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To: Dr. Smith, Business Writing Instructor, CCRI. email@ccri.


From: Your Name, Business Writing Student, CCRI.

Date: 15 July 2024

Subject: Informal Memo on One Warm Coat Nonprofit Organization

Dear Dr. Smith,

Background Information

One Warm Coat is a nationwide nonprofit effort to collect and distribute warm coats, free of
charge, to children and adults in need. As indicated on its website, more than 8.3 million coats
have been collected since 1992—all going directly to persons in need throughout the United
States. Something, therefore, makes this issue relevant right after considering issues of short-
term needs for warmth and long-term environmental sustainability by keeping textiles out of
landfills. This organization touts itself as being driven by volunteering and community
involvement, which the data supports: They facilitated more than 50,000 coat drives and
mobilized hundreds of thousands of volunteers, along with engaging local partners.

Major Findings – Social Media

One Warm Coat keeps a strong online presence through multiple social media sites to raise
awareness and call for participant engagement. They maintain an engaging Facebook page with
more than 30,000 followers, a Twitter account frequently set with postings regarding coat drives
and success stories, and an Instagram profile family sharing their impact in pictures and videos.
Their website is so full of organization, with tabs like "Get Involved" and "Find a Drive" for
people to engage or donate. They also have a blog keeping the public up to date constantly with
stories and other pieces of information about what they are doing, thus saving them further
involved in fulfilling their mission.

Reaction to Research

Although One Warm Coat's social media and website are well-rounded, the variety of media
used is somewhat lacking. Adding more videos and activities may lead to greater engagement
opportunities for followers. Having a stronger presence on new platforms like TikTok can open
the organization to a younger population, potentially filling more volunteer opportunities. This is
something that the organization is doing right; their work with communication really helps to
support their mission.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look very much forward to developing a more
detailed analysis over the coming weeks.

Best regards,

Full Name
Business Writing Student, CCRI

Works Cited

One Warm Coat. (2024). Mission and History. Retrieved from

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