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Rainfall-Runoff Relationships and Flood Routing

Alright, so in the previous topic, you have learned about computing a Direct Surface Run-Off
(DSRO) from a given hyetograph/hydrograph.

But then in a real situation, we know that it does not only rain and stop, we know that rivers/streams
are always running. There, develop a gap in working with real-life situations and incorporating the
relationship between the everyday runoff (running streams) and rainfall (when it rains while streams
are still running, plus those that infiltrate, evaporate, etc).

Therefore, in the chapter Rainfall-Runoff Relationships and Flood Routing, they help us
understand and incorporate these real-life situations or forecasts where the available data is
inadequate. And to do this, they first discussed two ways in which the data is available and

1. Compute total 2. Compute only peak

runoff using total rainfall value of runoff
in a given time.

1.1. SCS method 1.2. Khosla’s 2.1 Rational Method

Must know as it is 2.2. Empirical method
method Tcime of
applicable to our Each region has its own
concentration is preferred
country. crucial.
In example 3.1, the Linsleys, Kirpich
Initial abstraction in the and equation 5.7.
SCS method is a
function of the soil’s
Storage potential,
therefore, to get S if
given the Curve Be able to recognise
Number (CN) we use: them and know
when to use if not
Potential maximum soil given.
retention formula. (S =

Open Rubric
In cases where the available data is missing some information to articulate a reliable relationship,
linear and non-linear approaches are used.

Linear, observed rainfall vs monthly runoff is correlated to establish the relationship (log-
graphs with linear/non-linear fit). Emphasize as well on which relationship is used if
linear/nom-linear. Follow 5.2.2. in details and example 5.6 (Any problem that requires
regression value R2 in the assessment will be given).

In cases where you cannot proceed with computing the missing information as in above, an
extension of the available data is required (5.2.3), then we can use methods such as the one below
to extend the data so we can compute the relationship between the rainfall-runoff (master example
5.7 and its equations)
1. Double-mass curve method
2. Correlation with catchment areas
3. Regression analysis between the flows at base and index stations

Therefore, knowing the above will help you to articulate any rainfall-runoff relationship for
whatever purpose you are studying for.

But then each project is different and has got its own requirements. For example, you cannot use
only 2 months of rainfall to design for a hydropower system. A longer duration of data would be
required to study the pattern of the rainfall, runoff, and so forth (detailed in section 5.3). And to do
this, it may not be easy to analyze the data in table form, simulation (or profiling) may be more
convenient (flow duration curves) in estimating flows (incoming from rainfall, outgoing/losses, and
their probabilities of occurrence).

Different cases (4) of available data for the development of these flow curves are discussed in 5.3.1
(know when to use which case). Examples of the flow curves are illustrated in Example 5.8 (follow
the example, if asked for a class with no flow data, you interpolate between the given data) and
Example 5.9 (detailed, reality scenario, good to know and as a referral when studying further).
From these flow diagrams, one can easily use the profile to predict the flow patterns and plan for
the infrastructures properly as they show the trends.
Then once you know the trends of the rainfall-runoff, then one can easily use this information to
now monitor the incoming/outgoing flows in a catchment or whichever hydraulic structures they’re
designing or want to monitor or even know for how much of the floods they should design the
hydraulic infrastructure for. Flood routing is mostly used to achieve these subsequent flow curves.

In the material, they are teaching you to route both open channels (master all the techniques taught
for channel routing) and a reservoir (controlled is the one with gates, uncontrolled, the spillway
releases water as it reaches full capacity) using various techniques.

• Mass curve
• Modified pulse (very good to follow, not be assessed, too long)

End of rainfall-runoff relationships chapter

Hydraulic Structures

Throughout the previous chapters, we have been learning how to compute flows and flood
discharges for catchments and structures. The structures referred to are hydraulics structures as
discussed in the study material Hydraulics of Structures.

Therefore, we use these structures to measure (in streams) or control flow (through weirs/reservoirs,
ect) as you have learned in your assignment 1.

Note the different formulas for each structure. Mostly, discharge tables derived from experiments
are used in computing discharge through these structures and deriving formulas to use for each as
compared to what you have learned in the undergrads of generic formulas. Below is a link to a
video by Grady (2016, October 24) that can help by showing various hydraulic structures.
Practical Engineering. (2016, October 24). What’s That Infrastructure? (Ep. 3 - Hydraulic
Structures). YouTube.

Uncontrolled runoff is a problem everywhere, being rural or urban. In urban, various hydraulic
structures such as culverts are often used to control excessive flows (you have learned how to
compute how much of excessive flows in the previous chapters), know how to design a culvert for
the flows you have computed in the previous chapters. If struggling to visualize the diagram, see
the video by Grady (2020, May 5), very practical. Practical Engineering. (2020, May 5). What Is a

At this point, you should be in a position where you are able to connect what you have learned from
the chapter on hyetographs (deriving flows) to the use/design/ monitoring of various hydraulic

The end of Hydraulic structures

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