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“Mom, that's the last shrimp.

You can't have it,” I glared at the shrimp on my mother’s fork as

she brought it to her lips.

“But why? I want it, Sylvia.”

“Then we have to share it.” Everyone knows how much I love shrimps. My favorite.

“You both shouldn't fight over this again. Just share it,” father interrupted.

My lips curled as mother shared the shrimp in two, offering me the larger part. She brought
her fork to my lips and without a second thought, I consumed it, letting its delicious juice
wash over my mouth. My mom knows just how I like it. Juicy.

As we laughed over my expressions, the door of our living room suddenly fell down in a
bang and able bodied men stormed in. Immediately, father stood up to position himself in
front of mother and I.

“Fa…father, who are they?” I asked.

“Stay calm, sweetheart. Don't move.”

Just then the men part ways for an even larger figure. The alpha of the moonlight pack
towered over us, his body tensed with anger. Alpha Charles. I wondered why he stared at
father in such a way. A sense of dread washed over me.

My soul left my body when I heard him speak.

“Grab them.”

The men quickly lunged forward and grabbed us roughly, twisting our arms behind our

“What have we done? This isn't right, Alpha,” I spoke out with my head bowed.

“And who are you to tell me what is right or wrong.”


“Stay out of this. Your parents have committed a great crime and they have to be punished
for it. Your father is a betrayal. Treason is not forgivable.”

Father fell on his knees immediately. His head hitting the floor.

“I am a devoted servant of you, Alpha. I can never betray you or the pack.”

“The evidence is clear. I, Alpha Charles hereby strip you of your title as Beta of the
moonlight pack. You and your mate are sentenced to death. Take them away.”
My heart lept into my throat as the Alpha’s words sank in. Before the men could reach father,
I wrenched myself from their grasp and went to stand in front of him.

“You can't do this, Alpha. Father is innocent. He did nothing. Please listen to me.”

Father shook his head.

“Sylvia, no.”

I wasn't taken notice of by the Alpha. They shoved me aside and dragged my parents
outside. Even when I tried to hug my wailing mother, they pushed me to the floor.

“Pl…please Alpha. Father is innocent.”

Alpha Charles looked at me with such hatred and anger I'd never seen before. Gone was the
kind and gentle man who used to speak to me with so much respect and love. Now, he
looked like he was ready to destroy me. My father did nothing wrong. His loyalty lied in the
Alpha since he was a child. I couldn't bring myself to believe the accusations.

“Stay out of adult issues, girl, else you join them.”

I shook my head in tears watching my parents getting hit on their backs by the men.

“You are leaving the beta mansion. Hence, no one addresses you with respect. You are
reduced to the position of an omega. A dilapidated cottage at the edge of the pack is where
you shall reside whether or not you like it.”

I fell on my knees.

“Alpha please have mercy.”

My tears knew no stop. I wailed and yelled as the Alpha’s men took my parents away. The
thought of not seeing them ever again caused my tears to stream freely down my cheek. My
whole world was falling apart before my eyes and there was nothing I could do.

As they threw me out of our house, the house that I had spent all my life in towards the
dilapidated cottage at the outskirts of the pack, I couldn't help but look around. Nearly all the
pack members witnessed everything that happened in the comfort of their home and even
when I caught their eyes and communicated, pleading with them to at least say or do
something, they looked away from me, their eyes telling me clearly that they were judging
and they didn't believe that my father was innocent.

The man that looked after them and made sure that they lacked nothing. After all, they
ended up betraying him.

I gazed at my new home, the old cottage that looked like it would collapse with the slightest
breeze. I let my tears flow freely, blurring my vision. How did things change all of a sudden?
A while ago, I was busy eating with mother and father. We were happy, so happy.
I can't let my parents die. I can't let these people end my parents for a crime they knew
nothing about. I have to save them but how?

My mind flew to someone I knew that could help. Robert! He could definitely help. He was
the Alpha’s son after all and above all, he was my mate, though no one else knew about this.
Grabbing my broken phone, the only thing I could get from my parents house, I took off.

My legs took me to Robert's hidden place, one he hid from his parents and the place where
we spent time together. I hoped that he would believe me and my parents. We have been in
love since childhood and he was the only one I could share my feelings with. Desperately, I
pushed the door open, surprised to find it unlocked.

As I walked in, I could hear my heart pounding loudly in my chest. The feeling of hope that I
had on my way turned to dread and panic as I heard the obnoxious sounds coming from the

“Dear goodess, let this not be what I'm thinking.”

My feet took me closer to the room.

“Ahh Robert, Daddy.”

“F**k, I'm almost there.”

“I'm comingggg.”

The noises increased the closer I got and when I finally got there, I was frozen in place. My
mate, my very own mate, having an affair with someone else.

I let out a gasp.

Camilla, the daughter of the red moon pack saw me. She immediately covered her body with
the blanket and nudged at her lover.

“Sy…Sylvia? Robert, she's here.”

He sprang up from the bed. There was no trace of guilt in his expression.

“Well, since you found out already, I and Camilla are getting married. I love her and I can't
be with the daughter of the man who tried to ruin the pack.”

I couldn't stop my tears. Not even when I screamed in my damn mind to stop crying. It just
won't stop. I was utterly devastated. The whole world turned their back on me. From where
do I start? The disgust I felt seeing my mate in the arms of another woman was unmatched
but despite the pain and disgust, I knew I needed to do what I came for. I sank on my knees
in front of him, something I have never done before. Not to him.
“Ro..Robert, please believe me.”

I pleaded. Desperately. I moved closer to him until I was touching his bare legs. I ignored the
fact that he was standing right before me, naked as the day he was born.

“Sylvia. I think you should leave. Robert is pissed with you.”

I ignored Camilla and stepped up on my pleading.

“Robert, my parents are innocent. You know my father isn't capable of betraying the pack.
You know him. Please do something. Stop the execution.”

“And why should I?”

“Be..because we’re mates. My parents always treated you well also. Please do something,” I

“Mates? We’ll see about that.”

I shook my head, dreading his next words as he pushed me off his legs. I could no longer
feel the bond between us. I won't be able to take it. My heart bleed immensely.

“You are nothing more than an omega. I cannot be seen hanging around with an omega.
Your father is a betrayal and deserves whatever he is getting. I the future Alpha of the
moonlight pack therefore rejects you, Sylvia Rain as my mate.”

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