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Hydraulics of Structures

INTRODUCTION engineer's understanding of why they work, many of

the devices utilized today are remarkably similar to
The need to measure and control flows under either those that were in place hundreds of years ago.
open channel or pipe flow conditions has been a con- A basic understanding of the hydraulics of flow
cern for engineers dating back hundreds of years. control devices provides a basis for developing ade-
Whether the desire was to measure irrigation water quate design. As head increases on a structure, the
being applied to dry croplands or control rampaging flow that is discharged through the structure increases.
streams, structures provided potential solutions. Struc- Typical head-discharge relationships for idealized flow
tures vary from very small weirs to large spillways with controls are shown in Fig. 5.1. Each of these relation-
energy dissipators and include both inlet and outlet ships illustrates that discharge increases proportionally
devices. The tremendous variability in physical size, to the head on the flow control device. An example of
flow capacity, and materials contribute to difficulties in a flow control structure is a principal spillway. An
designing structures. engineer uses a principal spillway as part of a dam
design to control the rate at which water is discharged.


Weirs as Flow Control Devices
Introducfton Probably the simplest and least expensive flow con-
Flow control devices may operate as either open trol device available for installation in a channel is a
channel flow in which the flow has a free water surface weir, which is simply an obstruction placed in a chan-
or pipe flow in which the flow is in a closed conduit nel so that the flow is constricted as it goes over a crest
under pressure. Although the hydraulic principles are (see Fig. 5.l). The crest is the edge of the weir over
similar for each, the application of these principles for which the water flows. As the water level rises above
describing the hydraulics of flow control devices varies the crest, the flow rate increases dramatically. Weirs
considerably. Simple flow control devices date back at can have a crest that is generally thin, or sharp crested.
least to the ancient Egyptians who sought to control Sharp-crested weirs are constructed from sheet metal
the Nile River's yearly flooding. Although the struc- or similar thin material so that the flow over the weir,
tures have changed in terms of materials and the or nappe, springs free as it leaves the upstream face of

Hydraulics of Flow Control Devices 145


Q. KLY2(20H)
K dec. 08(Y2 /H)inc SIW'P cmllD WEIR o. CUt , ..

from 0.5 to 0.6 C- 3.27 + 0.4H/W

L- qate width
H Y ~ • oote openino

At~s~tss, Iotust be V«lUlotH


0-3.IL H


V-NOTCH WElt Q_l<_fH
Q_ C I A(2qH) Q.5
(0) L (d) ~
r A- Orifiee Areo
(0) C' .0.61
K-2.5 to 2.7

(b) "=a
0-2.5 HUfC)R e-9O"

(c) ~ (d) C' -0.51



Q-4.03lH ,.~
FOR !L > 1.33
L- Width

Figure 5.1 Typical head-discharge relationships (Kao, 1975).

the weir. Broad-crested weirs are sometimes used precise flow measurement is desired. Conversely, rec-
where a structure previously existed or where debris tangular weirs have large capacity but have less sensi-
may damage a sharp-crested weir. Broad-crested weirs tivity for flow measurement. A weir can vary in physical
are discussed in a subsequent section. size from quite small to very large. Consequently, the
Sharp-crested weirs can have several shapes, includ- controlled discharge can vary substantially. The dis-
ing rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal, or a combina- charge across a rectangular weir is defined by the
tion of these, to provide the desired sensitivity at the equation
required flow capacity. A weir is classified according to
the shape of its notch. Triangular (also called V-notch)
weirs have greater control under low flow conditions where Q is discharge in cubic feet per second, C is the
than do rectangular weirs and are often used where weir coefficient (dependent upon units and weir shape),
146 5. Hydraulics of Structures

L is weir length in feet, and H is head in feet. For a the head on the riser is 1 ft and weir flow exists. Assume the
circular inlet, such as the riser on a drop inlet, L is the weir coefficient C equals 3.0.
circumference of the pipe. Solution: Weir flow control will occur at low head. The
Values of C can be found in hydraulic references for governing equation (using C = 3.0) will be
many shapes. Values of C from 3.0 to 3.2 are generally
used for a rectangular weir. The length L is the total Q = 3.0LH 3 / 2 ,
length over which flow crosses the weir. If the weir where the length L is the circumference of the pipe, which
coefficient and weir length are known, discharge is a equals 1T D or 1T (2 ft) or 6.3 ft. Therefore substituting L
function of head only. Head is the difference in eleva- yields the equation for discharge as a function of head as
tion between the lowest point on the weir crest and the Q = 18.9 H 3 / 2 • (a)
water surface elevation plus the velocity head. To avoid
having to estimate velocity head, H should be mea- With a head of 1 ft, the discharge Q under weir flow would
be 18.9 cfs.
sured at a location at least three times the maximum
design head upstream of the weir at a point where the
velocity head is negligible. The crest should be located
at least two times the maximum head above the chan- Grant (1978) presents an eloquent discussion of
nel bottom in order to reduce the likelihood of sub- weirs, flumes, and open channel flow measurement. He
mergence. Submergence (tailwater approaching the discusses general requirements that lead to precise
crest of the inlet section) can significantly decrease the flow measurement using weirs. These criteria include
capacity of the structure. The designer is cautioned to construction techniques, installation, and head mea-
consider this possibility since it necessitates the use of surement. Grant (1978) also provides detailed informa-
different equations or field calibration of the weir tion on the selection of weirs and other control devices,
under the submerged conditions. If the downstream and he includes equations for other angles of triangu-
channel is not adequate to handle the design flow, flow lar weirs, as well as other shapes.
may be retarded and lead to submergence. Flow should
spring clear of the downstream portion of the weir so Orlftces as Flow Control Devices
that an air pocket forms beneath the nappe. Air is
continuously removed from this pocket by the over- An orifice is an opening through which flow occurs.
flowing jet. The pressure in this pocket should be kept Orifices can be used to control flow, as in the case of
constant or the weir will have undesirable characteris- the drop inlet shown in Fig. 5.2, or they can be placed
tics. French (1985) stated two such characteristics. As either in a pipe or at the end of a pipe to measure flow.
air pressure in the pocket decreases, the curvature of As water flows through the opening, it can be mea-
the overflowing jet increases, and the value of the sured because its discharged velocity through the open-
coefficient of discharge will increase also. Alternatively, ing is a function of head on the orifice. Orifices provide
if the supply of air is irregular, the jet will vibrate. Flow a simple means to measure pipe flow. The equation for
over the weir will become unsteady, which can lead to orifice flow is
failure of the structure. Q = C'A(2gH)1/2, (5.3)
Triangular weirs have angles ranging from 22S to
90° with 90° being most prevalent (see Fig. 5.1). The where C' is the orifice coefficient, A is the cross-sec-
basic equation for discharge through a triangular weir, tional area of the orifice in square feet, g is the
neglecting the velocity of approach and with no sub- gravitational constant, and H is the head on the orifice
mergence, is as shown in Fig. 5.2. The leading edge of an orifice can
Q = C tan(8/2)H 5/ 2 , (5.2a) be rounded or sharp. C' is 0.6 for sharp-edged orifices.
Values for other shapes are provided in Fig. 5.1 and
where 8 is the notch angle. For an angle of 90°, Hoffman (1974). Streeter (1971) presents a discussion
tan 8/2 is 1.0; hence of the theory from which Eq. (5.3) is derived. Equation
Q = CH S/ 2 . (5.2b) (5.3) is developed in a less rigorous format in Soil
For a 90° triangular weir, C is typically 2.5. Conservation Service (1984).

Example Problem 5.1 Weir flow Example Problem 5.2 Orifice flow

A 24-in. circular, vertical riser constructed from corru- Estimate the discharge through a 24-in. circular, vertical
gated metal pipe (CMP) serves as the inlet for the principal riser such as described in Example Problem 5.1 if the head is
spillway of a detention structure. Estimate the discharge if 1 ft and the riser is functioning as an orifice.
Hydraulics of Flow Control DevIces 141

Elevation of Water in Reservoir


Elbow & Transition

Figure 5.2 Energy losses for flow in a drop inlet spillway considering bend losses and entrance
losses separately.

Solution: The discharge under orifice flow will equal velocity head, y2/2g, and the transition and bend
head losses are combined into a single head loss term,
Q = C'a(2gH)1/2. then the total head H' can be written as
The area of 24-in. pipe is 3.14 ft2. Assuming a value of 0.6 for y2
C' since the riser is corrugated metal pipe and substituting H'= 2g(1+Ke+K b + KcL), (5.4)
values including the gravitational constant, we have

Q = 0.6(3.14)v'2(32.2)H ,
where H' is the head on the pipe as shown in Fig. 5.2,
K e is the entrance head loss coefficient, K b is the bend
which reduces to head loss coefficient, K; is the head loss coefficient
due to friction, L is the length of the pipe (including
the riser), and Y is the mean velocity in the pipe. A
Substituting a head equal to 1 ft into the equation yields schematic showing the head loss terms is given in
Q = 15.1 cfs for orifice flow. Fig. 5.2. Since discharge through the pipe is equal to
velocity times area, Eq, (5.4) can be solved for dis-
charge as
Pipes as Flow Control Devices
A drop inlet spillwayconsists of a vertical pipe called
a riser and a nearly horizontal pipe called a barrel. where Q is discharge and a is cross-sectional area of
This spillway can serve as a flow control device, even the pipe. Values for K c are given in Tables 5.1 and 5.2
when operating under pipe flow. A schematic showing for circular and square pipes. Values for K, and K b
energy losses with pipe flow is given in Fig. 5.2. When depend on the configuration of the entrance and the
the water level shown in Fig. 5.2 rises to a point such bend. Typical values for K, and K b are 1.0 and 0.5,
that the pipe flows full, the total head causing flow is respectively. Brater and King (1976), as well as Hoff-
given by H' (as shown in Fig. 5.2) instead of H as it man (1974), can be consulted for further details.
was for weir and orifice control. This head is dissipated For risers with rectangular inlets, the bend head
as entrance head loss, transition head loss, bend head losses are frequently combined with the entrance head
loss, friction head loss, and velocity head. Frequently, losses into one term. The total head dissipated through
in pipes used to drain detention reservoirs, the only the riser can then be written as
transitions and bends are at the connection between
the drop inlet and the bottom pipe. If head losses are
given in terms of a head loss coefficient times the
H' = (~;)(1 + K~ + KcL) (5.6)
148 5. Hydraulics of Structures

ble 5.1 Head LossCoefficients for CircularConduitsFlowingFull"

Head loss coefficient. K c' for circular pipe flowing full

Kc = 5087 n2/D413
(Note: Pipe diameter, D, is in inches)

Manning's coefficient ofroughness, n

meter Flow area 0.010 0.0 II 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 0.021 0.022 0.023 0.024 0.025
in.) (ft 2)

6 0.196 0.0467 0.0565 0.0672 0.0789 0.0914 0.1050 0.1194 0.1348 0.1510 0.1680 0.1870 0.2060 0.2260 0.2470 0.2690 0.2920
8 0.349 0.0318 0.0385 0.0458 0.0537 0.0623 0.0715 0.0814 0.0919 0.1030 0.1148 0.1272 0.1400 0.1540 0.1680 0.1830 0.1990
o 0.545 0.0236 0.0286 0.0340 0.0399 0.0463 0.0531 0.0604 0.0682 0.0765 0.0852 0.0944 0.1041 0.1143 0.1249 0.1360' 0.1480

2 0.785 0.0185 0.0224 0.0267 0.0313 0.0363 0.0417 0.0474 0.0535 0.0600 0.0668 0.0741 0.0817 0.0896 0.0980 0.1067 0.1157
1.069 0.0151 0.0182 0.0217 0.0255 0.0295 0.0339 0.0386 0.0436 0.0488 0.0544 0.0603 0.0665 0.0730 0.0798 0.0868 0.0942
1.230 0.0138 0.0166 0.0198 0.0232 0.0270 0.0309 0.0352 0.0397 0.0446 0.0496 0.0550 0.0606 0.0666 0.0727 0.0792 0.0859

6 1.400 0.0126 0.0153 0.0182 0.0213 0.0247 0.0284 0.0323 0.0365 0.0409 0.0455 0.0505 0.0556 0.0611 0.0667 0.0727 0.0789
8 1.770 0.01078 0.0130 0.0155 0.0182 0.0211 0.0243 0.0276 0.0312 0.0349 0.0389 0.0431 0.0476 0.0522 0.0570 0.0621 0.0674
:1 2.410 0.00878 0.01062 0.0126 0.0148 0.0172 0.0198 0.0225 0.0254 0.0284 0.0317 0.0351 0.0387 0.0425 0.0464 0.0506 0.0549

:4 3.140 0.00735 0.00889 0.01058 0.0124 0.0144 0.0165 0.0188 0.0212 0.0238 0.0265 0.0294 0.0324 0.0356 0.0389 0.0423 0.0459
:7 3.980 0.00628 0.00760 0.00904 0.01061 0.0123 0.0141 0.0161 0.0181 0.0203 0.0227 0.0251 0.0277 0.0304 0.0332 0.0362 0.0393
,0 4.910 0.00546 0.00660 0.00786 0.00922 0.01070 0.01228 0.0140 0.0158 0.0177 0.0197 0.0218 0.0241 0.0264 0.0289 0.0314 0.0341

7.070 0.00428 0.00518 0.00616 0.00723 0.00839 0.00963 0.01096 0.0124 0.0139 0.0154 0.0171 0.0189 0.0207 0.0226 0.0246 0.0267
9.620 0.00348 0.00422 0.00502 0.00589 0.00683 0.00784 0.00892 0.01007 0.01129 0.0126 0.0139 0.0154 0.0169 0.0184 0.0201 0.0218
18 12.570 0.00292 0.00353 0.00420 0.00493 0.00572 0.00656 0.00747 0.00843 0.00945 0.01053 0.01166 0.0129 0.0141 0.0154 0.0168 0.0182

;4 15.900 0.00249 0.00302 0.00359 0.00421 0.00488 0.00561 0.00638 0.00720 0.00808 0.00900 0.00997 0.01099 0.0121 0.0132 0.0144 0.0156
19.630 0.00217 0.00262 0.00312 0.00366 0.00424 0.00487 0.00554 0.00622 0.00702 0.00782 0.00866 0.00955 0.01048 0.0115 0.0125 0.0135

Q From Soil Conservation Service (1951).

or and 5.2. It is being used as the principal spillway for a

a(2gH,)1/2 detention structure. The pipe is 60 ft long and has one 90°
bend. The top of the inlet riser is 15 ft above the bottom of
Q= (1+K~+KcL)1/2' (5.7) the outlet. Assume a free outfall and estimate the discharge
under pipe flow if the water elevation 30 ft from the inlet is
where K~ is the combined entrance and bend head 1 ft higher than the top of the riser.
loss term. By providing a smooth transition, the value
Solution: For pipe flow, we have
for K~ can be reduced. Typical values of K~ are given
in Table 5.3.
Frequently when the drop inlet is the same size as
the remainder of the pipe, orifice flow will control, and
the pipe will never flow full. In this case, it may be
necessary to increase the size of the drop inlet in order where K e = 1.0 for most entrances of interest and K b = 0.5.
to utilize the full capacity of the pipe. Manning's n for CMP is approximately 0.024 (see Table 4.1
for a range of values for CMP). Using this value in Table 5.1,
K e = 0.042. Head for pipe flow is the distance from the water
Example Problem 5.3 Pipe flow surface to a point 0.6D above the outlet as shown in Fig. 5.2
and 5.3. H' then is given in terms of the stage, H, by
An 24-in.-diameter corrugated metal pipe (CMP) is at-
tached to the 24-in. vertical riser described in Problems 5.1 H' = H + 15 - 0.6(2.0) = H + 13.8.
Hydraulics of Flow Control DevIces 149

Table 5.2 Head Loss Coefficients for Square Conduits Flowing FuUD

K c = 29. 16n2jR4/3

Manning coefficient of roughness, n

Conduit size Aowarea
(ft) (ft2) 0.012 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.016

2x2 4.00 0.01058 0.01212 0.01440 0.01653 0.01880

2t x 2t 6.25 0.00786 0.00922 0.01070 0.01228 0.01397
3x3 9.00 0.00616 0.00723 0.00839 0.00963 0.01096
3 t x 3t 12.25 0.00502 0.00589 0.00683 0.00784 0.00892
4x4 16.00 0.00420 0.00493 0.00572 0.00656 0.00746
4t x 4} 20.25 0.00359 0.00421 0.00488 0.00561 0.00638
5x5 25.00 0.00312 0.00366 0.00425 0.00487 0.00554
5} x 5} 30.25 0.00275 0.00322 0.00374 0.00429 0.00488
6x6 36.00 0.00245 0.00287 0.00333 0.00382 0.00435
6t x6} 42.25 0.00220 0.00258 0.00299 0.00343 0.00391
7x7 49.00 0.00199 0.00234 0.00271 0.00311 0.00354
n x 7} 56.25 0.00182 0.00213 0.00247 0.00284 0.00323
8x8 64.00 0.00167 0.00196 0.00227 0.00260 0.00296
8} x 8} 72.25 0.00154 0.00180 0.00209 0.00240 0.00273
9x9 81.00 0.00142 0.00167 0.00194 0.00223 0.00253
9} x 9} 90.25 0.00133 0.00156 0.00180 0.00207 0.00236
lOx 10 100.00 0.00124 0.00145 0.00168 0.00193 0.00220

"From Soil Conservation Service (1951).

Table5.3 Entrance Loss Coefficients in Drop Inlet Spillways with Rectangular

Drop InletsD

Minimum Maximum
clear water with debris
Description of Spillway K'e K'e

I. Round conduit and standard covered top riser, except

with special elbow and transition
D x l.5D Riser 0.65 0.75 b
D xW Riser 0.41
D x3DRiser 0.25 0.35 b
Dx5DRiser 0.17
2. Round conduit and standard covered top riser, with
round bottom and square-edged entrance to conduit
Dx3DRiser 0.6Ob 0.7ob
3. Round conduit and standard rectangular open top riser,
with round bottom and square-edged entrance to conduit
Dx 3D Riser 0.50b 0.9Qb
4. Round conduit and standard rectangular open top riser,
with flat bottom and square-edged entrance to conduit
Dx3D Riser 0.6Qb l.lob
5. Round conduit and standard square open top riser, with
flat bottom and square-edged entrance to conduit
(D + 12) x (D + 12) Riser 1.20 2.00b

QSoil Conservation Service (1969).

bEstimated values.
150 5. Hydraulics of Structures

a b

Figure 5.3 Illustration of drop inlet spillwayas a flow control structure: (a) weir control, (b) orifice control, (c) pipe
flow with free outfall, and (d) pipe flow with tailwater control.

The area a of the 24-in. pipe is 3.14 ft2 (computed or found the water level in the reservoir increases, water flowing
in Table 5.0. Substituting into the pipe flow equation in from all sides of the inlet interferes so that the inlet
begins to act like an orifice. As the head continues to
3.14[2(32.2)( H + 13.8)]1/2 increase, the outlet eventually begins to flow full, and
Q = [1 + 1.0 + 0.5 + (0.042)(60)]1/2 pipe flow prevails as shown in Fig. 5.3. A stage-dis-
charge curve is developed by plotting Q versus H for
which simplifies to each of the three relationships (weir, orifice and pipe
flow). The minimum flow for a given head is the actual
Q = l1.25(H + 13.8)1/ 2 • discharge used. This process is demonstrated in the
next problem.
Substituting a value of H equal to 1 ft yields a Q equal to 43
cfs if pipe flow exists. To determine if pipe flow exists for a
drop inlet spillway, the discharge computed by pipe flow,
orifice flow, and weir flow would be compared. If the pipe Example Problem 5.4 Stage-discharge curve
flow discharge is the smaller of the three, pipe flow would
occur. An IS-in. diameter eMP with an 18-in. vertical riser is
being used as the principal spillway for a detention structure.
The pipe is 50 ft long and has one 90° bend. The top of the
inlet riser is 10 ft above the bottom of the outlet. Develop a
Using Flow Control Structures as Spillways stage-discharge curve. Assume a free outfall.

A given spillway can have a variety of stage discharge Solution: Weir flow control will occur first. The governing
equation (using C = 3.0) is
relationships, depending on the head. An example of
the impact of flow changes as a result of changing head
for a drop inlet is shown in Fig. 5.3. When the water
level is just above the riser crest (very low head), the For an IS-in. pipe, L is the circumference of the pipe, which
riser crest acts like aweir, and flow is weir controlled. is 4.7 ft; therefore
When the flow is weir controlled, the water level inside
the drop inlet is lowest near the center of the inlet. As (a)
Hydraulics of Flow Control DevIces 151

After a certain depth of flow occurs, the discharge may be These calculations can be done quite easily using a computer
orifice controlled or spreadsheet. The minimum flow for any head represents the
actual flow. A plot of the stage-discharge relationship is
Q = Ca(2gH)1/2. given in Fig. 5.4.
The area of an 18-in. pipe is 1.77 ft 2 • Assuming a value of 0.6
for C,
Q = 8.51H 1/ 2 • (b) Rockflll Outlets as Controls
For pipe flow, Eq, (5.7) is used, or Rock is by far the most abundant, and generally
a(2gH,)1/2 available, building material on earth and can often be
obtained Quite inexpensively. The major expenses asso-
Q= (I+K (c)
e+K b+KcL)1/2' ciated with rock are grading, transporting, and placing
the stone. The relative permanence of rock was recog-
Use K; = 1.0 and K b = .5. K, is determined from Table 5.1
(using an n of 0.025) as 0.07. The head is determined for this nized ages ago and rock has often been used to con-
case to be the distance from the surface to a point 0.6 struct structures that are designed for long life. Rock is
diameters above the outlet as shown in Fig. 5.2. The head H' used as a hydraulic control for many purposes such as
then is given in terms of the stage H by to construct protective channel linings and breakwa-
ters, add stability to dams, and provide energy dissipa-
H' = H + 10 - (0.6)(1.5), tion zones for reservoir outlets. Recently rockfill has
which simplifies to been used as a flow control structure. As such, infor-
mation on hydraulics of flow in rockfill is needed.
H' = H + 9.1.
Therefore Analytical Procedures for CalculatinK
Flow Hydraulics
1.77[2g(H + 9.1)]1/2
Q = ----------:-:::- The study of flow through rockfill has generally
(1 + 1.0 + 0.5 + 0.07 X 50)1/ 2 occurred at low Reynolds numbers in laboratory condi-
tions. Relatively few insitu measurements have oc-
Q = 5.80(H + 9.1)1/2. (d)
curred because of the difficulties in describing the
A stage-discharge curve is developed by plotting Q versus H stone shapes and controlling the flow so that the de-
foreach of the relationships given in Eqs. (a), (b), and (d). sired flow conditions occur. Much of the research in





-------- orifice

......... weir
- - - pipe

5 ---outflow

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Stege feet
Figure 5.4 Stage-discharge curve for Example Problem 5.4.
152 5. Hydraulics of Structures

this area has dealt with solution of groundwater and the hydraulics of flow through a rockfill of varying
well problems. An example of this work is that of gradation using sediment-free water. They used the
Stephenson (1979) who sought to correlate research of standard deviation of the particle diameter, (7', as the
flowjhead loss relationships for porous granular media measure of gradation instead of intrinsic permeability
over a wide range of Reynolds numbers (10- 4 to 10 4 ) . or simple porosity as had previous workers '. A set of
His work, using uniform rock sizes, showed that head equations to predict the head loss was developed based
loss is proportional to the flow velocity squared. Based upon a friction factor-Reynolds number relationship.
on this effort, the head loss equation can be solved Six different models were evaluated using 16 rockfill
analytically for many cases in which the flow is fully structures, with 96 tests conducted using three replica-
developed turbulent flow. tions. The equations were found to predict the actual
The analysis of flow in rock media with uniform head loss data to an average error of 8%.
diameters utilizes a variation of the Darcy-Weisbach The standard deviation was found to be better than
equation porosity alone as a predictor for describing the hy-
draulics of flow. In the original equations proposed by
dh 1 ~2 Herrera (1989), porosity was included as a parameter.
dl =': 2g' In a later paper by Herrera and Felton (1991), porosity
was deleted, since it was approximately constant at a
where dh j dl is the gradient of head through the rock value of 0.46 throughout all of the tests. In order to
fill, I is the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor, d is the allow the relationships to be used for a wide range of
average diameter of the rock, Vp is the velocity in the conditions, porosity has been included in the equations
pores, and g is acceleration of gravity. This is a varia- described in this chapter. The best set of working
tion of Eq. (4.21). In the form used by Stephenson equations for describing the hydraulics of flow and for
(1979) for rock fill, the constant 2 is left out of the design, considering the Herrera and Felton data, are
equation and a macro-velocity is substituted for pore proposed to be the following [this is Model 3 in Her-
velocity. The macro-velocity is the velocity one would rera (l989)]
have if the flow through the pores were distributed
uniformly over the entire cross section (see discussion 1. Reynolds number equation given by
in Chapter 11) and is related to the pore velocity by the (d - u)V
porosity, or R, = ,,{ (5.12)
2. Friction factor given by
where V is the macro-velocity and { is the porosity.
Folding the constant 2 in Eq, (5.8) into the I term, the gde dh
modified Darcy-Weisbach equation becomes Ik = ---vz dl (5.13)

dh 1 V2 3. The friction factor-Reynolds number relationship

(5.lOa) given as
dl =Ikde g'
where Ik is the modified friction factor. Stephenson (5.14)
(1979) proposed that the friction factor could be
given by
const IThe average diameter, d, and the standard deviation, a, can be
Ik = ~ + I" (5.10b) obtained after a sieve analysis using the relationships
where It is the friction factor for fully turbulent flow IWj
and R, is Reynolds number given by
R e =gIl
. (5.11) = I(d - d j ) 2 Wi ] 1/2

U [ IWj ,

Stephenson proposed that It equals 1, 2, or 4 for

where all summations are from 1 to n, n is the number of sieve
smooth polished stone, semirounded stone, or angular
groupings from a sieve analysis, d, is the average diameter of the
stone, respectively. rock obtained by averaging the sieve opening of two succeeding
Recent work performed by Herrera (1989) and sum- sieves, and Wj is the percentage by weight of the rocks assigned a
marized in Herrera and Felton (1991) sought to define diameter d j •
Hydraulics of Flow Control Devices 153

q 1.0
V= - = - = 0.217 mysec,
have 4.6
o 0 2. Calculate Reynolds number. From the problem, a =
0.001 m, d = 0.02 m, II = 1.0 X 10- 6 m2/sec, and g = 0.4;
hence Eq. (5.12) becomes

(d - u)V (0.02 - 0.001)(0.217)

R = = = 10308.
e IIg 1.0 X 10 6(0.4) ,

3. Calculate friction factor using Eq. (5.14):

ell -1
Figure 5.5 Definition sketch rockfill equations.
fk = - R
+ 3.83 = - - + 3.83 = 3.98.

4. Calculate head loss from Eq, (5.13):

4. The h 2 - have relationships (see Fig. 5.5) given by

(5.15) or


5. Calculate upstream and average depth from Eqs.
(5.15) and (5.16):
where d is average diameter of rock fill (m), ~ is
porosity, tr is standard deviation (m), v is kinematic hi = h 2 + dh = 0.78 + 5.98 = 6.76
viscosity (mysec), have is the average water profile h2 + hi 0.78 + 6.76
inside the rockfill, h 2 is exit depth of the water in the have = 2 2 = 3.77.
rockfill, hI is the upstream depth, dh is static head
drop as flow moves through the rockfill, dl is the flow 6. Additional trial calculations: Since 3.77 is less than the
length through the rockfill, tk is the friction factor, R, assumed value of 4.6, additional trials are necessary. One
approach would be to use 3.77 as the new trial value. This,
is Reynolds number, and V is average bulk velocity
however, leads to oscillating values. An alternate approach is
equal to q/h ave' where q is the discharge per unit to use a second trial that is an average of the original value
width of rockfill. Herrera suggested that a value of 0.46 and the calculated value. Some oscillation occurs with this
be assigned to ~ in design calculations for a graded approach, but the calculated values converge. By combining
rockfill constructed by dumping. Eqs. (5.12)-(5.16) using the values given in the problem, dh
Procedures for using the rockfill relationships are and have can be related by
given in Example Problem 5.5. 1.08 122.1
dh=-+-- (a)
have hive

Example Problem 5.5 Flow hydraulics
through a rockfill 1.08 122.1
hi = h 2 + dh = 0.78 + - - + -2- (b)
have have
A rockfill dam is composed of rock having an average
diameter d of 0.02 m, porosity g equal to 0.4, standard Using these relationships, calculations can be quickly made.
deviation a of 0.001 m, and length dl equal to 1.0 m. Water Assuming that the new trial value, h ave• new , is the average of
with a kinematic viscosity II of 1 x 10- 6 mysec is flowing the previous trial value and the previous calculated value,
through the rock at a rate q of 1.0 cmsym width. Down-
stream conditions control the exit depth of the water h 2 at have. trial + have,cal 4.6 + 3.77
have,new = -......;....-::----'-- 2 = 4.18.
0.78 m. Find the upstream height hi' 2
Solution: From Eq, (b), using have,new = 4.18 for have' hi = 8.02 and
1. Assume a trial have equal to 4.6 m. The average bulk or 8.02 + 0.78
macro-velocity equals q/h ave, where q is flow per unit width. have. new = 2 = 4.40.
154 5. Hydraulics of Structures

The new value of 4.40 is still different from the previous From Eq. (a),
value of 4.18; hence additional trials are necessary as shown
fk = (47,500)(0.064) = 3040.
From Eq. (5.15),
Trial have.trial 1600
fk = 3040 + 3.83 = 4.36.
I 4.6
2 4.18 4.40 Additional trials are shown below using Eq, (a), (b), and (c).
3 4.29· 4.22 Calculated fk is used as trial fk in the next step.
4 4.26 4.27
Trial Calculated
Trial No. It It
I 3.83 4.36
Thus, have = 4.27. For this value, dh = 6.95 and hI = 7.72.
Restated, this means that a head of 7.72 m on the rocldill 2 4.10 4.37
with a thickness of 1 m will discharge 1 m3/sec/m of width if 3 4.24 4.38
the downstream depth is 0.78 m. 4 4.31 4.38
Note that this problem illustrates a limitation of rocldill 5 4.35 4.39
structures. A head of cover 7 m is required to discharge 1
cmsym. Such a structure would not be feasible. Example
Problem 5.6 illustrates a more typical application of these
structures. Hence, for hI = 0.5 m, fk = 4.38, V = 0.06 mysec, have =
0.5/2 = 0.25 m, q can be solved from q = haveV = 0.0150
m Z/sec. For a width of 2 m,
Example Problem 5.6 Stage discharge equation Q = 2q = (2)(0.0150) = 0.030 m3/sec.

If the rock fill in Example Problem 5.5 is 2 m wide and is Other values are tabulated below.
used as the spillway from a sediment pond, determine the
stage discharge relationship up to an upstream depth of 2 m, hi V have q Q
(m) I (m/sec) (m) (mZ/sec) (m 3)
using depths of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 m. Assume that the k
downstream slope is such that the downstream depth is
0.5 4.39 0.0600 0.25 0.0150 0.0300
1.0 4.22 0.0862 0.50 0.0431 0.0862
Solation: This is also a trial and error computation process.
1.5 4.15 0.1065 0.75 0.0800 0.1600
For a given value of hI' a value of dh can be estimated from
2.0 4.10 0.1234 1.00 0.1234 0.2468
Eq, (5.16), since h z is assumed to be approximately zero.
Knowing dh, the unknowns in Eq, (5.14) are fk and V. In
making the calculations, a value of fk is assumed, starting A plot of Q vs hI would constitute a stage-discharge rela-
with a value of 3.83 (from Example Problem 5.5) and checked tionship for a negligible downstream depth.
by iteration. Under these conditions, Eqs. (5.12) to (5.14) can
be simplified to

R = (0.02 - 0.001)V = 47 500V The procedure shown in Example Problem 5.6 ap-
e (1.0 X 10- 6)(0.4) , plies only to those conditions when the downstream
depth is negligible. For conditions where downstream
and flow occurs, the depth, h z would be a function of flow.
(9.8)(0.02)(0.4 Z ) dh dh In this case, it would be necessary to calculate h z for
fk = VZ T
= 0.03136 VZ . (b) each discharge, using one of the flow equations in
Chapter 4.
Since the downstream depth, h z is assumed to be negligible,
Graphical Procedure for Rockfill Flow Hydraulics
The procedures presented above require detailed
For an hI or dh of 0.5 m and an assumed !k of 3.83, Eq. (b) computations. Computers and spreadsheets facilitate
can be solved for V or these computations considerably. When quick esti-
mates are needed, graphical procedures are helpful. By
(0 .03136)(0 .5) ]I/Z utilizing Eq. (5.12) through (5.16), the graphical rela-
V= [ = 0.064.
3.83 tionships shown in Fig. 5.6 were developed for predict-
Hydraulics of Flow Control Devices 155
Also, since dl is 1 m,
dh = 7.5q o.653
• or

I _ [dh ] 1/0.653
q- -
Since the downstream depth is assumed to be negligible, dh
is equal to h 1• The results are tabulated below along with a
1L-..................:..;.,u,_....... .:....:..-.....:..:.:J summary of the predicted values from Example Problem 5.6.
0.01 0.1 1 Also included is a tabulation of values calculated using the
diameter d (m) procedures in Example Problem 5.6, but with the assumption
of a porosity of 0.46 and a standard deviation of half the
average diameter, or 0.01 m. These were the standard condi-
0.7 I I I I I I II I I I filII tions used for developing Fig. 5.6.
---+-+-H-HH ----~-+++41-H
-t-H~ ----...--+- ....... +-4-1-4+
----t--++t++H ---+-+++-1-1-1+ Discharge q (m2/sec)

____ _ I I I 1111
----~-~~.~~ Upstream Example New
... ..&.
depth Problem 5.6 computation
, I
I I I I 1111
----...--+--+-+-t-f-t~ hi (m)
procedure ~=O.40, 0=0.001 ~=O.46. 0=11/2
____ I I I I I I II

----t---~-~~~+H I I I I 1111
I I I f I III I I I I 1111
I I I I....
I I I I IIII 0.5 0.0158 0.0150 0.0162
I __ I
____ L. I
____ L._~-+- .... -1-1.
---+-+-H-l-{-H ----l--+-{-f~+H
1.0 0.0457 0.0431 0.0474
I I I IIIII I I I 11111
0.8 1.5 0.0850 0.0800 0.0887
0.01 0.1 1
2.0 0.1321 0.1234 0.1379
diameter d (m)
Figure 5.6 Constants for the rockfill head loss equations.
The results indicate that the graphical procedure gives good
agreement with the analytical procedure. It is important to
note again that conditions deviating greatly from the stan-
ing the average gradient through rockfill, dh/dl. These dard conditions utilized for Fig. 5.6 could cause the proce-
relationships can be used to develop head loss as a dure to be in error.
power function of flow, or
Single- and Multistage Risers
where a and b are constants dependent on rock size
and flow path length, dl. The discharge q is flow per Stage-discharge relations for outlet structures are
unit width of rockfill and has units of cmsyrn. The based on the physical characteristics of the outlet
gradient, dh/dl, is dimensionless. An example showing structure. Outlet structures can have many different
the use of this equation is given in Example Prob- entrance and exit conditions. Outlet structures may
lem 5.7. consist of a single weir or orifice, multiple weirs or
orifices, or weirs and orifices used in conjunction with
each other. Traditionally, basins have been designed to
control the runoff from a long return event (i.e., 100-
Example Problem 5.7 Use of graphical method
year event). A basin sized for a long return event tends
for rockfill outlets
to overcontrol more frequent events (i.e., 2-year events).
Utilize the graphical method in Fig. 5.6 to calculate the If the design is based on frequent events, the structure
stage discharge relationship in Example Problem 5.6. Assume tends to undercontrol long return events. These obser-
a porosity of 0.46. Compare the results to those obtained in vations have led to regulations that require two or
Example Problem 5.6. more stage risers. The development of stage-discharge
curves for single-stage risers follows the procedures
Solution: The solution with the graphical method elimi-
that were discussed previously. Two-stage risers can
nates the trial and error involved in the process. From Fig.
5.6, a = 7.5 and b = 0.653; hence consist of any combination of orifices, weirs, and pipes.
Most common is a riser consisting of an orifice for low
dh/dl = 7.5q o.653 . flow (more frequent) events and a weir for high flow
156 5. Hydraulics of Structures

(less frequent) events. Orifices are often staggered (ft). The overtopping discharge coefficient Cd is de-
around the circumference of the riser. fined as Cd = ktCr , where C, is the discharge coeffi-
A multistage riser may be created by having more cient and K, is the submergence factor. The coeffi-
than one row of orifices on a riser. The size or number cients are given in Fig. 5.7. Road overtopping locations
of orifices may change from one level on the riser to are characterized by a sagging vertical curve such that
another. Equations used for estimating the discharge the length and elevation of the roadway crest are
for weirs and orifices have been presented previously in difficult to quantify. Federal Highway Administration
this chapter. (1985) suggested two methods of characterizing the
sagging vertical curve.
For culvert designs that accompany road overtop-
Broad-Crested Weirs
ping, it may be adequate to represent the sagging
A broad-crested weir supports the flow in the longi- vertical curve by a single horizontal line. The length of
tudinal direction (direction of flow) so that the nappe this line is then taken to be the length of the weir.
flowing across the weir does not spring free from its The second design method involves breaking the
upstream face as shown in Fig. 5.1. Broad-crested weirs sagging vertical curve into a series of horizontal seg-
are usually calibrated in the field or by using a model. ments. Flow across each segment is then calculated for
They tend to be structurally stronger than sharp-crested a specified headwater using Eq. (5.20). Flows from
weirs, and they are particularly useful in locations each segment are then accumulated to obtain the total
where sharp-crested weirs suffer maintenance prob- flow across the roadway. The elevation and consequent
lems. An example is a forest area where large limbs or head H for each horizontal segment is that of the
logs may crash into a sharp-crested weir and cause segment, not an average.
damage. Streeter (1971) described the discharge rela- While calculation of the flow over the roadway is
tionships for broad-crested weirs and showed that relatively simple, the difficulty is that. this only repre-
sents a portion of the design flow if there is a culvert
Qt = 3.09LH 3 / 2 , (5.18) through the road fill and this culvert continues to carry
flow. To determine the head for a given discharge, a
where Qt is the theoretical discharge from a broad- trial and error procedure is required to determine the
crested weir of width L operating with a head of H. flow passing through the culvert and the amount flow-
Streeter also noted that calibration using a broad- ing across the roadway. If the head is given and a
crested weir produced an equation of the form discharge is to be calculated, the total discharge is
simply the sum of that across the roadway and that
Qx = 3.03LH 3 / 2 , (5.19)
through the culvert.
where Qx is the discharge based on experimental data
for a broad-crested weir having a well-rounded up-
stream edge. The two equations agreed within 2%. HYDRAULICS OF CULVERTS
Streeter also indicated that viscosity and surface ten-
sion have a minor impact on the discharge coefficients Culverts are conduits that are commonly used to
of weirs. Equations (5.18) and (5.19) are inadequate for pass drainage water through embankments. They are
design of emergency spillways or road overtopping employed beneath access or haul roads and perpendic-
since they do not consider the effects of flow length ular to roadside ditches. The selection of a culvert size
across the crest of the spillway. to convey flow adequately is presented in this section.
Roadway overtopping occurs when the headwater The design of ditch relief culverts is similar to that of
rises to the elevation of the roadway. Flows under trickle tubes and is discussed in a subsequent section.
these conditions are similar to that of a broad-crested Recommended spacing of ditch relief culverts is a
weir with the roadway serving as the weir. The flow function of road gradient.
across the roadway is defined by
Culvert Classes
Chow (1959) divided culvert flow into six categories
where Q o is the overtopping flow rate (ft 3/sec), Cd is as shown in Fig. 5.8. Each of these categories is de-
the overtopping discharge coefficient, L is the length scribed along with methods for predicting flow for each
of the roadway crest (ft), and Hw,. is the upstream type. Chow indicated that the entrance of an ordinary
depth (ft), measured from the roadway crest to the culvert will not be submerged if the outlet is not
water surface at a location upstream of weir drawdown submerged unless the headwater is greater than some
Hydraulics of Culverts 157

J .4Jf.:;;m;;;rn;:;:;m;:;:;m;:;;rrr;;~ _-----ll.-


' ....n
I V """"
...t ~
2.10 1.00

~ Ir
0.18 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.32
HW,. It

HW, /L, > 0.15

J.l0 GRA"O. .....,
PAWO 0.10

/ ~~
C, 2.10
/ 0.70

/ 0.10

o 1.0 2.0 J.O 4.0 0.50
HW" It 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.. 1.0

h.1 HW,
HW, /L,~ 0.15
Figure 5.7 Discharge coefficients for roadway overtopping (Federal Highway Administration, 1985).

critical value, H*. The value of H* may vary from 1.2 corrugated pipes and concrete pipes, respectively. From
to 1.5 times the culvert height as a result of entrance Fig. 5.8, the headwater height H must be greater than
geometry, barrel characteristics, and approach condi- the critical height H*, and tailwater depth should be
tions. A critical headwater height equal to 1.5 times the less than the height of the culvert. Calculate discharge
culvert height (diameter for circular culverts) is reason- from Eq. (5.5).
able for preliminary analysis.
Type 3-0utlet Not Submerged, H> H*, Pipe Not
Flowing Full This corresponds to the hydraulicallyshort
Type I-Outlet Submerged The pipe will flow full.
condition. Check Figs. 5.9 or 5.10 to see if the proper
Discharge is calculated using Eq. (5.5). conditions are met for the pipe to be classified as type
3 by locating the intersection of the bed slope and
Type 2-0utlet Not Submerged, H> H*, Pipe Flowing ratios in the appropriate figure. From Fig. 5.8, the
Full This corresponds to a hydraulically long condi- headwater height H must be greater than the critical
tion. Figures 5.9 or 5.10 can be checked to provide an height H*, and tailwater depth should be less than the
estimate of whether proper conditions are met for height of the culvert. Discharge is inlet controlled and
158 5. Hydraulics of Structures


Type Profile


Full Flow


Full Flow, long pipe


H> H*
Partly Full, short pipe


H> H*
Subcritical Flow


Subcritical Flow
Control at Outlet


H > H*
Supercritical Flow
Control at Entrance
Figure 5.8 Types of culvert flow (Chow, 1959).

a b
0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06
5 0 0 .04 5 0 0 .04

0.02 0.02
-& - 0.01
0 0
0 5 10 15 L 20 25 JO 35 0 5 10 15..L..2O 25 JO 35
1) 0
C d
0.08 0.08

0.06 0.06
5 0 0 .04 5 0 0 .04

0.02 0.02
i- 0.02 i- 0.03
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 JO 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 J5
.l. .l.
0 0
Figure 5.9 Criteria for hydraulically short and long culverts rough corrugated pipes. Type 3 is short and Type
2 is long (Carter, 1957).
Hydraulics of Culverts 159


H§ c
rID .w/O-O.04
0.07 10
,---- ---------
I / Figure 5.12 Typical inlet control flow condition (after Federal
~ I HighwayAdministration, 1985).HW, headwater; lW, tailwater, W.S.,


~ I
I water surface; dc' critical depth.

Q. I 0.03
(f) I
0.04 a. Submerged
I if
0.03 I 0.02
I 0.01
0.01 I 0
0 10 20 30

Figure 5.10 Criteria for hydraulicallyshort and long concrete pipes
(Carter, 1957). Figure 5.13 Typical outlet control flow conditions (after Federal
HighwayAdministration, 1985).HW, headwater, lW, tailwater; W.S.,
water surface; H, losses through culvert.

can be determined by using dimensionless plots devel-

oped by Mavis (1942) as shown in Fig. 5.11.
shape of the profile will depend on the depth of flow at
the outlet.
Types 4-6-0utlet Unsubmerged. H < H* Under The factors that influence energy and hydraulic grade
these conditions, the pipe flows as an open .channel. lines in culvert discharge are illustrated in the culvert
The discharge for a given head depends on the pipe schematic shown as Figs. 5.12 and 5.13 (inlet and outlet
slope, entrance geometry, pipe roughness, and pipe control, respectively). These factors are used to deter-
size. To accurately predict discharge, it is necessary to mine the type of control for the discharge. The flows
develop a flow profile through the pipes. The exact shown are either full flow, partly full flow, or free
surface flow.

Inlet Control
Inlet control occurs when the section that controls
flow is located at or near the entrance to the culvert.
Discharge is dependent only on the geometry of the
inlet and the headwater depth for any particular cul-
H vert size and shape. The inlet will continue to control
flow as long as water flowing through the barrel of the
culvert does not impede flow. If control is at the inlet,
downstream hydraulic factors such as slope, length, or
surface roughness will not influence capacity. However,
roughness does influence the critical slope at which
inlet control occurs (American Concrete Pipe Associa-
tion, 1985). Smooth culverts placed on a very flat slope
~ 5/2
0 can have inlet control, whereas rough culverts have to
Figure 5.11 Stage-discharge relationship for a circular pipe with be installed on a much higher slope to have inlet
the control of the inlet (adapted from Mavis, 1942). control. Several types of inlet control are shown in
160 5. Hydraulics of structures

simple empirical methods cannot account for all of

the factors that impact flow, but they can be used to
estimate flow through culverts for the conditions they
represent. Charts in Bureau of Public Roads (1965a, b)
provide a systematic design method that is based on
determining the headwater depth from the charts as-
suming both inlet and outlet control. The condition

yielding the higher headwater depth controls. Profes-
sional groups such as the American Concrete Pipe
Association (ACPA) (1985) provide excellent refer-
ences for matfy of the figures and techniques that are
used in culvert selection. They can often supply de-
tailed design specifications and design procedures for
c specialized products. Additionally, they are often able

:r:Z~ttR ..~ to supply design data on loading .

.;-~~---------- ----~ Critical Depth in Culverts

Inlet submerged
When the sum of kinetic energy plus the potential
energy for a specified discharge is at its minimum,
critical flow occurs. Another way to view this is that

~ 1:::
during critical flow, maximum discharge through a pipe
occurs with any specified total energy head. For a given
flow rate, the depth of flow and slope associated with
WATER SURFACE critical flow define the critical depth and critical slope.
If the culvert has an unsubmerged outlet, the maxi-
Outletsubmerged mum capacity of the culvert is established when critical
Figure 5.14 Types of inlet control (after Federal Highway Admin- flow occurs (American Concrete Pipe Association,
istration, 1985).

Culvert Nomograph Procedure

Fig. 5.14. Figures showing the critical depth for various The American Concrete Pipe Association (1985) has
shapes, sizes, and materials are available in many hy- suggested the following procedure for sizing culverts.
draulic references. If a culvert is operating under inlet The basic procedure for sizing a culvert for a given
control, it will not flow full throughout the entire flow rate involves selecting a trial size culvert, deter-
length of the pipe. mining whether inlet or outlet control prevails, and
then finding the headwater required for the controlling
Outlet Control condition. If the headwater is unacceptable (too high
or low), another trial culvert is selected and the process
Outlet control occurs when control originates at or
repeated. The procedure is outlined below. The nota-
near the culvert outlet. In this case, discharge is depen-
tion at this point utilizes HW as the head on the
dent not only on all of the hydraulic factors upstream
culvert instead of H used earlier, in keeping with
from the outlet including size, shape, slope, length,
standard terminology utilized by public agencies.
surface roughness, headwater depth, and inlet geome-
try, but on tailwater depth as well.
Determine Design Data.
1. Design discharge Q (cfs) for the design storm.
CUlvert $election and Design
2. Length L (ft) of culvert.
Culvert selection techniques can range from solution 3. Slope of culvert.
of empirical formulas to comprehensive mathematical 4. Allowable headwater depth HWa, (ft). This is the
analysis of specific situations (American Concrete Pipe vertical distance from the culvert invert (elevation of
Association, 1985). The many hydraulic considerations the inside bottom of the culvert) at the inlet side of the
involved make a precise mathematical evaluation dif- culvert to the maximum water surface elevation per-
ficult and extremely time consuming. The relatively missible.
Hydraulics of Culverts 161

5. Flow velocities or tailwater depth in the down- Table 5.4 Entrance Loss Coefficients (after FHA, 1985)
stream channel.
6. Size, shape and entrance type for trial culvert. A Outlet control. full or partly full entrance head loss
suggested trial size is a diameter (or height for non-cir-
cular culverts) of HWal divided by 2.
H. = K. [~:]
Find Maximum Headwater Depth for Trial Culvert Under
Inlet and Outlet Control Conditions Type of structure and design of entrance Coefficient K.

A. Inlet control Pipe. concrete

1. Given Q, D, and entrance type, select the Projecting from fill, socket end (groove end) 0.2
appropriate control nomograph to find headwater Projecting from fill, square cut end 0.5
depth required (Fig. 5B.1 or 5B.2). Headwall or headwall and wingwalls
a. Connect the given culvert diameter D and
Socket end of pipe (groove end) 0.2
discharge Q with a straight line. Continue the line
Square edge 0.5
to the first HW/ D scale, indicated as (1).
b. Find the HW/ D scale that represents the Rounded (radius = f, D) 0.2

entrance type used. If necessary, extend the point Mitered to conform to fill slope 0.7
of intersection from the first line horizontally to End section conforming to fill slope" 0.5
scale (2) or (3). Beveled edges, 33.7° or 45° bevels 0.2
c. Multiply HW/ D by D to calculate HW. Side- or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
2. If HW is greater or less than allowable, select
another trial size until the HW is within the desired
Pipe, or pipe-arch, corrugated metal
B. Outlet control
Projecting from fill (no headwall) 0.9
1. Given Q, D, entrance type, and estimated tail-
Headwall or headwall and wingwalls square edge 0.5
water depth TW (feet) above the outlet invert for the
design flow in the downstream channel. Mitered to conform to fill slope, paved or unpaved slope 0.7
a. Select the outlet control nomograph for the End section conforming to fill slope" 0.5
desired culvert configuration (Fig. 5B.3 or 5B.4). Beveled edges 33.7° or 45° bevels 0.2
Find the entrance coefficient K; from Table 5.4. Side- or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
b. Find the K; on the length scale on the
c. Connect the K; point on the length scale to
the size of the culvert using a straight line and Box. reinforced concrete
mark the point where the straight line crosses the Headwall parallel to embankment (no wingwalls)
"turning line." Square edged on three edges 0.5
d. Form a straight line with the point marked Rounded on three edges to radius of f, barrel
on the turning line and the design Q and project dimension, or beveled edges on three sides 0.2
to the head scale. Read H on the head scale. Wingwalls are 30° to 75° to barrel
2. If the tailwater, TW, elevation is lower than the Square edged at crown 0.4
top of the culvert outlet, use
Crown edge rounded to radius of f, barrel
de +D dimension, or beveled top edge 0.2
ho = 2 (5.21) Wingwall at 10° to 25° to barrel
Square edged at crown 0.5
or TW, whichever is greater, where de is the critical Wingwalls parallel (extension of sides)
depth (feet) determined from the corresponding crit- Square edged at crown 0.7
ical depth chart.
Side or slope-tapered inlet 0.2
3. If TW elevation is higher than or equal to the
top of the culvert outlet, set h o equal to TW. Find QEither metal or concrete sections commonly available from manu-
HW using facturers. From limited hydraulic test they are equivalent in operation to a
headwall in both inlet and outlet control. Some end sections, incorporat-
(5.22) ing a closed taper in their design, have a superior hydraulic performance.
162 5. Hydraulics of Structures

C. Compare the headwaters required from sections A point of intersection from the first line horizontally to
(inlet control) and B (outlet control) to determine scale (3) and obtain a value of HW ID = 1.37.
which is higher. The higher headwater controls and is c. Multiply HW I D by D = 5 ft to calculate HW =
the flow control existing under the design conditions 5(1.37) = 6.85 ft. This is the HW required for inlet
for the trial size under consideration. control.
2. Since HW < HWal , OK.
D. If HW is higher than acceptable and outlet condi-
B. Outlet control
tions control, select a larger culvert size and revise HW 1. Given Q = 200 cfs, D = 5 ft, grooved end projecting,
using section B for outlet control. It is not necessary to and TW = 4 ft above the outlet invert for the design flow
recheck inlet control if the smaller size culvert proved in the downstream channel.
to be satisfactory in section A. It is also possible to a. The outlet control nomograph for the circular con-
select another shape or inlet condition if desired and crete culvert is Fig. 5B.3. The entrance coefficient K; =
repeat the procedure. 0.2 from Table 5.4.
b. Find the K; on the length scale on the nomograph.
Determine Outflow Velocity c. Connect the K e point on the length scale to the
size of the culvert using a straight line and mark the
A If outlet control exists with tailwater, outflow point where the straight line crosses the "turning line."
velocity equals the Q/A. If the outlet is not sub- d. Use the point marked on the turning line as the
merged, the flow area A is usually based on a flow pivot point and connect with the design Q. Read H =
depth equal to the average of the vertical dimension 2.80 ft on the head scale.
(or diameter for circular pipes) and the critical depth 2. Since the TW elevation (4 It) is lower than the top of
calculated previously. the culvert outlet (5 ft), obtain the critical depth de from
B. If inlet flow governs, outflow velocity is approxi- the critical depth chart for 5-ft-diameter circular pipe with
mated assuming open channel flow and using Manning's Q = 200 cfs (Fig. 5C.0 as de = 4.10 ft. Substitute de and
D in Eq. (5.20 for h o:
equation as described in Chapter 4.
de +D 4.10 + 5
ho = -2- = 2 = 4.55 ft.
Example Problem 5.7 Culvert size with inlet control
Find HW under outlet control using Eq. (5.22)
(culvert nomograph method)
HW = H + h o - SoL = 2.80 + 4.55 - 0.02(180) = 3.75.
Determine the diameter of a circular concrete culvert
(n = 0.012) that must carry a design flow of 200 cfs if the
culvert length is 180 ft and the culvert slope is 0.02 ft/ft. The C. Compare the headwaters required from sections A
allowable HW equals 10 ft. Assume that the culvert has a (inlet control) and B (outlet control) to determine which is
projecting entrance, and TW equals 4 ft. higher. Since a higher HW is required for inlet control
(HW = 6.85 ft > HW = 3.75 ft), inlet conditions control un-
Solution: der the design conditions for the trial size under considera-
Determine design data. tion.
1. Q = 200 cfs (given). D. Since HW = 6.85 ft is lower than the allowable HW =
2. L = 180 ft (given). 10.0, the culvert is adequate. If desired, a smaller culvert size
3. S = 0.02 ft/ft (given). might be selected and the process repeated to check if the
4. HWa1 = 10 ft (given). smaller culvert might be satisfactory.
5. TW = 4 ft (given).
6. Trial size D = HWal/2 = 5 ft.
Concrete culvert with n = 0.012 and projecting entrance. Culvert Capacity Chart Technique
Find maximum headwater depth for trial culvert under inlet
and outlet control conditions. The culvert capacity chart technique offers an alter-
native method to determine the required culvert size or
A. Inlet control headwater depth (Portland Cement Association, 1962;
1. Given Q, D, and entrance type, the appropriate inlet
American Concrete Pipe Association, 1985). Charts for
control nomograph to find required headwater depth is
numerous shapes, including circular, square, rectangu-
a. Connect the diameter D = 5 ft (60 in.), and dis- lar, and oval pipes, have been developed.
charge Q with a straight line. Continue the line to the For specific conditions, a simple procedure is to use
first HW ID scale, indicated as (1). culvert capacity charts such as shown in Fig. 5Al-5A8,
b. The HW ID scale, which represents the grooved- which are based on the data in Bureau of Public Roads
end projecting entrance, is indicated as (3) so extend the (l965a). The culvert capacity charts enable a simple
Next Page

Hydraulics of Culverts 163

technique to be used for selection of culverts. The case, the appropriate outlet control nomograph de-
technique is somewhat limited because the pipe must scribing full pipe flow in the nomograph procedure
be installed with the entrance and material as specified should be used to estimate performance of the cul-
for the specific charts used. vert.
The Portland Cement Association (1975) outlined
use of these figures to obtain a direct solution of Determine Outflow Velocity Outflow velocity is deter-
culvert size without the inlet/outlet comparison re- mined in the same manner as when the nomographs
quired in the nomograph procedure discussed previ- are used. Culvert capacity charts permit quick estima-
ously. tion of headwater height given a peak flow rate and
culvert size if the specified design conditions are met.
Determine Design Data
The charts also can be used to select culvert size
1. Design discharge Q (cfs) for the design storm. needed to meet a given headwater limitation such as to
2. Length L (ft) of culvert. prevent roadway overtopping.
3. Slope of culvert.
4. Allowable headwater depth HWal (ft). This is the
vertical distance from the culvert invert at the inlet Example Problem 5.8 Culvert size with inlet control
side of the culvert to the maximum water surface (culvert capacity chart method)
elevation permissible.
5. Flow velocities in the downstream channel. Determine the diameter of a circular concrete culvert for
6. Size, shape, and entrance type for trial culvert. A the conditions stated in Example Problem 5.7 using the
suggested trial size is a diameter (or height for culvert capacity chart.
noncircular culverts) of HWal divided by 2. Solution:
Find Culvert Size Determine design data.
1. Locate the appropriate culvert capacity chart for 1. Q = 200 cfs (given).
the culvert size that is approximately half the allowable 2. L = 180 ft (given).
headwater depth. A typical culvert capacity chart is 3. S = 0.02 ft/ft (given).
shown in Fig. 5A.2. Denoted on this chart are headwa- 4. HWal = 10 ft (given).
ter values on the ordinate, discharge quantities on the 5. TW = 4 ft (given).
abscissa, solid curves designating inlet control, and a 6. Trial size D = HWal/ 2 = 5 ft.
dash curve indicating outlet control. Some figures con- Concrete culvert with n = 0.012 and groove end projecting
tained in Appendix 5A do not contain both solid and
dash curves for all culvert diameters. This is an indica- Find culvert size.
tion that the culvert would be unsuitable for the type 1. Select the appropriate culvert capacity chart for the
of control that is missing from the nomograph. The culvert size D, which is half the allowable headwater depth,
horizontal dotted line denotes that the accuracy of or D = HW/W = 10/2 = 5 ft.
chart values below this line are quite good, whereas 2. Estimate the index number, L/l00 So, which accounts
for roughness and length effects relating to pipe flow charac-
prediction accuracy decreases above this line.
2. Estimate the index number by dividing L by 100
So' This index accounts for roughness and length ef- L 180
fects relating to pipe flow characteristics. --=----
100 So 100 (0.02) = 90.
a. If the calculated index value for a specific prob-
lem is less than or equal to the number shown on the Since the calculated index value (90) is less than the number
solid curve for a specified culvert, the culvert will be shown on the solid curve (700) as shown in Fig. 5A.2 for a
in inlet control and the solid curve will describe 5-ft circular concrete culvert, the culvert will be in inlet
culvert performance. control, and the solid curve will describe culvert perfor-
b. If the calculated index value is greater than the mance. Reading up from a Q = 200 cfs yields HW = 6.6 ft.
Since 6.6 ft is less than the allowable HW of 10 ft, the culvert
solid curve value but less than or equal to the dash
will carry the design flow under inlet control.
curve index value, outlet control dominates and the
point denoting culvert performance can be located
by interpolation. Example Problem 5.9 Headwater height required
c. A calculated index value greater than a particu- for culvert with inlet control
lar dash curve index value is indicative of full pipe
flow, and full pipe flow conditions prevail and the During construction in a subdivision, a groove-edged en-
culvert capacity chart should not be used. In this trance, 42-in., 160-ft concrete culvert is placed on a 3% slope

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