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1. Please tick one option for reach row on your opinion on the details about organization’s reverse
logistics operations. SDA – Strongly Disagree, DA- Disagree, N- No Opinion, A- Agree, SA- Strongly

No. Statement SDA DA N A SA

Economic Benefit
1 It helps in recovery of company assets when customers return
2 Reverse logistics favourably impacts the costs of the company
3 Leads to more compliance and lower environmental costs
4 Costs like charge backs can be efficiently handled with efficient
reverse logistics processes
5 Investment in inventory can be reduced with efficient reverse
logistics processes
Customer Centric
6 It helps study customer’s preferences and product usage patterns
7 It helps the company to easily customize products for customers
8 Customer satisfaction will improve where there is reverse logistics
9 Reverse logistics helps in producing a reliable product for
10 Reverse logistics helps in transparent information sharing of
returned product status with customers
11 Lead time and customer wait time can be reduced
Product Enhancer
12 It leads to improving product range and product volume
13 New product launches are made easy with efficient reverse logistics
14 Efficient tracking of products is possible
15 It leads to timely repairs and reworking of returns
16. It aids the long term association with supply chain partners
Organisation Benefit
17 It gives a competitive edge to the company
18 Productivity levels of company employees will improve
19 Capacity utilization of company will increase
20 Strategic partnerships can be forged with supply chain partners due
to reverse logistics
21 More accuracy in forecasting can be achieved with reverse logistics
22 Information systems for supply chain can be used more effectively
if there is an efficient reverse logistics process
23 Coordination with wholesalers and retailers will automatically
improve with reverse logistics
24 Repairs and reworking will improve with an efficient reverse
logistics system

2. Please tick one option for reach row for your opinion on the challenges faced in logistics. SDA –
Strongly Disagree, DA- Disagree, N- No Opinion, A- Agree, SA- Strongly Agree

No. Statement SDA DA N A SA

1 Other department functions heavily overlap with logistics
2 Damaged products is challenge often faced in delivery
3 Avoiding wrong or delayed delivery is crucial in logistics
4 Frequency of product returns and repairs in case of end of life
product is a major challenge
5 Skilled manpower is needed for efficient logistics
6 High capital has to be dedicated to logistics
7 Warehousing and security is a challenge in logistics
8 Investment in inventory and planning is a major challenge in
Strategic Decision Making
9 Using third parties can help avoid challenges in logistics
10 Strict rules and regulations must be in place for third party logistics
11 Third party logistics can increase costs for the company and
12 Reverse logistics is a challenge in this operation

3. Please tick one option for each row for your opinion on handling and shipping problems in
logistics. N- Never, R-Rarely, N- No Opinion, O- Often, S-Severe

No. Statement N R NO O S
1 Too slow a litigation or appeal process
2 Complex and complicated process at customs
3 Coordination between various parties
4 Very slow process
HR Issues
5 Staff shortage at customs
6 Corruption and bureaucracy at customs
7 Physical inspection at customs
8 Working hours of customs
9 Too much bureacracy
10 Skilled labour unavailable
11 Poor quality of transport networks
12 Weather conditions often unfavourable
13 Interstate check points cause delays
14 Lack of technology used in warehousing customs, and other agencies
Knowledge and Communication
15 Technical issues at EDI
16 Understanding the valuation and policies of customs
17 Too much security at customs
18 Missing or errorenous documents at customs database
19 Tariff clarification issues
20 Too many documents needed

4. Please tick the correct option for each row

No. Statement YES No

1 Does your organization have driverless vehicles and
drones for logistics maintenance?
2 Does your organization have sensor technology in
maintaining logistics?
3 Does your organization go with 3D printing/
4 Does your organization pay duties perfectly during
5 Does your organization outsource logistics?
6 Does your organization follow the BCR system before
moving the goods to logistics?


5. Designation :________________________
6. Type of organisation (tick any one)
a. Manufacturing
Automobile industry Electronical & Electrical
Beverages / Food Industry goods
Chemical Pharmaceutical
Domestic/Industrial Retail
Gas Apparels
IT Hardware Others, Specify_______
b. Services
Others, Specify_______


7. How far is your inventory location from your unit?

1-10 kms 11-15 kms

16-20 kms More than 21kms

8. What are the transportation opportunities available in your organization?

Multi-modal Transport Inter-modal Transport

Combined Transport Others, Specify __________

9. How do you study customer’s product return patterns?

Market Survey Customer’s Interest

Brand Others, Specify__________

10. How far is your distributor points/re-order points from your manufacturing units?

10-100 kms 101-200 kms

201-300 kms More than 301kms

11. What is the main mode of your distribution network?

___ Warehouse ___ Distributors
____ Supermarkets ____Franchisers
Other Intermediaries Others, Specify __________
12. What is be the percentage of space holding cost for your products in your own inventories?
___0-10% ___ 11-20%
____ 21-30% ____>30%

13. How many inventory points do you hold for your branch?
____ 0-5 ____5-10
____10-15 ____above 20

14. What are the different distribution systems followed by your organization?

____Direct Store Delivery ____One Level Delivery

____Two-Level Delivery ____All the above

15. What are the shipping options you prefer to delivery your products?

____ISO Containers ____Semi-trailers

____Unit Loads ____Others

16. What are the handling systems you follow during shipping?

____Trans-pallet handlers ____Counter-weight handler

____Retractable mass handler ____Bilateral handlers
____Trilateral handlers ____Others, Specify

17. Do you follow any of this type of outsourcing in the organisation?

_____One term Contract ____Spin-off

_____Third-Party Logistics ____Fourth Party Logistics
Others, Specify _________

18. Which method do you use to delivery the product after shipping through waterways?

_____Pick point to distributors at ______Roadways transportation by

shipping place your own organization
_____Handled by third party Others, specify___________

19. Who decides the routing path?

______Your Organization ______Distributor

_____Third Party ______Customer

20. Which type of picking method do you adapt when the product was rejected/reversed by the
______Own transportation ______Transport by customer
_____Third party ______Others

21. What kind of stocking method do you follow during logistics maintenance?

_______Pile stocking
______Cantilever racks


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