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1 Rotational Dynamics

Q: Define circular motion. Give some ����⃗
examples of circular motion. 𝑣𝑣
⃗ =
Ans: Circular motion: - The motion of a  Angular velocity is a vector quantity and
particle along the circumference of a circle its direction is along the axis of rotation,
is called as circular motion. perpendicular to the plane of the circle,
For example: - given by right hand thumb rule
1. Motion of the moon around the earth,
2. Motion of earth around the sun. Q: State Right hand rule.
3. Motion of electron around the nucleus Ans: Right hand rule: Imagine the axis of
4. motion of tips of the hands of the clock rotation to be held in your right hand with
5. motion of roller coaster looping the loop fingers curled around it and thumb stretched
6. motion of hammer thrown in Olympic along the axis of rotation. If curled fingers
games indicate the direction of rotation then thumb
indicates direction of the vectors i.e. angular
Q: State characteristics of circular motion. displacement, angular velocity.
Ans: Characteristics of circular motion:
1 It is an accelerated motion. As the
direction of velocity changes at every
instant, it is an accelerated motion.
2 It is a periodic motion: During the
motion, particle repeats its path along the
same trajectory Thus the motion is
periodic. Q: State relation between linear velocity
Kinematics in Circular motion: and angular velocity.
Ans: Relation between Linear velocity and
Q: Define (a) radius vector (b) angular angular velocity:
displacement (c) angular velocity Relation between tangential velocity 𝑣𝑣⃗ and
Ans: (a) Radius vector 𝑟𝑟⃗-Radius vector is angular velocity 𝜔𝜔 �⃗ is given by,
defined as the vector drawn from the 𝑣𝑣⃗ = 𝜔𝜔�⃗ × 𝑟𝑟⃗
center of the circle to the position of the In scalar form, above equation can be written
particle. as,
(b)Angular displacement – Angular v = ωr
displacement is defined as the angle
described by radius vector in a given time Q: Define angular acceleration.
at the centre of circle. Ans: Angular Acceleration: Rate of change

Angular displacement ‘𝜃𝜃’ is analogous to of angular velocity with respect to time is
linear displacement ‘𝑠𝑠⃗’ in translational called as angular acceleration
motion. Angular acceleration is given by
(c)Angular Velocity – Rate of change of  d ω
angular displacement with respect to time is α=
called as angular velocity Angular acceleration is a vector quantity and
• Average angular velocity is given by, its direction is along the axis of rotation
𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑 perpendicular to the plane of circle. For
�⃗ = accelerated motion (i.e. when angular
• Angular velocity is analogous to linear velocity is increasing) its direction is same as
velocity the direction of angular velocity). For
retarded motion (i.e. when angular velocity is
Shri Physics
decreasing its direction is opposite to the Q: Define period and frequency of circular
direction of angular velocity) motion.
Ans: Period of circular motion (T): Time
required for particle to complete one
revolution is called as period of revolution.
Frequency of circular motion (n): Number
of revolutions performed by a particle per
second is called as frequency of circular

Q: State relation between period and

Q: State relation between tangential linear frequency of circular motion.
acceleration and angular acceleration. Ans:
Ans: Relation between tangential linear Relation between period and frequency:
acceleration and angular acceleration: 1 1
Relation between linear and angular n = or T =
T n
acceleration is given by.
  
at= α × r Q: State relation between period and
In scalar form above equation can be written angular velocity.
as Ans: Relation between period and angular
at = rα velocity:

Q: Define centripetal acceleration or T
radial acceleration. State formula for
centripetal acceleration. What is direction Q: State relation between frequency and
of centripetal acceleration? angular velocity.
Centripetal Acceleration: The acceleration Ans: Relation between frequency and
which is produced to change in direction of angular velocity:
linear velocity in circular motion and which ω = 2π n
is responsible for circular motion is called as
centripetal acceleration or radial Q: What is uniform circular motion?
acceleration. Ans: Uniform circular motion (UCM)-The
Centripetal acceleration is given by, motion of a particle along the circumference
 
ac = −ω 2 r of a circle with constant speed is called as
uniform circular motion.
Its magnitude is given by,
1 In UCM, the direction of linear velocity
a=c = ω 2= r vω changes continuously but its magnitude
r remains constant.
Direction of centripetal acceleration is along 2 Direction of velocity is always tangential
the radius towards the center of the circle. to

 
ac = −ω 2 r

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the circular path. 6 For increasing speed direction of angular
3 The acceleration responsible for this acceleration is the same as direction of
circular motion is radial or centripetal angular velocity while for decreasing
 
which is given by, speed direction of angular acceleration is
ar = −ω r
2 opposite to the direction of angular
4 In UCM magnitude of centripetal
acceleration is given by,
=a ω 2= r = vω
5 Centripetal acceleration is always
directed towards the center of circular
Examples of UCM are, motion of any
particle of ceiling fan when fan is rotating
uniformly. Dynamics of circular motion (Centripetal
force and Centrifugal force)
Q: What is Non-Uniform circular motion? Q: Define centripetal force. State formula
Ans: for centripetal force. What is direction of
NON-UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION centripetal force? 
When a particle is rotating with Ans: Centripetal force ( FCP ):Centripetal
changing speed then it is called as non- force is force acting on particle performing
uniform circular motion. For example when circular motion, which is along radius of
a ceiling fan is switched on or off then its circle and directed towards the center of
speed increases or decreases. This motion is circle
called as non-uniform circular motion. 1 Centripetal force is given by,
1 In non-uniform circular motion 𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣 2
magnitude and direction of linear ������⃗
𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = −𝑟𝑟𝜔𝜔2 𝑟𝑟⃗ = − 3 𝑟𝑟⃗
velocity both changes. Direction of 𝑟𝑟
2 Magnitude of centripetal force is given
linear velocity is always tangential to the
circle which changes at every point.
𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣 2
2 Centripetal acceleration is still directed 𝐹𝐹𝐶𝐶𝐶𝐶 = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝜔𝜔2 = = 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
toward the center of circular motion. But 𝑟𝑟
3 Direction of centripetal force is along the
the magnitude of centripetal or radial
radius towards the center of circle.
acceleration is not constant.
4 Centripetal acceleration is caused by
3 Tangential acceleration which is
centripetal force. This  centripetal

responsible for the non-uniform circular
motion is directed along the tangent to acceleration is given by, ar = −ω 2 r
the circle. For accelerated motion
tangential acceleration is tangentially Q: Define centrifugal force. State formula
forward, while for retarded motion for centrifugal force. What is direction of
tangential accelerations is tangentially centrifugal force?

Ans: Centrifugal force ( FCF ): Pseudo force
4 Magnitude of angular velocity is
changing but direction remains constant acting on a body performing uniform
which is perpendicular to the plane of the circular motion along the radius away from
circle given by right hand rule. the center is called as centrifugal force
5 As the plane of the circular motion  Magnitude of centrifugal force is same as
remains constant direction of angular that of centripetal force.
acceleration is constant and along the FCF = mass × acceleration of reference frame.
axis of circular motion.

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mv 2 Where, µs is coefficient of static friction and
∴ FCF = = mrω 2 = mvω N is normal reaction.
But horizontal surface, N = mg
 In vector form centrifugal force can be
mvmax 2
written as, ∴ = µ s mg
 mv 2  r
FCF = + r= + mω 2 r At the maximum possible speed
vmax = µ s rg
 Centrifugal force is not produced due to
known interaction. It arises due to centripetal This is the expression for maximum
acceleration of frame of reference. Hence it speed of a vehicle moving along a horizontal
is not a real force. For this reason it is called curved road.
as pseudo force. Maximum speed depends upon (i)
coefficient of static friction (ii) radius of
curvature of road and (iii) acceleration due to
Applications of Uniform Circular Motion gravity
Q: Derive an expression for maximum As the term ‘m’ is absent in this
speed of a vehicle moving along a equation, maximum speed does not depend
horizontal circular trace. On what factors on mass of a vehicle.
this force depends? Show that maximum
speed does not depend upon mass of the Q: Derive an expression for minimum
vehicle. speed of a vehicle moving in horizontal
Ans: Vehicle along a horizontal circular circle on vertical cylindrical wall.
track: Ans: Well (or Wall) of Death:
Consider a vehicle moving along a horizontal Consider a vehicle of mass m revolving on a
curved road .Let ‘m’ is the mass of vehicle, v vertical cylindrical one of radius r.
is velocity and r is radius of the curved road. Various forces acting on the vehicle are
The force of static friction provides 1 Normal reaction acting horizontally
centripetal force, necessary for circular inward towards the center.
motion of a vehicle. The force of static 2 Weight mg acting vertically downward
friction prevents vehicle from outward 3 Force of static friction acting vertically
slipping or skidding. It balances the upward between vertical wall and the
centrifugal force. tyres.

Centripetal force = force of static friction

mv 2
= fs Normal reaction N acts as the centripetal
r force necessary for circular motion and force
At the maximum possible speed we can write, of friction fs balance is the weight mg and
mvmax 2 prevents skidding in downward direction.
= ( f s ) max
r mv 2
2 =N mr = ω2 ......(1) …… (1)
mvmax r
= µs N
r mg = fs …………….(2)
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Force of static friction fs is always less than
or equal to µsN
∴ fs ≤ µs N …… (3)
Keeping values of N and fs from equation (1)
and (2) in equation (3) we get,
 mv 2 
∴ mg ≤ µ s  
 r 
µs v 2
∴g ≤
r Ncosθ balances the weight.
∴ µ s v ≥ rg
i.e. Ncosθ = mg_____________(1)
rg Nsinθ acts as the centripetal force.
∴ v2 ≥ mv 2
µs i.e., N sin θ = ___________(2)
∴v ≥ Divide equation (2) by equation (1),
N sin θ mv 2 / r
∴ vmin =
rg N cos θ mg
µs v2
This is the expression for minimum tan θ =
speed with which vehicle can move on
 v2 
vertical cylindrical wall. θ = tan −1  
 
 rg 
Q: Drive and expression for angle of
This is an expression for the angle of
banking. On factors this angle of banking
banking. It depends upon
depends? Show that angle of banking does
 Safety speed of a vehicle.
not depend upon mass of a vehicle.
 Radius of curvature of a curved road.
Ans: Vehicle on a banked road
 Acceleration due to gravity.
The process of raising outer edge of road
As term m is absent in this equation, angle of
over its inner edge through certain angle is
banking does not depend upon mass of a
known as banking of road. The angle made
by the surface of road with horizontal surface
From equation (3), we can write,
of road is called angle of banking.
Consider a vehicle of mass m moving v 2 = rg tan θ
along a curved road. Let v is velocity of a vs = rg tan θ
vehicle, θ is angle of banking and r is radius This is an expression for most safe speed
of curvature. (not a maximum or a minimum speed). It
The various forces acting on the vehicle depends upon,
are  Radius of curvature of a road
 Its weight mg acting in vertically surface.
downward direction  Acceleration due to gravity.
 Normal reaction N acting perpendicular to  Angle of banking.
the road surface As the term m is absent in above equation,
Normal reaction N can be resolved into two maximum speed does not depend upon mass
perpendicular components i.e. of a vehicle.
Ncosθ - in vertically upward direction
Nsinθ - in horizontal direction. Q: Derive an expression for minimum
speed of vehicle moving along banked
curve road.

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Ans: Expression for Minimum speed on But fs = µsN for minimums possible speed
banked Road
Consider a vehicle of moving on banked (m(v1 ) 2min / r ) N sin θ − µ s N cos θ
road as shown in figure ∴ =
mg µ s N sin θ + N cos θ
 sin θ 
N cos θ  − µs 
cos θ
=  
(v )
∴ 1 min
rg  µ s sin θ 
N cos θ  + 1) 
 cos θ 

(v1 ) min
( tan θ − µ s)

rg ( µs tan θ + 1) )
∴ (v1 ) min
( tan θ − µs )
(1 + µs tan θ )
∴ vmin =rg
( tan θ − µs )
m – is mass of a vehicle (1 + µs tan θ )
r – is radius of curvature of road
This is an expression for minimum speed of
θ - is angle of banking a vehicle moving along a banked road. It
µs - coefficient of statistics friction depends upon,
• When speed of vehicle 𝑉𝑉1 < �𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝜃𝜃, 1. Radius of curvature of a road surface.
then various forces acting on the vehicle 2. Acceleration due to gravity.
are, Weight ‘mg’ acting vertically 3. Angle of banking.
downward 4. Coefficient of friction µs.
• Normal reaction N in upward direction As the term m is absent in above equation,
through center of gravity and minimum speed does not depend upon mass
perpendicular to banked road/surface. of a vehicle.
• Force of friction ‘fs’ between road and For µs ≥ tanθ, vmin = 0. This is true for most
tyre along angle of inclination and the rough roads, banked at smaller angles .
upward. If µs = 0, then ∴ vmin = rg tan θ
Normal reaction ‘N’ can be resolved into two
This is the safe speed banked road as we
perpendicular components
don’t take help of friction.
1) Nsinθ horizontally towards center of
curvature (in figure towards left)
Q: Derive an expression of maximum
2) Ncosθ vertically upward speed of a vehicle moving along a banked
Similarly force of friction ‘fs’ can be resolved road. State the factors on which maximum
into two perpendicular components speed depends. Show that maximum speed
1) fs cosθ in horizontal direction opposite to does not depend upon mass of a vehicle.
Nsinθ Ans: Expression for maximum speed on
2) fs sinθ in vertically upward direction banked road:
Weight ‘mg’ balances fssinθ and and N cosθ Consider a vehicle of mass m moving
∴ mg = fs sinθ + N cos θ ……….(1) along a curved road. Let v is velocity of a
Resultant of Nsinθ and fscosθ acts as vehicle, θ is angle of banking and ‘r’ is radius
centripetal force necessary for circular of curvature. Let ‘f’ is frictional force
motion between tyres of the vehicle and road surface.
𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣 2 The various forces acting on the vehicle are
∴ 𝑟𝑟 1 = 𝑁𝑁 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝜃𝜃 − 𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝜃𝜃……(2)
 Its weight mg acting in vertically
Dividing equation (2) by equation (1) we get,
downward direction
(𝑚𝑚𝑣𝑣12 /𝑟𝑟) 𝑁𝑁 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝜃𝜃 − 𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝜃𝜃
𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 𝜃𝜃 + 𝑁𝑁 𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 𝜃𝜃
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 Normal reaction N in upward direction Keeping these values in equation (3) we get.
through center of gravity and 2
(v2 ) max N sin θ + µ s N cos θ
perpendicular to banked road/surface. = …..(4)
rg N cos θ − µ s N sin θ
 sin θ 
N cos θ  + µs 
(v ) 2
 cos θ 
2 max
rg  sin θ 
N cos θ 1 − µ s 
 cos θ 
(v2 ) 2max
( tan θ + µs )
rg (1 − µs tan θ )
(v2 ) max = rg
( tan θ + µs )
(1 − µs tan θ )
vmax = rg
( tan θ + µs )
The frictional force between tyre of vehicle (1 − µs tan θ )
and road surface can be resolved into two This is an expression for safety speed
perpendicular components as, (maximum speed). It depends upon,
(i) fscosθ -along horizontal direction 5. Radius of curvature of a road surface.
(ii) fssinθ - along vertically downward 6. Acceleration due to gravity.
direction. 7. Angle of banking.
Normal reaction N can be resolved into two 8. Coefficient of friction µs.
perpendicular components i.e. As the term m is absent in above equation,
(i) Ncosθ - in vertically upward direction. maximum speed does not depend upon mass
(ii) Nsinθ - in horizontal direction. of a vehicle.
The component Ncosθ of normal reaction is If µs = cot θ, vmax = ∞. But, (µs)max = 1, Thus
balanced by weight mg of vehicle and for θ ≥ 450, vmax = ∞
component f sinθ of frictional force. If µs = 0, then ∴ 𝑣𝑣�𝑟𝑟𝑟𝑟 𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡 𝜃𝜃 𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚
i.e. mg + fs sinθ = Ncosθ
This is the safe speed banked road as we
∴ mg = N cosθ - fs sinθ ……. (1)
don’t take help of friction.
Horizontal component Nsinθ along with
component fs sinθ of frictional force acts as Q: Define conical pendulum. Derive an
necessary centripetal force. expression for period and frequency of
mv 2 conical pendulum. State the factors on
∴ N sin θ + f s cos θ =
r which period and frequency of conical
mv pendulum depends. Show that period and
∴ = N sin θ + f s cos θ ….(2) frequency does not depend upon mass of
Divide equation (2) by equation (1), pendulum.
Ans: Conical pendulum:- Conical
(mv22 / r ) N sin θ + f s cos θ
= pendulum is a simple pendulum which is
mg N cos θ − f s sin θ given such a motion that bob describes a
v22 N sin θ + f s cos θ horizontal circle and the string describes a
= …….(3)
rg N cos θ − f s sin θ cone
Consider a body of mass m revolving in a
The magnitude of frictional force
horizontal circle with constant angular
depends on speed of vehicle for given road
velocity ω at the lower end of the string of
surface and tyres of vehicle.
length l whose upper end is fixed. As the
Maximum force of friction fs for maximums
body revolves, the string sweeps over the
speed vmax is given by,
surface of cone, and therefore this system is
fs = µsN…….(4)
called as conical pendulum.
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Let, g sin θ
S- rigid support ∴ω =
r cos θ
T0- tension in the string
But from figure, r = Lsin θ
l – length of the string
v – velocity g sin θ
∴ω =
θ - semi vertical angle of cone L sin θ cos θ
mg – weight of sphere (bob) g
Let the string makes an angle θ with the ∴ω =
L cos θ
vertical. Then forces on mass m are,

(i) Weight mg acting vertically downward But, ω =
(ii) Force T0 due to tension in the string T
along the length of the string 2π g
∴ =
Tension T0 is resolved into two T L cos θ
perpendicular components,
(a) T0 cosθ , acting vertically upward T L cos θ
(b) T0 sinθ, horizontally towards the ∴ =
2π g
center of the circle.
L cos θ
∴T =2π
This is an expression for period of conical
Period of conical pendulum depends upon
(i) Length L
(ii) angle θ
(iii) acceleration due to gravity
As term ‘m’ is absent in above equation,
period of conical pendulum does not depend
upon mass of pendulum.
Frequency of revolution will be given by,
1 g
∴n =
2π L cos θ
Frequency of conical pendulum depends
(i) Length L
T0 cosθ balances the weight of the string. (ii) angle θ
∴T0 cosθ = mg ……………. (1) (iii) acceleration due to gravity
T0 sinθ acts as centripetal force As term ‘m’ is absent in above equation,
frequency of conical pendulum does not
T0 sin θ = mrω 2 …….. (2)
depend upon mass of pendulum.
Divide equation (2) by equation (1)
T0 sin θ mrω 2 Q: What is controlled vertical circular
T0 cos θ mg motion and vertical circular motion
controlled by gravity.
rω 2 sin θ
∴ = Ans: Vertical Circular Motion
g cos θ There are two types of vertical circular
g sin θ motions as follows.
∴ω 2 =
r cos θ (a) A controlled vertical circular motion
such as a giant wheel or similar games. In this
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case the speed is either kept constant or NOT As the motion is non uniform, the resultant
totally controlled by gravity. of these two forces is not directed towards the
(b) Vertical circular motion controlled only center except at the uppermost and the
by gravity. In this case, we initially supply lowermost positions of the bob. At all the
the necessary energy (mostly) at the lowest other positions, part of the resultant is
point. Then onwards, the entire kinetics is tangential and is used to change the speed.
governed by the gravitational force. During
the motion, there is interconversion of kinetic Uppermost position (A): Both, weight mg
energy and gravitational potential energy. and force due to tension TA are downwards,
i.e., towards the center. In this case, their
Point Mass Undergoing Vertical Circular resultant is used only as the centripetal force.
Motion Under Gravity: Thus, if vA is the speed at the uppermost
point, we get,
Q: Derive an expression for minimum mv A2
possible speed at uppermost position in mg + TA =
vertical circular motion. Radius r of the circular motion is the length
Ans: Suppose a bob (treated as a point mass) of the string. For minimum possible speed at
is whirled in a vertical circle with the help of this point (or if the motion is to be realized
massless, inextensible and flexible string. At with minimum possible energy),
any position of the bob various forces acting
TA = 0, ∴ (VA ) min = rg
on the bob are
This is an expression for minimum possible
speed at uppermost position in vertical
circular motion.

Q: Derive an expression for minimum

possible speed at lowermost position in
vertical circular motion.
Ans: Lowermost position (B): Force due to
the tension, TB is vertically upwards, i.e.,
the center, and opposite to mg. In this case
also their resultant is the centripetal force. If
VB is the speed at the lowermost point, we
TB − mg = ……………(1)
Consider a bob (treated as a point
While coming down from the uppermost to
mass) tied to a (practically) massless,
the lowermost point, the vertical
inextensible and flexible string. It is whirled
displacement is 2r and the motion is
along a vertical circle so that the bob
governed only by gravity. Hence the
performs a vertical circular motion and the
corresponding decrease in the gravitational
string rotates in a vertical plane. At any
potential energy is converted into the kinetic
position of the bob,
there are only two forces acting on the bob:
1 2 1 2
(a) its weight mg, vertically downwards, mg= (2r ) mvB − mv A
which is constant and 2 2
(b) the force due to the tension along the ∴ vB − v A =
2 2
string, directed along the string and towards ∴ (vb ) 2min − (v A ) min
4rg …..(2)
the center. Its magnitude changes
periodically with time and location. But, (VA ) min = rg

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∴ (V ) =
A min rg When a point mass attached to a
Keeping this value in equation (2) we get, massless and rigid rod is whirled in a vertical
circle, then there is no condition minimum
∴ (vb ) 2min − rg =4rg
tension in the rod. Therefor there is no
∴ (vb ) 2min =
5rg condition of minimum speed at the top of the
∴ (VB ) min =5rg circle. Minimum speed can be zero also.
It can be proved that minimum speed at the
This is an expression for minimum possible
bottom is
speed at lowermost position in vertical
circular motion. (vlowermost ) min = 2 rg
Minimum speed at horizonal position is
Q: Derive an expression for minimum given by,
possible speed at horizontal position in (vhorizontal ) min = 2rg
vertical circular motion. Difference of tension at top and bottom
Ans: Positions when the string is horizontal position is given by,
(C and D): Force due to the tension is the Tlowermost – Tuppermost = 6 mg
only force towards the center as weight mg is
perpendicular to the tension. Thus, force due Q: Explain circular motion of vehicle in
to the tension is the centripetal force used to sphere of death.
change the direction of the velocity and Ans: Sphere of Death: When two wheeler
weight mg is used only to change the speed. rider performs circular motion inside a
Using similar mathematics, it can be shown hollow sphere, he starts with small horizontal
that, circles. Finally he performs revolutions along
TC – TA = TD – TA = 3mg vertical circles. The dynamics of this vertical
vc ) min (=
vD ) min 3rg circular motion is the same as that of the
This is an expression for minimum possible point mass tied to the string, except that the
speed at horizontal position in vertical force due to tension T is replaced by the
circular motion. normal reaction force N.
Arbitrary positions: Force due to the tension If you have seen this show, try to visualize
and weight are neither along the same line, that initially there are nearly horizontal
nor perpendicular. Tangential component of circles. The linear speed is more for larger
weight is used to change the speed. It circles but angular speed (frequency) is more
decreases the speed while going up and for smaller circles (while starting or
increases it while coming down. stopping). This is as per the theory of conical
Q: Show that difference of tension at top
and bottom in vertical circular motion is Q: Derive an expression for maximum
6mg. speed of a vehicle at the top of a convex
Ans: Difference of tension at top and over bridge. Show that this maximum
bottom speed does not depend upon mass of a
At topmost position in vertical circular vehicle.
motion, Ans: Vehicle at the Top of a Convex Over
mv A2 Bridge: Consider a vehicle of mass ‘m’
mg + TA = …….. (1) moving with velocity ‘v’ on a horizontal
At lowermost position in vertical circular convex bridge as shown in figure.
motion, Various forces acting on the vehicle are
1) weight mg acting vertically downward
mv 2
TB − mg =B ……. (2) 2) normal reaction ‘N’ acting vertically
r upward
Eq (2) – Eq (1) gives
TB – TA = 6 mg (proved)
Mass tied to a rod:
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Velocity (v) Angular velocity
ds (ω)
dt dθ
Linear acceleration Angular
dv acceleration
dt dω
Mass (m) Moment of inertia
The centripetal force necessary for the (I)
circular motion of the vehicle is resultant of Linear momentum Angular momentum
weight and normal reaction that is, P = mv L = Iω
C.=F . mg − N Force Torque
mv 2
F = ma τ = Iα
= mg − N 1 1 2
r K.E. = mv 2 K.E. = Iω
2 2
mv 2 → → → →
∴ N = mg − …….(1) Work done = F ⋅ S Work done = τ ⋅ θ
→ → → →
Thus, when speed of vehicle increases, Power = F ⋅ v Power = τ ⋅ ω
Normal reaction decreases. At particular Kinematical Kinematical
speed normal reaction becomes zero. Above equations equations
the speed vehicle will lose contact with the v = u + at ω = ω 0 + αt
ground. 1 1 2
Therefore the maximum speed with s = ut + at 2 θ = ω0 t + αt
2 2
which vehicle can move on convex bridge ω2 = ω02 + 2 α θ
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
without losing contact with the ground can be
Newton’s second Rate of change of
obtained by keeping N = 0 in equation (1)
law: Rate of angular momentum
mv 2
∴ 0= mg − max change of linear is equal to external
r momentum is torque
mvmax equal to the dL
∴ = mg =τ
r external force. dt
∴ vmax
=rg dp
∴ vmax = rg Conservation of Conservation of
This is an expression for maximum speed of linear momentum angular momentum
a vehicle at the top of convex bridge. When there is no When there is no
As the term ‘m’ is absent in above external force external torque
equation maximum speed does not depend acting on the acing on the system
upon mass of the vehicle. system of colliding of particles, then the
body then total its angular
Q: Give analogy between translational momentum is momentum remains
and rotational motion. conserved constant
Ans: Analogous quantities of
i.e. dP = 0 , when F dL
=0, when τ = 0
transnational and rotational motion: - dt dt
Linear motion Rotational motion =0 Or L = constant
(about a given When τ = 0
axis) Or P= constant,
Displacement (s) Angular when F = 0
displacement (θ)

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Q: Explain physical significane of moment 1
of Inertia. ∴E1= m1r12ω2
Ans: Physical significance of moment of
In rotational motion,
T= Iα…….. (1)
In linear motion,
F = ma …… (2)
Thus from equation (1) and equation (2)
angular acceleration ‘α’ and linear
acceleration ‘a’ are analogous quantities.
Torque T and force F are analogous
quantities. Mass m and moment of inertia, ‘I’
are also analogous quantities. In linear Similarly,
motion mass represents inertia i.e. tendency 1
E2= m2r22ω2,
of a body not to change the state of a linear 2
motion. Similarly M.I. represents inertia in 1
rotational motion. E3= m3r32ω2,
Moment of Inertia in rotational
motions is analogous to mass in translational & En= mnrn2ω2.
motion. Torque is analogous to Force, 2
Angular momentum is analogous to linear Total kinetic energy will be given by,
momentum, Rotational kinetic energy is E= E1+ E2+E3+……. +En.
analogous to translational kinetic energy. 1 1 1
E= m1r12ω2+ m2r22ω2+...+ mnrnω2
Expressions for force linear momentum and 2 2 2
kinetic energy contains the common term 1
mass. Similarly torque, angular momentum E= (m1r12+ m2r22+ m3r32+…..+ mnrn2) ω2.
and angular kinetic energy contains the
1 n 2
common term moment of inertia moment of E = ∑ mi ri  ω2.
inertia not only depends upon the mass of the 2  i =1 
body but also the distribution of mass about  n 2
the given axis of rotation. But, ∑ mi ri  = I
 i =1 
Q: Derive an expression for rotational 1
∴E = Iω2 ………… (1)
kinetic energy. 2
Ans: Expression for rotational Kinetic This is called as rotational kinetic energy of
Energy :Consider a rigid body rotating with a body.
constant angular velocity ω about an axis
passing through o. Axis of rotation is Q: What is moment of inertia or rotational
perpendicular to the plane of diagram. inertia. State the factors on which moment
Suppose body consists of n particles of of inertia depends.
masses m1,m2,m3…….mn. Ans: Moment of Inertia or Rotational
Let r1,r2,r3,…….rn are their respective Inertia :The quantity ‘I’ in rotational
distances from the axis of rotation. Let v1, v2, motion, which is analogous to mass ‘m’ in
v3…vn. are their respective linear velocities. translational motion is called as moment of
K. E. of the first particle is given by inertia.
1 Moment of inertia of an object depends upon
E1= m1v12, But, v1=r1ω 1) Individual masses and
1 2) The distribution of this message about the
∴E1= m1(r1ω)2. given axis of rotation.
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Q: Derive an expression for moment of R

inertia of a ring about an axis passing I = ∫ Ir

through its center and perpendicular to its
I = ∫ dmr 2
Ans: Moment of inertia of ring
Uniform ring is two dimensional object with R
negligible thickness and entire mass situated I = ∫ σ 2π r.r 2 dr
on the circumference at a distance equal to 0
radius R of the ring from the center of the R
ring. Therefore when ring is rotated about an Ir =2πσ ∫ r 3 dr
axis passing through its center and 0
perpendicular to its plane its moment of R
inertia is given by,  r4 
I = MR2 I = 2πσ  
 4 0
Where M is mass of the ring.

Q: Derive an expression for moment of I=

2πσ 4
r [ ] R

inertia of uniform disc about an axis

passing through its center and 2πσ 4
I= R
perpendicular to its plane. 4
Ans: Moment of Inertia of Uniform disc
σπR 4
σπR 2 R 2

But σπR = M

MR 2
This is an expression for M. I. of a disc
Consider a thin circular disc of mass M and about an axis passing through its center and
radius R rotating about an axis passing perpendicular to its plane.
through its centre o and perpendicular to its
plane as shown in figure. Q: Explain the concept of radius of
Consider a small element of mass dm gyration.
and thickness dr in the form of ring. Let r is Ans: Radius of gyration: We know that the
radius of ring. If σ is mass per unit area, then moment of inertia of a body depends not only
mass upon the mass of the body but also on the
area distribution of mass about the given axis of
∴Mass of disc M = σ πR2 rotation. This distribution of mass of the
body about a given axis of rotation is
Mass of ring dm = σ 2πr (dr). expressed in terms of a quantity called as
M.I. of ring will be given by, Ir = dm r2 radius of gyration K
Ir =r2σ2πr (dr) I = MK2
If radius of gyration is large, mass is widely
Ir = σ 2πr3 (dr) ……… (1)
distributed about the axis of rotation. If K is
Moment of inertia of disc is obtained by small then mass is closely distributed about
integrating above equation (1), the given axis of rotation.

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Q: Obtain an expression for radius of M – Mass of the body
gyration of a disc about an axis passing I0 -M.I. of a body about an axis passing
through its center and perpendicular to its through o
plane. IC - M. I, of a body about an axis passing
Ans: Radius of gyration of disc: We know through C. M. and parallel to axis
that the moment of inertia of the disc about passing through O.
an Axis passing through its center and Consider a small element of mass dm
perpendicular to its plane is given by, located at a point P. Join OP and CP and draw
MR 2 perpendicular PD to OC produced such that
I= …… (1) CN = x
In terms of radius of gyration, M. I. I0 will be given by
I = MK2 ……… (2) I0= ∫ OD2 dm ………… (1)
From equation (1) and (2) we can write, IC=∫ CD2 dm ………….. (2)
R But in triangle ODN,
K= OD2=CN2+DN2
2 OP2= (OC + CN)2+ DN2
This equation gives radius of gyration of disc OP2=OC2+2OC.CN +CN2+ DN2
about an axis passing through its center and But, CN2+ DN2=CD2
perpendicular to its plane. OD2= OC2+2OC.CD+ CD2
OD2=h2+2hx+ CD2
Q: State and prove principle of parallel By keeping this value in equation (1), we get.
axes theorem. I0= ∫(h2+2hx+ CD2) dm
Ans- Principle of parallel axes:
I0=∫ h2 dm+∫2hx dm+∫CD2 dm
“The moment of inertia (IO) of an object
But, ∫ CD2 dm = IC
about any axis is the sum of its moment of
inertia (IC) about an axis parallel to the given ∴I0= h2 ∫ dm+2h∫xdm+ IC …….. (3)
axis, and passing through the center of mass
But, ∫dm =M and X =
∫ xdm
and the product of the mass of the object and M
the square of the distance between the two ∫xdm =XM= 0×M = 0.
axes (Mh2).” Keeping this value in equation (3), we get,
Proof- Consider a rigid body rotating about I0=h2M + 0 + IC
an axis passing through a point o as shown in I0= IC+Mh2
figure. The axis of rotation is perpendicular
This is the proof of parallel axes theorem.
to the plane of the figure.
Let C is center of mass located at the origin
Q: State and prove perpendicular axes
of the co-ordinate axes i.e.(X, Y, Z) = (0, 0,
Ans: Principle of perpendicular axes:
“The moment of inertia (Iz) of a laminar
object about an axis (z) perpendicular to its
plane is the sum of its moment of inertias
about two mutually perpendicular axes (x and
y) in its plane, all the three axes being
Proof- Consider a plane lamina in the
horizontal plane (X-Y plane) as shown in
X-axis and Y-axis are in the plane of lamina
and Z-axis is perpendicular to the plane of
lamina. Suppose a small element of mass
‘dm’ is situated at a point at a distance r from
Let, h-distance between o and c
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‘o’. Its distance from X axis is Y and from Y through 0. Axis of rotation is perpendicular
axis is X. to the plane of the figure.

Suppose the body consists of n particles of

Moment of inertia about X axis is given by, masses m1, m2, m3 …mn situated at the
IX=∫y2dm …………………. (1) distances r1, r2, r3 ….rn from the axis of
Moment of inertia about Y axis is given by, rotation. Let v1, v2, v3, vn are their linear
IY=∫x2dm …………………. (2) velocities and P1.P2, P3 …Pn are their
Moment of inertia about Z axis is given by, momenta. Linear momentum of first particle
IZ=∫r2dm …………………. (3) is given by,
But by geometry of figure, P1= m1 v1 But v1= r1ω
r2= x2+y2. ∴ P1= m1 r1ω
Keeping this value in equation (3), we get Angular momentum (moment of
IZ=∫(x2+y2) dm momentum) of first particle is given by,
IZ=∫x2dm+∫y2dm L1= r1 P1
IZ= IX+ IY L1= r1 m1 r1ω
This is the proof of perpendicular axis L1= m1r12ω
theorem. Similarly, L2= m2r22ω………Ln=mnrn2ω
L= L1+L2+L3+………..+Ln
Q: Explain angular momentum. L= m1r12ω+ m2r22ω+………+ mnrn2ω
Ans: Angular momentum or moment of L= (m1r12+ m2r22+………+ mnrn2) ω
Linear momentum: The quantity in  n 
rotational mechanics, analogous to linear L=  ∑ mi ri 2  ω
momentum is angular momentum or moment  i =1 
of linear momentum.  n
But ∑ mi ri  =I
It is similar to the torque being  i =1 
moment of a force. If P is the instantaneous ∴L= Iω
linear momentum of a particle undertaking a
 This is the expression for angular momentum
circular motion, its angular momentum L at of a body.
that instance is given by
  
L= r × P Q: Derive an expression for torque in
where r is the position vector from the axis terms of moment of inertia.
of rotation. Ans: Expression for Torque in Terms of
Its magnitude is given by, Moment of Inertia: Consider a rigid body
L = P× r sinθ, rotating with uniform angular acceleration α
  about an axis passing through a point o. Axis
where θ is smaller angle between P and r
of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of
Q: Derive and expression for angular diagram. Let the body consists of n particles
momentum. of masses m1, m2, m3…mn located at the
Ans: Expression for Angular Momentum distances of r1, r2, r3, ……….rn as shown in
in Terms of Moment of Inertia: figure.
Consider a rigid body rotating with uniform
angular velocity ω about an axis passing
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By definition
   angular momentum is given by,
L= r × P.......(1)
Differentiating above equation with respect
to time ‘t’ we get,
d L d  
dt dt
( r×P )
  
dL dr   dP
= × P + r × …………….(2)
dt  dt 
d r  d P   
But =v, = F , and P = mv
dt dt
The torque T1 experienced by the mass m1 Keeping these values in equation (2) we get,
will be given by, 
dL    
T1=r1f1 = v × mv + r × F
But, f1= m1a1 dt

∴f1= m1 r1α (since, a1= r1α) dL    
∴T1= m1r12α = mv × v + r × F ……….(3)
dt  
Similarly,  
T2=m2r22α, But and v × v = 0 and r × F = τ
T3= m3r32 Keeping these values in equation (3) we get
Tn= mnrn2α dL 

Total torque experienced by a body will be, dt
T= T1+T2+T3+……..+Tn  dL
T = m1r12α+ m2r22α+……+ mnrn2α OR τ =
T = [m1r12+ m2r22+ m3r32 +……+mnrn2] α If resulting torque acting on rotating particle
 n 
2 
T = ∑ mi ri  α is zero then, τ = 0 , ∴
 i =1  dt
 n
2 ∴ L is constant
But, I = ∑ m i ri 
 i =1  Thus when torque acting on rotating particle
∴T = Iα is zero, angular momentum remains constant.
In vector form this equation can be written as
  Q: Give some examples of law of
τ = Iα
conservation of angular momentum.
Direction of torque is same as the direction of Ans: Examples of Law of conservation of
angular acceleration i.e. parallel to the angular momentum:
direction of rotation of a body. (i) Principe of angular momentum is used by
ballet dancer. When ballets dancer
Q: State and prove law of conservation of spinning about herself folds her arms,
angular momentum. moment of inertia decreases and therefore
Ans: Conservation of Angular angular speed increases. On the other
momentum: Consider a particle rotating hand she outstretches her arms, moment
about any axis. of inertia increases and therefore angular
 speed decreases
τ = torque acting on particle (ii) A diver, while executing somersault, pulls
 = mass of particle in his arms and legs, so that moment of
r = position vector of particle with respect to inertia decrease and angular speed
axis of rotation. increases.
(iii) It is possible to distinguish between a raw
P = linear momentum of particle. egg and hard boiled egg by spinning each
v = linear velocity of particle.
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one on a table. Moment of inertia of boiled potential energy is converted into kinetic
egg is less than that of raw egg. Therefore energy.
angular speed of boiled egg is greater than If ‘V’ is the linear speed acquired by the body
that of raw egg. when it reaches the bottom of the inclined
plane, then loss in potential energy = gain in
Q: What is rolling motion. Derive an kinetic energy.
expression for rolling kinetic energy. 1 1
=Mgh MV 2 + I ω 2
Ans: Rolling Motion: Rolling motion is 2 2
combination of circular motion and linear
1 2  K2 
motion. In rolling motion ∴ Mgh= MV 1 + 2 
1) different particles of body perform 2  R 
circular motion about its own axis  K2 
2) Centre of mass performs purely =
2 gh V 2 1 + 2 
translational motion  R 
Therefore kinetic energy of the rolling body 2 gh
is sum of translation kinetic energy and  K2 
rotational energy. 1 + R 2 
 
E roll Etrans + Erot 2 gh
1 2 1 ∴V 2 = 2
Eroll I ω + MV 2 1+ 2
2 2 R
But, I = MK , and V = Rω, ∴ ω = V/R
2 gh
1 2 V 
1 ∴V = ….. (1)
=Eroll MK   + MV 2 1+ 2
2 R 2 R
1 V2 1
=Eroll MK 2 2 + MV 2
2 R 2
1 K2 1
=Eroll MV 2 2 + MV 2
2 R 2
1 K 2

=Eroll MV 2  2 + 1
2 R 
1  R2 + K 2 
∴ E =Mv 2  2 
2  R 
1  K2 
∴E Mv 2 1 + 2  ……(1)
2  R  Let ‘a’ be the linear acceleration of the body
This is an expression for rolling kinetic while rolling down the plane.
energy. As the body starts from rest, u = 0
Since K is different for different bodies, Eroll Using third kinematical equation, v2 = u2 +
is also different for different bodies. 2as, where‘s’ is the distance (length of the
Q: Derive an expression for velocity and v2
∴a =
acceleration of rolling body on inclined 2s
plane without slipping. 2 gh 1
Ans: Consider a rigid body of mass ‘M’ and ∴a = …… (2)
 K  2S 2
radius ‘R’ rolling down inclined plane of 1 + 2 
inclination ‘θ’ from height ‘h’.  R 
Body starts from rest and roll down, it loses h h
But, sin θ = , ∴ s =
its gravitational potential energy. This s sin θ
Keeping this value in equation (2) we get,
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2 gh 1
∴a =
 K   h 

1 + 2  2  sin θ 
 R   
g sin θ
∴a =
1+ 2
This equation shows that acceleration of
rolling body on inclined plane depends upon
1. Angle of inclination
2. Radius of gyration
3. Radius of body.

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