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Effective brand management in today’s competitive business landscape is crucial for several

reasons. Brand management is the process of developing, maintaining and protecting a brand’s
identity, reputation and value over time. It helps businesses differentiate themselves in a market
saturated with similar products and services, creating a unique image that distinguishes them
from competitors. Brands have the power to evoke emotions and create lasting connections with
consumers, Like Apple and its loyal fan base. Apple isn't just selling technology, it's selling
innovation, creativity and sense of belonging to a community. Also a strong brand is consistent
across all touchpoints, from advertising and marketing materials to customer service and product
quality. (Keller et al., 2015)
Purpose of this report to provide an overview of major branding concepts. As a brand consultant,
my goal is to analyse the company’s current branding situation and provide strategic
recommendations on how to incorporate different branding elements to drive overall company
growth, not just increased sales.
Company overview
Camerry Ice Cream owes its origins to the Cousins Group, which was formed in 1990 by five
close-knit families, and headquartered in Ernakulam, Kerala. They are well known in Kerala and
in the growing markets of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. It all started with a group of cousins who
shared a passion for creating unique and delicious ice cream flavours by using natural
ingredients. The company’s inspiration comes from combining fruits, milk and nuts to make
delicious, creamy ice creams. One of their unique selling propositions is their commitment to
using fresh seasonal and exotic fruits, along with ultra-modern and state-of-the-art hygienic
plants to create delectable ice creams.
Their target audience includes families and young adults who appreciate quality time and treats,
as well as health-conscious who prioritise natural ingredients.

Branding and its importance

In earlier times, brand was a straightforward method of identifying products. Ancient
civilisations used branding to mark ownership or origin. These marks assured buyers of the
product's source and quality. It began as a method of product identification and has evolved into
an advanced strategic marketing tool that builds brand loyalty, customer preference and market
share. The industrial revolution marked a significant shift in branding. As mass production
emerged, products became more widely available leading to increased competition. Companies
needed a way to differentiate their products resulting in the rise of trademarks.
The rise of billboards, TV commercials and colour TV increases the brand visibility. Companies
began developing brand management strategies focusing on creating unique identities and
emotional connections with consumers. Social media, data-driven advertising and customer
reviews have transformed how brands interact with customers. Successful campaigns like Coca-
Cola’s demonstrate the power of personalised and engaging branding strategies. Companies now
focus on mission-based branding to connect with consumers deeper. Brands also utilise
community involvement and in-store experiences to build loyalty and stand out in a crowded
market. (Vistaprint, 2020)
Branding is not just about creating a recognizable logo or catchy slogan, it's a strategic tool that
shapes how consumers perceive the company and its products or services. A brand includes the
values, personality and messaging that contribute to the overall experience and perception of a
product or company. (Keller et al., 2015) for example, the brand coca-cola had a deep emotional
connection with consumers going beyond the physical product. The negative consumer reaction
to the introduction of new coke showed the level of brand loyalty that coca-cola had built over
the years. Because consumers are not just purchasing a product they were buying into the brand’s
values, etc. coca-cola’s mistake was not fully understanding the psychological and emotional
aspects of its brand. They failed to recognize the minds of consumers. This shows the
significance of branding beyond the products.
Branding is crucial for Camerry ice cream success because it helps themes to shape consumer
perception and create a unique identity in the competitive ice cream market. As part of branding
they should develop a strong visual identity including a recognizable logo, colour, scheme and
packaging design. Currently they created a memorable customer experience by developing a
captivating and memorable packaging design that reflects its brand identity. Also their current
packaging along with the brand’s tone of voice and visual elements, helps them to create an
emotional connection with consumers and develops brand loyalty. By utilising its unique selling
propositions such as the use of fresh, seasonal and exotic fruits and hygienic production
processes Camerry can carve out a unique niche and be easily recognized by consumers. By
building a strong brand with quality and natural ingredients, customers are more likely to
become repeat buyers.
There are several benefits to strong brand: differentiation, A strong brand differentiates itself by
establishing clear Points-of-difference and points-of-parity compared to competitors. For
Camerry ice cream, differentiation can be achieved by highlighting their USP such as the use of
fresh seasonal and exotic fruits and state of the art hygienic plants. USP helps them to be easily
recognizable and preferred by customers looking for natural and high quality ice cream.
Customer connection, when customers feel connected to a brand, they are more likely to be
loyal and to recommend the brand to others. For Camerry creating a brand that resonates with
families and young adults who appreciate quality time and natural ingredients can develop a
strong emotional connection. By focusing on their commitment to high quality products Camerry
can build a loyal customer base that values the brand for more than just its products. Premium
pricing power, customers are often willing to pay more for a brand they trust and associate with
high quality. For luxury brands, a premium pricing strategy is supported by strong quality cues
and limited discounts. Similarly Camerry can strengthen its brand strength to justify higher
prices, by highlighting their use of natural ingredients and superior production process. With a
strong brand customers are less likely to switch to cheaper alternatives. Investor confidence,
investors are more likely to invest in companies with a strong brand because it indicates a solid
market position and potential for growth. Camerry’s established reputation in Kerala and its
expanding presence in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka can increase investor confidence. By
showcasing their commitment to quality and innovation , Camerry can attract investors looking
for reliable and promising business opportunity Competitive advantage, Camerry’s focus on
natural ingredients and innovative flavours positions it favourably against competitors who may
not prioritise these aspects. Strong brands develop loyalty, making it difficult for competitors to
lure away customers.
A strong brand instils trust and credibility among consumers. When customers recognize and
trust the brand, they are more likely to choose the products or services over others, even if they
come with a higher price tag. (Keller et al, 2016)

Brand development
A brand is a mutli-faceted concept that goes beyond just a name or a logo. It includes four
components: products, service, experience and perception. Product includes the physical goods
or digital offerings that a company provides and its the core offering and fulfils the basic needs
and desires of the consumer. The quality, design, functionality and reliability of the product are
crucial as they form the foundation of the brand. For Camerry the product is their wide range of
ice cream flavours. The quality and uniqueness of these ice creams form the foundation of the
Service means the customer support and services associated with the product, it includes pre-
sales consultation, purchase processes, after-sale support and customer service interactions.
When the product quality is high, the service is excellent and the consumer experience is
positive, the brand perception naturally improves. Consistency in these aspects ensures that
consumers know what to expect from the brand every time, it strengthens their trust and loyalty.
Excellent service can increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, creating a strong positive
connection with the brand. Experience means the overall customer journey and interactions with
the brand, including every touchpoint a customer has with the brand, from marketing
communication and website usability to in-store experiences and packaging. Camerry can
provide joy and satisfaction through the ambiance of the ice cream parlours, the marketing and
packaging. Perception assumes the aggregate of how customers, stakeholders and the public
view the brand. It shapes the product's performance, the service quality and the overall
experience. Camerry focuses on natural ingredients and health conscious choices positions it as a
premium, health-friendly option. Their focus on quality and the uniqueness of their flavours
helps in building a perception of a brand that prioritises both state and well-being.
The way Camerry Ice Cream communicates its brand story, values, and product benefits through
advertising, social media, and other channels also shapes perception. Perception can shape the
product and service improvements through consumer feedback, if customers perceive certain
flavours to be exceptionally good or suggest improvements, the company can respond by
refining their offerings, it can enhance the overall brand experience. By maintaining high
standards in each of these areas and ensuring they align with the brand values and promises,
Camerry can develop a strong, positive brand image that connects with its target audience.

Understanding the multi-faceted nature of a brand is essential when discussing brand image and
brand awareness. Brand image refers to the network of associations that consumers link to a
particular brand name. It includes the various attributes, perceptions and beliefs that people hold
about a brand, forming an overall mental picture of the brand. Use storytelling in marketing
campaigns to build emotional connections and a strong brand image. Share stories about the
origins of Camerry, the sourcing of ingredients or customer experiences to deepen the brand's
impact. And brand awareness means the extent to which consumers are familiar with a brand. It
measures how well consumers recognize and recall a brand. There are two types of brand
awareness, brand recall and brand recognition. Measured by asking consumers to name brands in
a specific category or associated with a particular need without any prompts. Brand recall
involves the ability of consumers to spontaneously remember a brand when thinking about a
product category or usage occasion. Brand recognition involves identifying a brand when
prompted. Measured by providing consumers with a list of brands and asking them identify those
they are familiar with. High brand awareness makes marketing efforts more efficient and cost
effective. (chernev, 2017)
Brand development is a process whereby a company’s brand identity, positioning and image are
developed and strengthened over time. There are four key steps in brand development, brand
positioning, brand design & communication and brand experience:

Brand positioning: it's about creating a distinct and meaningful image in the minds of
customers. Involves identifying strategically important brand associations and making them
primary in the customer’s brand. Camerry’s core values are creating unique and delicious ice
cream flavours using natural ingredients. Their target audience includes families, young adults,
and health-conscious individuals who appreciate quality treats.
Brand design & communication: brand design means the elements that represent the brand. It
includes two components: brand identifiers (brand name, logo, motto and packaging, which are
created and owned by the company) and brand referents (utilising existing elements like
experiences, people or concepts to create meaningful associations).
Brand communication involves relating the brand brand design to the target customers to build
the desired brand image in their minds. Brand identity means creating and communicating a
visual and verbal identity including elements such as the logo, tagline and messaging. it appeals
to the five senses sight, sound, touch, taste and smell making it tangible and recognizable.
(Lalaounis, 2021) Camerry's visual identity, including its logo and tagline, serves as tangible
representations of the brand's values and promise. The logo might incorporate elements like
fruits, milk, or nuts to convey the natural and delicious aspects of their ice creams. The tagline
could focus on freshness, quality or the unique flavour offerings, strengthening Camerry’s
positioning in consumers mind.
Brand experience: involves every interaction a customer has with the brand from the first
interaction to post purchase support are consistent and positive experience across all touchpoints.
Includes aspects like the taste and texture of their ice creams, the cleanliness and ambiance of
their retail locations and the efficiency and friendliness of their customer service. By maintaining
high standards of quality and service, Camerry can strengthen its brand image and build
customer loyalty. (chernev, 2017)
For example, Apple brand positioning is centred on innovation, premium quality and a seamless
user experience. From the beginning Apple has positioned itself as a leader in technology and
design making its products desirable for their simplicity and advanced functionality. This image
is achieved through strategic brand associations like innovation, quality and exclusivity. Their
brand design is minimalist and sleek. The bitten apple logo is instantly recognizable and
associated with cutting edge technology. Apple’s communication strategy focuses on simplicity,
elegance and innovation. From the intuitive design of products to the aesthetic and service
quality of its retail stores, Apple ensures that every customer interaction reinforces its premium
and innovative brand image.

Keller’s CBBE model

CBBE stands for customer based brand equity is a framework developed by Keller that focuses
on understanding and managing brand equity from the perspective of the consumer. This model
focuses on the importance of customer perceptions, attitudes and experiences in shaping the
strength of a brand. It is measured by consumers' responses to marketing activities related to the
brand. (Keller et al, 2016)
Brand equity refers to the value and strength that a brand adds to their product or service beyond
its functional benefits. This value arises from consumers' perceptions, attitudes and experiences
with the brand as well as the brand's influence on market performance and financial outcomes.
Brand positioning model, brand resonance model and brand value chain model are the three tools
that help in building and managing a brand equity. With this marketers can create a long term
brand equity and maximise profits by devising and tracking their branding strategies. (Elliott,
2018) For example the case of Hitachi and General Electric televisions produced in the same
factory in England. The only difference was the brand name on the televisions. Hitachi
televisions sold premium over GE televisions, and Hitachi sold twice as many sets despite the
higher price. This difference in consumer response shows the differential effect of brand
knowledge on consumer behaviour.
Functional benefits refers to the practical, utilitarian advantages that a product or service offers
to consumers. These benefits address the primary reasons why a consumer might choose a
product over another, its ability to fulfil a specific need or solve a problem. They are typically
the first considerations in the decision making process and form the basis of a product’s utility.
The primary difference between the value provided by brand equity and functional benefits lies
in their source and nature. Functional benefits come from a product's intrinsic qualities and
performance, offering direct, measurable value related to its use such as a smartphone battery life
or camera quality. Brand equity results from consumers' perceptions and emotional connections
to the brand, influenced by marketing and experiences, it provides indirect value that affects
purchasing decisions, loyalty and willingness to pay a premium. These differences impact
consumer behaviour significantly. Functional benefits influence rational, utilitarian decision
making as consumers compare these benefits to find the best fit for their needs. Brand equity
affects emotional and psychological aspects, develops stronger consumer loyalty, reduced price
sensitivity and a deeper attachment to the brand. (chernev, 2017) (Keller et al, 2016)
Several components contribute to brand equity’s overall value. They are brand awareness, brand
loyalty, perceived quality and brand associations. (Chernev, 2017) These components influence
consumer behaviour by making a brand more recognizable, trusted, preferred and valued. A
strong brand evokes positive emotions and loyalty, making consumers more likely to repurchase
and recommend the brand. This loyalty reduces perceived risk and increases customer
satisfaction as consumers associate the brand with quality and reliability. Trust in a brand also
means that consumers are less price sensitive, willing to pay a premium for the assurance of
quality and the emotional benefits they obtain from the brand. Established brands can utilise their
equity for successful brand extensions reducing the cost and risk of launching new products.
The Keller’s CBBE model is structured into four levels: Identity, meaning, response and
relationships. In foundation level identity, involves establishing brand salience, or how well the
brand is recognized and recalled by customers. For Camerry Ice cream, their identity is rooted in
their commitment to natural ingredients and innovative flavours, which helps them stand out in
the local markets. However, brand awareness beyond these regions remains limited, there’s a
need for broader marketing efforts. Next level focuses on brand meaning, communicated through
performance and imagery. Performance refers to how well the product meets customer needs.
Camerry excels here with its high-quality and hygienic production processes ensuring a
consistently premium product. Imagery involves the social perception of the brand. In Camerry
there’s potential for stronger storytelling to enhance brand connections.
The response level addresses the customer response including judgements and feelings towards
the brand. Camerry’s customers likely perceive the brand as a high-quality, trustworthy option
due to its commitment to fresh and natural ingredients. The unique flavours add excitement,
while the reliable quality provides a sense of security. The pinnacle of the pyramid is brand
resonance, which signifies a deep, Constant connection with customers. This is the most
challenging level to achieve. Camerry can develop this through loyalty programs, engaging
social media content and community-building initiatives. By following Keller’s model, Camerry
can strategically increase their brand equity, also ensure long-term success and customer loyalty.
(Hawker, 2019)
Current Brand equity of Camerry ice cream by using the CBBE model framework
Camerry ice cream is well known in kerala and expanding in Tamil nadu and karnataka. The
brand’s commitment to natural ingredients and innovative flavours contributes to its high
salience. But brand awareness outside these regions is still limited. Camerry’s strong local
presence and unique selling propositions it is likely that a significant portion of the target
audience in kerala can recall the brand when thinking of high quality and natural ingredient ice
Camerry ice cream is known for its consistent quality and taste using fresh seasonal and exotic
fruits, along with high quality milk and nuts. The reliability of the ingredients and the production
processes ensures that customers receive a premium product each time they purchase Camerry
Ice cream. As a consumable product Camerry’s products is amore about shelf life and quality
maintenance over time, their focus on ultra modern and hygienic production processes likely
contributes to a product that maintains its quality and freshness until consumption. Camerry has
excellent customer service in store and customer support channels. Efficient and friendly service
and they timely respond to customer inquiries and feedback. Young adults appreciate the
innovative flavours and high quality ingredients, while health conscious consumers value the
brands commitment to using natural and fresh ingredients. Camerry ice cream is often purchased
for family gatherings, celebrations and as a treat for personal enjoyment. The brand's products
are suitable for various occasions from casual snacking to special events. Camerry’s brand
personality is characterised by innovation, quality and commitment to natural ingredients. Like
Apple, Camerry ice cream projects an image of innovation and creativity through its unique
flavours and high quality ingredients. The brand values natural and healthy ingredients,
appealing to consumers who prioritise their health without compromising on taste.
Camerry Ice Cream excels in several areas, including its commitment to quality and natural
ingredients, innovative flavours, strong brand loyalty, health-conscious positioning, and
customer touchpoints. The use of fresh, seasonal, and exotic ingredients, along with state-of-the-
art hygienic production processes, ensures a premium product that consumers trust and enjoy.
Consumers perceive Camerry ice cream as a high quality due to its commitments. Because of
their commitments it enhances its credibility. Consumers consider Camerry as a premium option
for ice cream, associated with health and quality. They are seen as superior to many competitors
due to its unique selling propositions. These factors set it apart in the crowded ice cream market
making it a preferred choice for those seeking premium ice cream experiences.
The unique flavours of ice cream add an element of fun and excitement to the consumer
experience. The commitment to quality and natural ingredients provides a sense of security to
consumers. Knowing that they are consuming a product made from fresh and hygienic
components. Camerry’s social media platforms, particularly Instagram and Facebook, show
moderate engagement levels. Camerry has participated in local events such as the Kerala food
festival and various charity runs. These events increased their brand visibility. Currently, there
are limited initiatives to build a customer community. The above are their strengths by using
brand equity CBBE model.
However, Camerry ice cream has limited brand awareness outside its primary regions. It’s
unclear how well consumers can recall the brand without prompts. Current packaging and visual
elements may not fully convey the brand's values and unique selling points to new consumers.
There's a need for more compelling storytelling to deepen emotional connections and enrich
brand associations. As Camerry expands, maintaining the same level of quality and consistency
might be challenging, which could impact consumer perceptions.
However, there are areas needing improvement and some recommendations to improve the
Camerry’s brand equity based on the CBBE model. Camerry’s brand awareness is limited
outside kerala, tamil nadu and karnataka. Expanding brand recognition in new markets is crucial
for growth. Efforts to improve spontaneous brand recall and recognition in non-primary markets
are necessary. To interact with a broader audience and increase brand visibility they can increase
the engagement on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Use key performance
indicators to track brand performance and the impact of marketing initiatives on brand equity.
Here are some actionable suggestions to enhance the brands equity in line with the insights
gained from the CBBE model analysis. Utilise digital marketing channels such as social media
advertising, influencer partnerships and search engine optimisation to reach new audiences in
Tamil nadu, karnataka and beyond. Implement strategies to improve brand recall among
consumers. This could include enhancing packaging design to make it more distinctive and
memorable. Increase the visibility through strategic placement in retail outlets and online
platforms. Invest in quality control measures, efficient supply chain management and regular
inspections to ensure that all products meet the brands high standards, it is essential to uphold the
brand’s reputation. Regularly audit brand implementation to identify any inconsistencies and
address them promptly. To develop customer preference and repeat purchasing behaviour
Camerry should provide exceptional customer service to address issues promptly and effectively,
it helps to turn potential negative experiences into positive ones. They can implement a customer
loyalty program offering rewards, discounts and exclusive offers for repeat purchases.
Brand strategy and management
Brand management is not a one-time task but a continuous process of creating, monitoring and
managing brand equity. It involves establishing a unique and recognizable brand identity through
elements like the brand name, logo and packaging while differentiating it from competitors. Also
it involves continuously tracking the brand’s performance in the market. Effective brand
management builds and maintains a strong brand that delivers consistent value to both the
company and its customers, ensuring long-term market success. (Chernev. 2017)
There are four components that ensure a brand stands out in the competitive market. Clear brand
positioning helps to define a distinct place for the brand in the market and in the minds of the
target audience. By identifying the target audience, conveying a unique value proposition,
understanding competitors and ensuring the brand promise resonates with customers, companies
can establish a strong identifiable position that differentiate them from competitors. Next
element is consistent brand messaging, it maintains a consistent tone and voice across all
platforms and ensures visual identity elements like logos and colour schemes are uniform.
Customer centric marketing and communication focusing on the needs and preferences of
customers in all marketing efforts. Understanding customer behaviour and preferences through
data analysis, personalising marketing efforts and creating opportunities for meaningful
engagement ensure the brand remains relevant and valued by its customers.

To expand a company’s market presence, to increase revenue and strengthen brand equity
companies must implement brand growth strategies. Among the various strategies, brand
extension, line extension and multi-branding are prominent methods. Brand extension involves
expanding an existing brand into new product categories. It enhances brand visibility and
expands market reach by associating new products with a trusted name. But there is a risk of
brand dilution if the new products fail to uphold the brand’s standards, potentially harming the
overall brand image. Camerry can expand the brand into new product categories. Camerry can
explore introducing products like frozen yoghurt, sorbets and dairy-free ice creams. There is an
increasing consumer demand for healthier alternatives in the dessert category. Introducing
products like frozen yoghurt and sorbets can attract health conscious customers who might not
purchase traditional ice cream. (Chernev, 2017)
Line extension refers to using an existing brand name to launch new products within the parent
brand’s category. It provides more choices and creates stronger brand loyalty as customers are
more likely to find a product that suits their specific needs and preferences. Moreover,
introducing too many variations can lead to brand confusion among consumers diluting the brand
identity and potentially wording trust and loyalty. By this Camerry can cater to different taste
preferences and occasions without deviating from its core product. Offering a wider range of
flavours and premium options can enhance customer loyalty by continually providing new and
exciting choices. (Lalaounis, 2021)
Multi brand strategy also known as a house of brands it involves using separate brands for
different products or product lines. Maintaining multiple brands offers several advantages
including the ability for each brand to carve out its distinct identity and positioning in the market,
thereby reducing the risk of brand dilution.
Each brand growth strategy offers unique benefits and challenges. Brand extension can
significantly broaden a brand’s market but carries the risk of brand dilution. Line extension
allows for increased variety within a category, increases customer loyalty but can lead to internal
competition. Multi-branding provides flexibility and distinct market positioning at the cost of
higher resource investment. Companies must carefully assess their market, brand strength, and
resources to choose the most suitable growth strategy. (Chernev, 2017)
Camerry can expand their product line into new flavours, seasonal specials and health focused
options, like low-sugar and dairy free. In a house of brand strategy, Camerry ice cream would
introduce separate sub brands for different product lines or target markets. Create distinct sub-
brands for various segments such as Camerry naturals for health-conscious focusing on low
calorie, organic and dairy free options. Camerry kids for families with young children featuring
fun flavour and packaging. Camerry gourmet for premium offerings with exotic flavours and
Advanced brand management practices
Brand portfolio is a collection of all brands and brand lines offered by a company in a specific
product category, its success measured by its ability to maximise brand equity without harming
other brands within the portfolio. Firms introduce multiple brands to target different market
segments based on factors such as price, distribution channels and geography. Effective portfolio
management involves brand extension and positioning, where companies utilise existing brand
equity to introduce new products or enter new markets. Companies must balance global, multi-
country and local brands to step to diverse consumer preferences and market segments.
Diversification of the product portfolio helps reduce risks and adapt to evolving consumer
preferences. (Elliott et al, 2018)
Brand hierarchy is a strategic concept essential for companies managing multiple brands within
their portfolio. In a brand hierarchy, brands are organised in a hierarchical manner, typically
consisting of four levels, they are corporate brand, family brand, individual brand and modifier.
For example, General Electric is a corporate brand and is virtually the only brand representing
the entire company. Family brand level is applied to more than one product category but may not
necessarily be the company name. Healthy choice or Kitkat where the brand is used across
various products, they create a family of related items also called range or umbrella brand. Brand
at individual brand level are specific single product categories, it allows for customisation of
marketing efforts to meet the needs of a particular target market. Fritos and Doritos represent a
specific product within the category of salty snacks. In modifier level modifiers are used to
distinguish variations within a brand indicating specific item types, models, versions or
configurations. Johnnie Walker Red label, black label and gold label, each modifier indicating a
different quality level within the brand. (Keller et al., 2015)
There are several structures within brand hierarchy, including house of brands, branded house,
sub-brands, hybrid structure and endorsed brands:

In house of brands operates independently and has its own distinct identity, target audience and
marketing strategy. The parent company’s identity is often minimised. This approach allows
each brand to have a unique positioning and reduces the risk of brand dilution. And brand house
involves a single, overarching brand that covers all products and services offered by the
company. The master brand is the primary driver of the company’s brand equity.
Sub-brands involve creating brands that are extensions of the parent brand. These sub-brands
benefit from the equity of the parent brand while targeting different market segments or offering
differentiated products. Hybrid structure is a combination of different brand structures tailored
to specific market needs. Companies using this approach may employ a mix of house of brands,
branded house and endorsed brands within their portfolio. Endorsed brands are individual
brands that are endorsed by a parent brand. The endorsement provides additional credibility and
brand equity while allowing sub-brands to maintain their own identities.

Camerry Ice cream under a branded house structure. Camerry is a single brand, cohesive brand
that covers its entire range of products. It utilises a central brand name to drive brand equity and
recognition. They had a consistent brand messaging by focusing on natural ingredients and
quality. This approach can help the company build a loyal customer base and maintain consistent
brand messaging.
The proposed shift to a house of brands strategy would involve creating distinct sub-brands
under the Camerry umbrella. For example, “ Camerry Naturals” would cater to health-conscious
consumers with low-calorie, organic and dairy-free options: “Camerry kids” would target
families with young children through fun flavours and packaging and “Camerry gourmet” appeal
to premium customers with exotic flavours and ingredients.
The current single brand structure allows Camerry to utilise its strong brand equity and
reputation across all product offerings, ensuring consistent brand recognition and simplifying
marketing efforts. However this approach limits the brand’s ability to effectively target specific
customer segments with tailored products. The proposed house of brands strategy, while
potentially increasing marketing and management complexity, could enable Camerry to more
precisely cater to diverse consumer needs and preferences, thereby increasing market penetration
and customer loyalty in different segments. This approach would also mitigate the risk of brand
dilution by ensuring that each sub-brand can establish a clear and distinct identity.

Collaborative brand management

Collaborative brand management across domestic and international markets is important for
maintaining brand integrity and relevance in an increasingly interconnected world. Effective
brand management involves the coordination and harmonisation of brand strategies across both
markets. This collaborative approach ensures consistency, strengthens brand equity and enhances
competitive advantage. In domestic markets, consistency helps establish a clear and recognizable
brand image. For international markets, it is even more critical due to the varied cultural,
linguistic and consumer behaviour differences.
There are several opportunities for brand collaboration within the Camerry ice cream.
Collaborating with complementary brands such as local bakeries or cafes, can help Camerry
expand its market presence beyond its primary regions of Kerala, Tamil nadu and karnataka.
Also partnering with well-known brands in the health or wellness industry can enhance
Camerrry’s brand image as a premium, health-conscious option.
There are also some challenges, Finding brands that align with Camerry's values and positioning
can be a challenge. Ensuring that collaborative partners share similar brand values and target
audiences is essential to maintain brand consistency and avoid diluting Camerry's brand image.
Differences in manufacturing standards or distribution networks between collaborating brands
could potentially impact the quality and consistency of the final product. Also collaborating with
brands from different cultural backgrounds or regions may present cultural challenges.
Camerry ice cream controls several internal resources and capabilities that can support successful
brand collaborations. The company’s expertise in creating unique and high-quality ice cream
flavours can attract potential partners seeking to enhance their product offerings, also they can
attract potential collaborators looking to align with a reputable brand. The company’s marketing
expertise can help promote collaborative efforts and increase brand visibility for both Camerry
and its partners.
To create collaborative brand management practices, Camerry can implement the following
strategies. Ensure that potential collaborative partners share similar brand values, positioning and
target audience. Select brands with a strong reputation and credibility in their respective
industries. Choose a brand with a significant market presence and complementary distribution
channels and the brand must be innovative and creative with a willingness to explore new ideas
and concepts.
The primary goals of Camerry ice cream’s brand management efforts are to increase brand
awareness and recognition, differentiate the brand from competitors, develop brand loyalty and
engagement, and ensure brand consistency across all points.
The Company must ensure a culture and values that support collaborative brand management.
Encourage a culture that allows the company to explore new collaborations and respond
effectively to market changes. A strong commitment to quality ensures that collaborative efforts
uphold Camerry’s brand standards and deliver premium experiences to consumers. A culture that
prioritises meeting customer needs and preferences.
Industry leaders often employ successful collaborative brand management practices to enhance
their brand equity and growth. joint marketing campaigns: collaborative marketing campaigns
involving multiple brands can create buzz and generate excitement among consumers. Coca-cola
and McDonalds frequently collaborate on marketing campaigns, utilising each other's brand
recognition and customer base to drive sales.
Strategic alliances: industry leaders from strategic alliances with complementary companies to
utilise each other's strengths and resources. For instance, Starbucks partnered with Spotify to
create personalised playlists for customers, enhancing the experience in Starbucks and customer
engagement. (Supriya, 2023)
Licensing agreements: it allows industry leaders to extend their brand into new product
categories or markets. Disney, for example, licences its characters and brands for use in
merchandise, theme parks, and entertainment media, generating additional revenue streams and
increasing brand exposure.
Internal and external stakeholders are both crucial to the brand management process. Internally,
the marketing team directs the development and implementation of brand strategies, while the
product development team ensures new offerings align with the brand values and meet customer
needs. The operations team maintains brand standards across production and distribution and
senior management provides strategic direction and resource allocation to develop brand
externally , customers are primary as their [perceptions and experiences shape the brand’s
reputation. Suppliers ensure that products meet quality standards by providing necessary
materials and services. Investors and shareholders contribute financial resources and expect
profitable returns. By engaging and aligning both internal and external stakeholders, industry
leaders can effectively manage their brand and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the
Brand performance evaluation & Value measurement
Various methods and metrics can be employed to gain the different aspects of brand
performance, including brand awareness, brand perception and financial outcomes.
Brand awareness: by measuring brand awareness it helps to determine how well Camerry ice
cream is recognized, assess the success of marketing campaigns. Market share measures the
percentage of sales Camerry ice cream has in comparison to the total market sales within its
industry. It helps in understanding the brand’s competitive position and its penetration in the
Brand recall assesses the ability of consumers to remember Camerry ice cream without any
prompts. This metric is typically measured through surveys where respondents are asked to name
ice cream brands they can think of spontaneously. High brand recall signifies strong brand
presence and mindshare among consumers.
Brand perception: it reveals how consumers feel about Camerry ice cream, including their
associations with quality, innovation and natural ingredients. Firstly measures the perception and
associations by brand image. It is often assessed through qualitative methods such as focus
groups and in-depth interviews. Customer satisfaction surveys collect feedback from customers
regarding their experiences with Camerry ice cream. This can include aspects such as product
quality, flavour variety, packaging and customer service.
Financial metrics: this helps in understanding the brand’s contribution to overall profitability. It
provides a clear picture of the brand;s financial health, guiding decisions on investments in
marketing, product development and expansion initiatives. Brand premium pricing measures the
ability of Camerry ice cream to command a higher price compared to competitors due to its
perceived value. This metric reflects the premium that consumers are willing to pay for the
brand’s offerings. And next is brand royalty income refers to the earnings generated from
licensing the Camerry brand to other businesses or through franchise agreements. It shows the
monetary value attributed to the brand’s name and reputation.

Brand valuation techniques essential for accurately assessing the financial worth of a brand.
Market based valuation approaches focus on assessing the value of a brand by referencing the
transaction values of comparable brands. (Salinas, 2016) The primary methodology within
market-based valuation is the net present value of discounted royalty incomes. The calculation
involves forecasting the brand’s expected revenue, multiplying it by the royalty rate of a
comparable brand and discounting it to NPV using the business’s cost of capital. (Lindemann,
2014) (Chernev, 2017)
Another technique is the Cost-based valuation method, it estimates a brand’s value by calculating
the costs associated with its development and marketing. This includes the expenses incurred in
advertising, promotion and other brand-building activities. This cost-based technique includes
two methods, creation costs method and replacement value method. The creation costs method
estimates the total investment made to create the brand. It considers all expenditures on brand
development such as advertising, marketing campaigns, market research and product
development. Replacement value method estimates the investment required to build a brand with
a similar market position and share. It involves determining the costs needed to replicate the
brand’s current status in the market. But it does not consider the unique elements of the brand
that contribute to its value, such as customer loyalty and brand perception. (Lalaounis, 2021)
Another method is Income-based valuation refers to a set of methods used to estimate the value
of a business, investment, or asset based on its capacity to generate income. It involves
forecasting future cash flows or earnings and discounting them to present value using an
appropriate discount rate. (Tamplin, 2023)
When specifically estimating the future profitability of a business based on brand strength, other
three methods can be used: first one is relief from royalty method, it estimates the amount that
the brand owner would have to pay to use the brand if it were licensed from a third party. Next is
excess -earnings methods that estimates the earnings above the profits required to attract an
investor. The price premium method capitalises future profit stream premium attributable to a
business brand above the revenues of a generic business without a brand.
Also there are other methods: book value method, earnings capitalisation method and relative
valuation method. The book value method calculates the brand value based on the book value of
the brand assets. Earnings capitalisation calculates the brand value by capitalising the brand’s
earnings. It focuses on the brand’s ability to generate future earnings and discounts them to their
present value. And relative valuation method, it compares the brand’s value to similar brands in
the same industry. It involves benchmarking against other brands to determine a relative value.

When choosing a brand valuation method companies consider the purpose of the valuation, the
availability of data and industry standards. The availability of data significantly influences the
choice of valuation method. Companies with extensive financial records and access to market
data are more likely to use income-based or market-based methods, providing a detailed and
forward-looking valuation. In contrast, smaller companies with limited data might prefer cost-
based or book value methods, which are simpler and rely on historical costs. Each method offers
unique advantages and disadvantages.

Camerry ice cream seeks to achieve several key objectives in valuing its brand. Primarily, the
brand aims to expand its recognition beyond its established markets in Kerala, Tamild Nadu and
Karnataka. Increasing spontaneous brand call and recognition is also a priority, which involves
making the brand more memorable ro consumers. Another objective is to maintain and
communicate its commitment to quality and natural ingredients, ensuring that these core values
are consistently conveyed through its packaging, marketing materials and customer interactions.
Also they aim to uphold its reputation for premium quality by investing in quality control
measures, efficient supply chain management and regular inspections.
Several factors influence Camerry’s choice of brand valuation method. As a growing regional
player with ambitions to expand globally, Camerry needs a valuation method that reflects its
current scale and potential for growth. Market conditions such as economic fluctuations and
consumer spending habits, impact brand value and should be factored into the valuation. Als
their financial objectives including revenue targets, profitability and investment in marketing
influence the choice of a valuation method that aligns with its long-term goals.
The purpose behind Camerry’s brand valuation significantly affects the method chosen. If
Camerry is considering mergers or acquisitions it would require a comprehensive brand
valuation method that provides a detailed and realistic assessment of brand value to negotiate
better terms. For accurate financial reporting Camerry needs a valuation method that complies
with accounting standards and provides transparent and verifiable data. For strategic planning
purposes the brand valuation method should offer information into brand strength, market
positioning and areas of growth helping Camerry to make infrared decisions about marketing
strategies, product development and market expansion.

Recommendations & Conclusion

To increase Camerry Ice Cream's brand performance and build long-term brand equity, several
strategic recommendations can be implemented. First, focus on expanding brand awareness
through targeted digital marketing efforts across Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and beyond. Create
distinct sub-brands for various segments such as "Camerry Naturals" for health-conscious
consumers, "Camerry Kids" for families with young children, and "Camerry Gourmet" for
premium offerings. Utilise social media advertising, influencer partnerships, and SEO to reach
new audiences effectively. Ensure consistent quality control and efficient supply chain
management to uphold the brand’s reputation for high standards. Improve packaging design to
make it more distinctive and memorable. Increase brand visibility through strategic placement in
retail outlets and online platforms. Prioritise exceptional customer service and implement a
loyalty program offering rewards and exclusive offers to strengthen the customer connections.
Innovate continuously by introducing new product categories and flavours that cater to diverse
consumer preferences. Regularly audit brand implementation to identify inconsistencies and
address them promptly. Use key performance indicators to track brand performance and the
impact of marketing initiatives on brand equity.
Branding is crucial as a long-term investment because it builds a company's reputation and
develops customer loyalty. A strong brand helps shape consumer perception, making it easier to
differentiate from competitors and command premium pricing. By consistently delivering on
brand promises, Camerry Ice Cream can build trust and credibility, encouraging repeat purchases
and increasing brand loyalty. Effective branding also enhances investor confidence, providing a
competitive edge in the market.
In today's competitive environment, effective brand management is critical for success. By
focusing on quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction, Camerry Ice Cream can strengthen its
brand image and build a loyal customer base. Implementing the recommendations outlined will
not only improve brand performance but also ensure long-term growth and sustainability. As
Camerry expands its reach and continues to innovate, maintaining a strong, positive brand image
will be essential in navigating the challenges of the competitive ice cream market and achieving

Keller KL, Parameswaran AMG, Jacob I (2016) Strategic Management, 4th ed

Elliott RR, Percy L and Pervan S (2018) Strategic brand management, 4th ed, UK

Lalaounis ST, (2021) Strategic brand management creating and marketing successful brands,

Chernev A (2017) Strategic brand management, 2nd ed , USA

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3. Prins N (2015) The Spotify- Starbucks partnership is digital Co-branding genius.
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4. Vistaprint (2020) The history of branding (and what it can teach us), Available at:
5. Hawker K (2019) Keller’s Brand equity model-what it is & how to use it, Available at:

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