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Week 9, Term 2 2024

Weekly news sheets are prepared by the Head of Year of each year level and emailed directly to students
prior to the start of each week. This version is a collation of these news sheets and important reminders.
Please use this information to support your child’s learning and wellbeing.

Important reminders
• Year 10 students will commence exam block on Wednesday 12 June. Only students who have been granted study leave permission
may remain at home in-between exams. Please refer to the attachment for further information on the exam timetable and check
your emails for a copy of the timetable which has been sent out.
• On Tuesday 11 June, parents are invited to participate in a free online cyber safety webinar delivered by Cyber Safety Expert,
author and former undercover detective Brett Lee. The webinar aims to provide parents with the tools to manage their child's online
world. To participate, please register at and you will receive a confirmation
email with a link to access the webinar. If you are unavailable on Tuesday evening, please register as the link will remain active for a
week and you can view a recording of the presentation.
• The whole school athletics carnival will be held on Friday 21 June (last day of Term 2) at the Queensland Sport and Athletics Centre
(QSAC). A permission form has been sent to all parents for their child in QParents.
• If your child has nominated to compete in the Javelin or Discus you will receive an additional QParents consent for these activities as
they are being held at 3.00pm on Monday 17 June at school. High jumpers will also be included on the consent form. This event is
during the athletics carnival but requires an additional consent due to the techniques used.
• There is still time to register for TAFE Queensland’s short courses which are being offered in the holidays to students in Year 10, 11
and 12. Please refer to the attachment for the details and costs.
• Mansfield Moonlight Movies ‘Spiderman into the spider-verse’ is being held on Friday 14 June in K01-03 with doors opening at
5.00pm and previews commencing at 5.30pm. Film students and their parents are invited to attend and must RSVP using the online
form to reserve seats.
• The QCAA external assessment timetable is now available. Please refer to the QCAA website for further information or the
timetable which has been included as an attachment.

Heads of Year
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

Anna Millqvist Terri Soteriou Tracey Host Alana Wallis Ryan Pitt Madeline Wust

Nathan O’Donnell
Year 10

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Acknowledgement of Country
As a school community
we acknowledge the Jagera people
who are the traditional custodians of
this land.
We also pay respect to Elders both
past and present of the Turrbal Nation
and extend that respect to all other
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
people present.
Unexplained Absences

Want permission to go home during exam block?

✓You must have these (and any additional)
absences explained prior to the start of exam
Unexplained absences = study rooms for block
Block Exams - What you should have already done…
• START: Wednesday Week 9
• FINISH: Thursday Week 10

Emailed to all Year 10 students and parents last Wednesday 29/05

So far you should have:

✓Checked your timetable and highlighted your exams
✓Emailed any exam clashes to Mrs Anghel
✓Emailed/discussion regarding any adjustments to exam
conditions from Mrs Anghel. This is occurring this week.
✓Continue to check emails often for updates.
How to Read your Exam Timetable
Day and Date exams are on

Items in green are assignments

that need to be submitted.

Items in blue are exams that need

to be attended.

Subject Code
Location of exam – note multiple
Exam duration
You need to arrive at this time for
your exam
How to Read your Exam Timetable
PFS is a compulsory session if
Plea you have not completed your
se practical work and theory
Items in purple are year 11
you exams that will be at the same time
have in the hall.
ant Student who have adjustments
year to time for their exam will
level finish later than the indicated
s in time.
Block Exams – Arriving 15 mins Early for Exams

▪ For each exam you MUST arrive 15mins before

your scheduled start time.
▪ This is vital as you will need to check the seating
chart for each exam and find the room you will
be sitting your exam in.
▪ As you can see here – for Prep. General English
we will be using 5 different rooms for the exam.
You need to arrive at the Hall early so you can
check the seating chart and find the room you
are in and then have time to go to this room.
Block Exams – Multiple Exams on the Same Day
▪ If you study Prep. General Maths and either French
or Japanese you will have two exams on the same
▪ We have tried to minimise this from happening,
however, it is unavoidable in a school our size.
▪ If you have multiple exams on the same day you will
need to ensure you use your time management skills
and pack yourself a healthy snack to have between
▪ Multiple exams on the same day is not a reason to
reschedule an exam.
▪ Between your exams you may access tuckshop at
breaktime. During lesson time you must be in J01,
J02 and not out an about the school.
Block Exams – Exam Clashes
▪ If you study Prep. Earth and Environmental
Science and Prep. Chemistry you have an
exam clash – two exams on at the same time.
▪ We have tried to minimise this from
happening, however, it is unavoidable in a
school our size.
▪ If you have any exam clashes you must email
Mrs Anghel ASAP and she will schedule one
of your exams at a different time.
▪ Please note this is ONLY for exam clashes – if
you have an assignment and an exam on the
same day you DO NOT need to reschedule
your exam.
Block Exams – Submitting Assignments
▪ If you have an assignment due during block
exams the normal deadline of 3pm on the
due date applies.
▪ You need to ensure you submit a copy via
Qlearn as well as a hard copy to your teacher.
▪ Know where to hand in your assignment
(hard copy) by 3pm.
Block Exams – Permitted Materials
The following items are permitted into exams:
✓You MUST have your student ID Card – this will confirm your identity
to the exam supervisors. This will be placed on your desk during your
✓Materials for exam (pens, pencils, erasers etc.) must be in a clear
pencil case/snaplock bag only.
✓Water bottles must be see-through and can not have any labels or
writing on them.
✓Know when to bring specialist equipment such as a calculator.
✓School has minimal equipment to lend students during an exam.
Block Exams – Mobile Phone and watches
✓Normal mobile phone rules apply – they are either not at school or in
your phone locker. If you are found to have your phone on you,
normal consequences apply.
✓At the completion of your exam and going home collect your phone.
You should not use your phone until you leave school grounds.
✓Watches are not permitted in exams and must removed. An exam
clock will be displayed during the exam.
Block Exams – Uniform
✓Formal uniform to be worn
✓For orienteering exam – sport uniform to be worn
✓School bags and hats cannot be brought into the hall/exam room
✓Leave valuables at home
Block Exams – When you finish an exam
▪ Once you have completed an exam if you have no other assessment
on that day you need to leave the school grounds and go straight
home – you are not to hang out at Garden City, Carindale etc. in your
school uniform.
▪ If you do not have permission to go home during block exams you are
to be in J01/J02 any time you are not sitting an exam.
▪ Normal behaviour expectations and consequences apply during block
exam week.
Block Exams – What happens if I miss an exam?
Reason for missed exam What you need to do Outcome
Sick on the day of the exam 1. Contact Mrs Wallis or Mrs Anghel ASAP With correct documentation –
to let them know you are unwell and rescheduled exam.
which exams you are missing.
2. Get a medical certificate to explain your
illness/absence where possible.

TAFE on the day of exam 1. Contact Mrs Wallis and Mrs Anghel and Rescheduled exam.
let them know this week.

Misadventure (e.g.: car 1. Contact Mrs Wallis and Mrs Anghel and With correct documentation –
accident, issues with public let them know ASAP. rescheduled exam.
transport etc.) 2. Provide documentation.

Going on 1. Contact Mrs Wallis and Mrs Anghel and No rescheduled exam – not a
holiday/overseas/family let them know. reason under assessment policy to
event etc. miss assessment. Consider how this
may impact pre-requisites for
senior subject selection.
Block Exams – Reasonable Adjustments
▪ If you are a student who has altered conditions for assessment – e.g.: extra
time, movement breaks, a scribe etc. you need to communicate this with
either Mrs Wallis or Mrs Anghel ASAP.
▪ We are finalising these lists of students and need to ensure we don’t miss
▪ If you have any altered conditions or adjustments to your exams you will sit
in the AARA room for your exams (SC01/SC02) this will be on the seating
chart that you will check prior to attending your exams.
▪ Double check with Mrs Wallis or Mrs Anghel this week confirming your
Block Exams – Scenarios


I study Prep. Health and Prep.

Certificate in Fitness. I look up my
exam timetable and notice the
exams occur at these times on the
same day – what do I do?
Block Exams – Scenarios


I study Prep. Economics and Prep.

Furnishing and Prep. Maths
Methods. I wake up on Friday 14th
June too sick to go into school –
what do I do?
Block Exams – Scenarios


I study Prep. Specialist Maths and

Prep. Biology. I am not going to be
at school in Week 10 as I am going
on a family holiday overseas– what
do I do?
Block Exams – Scenarios


I study Prep. Specialist Maths and

don’t have any other assessment on
Monday 17th June. A group of us
walk out of our specialist exam and
are deciding what we want to do
with the rest of the day – what do
we do?
Block Exams – Scenarios


I study Prep. Biology and am on the

bus on my way to my exam. The bus
breaks down and it takes 30mins for
another bus to turn up and pick me
up. I know I’m going to be late for
my exam – what do we do?
Semester 2 Subject Selections
▪ All students who submitted a subject selection form have now
been allocated classes.
▪ Some students have blanks on their timetable and need to see
Mrs Wallis or Mrs Anghel to discuss alternative subjects.
▪ However, some classes are full and additional classes won’t be
▪ Some students have had to change English and Maths classes to
accommodate subject selections.
▪ Check emails regularly for communication from Mrs Anghel/Mrs
Wallis around selecting subjects beyond your preferences.
QCAA external assessment timetable 2024
About the timetable
The QCAA external assessment timetable 2024 includes the external assessments for General and General (Extension) subjects.
The timetable will be updated in Term 3 to include language and non-language Senior External Examinations (SEEs). SEEs are 100% external
examinations and are different to the mainstream General subjects.

The timetable has been designed to:

• minimise clashes for students across the examination period. Where there is a clash within a morning or afternoon session, students will be
allocated to the alternative session on the same day
• ensure most students sit no more than two external assessments on one day
• provide sufficient breaks between external assessments for popular courses and frequently combined courses
• enable all external assessments to be marked in time for students to receive their final Year 12 results.

QCAA external assessment timetable for General and General (Extension) subjects 2024
Session Monday 21 October Tuesday 22 October Wednesday 23 October Thursday 24 October Friday 25 October

English 2hrs + Ancient History 2hrs + Psychology 90mins + English & Literature 2hrs + Physics 90mins +
15mins 15mins (Paper 1) 10mins Extension 30mins (Paper 1) 10mins

English as an 2hrs + Engineering 2hrs + 2hrs +

AM Additional Language 15mins 10mins 15mins

Music Extension
2hrs +
Week 20mins
Visual Art 2hrs + Aerospace 2hrs + Psychology 90mins + Film, Television & New 2hrs + Physics 90mins +
20mins Systems 10mins (Paper 2) 10mins Media 20mins (Paper 2) 10mins

Spanish 2hrs + German 2hrs +

PM 5mins 5mins

Study of 2hrs +
Religion 15mins

Session Monday 28 October Tuesday 29 October Wednesday 30 October Thursday 31 October Friday 1 November

Chemistry 90mins + Modern History 2hrs + Drama 2hrs + Legal Studies 2hrs + General Mathematics 90mins
(Paper 1) 10mins 15mins 20mins 15mins (Paper 2) + 5mins

Marine Science 90mins + Specialist Mathematics
(Paper 2) 10mins (Paper 2) 90mins
Week + 5mins
Chemistry 90mins + Economics 2hrs + Accounting 2hrs + General Mathematics 90mins Design 2hrs +
(Paper 2) 10mins 15mins 15mins (Paper 1) + 5mins 15mins

Marine Science 90mins + Music 2hrs + Specialist Mathematics + 5mins
(Paper 1) 10mins 20mins (Paper 1)

QCAA external assessment timetable 2024 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
May 2024
Page 2 of 3
QCAA external assessment timetable for General and General (Extension) subjects 2024
Session Monday 4 November Tuesday 5 November Wednesday 6 November Thursday 7 November Friday 8 November

Biology (Paper 1) 90mins + Philosophy & Reason 2hrs + Literature 2hrs + Geography 2hrs + Mathematical Methods 90mins
10mins 15mins 15mins 15mins (Paper 1) + 5mins

AM Physical Education

2hrs +

Biology (Paper 2) 90mins + Aboriginal & Torres Strait 2hrs + Business 2hrs + Chinese 2hrs + Mathematical Methods 90mins
10mins Islander Studies 15mins 15mins 5mins (Paper 2) + 5mins
3 Chinese Extension 2hrs + 2hrs +
Food & Nutrition
French Extension 20mins 10mins
German Extension
2hrs +
Dance 2hrs + French 5mins

Digital Solutions 2hrs + Japanese 2hrs +

20mins 5mins

Session Monday 11 November Tuesday 12 November Wednesday 13 November Thursday 14 November Friday 15 November

Agricultural Science 90mins + Earth & Environmental 90mins

AM (Paper 1) 10mins Science (Paper 1) +

Week Agricultural Science 90mins + Earth & Environmental 90mins

4 (Paper 2) 10mins Science (Paper 2) +
PM 10mins
2hrs +
Italian 5mins

© State of Queensland (QCAA) 2024

Licence: | Copyright notice: — lists the full terms and conditions, which specify certain exceptions to the
licence. | Attribution (include the link): © State of Queensland (QCAA) 2024

QCAA external assessment timetable 2024 Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority
May 2024
Page 3 of 3
Are you pondering your future study options?
Or perhaps you’re simply seeking an engaging
way to spend the school holidays?
Look no further! TAFE Queensland
is thrilled to present a series of
workshops designed to give
high school students a
tantalising glimpse into
the world of TAFE

1 - 5 July 2024

Book now
RTO 0275 | CRICOS 03020E | PRV13003

Why attend? Entry Requirements

• Explore your interests: Our workshops cover a spectrum of Year levels
exciting fields—from cutting-edge technology to culinary arts. Dive Open to students in
Years 9, 10, 11 and 12
in and discover what ignites your passion.
• Find your tribe: Forge friendships with like-minded students from Guardian’s approval
We’ll need their contact
across Brisbane. It’s a chance to swap ideas, share dreams, and
info and a nod of
create lasting memories. approval
• Certificate of completion: Boost your CV with a shiny certificate.
Student ID
• Invest in your journey: A full day workshop is $60. Flash it like a badge of
honour when you arrive

Architecture, horticulture, Fashion, hair and beauty
design and engineering Event-ready: Hair and beauty workshop
Blueprints to Brushstrokes: Engineering designs and interior Fashion Accessories: Leather accessories with style
dreams Fashion Illustration: Drawing artistic threads
Sustainable Spaces: An introduction to architectural design Princess Peach: On-trend floristry
Greenthumbs: Cultivate your plant propagation skills
IT, digital design and photography
Bakery, patisserie and cookery
Code Forward: The next generation of digital frontiers
Baker’s Dream: A day of rising dough Front Cover Stars: Unveil your digital design potential
Sweet and Savoury: A culinary journey Next-Gen Creators: Unleashing the future of game design
Pixel Pioneers: Professional studio lighting and Photoshop
Creative arts
Shadows and Light: The art of cameraless photography
Future Filmmakers: From script to screen
Sketch Masters: Unleashing creativity with character art Nursing and health services
Weaves and Strokes: Mastering artistic expression Future Nurses: Heroes in training

Early childhood and education support Sports and fitness

Child's Play: Shaping minds through sensory adventures Future Fit: Athletic testing and tailored training
Game Changer: The Academy of Sport leaders of tomorrow
Events, tourism, and hospitality
Brewing Futures: The café skills workshop Student skills
Dream Destinations: Tomorrow’s travel and events experiences Assignment Ace: Elevating your academic game
Fizz and Bubble: Homemade drink carbonation Excel Your Savings: A student’s guide to budgeting and saving
Jumping Hurdles: Strategies to cultivate resilience
Justice and government
Legal Eagles: Navigating Australia’s justice system
RTO 0275 | CRICOS 03020E | PRV13003
Deputy Principal- Mr Grant
Head of Year- Ms Millqvist YEAR 7 NEWS
Year Level Coordinators- Ms Vote & Ms Lanigan TERM 2 WEEK 9


Our theme this week is “Grateful for JOMO”. By aiming to have four positive Monday
thoughts for every negative one, you will be determined to use JOMO (Joy Assembly - Assembly Hall
of Missing Out) to deal with social media. Tuesday
My Amazing Brain/Class Pride posters
JOMO is positive, FOMO is negative. Use JOMO to have Junior MAP Block 2, Week 4
daily timeouts from the non-stop meaningless phone Wednesday
notifications. Look up to enjoy the real world, and grow MAD Drama Club 3-4pm K03
your relationships with people who matter to you. Notice Thursday
Readers Cup, Emmaus College
and value the little but meaningful things, such as smiles,
talking together, having fun, laughing, and seeking help.
Rare Book Club 3-4pm Resource
What do you think can be two benefits for your wellbeing from using JOMO Friday
to deal with social media? Reflect on your week - successes,
MESSAGES AND REMINDERS areas to put more effort into.
UNIFORM REMINDER - Cooler weather
Student Handbook page 23.
Boys - if wearing long pants, socks must be black or grey ATTENDANCE MATTERS
with NO logos or patterns. EVERY STUDENT. EVERY DAY.
Week 8 attendance across the cohort was
Girls - Tights must be waist to toe, not leggings. Beige
excellent. We can celebrate 95% or above
stocking/tights may be work with socks. Navy
attendance for 7A, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G, 7I, 7K, 7L, 7N, 7Q,
stocking/tights may be worn, but without socks.
7R, 7S, 7T, 7V, 7W and 7X. We expect this continue
Only white long-sleeved shirts may be worn under your
all the way through to the end of the term. Make
formal shirt.
sure any unexplained absences are recorded with
Ensure you are wearing the uniform CORRECTLY every day.
an approved reason. Every day and every lesson is
Socks are to be pulled up. If you need to borrow a belt, go to
so important not just for learning, but your and
Student Services before school begins.
wellbeing and connection to the Mansfield
Good luck to Samuel 7G and Grace 7X who will be
representing Mansfield at the Reader’s Cup
Competition next Thursday!!

A very special thank you to our Year 11 Sport and

Recreation students who led Tuesday’s SDP Let’s
Get Physical lesson. You did a fantastic job at
organising and leading our classes. The students
loved it! Thank you!

It was another sensational round of the inter-SDP

basketball competition on Wednesday lunch.
Participants played their hardest, and spectators
were out in force cheering on their classes. Good
luck to teams competing next week!



Deputy Principal: Mrs Preston
Head of Year: Ms Soteriou
Year Level Coordinators: Mr Pitt and
Ms Lanigan

Thought for the Week What’s on this week?

JOMO – Joy of Missing Out. It’s the opposite of FOMO. It’s about having MON STEM workshop
moments of joy and bliss when you turn off your phone notifications and TUES SDP and MAP
enjoy the peace and quiet. We challenge you to put your phone away
WED ASSEMBLY on F terraces
and connect with your family: bake a cake to share, wash the car with a
sibling, set the table for dinner, watch a movie as a family or go for a THUR RARE book club
walk. BE KIND, BE AUTHENTIC and BE RESPECTFUL. FRI Go technology free today!

Moments that Matter This week in SDP

STUDENT COUNCIL DAY! Thank you to you all for getting involved and Reflect, Review and Recharge to
contributing your time and energy to making moments that matter at our complete your MyPath Record Sheet.
special day! The year 12 prefects appreciate it! August 1 is MyPath Day – be a
You are all making moments that matter at Mansfield. sophisticated learner and identify your
Be kind, be respectful and attend school, every lesson every day. strengths and weaknesses to make small
gains for improvement.
Important Reminders
Let’s get the little things right!
Hair is off your face and tied back
when it touches your collar.
Boys -Black or grey crew socks under
trousers – no logos or patterns
Navy blue or black waist to toe tights
Week 8 attendance:
Classes that have made LEARNING not leggings
the 95% target in week 8: IS We store our mobile phones in a
8A – 99% mobile phone locker as soon as we
8Q – 98.95% OUR arrive to school – no use of phones
8J – 98.57% before school.
8E and 8G – 96.43% Exemplary behaviour in and out of the
8V – 96.30 classroom is expected at all times.
Your focus is:
8R – 95.71%
Effort, Attitude and Uniform
8S – 95%
So far, our attendance for As you work through your assessment
2024 is: 92.7% take the time to look after yourself.
We can do this! When you are organised and use a
Remember, in year 8 we study timetable, eat well and exercise
are a team! you are developing effective wellbeing
Year 9 News What's on
Term 2 Week 9

Monday - Assembly on F Block terraces, STEM

Deputy Principal - Mrs Fletcher
Head of Year - Ms Host & Mr O’Donnell Tuesday - SDP lesson, MAP Block 2
Year Coordinators- Mr O’Donnell & Ms
Chamberlain Wednesday - MAD Drama Club 3pm

Theme of the week Thursday - RARE Book Club

JOMO = Joy Of Missing Out. This may sound like an unfamiliar
Friday - Reflect on your week. What are you
strategy however it is one that will provide you with more time to
proud of achieving? How can you maintain
enjoy the things that bring you joy and happiness.
By choosing not to be immersed with social media, you relinquish the
fear of judgement, obsessive refreshing and instead allow yourself the
freedom of time to experience the things that enhance your
SDP Lesson
Look up, enjoy the real world, grow real relationships and make This week in SDP you will have a chance
meaningful memories. to reflect on your health and academic
Your overall wellbeing is so important in
being able to achieve your personal
best. This week it is a great opportunity
Reminders to check in with the core healthy habits
of sleep, nutrition and physical activity
Behaviour Expectations- As we approach the end of term, it is to see if there are any areas that need
important that you are maintaining our behaviour expectations in attention to improve your overall
and outside the classroom. Finish the term strong! wellbeing.
Attendance - We understand that assessment time is a busy time, You will also have time to complete Part
however attending school every school day will ensure that you A and B of your MyPath sheet. It is
keep on track with your deadlines. important that this is completed as you
Student Services - A reminder that Student Services is the hub for will move on to Year 10 subject
STUDENTS. If you are lost, needing a loan item, arriving late or selections very soon!!
leaving early, need sick bay, require support - Student Services is
the place to head to. Utilise the support that is set up especially for
our students to help you be the best version of you!

Attendance Matters
The last 2 weeks of school are just as important than any other weeks
throughout the term.
As assessment items are finishing up this week, curriculum areas will
begin to look ahead at new units of work. Put yourself in the best
position for the start of Term 3 by attending school every school day.
Congratulations to those students who are attending every school day.
It does not go unnoticed.
A big shout out to 9S for their incredibly high attendance in Week 8!
Deputy Principal:
Ms Anghel
Head of Year:
Mrs Wallis
Year Level Coordinators:
Mr Guinane and
Mr Dawes

Theme for the Week: Ms Beckman’s Learning Corner: What’s on this week?
MON Check your block exam schedule!
Grateful for JOMO:
TUE SDP: Celebration Assembly
WHY: social media can lead to WED BLOCK EXAMS
comparing our lives to other people’s THU BLOCK EXAMS
which in turn leads to negative FRI BLOCK EXAMS
thoughts. It is so important to Moments that Matter:
understand that social media isn’t
reality – it is a version of reality; a Mansfield Idol
highlight reel that only focuses on Each year the House Cup
things that are going well in people’s hosts Mansfield Idol, where our
lives. To combat these negative feelings strongest singers across all year
we should aim to have four positive levels get to compete to be
thoughts for every negative one, this crowned the Mansfield Idol in
will help you to use JOMO (Joy Of front of a crowd of their teachers
Missing Out) to deal with social media. and peers. All participants receive
Important Information: points for their team, and our
HOW: Use JOMO to have daily Celebration Assembly – 1st Half winners go home with a trophy.
timeouts from non-stop meaningless SDP on Tuesday in the Hall This year the Senior Idol was
phone notifications. Block and unfollow ▪ This week we will have our from our Year 10 cohort.
accounts that lead to negative thoughts Celebration Assembly in the Congratulations to all of our
and spend more time in the real world participants, in particular, Louis
first half of SDP in the
with people who matter to you – talk to C who is our Senior House Idol for
Assembly Hall – bags are to be
them, have fun together and seek help 2024. Well done Louis! 😊
locked in classrooms prior to
when you need it.
Acknowledgement: Losada & Fredrickson coming to the Hall.

DO: disconnect from social media to Block Exams start on

make real connections that spark joy. Wednesday
▪ If you want the freedom to go
home during block exams you
need permission through
QParents and you need to clear
your unexplained absences
▪ You are expected to wear full
formal school uniform during
block exam week
▪ You are only to be on campus if
you have an exam or you are in
J01 if you don’t have
permission to be at home.

Attendance During Block Exams:

Block Exams start this Wednesday, 12th June, and finish next Thursday 20th June. Next
Friday is a normal school day and is our Athletics Carnival. If you don’t come along to the
Carnival you will need to follow correct attendance procedures and explain your absence.
Whilst on Block Exams you need to remember:
✓ Attend only when you have an exam
✓ Let Mrs Wallis and Ms Anghel know ASAP if you are going to miss an exam
✓ If you miss an exam due to illness you will need a medical certificate.
The beautiful thing about learning
is that no one can take it away
from you.
B. B. King

Grateful for JOMO… By aiming to have four positive thoughts for every negative one, you will be determined to use JOMO (joy of
missing out) to deal with social media. JOMO is positive, FOMO is negative. Use JOMO to have daily timeouts from the non-stop
meaningless phone notifications. Look up to enjoy the real world, and grow your relationships with people who matter to you. Notice
and value the little but meaningful things, such as smiles, talking together, having fun, laughing and seeking help. What do you think
can be two benefits for your wellbeing for your wellbeing from using JOMO to deal with social media?

A reminder for students that have received a tentative offer at our 2024 leadership camp
– your parent/caregiver must accept this consent form by 9:00am Monday 10 June. You
must also:
✓ Have all outstanding school fees paid for, or have a payment plan in place with
regular payments made.
✓ Have all unexplained absences cleared.



TAFE QLD have an exciting

opportunity for students in years
9-12 during the June/July
holidays! There will be a range of
exciting workshops held across We will be celebrating YOU during
multiple campuses to highlight all the first half of SDP this week! So
of the awesome career pathways many amazing accomplishments
TAFE has to offer. You could and events that have given us all a
explore opportunities in sports & list of Moments that Matter!
fitness, health & beauty, IT, digital Please sit in your SDP line,
design & photography, creative alphabetically with your school
arts and many more! See the flyer bags IN FRONT of you. Year 11s
I have attached to my news sheet will be on the OVAL side of the
email for more details. Sports Centre and you will need to
leave before the bell to get there
on time.
ATTENDANCE You will also have time to reflect
on the celebration assembly and
This week, our attendance as a cohort was 92.7%! retrieval time after the assembly
with your SDPs.
This is again an improvement on previous weeks year 11, and I would continue to
encourage you to think about how your attendance is reflected in our cohort’s
percentage. Are you here every lesson, every day?

Mansfield Idol!
Get your week organised! Plan ahead!
Congratulations to
everyone that attended Assembly @ 8:30am
Celebration Assembly @ Sports Centre (P2)
and participated in
Mansfield Idol during
MAD Drama Club
week 7! An amazing
display of talent. A Readers Cup
special mention to Ethan RARE Book Club

Gifford who was the

Mansfield Moonlight Movies (Year 11 & 12
senior runner-up! F&TV students)

Thought of the Week

What’s On This Week
JOMO: Joy of Missing Out
WHY: by being happy with Monday -
the person you see in the Tuesday - 8:30am Assembly on F Block Terraces
mirror, and using JOMO to - SDP: Celebration Assembly at 10:25am
not rely on social media at the Sports Centre
dopamine hits to feel Wednesday - Senior Study Leave
good, you will provide yourself with many opportunities to - Study Room – J2
challenge your best self. Thursday - RARE Book Club 3:00pm
HOW: start every day with something simple that you are Friday - Mansfield Moonlight Movies
looking forward to; appreciate little things that you often
take for granted; go outside to thrive in nature’s fresh air Welcome Mr O’Donnell
and beauty; and be grateful for the people who matter in
your life. Then, you will feel overjoyed for your choice to Welcome to Mr O’Donnell who will be
use JOMO. Acting Head of Year 12 while Ms Wust
is on leave from Monday of Week 10.
Important Messages Mr O’Donnell can be contacted on and will be sitting
External Exam Clashes in the Year 12 HOY office at Student
QCAA will contact the school and provide solutions for Services.
students who they identify to have clashes with their Message from Mr O’Donnell: I currently teach Earth and
external exams. Environmental Science and Junior Science. For the past two
Presentation Reminder years, I have been part of Student Services team in the
At Mansfield, we pride ourselves on wearing our full formal Junior School. Outside of school, I enjoy camping, scuba
school uniform perfectly every lesson, every day. Make diving, and spending time outdoors with my family. I look
sure you uphold our high standards over the last two weeks forward to working with the Year 12 Team to ensure
of Term 2. everyone has a successful start to Term 3.
Attendance – did you know?
Treacy’s SDP Update
This week in SDP, we will have a combined celebration
assembly in the Sports Centre at 10:25am. Please move
straight to the Sports Centre when the bell rings. Year 12
will be seated on the primary school side of the hall.

The Learning Corner

Attention Film Students!
Year 12 Moments that Matter

Bond Uni Mooting Competition

Under the tutelage of Marcel Schlamowitz, three of our
Year 12 Students, Hamna, Alexander, and Michael
competed in the final rounds at Bond Uni on the weekend
in the Bond Uni Mooting Competition. The competition
was fierce with exclusive schools from New Zealand and
Melbourne flying in to participate in this event. Although
not taking out the competition, their performance was
exceptional; holding their own ground when presenting
submissions to and responding to challenges from the
judicial bench with conviction and passion!

100 Days Celebrations

On Monday 3 June 2024, our Year 12 students celebrated 100 days
left of school. There was music, a cohort photo and delicious
cupcakes to mark the occasion. That you to the Year 12 teachers
and support staff who helped hand out cupcakes.

Year 12 Trivia Night Highlights

Thank you to the Student Leaders who ran a successful and
memorable event that was attended by over 420 students. There
was a lot of smiles, laughs, competitive spirit and sugar.

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