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fase wea-am (get afer) fearaa year Geant adit aéle— 2013 1. Prefefian ¥ tata fir 3/5 atte 45 3 tte fran 8? 8g u a oy Bi Sy ole a © Biss 2. AQIS 5x3 — 4x? + Tx St OTT MB? Aad B. 4 C3 D2 3. Pretend #8 ara x + 2y= 6 aT eer ETB? A. (2,2) B. G,3) c. 4,1) D. 6,0) 4. tarsi & dem ot fe ww fry a der aet a A. 40° 3% 50° 4B. st C. 50° ait 60" sit 70° 6. UH TT AL Tae Bart aay thet D. ayia mit 7.33 yan ota rt wr attaa & A9 B. 18 c.27 D. 36 8. a demi a HCF 7% oT LCM 210 Bi aie wr tem 35 & ah att den er eh? A42 B. 43 C44 D. 45 9. Freafafiad + & a wai 87 A 4x2-6r4+5= x-5=0 C. 3x2 42! D.tx-2+7=0 10. a ai & 8 ai. att 10TH. F1 wat ara aia? AB: B. 4:5 D. 5:4 aH Weaeat (RH. H) 155, 160, 145, 150, 147, 152, 144, 148 @1 Ares wars ‘aia fare A 147 B. 148%. Cc. 149 ei. D. 150%. Tres sre aha = 12x? 74+ 1 A (4x-1)(1-3x) BB. (4x4: 1) Gr +1) C. @x-2)x-2) D. (4x- 1) Gx-1) 13. AM ae afer: (102)3 A. 1061208 B. 1601208 C. 1601028 D. 1126008 14, wa ferret ague sta aifery fore grat & aT er ayers eafraa & : (4,1) A P+ 12x42 B. P= W4x41 Celdeel D2 M4x-1 (1778) PP-2013 (H}-1 15. wiser 2x4 3y = K 9K ST ATT aa Sif, wate x=2 aa y=1 et AT B. 8 a9 DO 16. a aaa ore Peat BT TET 306 BI pits ara afar A. (17, 18) B. (15, 16) Cc. &9) D. (18, 19) 17. feared ware A ae safarT : W+xt4=0 a iNSI 4 altv3T oa 18. AP,+3,41 ad aa fafa A. [3,-3] B. [3,2] Cc. [3,3] D. B.-2) 19. af eas eater Erg at aac 10ST, ter af 15h. dt at, ea re afar A. 25 ait. B. 45 i. c. 55 tH. D. 6y5 oH. Directions (Qs. 26 to 3 below carefully and answe began to talk about thsummer holiday. Where should they go this year? That was the question which had to be answered. Should they go to the sea-side, or to the country? Did they prefer fun on the farm to basking on a beach? The children soon settled that. With one voice they cried, “sea-side, please!” “Let's go somewhere where there is good tan26° 20. gee TTA at afr AO B. 1 C2 D3 21. we We at saat are aire, rat Bea RHE A 1743.3 83 B. 1347.3 8413 C. 1473.3 3 D. 1437.3 S13 22, Wem BaTaTeRTE fae at TT 15 TA. x 12 BA. x 5 Wi. bea Bea ar Gea Tia daw ara Fifer A. 6308? B. 600%? C. 603 Fh? D. 660%? 23. Pra 14 of. aa Aart peta Sara ot aire A. 2664 ot? 2644 HH C. 2446 Hit, . 2464 He? 24. HT fear 14 ef. gar Sarg 48%. Sarg ara afar A StH. B. s000ef. wit D. 500%. 43 one oft 5 art HE Bi ga aa we Fe argesar Prat ot 1 gaat FT snfermen & Pe He art et? A328 B. 2/8 Cc. 5/8 D1 yevencn anperat SN swimming”, said Sally, who had just won her life-saving certificate, “and good fishing”, said Alan, who had been given a smart rod for his birthday. “What about mountain climbing?” Paul asked. He had been to Switzerland, the year before, with the Scout trip. “Your mother and I just want to siton a beach”, said father, “thatis, if you don’t mind, of course”. “Two deck-chairs for a fortnight for mother and father. Then everyone will be happy”, the children cried. 26. 27. 29, 3. Why was a family meeting held at the table? A. To discuss about some quarrel concerned with the family B. To inform the children about a function to be held after sometime C. To plan an excursion for site seeing D. To plan the programme for summer holiday ‘What was their decision regarding the summer holiday? A. To go to Switzerland where Paul had gone on Scout trip To go to the countryside to enjoy fun on the farm To go on a continental tour of Europe To go to sea-side for enjoyment B. c D. What was an alternate programme before the family? To goto their home village into the interior To goto see their relations in different places To go to the country To arrange vacation programme for the children papp How was the decision taken by the family? ‘A. The programme was discussed by all and the majority decision taken B. . Mother suggested it and it was the children . Father suggested an alternati and it was chosen by thestunanitmously ‘What was the parents? A. Because the pare! referred deck- chairs. B. Because childéén wanted their parents to witness their enjoyment on the sea-side. Because their mother wanted as such. Because it was the desire of their father. c. D. Choose the alternative which correctly fits in the blanks: Don'tdisturb me, my home work. A. do B. did C. does D. am doing . Programme was decided by the children Ady incomplete senten okayed by parents s+ ‘The news is too good me 32. ‘Choose’ changes in past continuous as A. choosed B. was choosing C. was choosen —_—D._were choosing 33. Comparative degree of Good is A. Best B. Better C. Gooder D. Goodly 34. Noun of Invite is A. Invitation B. Invited C. Invitee D. Invite 35. Choose the correct form of Voice; Will Ritu have sung a song? A. Will a song have sung by Ritu? B. Will a song have been sung by Ritu? C. Will a song been have sung by Ritu? D. Will a song been si Ritu? 36. Choose the correct Want or lack o A. Draught |. Drought C. Des C ) D. Dryland 37. cheb word: ing whieh must happen. weiding B. Expected Inevitable D. Eventful hose the correct op' n to complete the A. tote B. to not true C.tobenottrue —_—D. to be true 39. Choose the correct spelling A. Consede B. Concede C. Consead D. Conceade 40. Choose the alternative which correctly fits in the blank: Ithas been raining .. A. since B. C. for D. 41. Choose the alternative which correctly fits in the blank: The bus driver ... morning. to in asleep while he was driving. A. falls B. had fallen C. fell D. fallen 42. Choose the correct word: 47. Choose the correct option: To carry away a person by force or fraud. What is autobiography? A. Attack B. Kidnap A. A description of someone's travel C. Hijack D. Steal B. A song or a peom that tells a story 43. Fill in the blanks with suitable Articles: aren ot pace wa Bite Today is ....n0- first day of April. ee | . A. that B. the 48. Choose the correct form of Active/Passive C. an D.a Mae ‘ ae a ic has finished his meal. 44, Fill in the blanks with suitable Articles: ‘Aisa une Weg TRE by Bi Honest men speak ... truth. B. His meal has finished by him. A. the Bea C. His meal has been finished by him. C. of D. an D. His meal had been finished by him. 45. Choose the correct word which is similar inthe | 49, Choose the suitable Preposition out of the four meaning to the capital lettered word: alternative PREJUDICE ‘The hunter aimed .. tiger. B. Offence Aon ‘in D. Todecide Cito 46. Choose the correct word which is similar inthe | 50. Choose -reposition out of the four meaning to the capital lettered word: alternatives: sTOOP Your work... theaverage. A. Subscribe B. Sympathise eth B. below C. Tobow D. Tamper under D. beside fear: (wa. 51 55) = referee Tener aT . ae ar oftara B- & om titre: A ta & ofa ara wat a ot area ea aa 8 ott AT B. rarH Tas BCH Set aT Pra aT @ atta a 1 ges Saran at C. ta fea 3 fag ag 8 det So We Sear 2a FET, TH aT D. 9 & ofa aafaa ar cana AT fer Pret siren ar rem ere A. aie age at aoihrat gore & B. argyle a1 aaa wear & C. after a water we ere SATB D. ort aft tar & fer cra a ta 53. dear ara welt oF aac F aftr wet ona &, wife A. Reem aaa 3 ae ort B B.S Ua HTT FTE sort apr & aft Gra g-airat ae aT elt ret ig a site SS aet one 1 Ser aT ota andr 8 fromm 1 ge ai wand & Pe a Sa art & Gt 2a ara thet eae 7 aM, afer TTT AMT GS Bia EOS ater eae aM, aA H grea te at far ar ae? on BS at at HARTA TET B1 55. 61. Laer Rar ery & et aT ne ST er Perey sre ete 1. ATT Sar | fee TET CAS; TTY TY; tee SATS aT Met arg ahr vita’ aera aT sre Sa C. arrat vit area Prare-zart at wat ot & D. we aren ig ore tht B A. Rafer site fanfare & B. aan er Freer a & C. git ait aman & aanta at & D, wrt site sant & aa art wa E tare ar sign fara - Amhara a. aime c. wh oat D. wit wat F A. dian gat C. fart B. Tt D. Sart BS, et aa Pe Pe Pe cla ee a aT wap aaa & fares fees &7 A. adres ait pir B. areata a pif C. safaar ait ifr D. wares Pret a ei arate A. wat a on ag Ht B. eat & faa gaat ae C. Stet are sift 5x Baars C. Rar D. Waar ah erm ear sear ada at Padre THe ae, ‘we aa Hed 8? AL aT B. fei c. at D. fader RT TH aT are ie eet StF aera e, aeT— A. saanetar that & B. sraferare ear & C. aque aia tat & D. srarian tat rare’ a afee-fame ara 8? A fro stat B. fae + af c fas at D. fra + ora j= er gree aT ahaa sree PLAT Be A Fae B. Water c. dat D. it Pear qa a a A wir ca waa A® 63. 65. . AST fares afta 82 |, tat Bae Tee Bt site at mm aye faa tat det, da, wet a attr ot wera oe feger ag a og tat tah Sam, soot Ht ate aT Tent aa a Safeg en D. og a 4a 2at tar Baa Foe St site, at Tet wear ar defy Fi 67. feet Hi Fait Braet 82 AL oR B. ar c. apa D. err feta ae Great B sa aT FHA fea 3? AL TE B. orate C. frais D. fonds 69. Si a Shae Tae ge BP A. oat & oree Ber ane B. wet Wo ait C. oat aH Aer & feet at ara D. Sat STAT ATH TATA | 66. 7 68. 70. 7m. 2. 16. vad ga ar vataardt ara 82 7B. wa es at we aT Baer B- A. ART B. a A aftr act C. ae D. aT B. ae 4 ora a eT site & atfere sare fivar feta gar Be CaS wie dot Aa B. afae D. ait 4 eT cae Dae 74, Sere a wea ar oA Tet S fare oH TE B- ‘re Fase ara Bs gree oar es Gt ete TT A. Sherer B. wees wae 2 or oftre ort a aa Bh aan tat c. afaaet D. etree a 5. Sarr qe & faq srgar wraaas at B— AL 8S aia B. gaa aie A ape B. Seat C. adit aa D. SoH setae C. aera D. ae ara ST Prafatad 9 @ faa ora 4 dider ait ai anit | 81. me ‘witar af aera rat a Br AL tart B. om gta & Aary BL geomet c. efter D. aaTers et D. waa aa 1. AaHTaTY Tara ary a? ard we wetter weet 87 Actin a. der ar af wi B. ag C. ana. ee D. opt ae Cc. =r D. fea . at arm far & Ta UAT Fz BA aT B? eae ee & Aw B, aac B. fava vata fear C. agi D. are C. faa ug at @ 1. Waa fe cere F Pes ar afaratires aer & fer D, siaetega after & aed a anita ar Tat E AL edie Fare B. ore TA AT STAT 38 Poa ota de ae ay oui ait b Dy es ATE A. titanic B. tardies 85. Sea RS are re os Se Ee a oe B, farat pier Sr vey ey Re c. att b. wit ? 3 Ae) Bt ACTS * eA: B. 33m C. aaa Sat D. aa eccur iB wet 87. 89. 91. 93. reat orgs cared & A. Oe Ol Tet B. Sb @ aT C. wart ora a1 Tet D. sitet a aet . Tigfettrat sar B? A. Refefian ter C. ferrart ftectee et 87 A. aparar Foe at are ogy TT B. 4a § er art are og oT C. are F rar at are Igy HT D. after 4 oar art ara 9g aT B. rere D. aR ). aie at areas rar & A. feted B. oft C. ara D. feet wre 1 om Raia ta F ater ees TA TAT saree farhet A. Ofte st B. waa. art C. fare tect D. oatan ate oh Ae 2. Fare Farrer % fae eat oe tes ae B? A. grit B. tg C. ree D. 7A wm a er a Port wafee oh aa & ea aT Te B. Jed wide Paar afters c. agar sit dat wat waa BT D. da sabia ait gettact 94. ea aren wares + 1805 9 ast Ie STAT fear? A. oer fie art B. Trae aT cw fie ar D. aidan wit 95. ifwas dang waftad ar A win B. aiffezar Comat D. we 96. Tapa TERT a eTET Tet B? AL Spire 2h mire Cc. Rrearir . 97. aya FH yee we Ta AE at data F— Ate Te ce D. afaer t 98. ate WaR ar aaTEt 8? A B. wae D. space aati ANA Ba STAT? A. 1928 B. 1910 c. 1929 D. 1930 100. ‘warfare’ tr Pa sites ae at at F tor a A wet B. frets Cc. ate wat D. aH sea ara A ate i 8 9 10 A B B 17 18 19 20 B D c B 27 28 29 30 D G B D a7 38 39 40 42 52 62 72 82 92 44 54 64 4 84 94 45 55 65 15 85 95 46 56 66 76 86 96 47 357 67 7 87 97 48 58 68 78 8 50 60 70 80 90 100

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