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Lecture No.- 03 Bhragu Kulshrestha Sir

Topics to be Covered



English Adjective
• Rahul is getting rich and rich

• Rahul is getting rich and richer

• Rahul is getting richer and richer

• John is the best person of our locality.

• John is Mr.Kapoor’s eldest son.

• Jack is my best friend.

Uses of Adjectives
• Some Vs Any

I have some friends in this city

I don’t have any friends in this city

Do you have any friend in this city?

Some students are waiting for you outside

Some student is waiting for you outside

When the given noun is unknown to a speaker in that case we can use
some before that noun it gives the sense of any.
Uses of Adjectives
• Elder vs Older

My brother is elder to my sister.

Rahul is my elder brother.

John is older than Ravi.

Uses of Adjectives
• Further vs Farther

• My house is farther/further from hers

• I need farther/further information on this.

Uses of Adjectives
• First vs Foremost

The IPL has become the foremost cricket tournament.

I still remember the first time I saw her.

Uses of Adjectives
• Fewer vs Less

less applies to matters of degree, value, or amount and

modifies collective nouns, mass nouns, or nouns
denoting an abstract whole

fewer applies to matters of number

This village has less/fewer population than that village

This village has less/fewer houses than that village.

Uses of Adjectives
• Later vs latter
Uses of Adjectives
• Outdoor vs Outdoors
Uses of Adjectives
• Little, a little, the little

There is little water in the jug

There is a little water in the jug

The little water in the jug is not sufficient for me

Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• Everybody knows (a) that Swati is the most unique (b) singer of
this college (c) no error (D)

Answer is, most is superfluous

Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• Of the two (a) contestants, he (b) is the luckiest, (c) be sure .(d)
no error (e)

Answer is C, the luckier

Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• You can trust (a) this news channel (b) for the last news of this
week.(C) no error (D)

Answer is C, for the latest news

Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

Your house is ____ spacious.
a. a lot
b. such
c. Quite
d. None
Answer is C
Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• Now-a-days,(a) the weather (b) is getting cold and (c) colder.(d)
no error (e)

Answer is C
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

"The _____ boy thanked the store clerk."
a. Polite
b. Politely
c. Politeness
d. Politic
Answer is A
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

• Ramu kaka is the most corrupt politician _____ in the country.
a. In All
b. From all
c. Then some
d. Of all
Answer is D
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

• The Ganga is longer than _____ river in the country.
a. Any other
b. All other
c. Some
d. Any
Answer is A
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

At last, the ______ of happy moments arrived.
a. more happy
b. happiest
c. happier
d. None of the Above
Answer is B
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

• Annie is the most attractive and ______ energetic member in the
a. Much
b. Many
c. Most
d. More
Answer is C
Adjective Practice Questions

Fill in the blank

• _____ country is suffering from this addiction.
a. The Complete
b. The whole
c. All
d. Complete
Answer is B
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

Hitler was the cruelest and scarier of all the leaders.
a. cruelest and the scarier
b. cruelest and scariest
c. crueller and scariest
d. No Improvement
Answer is B
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

Robert said to his classmate, "The project is not as tough as it was
supposed to be."
a. So tougher than
b. As tougher as
c. So tougher and
d. No improvement
Answer is D
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

• Can you tell me how many books and sugar he has brought home.
a. Many books and how many sugar
b. Many books and how sugar
c. Many books and much sugar
d. Many books and how much sugar
Answer is D
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

• Babita had no other hobby than that of wearing a dress of the last
a. a dress of the later design
b. a dress of the latest designing
c. a dress of the latest design
d. a dress of the latter design
Answer is C
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

This book is comparatively better than that which you have
purchased for your preparation.
a. best
b. Comparatively good
c. Comparatively worser
d. No improvement
Answer is B
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

• This young lady is more beautiful but not so cultured as her
youngest sister.
a. Most beautiful than
b. More beautiful then
c. More beautifully than
d. More beautiful than
Answer is D
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

• I have always noticed that given an option he prefers tea than coffee
a. prefers tea to coffee
b. preferable tea to coffee
c. prefers tea then coffee
d. prefers tea too coffee
Answer is A
Adjective Practice Questions

Replace the phrase

• A lots of books on English grammar are available in the market but
this one is the best.
a. lot of books on English
b. A lot of book on English
c. The lot of books on English
d. A lot of books on English
Answer is D
Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• There were only two (a) soldiers but each and every (b) solider
was equal (c) to five policemen.(d) no error (e)

Answer is C, use only each

Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• In spite of facing (a) much problems, Mr. Shri did not (b) desert
the path (c) of honesty.(d) no error (E)

Answer is B, many problems

Adjective Practice Questions

Error Detection
• It is a fact that (a) mahatma Gandhi was (b) the first politician (c)
of his time.(d) no error (e)

Answer is C, use foremost

2 mins Summary





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