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Module Examination 2022


Tuesday, 13 September 2022

This remote exam is designed to be completed in 3 hours. An additional

1.5 hours is allowed to give you time to scan and insert any handwritten
content (e.g. figures, equations or calculations) and to upload your
completed file.
You must have completed and submitted the exam within 4.5 hours of
opening the iCME (or 5 hours if you submit during the 1h late penalty
This examination is divided into TWO sections.
Section A is worth 40 per cent of the overall marks for the examination.
You should answer ALL the questions in this section. Each question is
based on a single concept or topic.

Section B is worth 60 per cent of the overall marks for the examination.
You should answer only TWO of the questions from this section. Each of
these questions requires you to draw from knowledge of multiple
concepts or topics.

You should refer to your T194 handbook and use a scientific calculator
during this examination.

If you require further information please refer to the Remote Exam

Arrangements Handbook available from the Help Centre on
Submit your completed exam using the iCMA system. Make sure that
the name of the file you submit includes your PI and the module code
e.g. X1234567T194.

Copyright © 2022 The Open University

PLAGIARISM WARNING – the use of assessment help
services and websites
The work that you submit for any assessment/exam on any module should be
your own. Submitting work produced by or with another person, or a web service
or an automated system, as if it is your own is cheating. It is strictly forbidden by
the University.
You should not:
 provide any assessment question to a website, online service, social media
platform or any individual or organisation, as this is an infringement of
 request answers or solutions to an assessment question on any website, via
an online service or social media platform, or from any individual or
 use an automated system (other than one prescribed by the module) to
obtain answers or solutions to an assessment question and submit the
output as your own work.
 discuss exam questions with any other person, including your tutor.
The University actively monitors websites, online services and social media
platforms for answers and solutions to assessment questions, and for
assessment questions posted by students. Work submitted by students for
assessment is also monitored for plagiarism.
A student who is found to have posted a question or answer to a website, online
service or social media platform and/or to have used any resulting, or otherwise
obtained, output as if it is their own work has committed a disciplinary offence
under Section SD 1.2 of our Code of Practice for Student Discipline. This means
the academic reputation and integrity of the University has been
The Open University’s Academic Conduct Policy defines plagiarism in part as:
 using text obtained from assignment writing sites, organisations or private
 obtaining work from other sources and submitting it as your own.
If it is found that you have used the services of a website, online service or
social media platform, or that you have otherwise obtained the work you
submit from another person, this is considered serious academic
misconduct and you will be referred to the Central Disciplinary Committee
for investigation.

2 T194 September 2022

SECTION A Answer all questions in this section.
This section is worth 40% of the total marks in this exam. Plan to spend no more
than 40% of your time on this section.

Question 1 Solve the following for:

x2  2 x  8  0
Include in your answer the method used in full.
(5 marks)

Question 2 Convert the following polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates:

 
 8, 
 4
(5 marks)

Question 3 A box of weight w is resting on a flat but smooth sloping surface inclined at 22°
from the horizontal. The box is prevented from sliding down the slope by a rope
attached to it which runs parallel to the slope. Draw a force diagram representing
the forces acting on the box.
(3 marks)

Write a balanced equation describing the situation above.

(2 marks)

Question 4 (a) Find the inverse of the following functions:

(i) f ( x)  3 x 2  4
(ii) f  x  6
(4 marks)
(b) Explain in words one property that a function must have in order for it to be
classified as a function.
(1 mark)

T194 September 2022 TURN OVER 3

Question 5 (a) In words, describe the meaning of the following:
 1
8x 2 dx

(2 marks)
(b) Evaluate the integral to two significant figures.
(3 marks)

Question 6 Evaluate the x value of the maxima for the following function:

f ( x)   x 2  2 x
(5 marks)

Question 7 Given that y = 5 – 5i, find the modulus and argument of y and write your answers
in exponential form.
(5 marks)

Question 8 Find the determinant and inverse of the following 2 x 2 matrix:

6 5
A 
3 1 
(5 marks)

4 T194 September 2022

SECTION B Answer TWO questions from this section.
This section is worth 60% of the total exam mark. Plan to spend no more than
60% of your time on answering two questions from this section.

Question 9 An offshore drilling rig is held in place by three tugboats. The tension in one of
the towlines is found to be 650 kN. The figure below is a representation of the
situation as seen from above. All of the measurements given are correct,
however the figure is not to scale and poorly represents dimensions and angles.

(a) Use the measurements given to determine the angles θ1 and θ2, to two
significant figures.
(6 marks)
(b) Express the tension forces, T1 and T2 in component form.
(6 marks)
(c) By resolving the forces along 𝑥 and 𝑦 directions, find two equations involving
the magnitudes of the tension forces, T1 and T2, on the towlines.
(4 marks)
(d) Express the equations found in part (c) in matrix form, and hence solve the
equations to determine the magnitudes of the tension forces, T1 and T2, to
two significant figures.
(14 marks)

T194 September 2022 TURN OVER 5

Question 10 A point located on a mechanism produces velocity components in the 𝑥- and 𝑦-
directions in the forms:
vx  r sin t
v y  r cos t
where 𝑟 and 𝜔 are constants.

(a) Find expressions for 𝑎 𝑡 and 𝑎 𝑡 , corresponding to the acceleration in

the 𝑥- and 𝑦-directions as a function of time.
(6 marks)

(b) Find expressions for the 𝑥 and 𝑦 displacement as functions of time, 𝑥 𝑡 and
𝑦 𝑡 respectively, given the following initial conditions:

𝑥 0 and 𝑦 0 0.

(10 marks)
(c) By writing your result from part (c) as a vector in the form
R  x t  i  y t  j
find an expression for the magnitude |𝐑|, and show that it is independent of
(10 marks)

(d) Explain in words why the magnitude of the acceleration is also independent
of t.
(4 marks)

6 T194 September 2022

Question 11 (a) Express sin(x) as a Maclaurin series to three terms.
(2 marks)
(b) Briefly explain why approximations such as the Maclaurin series are useful
in an engineering context.
(4 marks)
(c) Briefly explain the benefits and drawbacks of using a series of three terms
compared to one with six terms.
(4 marks)
(d) Differentiate the series term by term (up to three non-zero terms) and show
dsin  x 
 cos  x 
(10 marks)
(e) By substituting 𝑥 𝑖𝜃, where i 2   1 , show that
dsin  i 
 icos  i 
(10 marks)


T194 September 2022 7

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