering
the profound spiritual underpinnings that
have long shaped the development of the
legal system.
y The editors recognize that spirituality, as
the progenitor of ethics and morality, has
consistently provided a guiding context for
determining the validity and application of

PIN-GK 105
The Idea of Democracy y By Sam Pitroda.
y The book addresses the paradox of
democratic success coupled with its liberal
decline. It provides a detailed analysis of
the essence of democracy, its workings,
the values it needs to encapsulate, and
the forces and safeguards that can help
preserve liberal democracy.

Person in News

y She was an Indian social reformer and

Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay (3 April 1903 – 29
freedom activist.
October 1988)
y She is known for her contribution to the
revival of Indian handicrafts, handlooms,
and theater in independent India.
y She is the first lady in India to stand in
elections from Madras Constituency.
y 1955: Padma Bhushan.
y 1974: Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellowship.
y 1987:Padma Vibhushan.
y She is known as Hathkargha Maa for her
works in the handloom sector.
Laxman Nayak or Laxman Naik (22 November y The Ministry of Tribal Affairs highlighted the
1899 – 29 March 1943) contribution of Laxman Nayak.
y He was a tribal leader of Bhumihar
community from Odisha.
y Also known as Gandhi of Malkangiri region.
y 1940: Participated in individual satyagraha.

Peter Higgs (29 May 1929 – 8 April 2024) y He proposed the existence of the God
particle that helped explain how matter
formed after the Big Bang.
y His theory related to how subatomic
particles that are the building blocks of
matter get their mass.
y 2013: Won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his
work, alongside Francois Englert of Belgium,
who independently came up with the same
y Peter Higgs recently passed away at the age
of 94.

PIN-GK 106
Mangal Pandey (19 July 1827-8 April 1857) y Remembered on his death anniversary.
y He was a sepoy in the 34th Bengal Native
Infantry (BNI) regiment of the British East
India Company.
y He refused to used greased cartridges
issued by the East India Company.
y He was one of the first freedom fighters
from India executed by the British.
y His martyrdom led to the revolution that
sparked the nationalist sentiments of the
people across the country.

Simon Harris y Simon Harris Becomes Ireland’s Youngest-

Ever Prime Minister At 37

Mahatma Jyotirao Govindrao Phule (11 April y PM Modi paid tribute to Jyotiba Phule on his
1827 – 28 November 1890) birth anniversary.
y He was a writer, social reformer and
y Started his first school for girls in 1848 in
y He formed the Satyashodhak Samaj (Society
of Truth Seekers) to attain equal rights for
people from lower castes.
y Books: Tritiya Ratna, Gulamgiri,Shetkarayacha

Kandukuri Veeresalingam (16 April 1848 – 27 y He was a social reformer and writer from
May 1919) the Madras Presidency, British India.
y He is considered as the father of the Telugu
Renaissance movement.
y He encouraged the education of women
and the remarriage of widows.
y He also fought against child marriage and
the dowry system.
y He is often considered Raja Ram Mohan Roy
of Andhra.
y He was known by the title Gadya Tikkana.

PIN-GK 107
Gopi Thokatura y Entrepreneur and pilot Gopi Thotakura is
set to become the first Indian to venture
into space as a tourist on the NS-25 mission
of Blue Origin — a company founded by Jeff
Bezos, who is also the founder of Amazon.

Dheeran Chinnamalai (17 April 1756-31 July y Remembered on his birth anniversary.
1805) y He was a chieftain who ruled the Kongu
Nadu region of the present day western
Tamil Nadu.
y He fought against the British East India
Company, was later captured and hanged
by the British.

Thakur Ranmat Singh y The Ministry of Tribal Affairs highlighted the

contribution of Thakur Ranmat Singh.
y He was one of the most prominent leaders
of the 1857 unrest in the region.
y Set up a military organization in the jungle.
y He held the rank of a Sardar in the service
of the Maharaja of Rewa.

Pandita Ramabai Sarasvati (23 April 1858 – 5 y She was a social reformer and freedom
April 1922) fighter.
y She started Sharada Sadan for child widows.
y Founded Mukti Mission near the city of
y The mission was later named Pandita
Ramabai Mukti Mission.
y She was one of the ten women delegates of
the Congress session of 1889.
y 1919: Awarded Kaisar e Hind.

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan ( 5 September 1888 y Remembered on his death anniversary.

– 17 April 1975) y Indian politician, philosopher and statesman
who served as the second president of India
from 1962 to 1967.
y 1939 to 1948: Served as Vice Chancellor of
Banaras Hindu University.
y 1954: Awarded Bharat Ratna.
y Since 1962, his birthday has been celebrated
in India as Teachers’ Day on 5 September
every year.

PIN-GK 108
B R Ambedkar (14 April 1891 – 6 December y He was a jurist, economist, social reformer
1956) and political leader who headed the
committee drafting the Constitution of India
from the Constituent Assembly debates,
served as Law and Justice minister in
the first cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru, and
inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement after
renouncing Hinduism.
y His 133rd Birth Anniversary was recently

Srinivasa Ramanujan (22 December 1887 – 26 y Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian

April 1920) mathematician.
y He had no formal training in pure
mathematics, he made substantial
contributions to mathematical analysis,
number theory, infinite series, and continued

Yuvraj Singh y Appointed as ICC Men’s T20 World Cup 2024


Narsingh Yadav y Former Commonwealth Games gold

medalist Narsingh Pancham Yadav was
elected the Chairman of the Athletes
Commission of the Wrestling Federation of
India (WFI) on 24 April 2024.

PIN-GK 109
Professor Naima Khatoon y Professor Naima Khatoon was appointed
as the first woman Vice-Chancellor of the
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).

Gita Sabarwal y The United Nations Secretary-General,

António Guterres, has appointed Gita
Sabharwal of India as the new UN Resident
Coordinator in Indonesia.

Nalin Prabhat y A 1992 batch Indian Police Service (IPS)

officer of the Andhra Pradesh cadre, has
been appointed as the Director-General of
the National Security Guard (NSG).

Vice Admiral Dinesh Kumar Tripathi y Appointed as Next Chief of the Naval Staff.
y He will succeed Admiral R Hari Kumar.

Jagjit Pavadia y Jagjit Pavadia was re-elected for a third

term to the International Narcotics Control

PIN-GK 110
Tarun Bajaj y The US-India Strategic and Partnership
Forum (USISPF) has appointed a former
Revenue Secretary as the head of the US-
India Tax Forum.

Manoj Panda y Appointed as full time member of 16th

Finance Commision.

Love Kumar y Indian Police Service officer Love Kumar

has been appointed as the Inspector
General (IG) in the Special Protection Group
(SPG) for a period of two years.

Rakesh Mohan y The World Bank Group has appointed

former Reserve Bank of India (RBI) deputy
governor Rakesh Mohan as a member of its
Economic Advisory Panel.

Ayushmann Khurrana y To urge young people to use their right to

vote in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections,
the Election Commission of India (ECI)
sought the assistance of well-known actor
Ayushmann Khurrana.

PIN-GK 111
Santosh Kumar Jha y Appointed as New CMD of Konkan Railway

Lieutenant General JS Sidana y JS Sidana becomes 33rd Director General

of the Department of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineers (DGEME).

Sanjay Nayar y
Became new President of The Associated
Chambers of Commerce and Industry of

Ms Sheyphali Sharan y Assumed charge as the Principal Director

General, Press Information Bureau.
y She is a 1990 batch of Indian Information

Joyshree Das Verma y Becomes the 41st National President of the

FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) for the year

PIN-GK 112
Bindiyarani Devi y Indian weightlifter Bindyarani Devi won
a bronze medal at the International
Weightlifting Federation (IWF) World Cup
2024 in Phuket, Thailand.
y Bindyarani Devi won in the women’s 55 kg
y Bindyarani Devi and Mirabai Chanu were
the only two Indians competing at the IWF
World Cup 2024.

Places in News

Tajikistan, Capital: Dushanbe y Security services of Tajikistan detained nine

individuals in relation to the Moscow attack.

Romania, Capital: Bucharest y Research center in Romania developed the

world’s most powerful laser.
y This will greatly help in sectors like space,
health etc.

Ecuador, Capital: Quito y Mexico suspended diplomatic ties with

Ecuador after a police raid on the Mexican
Embassy in Quito.

PIN-GK 113
Colombia, Capital: Bogota y Due to low levels of water in reservoirs,
Colombia implemented water rationing.

Mali, Capital: Bamako y Mali banned the media from reporting the
activities of political parties.

Burkina Faso, Capital: Ouagadougou y Burkina Faso suspended operations of BBC

and Voice of America after they reported
mass killings.

PIN-GK 114
Greece, Capital: Athens y A recent study revealed that Greece is
facing a serious population decline.

Kenya, Capital: Nairobi y Heavy rains caused floods in the capital of

Kenya, Nairobi.

Spain, Capital: Madrid y Spanish PM refuses to resign after court

initiated inquiry into corruption allegations
on his wife.

Mt Ruang in Indonesia y Ruang is the southernmost stratovolcano

in the Sangihe Islands arc, North Sulawesi,
y It recently erupted and forced more than
half a dozen airports to close with ash
spreading as far as Malaysia.

PIN-GK 115
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