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SCMH Section 3.3.

1 Introduction
Revision Letter: B
Revision Date: 01-APR-2014 Section 3.3

Non Conforming Product Guidance Material

The Non-Conforming Product guidance material is designed to assist organizations in
executing an effective non-conforming product program. The material provides
guidance, best practices and examples to assist organizations with meeting the intent
of the 9100:2003 non-conforming product requirements. This material was developed
using 9100:2003 as a guide. Please note 9100:2009 guidance is in work and is
expected to be published in the second quarter of 2010.

Instructions for Use:

The material provided in 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 of this Section are similar but made available
in two versions, the first in the form of an MSWord document and is self explanatory
noting the expectations of each of the nonconforming product requirements of
9100:2003. The second is a set of matrices; a training presentation found in 3.3.2
contains the instructions for using the matrices.

The Training Presentation –for Matrices in Excel

Paragraph 3.3.2 provides the instructions for using the non-conforming product
guidance material, it is in the form of a PowerPoint presentation and may be altered
pending an organizations needs. This presentation maybe used to train an
organization’s personnel in the use of the guidance material provided in 3.3.4.

The Non-Conforming Product Guidance Material –for Matrices in Excel

Paragraph 3.3.4 contains matrices in the form of an Excel spreadsheet with tabs
relating to the specific requirements of 9100:2003. The top of each tab refers to the
specific 9100:2003 requirement, other applicable specifications, and the generic
expectation to create an effective program. The color-coded columns identify the
product type, the department taking action and the different types of situations;
COTs/standard parts, raw materials, build-to-print, and supplier design. Each tab
includes a “back to ToC” button which will return the user to the Table of Contents to
select the next requirement for review, or the user may click on each of the Excel
tabs to view each of the referenced 9100:2003 Non-Conforming Product
requirements. “Esc” or Close the Excel file to return to the SCMH.

The intention of this section is to assist organizations with understanding an effective
Non-Conforming Product Program and is not intended to be a requirement, nor

IAQG Product and Supply Chain Improvement Strategy Stream &

Supply Chain Management Handbook SCMH Project Team
SCMH Section 3.3.1 Introduction
Revision Letter: B
Revision Date: 01-APR-2014 Section 3.3

Non Conforming Product Guidance Material

April 2014

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