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Book Name: Miss Gray’s Vengeance

Chapter One: Terrific Mistake

“Where did Noah go?” Genevieve pondered, pacing around the living room as she bit her
newly painted nails nervously.

“No no, Eve. Calm down and stop overthinking. He said he’ll be back. He just went to get
something. Stop.”

It was 6 pm already and Noah was nowhere to be found. He left two hours ago when they
were dressing up. Well, it is their anniversary today and she had suggested that they have
dinner outside, and to her surprise, he didn’t refuse and just nodded. How happy was she
about that? One hundred percent happy.

“Maybe it’s an emergency or something. B..but what if he does not come?” She sighed
feeling so uneasy. Will all the make-up and jewelry that she wore for him go to waste? Plus
she was looking gorgeous as ever in Noah’s favorite colors. A black knee-length gown that
has a short slit on the corners revealing her white thighs and a white heel and bag that
perfectly matched her dress.

Only God knows how much she has been anticipating this day.

Eve stopped pacing around and rushed to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to calm her
nerves down. These ill thoughts were getting out of hand and she might faint thinking about
negative things.

“Genevieve! Genevieve!”


The sound of glass shattering on the floor made her jump in surprise. Who was it that was
calling her name all of a sudden and made her drop this glass in shock?

“Noah?” She muttered realizing who it was.

Was he calling her that way so they could leave for their romantic dinner? Her smile finally
returned to her face when she thought of that possibility.

He must have expected her to be waiting for him at the door since he was all dressed before
leaving. Delightfully, she rushed out of the kitchen to the living room to stand in front of him.

“I’m here. I’ve been waiting for you. I’m ready. We should leave now.”

Her eyes were fixated on her husband who was looking at her as if he would kill her any
second from now but she ignored the look in his eyes and thought that he was just angry
because she wasn’t waiting for him.
“I’m sorry for not waiting for you at the door but trust me, I was waiting for you. Look, I wore
your favorite color.”

Genevieve has that dreamy look on her face as she stares at her husband. It wasn’t a first
as she always has that dreamy look on her face whenever her husband is around. She was
a love-sick puppy for him and would accept anything from anyone as long as he was still
with her.

She would ignore whatever his mother and the servants here said as long as he was with
her and she got to see him.

That was how much she loved him.

Her eyes fell on the ladies beside her husband. One was on a wheelchair and the other was
assisting her. She frowned.

All over the lady’s legs and body were bandages. What happened to her? From what she
remembered, she was the only daughter of the Johan family and was a very close family
friend of the Hanks. Seeing her like this made her shocked after all, that girl was the
pampered princess of both families.

“Oh my, Melissa. What happened to you?”

“Really? You’re asking me that?”

“Yes. Your body is bruised and bandaged. My… My God, are you alright?”

“You must be so shocked to see that I survived. Well, I’m sorry to say but your game is over,
Eve, Genevieve or whatever you’re called.”


Eve frowned at her words. What does she mean by that? The way everyone was looking at
her right now, she just can’t understand.

She watched as Melissa slowly stood up with the help of her servant and stood right in front
of her.

Pa! Pa!

Before she could register anything in her head, Melissa’s hands already fell on her face
harshly causing her to lose her balance and fall on the floor.

“Right. Down below my foot. That’s where you belong.” She turned to Noah and said in a
puppy like voice “Brother Noah, please let’s just get rid of her already. I’m scared. What if
she tries something else?”
“Here, sign these papers.” He threw some papers to her feet.

“Wh…what’s going on?”

“You should know better than all of us here. Sign the papers, Genevieve.”

What's going on, really? He isn't even calling her in the usual ‘Eve’ like he used to.

Eve’s hands picked up the paper from the floor and stared at it. The moment she realized
what it was, she felt her soul leave her body and she quickly stood up from the floor. The
dreaded look on her face was so evident.

“No…Noah, did I do something? Why all of sudden? I…I thought that we were going to have
our anniversary dinner today. Is this a prank? If it is please stop, it's not funny at all.”

“We were going to but as you can now see, it is no more needed. Melissa woke up for the
first time after her accident and told us the truth.”

“Truth? What truth? What accident?” She looked from Noah to Mellissa and from Melissa to
Noah. She doesn't know what he was talking about. Was Melissa in an accident? She never
knew that.

Well, no one tells her anything in this family after all. They all hated her ever since the day
she first stepped foot into this house.

She had thought that it was because her marriage with Noah happened all of a sudden but it
has been three years already and they still did not change.

“Noah,” Eve gasped as Noah roughly held her arms tightly and looked into her eyes with
those fierce eyes of his.

“You are going to sign that divorce paper and get the hell out of my roof. We all know that I
only got married to you and let you stay here all because of Grandfather.” He held her tightly,
ignoring her struggles. Her arms hurt. “You realize how unfair that was to me? I was going to
keep you here but after what you did to Melissa, you ain't gonna be here anymore.

Getting married to you was a terrific mistake.”

Chapter Two: Our Anniversary

“Y…you’re scaring me, Noah. I don't un..understand.”

“You're still going to act like you don't know what you did? Now that I think about it all, you
have managed to fool me. To think that three years ago, you did not even think twice before
accepting the marriage proposal. Well, your mask has been taken off.”

“Stop acting dumb, Genevieve. You made me in this condition,” Melissa said and burst into
tears. “Brother Noah, please take her away. This is too much. She made me a cripple. The
doctor said that I won't be able to use my legs ever. Who's going to marry me this way? It's
all her fault.”

“I… I did not…” before she could complete her words, she felt someone hold her hands
roughly from behind causing her to turn and the moment she did, she regretted it as an
eye-blinding slap fell on her.

Her mother-in-law? When did she even arrive?

Her mother-in-law's slaps have always been so painful that she couldn't help but burst into
tears at all of this. She did nothing, yet she watched as her day got ruined. Her makeup was
ruined already and from the look of things, there was no way they were having their
anniversary dinner anymore.

“Mother I…”

“We don't want to hear your explanation, you murderer. Sign the papers and get the hell out
of our lives. You have caused enough damage already.”

Eve turned to Noah. She was honestly not getting all of these. How could they accuse her of
such a crime? She isn't even capable of killing a spider or a cockroach.

“Noah, you have to believe me. I don't know what they are talking about. I was here all week.
I didn't even go anywhere.”

Melissa tried to stand up from her chair but ended up falling back and everyone’s attention
fell to her. Genevieve watched as her husband rushed to help another woman sit properly,
placing her legs in the right position on the wheelchair. She could feel a pang of pain in her
heart as her tears flowed freely. Her life was a total mess.

“The evidence is clear. You did it.”

That was from Melissa.

She stared at her husband, hoping that he would at least believe her this time around but the
only words that came out of his mouth were.

“Sign the damn papers!”

“Didn’t you hear him? Sign the papers and leave us alone. Grandfather Hank is not here to
save you this time.”

“Mother, Noah. I really know nothing about this. I'm telling the truth. Please believe me.”
By now, she was already sobbing hard. How can all of these be happening right now? It was
her anniversary for God’s sake. Noah isn't even sparing her a glance. His focus was on the
woman who was sitting in a wheelchair. What even happened to her and why all of a sudden
she was being blamed for attempting murder?

“Mira,” she heard her husband calling a servant who came running to them in the blink of an
eye. From the corners of her eye, she could see the servants peeping and laughing at her
miserable state. They all felt that she did that. No one here wants her around.

“Noah…. please. I'm begging you. Believe me.”

“Be quiet.”

She quickly clamped her mouth shut.

“Mira, go upstairs and gather her stuff. Get them out of my mansion.”

“Noah, you have to listen to me. I did nothing as I'm being accused. Noah.”

He wasn't listening to her.

“Noah, it's our anniversary. You can't do this to me. At least listen to what I have to say.”

“I don't want to hear any more lies from you, Eve. My greatest regret is getting married to
you. Sign the papers and get out of this place else I change my mind and call the police.”

“I don't have anywhere to go, Noah. Please believe me,” she cried. This time, she crawled to
where he was and held his leg while sobbing, asking him to at least listen to her but it all fell
on deaf ears.

He doesn't want to listen to her and he definitely is not going to change his mind. She knows
him. Noah isn't someone that goes back on his words. His words are final.

Without saying another word to her, he untangled his leg from her and walked out of the
sitting room.

“Noah, Noah, please don't do this. I love you. I love you so much. Please,” she spoke out
while crying.

“He's gone. Sign the divorce papers and get out of this place.”

Eve watched as her mother-in-law slowly walked to her and threw a pen. “Here, sign it.”

She raised her head to look at her and then at Melissa sitting in a wheelchair who was
smirking at her. Her head fell and she started at the floor while reviewing her whole life here.
Her tears flowed freely for minutes and she let them. That was when she decided that she
had gotten enough from this family.
Now she sees that her whole three years of living here was futile. Her hope of being together
with Noah was gone. Oh, how she has loved him these past few years even when she knew
that he didn't feel the same way. She was ready to wait for him and even put on a docile
mask to do as he asked.

Why did they get married in the first place?

While coming from the eatery where she worked as a waitress, she had helped Noah’s
grandfather after getting into a car accident. When he woke up and asked for her, she was
brought and he took a liking to her.

He had made a request to Noah and asked him to get married to her so he could feel at
peace in life and take his medications seriously. When the marriage offer came to her and
after she saw who she was getting married to, she just could not say no.

It has been three years and she has been yearning for his love. Now she knows that she
was getting nothing from her love.

Looking at the papers in front of her, she picked up the pen and with so much pain and
resentment in her for the people around her, she signed the papers and wiped her tears.

She was going to cry no more!

Chapter Three: Miss Gray

“Welcome, everyone to the biggest anniversary ball of the Hank family. On behalf of my
soon-to-be husband, my mother-in-law, and the whole Hank family, I say a big thank you to
you all for coming.”

The hall was filled with claps and cheers at the statement and everyone cheered at the lady
who spoke confidently on the platform.

“We also want to use this means to announce that our biggest project and deal is taking
place soon and we can't help but add this to our celebration. The Hank enterprise is going to
be having a deal with the Grays. Cheers everyone.”

Another round of cheers and claps reverberated in the hall causing the lady on the platform
to smile widely as she raised a glass of drink up followed by the guests did the same and at
the count of three, they all gulped down their drinks.

“Isn't that Melissa Johan on the platform?” There were murmurs in the hall and everyone
seemed to be having a conversation about the lady.

“Yes. She got engaged to Mr Hank a few months back. You don't know that? Everyone
“I haven't been keeping up with the news these months. She must be so happy. I with
straight legs and beautiful manners couldn't even attract him but she did. Her legs don't even
work fine.”

“True. Even arrogant and spoiled girls get to love these days.
Mr Hank must truly love her a lot to let her speak on behalf of his family. She's one hell of a
lucky girl.”

Their conversations continued and seeing this, Melissa could be help but smile as all the
attention was on her and no one else. What more could she ask for? Raising the microphone
to her mouth, she continued.

“My fiance and Mr Gray are not here yet but don't panic. They are definitely going to be here.
Before that, why don't we play some music and dance? It's a day of celebration.”

At this, music started playing and the guests clapped in joy and held the hands of their
partners to the dance floor.

“Have you called him, Melissa?” Melissa heard a voice ask from behind.

“He isn't answering his calls, mother.”

“Where has this son of mine gone? The guests will start getting worried if he does not come
in anytime soon. We can't offend them. He is the host of the party.”

“Not to worry. I’ll go that way and give him a call again.”

Melissa stepped out of the platform and limped towards a corner where the noise from the
hall would not hinder her phone call. She ignored the eyes of the guests who looked at her
as she limped slowly.

Well, she used to care but not anymore. They can say whatever they like after all, they all
know the backstory and how she would not be able to walk normally her whole life.

It was all because of that lowlife. Good thing she left a year ago.

She hadn’t even started placing the call when the murmuring of the guests caught her
attention. They were all looking in a particular direction and she wondered what it was.
Following their gaze, her frown deepened when she finally saw what it was or who it was.

“What the hell?”

Melissa harrumphed and kept her phone back in her purse before coming out. She limped
towards the person who was taking away the spotlight with their appearance.

“Oh my my. Who is this with a red dress? Did you perhaps come to the wrong place? And
even a mask? Goodness.” She gritted her teeth as she glared at the woman she just
stopped from going further into the hall from up to down.
One glare from her to the woman’s attendants caused them to stay rooted on their spot and
not move an inch to try and stop her from stopping their boss.

“Excuse me?”

Melissa rolled her eyes at her voice. Very ugly. Reminded her of someone.

“Yeah excuse you. Ignoring the instructions of a host of a ball is disrespectful. Do you
realize? Wearing a red dress when the invite clearly stated black and white.”

“I don’t think that should be a problem. I’m Brent Gray. Nice to meet you.”

“What? G…Gray as in..” She felt the blood drain from her face immediately.

“I’m the daughter of Mr Gray. I have to represent as my father is not in good health. What I
did not know is that this is how you welcome your guests. I’m hig….”

“No no. That’s not it. Haha. I…I thought it was another of those girls that missed their way.”

“Oh really?”

“Of course. Oh my. It's really you. Thank you so much for attending our family’s ball to
celebrate the company’s anniversary. You can call me Melissa. I am Mr. Hank’s Fiance. Nice
meeting you,” she introduced and brought her hand forward for a handshake but her hand
was only looked at for a while and never taken.

Melissa dropped her hands in embarrassment and rubbed them on her black gown. She
didn't know why she was feeling sweaty all of a sudden. Was she supposed to be feeling this
way? Yes, this woman in front of her is intimidating but this was her. She is Melissa. She
doesn't feel this way often.

“Nice meeting you, Melissa.”

“Oh, the pleasure is mine. Please feel at home. I decorated this mansion myself and I do
hope that you like it. My husband… I mean my soon-to-be husband had asked me to take
care of you specially. You're our biggest guest.”


“Of course.”

“I haven't seen the host of the party anywhere. He doesn't attend balls?”

“My husband? I mean my soon-to-be,” she waved it off. “You understand. I'm just not used to
either of the titles yet. He'll be here soon. He normally doesn't attend balls but he definitely
will come. You know, we never expected that you would come in place of your father.”
“Right. Father is sick so he asked me to appear in place of him.”

“He’s so nice for that.”

“By the way, congratulations on your engagement. I’m so happy for you. Your ring is
beautiful too.”

“Aw, thank you for that. My fiance is so sweet. This thirty-carat ring must have cost a
fortune,” she waved her hands so that the ring could be seen clearly

“It looks expensive, so yes, it must have cost millions. Anyway, I’ll see the others.”

Before Miss Gray turned around, Melissa watched as she removed the mask from her face
and with her hands, brushed her hair backward. She could swear that the sight that she saw
after that made her almost faint. There was no mistaking who that was and was it shocking?
Hell, yes

“Wh…Wh..what the hell? Stop!”

Chapter Four: She's an Impersonator

“ What are you doing here, Genevieve? Who let you in? Stop there. I'm talking to


“Who else am I speaking to? How dare you show your face here again and how dare you
come here as an imposter? Goodness! To think that I was acting nice to you,” Melissa spat
and flipped her hair backward in anger. Her fake smile dropped already.

Her voice was loud enough to gather attention and Eve watched as she limped to her and
the crowd started turning towards their direction one after the other.

“What is going on, Melissa?” Mrs Hank rushed to them.

“Mother, look who is here.”

“You. How dare you show your face here after what you did? You have no shame at all?”

Eve smirked at their reactions. She watched blood drain from their faces staring at her.
Shocking right? There would be no fun if this ain't.

“Come on, get out of here else I'll call the cops.”

“Don't dare me. Get out,” Melissa yelled and limped forward to Eve and harshly grabbed her
arm, ready to throw her out of the mansion in front of everyone.


A resounding slap and push was enough to get her staggering backward and she would
have fallen if it wasn't for her so-called soon-to-be mother-in-law holding her in place.

“Eish.” Eve cleaned her hand with a handkerchief in disgust.

“My poor hands. So much disrespect for the esteemed guest. Bad manners I smell

“Miss Gray, are you okay?” Eve’s assistant rushed to her.

“I am.”

“Miss Gray?” Mrs Hank frowned.

“Mother, she's an impersonator. How dare she hit me. Noah is going to teach her a lesson.”

Hearing this from her soon-to-be daughter-in-law, Mrs Hank walked forward to fully examine
Eve’s face. Where is the mole on the right side of her brows? She clenched her fist tightly as
she found the mole confirming her doubt.

Now. She can handle this girl as she likes. She knows how well to handle her and make her
bend to her rules.

“Don’t you feel it's shameful coming to this place after everything? Everyone here knows our
past and what you did to poor Melissa. I am not going to let you ruin our party so better leave
right now.”

“We should just throw her out, mother.”

Seeing that Eve didn't make a move to leave and only smirked as if amused, Mrs. Hank
groaned angrily and walked up to her before getting hold of her arms and throwing her down
in full force so that she fell on the floor.


Eve didn't expect that she was ever going to do that. She was prepared for any insult that
comes her way but she wasn't prepared for a push. The grasp and push came unexpectedly
causing her to lose her balance and waver before she finally slipped with her butt headed to
the floor.

She closed her eyes to embrace herself for the fall that was going to happen. She knew
deep down in her that there was no way to avoid this fall. It was going to be hella
But it wasn't as her body was suddenly held and forcefully brought forward causing her to
crash into a hard surface or let’s say, someone.

That smell. She knows it so well. There was no confusion. It was so familiar that the moment
she smelt it, she knew who it was. Noah.

Her eyes slowly rose to meet with Noah’s and the moment she did, she felt her past flashing
in front of her making her unable to break gazes with him. All the emotions came rushing to
her like a flood.

“I must express how disappointing this is,” Eve’s assistant stepped forward. Her words
caused them to tear gazes and break away from each other.

“This is offending the whole Gray company. How dare you call our boss’s daughter an
impersonator. If this continues, I'm afraid the deal will be called off.”

“Oh cry me a river. Who is this that you hired to back you up, Genevieve?” Melissa retaliated

“If you think she's an impersonator, why don't you check the internet? Mr Gray just posted
his daughter.”

Gasps were heard in the hall as everyone started checking their phone for the latest news
and their eyes widened when they saw that what she said was indeed the truth.

Mr. Gray just uploaded a picture of himself and his daughter. It was no other person than
Genevieve. Melissa rolled her eyes and hearing everyone’s gasps, she too brought out her
phone to check the latest news.

Shock? Oh, come on. That was too little of a word for what she felt when her eyes fell on the
picture. There was no doubting it.

Slowly, oh so slowly, she raised her face to look at the smirking Genevieve and shivered. For
real, she was so gone.

“I wonder what I should do to you now?” Eve started rolling a strand of her hair with a finger
as she walked to stand in front of them. “Should I ruin your family’s business or you instead?
Tell me, what should I do to you?”

“I'm so sorry, Miss Gray. I s…swear I didn't mean to. Please forgive me and don't ruin my
parent’s business. They have worked so ha…hard to be there. I'm sorry that we mistook you
for someone else.”

“Oh no, dear. You did not mistake me for anyone at all.”


“Genevieve Brent Gray.”

Chapter Five: Unfortunate Union

“That was a good show out there, Eve. It pains me a lot that I was not able to record their
bloodless faces at that moment.”

Eve chuckled at her assistant’s words.

“I wish I had too, Ella.”

“Look. They can’t even have peace in their own party.”

She smiled. That was what she wanted. She wishes for them to live in horror. She wants
them to dread her so much. She yearns for them to live their life in misery and if it is the last
thing that she does in this life, she is surely going to have them pay back for all they did to

All her stay in this mansion, she has been nothing but kind and forgiving but what was she
paid back with? Schemes and agony from the bitches. But not anymore. She was no longer
the Genevieve that they used to know who would bend at them.

Her eyes scanned the dance floor and finally fell on a couple that everyone deemed

“They look compatible together. A schemer must get a schemer. What an unfortunate union.”
Ella followed her line of sight.

“I know right? It would have been unfortunate for me too if I had spent my life with him.”

Her fiery eyes stared at them both in disgust. She watched as Noah handled Melissa with
care. Carefully dancing with her and guiding her every step while making sure that her legs
don't hurt. Such an eyesore. If ugliness was a person, goodness.

She immediately averted her gaze feeling his biting eyes on her. They were staring at her
from up to down and she suddenly felt naked.

No! She shouldn’t fall for any of these. She was a grown woman and no longer a teenager.
Only teenagers act like this. Besides, she wasn’t here for that. She was back in their lives for
business. She was here to torment them so that even in their next lives they would think
twice before finding out that she exists.

Breaking her gaze fully from the man, she poured more drink into her glass cup and gulped
all its contents in one go.

“We should drink ourselves till we can’t anymore. It’s been so long since we had fun,” Ella
“Right! I was about to suggest that.”

“Here. Tada,” Ella exclaimed, bringing out two bottles of wine from the side and dropping it
on their table.”

“H..How did you get this?”

“You don't know me anymore? I'm Ella, the queen of la la la things.”

“Hmm. What can I say to the queen? Let's have some more drinks. I can't wait to get drunk

“I know, right?”

Genevieve smiled. When it comes to drinking, this friend and assistant of hers was the
number one. She doesn't fail to miss out on any opportunity that would make her drink till her
liver gives her a sign. She was a drunkard, just so you know.

Ella giggled and popped the wine open before pouring a decent amount into both their



They lightly hit their glass cups together and brought the drinks to their lips. Eve was about
to gulp it down but was stopped by someone snatching the drink from her causing her to
look up.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

“Making sure that you don’t get drunk.”

“Hi Liam,” Ella greeted. She immediately composed herself and dropped her glass of wine,
smiling cutely like every other lady at the ball.

“Ella,” he greeted before turning back to Eve. “You don’t want to get too drunk, right? This
isn’t your home so stop drinking.”

“Why are you scolding me? It doesn’t matter if I get drunk or not. I’ll find my way home.”

She glared at her so-called friend who snatched her drink. How dare he do that knowing that
she wasn’t in the mood for plays? She doesn’t want to play, not now. Liam was her friend
and business partner whom she met about six months ago and since then, they have been
inseparable just like Ella.

Snatching the glass from Liam, she quickly brought it to her mouth and emptied the content
before he could snatch it again.
“Drinking will do you no good. You both have to stop this habit of drinking. What if you drink
yourselves to death one day?”

Ella shook her head innocently.

“I…I don’t drink anymore. I became a new leaf. I’m only pouring drinks for Eve.”

Eve’s eyes snapped to her.

“What? Why, you little liar?”

“That’s the truth, really.”

“I feel like hitting your head. Anyway, you both catch up. I’ll go to the restroom. I’m pressed,”
Genevieve said as she stood up from her chair. She staggered backward before managing
to stabilize herself.

“See? You’re tipsy.”

“I’m fine.”

“I’ll come with you.”

“You want to come with me to the restroom? Did you forget that you’re a guy?”

“Oh,” he laughed in embarrassment and watched as Eve shook her head and turned to the
other side of the hall.

After easing herself in the female powder room, she looked at herself in the mirror as she
washed her hands and cleaned them with a tissue.

She sighed.

“I should redo my makeup.”

Searching through her small purse, she brought out her foundation and lipstick before
proceeding to apply a decent amount on her face and lips.

“I can't believe that is really Miss Gray?”

She heard the gossiping voice of two girls as they walked into the powder room. It seemed
like they didn't see her as they walked directly to the mirror and started redoing their

“You saw the news. Mr Gray posted it himself on the internet.”

“She’s so pretty. Come on, her skin is fire.”

“Whatever. She doesn't look that good. If it was her dress that you're talking about like this, I
would have supported you but her ass and face are a total mess. You should get glasses.”

“What, me?”


“Well, you aren't entirely wrong. I expected someone prettier than her. I also heard from
someone that she used to be married to Mr. Hank.”


“She is the ex-wife of Mr Hank.”

“Oh my God. I can't believe this. No wonder there was so much tension between Melissa
and Mrs. Gray. So they knew each other from before.”

“They do. You've seen it now.”

“I wonder what made them break up.”

“Pfft. That's not a question. It's obvious that Miss Gray is the problem. Did you see her face
when she was looking at Melissa? I heard that she is the cause of Melissa’s medical
condition. You know, she won't be able to walk straight again. I wonder what man is going to
marry her that way if not Mr Hank.”

“Right? I feel so much pity for her. Miss Gray should have been arrested for that. If I was
Melissa, I would make her pay. Although she hasn't done me any bad, I want to hit her in the
face. If she comes in front of me now, I'll smear her makeup. How dare she do that to


The two girls froze as they heard a chilling voice from behind followed by laughter. They
dropped their makeup and turned slowly to see whose voice that was.

Their eyes widened when they saw that it was none other than Miss Gray and guess what,
she was making her way towards them and her heels were clicking as she slowly strode
towards them. Her eyes made them want to run away.

“What did you say again?”

“I…I said nothing,” the second girl who made that statement immediately replied. The looks
on this woman’ ay that the former wife of Noah Hank was timid and innocent looking? How
come she was looking like a life horror movie?
“You said something, honey. Come on, tell me. I'm curious.” Seeing the girl was not saying
anything and was looking at the floor, she turned to her friend. “Broadcaster. I would like to
know what your friend said. Do you mind telling me?”

“I'm… I'm sorry Miss Gray.”

“I asked a question,” her voice raised a bit and she smirked seeing that the girls almost peed
their panties at her tone.

“Didn't she say that she would smear my makeup if I was right in front of her?”

“Sh.. She did.”


“Oh dear. I would love to see you try. Come on, smear my makeup. I want to see you do it.”

“Umm… Miss Gray, you know. I was only j…joking when I said that. I didn't mean it at all.”

“Jokes,” Eve laughed. “Interesting. How about I joke with your family’s business too, huh?“


“I like jokes and you like jokes too. That's perfect, right?”

Chapter Six: Make Me Laugh

“I like jokes and you like jokes too. That's perfect, right?

“You're lucky I have no time and this is not my party. I'll let you off the hook this time. When
next you gossip about someone, make sure that they are not around.”

She gave the girls a last look before walking away and out of the powder room. From
outside, she could hear their sighs and yells as they blamed each other for the situation they
fell into a moment ago. They made a mental note to always avoid her when they see her
next time. Her whole appearance screamed trouble.

Eve shook her head as she came out of the powder room. She straightened her dress and
started making her way back to the hall where the ball was being held. She knew her way
around every corner of the mansion and did not need anyone to show her the way.

Reminiscing her past in this house, Eve didn't know when her legs took her to the other side
of the mansion where her room used to be located.
Everything here seems the same. The mansion that she had decorated a year ago. The only
thing that changed in this place was the flowers. They were all changed from the flowers that
she used to like to something else. She wondered who was responsible for this.

In her momentum of looking around, she failed to look where she was going and as she
turned, her head collided with something hard and she groaned.

“Ouch. What the hell?”

She raised her head to see what or who she just ran into.


She felt as if everything stopped existing for a minute and all she could see was the man
who was standing in front of her. He was all that she could see at the moment.

“What are you doing here?”

She blinked, breaking away from the moment of froze at the deep voice of the man in front of
her. She felt goosebumps on her skin as she looked into his eyes. No… She can't be
thinking that right now. This was not what she came here for.

Realizing what she was doing, she immediately broke her gaze away from him and wrapped
her hands under her chest as she stared at him with cold eyes. Yes! That's the spirit. That's
what she's supposed to be doing instead.

“I was just looking around.”

“I didn’t ask that. I asked what you’re doing showing your face in this house, Eve? We ended
a year ago.”

“Pfft,” she laughed. She was sure that if there was water in her mouth, she would have spat
it off because of his words. Like… Come on, what gave him that confidence?

“What makes you think that I came back here to have anything to do with you? Maybe you
didn’t get it back then in the hall, Mr. Hank. I guess I should spell it out.” She moved closer to
him until there was just a bit of distance between them.

“I don’t want to have anything to do with you.”

“What’s your motive?”


“Why do you suddenly appear in our lives after a year? What do you want, Eve? Tell me. Is it
money? Do you want some money because you’re so pained that I didn’t give you any after
our divorce? You just have to ask if that’s what you want.
“Oh, you make me laugh, Mr Hank. Money? I thought that you know that money is the least
of my worries right now. I have the ‘Gray’ name as my surname. I don’t need some filthy
cash from you when I can simply get it all, right?”

That’s what she wants. She isn’t here to take some money from him. Considering her current
position as the daughter of the Gray family, some of his money would be too small for her.
She isn’t here to take some money from him. She was here to take it all.

She is here to take all of his money, connection, and power in this country and throw him
and his family in the streets just like they did to her. They were going to have a taste of their
own medicine. That’s her vow.

“The Gray family name. It’s shocking. How did you convince Mr. Gray to make you his
daughter for today? I bet all they say about you is true. You crawled up to an old man’s bed
so he could give you a bit of money and fame, right?”


Eve clenched her fist resisting her urge to give him another dirty slap to reset his brain. That
was what she would not take from him. Him questioning her character. How dare he talk to
her in such a manner. That she crawled up to the old man’s bed?

That was what he really thinks of her?

She ignored his burning and angry eyes and proceeded to continue what she was saying.

“One more word about my character and you won’t like what is going to happen, Hank. I can
take every insult from you and your undeserving family but don’t you dare question my
values. I was brought up decently unlike someone standing here.”

Flipping her dark brown hair to the side, she continued.

“If you so much doubt my relations with my father, why don’t you check the internet? My
father has posted the DNA results that prove that we are in fact blood-related. Check it and
stop spewing nonsense that you don’t know. Mind your tongue if you want to keep the deal
between you and my father.”

“How do you know about that?”

“I’m his daughter so of course I know. That deal is at stake here.”

How did she come to be the daughter of a billionaire and heir to a multi-billion company and
many more from being the street girl who had to work as a waitress to take care of herself
and her grandmother? That was a whole long story.

A long story that even she doesn't want to tell. Well, how about keeping it for another day? It
would be a story for another day.
“Genevieve?” Someone called from behind.

She turned to see it was her friend Liam and he walked to her.

“You’re here. I was only speaking to Mr Hank. Why did you come here?”

“I didn’t see you coming so I had to come check what was keeping you. Someone said they
saw you come his way.”


“Nice meeting you, Mr Hank.”

The two men shook hands and from the side, Eve could see the glaring eyes of Noah. She
doesn’t care. He can glare to death.

“Nice chatting with you, Hank. How about we call it a day? Don’t forget the deal between you
and my father. We’ll see again.” She added that part to at least let him know that they
weren’t done.

It is to let him know that from today, they will be seeing each other more often than he
desires. She was going to haunt him with her presence and her words that he is going to find
it hard to sleep at night.

She turned her back to him and holding the hands of Liam, she made her way out.

“Oh my goodness. Look at her, Noah. I can’t believe this.”

Melissa suddenly snuck up behind Noah. She has been listening to their conversation from
the side and can now come out as she is gone.

“Were you eavesdropping?” He asked coldly.

“Of.. of course not. I wasn’t eavesdropping.”

“What do you want?”

“Noah, she’s back. I’m so scared. How dare she show her face here again after what she did
to me? You have to do something about this, Noah. I’m so scared. Remember what she did
to me right, she put me in this condition that I’m afraid to go out. I won’t be able to walk well
for the rest of my life all because of her.

Think about that, Noah. She has done so much harm to me. We should get rid of her before
she causes more harm to me. I… I feel like she came back solely for me. She… she wants
to end my life. She doesn’t want me to be with you. Please do something. I’m scared. I’m…
I’m going to die.”

She burst out in silent tears and looked at Noah waiting for him to at least say something.”
Chapter Seven: Genevieve Is Back

He simply looked at her and without saying anything, walked away. Why so cold? She
wanted him to reassure her that all was going to be okay and he was going to deal with Eve
who was the cause of why she couldn't concentrate right now.

“Where are you going? I'm saying something.”

“Go attend to the guests, Melissa. I don't have anything to say to you.”

“Really? That's all you can say. You know why I'm in this condition. It's all because of her.
She caused me pain and right now, I still feel the pain, the trauma, I can hear her voice in my
head. She's going to come back at me. She's going to kill me this time.” she rushed to him
and held his hand.

“Look at my condition, Noah. I know you don't have any sisters and you're an only child but
look at me. What if it was your sister in this position? What if it was your sister that would not
be able to walk straight again?”

“Isn't that why I'm getting married to you? Because you claim no one was going to marry you
in this state? Isn't that the reason you're answering the title as my fiance now? What more
do you want?”

“I'm scared.”

“She's not going to do shit to you so calm down. Let go of my hand, I don't have all day.”

He removed her hand from his before turning his back, ignoring the tears that ran down her
cheek as he left her standing all alone in the hallway. As soon as he was gone, she wiped
her tears off and clenched her fist.

Was it shocking that Eve suddenly became Miss Gray? It was so shocking that she wanted
to cry. Like… how come? She never imagined that she would come back this way. She
wants to scream at the top of her voice and ask God why she isn’t in that position instead.

She knew that she was doomed now that Genevieve returned. She was going to hurt her.
She was going to have revenge on her and make her life a living hell. Was she ready for
that? No, of course. Does she want to prevent that? Yes!

“What are you doing standing here all alone?” Recognizing that it was her soon-to-be
mother-in-law’s voice, she immediately turned and walked to her slowly before hugging her

The woman hugged her back and patted her hair while whispering into her ears that
everything was going to be alright and she should be afraid no more.

“Mother, see that? I’m going to die very soon. Genevieve is back. She’s going to come for
me. I’m so scared.”

“Calm down, honey. Nothing is going to happen.”

She pushed the woman away slightly and started, her voice was slightly high.

“Nothing is going to happen? That's what you always say. Every single time you always say
nothing is going to happen but they keep happening right in front of us. Do something,
mother. Please do something. I’m scared.”

“That is why I’m asking you to calm down. You have to calm down so we can think of what to
do next and don’t you dare raise your voice at me next time. I am not your birth mother.
Calm yourself down. After the party, come see me in my room. We’ll think of something

She passed a last look before heading back to the hall where the party was being held.
Melissa clenched her fist as she was gone.

“This party should just end quickly so I can think clearly. I can’t believe I’m in the same
building as Genevieve. With the power that she has right now, she can end both I and the
Hanks family business. I can’t let that happen.”

Meanwhile, back inside the hall, Genevieve took the last shot of drink and raised her glass to
the air.

“More, give me more.”

“You can’t drink more of that, Genevieve. And you too Ella. You should stop. You two are

“Leave us alone, you stick head. Let us drink away our sorrow.”

“What sorrow do you have? Last time I checked, you are living a good life, Ella.”

“You don’t even know anything about me, stick head.”

“Me, stickhead?”

“Yes. Have you seen yourself in the mirror?” Drunkenly, she raised her hand in the air to
demonstrate what his head looked like. “Your head is like this. Longgg and thin.”


“Then have you seen yourself in the mirror?”

“I always look at my cute face every morning.”

“Then you must know that you have a pear head?”

“What? Me, pear head? You can’t think of anything else other than that?”

“I just told the truth.”

Ella breathed in and out roughly in anger as she dipped her hand into her purse and brought
out a small mirror. She looked at her head.

“How is this pear head? This is a sexy head. You just don’t have good eyes.”

“I see you're trying to motivate yourself but really, you have a pear head.”

“No, I….”


Before Ella could complete her statement, the sound of glass dropping on the table made
them look at Eve. She was glaring at both of them.

“I asked for more beer and you two are busy bantering? Should I hit your flat heads with



“Shut the hell up. One more word and I'll break both your heads.”

“He started it. He called me pear head.”

“You did. You called me stick head. Well, enough. I don't have time to argue with you.”

“I'm done. Let's go home,” Eve said and stood up from her chair.”

“I'll drop you both home. No objection. None of you can drive in this state.”

The three of them stood up and with Liam supporting the drunk Genevieve, they made their
way to the entrance of the hall.

As they left the party, they failed to realize cold eyes staring at them with his fist clenched in
Chapter Eight: Mr. Hank Is Here

~Two Days Later~

“I can't believe father is this outdated. Look at his office. I feel like I just entered the office of
the King from 1888,” Genevieve laughed as she entered the office. Behind her was Ella and
a staff member who showed her around. This was her first time coming to the Gray’s

Due to the sudden illness of her father, she had no choice but to come here and represent
him till he was good enough to stand on his feet again. See? She has always told him to
take his medications daily but he would keep insisting that he was fine. That man!

Thinking of him, her heart softened a bit. It has only been a year that she knew him but it felt
like she has known him her entire life. It was just like that.

“Right? Your father is known to like historical stuff. We can't blame him. They look good in
his eyes.”

“That man. Since I'm here in the meantime, shouldn't I have some things changed? These
creepy images make me feel uncomfortable and also the curtains should be drawn at all
times. Note that.”

“Yes ma'am,” the staff behind them wrote in her book and noted the words of their new boss.

“I won't be changing anything else. It won't be nice changing things. When Father comes
back, we'll return the paintings.”

“Yes ma'am.”

She walked further into the office and her hands touched the pieces of furniture. They looked
old and outdated but she knew that they were expensive. She doesn't need anyone to tell
her that.

Her heartbeat increased as she sat down on the office chair.

“Oh my God.”

“Do you need something, ma'am?”


She doesn't know how to feel about all of these. Her new position, you know. How did she go
from being the street girl to being the daughter of a billionaire? Goodness. She felt like crying
while thinking about her past. This chair, was this how it felt sitting in riches knowing that
everything was in your hand and you can make them crumble and grow? That things were in
your hand? So much power.

Was this how it felt having so many responsibilities? Was this how it felt knowing that your
whole life was set and things were in your hands? Right now, her life was set and she was
going to do everything possible to make sure it remained that way. No one is going to snatch
these things away from her.

This grace, this riches, this love, this position. All of them were in her hands and she is going
to use them to her favor. Nothing was going to stop that.

“Ma’am, these are the list of people you have to see today. Some of the meetings are taking
place here and others at different places.”

“I have to start working today?”

“Yes ma'am, we can't cancel the meetings.”

“Ouchie. Haha,” Eve laughed. She actually did forget that she had to work while sitting in this
chair. How she wishes that she doesn't have to do anything other than to watch. Life would
be super sweet that way, right?”

“Pass them to Ella,” she instructed.

Ella took the files from the staff and brought them to her desk.

“Three meetings this morning and one in the evening.”

She looked at the names and times of the people that she would have to see today and she
smirked. This was going to be fun. Very fun.

“Hmm. Not bad. They better keep to time and don't come late. I'm not friends with lateness.”

“We’ll pass that message to them.”


“Do you need coffee, ma'am?”

“Do I need coffee? Huh, yes. Yes, I do need coffee but wait first. You haven't introduced
yourself to me. What's your name?”

“I'm so sorry. My bad. I'm Olivia and I used to be your father’s second secretary. I'll also be
yours in the meantime. Welcome to our company once again,” Olivia introduced with her
head down.

“Okay, Olivia… You can go get the coffee now. Do it quickly. I'm waiting.”
Olivia bowed and rushed outside the office to go do her new boss’s bidding.

“Wow. This is nice, Genie. Did you see how she bowed to me also?”

“Well, you are any assistant. It's only right that she does that after all, you're her superior. But
wait, how are you my assistant before when all I do is sit at home? I don't understand this.”

“Umm. That's how it's supposed to be. I assist you when you have to attend parties with your
father and also assist you when you are still recovering so yes, I'm your assistant in
everything. I'm so cool.”

“Cool my butt. There are so many files here that I have to work on. Why is it that no one
warned me that my father has a pile of work undone here?”

She could already feel a headache just by staring at the files piled up on the table. Her head
was spinning just by looking at them. How on earth is she going to finish these things?

Four hours later, Even already finished two meetings and there was only one remaining till
the last one which would take place in the evening.

“What kind of delay is this? I cancelled my lunch break for this meeting. I'll leave if he does
not arrive in the next ten minutes,” she grumbled to Ella.

“Here, have some cold water to cool down.”

She gulped down the cold water immediately and sat straight on her chair. Ella was standing
in front of her and trying to cool her down but it wasn't working. The last meeting that she
has is the one that was probably going to cause her to sleep angry today but she has no

In less than three minutes, the door of her office opened and Olivia walked in.

“Mr Hank is here, ma'am,” she announced.

Chapter Nine: Shatter His Hope

“Let him in.”

Olivia bowed her head and left the office after being told what to do. Ella who was standing
at the other side of Eve’s table in front of her quickly leaned forward and whispered.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine?”

“Why do you ask?”

“I mean… we both know your past with Mr Hank. Are you sure you’ll be able to handle him in
the same room?”
Eve burst out laughing.

“I thought that you knew me enough, Ella. Now that I think about it, you don’t know me at all
because come on. I didn’t take this position to do child’s play. This is all business,

“I hope that’s just the case. I don’t trust that man one bit.”

“I’m not sure anyone does. Maybe except from his plotting mother and wife-to-be.”

Before Ella could say anything, the door of the office slid open and footsteps could be heard
stepping forward. The click click of his shoe made the environment tense and the only thing
that could be heard was them.

“Good day, Mr Gray. How is it going?” Due to Ella blocking his view, he could not see that it
wasn’t Mr Gray on the chair but his daughter. How shocked he was going to be.

Ella looked at her boss and the both of them shared a knowing look before she stepped
away from his view and quickly rushed out of the office. She didn’t let go of the chance to
look at the man who just came in.

He was handsome. Too handsome to be their enemy. With dark hair and ocean-blue eyes.
Sharp and defined jaw bone and his lips? Goodness. If he wasn’t their enemy, she would
have been crushing on him by now. But meh. She’s not going to do that.

“You’re welcome. Take a seat please.”

“What the hell are you doing here?”

“Are you sitting or not?”

“I’m not. Where the fuck is Mr Gray?”

“Language, Hank. I’m not your wife.”

“You don’t have to remind me that. I want your father. Where is he?”

Eve sighed. Didn’t he see the news circulating everywhere? Sigh! Maybe he doesn’t
understand things again. She stood up from her chair and crossed over to his side so that
she would be standing face to-face with him.

She looked up at him.

“Since you don’t understand anything anymore, I’ll spell it out to you. My father is sick and
undergoing treatment. I am taking over his companies in the meantime, get it? Now this
makes me wonder, Mr Hank. Didn’t you see the news this morning?”
Noah ran his hands through his hair. He always checked the news every morning but today,
he was too busy to check. How he wished he had done that. At least he would be prepared.

“What is the news about?”

“What do you think? Use your brain, come on. I’m not going to explain anything and if you
really want this deal to commence, then you better be humble and drop that overbearing
character of yours.” She said that in so much harshness and bitterness that made Noah’s
eyes widen. He couldn’t recognize the woman anymore.

Turning her back to him, she walked back to her chair, her heels clicking. She was delighted
that she looked her best today. In a greyish two-piece suit shirt and pants and a white corset
around her waist.

“You’ve changed, Eve.” He didn’t mean to say that aloud but well, he just did and she
happened to hear it.

Eve chuckled.

“No, I didn’t.”

“I can barely recognize you.”

Right. He could barely recognize this woman. She doesn’t speak like the Eve he knew a
year ago. That Eve was meek and kind. She never talked back at him in this manner nor did
she look in his eyes while speaking. Her smile? She doesn’t smile this way. That Eve was
sweet and obedient.

“No, Mr Hank. I didn’t change. You just never knew me. Maybe if you had, you would have
seen that.”

“That’s correct,” Noah said as he sat down on the chair astride her. “That’s very correct. I’m
not that surprised though. Considering what you did to Melissa a year ago, this is just part of
you. I’m n…”

A snapping sound made him pause to look at what was that. He stared at Eve’s hand.

“Haha. This pen is so light,” she threw the pen that she had snapped in anger to the waste
bin before dusting her hands and turning back to Noah.

“How about we leave our past out of all of this? You’re here for the deal right? How about we
talk about the deal so you can leave and stop bringing up bad memories that I don’t want to

Her emotions were threatening to take over and noticing that, she looked away from him and
started searching for files on the table. There were a bunch of files and she searched
through them for a particular one.
“Here it is.” Finding the file, she looked through it, and at some clauses, she frowned. This
deal was going to benefit the Hank corporation the more. They were going to rise to the top
once this deal commenced. She read everything and closed it.

The Gray’s corporation was not going to get that much from the deal. That means they were
simply doing the Hank’s a favor. Why? Why did her father agree to this?

She looked at other files and deals that were on the table. Some of them were not even
benefiting them at all. Gosh! Her father was too generous in all of these. Who tells him that
being good pays these days?

Still looking at the files, she failed to realize that Noah’s eyes had not left her since she broke
her gaze. She only realized that when his looks became strong and he asked.

“How have you been?”

That question caught Genevieve off guard and she found herself staring at him in awe.


“I asked how you’ve been.”

Her mouth fell open in shock. This was the first time she had heard him ask such a question.
Never for once in their three years of marriage had he asked how she was and if she was
okay with anything going on. His question made her really think hard about the answer.

How has she been these past few months? Has she been fine? Was she happy leaving his
home? Has life been fair to her? How did she even come this far?

For answers, she is happy that she left his home and everyone around him. At least she
found out the kind of people that they were. She found out that she had no place in his home
and all they had meant nothing to him. The first few months of leaving were hell for her. Just
having to think about it alone made her clench her fist. She passed through hell before
getting here but if given a second chance, she would do this again and again.

As for his question, it was too late to care.

She chuckled.

“Is this a joke to you?”

“What is?”

“I asked not to mention the past.”

“Asking how you’ve been is not mentioning the past, Eve.”

“Don’t call me that. It’s Genevieve for you so stop acting so informal with me. We’re
strangers right now. Besides, it’s too late to ask if I’m fine or not. Let’s just get back to

“If you say so then.”

She broke her gaze again and focused on what she was doing. Thoroughly reading the
contents of the papers on her desk. After a while, her eyes fell on him again. He was staring
at her.



“Why are you staring at me?”

“My eyes. I can use them to stare at anything.”

She laughed. This fucker.

“Here. This is the deal. Father mentioned reading it. We’ll have another meeting sometime

“This is the only meeting we’re going to have concerning this deal. Think of whatever you
have to think of now. I’m a busy man.”

Genevieve scoffed. This ingrate. He must be so delusional.

“Being an ingrate will get you nowhere. You know that, right? You should be grateful that I’m
letting this deal go on. This is in my hands right now. I can cancel it and make it commence
so I suggest you drop that attitude.”

“Eve. That’s not how it works. I’m going to read this and we settle everything now.”

“I made my decision already. I am being nice to you, Noah. I’m letting you have this deal
even after everything. You do know that if I inform my father of our past, this won’t work, you
know that, right?”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Of course not. I’m just trying to point out the truth to you. I wonder what father would say
when he hears our history and how you treated me.”

“We’ll, he has to know your crime too.”

“Don’t be so dumb, honey,” she smirked. “He’s my father. He’ll listen to no one but me.” She
wasn’t going to deny anything this time. If they say she did it, then that’s the truth. She’s not
going to deny it anymore. Either way, they won’t listen to her.
“Don’t you dare? This deal is important to me.”

“That’s more reason you should be humble right now. What is going to happen when I go to
my father and tell him everything from the first day I met you till now? I might add a bit more
story here and there.”

“I can’t deal with you. I’ll see Mr Gray soon.” Noah stood up from her chair and picked up the
papers before turning his back to her and walking out of the office.

Once he got to his car, he took his phone out of his pocket and placed a call to someone.

“Find out everything Miss Gray has been into since a year ago. I’ll give you a day to do so.”

“Yes, boss.”

He wants to know everything about her and how she suddenly became Miss Gray in just a
year and how he doesn’t know about this. In fact, he was now overly interested in her life.
Before now, he didn’t really care about her and what she did but now, he wants to know
everything about her since she was a child.

Meanwhile, back inside her office, Genevieve burst out laughing as soon as he left.

“What happened?” Ella rushed in.

“Ella, you have to see his face after I threatened him with telling Father about us. He became
all black. Well, he took the papers.”

“So when is the deal going to be signed?”


“Yes. We plan on having an alliance with his company, right?”

“We plan doesn’t mean we’re going to. I’m not signing the deal.”


“You heard me right. We’re not going to be business partners. I just want to waste his time
and make him get busy while I make my next plans which he definitely isn’t going to like.”

“What are you going to do?”

“You’ll see. What I’m going to do, he for sure isn’t going to like it and it’s not as if I care. I
don’t give a damn about him. I told you, I’m not back for peace.”

Ella walked closer.

“Now I’m getting scared of you. You give me chills.”

“As it’s supposed to be. I know that the deal is important to him as he was to me so I’m going
to give him hope. So much hope and then at the last minute, I’ll shatter it. I want him to feel
all that I felt a year ago. He’s going to feel it all. Every single thing I passed through. It's time.
I'm finally making a move. Watch out.”

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