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2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT)

2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research and Practices for the IoT (SERP4IoT) | 978-1-6654-4569-6/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/SERP4IoT52556.2021.00008

Model-driven Development for ESP-based IoT

Burak Karaduman Moharram Challenger
University of Antwerp & Flanders Make, Belgium University of Antwerp & Flanders Make, Belgium

Abstract—The large variety of low-end devices and their system is complex with different components requiring to be
programming environment increases the development complexity programmed to work collaboratively. This complexity makes
of embedded software for the Internet of Things. Therefore, learning and programming of these systems time-consuming,
developing IoT-based systems has been found to be a complex
process. As a consequence, the development of these systems costly, and cumbersome. This can be addressed with Model-
becomes more error-prone, time-consuming and costly. ESP Driven Engineering (MDE) techniques [3] which suggests
(ESP8266 and ESP32) is one of the preferred micro-controllers using models during the development of the system. In this
for education, industrial projects, and prototyping. Arduino, a way, the system can be designed and developed with more
well-known firmware, is used in ESP which makes it easy-to- abstract elements that represent the system components. When
use. However, learning the device-specific configurations, using
network features, and implementing IoT applications for ESP on the system is modeled, most of the code can be automatically
the Arduino platform are still burdensome and time-consuming synthesized. Moreover, these models can be used for the early
tasks. Raising the abstraction level can help to decrease the analysis and validation of the target system. To this end, we in-
complexity and address this problem. To this end, in this troduce a Domain-specific Language (DSL), called DSL4ESP,
paper, a model-driven approach is proposed for the development for the design and development of ESP and Arduino based
of Arduino-based programmable ESP micro-controllers. First,
a meta-model is designed for the Arduino-based ESP micro- IoT systems. DSL4ESP raises the level of abstraction from the
controllers. Based on this meta-model, a Domain-specific Lan- Arduino language level to the model level, which is leading
guage (DSL) is developed to graphically represent the domain to increase in the development performance and decrease
models. To gain more functionality for the language, domain in the number of errors. Also, learning the device-specific
rules are defined as constraints. Also, partial system codes configurations, using network features, and implementing IoT
are automatically generated from the instance models. In this
way, the development of IoT systems based on ESP modules is applications for ESP on the Arduino platform are burdensome
supported by code synthesis which increases the performance and time-consuming tasks. Raising the abstraction level can
and reduces the number of errors. Finally, a motion-sensitive help to decrease the complexity and improve the learning curve
thief detector and a servo-motor based room temperature control of these systems.
system are implemented to evaluate the proposed DSL.
This study contributes to the literature by providing a
Index Terms—Model-driven Engineering, Metamodel,
Domain-specific (Modelling) Language, Internet of Things, Model-driven Engineering (MDE) approach for developing
ESP32, ESP8266, Code generation IoT systems based on ESP32 hardware and Ardunio frame-
work. To the best of our knowledge, currently, there is no
I. I NTRODUCTION study to address MDE based modeling and development of IoT
systems using ESP32 and Arduino. This study, can facilitate
One of the popular IoT modules is ESP including ESP8266 the efficient development of IoT systems based on ESP32
and ESP32 versions. ESP32 is a 32-bit, low-cost, cheap ( 5$), device and Arduino environment.
and dual-core micro-controller. It has integrated WiFi and This paper is organized as follows: The next section reports
Bluetooth modules that target a wide variety of applications the literature. Section 3 discusses the proposed DSL called
ranging from low-power sensor networks to the most demand- DSL4ESP including the abstract syntax, the concrete syntax
ing tasks [1]. It is Arduino based and preferred in various and the code generation. Section 4 elaborates the case study
domains such as smart farming, smart home automation, and and evaluates the performance of the proposed modeling
indoor-positioning systems [2]. Arduino is an open-source language. Finally, the paper is concluded in Section 5.
programming environment for embedded devices based on
easy-to-use hardware and software. It is able to define and II. R ELATED W ORK
command input/output ports, create a web server, and control
actuators like servo motors which can be fundamental features There are some studies in the literature applying MDE
to create an IoT system. It is preferred for education, self- approaches on various IoT systems. LwiSSy is a DSL to model
learning , and industrial tasks. Wireless Sensor and Actuators Network (WSAN) systems [4].
Building IoT systems require embedded hardware, develop- It allows the separation of responsibilities between application
ment firmware, software code, and networking. The resulting domain experts and network experts. In [5], a Model-Driven

978-1-6654-4569-6/21/$31.00 ©2021 European Union 9

DOI 10.1109/SERP4IoT52556.2021.00008
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Architecture (MDA) is proposed which provides Platform-
Independent Modeling (PIM), Platform-Specific Modeling
(PSM), and transformation rules for WSAN application de-
velopment. Doddapaneni et al. [6] propose a framework to
separately model the software components and their interac-
tions, the low-level and hardware specification of the nodes,
and the physical environment where the nodes are deployed. A
similar study [7] provides a Platform-Independent metamodel
and graphical editor for IoT systems. They use ESP8266 and
Arduino environment in their study. However, they do not
provide any M2M communication like web-server in their case
study. They provide higher view in their approach compared
to our specialised aspect. They categorised the sensors and
actuators as types. In our design, we modelled them as I/O
operations, because we think that they are port reading and
writing operations fundamentally. Fig. 1. DSL4ESP Meta-model.
We had a series of studies with the ultimate goal of
providing a platform-independent generative modeling lan-
guage supporting both WSN and WiFi based IoT systems • Wifi: This element configures wifi connection. Mode
independent of target tools/languages/platforms. In this regard, attribute specifies the operation mode of the ESP. Wifi-
we have developed a meta-model for ContikiOS [8]. Also, ClientName represents the current client in the incoming
domain-specific languages have been developed for TinyOS requests. Gateway, Subnet and IP attributes are required
[9], RIOT [10] and ContikiOS [11]. Moreover, to evaluate fields for network connection.
these DS(M)Ls, different case studies [12]–[16] have been im- • Servo: This element represents servo motor (it can be
plemented. Lastly we have provided a Petri-net based analysis extended to any acutator) that is connected to the ESP.
for IoT and WSN based systems [17]. Name attribute identifies the label of the servo element
(e.g., doorlock servo). Port attribute represents the pin
III. DSL4ESP: D OMAIN - SPECIFIC L ANGUAGE FOR ESP number of the ESP to which the servo is connected. Angle
field defines the rotation angle of the servo.
This section presents the main elements of the DSL in-
• ESP Node: This element is used to create an ESP node.
cluding the abstract syntax (meta-model), the concrete syntax
Specifically, it represents an ESP device. SSID and Pass-
(graphical notations mapped to the meta-elements), static
word parameters define network name and password.
semantics (constraint checking rules), and code generation
Host field defines which service is going to be connected
(translational semantics) of the language.
for data transmission (e.g. Thingspeak or Firebase). Se-
A. The Syntax of the DSL rialNo defines baud rate for serial communication.

The meta-model of DSL4ESP is introduced in this section. The meta-elements of the meta-model are mapped to graph-
It represents the abstract syntax of the domain-specific lan- ical notations and a graphical editor is developed in Eclipse
guage. Generally, a meta-model represents system elements, using Sirius Framework. This editor supports DSL4ESP for
relations, and cardinally constraints of the elements. It can designing the application models.
also contains some attributes and operations for the elements.
The meta-model is implemented in EMF Ecore framework. B. Static Semantics
The important elements of the meta-model for DSL4ESP
are described below: To empower the language, in addition to cardinality con-
• ESP Platform: It is the root element of the DSL4ESP. It
strains of the meta-model, some other domain-specific con-
has a containment relation with all ESP elements which straints are added to the editor. These constraint rules apply
need to be represented in the editor palette. some static checks for the semantics of the designed models
• HttpClient: It represents an HTTP client to send re-
by the end user. These rules are implemented in the DSL4ESP
quest(s) to the web-server. In this way, machine-to- editor using Acceleo Query Language (AQL). This can help
machine communication between IoT nodes can be the designer (the end user) to have less semantic errors in the
achieved. HTTP requests are useful communication ap- model. The syntactic error are already checked by the syntax
proach when there are many features that need to be directed editor developed using the meta-model.
triggered at the server-side. 1) aql: self.No > 0
• WebServer: This element creates a web-server inside 2) aql: not(self.eContainer().eContents(PSMM::GPIO ESP)
ESP32 device. webserver listens to the port number as- → select (myGPIO ESP — myGPIO ESP.No =
signed by PortNo attribute for upcoming HTTP requests. self.No) → excluding(self)→size() > 0)


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3) aql: not (self.eContainer().eContents(PSMM::Servo) 26 [s .Name/].write (0) ; [e .webserver.Name/].send(200, ” text /
→ select (myServo — myServo.Port=self.Port) html”, ”Servo Goes 0”); }[/ for ][/ if ]
→ excluding(self) → size() > 0) 27 [ for (h: HttpClient |aIoTSystem.esp.esp node. httpclient ) ]
4) aql: self.IP.contains(’,’) 28 http . begin(”[h.Name/]”); // Specify the URL
5) aql:self.Subnet.contains(’,’) 29 int httpCode = http .GET();
30 http .end() ; // Make the request [/ for ]
6) aql:self.Gateway.contains(’,’)
7) aql:self.Mode.size() > 0 In listing 1, the lines between 1 and 3 generate IP, gate-
The first constraint rule checks if any port number is entered way, and subnet variables. The lines between 4 and 15 are
as a negative value. It warns the user to select a positive written to generate input-output ports. They can be either
value. The second constraint rule controls that if any GPIO analog or digital ports. The user should give one of these
pin number is used more than once. In this way, any design parameters ”digital input”, ”digital output”, ”analog input”
problem during port definition can be avoided. The third or ”analog output” to define the role of the port. In the lines
constraint rule finds servo element instances, selects elements between 17 and 26, webserver codes and web server controlled
that have the same port number. If the port numbers are the servo requests are generated. The user can make requests to
same, then one of the servos does not operate. Therefore, in these URLs to rotate the servo motor up to the designer’s angle
these cases, the editor issues an error to the designer. The selection. Finally, the lines between 27 and 30 describes the
fourth, fifth and sixth constraint rules check that if the user HTTP requests’ code generation rules.
used commas to separate addresses instead of periods. This
is because Arduino firmware uses C/C++ syntax to define IP
address, subnet, and gateway values and based on this syntax To validate DSL4ESP and evaluate its code generation
it is required to use comma to separate the address elements. capability, two case studies are designed and implemented
Finally, in the seventh constraint, the WiFi mode is checked using DSL4ESP. The models of the case studies are shown
in order to warn the user if this field is empty. in fig 4. The architectural codes are generated using the DSL
based on the designed models and then the delta codes are
C. Transnational Semantics added to have the final code.
In this section, the code generation mechanism of DSL4ESP,
using some translation rules, is elaborated. To this end, model Case 1: Motion Sensitive Thief Detector
to code/text transformation is used. Some excerpts of the This case study uses two ESP32 devices. The client ESP32
generation rules are given and discussed below. samples digital signal from the motion sensor. The sensitivity
and range of the motion sensor can be configured. When
Listing 1. Code excerpts from DSL4ESP motion sensor detects any movement (meaning a thief in the
1 [ if (e . wifi . IP−>size()>0)] IPAddress ip ([ e . wifi . IP /]) ; room), it sends a request to the server ESP32 to turn on the
2 IPAddress gateway([e . wifi .Gateway/]) ; built-in LED. In addition to LED, a buzzer can also be used to
3 IPAddress subnet ([ e . wifi .Subnet /]) ; [/ if ] make an alarm. To achieve this case study a digital output pin
4 [ if (e . gpio esp−>size()>0)] on the server side and a digital input pin on the client side are
5 [ for (p:GPIO ESP | aIoTSystem.esp.esp node−>at(i). used. The implemented version of this case study is shown in
gpio esp)]
6 [ if p.Type. contains ( ’ digital input ’ ) or p.Type. contains ( ’ Fig. 2.
digital output ’ ) ]
7 pinMode([p.Name/], [p.Type /]) ; [/ if ]
8 [ if p.Type. contains ( ’ digital input ’ ) ]
9 int dread [p.Name/] = digitalRead ([ p.No/]) ;[/ if ]
10 [ if p.Type. contains ( ’ digital output ’ ) ]
11 int dwrite [p.Name/]= digitalWrite ([ p.No/], 125) ;[/ if ]
12 [ if p.Type. contains ( ’ analog input ’ ) ]
13 int aread [p.Name/] = analogRead([p.No/]) ;[/ if ]
14 [ if p.Type. contains ( ’ analog output ’ ) ]
15 int awrite [p.Name/] = analogWrite([p.No/],125) ;.. Fig. 2. Motion sensitive thief detector.
16 [ if (e . servo−>size()>0)]
17 [ for (s : Servo | e . servo ) ] Case 2: Servo motor based Room Temperature Control
18 [e . webserver.Name/].on(” /[ s .Name/] [s.Port /] [s .Angle/]” , This case study uses ESP32 modules to control room
handle [s .Name/] [s.Port /] [s .Angle /]) ;
19 [e . webserver.Name/].on(” /[ s .Name/] [s.Port /] 0”, handle [ temperature. A temperature sensor on the client side is used.
s . Name/] [s.Port /] 0) ;[/ for ][/ if ] When the heat exceeds the set point, then a servo motor can
20 [ if (e . servo−>size()>0)] rotate to open/close the window. The implemented version of
21 [ for (s : Servo | e . servo ) ] this case study is shown in Fig. 3
22 void handle [s .Name/] [s.Port /] [s .Angle /]() { These case studies have been modeled in DSL4ESP, see Fig.
23 [s . Name/].write ([ s .Angle /]) ;
24 [e . webserver.Name/].send(200, ” text /html”, ”ServoTurns [s
4 and their architectural codes are generated automatically.
. Angle/]”) ; } Evaluation of our modeling language is done by assessing
25 void handle [s .Name/] [s.Port /] 0(){ its code generation capabilities. This was done by comparing


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and 2) raise the level of abstraction for the modeling envi-
ronment to support Arduino level programming in Platform-
Independent level.
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the language to support a wide range of sensors and actuators, Virtual Event, Norway, pp. 35–46, 2020.


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