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Step1. The "focal role" individual initiates discussion of his role by analyzing the purpose of the role in the organization how it fits into the total range of activities and its rationale. Step2. The "focal role" individual lists in the blackboard his activities consisting of the prescribed and elements. Other role incumbents and his immediate superior question him on the definition of his tasks, if there discretionary is confusion in their perceptions, the ambiguity is cleared. Step3. The "focal role" individual lists his expectations for each of those other roles in the group which he feels most directly affect his own work: "Role Senders" state their expectations, and after discussion the "focal role" and the "role senders" arrive at an agreement, among themselves, on their mutual expectations. Step4. The "focal role" collects forms from role senders, and then have a discussion with them to arrive at an agreement and produce mutual expectations. The "focal role" individual then writes up his role.


Ishwar Dayal and John M. Thomas

Major Roles of Department, Unit and Company

Role analysis is a structured exercise to provide an overall picture of what the role is supposed to achieve, the rationale for its existence in the organization, its Inter-linkage and the attributes of an effective role occupant. Role Analysis helps in defining reciprocal expectations and in bringing objectivity to formal an informal Exchange which enhances the participative spirit by reducing distortions caused by role ambiguity.



Contract setting: This is the first step of RNT, wherein the consultant lays down the ground rules that form the basis of negotiation between the conflicting parties. Issue diagnosis: The consultant in this step distributes issue diagnosis forms to the conflicting parties. The conflicting parties are required to write down the changes that they expect from other parties. Influence trade or negotiation period: In the final step, the parties discuss the changes required from other parties that they feel are most important. The outcome of this step is that both the parties agree to bring about certain changes in their behaviors. The agreement is then written down and distributed among the members.

Roger Harrison

Conflicting Parties

This technique is based on the principle that an individual is ready to make some compromises in order to resolve a conflict. The consultant with the help of this technique negotiates between the conflicting parties and reaches an agreement. Each party agrees to make specific modifications in its behavior so as to reach an agreement.


Kurt Lewin Problematic Situation

Force-field analysis is one of the oldest and most widely used interventions for understanding problematic situations and planning corrective actions.

Step 1: Identifying and defining the current problem situation. Step 2: Describing and understanding the desired state of things in the future. Step 3: Driving forces and restraining forces operating in the current state of

PLANDEO |4 things. Step 4: Identifying the strong and weak forces within the driving and restraining forces. Step 5: Formulating an appropriate strategy to move from the current condition to the desired condition. Step 6: Implementing the strategy. Step 7: Taking action to maintain the new equilibrium or the desired state.


RE Walton

Conflicting Parties

The third-party peacemaking intervention is a method to resolve interpersonal conflicts. This method was developed by RE Walton. He proposed that for conflicts to be resolved, confrontation should take place between the conflicting parties. Walton proposed a diagnostic model of interpersonal conflict consisting of four elements: the issues that give rise to a conflict, the circumstances that aggravate the conflict, the actions of the individual that lead to the conflict, and the consequences

PLANDEO |5 of the conflict. Further, Walton also laid down the factors that ensure the success of confrontation between the conflicting parties. Confrontation involves two phases differentiation and integration. In differentiation, individuals understand the differences existing among them, whereas in integration, the individuals explore the commonalities existing between them.


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