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Lift Hoistway Pressurization System

2.19.1. Li Hoistway pressuriza on systems shall comply with Table 10.17., relevant speci -
ca ons of Sec on 2.6., Stair Pressuriza on and the general requirements for smoke
control systems as per Sec on 2.5.

Table 10.17.: Li Hoistway Pressuriza on Requirements

1. GENERAL i. Li hoistway pressuriza on systems shall be designed to operate within a pres-
sure di erence range. This range is between the minimum design pressure di er-
ence and the maximum design pressure di erence.
ii. The minimum pressure di erence is intended to prevent smoke from entering
the li s. The minimum pressure di erence shall be 12.5 Pa.
iii. The maximum pressure di erence across li doors is based on concern about li
doors jamming shut in the closed posi on. The maximum pressure di erence
shall not exceed 75 Pa. However, this value shall be reviewed and agreed by the
li supplier in every project, where li hoistway pressuriza on is provided.
iv. If elevators are to be used for evacua on, the li hoistway pressuriza on should
be accompanied with “Smoke Tight Li Lobbies”.
v. Conveyors, elevators, dumbwaiters, and pneuma c conveyors serving various
stories of a building shall not open to an exit enclosure.
2. SINGLE AND i. Single injec on for li hoistway pressuriza on shall be limited to a maximum of
MULTIPLE 30 oors.
INJECTIONS ii. Li hoistway serving more than 30 oors in height (Super highrise buildings)
shall be provided with a mul ple-injec on system.
iii. For li hoistways pressuriza on systems in super highrise buildings special design
provision shall be made taking into considera on the stack e ect and the piston
e ect in uence on the pressure pro le within the hoistway. This shall be deter-
mined either by analy cal calcula ons, network modeling or CFD simula ons.
3. STAND BY i. Back-up (Stand-by) fans shall not be required for Li hoistway pressuriza on sys-
FAN tems.
4. STAND BY i. The li hoistway pressuriza on system fan shall be provided with an emergency
POWER power.

Schematic 10.37.a.: Lift Hoistway Pressurization System

| CDGH-OP-25 | September 2018 Page 851 of 1348

Schematic 10.37.b.: Lift Hoistway Pressurization System Schematic

| CDGH-OP-25 | September 2018 Page 852 of 1348

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