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Subject : Entrepreneurial Business Strategy

Lecture : Prof. Dr. Donard Games, SE., M.Bus (Adv)

Name : Kevinia Mayumi Amran and Rifky Fadillah


Gojek is a technology and super app that originated in Indonesia. Founded in 2010 by
Nadiem Makarim, Kevin Aluwi, and Michaelangelo Moran as a ride-hailing platform with the
aim of revolutionizing transportation services in Indonesia. Journey from a motorcycle ride-
hailing startup to a multifaceted technology company reflects its ability to adapt to changing
market dynamics and consumer needs. Gojek played a significant role in shaping the
technology and gig economy landscape in Southeast Asia.

The blue ocean strategy, developed by W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne,
emphasizes the creation of uncontested market spaces (blue oceans) rather than competing
in crowded and saturated markets (red oceans). Gojek, an Indonesia tech company, has
effectively implemented the Blue Ocean Strategy in various ways, transforming from a ride-
hailing platform into a comprehensive super app. By creating a new market space, reducing
direct competition, and delivering a differentiated value to customers, Gojek has emerged as
a leading tech company not only in Indonesia but also in the broader Southeast Asian region.

A. Four Actions Framework

- Reduce → Gojek streamlined customer experience by consolidating multiple services
into one app, reducing complexity, and enhancing convenience. Reduced customer
waiting times by optimizing logistics and delivery services, improving the overall user
- Eliminate → Eliminated the need for traditional transportation services by
introducing innovative alternatives like motorcycle taxis, parcel delivery, and on-
demand services. Simplifying the payment process like not using cash or card
payments by introducing GoPay.
- Raise → Elevated convenience levels by offering a wide array of services within a
single app, enhancing the overall value for customers. Offering multiple services
through a single app, reducing the need to switch between various applications.
- Create → Pioneered a new market space by introducing services like GoFood (food
delivery) and GoPay (digital payments), distinguishing itself from traditional ride-
hailing companies. Created income opportunities for users by enabling them to
become drivers or delivery partners, enhancing livelihoods in Indonesia.
B. Six Paths Framework
1. Exploring Different Industries → Gojek diversified its offerings into multiple sectors,
encompassing transportation, food delivery, logistics, and digital payments. It fused
components from these industries to craft a distinctive value proposition.
2. Strategic Group within Industries → Didn’t confine itself to traditional taxi
competitors but carved out a novel category by catering to a more extensive
audience through a diverse range of services.
3. Chain of Buyers → Attended to the requirements of both customers and service
providers, ensuring its platform alleviated the pain points of all participants in the
4. Complementary Offering → Expanded by collaborating with a wide array of
businesses, integrating their offerings into the platforms. Partnered with restaurant
to facilitate food delivery.
5. Functional and Emotional Appeal → Tapped into customers’ emotions by offering
convenience, safety, and accessibility, addressing not only their functional
requirements but also their emotional desires.
6. Time → Continually adjusted and improved its service to remain pertinent in a swiftly
evolving market landscape, ensuring its attractiveness endured over time.

Gojek application of the Blue Ocean Strategy, as seen through these and provide
innovative value to both customers and service providers in Indonesia and beyond. It
revolutionized the traditional ride-hailing industry by offering a comprehensive and user-
friendly platform catering to diverse customer needs.

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