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CSE 2020

04 December 2022 10:31 AM

PYQ CSE prelims Page 1


Evolved LISA • LISA pathfinder-ESA mission,also carries a NASA payload,gravitational wave


sides of some 5 million km three separate • New horizon-NASA mission to study the dwarf planet Pluto, its moons, and
interferometers installed in three spacecraft located at the corners of a triangle(trio) other objects in the Kuiper Belt
• Voyager 2- second spacecraft to enter interstellar space. rare planetary
alignment to study the outer solar system
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines-no side effects Pneumosil- produced by the Serum Institute of India.
Besides pneumonia, pneumococcal bacteria can also cause: Prevnar 13 - by Pfizer
• Ear infections Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death
• Sinus infections
• Meningitis (infection of the tissue covering the brain and spinal
• Bacteremia (infection of the blood)
Anyone can get
PCV15-19-64 yrs

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-digital security infra

Benzene emissions--tobacco,automobile,exhaust frm motor vehicles,industrial present in both Polyurethene family of plastics-kitchen sponge polymers joined by
exhaust and evaporative emissions. carbamate,elastomeric polymers
-uses plastics, resins, and nylon and synthetic fibres.lubricants, rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs, furniture, bedding and carpet underlay.
and pesticides.
ingestion and dermal absorption of benzene -when contact with contaminated water.
west texas intermediate-a grade or mix of crude oil,light, sweet Bullion-gold and silver that is officially recognized as being at least 99.5% and
99.9% pure in form of ingots
pure bullion is also called "parted bullion."
India is the world’s second biggest consumer of gold
India International Bullion Exchange (IIBX)
financialisation of gold in India
GIFT (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City-India’s first IFSC
India credit rating agencies CRISIL, CARE, ICRA, SMREA, Brickwork Rating,
India Rating and Research Pvt
Rare earth mineral - found in association
with alkaline to peralkaline igneous complexes

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Asia 14%
Uranium-weakly radioactive because all isotopes of uranium are
unstable,occurs naturally in low concentrations

Uranium-235 is the only naturally occurring fissile isotope, which makes it

widely used in nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons

Critical tiger habitat-mentioned only in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, Corbett TR-
NOT defined in the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition
of Forest Rights) Act, 2006.

critical wildlife habitat’-defined only in the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest
Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, and NOT in the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
CWLHs apply only to the National Parks and Sanctuaries and not to other forest areas

Jet streams-west to east

strongest for both the northern and southern hemisphere winters.
Earths rotation, upper troposphere

wind speed increases toward a central core of greatest strength

location of high and low pressure systems, warm and cold air, and seasonal changes. They
meander around the globe, dipping and rising in altitude/latitude, splitting at times and forming

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CGWA 1970-und EPA act ,india -worlds largest GW well wquipped irigation sys, nat apex
agency.M of jal shakti
bhilsa -MP
Dwarasamudra -kar

Nubra-dumra-valley of flowers
Shyok River meets the Nubra River

Desert National Park -RJ,CR GIB towns of Jaisalmer and Barmer

first fertilizer factory opened at Ranipet (Tamil Nadu)fertilizer sector in ind- second to steel in
terms of investment.
Ammonium sulphate nitrate(mexico largest producer),Triple superphosphate (TSP) -india no
longer manufactures
India imports mainly urea, DAP and potassium chloride (MOP). The country has almost reached
self-sufficiency in urea production

Ammonia -produced frm natural gas

Sulphur -byproduct from oil refineries

ocean mean temperature
Sea surfacetemp-60%success rate

Minor minerals
Bentonite-highly plastic clay-85% clay mineral,montmorillonite
Chromite-commercially known as iron chromium oxide
Kyanite-silimanite,andalusite anhydrous aluminosilicate minerals
Notified non metallic minerals

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Indian Bureau of Mines1948.Initially advisory body
Among the minerals explored by IBM were Iron Ore, Limestone, Dolomite,
Coal, Copper, Tungsten.

Bauxite,tin,illmenite and rutile,silver,Ur,

fertigation in agriculture- supplying dissolved fertiliser to crops through an rock phosphate- raw material for the production of chemical
irrigation system phosphatic fertilizers

suitable for acidic soils as low pH helps to solubilize the RP and increases
available form of P to the plants
used to produce soluble P fertilizers, but some is used for
direct application to soil. not always appropriate for direct application
Ref p cycle in envt}

reduces leaching,ammonia volatilization, denitrification and weed pressure

Eco friendly agro-
Crop diversification- planting many crop varieties in a single field incorporating
trees, livestock, or aquaculture; rotating crops; planting hedgerows and riparian buffers; and
conserving natural areas in the landscapes around the farm.

legume intensification-fix atmospheric N2 in symbiosis with rhizobia

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Tensiometer-measure soil moisture in units of negative pressure, also known as
tension Tension is a measure of the force that plant roots must exert to pull water from soil

Verical farming-not ecofriendly,japan early pioneers

Sugarcane cultivation-check agri 2023,black gram refer

Pulse crops are cultivated in Kharif, Rabi and Zaid seasons

2016 was declared as the International Year of Pulses by UNGA

World pulse day-10 FEB,2022 theme “Pulses to empower youth in achieving
sustainable agrifood systems
Pulses-20%area und foodgrain
Rabi pulses >60%tot production

social cost of carbon(SCC)-estimate of the economic costs, or damages, of A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases
emitting one additional ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere--long (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated
term damage by our actions.

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Zero tillage refer
,biochar Pyrolysis is the heating of an organic material, such as
biomass, in the absence of oxygen

lightweight black residue, made of carbon and ashes ,remains after pyrolysis
pyrogenic carbon capture and storage (PyCCS).increase the soil fertility of acidic soils.used in
vertical farming
Promotes growth of N2 fixing microbes
Retains water for long time
Coal ash/coal combustion residuals or CCRs.
Coal ash may also be recycled into products like concrete or wallboard.]
contaminants like mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Fly Ash-silica
Bottom Ash- coarse, angular ash particle
Boiler Slag

Flue Gas Desulfurization Material,

Other types-
• fluidized bed combustion ash,
• cenospheres, and
• scrubber residues.
A large part of Indian coal reserve is similar to Gondwana coal.low calorific value and
high ash content carbon content is low in India's coal, toxic trace element concentrations
are negligible.natural fuel value of Indian coal is poor.
Coal fired power plants -release sulphur and Nitrogen dioxides into atmosphere

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Gupta dy-The important ports included Tamralipti, Braoch, Kalyan, and Cambay.

Copper slag is a by-product of copper extraction by smelting. During smelting, impurities

become slag which floats on the molten metal. Slag that is quenched in water produces angular
granules which are disposed of as waste or utilized
cold mix asphalt technology- mixing emulsified bitumen, cutback or foamed
bitumen with un-heated aggregates.does not require any aggregate heating Hot mix
asphalt is stronger and more durable than cold mix asphalt

Coir geotextiles-can dissipate the energy of flowing water and absorb the excess solar
radiation.made from polypropylene or association with soil, have the ability
to separate, filter, reinforce, protect, or drain.funds 60:40

Portland cement
Ingredients-concrete,mortar,stucco non speciality grout

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Application of steel slag-primary components limestone (CaO) and silica (SiO2)a waste
industrial by-product
Slag-protects the weld from oxidation and contamination from the
atmosphere slag produced by smelters that refine copper, lead, cadmium and other base
metals contains higher levels of potentially hazardous elements. cannot be used in Reinforced
Cement Concrete (RCC) works
Steel slag

Musk deer-askot WLS --UK,gangotri Kishanpur WLS -UP

Gangotri NP -UK

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and in northern India such as in Jammu and
Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.
Barasingha/swamp deer-ind,nep,pak,bdesh antlers carry more than three tines Mudumalai wls-TN
Tal chhapar -RJ -blackbucks

Vu-kanha Np
ceylon fogmouth- found in the Western Ghats-LC

Coppersmith barbet-ind,se asia LC

Greychinned minivet-from the Himalayas to China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia-LC

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Greychinned minivet-from the Himalayas to China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia-LC

White-throated redstart Nepal, Bhutan, central China and far northern areas
of Myanmar and Northeast Indiatemperate forests.LC Pangolakha Wildlife Sanctuary, East Sikkim

PA in cauvery basin-nagarhole np,satyamangalam tr,wayanad wls papikonda np -godavari basin

Elephants- fission–fusion society musth in ele

Elephants can live up to 70 years in the wild. use infrasound and seismic communication over long
distances African bush elephants live in the hottest climates, and have the largest ear flaps most
sensitive at 1 kHz

Commercial papers -short time unsecured promissory note

Treasury bills issued by CG
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) may be issued by:
• Scheduled Commercial Banks;
• Regional Rural Banks; and.
• Small Finance Banks.
Refer pg117
MSP for 23 crops

Recoom by CACP,annound by cab cmt on economic affairs

Procurement at MSP is limited in any state/UT

When the market prices dip to a level that is below the MSP, the government agencies buy over
the produce in order to protect the farmers. Thus market prices can rise above MSP
Thames river flows into northsea
Mekong -S china sea
Zambezi-indian ocean

G 20 memb
Kisan credit card scheme

i. Farmers - individual/joint borrowers who are owner cultivators;
ii. Tenant farmers, oral lessees & share croppers;
iii. Self Help Groups (SHGs) or Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) of farmers including tenant farmers,
share croppers etc.

interest coverage ratio the ability of a firm to take the loan or debt and repay it within the
tenure of the loan
Lower the ratio-comp is burdened more by debt expense(appulu)
Good assesment of short term comp f'l health

cYber insurance -payments for loss of funds • Bricking

refers to a loss of use or functionality of
hardware as a result of a cyber event.
• Cost of restoration of computer system
• Cost of hiring a spl consultant
• Cost of defence in the court of lawif any 3rd party files a suit

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• Cost of defence in the court of lawif any 3rd party files a suit
• Look for other policies
district central cooperative bank ,DCCB
Gives loans to agri sector 15-16% but scheduled banks abt 70-80%
3 tier structure-StCB,DCCB,PACS
2 tier structure-StCB,PACS only
Funds to primary agri credit societies
Expansionist monetary policies

TRIMS-Trade relayed investment measures

Uruguay Round
applies only to measures that affect trade in goods.
measures can have trade-restrictive and distorting effects,
no Member shall apply a measure that is prohibited by the provisions of GATT
Not concerned with regulation of foreigh investment
Qualitative restrictions on imports by foreign investors are prohibited
IAEA Safeguards

more than 140 States.

IN india some nuclear reactors kept under this safeguards while others are not because some
use imported uranium others use domestic supplies

Non financial debt-debt held by governments, households, and companies

not in the financial sector
.computer services,
real estate
, research and development,
legal services and
credit card debt
Output, Tax, Consumer Spending and Investment in Fixed Assets.
Carbon nanotubes Carbon black

incomplete combustion of coal and coal tar, vegetable matter,

or petroleum products,paracrystalline carbon that has a high surface-area-to-
intermediate between fullerene cages and flat graphene
volume ratio, colorant and reinforcing filler in tires and other rubber products;
remarkable electrical conductivity diameters less than 100 nanometres
pigment and wear protection additive in plastics, paints, and
exceptional tensile strength[9] and thermal conductivity
ink colorant
act as antennas for radios and other electromagnetic devices,brushes for commercial electric
bioanalytical methods in which the quantitation of the
analyte depends on the reaction of an antigen (analyte) and
an antibody
a biochemical test that measures the presence or concentration of
a macromolecule or a small molecule in a solution through the use of
an antibody (usually) or an antigen (sometimes

Applications that depend on basic features of blockchain can be developed

without anybody's permission

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