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Taka’s mobile application

Taka can build a mobile application for their users to make orders online. They can add ‘order
customization’ as a unique selling point of their app. The recommended description of the app
is as follows:

App description:
Troscan by Taka revolutionizes the furniture shopping experience by empowering customers
with extensive customization options. Users can craft their own furniture, personalize
existing designs by uploading a picture, or explore a variety of meticulously designed
models. The app allows customers to select their preferred furniture type, fine-tune details
like colors, sizes, materials, and accessories, and even request additional customizations.
Once a design is finalized, Troscan generates a detailed report with an accompanying image,
making the entire process transparent and user-friendly.

Business benefits:
For business owners, Troscan offers numerous benefits in the digital era. The app enhances
customer engagement by attracting and retaining customers seeking unique, personalized
furniture. This leads to increased sales and revenue, especially from customers willing to pay
a premium for bespoke items. The app also collects valuable data on customer preferences,
allowing business owners to make informed decisions about inventory, design trends, and
marketing strategies. Offering such advanced customization options gives businesses a
competitive edge, positioning them as innovative leaders in the industry. Additionally, the
detailed reports streamline production, reducing errors and improving efficiency. Troscan also
serves as a powerful marketing tool, enabling targeted campaigns and fostering brand loyalty
through positive customer experiences and organic word-of-mouth promotion. By embracing
Troscan, business owners can enhance operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and
overall market competitiveness, ensuring sustained growth and success in an evolving

Customer Experience:

Troscan by Taka is your go-to mobile application for a revolutionary furniture shopping
experience. Troscan empowers customers with customization possibilities. You can choose
either from the following: Craft your own furniture, Upload a picture and personalize, or
Explore existing designs. Opting for custom design opens a world of options—select your
furniture type, explore meticulously designed models, and fine-tune details like colors, size,
materials, and accessories. Users can even request additional, unlisted customizations. Once
your masterpiece is complete, Troscan generates a detailed report with an accompanying
image of your customized furniture. Transform your space with Troscan, where every design
choice is in your hands.

Opening Interface and Navigation:

Taka’s mobile application ‘Troscan’ opens with a minimal and aesthetic design with a slogan
‘Design it your way,’ emphasizing the customer’s choices and customization possibilities.
After the opening interface, customers choose whether to custom design their furniture,
upload a picture and customize, or select from existing designs.

Custom Design Process and User Interface:

Custom design gives several options to customers as shown in (3). Customers after choosing
the type of furniture can select from various models designed by the company and select a
model. The selected model can undergo many specifications such as colours, size
adjustments, material, or addition of different accessories. If further customization
unmentioned is to be added customers can easily request for it. After selection of all
specifications and customizations, a report is generated along with the picture of the
customised furniture as in (4). The option upload picture and customize help customers order
furniture they already have in mind and can add any changes or specifications by requesting
customization. Taka already has diverse collection of furniture. Customers who wish explore
and buy according to current trends can go through the designs and select from them.
(1) (2)

(3) (4)

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