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The MISSION and the VISION Statement

MISSION:The mission statement is the heart of your social enterprise. It describes its central purpose and the basic principles that guide the actions of employees, partners, and management. As well, it articulates the strategy you will use to accomplish your goals and objectives. A mission statement also defines your target population and Embodies the organizational values of your social enterprise. The mission statement also provides direction to your social enterprise. If the business plan can be considered the road map of your social enterprise and the vision is the direction in which you are going, then the mission statement consists of the street signs to get there. our business plan must be consistent with your mission statement, so use it as an anchoring guide in each step of the planning process.

A vision is a global concept, it paints a picture of the social enterprises direction and future. An effective vision statement succinctly communicates an uplifting philosophy that energizes social enterprise stakeholders to embrace challenges in order to successfully accomplish its goals. A vision statement should remain relatively constant well beyond the life of your involvement as an international organization or intermediary in the social enterprise. The normal life span of a vision statement is 10 to 20 years. It articulates the ultimate long-range goal for your social enterprise.

THREE Steps to Developing MISSION AND VISION Statement:

1. Statement of Purpose:
The statement of purpose describes what your social enterprise seeks to accomplish. It answers the question, What will the ultimate result of your work be? The statement of purpose uses infinitive verbs such as to eliminate, to increase, to improve, and to prevent, indicating a change in status related to the problems you seek to alleviate. In defining purpose, focus on results rather than methods. Consider questions like How is the situation going to be different because of the social enterprise? and What is going to change for the target clients? For example, the purpose of a marketing social enterprise would not be to provide marketing services to poor women entrepreneurs but to increase market opportunities and income of poor women entrepreneurs. In one or two sentences, using infinitive verbs, describe the desired result of your social enterprise and the problem or condition that you aim to change. Example: To increase economic opportunities and income of poor women entrepreneurs engaged in food transformation of agriculture.

2. Business Statement:
The business statement describes how your social enterprise will achieve its purpose by depicting the activities you will undertake to this end. In doing so, the business statement characterizes the basic strategy you will use. Most purpose statements yield several potential strategies, each one constituting a different business. To increase poor women entrepreneurs income, you could provide access to affordable credit, business training, and improved production technology, among other options. Writing a business statement clarifies the means to accomplishing your purpose and gets everyone reading off the same page. If the word and appears in either your statement of purpose or your business statement, ask yourself if you are equally committed to both ideas connected by the word and and, if not, acknowledge that one idea is more important. In other words, prioritize your ideas while writing your mission statement.

3. Value Statement:
The value statement communicates the who of your social enterprise by embodying the beliefs and principles of your program. Values guide staff, management, and leadership in performing their duties. Often, the values of an institution, such as commitment to economic justice for the poor, integrity, honesty, innovation, cost recovery, or religious conviction, are important elements in a staff members decision to work with an organization or are the reason a donor or board member supports a particular program. Ideally, the personal values of stakeholders are aligned with the values of the social enterprise program.


Bank of America Corp.

Vision: Vision is to continue to help their customers grow and demonstrate how they can turn opportunities into reality. Mission: To offer lending and investment products that: Serve low- and moderate-income individuals and families Improve underserved low and moderate-income communities Create sustainable practices for the long haul.

Volkswagen Vision: Volkswagen is expanding the research and development programme for long-term electrification of drives with this commitment. These batteries need to be particularly durable and low cost to allow the electric drive to make the breakthrough to mass production. Mission: Company supports the protection of the species in equal measure at all its plants. Accordingly, nature conservation areas and national parks should not be put to economic use.

Hitachi Vision : To create richer lives and a better society by providing products, systems, and services with a superior level of value and quality based on the latest advances in technology. Mission: To provide high quality products utilizing vision and insight to exceed customers expectations.

Panasonic Vision: A top global company by pursuing the management objectives of realizing a ubiquitous networking society and coexisting with the global environment through cutting edge technologies. Mission: We strive for the creation of new values, by pursuing user-friendliness and accomplishing high-tech mindset, driven by challenging spirits and full speed of actions.

Barclays Vision: To achieve good growth through time by diversifying its business base and increasing its presence in markets and segments that are growing rapidly. Mission: Barclays is a global financial services provider, engaged in retail and commercial banking, credit cards, investment banking, wealth management and investment management services all over the world. With a vast, international reach, Barclays offers innovative products and services to meet the needs of its diverse base of customers and clients.

Sony Vision: 'Sony will be the most comprehensive entertainment company in the world' or 'the world will look to Sony for comprehensive entertainment'. Mission: Sony is a leading manufacturer of audio, video, communications, and information technology products for the consumer and professional markets. Its motion picture, television, computer entertainment, music and online businesses make Sony one of the most comprehensive entertainment companies in the world.

Nippon Life Insurance Vision: Nippon Life Benefits will be the leading provider of insurance products and financial services to Japanese affiliated businesses in the U.S. Mission: To be a high quality financial services company and to be a company that customers continue to trust and choose.

Nestle Vision: To bring consumers foods that are safe, of high quality and provide optimal nutrition to meet physiological needs. In addition to Nutrition, Health and Wellness, Nestl products bring consumers the vital ingredients of taste and pleasure. Mission: Make better food so that people live a better life.

E.ON Vision: E.ON is on track to becoming the world's leading power and gas company. With annual sales of just under EUR87 billion and about 93,500 employees, we are already one of the world's largest investor-owned power and gas companies. The world's first coal-fired power plant with a thermal efficiency of more than 50 percent will set new standards and make E.ON a pacesetter for this type of technology. Mission: To be valued by our customers for bringing competitive solutions, reliability, comfort, and convenience to their lives and businesses.

AT&T Vision: To design and create in this decade the new global network, processes, and service platforms that maximize automation, allowing for a reallocation of human resources to more complex and productive work. Mission: To exploit technical innovations for the benefit of AT&T and its customers by implementing nextgeneration technologies and network advancements in AT&T's services and operations.


Corporate Governance Codes, Principles & Recommendations


Reserve Bank of India vide their Circular dated May 08, 2007 and July 11, 2007 have issued guidelines on Corporate Governance to non deposit taking NBFCs with an asset size of Rs. 100 crore or above in order to ensure adoption of best practices and greater transparency in their operations. The Company is professionally managed through the Board of Directors and committees of the Board. The Company ensures good governance through the implementation of effective policies and procedures, which are regularly reviewed by the Board or the committee of the Board. In view of the above RBI Guidelines, the Company further lays down the following set of guidelines / corporate governance practices: (a) The affairs of the Company shall be conducted with integrity, fairness, accountability and transparency. All commitments in its dealings with stakeholders and regulatory authorities shall be met. Through the best practices, the Company shall strive to maximize the stakeholders value.

(b) Composition of Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Company shall have right mix of executive and nonexecutive directors and independent Directors. (c) Constitution of various Committees: With the objective of attaining accountability, transparency and fairness, following Committees have been constituted by the Board for the purposes to act in accordance with terms of reference specified by the Board:


Audit Committee:

To oversee the Companys financial reporting process and disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial statements are correct, sufficient and credible. 2) Risk Management Committee / ALCO Committee:

Interest rate view on Government Securities during a specific period, view on Corporate spreads for the same period, desired mix of incremental assets which needs to be taken in executing the above classification of various financial assets/liabilities. 3) Nomination Committee: To ensure fit and proper status of the Directors. 4) Operations Committee:

To approve opening of various accounts with RBI that are required for primary dealership activities, to approve opening and closing of various bank and demat accounts, etc.


Share Transfer Committee: To approve transfer and transmission of shares.


Portfolio Management Committee:

The risk and investment policies and methodologies to be used for measurement of risks; ensuring compliance with risk management policies, etc. (d) Periodicity of the Meetings of Board and Committees: The Board and the Audit Committee, Risk Management Committee shall meet at quarterly intervals and more frequently, if deemed necessary to conduct its business. (e) Periodic reporting to Board / Committee thereof: The performance reports pertaining to various businesses, internal / external audit reports, Stress Test Reports, Reports on Capital Adequacy, Compliance Reports shall be placed before the respective committees on a periodic basis. (f) Disclosures: The Company shall file all the periodic regulatory returns in prescribed time limit and make transparent disclosures to the Board / Committees / Regulators.


Statement on corporate governance compliance:

Rolls-Royce attaches the highest priority to corporate governance, the system by which the Company is directed, managed and controlled in the interests of all its stakeholders. The strength of the Company's corporate values, its reputation and its ability to achieve its objectives are influenced by the effectiveness of the Company's approach towards corporate governance. The Board confirms that throughout 2005, the Company complied with the Combined Code on Corporate Governance (the Combined Code). This report and, where appropriate, the Directors' remuneration report, explain how the Company discharges its corporate governance responsibilities.

Role of the Board:

The Board is responsible to all its stakeholders for the conduct and performance of the Company. The day-to-day running of the Company is delegated by the Board to the executive team under the leadership of Sir John Rose, the Chief Executive.

The Board retains responsibility for the approval of certain matters which affect the shape and risk profile of the Company, as well as such items as the annual budget and performance targets, the published accounts, payments to shareholders, major capital investments and any substantial change to balance sheet management policy. This division of responsibilities between the Board and the executive team is set out in detail in a schedule approved annually by the Board, which defines those decisions which can only be taken by the Board itself. The Board has approved the following statement summarizing its core responsibilities:

Primary goal:
The primary goal of the Board is to ensure that the Company's strategy creates value for the long-term investor within an acceptable risk profile.

The Board's tasks:

In line with its primary goal, the Board's principal tasks are to:

ensure the development of the Company's strategy and keep it under rigorous review; monitor the implementation of the strategy, ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are in place to deliver it and that effective controls exist to manage risk;

Directors' induction, training and information:

Newly appointed directors participate in a structured induction programme and receive a comprehensive data pack providing detailed information on the Group. An existing executive director acts as a mentor to each newly appointed non-executive director, giving guidance and advice as required. As part of their briefing,

non-executive directors visit key sites and meet a cross-section of managers and employees to gain a better understanding of the Group and its operations. On-going training is available for all the directors, including presentations by the executive team on particular aspects of the business. There is an agreed procedure for directors to take independent professional advice at the Company's expense. This is in addition to the access every director has to the Company Secretary and the General Counsel.

Board effectiveness:
The Chairman meets at least once a year with the non-executive directors without the executive directors present, in order to review the operation of the Board. The Chairman has an annual meeting with each non-executive director to review their contribution to the Board.

Nominations committee:
In 201O the nominations committee was chaired by Simon Robertson. Its other members were the Hon Amy Bondurant, Peter Byrom, Carl-Peter Forster, Sir John Rose, Ian Strachan, Carl Symon and Sir Robin Nicholson (until his retirement as a non-executive director on May 4, 2005).

Remuneration committee:
The remuneration committee determines appropriate levels of remuneration for the executive directors and other senior executives. The committee met six times during the year. The committee's membership and principal terms of reference are set out in the directors' remuneration report.

Audit committee:
The audit committee consists exclusively of independent, nonexecutive directors and is chaired by Peter Byrom who has recent and relevant financial experience. In 2005, its other members were Sir Robin Nicholson until May 4, 2005 and Ian Strachan. Iain Conn became a member of the committee with effect from January 20, 2005. The committee met four times during the year. The committee has responsibility for recommending to the Board the published accounts and for reviewing the Group's financial reporting and accounting policies, including major announcements made to a regulatory information service.

Directors' responsibilities:
The directors are responsible for the Group's system of internal control and for maintaining and reviewing its effectiveness from both a financial and operational perspective.

Rolls-Royce also has a code of business ethics which lays down the principles to be followed by employees in the course of conducting business. The code also gives guidance to support achievement of the required standards. Additionally, confidential reporting lines enable UK and US employees to report, outside the normal management chain, any concerns they may have with regard to business conduct.

The risk management system:

The risk management system is an integral part of management's approach to delivering business objectives and is a systematic process designed to identify, assess, treat, manage and communicate risks. It also provides a method of escalation and delegation to the appropriate level within the organization and ensures actions are owned, defined, resourced and effective.

Systems of internal control:

The general managers of individual businesses are aware of their responsibility to operate systems of internal control which provide reasonable assurance of effective and efficient operations, reliable financial information and compliance with laws and regulations.

Export controls:
The Group attaches the highest priority to complying fully with export controls in all the jurisdictions in which it operates. Detailed processes have been put in place to ensure that the Group follows all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. The Board has established an exports committee, chaired by the Chief Operating Officer, which has responsibility for the application of appropriate controls to the Group's export activity.

Communication with shareholders:

The Company attaches importance to the effectiveness of its communications with shareholders. It publishes an Annual review and summary financial statement as well as a full Annual report. There are also separate reports for the Environment and Community Relations. The Company maintains a regular dialogue with institutional shareholders and the financial community. This includes presentations of the preliminary and interim results, regular meetings with major shareholders, participation in stockbrokers' seminars and site visits.

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