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ak r


e Reso

Go &
Group 4
Team 4

Nguyễn Minh Trí (CEO) Nguyễn Đức Đạt (CTO) Đoàn Xuân Cường (COO)

Nguyễn Thái Quốc (CMO) Nguyễn Viết Hưng (CPO) Trần Duy Khánh Tùng

1 2 3 4 5

Idea Introduction Market size Business Model Pricing strategy Break even point

6 7 8 9

MVP Descriptions Product market fit SWOT analysis Reason to invest

canvas into out start-up
Idea Introduction
Problem & Paint points The prices of the trips are too

Crowded, stuffy, smelly, and
tiring bus rides

The cost of traveling alone is
high and tired

The return trips from the area
have no passengers in the taxis

The project allows users to connect with each
other (other drivers or passengers) through
an platform to share transportation costs.
Overview Model

Individual car

Ride-hailing Go n’ Share
Driver Passengers Students

Taxi driver Traveller

Market size

10 Billion

5 Billion

1 Billion
Market overview

Approximately 8.2 million servings

About 71.22 million USD
Market trend

The new, young market with

immense growth potential

CARG: approximately 11%

Market Segment
Fixed-route Deadhead

Car-sharing group Others


Car-sharing group
Car-sharing group
Others 55%

Key players & market share

Car-sharing group spontaneous group (zalo, facebook) Others
Car-sharing group 15%

S P O N T A N E O U S G R O U P (Z A L O ,

Fixed-route VICAR
Car-sharing group 5%
Car-sharing group

spontaneous group (zalo, facebook)

Categories Dichung XeDiChung Vicar Groups on Facebook, Zalo

Post ride-sharing trips Post ride-sharing trips Flexible - allows

Paid by trip
for drivers for drivers passengers and drivers
Long-term car rental:
Search for rides by Search for rides by to freely post for ride-
Product Car rental package by
destination, number of destination, number of sharing trips.
week or month.
passengers passengers Various vehicle options
from 4-7 seats.

Prices are not fixed,

Cau Giay (Hanoi) to Tam Dao Cau Giay (Hanoi) to Tam Dao Cau Giay(HN)to Tam Dao they depend on
Price (Vinh Phuc): 400.000Đ/1 (Vinh Phuc): 200.000VNĐ/1 (Vinh Phuc):150.000VND/1 individual drivers
person person person Từ HN - NĐ: 250-300k/1

Diverse locations, with

Hanoi and the northern Hanoi and the northern Hanoi and the northern
Place many groups for
provinces. provinces. provinces.
different routes.

Regularly launch promotions and

discounts for new users and loyal Does not offer any Does not offer any Does not offer any
customers: discount codes when
Promotion promotional programs or promotional programs or promotional programs or
booking a car through the app for
the first time or special discounts vouchers vouchers vouchers
during holidays.
Strengths, weaknesses of key players
Dichung XeDiChung Vicar Groups on Facebook, Zalo

Affordable prices
Diverse services, Strong presence on
serving 3 customer fixed routes
Mobile app, convenient
segments Easy access for users,
Strengths for users Affordable prices
Stable customer base convenience of
Diverse fixed routes
Established brand Facebook/Zalo
recognition platforms
Low development costs

Unverified information,
impacting safety
Fragmented customer Lack of promotional
Lack of marketing and Fragmented user base
base, not focused on a campaigns
advertising Dependence on
target segment Still in development
No promotional Facebook/Zalo
Weaknesses Not widely available in phase, low customer
campaigns platforms
neighboring provinces base
User-unfriendly Lack of promotional
and rural areas Limited marketing and
interface campaigns, insurance,
High costs advertising
and compensation
Hòa Lạc research

Conversion rate:
People use bus and motorbike
Transportation experiences are suboptimal
GAS Service User Acceptance Rate
Hòa Lạc research

Approximately 21,000 FPT students.

Approximately 6,000 VNU students.
In addition, there are other high school students.

Approximately 19% of the population are wellcome customers

Business Model Canvas
VII. Key partner VI. Key activities II. Value proposition IV. Customer I. Customer segment
Drivers: Platform Development and Convenient and flexible: Demographics:
Individual car drivers Management Users can easily search for and Student 18-25
Via Facebook, Zalo group:
Ride-hailing driver User Management and book rides, with a wide selection Send updates, promotions, Common Transportation:
Taxi driver Support of vehicle types, times, and announcements. Motorbike and bus
Electronic payment platforms: Marketing locations. Answering customer questions Purpose of travel: Commuting to
Momo or Zalopay Partnerships and Integration Reasonable travel costs: Get feedback: school/work, traveling to
Companies providing technology Service Quality Reduced costs for fuel, After every ride, surveys(every hometown, connecting to other
platforms. Management maintenance, and parking fees for 2 month). trips
Google, INet, FPT Financial and Cost the driver, with fares that are Via SMS: Travel Area: Hanoi inner city and
Answer customer questions.
Sales Associate (CTV) Management affordable for passengers. suburbs, neighboring provinces
Promotions for new, loyal
Improved travel experience:
Safe journeys, clean and Pain Points and Needs:
comfortable space. Current transportation
V. Key resources III. Channels experiences are suboptimal
Technology platform Indirect High cost of using personal
web/database/hosting Admin Private groups on vehicles for transportation
Human Resources FaceBook Want to find others to share rides
Development team with to reduce costs and have a
Telesales Collaborator
Operations team better experience
Direct Desire for more opportunities to
Marketing team
Distribute leaflets and socialize and connect with others
posters at universities, while traveling
Advertising budget
industrial parks, and
Budget to maintain website
crowded residential areas.

VIII.Cost structure Variable: IX.Revenue streams

Fix Salary for Collaborators, Telesales Primary: Secondary:
Server costs Server costs commission fee Advertising on the website
Buy domains Online advertising +( Promotion,SMS,..) Sponsor driver
Rent SSL Payment gateway
Salary for programmers, marketers, and
Travel insurance
Customer segment

Demographics Pain Points and Needs:

Student/Worker 18-35 Current transportation experiences are suboptimal
Willing to pay for good services High cost of using personal vehicles for
Common Transportation: Motorbike and transportation
bus Want to find others to share rides with to reduce
Purpose of travel: Commuting to costs and have a better experience
school/work, traveling to hometown, Desire for more opportunities to socialize and
connecting to other trips connect with others while traveling
Travel Area: Hanoi inner city and
suburbs, neighboring provinces
Convenient and flexible:
Users can easily search for and book rides, Reasonable travel costs:
with a wide selection of vehicle types, Rares that are affordable for passengers.
times, and locations.

Improved travel experience:

Safe journeys, clean and comfortable space.

Value proposition
Indirect direct

Distribute leaflets and posters at

universities, industrial parks, and crowded
residential areas.
Admin Private groups on FaceBook
Organize events (in the school, FPT checkin
Telesales Collaborator
gives gifts to share about the shared car
project with everyone).

Back to Agenda Page

Customer relationships
Frequency of interactions with customers and frequency of customers using the service:

Customers use the GAS application

Student: 1 - 2 rides a week

GAS answers questions via email, social media, and phone every day.
Customer relationships
Go and Share interacts with all customer segments the same, through the following
Through social networks
, from there:

Send regular updates about new features (if any), promotions and announcements of GAS.

Interact and respond to comments and private messages from customers.

Issue periodic surveys (planned to be every 2 months) to collect customer opinions

Campaign to give gifts to new customers and loyal customers: give gifts to new customers
using the app for the first time and loyal customers who have used the app for a while
(for example, 10 trips or more).


Collect review feedback after each trip directly on the web

after each trip, customers will rate that trip on the web.
Technology platform
Host system

Key resources Human Resources

Development team: Responsible for building and maintaining the
technology platform.
Operations team: Manage daily operations, support customers,
and resolve arising problems.
Marketing team: Build and deploy marketing campaigns and
promote services.

50% comes from the founder group
50% comes from investors
Platform Development and Management
Design and Develop the Application

Key activites System Maintenance and Updates

User Management and Support
Customer Service
User Verification and Management
Marketing Strategy
Partnerships and Integration
Partnerships and Collaborations
Service Quality Management
Service Inspection and Evaluation
Community Building
Financial and Cost Management
Operating Cost Management
Key partner Drivers:
individual car drivers
Ride-hailing driver
Taxi driver
Electronic payment platforms:
Momo or Zalopay
Companies providing technology platforms.
Google, INet, FPT
Sales Associate (CTV)
Cost Server costs

structure Buy domains

Rent SSL
Salary for programmer, marketers and managers

Salary for Collaborators, Telesales
Server costs
Online advertising + Promotion,SMS...
Payment gateway
Travel insurance

Commission fee

Extra cash flow:

Advertising on the website
Sponsor driver
Pricing Strategy
Competitive pricing && Market penetration pricing

1. Revenue / 1 Passenger 17,000 VND

2. Gain 5,200 VND

3. Variable cost 11,800 VND

4. Fixed cost per year 317,590,000 VND

5. initial investment 650,000,000 VND

6.Break-even point 125,000 servings

7. Desired payback period 24 months

8. Number of customers needed

4,208 servings
per month

9. Number of customers needed

174 servings
per day
Break even point

1200M N U E
1000M T





25K 50K 75K 100K 125K 150K 175K 200K
MVP Description
Product market fit
The product/ market fit

Characteristics & jobs to be done Alternatives

Students, college students
Existing transportation services like taxis, buses, and personal vehicles
People who frequently travel, primarily by bus and motorbike
The travel experience with existing transportation services is not optimal
Have average to low financial means
The cost of using personal vehicles for transportation is high
Seeking a platform that allows booking shared rides with better experience,
cheap costs,...

Problems & needs Key features

The travel experience with existing transportation services is not optimal Connecting people to share rides and costs
The cost of using personal vehicles for transportation is high Trip management
Wanting to reduce environmental pollution, traffic congestion and road Ratings and feedback
congestion Personalization features
Wanting to find others to share rides with to split costs and have a better
Desiring more opportunities for social connection and networking while traveling Value for the channel
Reduced travel costs
Channel Better travel experience
Through a web application to connect and find people to share rides with. Contributing to environmental protection

User experience Key metrics

An easy-to-use and convenient app experience when choosing shared rides Number of users
Diverse options for travel routes and transportation modes Number of shared rides
Satisfying travel experience with reduced costs and better social interactions User satisfaction levels
High user satisfaction with the overall traveling process
SWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Weaknesses:
Skilled and Experienced Development Team Lack of Practical Experience in
Dynamic and Enthusiastic Marketing Team Transportation Services
Lower Initial Investment Cost Need to Build and Attract User Community
from Scratch
Limited Initial Investment
Limited Product Development Time

Opportunities: Threats:
Increasing Trend of Users Utilizing Shared Intense Competition
Services Challenges in Attracting and Retaining a
Growing Demand for Transportation Large Enough User Base
Potential to Expand to Other Markets Beyond Safety and Security Risks
Hanoi in the Futur Risk of Losing Customers
Easily Expand Market Share
Reasons to invest into our startup
Our team Strengths
Diverse expertise: Our team has 6 members, including 4
developers and 2 marketers. Our team combines a wide range
of skills and experience from software development skills to
strategic marketing and performance management skills.
Deep and broad knowledge: developers in our team have both
broad and deep knowledge of software development technology,
and marketers have a lot of experience in financial
management and SEO.
Creative thinking: We are always looking for new ideas to
enhance our platform and bring value to users.
Customer-oriented approach: We always focus on providing
the best user experience, driving high satisfaction and
Openness: Always ready to receive feedback from users and
stakeholders. Change to adapt to the market.
Risk simulation
Able to effectively manage risks through SWOT analysis and

Our financial competitor assessment through 4Ps.

Growth potential
Bustling market: on average, each year there are 8.2
million people using the car pairing service in Vietnam,
the market size per year is: 71.32 million USD.
Government policies: There are supportive policies from
the government.
Operating in a market with high growth potential:
forecast market growth from 2024 - 2028 is 12.1% CAGR
There are plans to expand the market and increase
business scale: initially operate on a small scale in Hoa
Lac and then expand.
Able to attract more customers: have promotions and
advertising on social networks.

Amount of money requested

650 millions VND (350 millions VND for investor)

Break-even point
About 2 years (low compared to technology startups)

Expected profit
Year 1 profit after break-even point (2026): 375,310,000 VND
Investor year 1 profit after break-even point: 187,655,000
Profit Year 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

Revenue per
17,000 17,000 18,360 18,360 18,360

number of
customers 62,500 81,250 105,625 137,312.5 178,506.25
over the

Total net
7,410,000 104,910,000 375,310,000 583,180,000 853,411,000

How our service going to expand:

Hoa Lac (FPT, VNU) ==> Hanoi (inner and suburban) ==> Most big cities and
suburbans in Vietnam ==> Outside Vietnam (example: Southeast Asia) ==>
Global(building global brand)
Go n’ share
Thank you for your listening!
Reach out to us for questions.

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