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free English resources for good Writing: Blog x Education

Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

 free English resources for good URL: IG / FB: freeenglishresourcesforgood

FER Writing Blog x education 24/11/2023 23:23
free English resources for good Writing: Blog x Education

Blog Entry (S4) x Education x semiformal and formal

Language and Organization:
1. One aspect that merits thoughtful 1. !"#$%&'()...
consideration is...
2. It is worth delving into the implications of... 2. !"#*+,%)-./...
3. An interesting point to ponder is... 3. &0!"$1%2345)...
4. Taking a closer look at the evidence, we find 4. 6&789:;<=>?@...
5. A compelling argument can be made for...
6. A key issue that arises is... 6. D@%&0JKLM)...
7. Drawing upon relevant research, it becomes 7. NOPJQ,<=>ABRSTD...
evident that...
8. A nuanced perspective reveals... 8. &0UV*W%45XY...
9. Engaging in a constructive dialogue allows us 9. 6Z[\]^_`=>ab+c...
to explore... 10. de^f0'(6Zgh]ij<=>A
10. By critically examining the various facets, we Bk#*lmn...
can gain a deeper understanding of...
11. o&T<pRS...
11. At first glance, it is evident that...
12. An intriguing feature of this phenomenon is... 12. qr@s%&0EF*t%uv)...
13. Upon closer examination, we find that... 13. wexU8y<=>?@...
14. A notable characteristic of this concept is... 14. q0z{%&0S|u5)...
15. This phenomenon can be best described as... 15. }a~qr@s%)...
16. A defining attribute of this trend is... 16. qr€%&0‚ƒ]uv)...
17. In analyzing the data, a distinct pattern 17. „ij †‡<D@ˆRS%‰Š...
18. An important element to consider is... 18. &0‹Œ1%ŽŒ)...
19. This topic encompasses a wide range of
19. q0‘M’“ˆ”•%<–—...
factors, including...
20. A comprehensive understanding of this 20. ^q0‘M%˜(mn‹Œ^-6Z+
subject requires an exploration of...

Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

1. In today’s education system, the intense focus 1. „™š%›œžŸ<^1 %e¡JG
on exams often leads to... ¢¢£¤...
2. The pressure that students face during exams 2. 1 ¥¦§¨(©%ª«^-¬m­®2
can have a profound impact on their mental
3. When it comes to IT and STEM fields, the 3. „ ±²³´ STEM µ¶<^·¸¹ºF
demand for skilled professionals continues to »%‹¼½¾¿À°
4. However, it is crucial to address the challenges 4. ÁÂ<n‚qõ¶§¨Aa(©%ÄÅ
that students in these fields may face. ÆJŽŒ°
5. Exam-related stress should not be
underestimated, as it can contribute to feelings 5. ½ÇÈÉÊ1 PJ%ª«<ËÌAa
of anxiety and depression. £¤Í´ÎÏÐÑ°
6. We must foster a supportive environment that 6. =>ÒÓÔÕ&0Ö×]%ØÙ<ÚÛ§
nurtures students' passions and interests in IT
¨„ ±²³´ STEM '(%Ü3´Ýа
and STEM.
7. It is vital to recognize the signs of distress and 7. Þßàáâsã˧¨CäҌ% å´
 free English resources for good URL: IG / FB: freeenglishresourcesforgood
FER Writing Blog x education 24/11/2023 23:23
free English resources for good Writing: Blog x Education
provide students with the necessary resources !"#$%&'
and support.
8. Education should prioritize holistic 8. ()*+,-./0123/04567
development and well-rounded skills, rather 899$:-;<='
than solely focusing on exam performance.
9. By promoting a healthy work-life balance and
emphasizing mental health support, we can help PBC!"6QRSTUVWXYHDZ
alleviate student pressures. ['
10. Addressing the issue of student suicide requires
a comprehensive approach involving educators, 10. \]YH^_`ab&()EFcdef
parents, and mental health professionals. 3OPBCghijD/0kG'
11. The education system should strive to foster a
love for learning rather than simply chasing 11. ()lm*n[opqYrDst678
grades. 99uvwx'
12. Exam pressures often overshadow the
importance of critical thinking and creativity in 12. -;Z[yz{|}~€‚3ƒ„[
13. In the field of IT and STEM, it is essential to
encourage diversity and inclusivity to drive 13. ‡ˆ4‰3 STEM Š‹6ŒŽ€3
innovation. ‘€T’“ƒ”#$%&'
14. Students in IT and STEM face unique
challenges, such as imposter syndrome and 14. ‡ˆ4‰3 STEM Š‹DYH0•–—˜
gender disparities, that need to be addressed. D™š6›œžŸ ¡¢3€£¤¥6
15. Society should recognize that success is not b&¦T\]'
solely defined by academic achievements but 15. §!*"¨#$w%899&Yhw'©
also by personal growth and development. (6)ª«iwf312'
16. Educators and parents play a crucial role in
16. ()EFc3ef YH*«Yh?+†
supporting students’ mental health and
well-being throughout their academic journey. q¬OPBC3,-.D!­/–#$%
17. Striking a balance between academic rigor and &DF0'
student well-being is pivotal for a healthy 17. BCDYr®¯†6JKY‰12€3
learning environment. YH,-.#$%&'
18. Investing in mental health resources and
counseling services can provide students with 18. 3‡4OPBC‡°356786ST
the necessary support during challenging times. YH0•±9²³¬´µ¶&D!"'
19. Collaborative and project-based learning
approaches in IT and STEM can enhance
19. ‡ˆ4‰3 STEM Š‹6¡F3g:;
students’ problem-solving and teamwork skills.
20. Raising awareness about student suicide Yr·<ST´=YHD`a\]3>?
prevention and promoting open conversations ¡F5['
about mental health are vital steps towards 20. ´@YH^_ABC#6@A$4OPB
creating a supportive educational community. CDDEq¸6¹ƒ„!"€()§FD
21. The effectiveness of cram schools in fostering %&ºG'
deep understanding and long-term retention of 21. HrI op»JP\3f¼KLM#·
knowledge is a topic of ongoing debate. 0D½N€¹¾«­OP¿D¸a'
22. Balancing the demands of regular schooling and
attending cram schools can place a heavy
22. JKzQYR()3k¦HrID&vS
burden on students.
23. Cram schools should not replace comprehensive 5SYHÀ¦T%UV'
and holistic educational approaches but rather
complement students’ learning experiences. 23. HrI8*WX/03 ¡D()·<6

 free English resources for good URL: IG / FB: freeenglishresourcesforgood

FER Writing Blog x education 24/11/2023 23:23
free English resources for good Writing: Blog x Education

Blog Entry (S4) x Education

Suggested Essay:
Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

What can we do to help students in Hong Kong who face immense pressure nowadays? Write a 330-word
blog post.

The immense pressure faced by students in Hong Kong is a pressing issue that demands
our attention. It is crucial to identify ways in which we can support them effectively. The
high expectations from parents, schools, and society, coupled with the competitive nature
of the education system, create a stressful environment for students. This pressure can
lead to various negative consequences such as mental health issues, academic burnout, and
even suicide.

First and foremost, promoting mental health awareness and providing accessible resources
is paramount. Schools should prioritize mental well-being by implementing counseling
services and workshops that address stress management, coping mechanisms, and
self-care strategies. Additionally, public awareness campaigns can help reduce the stigma
surrounding mental health, encouraging students to seek help when needed.
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Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

What’s more, fostering a balanced education system is essential. Rather than solely
focusing on academic achievements, schools should emphasize holistic development,
including physical fitness, creative expression, and interpersonal skills. Encouraging a
well-rounded education helps alleviate the intense academic pressures and allows students
to explore their passions and interests.

One point that should be worth noting is that cultivating a supportive and inclusive learning
environment is crucial. Teachers and parents should prioritize open communication and
actively listen to students' concerns. Building strong relationships of trust and empathy
helps students feel supported and understood. Furthermore, promoting collaboration over
 free English resources for good URL: IG / FB: freeenglishresourcesforgood
FER Writing Blog x education 24/11/2023 23:23
free English resources for good Writing: Blog x Education
competition can help reduce the intense pressure to outperform peers.
Additionally, incorporating flexible learning approaches can alleviate stress. Integrating
project-based learning, where students actively engage in real-world problem-solving,
fosters critical thinking skills and reduces the emphasis on rote memorization.

Lastly, creating a comprehensive support network involving educators, parents, and mental
health professionals is vital. Collaboration between these stakeholders ensures a holistic
approach to addressing students' needs, providing timely interventions, and tailoring
support to individual circumstances.
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Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on the earth peace among men with whom he is well pleased. Luke:2:14

In conclusion, to alleviate the immense pressure faced by students in Hong Kong, we must
prioritize mental health, promote a balanced education system, foster a supportive
environment, incorporate flexible learning approaches, and establish a comprehensive
support network. By addressing these factors, we can empower students to navigate their
educational journeys with resilience and well-being.

349 word

 free English resources for good URL: IG / FB: freeenglishresourcesforgood

FER Writing Blog x education 24/11/2023 23:23

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