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University of Cambodia

COM 101 Interpersonal Communication

Conflict Resolution

Name: Kim Ouddommony Date: 06/08/2024

Ms. Marilou Dela Sierra Score: ………………………………………

I. Define the following:

1. Conflict is a serious disagreement and argument between two opposing groups or


2. Fair-fighting is a respectful way of confronting others on issues that are causing conflict. It
involves keeping arguments in the present tense, focusing on solutions, and using
appropriate timing and settings for discussions.

3. Negotiation is a discussion between two or more parties who are trying to work out a
solution to their problems or reach an agreement.

4. Assertive communication is clearly and directly communicating your needs or wants to

another person in a way that respects both parties' rights. It uses "I" statements rather than

5. Passiveness is a non-assertive communication style where people do not express their

opinions or beliefs openly.

6. Aggressiveness is a communication style where people express their own views forcibly
and bluntly without regard for others.
7. Self-responsibility means taking ownership of your own behaviors and reactions rather
than blaming others.

8. Implosive anger is anger directed internally towards oneself.

9. Explosive anger is anger directed outwardly and expressed towards other people.

10. Emphatic assertion involves recognizing another person's perspective first before stating
your own needs; to help the other person understand you are not attacking them.

II. Questions:
1. Differentiate the following:
• Conflict-Active Society: The societies in which conflict is accepted as a normal part of
life, and people, particularly men, enjoy arguing, negotiating, and haggling.

• Conflict-Avoidance Society: The societies in which people believe that they should stay
clear of disagreements. People from certain Asian and Native American cultures find
haggling to be offensive and repulsive.

2. List down the levels of conflict.

• No conflict
• Hidden conflict
• Problem to solve
• Argument
• Help
• Fight or flight
• Intractability

3. Discuss the Types of Conflict and the Sources of Conflict.

→ Types of conflict include interpersonal conflict between individuals and
intrapersonal conflict within a person. Sources of conflict mentioned are
dependence/interdependence, frustration, limited resources, individual
differences, differences in defining relationships, and competition.
4. Describe the Five (5) Approaches in Dealing Conflict. Among those approaches,
which do you prefer? Why?

• Avoidance: Not dealing with the conflict directly, trying to ignore it or postpone
addressing the issue. Sometimes used if the matter is unimportant.

• Compromise: Both sides give up something to find a middle solution where each gets
partially what they want. A temporary or give-and-take solution.

• Accommodation: One side accepts loss or makes concessions to maintain harmony.

Used to placate the other party and preserve relationship over getting one's own way.

• Collaboration: As stated earlier, both sides work as a team through open discussion to
find a mutually agreeable solution integrating everyone's perspectives and priorities.
Focuses on cooperation over competition.

• Competition: Each side competes to win its position, with one party dominating the
decision making. Fast action oriented but can damage relationships long term if

Among these, I prefer collaboration as it involves team work to find a resolution both
parties can support through open discussion and drawing on different perspectives.

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