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TagedAPRH1Chitosan oligosaccharide improves intestinal function by promoting intestinal

development, alleviating intestinal inflammatory response, and enhancing

antioxidant capacity in broilers aged d 1 to 14TagedAPTREn

TagedAPRRuixia Lan ,1 Fan Wu,1 Yuchen Wang , Ziwei Lin, Haoxuan Wang, Jia Zhang, and Zhihui Zhao2TagedAPREn

TagedAPRDepartment of Animal Science, College of Coastal Agriculture Sciences, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang
524-088, Guangdong, PR ChinaTagedAPTREn

TAGEDPRABSTRACT This study was conducted to investigate (TLR4), myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88),
the effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) supple- and interleukin-10 (IL-10), jejunal SGLT1, PepT1,
mentation on intestinal development and functions, occludin, tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a), and ileal
inflammatory response, antioxidant capacity and the SGLT1, PepT1, and fatty acid binding protein 1
related signaling pathways in broilers aged d 1 to 14. A (FABP1) was upregulated by COS. However, the
total of 240 one-day old male Arbor Acres broilers expression level of duodenal FABP1 and TNF-a, jejunal
(40.47 § 0.30 g) were randomly allotted to 4 groups, GLUT1, ZO-1, TLR4, MyD88, nuclear factor kappa-B
and each group consisted of 6 replicate pens with 10 p65 (NF-kB p65), and IL-1b, and ileal GLUT1, NF-kB
broilers per replicate. Broilers fed a basal diet supple- p65, and IL-1b was downregulated by COS. Further-
mentation with COS at 0 (CON group), 200 (COS200 more, dietary COS supplementation increased duodenal
group), 400 (COS400 group), and 800 mg/kg catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px),
(COS800 group) for 14 d, respectively. Broilers in the and total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) activity, jeju-
COS supplementation groups had no significant effects nal CAT and T-SOD activity, upregulated the expres-
on growth performance. Compared to the CON group, sion level of duodenal nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related
dietary COS supplementation increased (P < 0.05) the factor 2 (Nrf2), CAT, glutathione peroxidase 1
relative weight of duodenum, jejunal lipase activity, (GPX1), and copper and zinc superoxide dismutase
duodenal and ileal villus surface area, and lower (P < (Cu/Zn SOD), jejunal CAT, and ileal Nrf2, CAT, and
0.05) ileal amylase and alkaline phosphatase activity, GPX1. These results suggested that COS could promote
and crypt depth. The expression level of duodenal glu- intestinal development and functions in broilers aged d 1
cose transporter 1 (GLUT1), Na+-glucose cotrans- to 14, which might be mediated by alleviating intestinal
porter 1 (SGLT1), peptide transporter 1 (PepT1), inflammatory response and enhancing antioxidant
occludin, zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1), toll-like receptor 4 capacity.
TagedAPRKey words: chitosan oligosaccharide, intestinal function, inflammatory response, antioxidant capacity, broilerTagedAPTREn
2024 Poultry Science 103:103381

TAGEDPRH1INTRODUCTIONTAGEDPTRN it must be mentioned that the intestinal function is

immature and the functional maturation occurs mainly
TagedAPRIntestinal health is associated with general health sta- at the first 2 wk of life in broilers (Iji et al., 2001a,b;
tus, which is crucial for optimum feed efficiency and Schokker et al., 2009; Prabakar et al., 2016). During this
growth performance, as well as maintains intestinal stage, various environmental factors, such as bacterial
function, including digestive and absorption, metabo- infections, oxidative stress and inflammation, can
lism, barrier, and immune functions (Schokker et al., change intestinal function, manifesting by intestinal oxi-
2015; Oviedo-Rondon, 2019; Liu et al., 2023). However, dative damage and inflammatory response, decreasing
growth performance, villus height, and digestive enzyme
TagedAPREnÓ 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of Poultry activity, increasing intestinal permeability and damage
Science Association Inc. This is an open access article under the CC intestinal barrier function by overproduction of reactive
BY-NC-ND license ( oxygen species (ROS) and proinflammatory cytokines,
TagedAPREnReceived November 8, 2023. when compares with the later stage of life (Jha et al.,
TagedAPREnAccepted December 12, 2023. 2019; El Jeni et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2023). Therefore,
TagedAPREn The authors contribute the same. broilers aged d 1 to 14 is a key phase, which leaves a
TagedAPREn2Corresponding author:


critical stage for permanent remodeling of the intestinal Table S1. The COS used in this study was purchased
development and intestinal health (Liu et al., 2023; from Qindao Songtian Biotechnology Co. Ltd. (Qindao,
Zheng et al., 2023). Taking into the consideration of the PR China) with deacetylation degree ≥90.00%, and
global prohibition of antibiotics as growth promoters, as average molecular weight ≤3,000 Da. To minimize nutri-
well as the public health concern (Adedokun and Olo- ent variation among experimental groups, the basal diet
jede, 2019; Jha et al., 2019), it is urgent to find nutri- was firstly prepared and subsequently divided into 5
tional strategies to regulate the early intestinal equal portions and to facilitate the COS supplementa-
development to maintain the intestinal function and tion. Broilers were raised in a 3-level battery cages and
subsequently maximize the growth performance in environmentally controlled room. The indoor tempera-
broilers.TagedAPTREn ture was maintained at 34°C § 1°C during d 1 to 10.
TagedAPRChitosan oligosaccharide (COS) is an oligosaccharide During d 11 to 14, the temperature was gradually
from chitin or chitosan, which is an environmentally reduced by 0.5°C per d. The relative humidity of chicken
friendly feed additive with beneficial effects on animal house was maintained at approximately 70% during d 1
nutrition (Chen et al., 2022b; Uyanga et al., 2023). For- to 10, then maintained at approximately 65% during d
mer studies illustrated that dietary COS supplementa- 11 to 14. Artificial light schedule was 23 h of light and 1
tion had beneficial effects on growth performance, h of dark during the experimental period.TagedAPTREn
intestinal function, immune response, antioxidant
capacity and lipid metabolism in broilers (Lan et al.,
2019, 2020b, 2021, 2023; Chang et al., 2022). These ben- TagedAPRH2Growth PerformanceTagedAPTREn
eficial effects are related to its biological properties, such TagedAPROn d 1 and 14, broilers were weighted and feed con-
as low toxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, sumption was recorded on pen basis to calculate growth
immune modulation, antioxidant capacity, and intesti- parameters, including average daily feed intake
nal microflora modulation functions (Naveed et al., (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG), and feed conver-
2019). However, little is known about the effects of COS sion ratio (FCR).TagedAPTREn
on intestinal development and functions in broilers aged
d 1 to 14. We hypothesized that COS will exert benefi-
cial effects on intestinal development and functions by TagedAPRH2Sample CollectionTagedAPTREn
alleviating intestinal inflammatory response and
enhancing antioxidant capacity in broilers aged d 1 to TagedAPROn d 14, 6 broilers per treatment (1 broiler per cage)
14. Therefore, this study was conducted to verify the were randomly selected and fasted for 12 h before body
aforementioned hypothesis by investigating the effects weight check. Then blood samples were collected from
of COS on the development of small intestine, intestinal the brachial vein, centrifugation at 3,000 £ g for 15 min
morphology, digestion, absorption, and barrier func- at 4°C to collect the serum and stored at 4°C for later
tions, inflammatory response, antioxidant capacity and analysis. Then the broilers were euthanized by cervical
the related signaling pathways in broilers aged d 1 to 14.TagedAPTREn dislocation and the abdomen was immediately opened
to collect the intestinal samples. The duodenum, jeju-
num, and ileum were dissected and individually to mea-
TAGEDPRH1MATERIALS AND METHODSTAGEDPTRN sure their length and weight to calculate the relative
length and weight as our former described methods (Lan
TagedAPRH2Experimental Design, Diets, and et al., 2020a). For intestinal morphology analysis,
ManagementTagedAPTREn approximately 2 cm segment from the middle part of the
TagedAPRThe use of broilers and experimental protocols were duodenum, jejunum and ileum were collected and fixed
approved by the Animal Care and Use Committee of in 4% paraformaldehyde solution at room temperature
Guangdong Ocean University, China (SYXK-2018-0147).TagedAPTREn for 24 h. After that, the rest of the duodenum, jejunum
TagedAPRA total of 300 one-day-old male Arbor Acres broilers and ileum were longitudinally opened to collect the
were purchased from the local commercial hatchery intestinal mucosal samples, quickly flash-freezing in liq-
(Suixi, China). After body weight (BW) check, 240 uid nitrogen and stored at 80°C to later examination
broilers with similar BW (40.47 § 0.30 g) were selected of digestive enzyme activity and real-time polymerase
and randomly allotted to 4 groups, and each group con- chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis.TagedAPTREn
sisted of 6 replicate pens with 10 broilers per replicate.
Broilers fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet with COS at TagedAPRH2Intestinal MorphologyTagedAPTREn
a graded level of 0 (CON group), 200 (COS200
group), 400 (COS400 group), and 800 mg/kg TagedAPRThe intestinal morphology examination followed the
(COS800 group) for 14 d (the dose level based on our method described in our former study (Lan et al.,
preliminary experiment), respectively. The basal diet 2020a). Briefly, serial tissue sections of 4 mm were cut
composition and broilers’ management followed the and mounted on slide. Then deparaffinized, rehydrated,
instruction of Production technique criterion for com- rinsed in distilled water, stained with hematoxylin and
mercial broilers in China (GB/T 19664-2005). The basal eosin, dehydrated and mounted. Morphological parame-
diet composition and nutrient level on a dry matter basis ters were measured using the Image-Pro Plus software
and the detailed formula was listed in Supplemental (Version 6.0). The villus height (Vh), crypt depth (Cd),
Table 1. TagedAPRCptionEffects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on the growth performance in broilers. TagedAPREn

Items1TagedAPREn CONTagedAPTREn COS200TagedAPREn COS400TagedAPREn COS800TagedAPREn SEM2TagedAPREnboy

ADG, gTagedAPTREn 24.30 § 1.02TagedAPTREn 23.73 § 1.78TagedAPTREn 23.78 § 2.37TagedAPTREn 23.38 § 1.39TagedAPTREn 0.7660TagedAPTREn
ADFI, gTagedAPTREn 32.32 § 0.97TagedAPTREn 32.69 § 1.43TagedAPTREn 32.71 § 1.69TagedAPTREn 30.91 § 2.21TagedAPTREn 0.7324TagedAPTREn
FCRTagedAPTREn 1.33 § 0.08TagedAPTREn 1.38 § 0.07TagedAPTREn 1.39 § 0.12TagedAPTREn 1.32 § 0.03TagedAPTREn 0.0361TagedAPTREn
COS, chitosan oligosaccharide; CON, COS200, COS400, COS800, basal diet with 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg COS, respectively.
SEM, standard error of mean.

and the villus width (calculated as the average width of cDNA, and the RT-PCR was performed as our previ-
tip, middle and bottom of the villus, Vw) were measured ously described method (Lan et al., 2014). The primer
and the villus surface area were calculated following the sequences used were listed in Supplemental Table S3.
formula described by Li et al. (2020).TagedAPTREn The 2 DDCt method was used to calculate the relative
TagedAPRVillus surface area = pVwVh + p(Vw/2)2, Vh, villus gene expression, and b-actin used as internal reference
height; Cd, crypt depth; Vw, villus width.TagedAPTREn gene (Livak and Schmittgen, 2001).TagedAPTREn

TagedAPRH2Intestinal Permeability Parameter, Digestive TagedAPRH2Statistical AnalysisTagedAPTREn

Enzyme Activity and Antioxidant Related
TagedAPRThe pen was used as the experiment unit and all data
Parameters MeasurementTagedAPTREn were analyzed with SAS 2003 (v. 9.1, SAS Institute Inc.,
TagedAPRThe serum diamine oxidase (DAO) activity was mea- Cary, NC) using the mixed procedure. Duncan’s multi-
sured using a commercial kit. The intestinal mucosal ple range test was used to analyze the differences among
samples were homogenized with an ice-cold physiological the treatments. P < 0.05 indicated statistically signifi-
saline solution at a weight to volume ratio of 1: 9. The cantly difference.TagedAPTREn
homogenate supernatant was collected after being cen-
trifuged at 3,000 £ g for 15 min at 4°C to detect the TAGEDPRH1RESULTSTAGEDPTRN
digestive enzyme activity, including amylase, lipase,
sucrase, maltase, and alkaline phosphatase (AKP), and TagedAPRH2Growth PerformanceTagedAPTREn
the antioxidant related parameters, including malon-
dialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), glutathione per- TagedAPRDietary COS supplementation had no significant
oxidase (GSH-Px), and total superoxide dismutase (T- effects on growth performance parameters, including
SOD). The assays were performed using corresponding ADG, ADFI, and FCR (Table 1).TagedAPTREn
kits purchased from Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering
Co., Ltd. (Nanjing, China), and the procedures were TagedAPRH2Intestinal DevelopmentTagedAPTREn
conducted based on the manufacturer’s instruction. The
kits’ information was listed in Supplemental Table S2.TagedAPTREn TagedAPRThe relative weight of duodenum in the COS200 and
COS400 groups was higher (P < 0.05) than that in the
CON group (Table 2).TagedAPTREn
TagedAPRH2Quantitative Real-Time PCR AnalysisTagedAPTREn
TagedAPRTotal RNA extraction was done using the Trizol TagedAPRH2Intestinal MorphologyTagedAPTREn
reagent kit (Accurate Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Hunan,
China), the 1-step gDNA removal kit (TransGen Bio- TagedAPRThe effects of COS supplementation on small intesti-
tech Co., Ltd., Beijing, China) was used to synthesize nal morphology were shown in Figure 1. In the

Table 2. TagedAPRCptionEffects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on the development of small intestine in broilers. TagedAPREn

Items1TagedAPREn CONTagedAPTREn COS200TagedAPREn COS400TagedAPREn COS800TagedAPREn SEM2TagedAPREnboy

Relative length3, cm/kgTagedAPTREn TagedAPREn
DuodenumTagedAPTREn 57.58 § 5.51abTagedAPREn 58.52 § 7.00aTagedAPREn 57.54 § 5.51abTagedAPREn 49.46 § 7.28bTagedAPREn 2.8526TagedAPTREn
JejunumTagedAPTREn 142.09 § 13.67TagedAPTREn 130.59 § 16.19TagedAPTREn 137.45 § 14.43TagedAPTREn 128.18 § 17.97TagedAPTREn 6.6183TagedAPTREn
IleumTagedAPTREn 105.25 § 13.67TagedAPTREn 111.17 § 15.87TagedAPTREn 112.89 § 13.97TagedAPTREn 103.53 § 11.76TagedAPTREn 6.2150TagedAPTREn
Relative weight4, g/kgTagedAPTREn TagedAPREn
DuodenumTagedAPTREn 12.82 § 0.89bTagedAPREn 16.23 § 2.20aTagedAPREn 15.81 § 2.95aTagedAPREn 12.81 § 2.15bTagedAPREn 0.9746TagedAPTREn
JejunumTagedAPTREn 21.91 § 2.42TagedAPTREn 21.53 § 3.17TagedAPTREn 21.41 § 3.78TagedAPTREn 20.46 § 2.85TagedAPTREn 1.3839TagedAPTREn
IleumTagedAPTREn 12.22 § 2.14abTagedAPREn 13.17 § 1.66abTagedAPREn 15.01 § 3.64aTagedAPREn 10.96 § 1.98bTagedAPREn 1.1057TagedAPTREn
COS, chitosan oligosaccharide; CON, COS200, COS400, COS800, basal diet with 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg COS, respectively.
SEM, standard error of mean.
Calculated as small intestinal segment length (cm) to body weight (kg), cm/kg.
Calculated as small intestinal segment weight (g) to body weight (kg), g/kg.
Different superscript letters indicated significantly differences at P < 0.05.
TagedAPRFiur TagedAPREn4 LAN ET AL.

Figure 1. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on intestinal morphology in broilers.TagedAPTREn

duodenum, the villus surface area in the COS200 group TagedAPRH2Intestinal Permeability and Tight Junction
was larger (P < 0.05) than that in the CON group Protein Related Gene ExpressionTagedAPTREn
(Figure 2). In the ileum, the villus surface area in the
COS200 and COS400 groups were larger (P < 0.05) than TagedAPRCompared to the CON group, serum DAO level in the
that in the CON group, and the crypt depth and villus COS200 group was increased (P < 0.05), while decreased
width in the COS800 group was decreased (P < 0.05) (P < 0.05) in the COS800 group (Figure 4). In the duode-
when compared to the CON group.TagedAPTREn num, the expression level of occludin and zonula occlu-
dens-1(ZO-1) in the COS400 and COS800 groups were
higher (P < 0.05) than those in the CON group
TagedAPRH2Digestive Enzyme Activity of the Small (Figure 5). In the jejunum, compared to the CON group,
Intestinal MucosaTagedAPTREn the expression level of occludin in the COS800 group was
higher (P < 0.05), while the expression level of ZO-1 in
TagedAPRIn the jejunum, the COS supplementation groups had
the COS supplementation groups was lower (P < 0.05).TagedAPTREn
higher (P < 0.05) lipase activity than that in the CON
group (Table 3). In the ileum, the amylase and AKP
activity in the COS800 group were lower (P < 0.05) than
TagedAPRH2Inflammatory Response Related Gene
that in the CON group.TagedAPTREn ExpressionTagedAPTREn
TagedAPRIn the duodenum, compared to the CON group, the
TagedAPRH2Nutrient Transporters Related Gene expression level of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and interleu-
ExpressionTagedAPTREn kin-10 (IL-10) in the COS800 group, myeloid differentiation
factor 88 (MyD88) in the COS400 and COS800 groups were
TagedAPRIn the duodenum, compared to the CON group, the higher (P < 0.05), while the expression level of tumor necro-
expression level of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) in sis factor-a (TNF-a) in the COS400 group was lower (P <
the COS200 and COS800 groups, Na+-glucose cotrans- 0.05) (Figure 6). In the jejunum, compared to the CON
porter 1 (SGLT1) in the COS400 group, peptide trans- group, the expression level of TLR4, MyD88, nuclear factor
porter 1 (PepT1) in the COS400 and COS800 groups kappa-B p65 (NF-kB p65), and IL-1b in the COS supple-
were higher (P < 0.05) than those in the CON group mentation groups were lower (P < 0.05), while the expres-
(Figure 3). In the jejunum, compared to the CON group, sion level of TNF-a in the COS400 group was higher (P <
the expression level of SGLT1 and PepT1 in the COS400 0.05). In the ileum, the expression level of NF-kB p65 and
and COS800 groups were higher (P < 0.05), while the IL-1b in the COS supplementation groups were lower (P <
expression level of GLUT1 in the COS supplementation 0.05) than those in the CON groups.TagedAPTREn
groups was lower. In the ileum, compared to the CON
group, the expression level of SGLT1 and PepT1 in the TagedAPRH2Antioxidant Capacity of the Small Intestinal
COS400 group, and fatty acid binding protein 1 MucosaTagedAPTREn
(FABP1) in the COS400 and COS800 groups were
higher (P < 0.05), while the expression level of GLTU1 TagedAPRIn the duodenum, compared to the CON group, the
in the COS400 and COS800 groups was lower.TagedAPTREn MDA concentration in the COS200 group was lower (P <

Figure 2. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on intestinal morphology indexes in broilers. a, bDifferent superscript letters indi-
cated significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn

0.05), while higher (P < 0.05) in the COS400 and COS800 COS200 and COS800 groups were lower (P < 0.05) than
groups (Figure 7). The CAT, GSH-Px and T-SOD activ- that in the CON group.TagedAPTREn
ity in the COS supplementation groups were higher (P < TagedAPRTo further evaluate the effects of dietary COS supple-
0.05) than those in the CON group. In the jejunum, mentation on antioxidant capacity, the antioxidant
compared to the CON group, the MDA concentration in related genes expression level was detected (Figure 8).
the COS200 group was lower (P < 0.05), while higher (P In the duodenum, the expression level of nuclear factor-
< 0.05) in the COS400 group. The CAT activity in the erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), CAT, glutathione
COS200 and COS800 groups was higher (P < 0.05) than peroxidase 1 (GPX1) and copper and zinc superoxide
that in the CON group. The T-SOD activity in the COS dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) in the COS400 and COS800
supplementation groups was higher (P < 0.05) than that groups were higher (P < 0.05) than those in the CON
in the CON group. In the ileum, the MDA concentration group. In the jejunum, compared to the CON group, the
in the COS200 and COS400 groups were lower (P < 0.05) expression level of Nrf2 in the COS supplementation
than that in the CON group. The T-SOD activity in the groups, heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) and Cu/Zn SOD in

Table 3. TagedAPRCptionEffects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on digestive enzyme activity of broilers. TagedAPREn

Items1TagedAPREn CONTagedAPTREn COS200TagedAPREn COS400TagedAPREn COS800TagedAPREn SEM2TagedAPREnboy

Duodenum, U/mg proteinTagedAPTREn TagedAPREn

AmylaseTagedAPTREn 0.12 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.12 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.12 § 0.01TagedAPTREn 0.12 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.0085TagedAPTREn
LipaseTagedAPTREn 2.21 § 0.66TagedAPTREn 2.32 § 0.46TagedAPTREn 2.37 § 0.67TagedAPTREn 2.39 § 0.49TagedAPTREn 0.2590TagedAPTREn
SucraseTagedAPTREn 31.99 § 4.17TagedAPTREn 33.06 § 4.88TagedAPTREn 35.72 § 5.61TagedAPTREn 34.75 § 4.06TagedAPTREn 2.1115TagedAPTREn
MaltaseTagedAPTREn 60.26 § 7.80TagedAPTREn 60.30 § 7.71TagedAPTREn 63.94 § 8.08TagedAPTREn 65.95 § 7.24TagedAPTREn 3.4508TagedAPTREn
AKPTagedAPTREn 0.20 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.21 § 0.03TagedAPTREn 0.21 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.21 § 0.03TagedAPTREn 0.0215TagedAPTREn
Jejunum, U/mg proteinTagedAPTREn TagedAPREn
AmylaseTagedAPTREn 0.06 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.07 § 0.01TagedAPTREn 0.07 § 0.01TagedAPTREn 0.07 § 0.01TagedAPTREn 0.0061TagedAPTREn
LipaseTagedAPTREn 1.19 § 0.18bTagedAPREn 1.64 § 0.27aTagedAPREn 1.47 § 0.19aTagedAPREn 1.41 § 0.14aTagedAPREn 0.0899TagedAPTREn
SucraseTagedAPTREn 21.55 § 3.88TagedAPTREn 20.97 § 3.60TagedAPTREn 23.35 § 2.02TagedAPTREn 24.13 § 3.99TagedAPTREn 1.5500TagedAPTREn
MaltaseTagedAPTREn 63.26 § 6.08TagedAPTREn 61.03 § 4.15TagedAPTREn 64.18 § 7.99TagedAPTREn 65.22 § 4.96TagedAPTREn 2.6699TagedAPTREn
AKPTagedAPTREn 0.18 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.18 § 0.02TagedAPTREn 0.17 § 0.03TagedAPTREn 0.18 § 0.01TagedAPTREn 0.0203TagedAPTREn
Ileum, U/mg proteinTagedAPTREn TagedAPREn
AmylaseTagedAPTREn 0.12 § 0.01aTagedAPREn 0.11 § 0.01abTagedAPREn 0.12 § 0.02aTagedAPREn 0.10 § 0.02bTagedAPREn 0.0072TagedAPTREn
Lipase,TagedAPTREn 2.38 § 0.29TagedAPTREn 2.45 § 0.41TagedAPTREn 2.29 § 0.33TagedAPTREn 2.22 § 0.38TagedAPTREn 0.1591TagedAPTREn
SucraseTagedAPTREn 37.96 § 4.92TagedAPTREn 35.35 § 3.46TagedAPTREn 37.01 § 4.76TagedAPTREn 37.65 § 4.60TagedAPTREn 2.0014TagedAPTREn
MaltaseTagedAPTREn 91.05 § 6.58TagedAPTREn 94.71 § 5.38TagedAPTREn 95.93 § 5.18TagedAPTREn 94.64 § 8.06TagedAPTREn 2.8636TagedAPTREn
AKPTagedAPTREn 0.33 § 0.03aTagedAPREn 0.32 § 0.03abTagedAPREn 0.33 § 0.04aTagedAPREn 0.28 § 0.04bTagedAPREn 0.0357TagedAPTREn
COS, chitosan oligosaccharide; AKP, alkaline phosphatase; CON, COS200, COS400, COS800, basal diet with 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg COS,
SEM, standard error of mean.
Different superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < 0.05.


Figure 3. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on nutrient transporters related gene expression in broilers. GLUT1, glucose
transporter-1; SGLT1, sodium glucose transport protein-1; PepT1, peptide transporter 1; EAAT3, excitatory amino acid transporters-3; FABP1,
fatty acid-binding proteins 1. a, bDifferent superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn
functions (Elnesr et al., 2022; Uyanga et al., 2023).
Numerous studies were conducted to evaluate the func-
tionality of COS in improving poultry intestinal health
and production. For instance, dietary COS supplemen-
tation exerted beneficial effects on growth performance,
gut morphology, intestinal digestion and absorption
function, intestinal barrier function, immunological
function, antioxidant capacity, and gut microbiota bal-
ance (Ibitoye et al., 2019; Chang et al., 2020; Lan et al.,
2020b). In this study, dietary COS supplementation had
no significant effects on ADG, ADFI, or FCR in broilers
aged d 1 to 14. Consistent with our results, Tufan and
Arslan (2020) reported that dietary COS supplementa-
tion had no significant effects on ADG, ADFI, or FCR
in broilers aged d 1 to 14. Ayman et al. (2022) also
Figure 4. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on
intestinal permeability parameter in broilers. DAO, diamine oxidase. a reported that dietary COS supplementation had no
Different superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < effects on ADG in broilers aged d 1 to 35. However, Li et
0.05.TagedAPTREn al. (2019) and Lan et al. (2023) reported that dietary
COS supplementation improved growth performance in
the COS200 group were lower (P < 0.05), while the broilers or yellow-feathered chicken aged d 1 to 21.
expression level of CAT in the COS400 group was higher These variable results probably due to the differences in
(P < 0.05). In the ileum, the expression level of Nrf2 in COS molecular weight, deacetylation degree, polymeri-
the COS200 group was higher (P < 0.05) than that in the zation, as well as the breed, age and health status of
CON group. The expression level of CAT and GPX1 in broilers (Ayman et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022).TagedAPTREn
the COS supplementation groups were higher (P < 0.05) TagedAPRThe small intestinal was the main site for nutrient
than those in the CON group.TagedAPTREn digestion and absorption (Nazem et al., 2017). Early
intestinal development had the greatest impact on intes-
TAGEDPRH1DISCUSSIONTAGEDPTRN tinal function and overall lifetime growth performance
in broilers (Iji et al., 2001a,b; Cheled-Shoval et al., 2011;
TagedAPRCOS was the degradation product of chitin, which was Zhang et al., 2022). The intestinal development was fast-
the second abundant polymer after cellulose in nature est in broilers aged d 1 and 7 (Iji et al., 2001a). The intes-
(Hahn et al., 2020). In recent decades, COS was widely tinal function mainly depended on the integrity of the
used to promote growth performance in broilers due to intestinal morphology (Zheng et al., 2023). The intesti-
its unique biological activities, such as antimicrobial, nal morphological characteristics, including villus
antioxidant, anti-inflammation and immune regulation height, crypt depth, villus width, and villus surface area,

Figure 5. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on tight junction protein related gene expression in broilers. ZO-1, zonula occlu-
dens-1. a−cDifferent superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn
TagedAPRFiur TagedAPREn8 LAN ET AL.

Figure 6. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on inflammatory response related gene expression in broilers. TLR4, toll-like
receptor 4; MyD88, myeloid differentiation factor 88; NF-kB p65, nuclear factor-kB p65; TNF-a, tumor necrosis factor-a; IL, interleukin. a, bDiffer-
ent superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn

were all functional indicators, which reflected nutrient for nutrient absorption (Ayman et al., 2022). Consistent
absorption, immunity, and barrier functions (Montagne with our results, Li et al. (2019) reported that dietary
et al., 2003; Pelicano et al., 2005). In this study, dietary COS supplementation decreased jejunal crypt depth in
COS supplementation increased the relative weight of broilers.TagedAPTREn
duodenum, and the duodenal and ileal villus surface TagedAPRSmall intestine is the main site for nutrient digestion
area, as well as decreased ileal crypt depth. Consistent and absorption, the increasing digestive activity and
with our results, Lan et al. (2020b) illustrated that die- content enhance the absorption ability (Lu et al., 2023).
tary COS supplementation increased the relative length Meanwhile, intestinal morphology changes accompany
of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum in heat-stressed with the alteration of intestinal digestive enzyme activ-
broilers. The increasing intestinal villus surface area is ity (Iji et al., 2001a,b). Amylase, sucrase, maltase, and
directly associated with increasing nutrient absorption lipase are the main enzymes for starch, disaccharide,
ability (Li et al., 2020). Meanwhile, the decreasing crypt and lipid digestion, and their activity partly reflect the
depth is responsible for slow tissue turnover and the intestinal digestion and absorption capacity (Wan et al.,
decreasing demand by villus growth, which is beneficial 2017; Lin et al., 2023). In this study, dietary COS

Figure 7. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on the antioxidant capacity of the small intestinal mucosa in broilers. MDA,
malondialdehyde; CAT, catalase; GSH-Px, glutathione peroxidase; T-SOD, total superoxide dismutase. a−cDifferent superscript letters indicated
significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn

supplementation increased jejunal lipase activity, which EAAT3 (Gilbert et al., 2007). In small intestine, the
indicated that COS promoted the maturation of the absorption of protein digestion products is mainly in the
digestive system and had beneficial effects on lipid diges- form of small peptides, rather than amino acids (Fernan-
tion in broilers. Consistent with our results, Lu et al. dez-Alarcon et al., 2017). Therefore, COS increased the
(2023) reported that rare earth chitosan chelates expression level of PepT1 in small intestine could reflect
increased duodenal lipase activity in laying hens. Similar that COS had beneficial effects on protein digestion and
results were also reported by Zhang (2019), who indi- absorption. The lipid absorption is mediated by FABP1
cated that COS increased intestinal lipase activity in (Orhan et al., 2019). In this study, COS increased ileal
loaches. To further illustrate the beneficial effects of FABP1 expression, which suggested that COS could
COS on small intestinal absorption, we also evaluated enhance the absorption of lipids. Till now, relatively lit-
the gene expression level of intestinal nutrient transport- tle was known about the underlying mechanisms of COS
ers. The glucose transporters (GLTU1) and sodium- supplementation modulating the expression level of
glucose cotransporters (SGLT1) were responsible for nutrient transporters in small intestine, further studies
carbohydrates transport. In this study, dietary COS should be conducted to evaluate the mechanism.TagedAPTREn
supplementation increased the expression level of TagedAPRIntestinal barrier disturbance, characterized by
SGLT1 in small intestine. However, the expression level increasing intestinal permeability, resulted in bacteria,
of GLTU1 exhibited a regional-specific effects, dietary toxins, and antigens translocation into intestinal epithe-
COS supplementation increased duodenal GLTU1 lium, affected intestinal health and barrier function, as
expression level, while decreased in the jejunum and well as nutrient absorption (Vancamelbeke and Ver-
ileum. In broilers, SGLT1 is the major pathway for glu- meire, 2017). Serum DAO activity was a commonly used
cose uptake in small intestine, and GLTU1 is responsible biomarker to evaluate the intestinal permeability
for basal level of glucose uptake (Gilbert et al., 2007; (Cheng et al., 2019). In this study, serum DAO activity
Habashy et al., 2017), these results suggested that in COS800 group was lower than that in the CON group,
SGLT1 played a predominantly role in glucose assimila- indicating that COS had beneficial effects on maintain
tion in broilers aged d 1 to 14. The assimilation of small intestinal barrier function in broilers aged d 1 to 14. Sim-
peptides and amino acids are mediated by PepT1 and ilarly, former studies also reported that dietary COS
TagedAPRFiur 0

Figure 8. Effects of chitosan oligosaccharide supplementation on antioxidant related gene expression in broilers. Nrf2, nuclear factor erythroid-
derived 2-related factor 2; HO-1, heme oxygenase-1; CAT, catalase; GPX1, glutathione peroxidase-1; Cu/Zn SOD, Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase. a
Different superscript letters indicated significantly difference at P < 0.05.TagedAPTREn

supplementation decreased serum DAO activity in heat- decreased expression of jejunal ZO-1, and subsequently
stressed broilers (Li et al., 2019; Lan et al., 2020b). At maintain intestinal barrier function.TagedAPTREn
the early age of broilers, the intestinal barrier function TagedAPRIncreasing studies reported that inflammatory
was primarily maintained and regulated by tight junc- response was an important factor influencing intestinal
tion proteins (occludin, claudin-1, and ZO-1) between barrier function (Wen et al., 2019). Previous studies
the epithelial cells, therefore, the expression level of indicated that proinflammatory cytokines produced dur-
occludin, claudin-1, and ZO-1 was associated with intes- ing intestinal inflammatory response, such as TNF-a
tinal barrier function (Chen et al., 2018; Zheng et al., and IL-1b, directly disrupt the tight junction proteins
2023). Li et al. (2019) indicated that COS upregulated expression (Capaldo and Nusrat, 2009; Kaminsky et al.,
jejunal and ileal claudin-3 expression in broilers. Osho 2021). Therefore, inhibiting the overproduction of intes-
and Adeola (2020) also reported that COS increased tinal proinflammatory cytokines was an effective strat-
jejunal occludin and claudin-1 expression in broilers. egy to maintain intestinal barrier function. In this
Consistent with these results, in this study, COS study, dietary COS supplementation decreased duode-
increased duodenal and jejunal occludin and duodenal nal TNF-a, and jejunal and ileal IL-1b expression, how-
ZO-1 expression, and accompanied with decreased ever, increased duodenal IL-10, and jejunal TNF-a
serum DAO activity. These results suggested that COS expression. Further studies need be conducted to evalu-
could maintain intestinal barrier function by regulating ate if the decreased expression of IL-1b can compensate
occludin and ZO-1 expression in broilers aged d 1 to 14. the increased expression of TNF-a in the jejunum. Simi-
Nevertheless, COS decreased jejunal ZO-1 expression, lar results also reported by Osho and Adeola (2020),
further studies should be conducted to evaluate if the who indicated that dietary COS supplementation
increased expression of occludin could compensate the increased the expression level of jejunal IL-10 and TNF-
a in broilers. Fathi et al. (2023) reported that dietary reported that COS alleviated H2O2-induced oxidative
COS supplementation increased IL-10 level in serum stress in small intestine of Sprague-Dawley rats, which
and liver of cold-stressed broilers, while decreasing IL-1b was evidenced by increasing free radical scavenging
and TNF-a level. To further explain the molecular capacity, GSH-Px and T-AOC activity, the upregulated
mechanism of dietary COS supplementation in alleviat- expression level of Nrf2 and HO-1, and the decreased
ing intestinal inflammatory response, we also measured MDA content. In consistent with these results, in this
the effects of COS on the activation of TLR4/NF-kB sig- study, dietary COS supplementation increased duodenal
naling pathway. The intestinal TLR4 activation will CAT, GSH-Px, and T-SOD activity, jejunal CAT and
interact with MyD88 to activate NF-kB signaling path- T-SOD activity, upregulated the expression level of duo-
way, then results in inflammatory cytokines production denal Nrf2, CAT, GPX1, and Cn/Zn SOD, jejunal
(Yu et al., 2022). In other words, suppressing TLR4/ CAT, and ileal Nrf2, CAT, and GPX1. These results
NF-kB signaling pathway activation will alleviate suggested that COS could activate the Nrf2/HO-1 sig-
inflammatory response, and subsequently maintain naling pathway and subsequently elevate the antioxi-
intestinal barrier function. Previous studies in heat- dant related genes expression and antioxidant enzyme
stressed mice and IPEC-J2 cell model indicated that activity. Meanwhile, the functional reactive groups
COS could decrease inflammatory cytokines expression (amino and hydroxyl groups) of COS may also explain
by inhibition TLR4/NF-kB signaling pathway activa- the improvement of antioxidant capacity in broilers
tion (Shi et al., 2019; Mohyuddin et al., 2021). Consis- aged d 14. Novelty, the MDA content was variable and
tently, in this study, dietary COS supplementation COS does-specific and regional-specific. Compared to
decreased the expression level of jejunal TLR4, MyD88, the CON group, the duodenal MDA content was lower
NF-kB p65, and IL-1b, and ileal NF-kB p65 and IL-1b, in the COS200 group, but higher in the COS400 and
suggesting that COS could inhibit the activation of COS800 groups, the jejunal MDA content was lower in
TLR4/NF-kB signaling pathway in intestine. Neverthe- the COS200 group, but higher in the COS400 group, and
less, the expression level of duodenal TLR4, MyD88, the ileal MDA content was lower in the COS200 and
and IL-10 was increased with dietary COS supplementa- COS40 groups. Inconsistent with our results, former
tion, while the expression level of TNF-a was decreased, studies reported that dietary COS supplementation
further studies should be conducted to evaluate if the decreased MDA content in small intestine of broilers or
increased expression level of IL-10 in the duodenum (not laying hens (Li et al., 2017; Li et al., 2019; Lan et al.,
detected in the jejunum and ileum) could compensate 2020b; Gu et al., 2022). These discrepancies might be
the increased expression of TLR4 and MyD88, and sub- attributed to the differences in COS molecular weight,
sequently alleviate intestinal inflammatory response.TagedAPTREn deacetylation degree, polymerization, as well as the
TagedAPROxidative stress is another factor inducing intestinal breed, age and health status of broilers (Ayman et al.,
barrier dysfunction (Wen et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022).TagedAPTREn
2022a). Numerous studies reported that COS had excel-
lent antioxidant and free radical scavenging capacity in
vitro and in vivo, due to it could denote amino and TAGEDPRH1CONCLUSIONSTAGEDPTRN
hydroxyl groups (Naveed et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2021).
Our previous studies reported that COS exerted effec- TagedAPRIn conclusion, this study demonstrated that dietary
tive capacity of free radical scavenging in jejunal mucosa COS supplementation exerted beneficial effects on intes-
of oxidative-stressed rats, as well as in vitro study (Lan tinal development, digestion, absorption, and barrier
et al., 2019; Lan et al., 2021). Meanwhile, COS could functions in broilers aged d 1 to 14, however, no signifi-
directly inhibit ROS production, and activate Nrf2/HO- cant effects were observed in growth performance. The
1 signal pathway and subsequently elevate the antioxi- excellent effects of COS on intestinal function were
dant related genes expression (Zhou et al., 2021). Chang adducible to its beneficial effects to improve small intes-
et al. (2022) reported that COS alleviated acute heat tinal development, morphology characters, digestion
stress-induced oxidative stress in broilers, which was evi- and absorption function, tight junction proteins expres-
denced by the decreased ROS content, the inhibited sion, inhibiting intestinal inflammatory cytokines pro-
lipid peroxidation (lower MDA content), the increased duction by inhibiting the TLR4/NF-kB signaling
free radical scavenging capacity, CAT activity, and the pathway, and alleviating oxidative stress by activating
upregulated expression of level HO-1 and GPX1 in Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway. Dietary COS supplemen-
breast muscle. Lan et al. (2023) reported that COS could tation at an inclusion level of 400 to 800 mg/kg provided
improve antioxidant capacity in breast and thigh muscle an optimal effect on intestinal function in broilers aged d
of broilers, which manifested by the increased free radi- 1 to 14.TagedAPTREn
cal scavenging capacity, GSH-Px, SOD, and CAT activ-
ity, the upregulated expression of Nrf2, HO-1, SOD,
broilers. Li et al. (2019) reported that COS could
enhance antioxidant capacity in small intestine of TagedAPRThis study was funded by Program for Scientific
broilers, which was supported by increasing SOD activ- Research Start-Up Funds of Guangdong Ocean Univer-
ity and decreasing MDA content. Lan et al. (2021) sity (R18005).TagedAPTREn

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